How to get a personal blog caption on Instagram. Create a “Personal Blog” on Instagram

The vanilla world called Instagram attracts an entire generation not only with its dictated lifestyle, but also with its huge business potential. Everyone earns money here: celebrities earn money for a new shoe, students earn money for travel, and housewives are the envy of everyone. A person with an entrepreneurial spirit, sensing the smell of money, immediately asks the question: how to get the “personal blog” status on Instagram and start reaping laurels? And since there are few people who are not excited by this wonderful aroma, we wrote this article for you: .

What will this give if we consider it together with other promotion conditions? This is the following:

  • The typical user doesn't bother about adding a public status. The very fact of its presence will smack of a professional approach and serious intentions.
  • It is possible to get additional space in your bio if you make a gray dot under your nickname.
  • Ordinary users who know the settings algorithm want to install it in order to gain additional weight in the eyes of other users.
  • And finally, it gives a hint to the audience that this profile is a specialist in a certain industry and is ready to cooperate with it.

The status, unlike a specialist diploma, is universal. You can change it at any time and appear before the audience as an expert in a different field. Technical aspects are discussed below.

How to make a gray status on Instagram?

How to determine a person's age? Ask him about what status is. If he says that this is the state of mind for today, then he is from our century. If he says that this is a rank in the hierarchy, then at the same time ask if he has photographs with caves and dinosaurs in the background. If you yourself did not understand the essence of the joke, then I have sad news for you.J

The virtual world is an infinitely accelerated version of real life. It also has its own values, joys and sorrows. The joy lies in the fact that our image in it is completely under our control. To do this, it is enough to learn to manage your status.

The algorithm is as simple as always. Goes the beaten path straight to Facebook. Of course, to your account. The drop-down menu in the upper right corner will open the option to create a page. The page provides access to many commercial tools of Facebook and Instagram.

The answer to the question of how to set a status on Instagram lies in the company’s profile. In fact, this is a page where you need to indicate the type of activity, name, telephone number and location. It should be remembered that users have the opportunity to call without leaving the page, for which you will be grateful for the conversion.

If this is a private account, then the function will help indicate the type of activity of the user. For example, a photographer, designer, blogger or plastic surgeon. At the end, it is important not to forget to indicate the geolocation.

Helpful tip: You can set any status. But pay attention to its relevance to the content of the page. A photographer’s blog should contain professional and unique photographs, a marketer’s blog should contain professional terms and links to events and partners.

How to change status on Instagram?

What if the gray text underneath your nickname says you're a fictional character, but you're actually a landscape designer? Are you now concerned about the question of how to change your status on Instagram? So will potential clients pass by and order the services of those who did not initially set the correct status? It is highly recommended to change it to the truthful version. The arguments in favor are given above. There remains a technical point. It is as follows.

On the Facebook page on the left there is a “Quick Links” item. Clicking on the option opens a menu where there is an “Information” item. This item opens a window where the current status is indicated at the very beginning and opposite it there is an “Edit” link. Click and start typing the first letters of your status. The system itself will give out the rest of the word. All that remains is to save the changes and wait for the flow of clients. To make sure the changes are saved, you should refresh the Instagram page and admire the result.

By the way, we talk about that in a separate article.

How to completely remove the gray status?

The day is not far off when, due to the influx of customers, it becomes necessary to hide your status for a while. There is no need to go to Facebook for this. This option is contained in the Instagram account settings. On the main settings page there is a “Settings” section, in the list of which you need to find the “Switch to personal account” item. By activating it and returning back, you already turn into a typical user.

When you have dealt with all your existing customers and it’s time to work, go to this section again and change the item to “Switch to company profile.”


While reading, we were able to pleasantly dream that it is very easy to gain recognition in the virtual world. In practice, everything is not so fast and simple. At the beginning of any path, you need to prove to some higher powers and the universal mind that you really bring good to the masses. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s unique photographs, a homemade robot, or a method of non-surgical augmentation of body parts. You need to earn the trust of your audience. And she trusts those whom others trust. This is not a tautology, but a hint to the need to promote the page to an infinite number of subscribers.

Recruiting from scratch takes a very long time. And when a certain milestone has been passed, then social proof - social trust - will begin to work for you. In other words, if new subscribers see that several thousand users have already liked your page, then they need to do it too.

Special services will help with this. Most recommended: and. And if you want true fame and more free time for yourself, then comprehensive promotion services will help, or. And which of them is better is up to you to decide, looking at the results. There is simply no doubt about their strategic organization of work. And you need to judge by the results.

Blogging on Instagram is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Of course, such a thing cannot be compared with boring sitting in an office five days a week at certain hours, but this is first and foremost a job, a job that makes you work hard. If you are not ready to put all your strength and soul into your profile, then you may not expect any results. If you understand all the facets of the obstacles that you have to overcome on the way to your goal, then you should know how to create a personal blog on Instagram.

What does the inscription “Personal blog” mean for users on Instagram?

In any case, you have repeatedly come across gray inscriptions in the profile header of some pages. They are under the name. But no matter how you try to edit your page and enter similar information, nothing works. This feature will only become available to you after you switch to a business account. It's called "Profile Category". What is this inscription? Does the page acquire some incredible features or rise a step above ordinary users?

This profile category indicates that the owner is more than serious about maintaining his blog. Perhaps in the future he intends to monetize his account. In addition to the “serious” status, business pages have the following functions:

  • Statistics. You can view and analyze the results of your activities. How many likes did you receive on your content, how many people visited your profile, how many subscribed, replied, and so on. This is a very useful thing that helps you understand whether you are doing everything right or have taken the wrong path.
  • Advertising. If targeted advertising is a scary word for you, and dealing with its setup is like fighting an invisible monster, then a business account is your salvation. After switching to it, you will have access to the “Promote” button, which allows you to create a promotion. This is a simplified version of targeting that even a child can handle. Follow simple instructions, use tips, choose your audience and budget - and more people will see your photo.

What to do if you want such an inscription for yourself?

So, how can you create a personal blog on Instagram? As we wrote above, the first thing you need to do is go to the company profile:

  • Brands and products
  • Other
  • Event Sources
  • Books and magazines
  • Companies and organizations
  • Local companies
  • Music
  • Websites and blogs
  • Sport
  • TV
  • Movies

Since we need a personal blog, we select “Sites and Blogs”. After this, you need to select a subcategory. The following are available:

  • Personal blog
  • Scientific site
  • News and media
  • Educational site
  • Government website
  • Entertainment site
  • Regional website
  • Website for children and teenagers
  • Website about business and economics
  • Website about home and health and more.

Select “Personal Blog”.

  1. Click next and check the contact information.
  2. Click ready.

Now you have an inscription under the username in the profile header.

How to remove the “Personal Blog” inscription on Instagram?

If for some reason you want to remove the inscription, then simply switch back to your personal account. To do this, go to settings. Select “Switch back to personal account” and confirm your action.

How to change the “Personal Blog” inscription on Instagram?

Why can't I install the inscription?

You shouldn't have any problems choosing a category. But nevertheless, there are cases when it is not possible to install the inscription.

  • Check your Facebook account. Perhaps it is blocked.
  • Restart the application. The program often stalls and after rebooting it works again.
  • If this does not help, then you can always contact technical support.


Remember that going to a business page, although it opens up new tools for promotion on Instagram, is still not the end point.

Whatever category you write, the audience primarily goes for cool, high-quality content and useful information on the blog. Therefore, combine all available tools together, and new subscribers will not keep you waiting long.

The article will be useful to those who are taking their first steps in Instagram blogging.

In this review, we will talk about the rules for maintaining a personal account on Instagram. Business accounts have different priorities.

To start managing your Instagram:

  • install the free Instagram application on your mobile device;
  • register. At this stage, you can go through the standard registration procedure by filling out all available fields of the questionnaire. Or shorten the procedure by logging into your Instagram account from your existing Facebook page;
  • After the registration procedure, the application will automatically create a list of your friends, focusing on the friend list from FB. You can subscribe to them right away, or you can look around a little and get acquainted with the rules of the game;
  • do not forget to allow the application access to photos that are in the memory of your device;
  • start creating your virtual IG chronicle.

How to properly and competently manage your Instagram profile to make it interesting?

  • An interesting IG tells an interesting story. Ask yourself: what will your story be about? You can tell other users about your travels, your hometown, or your hobbies. In the end, your profile on ISIS can be a kind of jar of happiness where you will put memorable moments of your life.
  • Many IG users try to “maintain” their profile in the same style: light or dark photos, uniform color accents. Tips on what color you can use for Instagram and how to stick to one color scheme can be found below.
  • In addition, it is recommended to choose a general theme for your account. It could be stylish looks, travel, delicious pastries, old doors, stairs, windows, or just life as it is.

  • Don’t forget: IG is, first of all, a photo editor, who, quite unexpectedly for everyone, has outgrown his original incarnation. Accordingly, a new Instagram account can gain popularity, first of all, thanks to high-quality and beautiful photographs. This means that you will have to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of mobile photography and learn how to use photo correction programs.

The modern reader is so spoiled by quality content that, along with a beautiful picture, he wants to receive an interesting, literate text. Therefore, a successful IG blogger must be able to clearly and correctly express his thoughts.

What and on what topic to blog on Instagram: list of topics

Below you will find several topics that will not leave your IG blog readers indifferent.

So, 20 topics for 20 days.

  • Description of your favorite walking route.
  • A thought or idea that haunts you.
  • If you were involved in charity, what would you pay attention to first?
  • What events in your life inspire you?
  • What new things have you learned in a day/week/month?
  • Which mobile device apps make your daily life easier?
  • What would you talk about at an entertainment conference?
  • Which habit of yours has made you a better person?
  • Tell us about your favorite book or movie. Make a personal thematic rating of books/films. For example, the 5 best books/films about love, autumn, etc.
  • Talk about phobias. Each of us is afraid of something, but not everyone finds the strength to control their fears.
  • How do you fight depression or blues? Your recipes for a good mood.
  • Try to conduct an online consultation on a specific topic: work/study, raising children, quick recipes, what to take on the road, etc.
  • Tell us what new experience you gained that day or during the week/month.
  • Tell us about your favorite singer or music group.
  • If you had the chance to go on your dream trip, where would you go?
  • Tell us about your rules of life.
  • Share your favorite places in your hometown.
  • What gift would be the most desirable for you and why? And for your readers? Be sure to answer the question yourself and ask it to your subscribers.
  • How do you prioritize routine tasks? What exactly is important to you and what is of secondary importance?
  • Where would you look for friends if you found yourself in an unfamiliar city or foreign country?
  • What are you doing now? And what would you like to do in the future?
  • Make your own music playlist. What compositions will be included there? Be curious about what kind of music your readers listen to.

This is a sample list of topics for your IG blog. The main purpose of this list is to give you the right thoughts. In addition, the necessary inspiration can be found on the pages of already popular bloggers.

Color schemes were created long before the advent of Instagram. They were actively used by artists, photographers, designers, architects, florists, etc.

It was they who jointly formulated an important rule:

The optimal color scheme palette should consist of five colors. No more!

Below you will see examples of color schemes that are quite suitable for an Instagram profile.

You can choose color schemes.

The more photos you take, the more clearly you will see “your” frame and “your” color scheme.

Look around: what colors surround you? Gray walls of a metropolis or bright greenery of a park? Red brick of old houses or wood dark with time?

Start from the color you live in. Or add the color you love into your life.

For example, looking at the photo below, pay attention to the cozy little things that set the overall turquoise mood for the entire profile.

Of course, your profile can change colors depending on the time of year or your mood, but try to make such changes look like small chapters of one novel.

As a rule, using the same photo editor filters helps to create a profile in the same style. In addition, when editing photos, try to set the same levels of contrast, sharpness, brightness, etc.

For example, to process the photos you see below, the A6 filter of the VCSO mobile photo editor is used. In addition, these photos follow the same color scheme.

How to maintain Instagram in the same style?

It will help to combine all the pictures into one story and some interesting detail present in each photo.

It could be a cute soft toy, a beautiful accessory (such as a backpack), a pet, or even a skeleton.

Skeleton Skellie has 266 thousand followers on Instagram

How to maintain a cool, interesting, beautiful, classy, ​​successful personal Instagram: tips

  • It’s impossible to think through an IG account down to the smallest detail. But you can come up with a catchy name, decide on a color scheme, and think about the overall theme of your profile.
  • Your feed should contain only high-quality and beautiful photos! Pay attention to photos of top Instagrammers, learn from them, and be inspired by their ideas. Remember, it is better to post one, but worthwhile photo, than to spam the news feed with unprincipled pictures of dubious quality.
  • If you accompany a picture with a text comment, write about what you are good at. Everyone is quite fed up with motivational statuses from the Internet.
  • Each individual post is one separate and complete thought. You will find sample topics for a blog on IG above in the text.
  • Learn from popular Instagram bloggers. Pay attention to their photos and texts.
  • Find your niche! If you think that only celebrities can gather thousands of followers, you are mistaken. In the photo below you can see an Instagram account telling about life in the village. The number of subscribers is 10,000. And their number is constantly increasing.

  • Take an active part in competitions, SFS and discussions on the pages of other bloggers.
  • Don't forget to use hashtags and mark your geolocation.
  • Don't miss the opportunity to take a beautiful photo. There may not be another opportunity. And the text will definitely come with the photo.

Video: Instagram: how to successfully manage your account

In recent years, Instagram has grown to a global scale. On this popular social network, personal profiles are created daily, both for entertainment and for running your own business. In order to attract a huge audience, every effort must be made. Promoting a business on a social network is quite a profitable business, so recently a new inscription has appeared on the social network. That is, each user can switch their page to a personal blog.

Owners of a personal blog have a number of advantages. This status looks more attractive. This indicates that the owner is interested in running his own business. Thus, the account can be distinguished from ordinary pages.

How to change the caption on your Instagram

In order to change the page caption and make it a personal blog, you must follow these steps. Initially, you need to find it in the center - we have a separate material. Then you should select a specific category, which opens in the menu. Certain preferences about fictional characters are also presented here. Beautiful people can instantly attract followers and gather a large audience. Among them you need to indicate:

  • company;
  • public figure;
  • model;
  • blogger;
  • athlete

Relatively recently, Instagram developers decided to offer a large audience several more new features. For example, there is a point through which you can open a map and determine how to get to a certain company. This feature is suitable for local businesses. If desired, you can change the fonts. These features are listed in the middle of the home page. Changing the text is only possible from smartphones and iPhones. It is not possible to carry out the operation using a computer.


So, turning your Instagram account into a personal blog is not that difficult. To do this, you need to follow the instructions above, and you will certainly succeed. “Personal blog” opens up new opportunities for you to develop your business on Instagram.

From the author: Hi all! Today I want to tell you about how to become a blogger on Instagram and get a lot of likes, reposts and positive karma. Today we can say with confidence that Instagram has changed the lives of the majority of the inhabitants of our planet - people no longer try to hide their profiles, but quite the contrary, they regularly share every moment of their lives with the world. If you become a successful blogger on Instagram, then popularity in real life and many advertising contracts are guaranteed to you.

Who is an Instagram blogger?

You can blog for absolutely different purposes. For one person it is just a hobby, but for another it is a profession. However, if you want to become the owner of a mega-popular blog on Instagram, you will have to work hard, because you will have to post regularly and wisely so that readers are interested and look forward to your future posts and photos.

In fact, an important social mission is entrusted to the shoulders of the Instagram blogger - to serve as a role model and example, form the opinion of the audience and help readers with the choice of information. If your life is not interesting enough to attract subscribers, then you can create what you think is the ideal story yourself.

Choosing a blog topic on Instagram

If you are increasingly thinking about how to become a blogger on Instagram, then it’s time to act. When choosing a blog topic, base it not only on your preferences, but also on the interests of social network users. Choose a topic that you are well versed in so that the information in your posts is literate and useful to readers.
I would like to list the most common topics for Instagram blogs:

Blogs of professionals in various service fields, for example, psychologists, doctors, stylists, lawyers, etc. Professional bloggers give advice and position themselves as experts in their chosen field.

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Fitness blogs are ideal for those with a toned figure and those who don’t miss a single workout and are ready to set an example for their subscribers.

Blogs for mothers are no less popular than blogs for fitness girls, because girls on maternity leave and raising small children especially often spend time on social networks and look for advice in a given situation;

How to become a blogger on Instagram if you don't want to show your face? Yes, very simple! Blog from the perspective of a cartoon character or animal. You can post photos of your hero from different parts of the world, thereby covering the topic of travel, but from an unusual angle.

What's the best way to design your blog?

If you can get people interested in your publications, users will start visiting your profile to find out more information about you. Therefore, the right design will work as your business card.

Blog photography must be high quality and look professional. If you created an account solely for the purpose of earning money, then you should not put a logo on your avatar - people will be much more willing to subscribe to the page of a living person.

Be sure to provide a brief description of your business and include your website address or other contact information. If you want to create your own website or blog with a unique and stylish design, then it won’t hurt to take special video courses on website building.

Speaking about how to become a popular blogger on Instagram, I want to pay special attention to your first publication. Don’t even think about writing a post right away about why you decided to start blogging; I assure you that this information is of no interest to anyone. Make your first publication immediately on the chosen topic and thereby pleasantly surprise your future subscribers.

What posts are best to post on your page?

If your blog is not interesting to readers, then they will all look and leave - and irrevocably. Therefore, your blog content is key. Here are a few simple rules that will help you write an interesting blog on Instagram:

“brevity is the sister of talent,” so don’t write long, exhausting posts (people don’t like to read long texts);

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break the text into several paragraphs, separating them with a blank line;

do not burden readers with a huge amount of unnecessary details;

the photograph must correspond in meaning to what is written;

Don’t forget about feedback - try to regularly answer your subscribers’ questions, treat them with respect and, if possible, look through reviews that do not need answers.

Promoting a blog on Instagram

Who reads new bloggers? That's right, no one. Therefore, without wasting a second, we begin to act. Now I will tell you how to become a famous blogger on Instagram if you have no subscribers at all.

Choose the right time for your posts. The best time is 8–10 am, when people get ready and go to work, as well as lunch and 10 pm. Try not to post from 18 to 20, because this is the most active time, and your post will very quickly end up at the bottom of the feed.

Hashtags play a big role in promoting your account, which you need to put under all your publications. Be sure to come up with your own personal hashtag, thanks to which people can control all posts about your brand. The most optimal number of tags is 5–6, of which a couple will be personal, and the rest will be popular. They will help potential audiences find you among Instagram users.

A very effective way to promote a new blog is by commenting on toppers. How does this work? Just! We subscribe to all popular bloggers in our field and leave high-quality meaningful comments under all their publications. And even if your comment is ignored, several people will anyway come to your page to find out what kind of smart commentator you are.

Ideally, the author will notice you and tag you in one of his posts. You can write whole praises about ways to promote blogs, but even if after reading this article you have not achieved the planned heights, then do not despair, you can always take a video course on blog promotion.

What needs to be done to make a blog profitable?

More than half of the people who use the Internet learn about products and services from the social platform Instagram. Accordingly, selling something has become much easier. You can promote any product without spending a single penny on advertising. All you need is desire and perseverance.

You can sell clothes, cosmetics, handmade items and anything else you want. If you have nothing to trade, then you can “make money” on yourself. To do this, it is enough to be an interesting person. In this case, your page will work like a magazine - you will only need to place advertising among your publications.

The price of such advertising will directly depend on the number of your subscribers. It’s especially easy for beauty bloggers to advertise on Instagram, because they publish posts about how to become more attractive and what cosmetic products are best to use, which expands the audience of advertisers.

I hope my article will help you become famous insta bloggers. Subscribe to our blog and share interesting materials with your friends. See you soon!

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