How to properly install and configure a file server on Windows Server.

As you know, Windows 7 artificially limits the number network connections to shared folders. Yes, yes, this is already everyone known fact and Microsoft has set restrictions in order to promote its line of server operating systems Windows Server. Default maximum quantity connections in Windows 7 are 20. In general, this number may even be enough if there are a couple of computers in the office, but if there are many more of them, then you can dry your oars... On the users’ side, the problem is floating, that is network resource may or may not open, and sometimes a network folder may open through Explorer by IP, but not open by name, and vice versa.

As a result, we had to scour a lot of different resources on the Internet, but the “cure” was usually found only for Windows XP, and therefore is not suitable for us. A solution has been found, but I want to immediately warn you that any such method entails the loss of your Windows license, since any patches, as well as any changes to system files, are prohibited.

Technically, the Windows 7 operating system supports any number of simultaneous connections, which can only be limited by the hardware capabilities of our computer, and it is this fact that we must check.

Installing the File Server Role on Windows 7

So, how to increase the number of network Windows connections 7 to make working file server? A considerable number of different programs were tested and only one coped with this task - “FixLimUserWindows”, a program that works, by the way, in 32 64-bit versions of Windows 7.

Booting Windows 7 into "safe mode"

To do this, you need to press the “F8” key before the “Windows” logo appears and select “Boot in Safe Mode” from the list that appears.

Give full access to system files

Go to the C:\Windows\System32 folder, become the owner of the srvsvc.dll file and provide full access to it for the current user, the same for the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\tcpip.sys.

Launch of the patch

First of all we need download FixLimUserWindows and, accordingly, launch it.

The program itself will replace everything necessary files and all that remains is to restart the system. After a reboot, the limit on the number of connections will be removed, which can be verified in practice by asking users to go to some network folder on our Windows 7 server or by running preliminary check via command line ( quick opening via “CTRL+R” -> “cmd” -> “Ok”) and enter the command:

net config server

net config server

Press the “Enter” key and make sure that we have “ maximum number users without restrictions":

If you have similar message, which means Windows is completely ready to connect any number of users and devices, the main thing is that the hardware bandwidth network card and the processor power was enough to withstand the planned load. Please note that in the “Shared Resources” section of the “Computer Management” snap-in, the system still shows no more than 20 connections, but in practice, client computers stop slowing down and begin connecting to the network folders of our newly minted Windows 7 Server at lightning speed.

During testing, it turned out that it is impossible to connect to the shared network folders of our server from computers on which Windows XP is installed. The solution to the problem is as follows:

1. On our Windows 7 computer (server), open the registry editor (regedit)

2. Find the key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\LargeSystemCache and change its value to 1

3. Find the key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\Size and change its value to 3

4. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\parameters

Create DWORD32 value - Name: DisableStrictNameChecking , Value: 1

After making changes to the registry and restarting the computer, no problems are observed.

Installing the Terminal Server role on Windows 7

This opportunity is also available, stay tuned for changes on the website!

I repeat once again - changing files in the operating room Windows system- this is a violation license agreement Microsoft, although after the patch Windows activation remains fully functional. :)) In any case, all the above steps are written for informational purposes only: buy only licensed software from Microsoft and under no circumstances break it! 😉

File server on Windows based Server, what could be simpler! Open general access and work. It would seem difficult to come up with something new here. However, do not rush to make hasty statements. Windows Server 2008 R2 puts rich file server management tools in the hands of the administrator. We will talk about some of them in this article.

Where do you start creating a file server role? No, not since creation shared folder, and, like creating any other role, from a snap Roles V Server Manager. Let's choose a role File Services and see what we can install.

As you can see, the choice is quite rich, let’s not touch on the advanced services for now, each of which requires at least a separate article, but let’s install the services themselves File server And Resource Manager. The next step will be asking us to configure monitoring of storage volumes. We see no point in setting up monitoring of the system disk, so we select only those volumes that will be used to store user data.

Let's complete the role installation and create the necessary shares. But don’t rush to open access to users, first let’s see what storage management capabilities the system provides us with. To do this, let's run File Server Resource Manager.

Let's start in order, namely with Quota management, the snap-in allows you to set quotas for both the storage volume as a whole and individual resources. Quotas can be soft, where the administrator is notified when a quota is exceeded, or hard, where writing to the volume (share) is blocked. By default, the volume is already set to a soft quota of 85%, this will avoid a situation where disk space suddenly runs out, the administrator will be warned in a timely manner and will have the opportunity to expand the volume or delete unnecessary data.

You can create your own quota for any shared resource or folder on a volume; when creating a quota, you can use one of the templates or set all parameters manually. In our case, we created for the folder Users a hard quota of 200+50 MB; if the quota is exceeded, the administrator will be notified, and the user will be able to write another 50 MB, after which the recording will be blocked.

The next step is to move on to the templates, this section already contains a number of ready-made settings and we can create new ones here. We recommend asking own settings quotas precisely through templates, this will allow you to quickly apply the same settings to several resources at once and just as quickly change them if necessary.

Having dealt with quotas, let's move on to blocking files. It’s no secret that users store on shared resources both what they need and what they don’t need; in particular, they love to place collections of photos, videos, and music there, often not limiting themselves to one folder, but dragging the same contents across many folders . As a result, disk space is rapidly decreasing, and the administrator has another headache. You can, of course, fight with administrative measures, but as practice shows, this is ineffective.

Let's move straight to the templates. Eureka! This is what we need.

Settings are already ready to block the main types of “problem” files. Blocking can be active, when posting these types of files is not allowed, or passive, when the administrator is only notified about it. If necessary, you can create your own templates or edit current ones. The definition of what exactly belongs to a particular type of content is made in the section File groups.

In our case, we created an active blocking of audio and video content for a shared resource Users.

Now is the time to check how it works in practice. Let's try to exceed the quota:

Or record prohibited content:

As you can see, everything works and the admin can sleep peacefully. But our story will be incomplete if we do not talk about the reports that are disclosed to the administrator ample opportunities control and analysis of file storage use. Each of you has probably wondered more than once: which user took up all the space and with what exactly. Now you can get an answer in a matter of minutes; to do this, go to the section Storage resource management and create a new report in which we indicate the indicators that interest us; you can also set up automatic generation of the necessary reports on a schedule.

In my opinion, this is a very excellent topic to write about. At one time it was interesting to set up some kind of server on your computer for more convenient exchange files. Having tried different protocols and even tried them, I realized that I don’t like them at all, the first ones look, to put it mildly, poorly in the browser, the second ones, although they have their obvious advantages, are difficult to connect network drive I don’t want it on other people’s computers. But one (beautiful and sunny) day I came across a program called HTTP File Server(HFS for short), installed it, configured it (since I started working with the cleanest version, there were some problems with it) and almost fell in love with this program. To access my files, it is now enough to have any browser, since all access is carried out through a regular web page. I also created a folder in which the person knows the password, can add a file directly through the browser. Files from the server can be downloaded either one at a time or in folders at once. The program itself will place the folder in a .tar archive without compression and send it for downloading. At the same time, the site has a rather neat appearance, although if you wish (and have sufficient knowledge), you can write a site template yourself. Recognize what it is great way for light and convenient transfer files?

And here is an example of the page that you will see in the browser window, as you can see everything is beautiful and neat; you can find many beautiful templates on the program forum:

Although her menu is entirely on English, for me this is not a hindrance. And for those who do not know English well, at the end of the article I will try to explain as fully as possible what all sections of the menu are responsible for and how to use them.

So let's move on to the installation and HTTP configuration File Server:

1) To save you some time, I prepared an HFS assembly with a Russian-language website template and produced the first initial setup the program itself. You can download the assembly from my Yandex.Disk using the link. If you are confident in your abilities, then you can download clean version program on the official website

That's all. I hope you found this article useful, click one of the buttons below to tell your friends about it. Also subscribe to site updates by entering your e-mail in the field on the right.

Thank you for your attention:)


Probably everyone would like to have their own home server, which would not only serve as a media server, but also allow it to be used as file storage, Backup storage and print server.

On one of the wonderful autumn days, this thought also came to me. The fact is that there are too many devices in the house that I wanted to combine into something structured. It was decided to raise a home server. At first I wanted to use Windows Server 2012 Essentials as an OS, which included products such as Windows Home Server and Windows Small Business Server, but after a few hours of working with it, I realized that using Windows Server 2012 at home is too fat. Then I decided to use a simpler OS, namely Windows 8 Pro, the license for which was lying idle.

Warning. I understand perfectly well that it would probably be easier to set up a home server on a Unix-like OS, but in this material I want to tell you how to set up such a server on the Windows 8 Professional client OS for an ordinary PC user (well, almost an ordinary one) who has never had experience with Unix.

All home devices were connected into such a network (I hope I drew it clearly):

An old PC with the following characteristics was taken as the basis for the home server:

The following components were purchased:
  • HDD x2: Western Digital Caviar Green WD20EZRX, 2 TB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 210, passively cooled
The video card was replaced due to the incredible noise of the existing one.

After installation in the case and connection to motherboard new components were produced Windows installation 8 Pro on hard drive 250 GB in size. Only the OS and some software were planned to be stored on this hard drive.

The installation was carried out in absolute normal mode. At the initial system setup stage, the computer name HOMESERVER was specified, a account administrator (admin) with complex password, and then an account with rights regular user(user), for which a password was also set.

The setup will be carried out under the user account, with the administrator password entered when changing system parameters. It's safer this way.

Preparing file storage

Windows 8 has a wonderful Storage function Spaces (in the Russian version Disk Spaces), which, to some extent, is a software analogue of a RAID array.

Storage Spaces offers to combine physical storage with USB interfaces, SATA, SAS, SCSI (and in any combinations) into pools, and the pools themselves into disk spaces, which look like ordinary logical disks to the user.

Also, using Storage Spaces, you can ensure data safety using mirroring and parity functions. I'll talk about this a little later.

To create a pool and disk space, go to Control Panel > System and Security > Storage Spaces and select Create a new pool and disk space
A window will open in which you need to select physical drives to create a pool. Both formatted and unformatted drives are displayed, as well as with and without data stored. System disk you can't choose.

Attention! When a disk with data is added to the pool, all of it will be deleted.

In my case, there are two disks with a capacity of 2 TB, and I will select them. Next, click Create a pool.

Windows will prepare the disks and pool them. Unformatted drives will be formatted, formatted drives will be reformatted.

After creating the pool, you will be prompted to create a disk space (or several), specify its name and associate a drive letter with it.

In the stability section you need to select the type of stability. I chose Two Way Mirror. With this type of persistence, Windows will keep a copy of the data on each drive.

For reference, Windows offers four types of persistence to choose from:

As I already said, after configuration, the use of disk spaces is absolutely transparent to the user.

Changing the location of Windows libraries

The next step is to move the location standard libraries Music, Images, Documents and Videos on the created Disk space. We don't want to lose many gigabytes of Lossless music, valuable family videos and photos if the system drive fails, do we?

First, let's create folders in the root of the disk space. I created the folders Music, Videos, Images and Documents. What will be stored in each of them is obvious, I think. Next click right click mouse on one of the Windows libraries (in right panel Explorer) and select Properties.

In the window that opens, click the button Add and select the created folder in the root of the disk space.

Now all that remains is to delete the standard locations of the selected library. The same needs to be done with the rest of the libraries.

Start streaming media

Media streaming allows you to play media files on devices that support DLNA. Among the devices that support this technology are televisions, various stationary DVD and Blu-Ray players, smartphones, game consoles, computers and even refrigerators!

To do this, run Windows Player Media and complete the initial setup. I selected the recommended options. Next, you need to go to the player library and click on the drop-down list Flow. You need to select the item from the list.

In the window that opens, click the button Turn on streaming multimedia.

The next window that opens will be the media streaming options window. Here you need to specify the name of the multimedia library, select options for displaying files with certain ratings to devices, and also select the devices themselves that will have access to the multimedia library.

After filling out the parameters, click OK.

Autostart Windows Media when you turn on the server

You might be wondering what this is for. The thing is that it is the library Windows Media used to stream media to other devices. How will this library be updated when new files are added if Windows Media is not running?

We will solve this issue with Task Scheduler. By the way, very useful tool with a wide range of options for starting and executing jobs. Windows itself also constantly uses the Scheduler to perform certain tasks, for example, to run automatic computer maintenance during periods of user inactivity.

Let's get started. Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Administration and run Job Scheduler on behalf of the administrator.

On the right side of the window, click Create a task. The task creation window will open. Enter a name for the task, I recommend using a name that allows you to identify what it does this task without revealing its details. I specified Windows Media Autostart. The task description is not mandatory, but it would be a good idea to fill it out.

You must not forget to change the account under which the task will be executed, and therefore Windows Media Player will be launched.

To do this, in the Security Settings group, click the button Change. A window will open in which you need to write your username. Write user and click OK.

Also in this group, set the switch to Run for all users, which is necessary for the task to run even if no user is logged in.

Now go to the tab Triggers. Click the button Create and, in the window that opens, select from the Start task drop-down list, select the item On startup.

Click OK and go to the tab Actions. Click the button Create.

The Create Action window appears. Make sure Action is selected Starting the program. In the Program or script input field, you need to enter the path to the program. Click the Browse button and select the file wmplayer.exe, which is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player in 64-bit Windows versions or C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player in 32-bit. The remaining fields do not need to be filled in.

Click OK and go to the tab Terms. Uncheck the box Run only on mains power, although this is not necessary. To your taste.

Go to last tab Options. Uncheck the box Stop task running longer: 3 days.

Click OK and enter the password for the user account.

After entering the password and clicking OK, the Task Scheduler will inform you that the account must have the rights "Login as a batch job".

Click OK and close Task Scheduler.

Open Local security policy(also in administration) on behalf of the administrator.

In the window that opens, double-click Local policies , then Assigning user rights, and finally Logging in as a batch job.

Click the button Add a user or group, just like in the Task Scheduler, enter your username and click OK. Check if it appears new item with the username in the list, and click OK. You can now close Local Security Policies.

Sharing folders

The next step will be to open shared access to folders on disk space. This is necessary so that network users can read and write files in specific folders. We will open general access to the folders Music, Videos, Images, Documents, Backups and Other (the last two need to be created).

Right-click on the folders and select Properties. Go to the tab Access.

Click the button Sharing . The following window will open:

Enter the username (user) and click the Add button. Then in the list below, user set Permission level V Read and write. All that remains is to click Sharing at the bottom of the window, enter the administrator password and click Finish.

Repeat these steps for the remaining folders.

Opening public network folders on client machines

Everything here is very simple. On the client machine you need to open the folder with network computers (Network in Windows Vista/7/8 or Network environment in Windows XP). Double click on the name of the created server. A window will open in which you need to enter your username and password.

You must enter the credentials stored on the server. That's right, this is the user and his password. Check the Remember credentials box and click OK.

Setting up backup to the server

Probably every computer in the house has important files. Windows has a great feature Data archiving, which creates a backup copy of the OS itself and the folders with files that were specified during setup. This function allows you to store copies on another hard drive or in network location. I suggest setting up the latter, since the reliability of data storage on the server is somewhat higher, because it is configured to mirror data to second hard disk.

Let's begin. Open Control Panel, select View all Control Panel items and double-click Recovery Windows files 7 (exactly the same name in Windows 8). The Backup or Restore Files window will open.

A window will open to select the archive location.

The archives will be stored in the Backups folder created above; general access to the recording is already open. Using the Browse button, specify the path to the folder or write it manually. In the User field you need to write user, and in Password the password corresponding to the account.

Click OK. In the next window, you need to choose whether to let Windows select files to archive or not. I decided to leave the choice to myself because I don't need a system image.

Since I don’t need a system image, I unchecked the box. Also in this window you can select additional folders for archiving. Click Next.

In the next window check specified parameters archiving and change the schedule as desired. For myself, I specified weekly archiving on Sunday at 3:00.

Check everything given again and click Save settings and start archiving.

Share a printer

Perhaps you have only one printer in your home, but several people want to use its services at once. Solving this problem is very simple! Just connect the printer to home server and make it publicly available. After this, all computers in the house will be able to print to this printer.

The first thing you need to do is connect the printer to the server and install the driver. I used Samsung MFP SCX-4100. After installing the driver, open Control Panel, choose to show all items, then go to the section Devices and Printers.

Find the printer you installed and open it context menu. Select Printer Properties.

Go to the tab Access.

Check the box Sharing this printer . Next, enter a name for the printer that will be visible to other computers on the network.

If your network has computers with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, then I recommend clicking the button in this window Additional drivers.

In the next window you need to select the driver for which bit depth to install. Since I already have the driver installed for the 64-bit version of Windows, I check the box next to x86(32-bit). In your case, everything may be the other way around, but that’s not the point.

After checking the box, click OK. A window will open in which you need to specify the path to the driver. If the drivers for your printer come as one installation file(*.exe), then try to extract the files from it using an archiver, or perhaps the installer itself extracts them into Temp folder, for example.

Specify the path to the driver required bit depth and click OK. Wait for the driver to install and close Printer Properties by clicking OK.

Now let's try to connect the printer to network computer. Open the folder that lists all the devices on your network, then open your server. In addition to open network folders, a printer with the name mentioned above appeared. Open its context menu and select Connect.

Windows will ask if you trust the printer.

Click the button Install driver. After this, Windows will automatically download required driver from the server and install it.

Ready! You can now print to the printer from another computer without the printer being directly connected to it.

Remote server management

Since this is a server, it does not require a monitor, keyboard and mouse (otherwise, it would be a regular PC). But how to do it additional settings without all this? For this purpose it will be used Remote Desktop Connection.

Let's start setting up. Open Control Panel > System and Security > System Settings remote access .

Set the switch to position Allow remote connections to this computer, and also make sure that the checkbox under the radio button is checked.

In the window that opens, click Add. In the new window, enter user and click OK.

Check what's on the list user name. Click OK. Also close the System Properties window with the OK button.

After setting these parameters, you can connect to the server from any home PC using the Remote Desktop Connection program or using another RDP client.

When connecting, you will need to enter the server name, username (user) and its password. You will then see the server desktop and can configure it remotely.

Server Security

This is one of the most important points. Since the server uses Windows, this means that the server is at risk of being infected with viruses, of which there are an incredibly large number. How to secure the server?

Turn on automatic Windows updates!

Microsoft on on an ongoing basis releases security updates for Windows that close security holes (and sometimes open new ones). If all updates are installed, your computer's security is improved. high level.

Open Windows Update, then on the left side of the window select Setting options. Make sure that the option is selected in the drop-down list Install updates automatically (recommended). Select this option if not selected and click OK.

Antivirus protection

For more full protection computer (server, in our case), you need to have an antivirus.

Windows 8 has built-in complex system protection Windows Defender, which included a wonderful Microsoft product Security Essentials. Windows Defender works in Windows 8 immediately after installation and does not require manual activation and launch.

If you want to install an antivirus from another company, the built-in one in Windows 8 will automatically turn off.

Windows Defender automatically updates its virus databases as soon as they become available (usually several times a day). There is no need to manually run the update.

Regular account

Immediately after installation, an administrator and a standard user account were created. Clients use the latter option to work with the server. This will not allow you to change critical server parameters and gain access to system files without knowing administrator credentials.

Bottom line

Roman Gladkikh was with you.
See you!

Creating your own HTTP File Server (HFS) on Windows 7 with access from the Internet via home router DIR-300
HTTP File Server (HFS) is HTTP server, which will allow you to share files online and local network fast and easy enough that any user can download files through their browser to their device.

Settings external access to your computer using the HTTP File Server program
To configure external access to a computer, we need the HTTP File Server program, which uses a network port. The HTTP File Server (HFS) program is distributed on GNU licenses. This program allows you to organize HTTP (English) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol- “hypertext transfer protocol”) web server based on a computer running Windows OS. HFS does not require installation.

[download link]

Figure 1 Appearance HFS programs.

In order for our file server to be visible both on the local network and on the Internet, it is necessary to specify the port through which clients will connect to our server, and also switch to the “Expertmode” mode (see Fig. 2).

Figure 2, Switching to Expertmode.
The port number can be arbitrary, but numbers starting from 32,000 should be specified, since lower ports may be used various programs(see Fig. 3).

Figure 3, Change network port HFS.
To add a file/directory to the list of public resources, right-click on the list and select “AddFiles/Addfolderfromdisk” (see Fig. 4).

Figure 4, Adding a file/directory to the list of public resources.
In order for our server to be visible from the Internet, we will use the port forwarding function.

Setting up external access to our file server using port forwarding
Port forwarding (slang) is a technology that allows you to access a computer from the Internet internal network behind a router (router) using NAT (NAPT). Access is achieved by redirecting traffic on certain ports from the external address of the router to the address of the selected computer on the local network.
This redirection is needed if, for example, you want to expand to local computer server with access from the Internet, and so that other computers on the local network are not accessible from global network.

The router is configured through its web interface. To do this, open your browser ( Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or any other) and enter into address bar (default IP address of the router). After passing authorization, we get to the main page of our router (see Fig. 5).

Figure 5, Router main page.
We will configure the port forwarding function manually. To do this, you need to go to advanced settings (see Fig. 6).

Figure 6, Go to advanced settings.
Since by default the router has the dynamic IP address distribution service (DHCP) enabled, I propose assigning our future file server a static IP address on our local network. To do this, in the “Network” item, select “Lan” (see Fig. 7).

Figure 7, Go to local network settings.
In the window that appears, scroll to the very bottom to the “Static DHCP” item and from the drop-down list select the computer with our MAC address (see Fig. 8).

Figure 8, DHCP Configuration.
To find out the MAC address of your computer, press the Win+R button, then enter cmd command(see Fig. 9). In the appeared command line type ipconfig /all and press Enter (see Fig. 10), then look at the MAC address of the device ( physical address) (see Fig. 11).

Figure 9, Run program window.

Figure 10, Command line window.

Figure 11, Result of executing the ipconfig /all command.
Then we change the IP address to (see Fig. 12), enter an arbitrary name in the “Host” field and click the save button. After which we need to reconnect our computer to WiFi networks.

Figure 12, Changing the IP address of our computer.
Next we return to “Advanced settings” and in the section “ Firewall» select “Virtual servers” (on firmware 1.4.x, the port forwarding function is called “Virtual servers”).

Figure 13
In the window that opens, click “Add” (see Fig. 14).

Figure 14
In the window that opens, set the necessary parameters for the virtual server. And click the “Change” button (see Fig. 15).

Figure 15
Template - Select one of the six virtual server templates provided from the drop-down list, or select Custom to define your own virtual server settings.

Name - The name of the virtual server for easy identification. Can be arbitrary.

Interface - The connection to which the created virtual server(in the example it is used WiFi connection).

Protocol - The protocol that the created virtual server will use. Select the required value from the drop-down list.

External port (start) / External port (end) - The router port from which traffic will be forwarded to the IP address defined in the Internal IP field. Internal and external port It's better to indicate the same ones. In our example, this is port 32500, the one we specified when configuring HFS.

Internal port(start) / Internal port (end) - Specify port 32500.

Internal IP - IP address of a computer located on the local network ( You can select the device connected to the router's LAN in at the moment. To do this, select the appropriate IP address from the drop-down list (the field will be filled in automatically).

Remote IP - IP address of the server located in external network(in most cases this field should be left blank).
To set other parameters for an existing server, select the appropriate server in the table. On the page that opens, change the necessary parameters and click the “Change” button.

To delete an existing server, select the corresponding server in the table. On the page that opens, click the “Delete” button. In the upper right corner, click on the “System” button and then “Save”.

Checking the availability of a file server from the Internet
We have made all the basic settings; all that remains is to check the accessibility of our port from the global network. To do this, go to the website using the link, and in the window that appears, enter our port number (32500). If you see something like this (see Figure 16), congratulations, you've configured everything correctly. Now your file server is accessible from the Internet at http://external_IP:32500/ and on the local network at (see Fig. 17).

Figure 16, Checking port availability.

Figure 17, Web page of our file server.
External IP can be found at home page your router (see Fig. 5 in the “Connection status” section), or on the website Please note that in most cases, your provider gives you a dynamic external IP address, and not a static one as you would like. The IP address update period is approximately once a day, or when the router is rebooted.

P.S. If, after setting up the router, you cannot access the local server via an external IP, check the server’s accessibility from the Internet (for example, access your server through a proxy). It is possible that your router does not support the NAT Loopback function, which allows you to access local servers via an external port.

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