How to connect a new contact in skype. How to add a new contact on skype

If you don't understand and don't know how add contact on skype, don't worry, it's very easy and almost automatic. It can be more difficult to find the right people on the Internet, and then, as they say, it’s a matter of technology.

How to search and add people on Skype

To add something, you must first find it. There are various options for searching for users in Skype.

After that, send a message to the subscriber, after the answer, the contact will be added and when this person is online, his avatar will be highlighted in green.

How to add a phone number to Skype

To add a phone number to Skype contacts you need to go to the menu Contacts" and select item "Add contact".

Then enter the number using the keypad and press "Save phone number".

  1. You can designate it with the flag of the country of residence.
  2. You can specify phone type– mobile or stationary, work or home.

You can not open the list, but simply try to call the subscriber. When the call ends, you will be prompted to add a number. After adding friends, all of them will be visible on the Skype entry page with an indication of the status - if on line and available, then marked in green, and if out of reach, then in gray.

In general, you can call and add phone numbers in exactly the same way as in a regular cell phone. The details may differ, but the general principles are exactly the same. And if it was not you who found the subscriber, but the call was directed to you? Or did you receive a text message? How then to add to contacts in Skype? If you want to add a user who contacted you first, use the same context menu. After the negotiation is over, right-click and select Add to contacts. Then set the desired parameters and from now on you can contact this person with one click on his icon.

In this new lesson I will tell you how to add new contacts to the skype program (Skype).

In the last lesson, we discussed how to install skype on your computer. In this lesson, we will already deal with adding new contacts.

First of all, open the skype application on your computer. After skype opens, select the "Contacts" tab located in the upper left corner of the Skype program, then in the drop-down menu, hover over the "Add new contact" item, and then select "Search in the Skype directory ..." in the drop-down menu.

So, the screenshot below shows an icon through which you can quickly enter the search for new contacts.

Further, in the Skype program, on the left side of the program, a window for searching for contacts will be displayed, where you can find your friend by various parameters and add him to your friends. You can add a contact in Skype in several ways, but the most proven one is to enter the user's login. To do this, in a special field, enter the username that you previously learned from a friend or acquaintance, and press the Enter key on the keyboard. After that, at the bottom of the search block, the contacts found by your request are displayed. Now you just need to move the mouse cursor over the contact and press the left mouse button once. After that, the contact with its details will be displayed on the right side of the program, and you will also see a button to add the contact to your contact list. To proceed and add a contact to Skype, you need to hover your mouse over the "Add to contact list" button and click the left mouse button once.

When you click on the "Add to contact list" button, a new window will open in the program window, with a message that you want to invite this user to your contact list. To continue and add a contact to Skype, click on the "Submit" button.

When you click on the "Submit" button, Skype will notify you that your invitation has been sent. When the user confirms that he is your friend, he will be added to your contact list.

In the following lessons, we will continue to deal with the skype program.

Below you can watch the video version of the lesson.

In this tutorial, I will show you how you can easily change the interface language of the skype program (Skype).

Surely, while watching a movie, the thought flashed through your mind: “But this view would look good on my desktop.” And it’s not worth talking about screenshots of TV shows with quotes - this is no doubt popular on social networks.

In this lesson, we will talk about a program that allows you to translate from the screen.

Many users know a program called Skype. She has been pleasing people with her stable and high-quality work for a long time. Many people think about how to find a friend on Skype and add him to the contact list. Today we will definitely find the answer to this question. Adding contacts to a friendlist is one of the most common initial functions, without which it is impossible to work normally with the program. So what will help bring the idea to life?

Contact lists and Skype

Skype is a new generation messenger. With it, users can create lists of friends, exchange data and messages, create conferences and even make video calls. Very convenient and helpful!

Sooner or later, each user thinks about it and add it to their contact list. We will have to answer this question later.

To begin with, it is worth understanding that there are several categories of contacts in Skype. Namely:

  • friendlist;
  • subcategories of the contact list;
  • "black list".

In the first case, we are talking about displaying all conversations and users with whom a person has ever communicated. Contact subcategories allow you to classify existing friends into groups. The distribution is only visible to the profile owner. "Blacklist" is a menu that displays all blocked contacts.

Search methods

Let's stop at the first point. How to find a friend on Skype and add him to your friendlist?

There are a huge number of search methods. For example, you can search for a specific contact by:

  • username;
  • login
  • mobile phone;
  • e-mail;
  • surnames;
  • city;
  • country.

The most commonly used search is by nickname or login, as well as by email. These are the most accurate methods that will allow you to find a specific person with 100% probability. Otherwise, you can add the wrong user to your friends list.

By name and surname

How to find a friend on Skype? Let's start by searching by the last name and first name of a person. Consider the process on the example of a computer version of the program.

To find a contact by first and last name, you will need:

  1. Sign in to Skype with your username and password.
  2. In the right menu (above the list of contacts) in the search bar, type the user's first and last name.
  3. Check out the results.
  4. With the help of additional information (city, profile picture, country, login), you can find a specific person in the list that appears. After all, often in Skype there are users with the same names and surnames.

Phone number

How to find a friend on Skype? The following advice will help only when the interlocutor has indicated a phone number in the questionnaire.

To search for contacts in this way, you will have to:

  1. Open Skype.
  2. Enter the phone number in the search bar. It must be international.
  3. Press Enter on the keyboard and wait.

Appeared contact - this is a friend with a particular mobile phone. Not the fact that the user will be able to find a friend in this way, but it's worth a try.


To your contact list? More on this later. First, let's look at another interesting approach to finding people on Skype.

One of the most reliable methods is the implementation of the task with the help of the interlocutor's login. Then the probability that it will be possible to find a specific person will be 100%.

To search for friends on Skype by login, you will need:

  1. Log in to your messenger.
  2. In the top line of actions, click on "Contacts" and go to the "Add contact ..." section.
  3. In the menu that appears, click on "Search in the directory ...".
  4. Type in the search bar the username of the interlocutor.
  5. Click on the "Search" button.

In the end, the user will see a contact that is registered under one or another login. All other search methods are carried out in a similar way. It's time to think about how to add a friend to your friends list in Skype!

Adding friends

Implementing the task is easier than it seems. As in the previous case, you can solve it in several ways.

Suppose that we ourselves decide to find a friend and add him to our friends list. This will require:

  1. Search for a contact in any convenient way.
  2. Click on the user profile (search result).
  3. Click on the "Add to Contact List" button.
  4. Write a comment for the user. This is a letter that a person will see along with an application sent to add as a friend.
  5. Click on the "Submit" button.

After the conversation

How to add friends on Skype? The following tip will help those who have already talked with their friend.

In this case, the user will appear in the Skype contact list, but a program icon with a question mark will be drawn next to the corresponding line. This means that the conversation (user) has not been added to the contact list.

To correct the situation, just right-click (right-click) on the user and select "Add to contact list ...". As in the previous case, you need to write a comment when adding to the friendlist and send a request for processing.

Black list

Sometimes the need to talk with a specific person disappears. Or you just don't want the "friend" to ever write at all. In this case, you will have to think about adding the contact to the "black list".

How to add a friend to "ignore" in Skype? Need:

  1. Select the victim in the list of friends with the cursor.
  2. Right-click on the required line.
  3. In the functional menu, click on "Block user ...".
  4. Confirm the operation.

Ready! After that, the "friend" will disappear from the list of friends and will be put on "ignore". He will no longer be able to write messages and exchange data.

So we figured out how to find a friend on Skype and add him to your friendlist. In addition, we managed to get acquainted with the "black list". All of these tips will help you manage your messenger contact list without much difficulty!

How to add a second user to Skype

Create a shortcut to launch the second Skype user (profile). To do this, go to the following path:

"Local Disk (C:)" => "Program Files" => "Skype" => "Phone".

In the "Phone" folder there is an application - "Skype.exe". Right-click on the Skype.exe application file, and select the item in the context menu

"Send to" => "Desktop (create shortcut)".

Right-click on the shortcut and select "Properties" from the context menu. After that, the "Properties: Skype - Shortcut" window (or your name) will open, in which we will make changes.

In order not to confuse the program with different types of accounts, it is better to enter credentials from a Skype account, and not from a Microsoft account. A new Skype account can be created from the program window by clicking on the "Register" link.

After that, two Skype users can use their accounts (accounts) at the same time, independently of each other. You will be interested in the material .

You can also add other additional accounts to Skype. To do this, you will need to create new shortcuts, and then enter the following parameters in the shortcut properties, for example: /secondary1, /secondary2, etc.

When using Skype, manually entering your account information every time is not very convenient, so this process can be automated.

How to launch two Skypes automatically

You will need to add the following options

/username:Skype login


I draw your attention to the fact that you should also add account parameters separated by a space.

After adding your Skype account details, the "Object" field will look like this (top quotes):

Confirm the changes by clicking on the "OK" button.

Please note that if Skype is launched on your computer from a shortcut created when installing the program on your computer, then the main Skype account should always be launched first.

How to run two Skype at the same time

First, remove the shortcut that was created when you installed Skype on your computer.

C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe

then create a new shortcut to launch the program.

In the properties of the shortcut in the "Object" field, you should have the following entry (top quotes):

"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary /username:Skype Login /password:Password

In this case, you must enter the Skype login and password of the main Skype profile, the label of which you have deleted. After that, you can open two Skypes on the same computer at the same time, independently of each other, and run them in any order.

In this way, you can add more other accounts to run them simultaneously on your computer.

Now you can run 2 Skypes, or run several Skypes at the same time on your computer.

Skype supports multiple accounts. You can run two Skypes (or multiple Skypes) on the same computer at the same time or one after the other.

"is a prominent representative of programs that allow you to communicate with friends via video communication. It is very easy to use Skype, even elderly people can talk with their loved ones with pleasure and ease through this program.

How can I add a person to contacts (or, in other words, to friends) in Skype? This article will cover the main methods, as well as possible problems when adding friends.

Instant way to add

Consider the fastest and most effective way to communicate with a friend. What is needed for this? Of course, in order for each of the users to be registered in Skype, you need to know the username (login), the e-mail that he indicated during registration, the phone number or the first and last name. The easiest way to search is through the login of the internal system.

  • At the top of the screen, on the left, you can find a line to search for people. It is located above the contact list.
  • Enter your login or other known data in the field and click on the magnifying glass to start the search.
  • The program will display users matching your request. For example, by searching by first and last name, you can get a very large number of people from different countries, but with the same last name and first name.
  • Often it is not possible to find the right person in such a list. In this case, it is recommended to clarify with a friend his login in the system or e-mail address.
  • After the desired person has been found in the list that appears, you should click on the invitation. A dialog will open and the option to add as a friend.
  • Write a short message so that the user recognizes you and send a request.

Remember that a person will only be added to your friends list after they accept your invitation. Of course, it will be displayed there before, but you will not see its status.

More about adding users

Another option is through the "contacts" menu. This button is located at the top of the program window, next to "View", "Tools" and "Calls". Click on it, and then on the top line - "Add contact".

Click on his account, write an invitation and send it by clicking on the appropriate button.

If the user is not on Skype

On the left side of the window, click on the "Everyone" button, and then select the "Invite friends to Skype" link. Next, fill in the required fields. Enter the person's name, mobile phone, or email address. Click on the "Send" button, after which the friend will receive an invitation and can easily register. Of course, this method does not mean that regular Skype registration is no longer available.