How to make a red disk blue? Full disk problem. What to do if disk space decreases? New wheels, old problems

Every user has probably encountered the problem of disappearance at least once in their life. free space on the system disk. Moreover, this does not depend on the version of the operating system installed on the computer. Can be installed instead of XP Windows Vista and not detect any changes on drive C. How can this problem be solved?

There are many recommendations, but most of them are designed to be completely inexperienced users, who don’t even know how much space certain programs take up. Other recommendations are so complex that it will take a lot of time to understand why drive C fills up automatically. This article will combine both of these approaches. The result should be simple and effective way freeing drive C.

System restore point

Let's start with the simplest. IN latest versions The Windows operating system provides one very interesting opportunity. With the help of some software mechanism You can save the last working states of the system. If necessary, you can roll back to any of these states. Consider the following situation: suppose you installed new driver, but the system does not boot after restarting the computer and displays an error message.

This problem can be corrected by pressing the F8 button when starting the computer and selecting the appropriate item in the menu that appears. This method works only if the user is not prohibited from creating restore points. The disadvantage of this mechanism is the constant filling of free space on drive C. After all, the created copies of the system need to be stored somewhere. So if you find automatic filling drive C, perhaps this problem associated with the mechanism for creating recovery points.

You should check the settings of this mechanism. To do this, open the Start menu and find the My Computer shortcut. Click on it and select "Properties". After that, open the “ Additional options" The “System Properties” window will appear in front of you. In this window, you need to select the tab that is responsible for protecting the operating system. The most important button here – “Customize”. It is this that provides access to control the mechanism for creating recovery points.

If disk C is automatically full, you must delete all saved states, and then reduce the amount of space allocated to the system for saving them, or disable recording altogether. The folder in which copies were saved can be deleted in manual mode. It is located at the root of the system disk. Default this folder is hidden and is named “Recovery”.

Virtual memory

Modern operating systems actively use a swap file to operate. This is part of the data taken from RAM computer, which is not required by the processor in at the moment time. This data can be uploaded to another medium, thereby freeing up space in RAM. If you find that your C drive is gradually filling up, you might want to check your pagefile.sys file. This file is located in the root directory.

To adjust it, you can use next way: go to “My Computer”, select the “Properties” tab, then go to “Performance” and click “Options”. Here, select “Advanced” and click the “Change” button. Instead of automatic configuration, you can set right size. The more RAM used, the smaller the swap file.

Extra folders and files

When installing programs and applications, there are almost always entries left on the partition that can be immediately deleted without hesitation. So, what to do if the C drive on your computer is full? Let's try to solve this problem. Modern operating systems are characterized by such a concept as a temporary folder. Such directories are designated TMP or TEMP.

Their location depends on the version of the operating system used and can be configured manually. The current status of temporary folders can be viewed in the Properties section of the My Computer shortcut. To do this, in the “Advanced” tab, select “Variables”. The entries are located at the top of the window. Once you decide on the location of the TEMP folder, you no longer have to worry about the problem of not having enough free space on drive C. Just select all the contents of the temporary folder and delete it. The size of such “garbage” sometimes reaches several tens of gigabytes.

Security software

Almost every modern computer Today one or another antivirus application is used. But not many users know that using such programs can automatically fill up the C drive. This has nothing to do with application errors. This is the result of it regular work. For example, the world-famous Kaspersky anti-virus saves all update files it downloads from the network on the hard drive.

The loss of free space on drive C for this reason can reach several gigabytes. You can find this out as follows: go to hidden folder All Users and select the directory there " Kaspersky Lab" Over time, you may notice that this folder automatically grows. This arbitrariness can be stopped and limited. To do this, go to the “Antivirus” settings, select the “Advanced” tab and the “Reports and Quarantine” item.

IN at this point You will be able to change the size limit and saving time for recordings. It is worth noting that many antivirus programs have the ability to “eat” free disk space. If your computer's C drive is filling up in record time, it may be time to think about changing your antivirus. You should not choose alpha and beta versions of antivirus programs for constant use. As a rule, similar applications save additional information in files.

Viruses and malware

Lack of space on drive C may be due to the activity of viruses and other malware. Some viruses are even specifically designed to auto-fill hard drive all sorts of rubbish. To restore functionality it is usually enough to use antivirus applications to delete malware from a computer. It copes well with such tasks antivirus program Dr. Web. You can also try using Removal Tool and CurelT.

Page caching

Almost all Internet browsers use page caching to reduce traffic and speed up access to frequently viewed pages. Because of this, some data is retained on the drive. As a rule, the more such entries, the faster the Internet browser works. It eliminates the need to repeatedly request data from servers.

However, if you do not limit the growth of the cache, the data folder can grow to incredible sizes. How to clear the cache? Different Internet browsers perform this operation differently.

IN FireFox browser in order to clear the cache, you need to open the settings and go to “Advanced”, then select “Network” and click “Clear”. In the browser Google Chrome To clear the cache, use the clear history button, which is located in “Personal data”. Be careful: when deleting cache files, do not accidentally erase unnecessary ones.

Local proxies

When working with Internet resources, many users prefer to use caching programs. One of the most famous of them is Handy program Cache. This method allows you to save a lot if your plan provides per-megabyte pricing. However, if such programs are not configured correctly, the volume occupied by cached files can grow quite quickly. To remove all unnecessary information, just use the “Clear” button in the “Cache” section.

File system errors

It is necessary to check from time to time hard drive for errors. In some cases, partition table corruption can cause free space on the disk begins to decrease sharply. To check the system disk you can use standard means"Windows". To do this, select the one you are interested in system disk, right-click on it and select “Properties”. Now in the “Service” tab, click the “Check” button.

Of course, the struggle for free space on drive C is not limited to the methods listed above. However, the methods discussed are quite sufficient to significantly increase the free space on the system disk.

Hello dear friends! Now I will talk about a problem that probably everyone has encountered. This is when drive C is full, and I will tell you what needs to be done in such cases, and what can be removed without damaging Windows operation. I've been asked more than once what can you delete from drive C?, otherwise it is filled to the limit, and the system shows a window with warnings.

Let's go in order. Why drive C? Because it is on this disk that in 99% of cases the operating system is installed Windows system and it doesn’t matter whether it’s Windows 7 or Windows XP. During the Windows installation process, we split the hard drive into partitions; I wrote about how to do this in the article “Be sure to split the hard drive, do not make one partition for the system and for storing files.

We create a partition and set its size. The point here is the culmination, depending on how much memory you allocate to the local drive C, the time it will take for it to be completely full depends. Previously, I always allocated about 30 GB for the C drive, but almost all computers now come with hard drives 500 GB – 1 TB in size. And in such cases, giving the system 30 GB for the C drive seems stupid to me. I’m currently giving away 100 – 150 GB for the system disk.

But as practice shows, these 150 GB fill up very quickly and drive C turns red, which means that it is completely full, and then the questions begin: what can be done, what can be deleted from local disk C? Although I always say, don’t save on system partition all sorts of videos, photos and others heavy files. Yes, and it is advisable to install games on other partitions; now there are such games that they take up several tens of GB.

What is the danger of a full C drive?

Nothing bad should happen. The computer will run slower, and Windows will warn you that there is no memory on the system disk. In short, there will be many unpleasant moments in the operation of the computer. Do we need it? We'll decide :).

What can you delete from your local C drive?

This is probably the most main question in this situation. Many people want to delete information, but are afraid to delete something they need. After all, the operating system is installed on this disk, and many are afraid of harming it.

You know, I have seen many computers in which the disk on which Windows is installed is filled to capacity. Well, there’s a lot there, it’s on almost all the computers I’ve encountered. And you look to remove this unnecessary thing, and it seems like everything is needed :), sound familiar?

1. First of all, it is worth remembering that all the information that is stored on the desktop, in the “Documents”, “Pictures” and “Music” folders, is stored on the local drive C. Be sure to check these folders first. If there are heavy files there, such as movies, music, photos, etc. Then move them to local drive D, or E. In most cases, these folders contain files that fill partition C. And I have also seen a bunch of movies on the desktop more than once, is it really so difficult to copy them to another partition?

Go to “My computer” and click on top “Remove or change a program”. A window will open with a list of installed programs and games. Click on “Size” to sort the list by size that they occupy installed programs and games. Remove everything you don't need, I'm sure you'll find something like that. If there are very heavy games, then remove them and install them again, only selecting a different partition for installation.

3. We remove garbage from the system. If Windows has not been reinstalled long time, then several GB of garbage and temporary files were probably already collected there. In order to remove them, you can use a good program CCleaner. I always clean my computer with this program from time to time. You can download it on the Internet, just type in Google “Download CCleaner”. Install the program and start cleaning the system. I will not dwell on this in detail now; I will write about this program later.

4. Empty the trash, as an option to free up a couple of MB :).

These are the main (in my opinion) methods, by doing which you can free up quite a bit of memory on the local drive C. You can also disable it, or move system recovery to another drive, or, but it seems to me that this is not very effective options and they should be used as a last resort.

To summarize everything written above, I want to say that it is possible to prevent the local drive C from becoming completely full. And this is very easy to do.

Are you copying or downloading a movie from the Internet? Don’t be lazy to select drive D, E, or whatever you have for saving. No need to save it to your desktop. Install the game, change the installation location from drive C to another partition, this is a matter of a few seconds, but in the end it will help protect the system drive from redness and provide stable work computer.

Also, when saving files to partition C, it is worth remembering that in case of problems with operating system and you can lose all your files. Because when Windows installation, partition C is usually formatted. I think you will also be interested in reading ““, it should come in handy.

And finally, do one more thing, it’s unlikely to add memory, but it will put things in order, and the computer will work faster. Good luck!

Also on the site:

Disk C is full. What to do and what can be removed? updated: January 12, 2015 by: admin

DVD and CD media are still used to save favorite games and old videos, so the question of what to do if the disc cannot be read is still relevant.

What to do if the disc is unreadable?

First of all, you need to make sure that your computer's disk drive is working properly. This can be easily checked by inserting other similar storage media into it.

Is the drive working? Scratches and damage on both the working and opposite sides may make it impossible to read. You can smooth out the surface with minor scratches by carefully covering the damaged areas with colorless, but not matte, nail polish.

But there are other methods of mechanical influence:

  • Polishing. Initially, wipe the disc with a lint-free cloth. You can use special ones for wiping the monitor. Make movements not in a circle, but across the paths. Gently apply polish containing wax to damaged areas. Make several buffing strokes to remove excess product.
  • Freezing. The disc in a paper envelope is placed in the refrigerator for half an hour, then immediately inserted into the drive and saved to the computer.
  • Some people use toothpaste (inexpensive, without additives, white) or brilliant green.

What else can I do to read the disc?

There are also software capabilities record recovery:

  • You can read damaged information using the free downloadable support program Unstoppable Copier. Even if not all, then most of You can save the information on your hard drive.
  • It happens that the drive loses the ability to read discs after installing some programs or games. Remember what you installed the previous day and try to remove it. Then you have to use the point early recovery system and then restart the computer. To be sure, you can remove the DVD drive from the device manager, and after a reboot everything will be restored automatically.

  • Microsoft utilities Fixit.dvd.Run, Nero Drive Speed ​​and CDSlow resolve disk problems and perform repairs automatically. You will have to wait until the device is scanned. The program will completely and irrevocably reset damaged clusters. When information from laser device will be reflected on the computer’s hard drive, recovery can be completed using, for example, the CDCheck utility.
  • By creating a CD image using Clone CD, Easy CD Creator, Nero or CDRWin, you can recover ISOBuster or WinISO information. Even the plugin for ISO files from Windows Commander can help with this.
  • The BadCopy Pro program will help solve the problem. By using dialog boxes she will tell you all your actions.

It is not at all necessary to throw away a damaged source of information, although it is not a fact that your patience will be fully rewarded.

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What to do if you don't have enough disk space? Method one

The problem is solved in two ways. To describe the solutions in as much detail as possible, I will attach screenshots to them.

First you need to clean the disk from unnecessary files. You can do this using free program CCleaner, which can be downloaded from the website:

Download and install this program, then run it. The program has such a simple interface that even someone who learned how to turn on a computer a couple of days ago can understand it. After launch, click on the “Windows” tab and check all the partitions or those you want to delete:

If you have Disk space decreases with, then the cause may be temporary browser files. Go to the “Applications” tab and check the following sections:

Then click the “Analyze” button and the program will show you how much space will be freed up after deleting the marked files:

Now click “Cleanup” and wait until the marked files are deleted.

This procedure must be carried out once a month to prevent reduction of disk space.

What to do if you don't have enough disk space? Method two

The first method helped me, but there was still little space (judging by the fact that I only have Windows installed on the disk). If the first method didn’t help you too much, do the following:

Move the swap file to another disk. Click on the “My Computer” icon right click mouse, then click “Properties”. Then go to the “Advanced system settings” tab:

Click Performance (Options):

Click the “Advanced” button, then “ Visual memory(change)":

You will be taken to a window where you should select another disk, check the box next to “Size by system choice” and click OK:

Another reason why there is not enough space on your disk could be that your disk is clogged with garbage. system folder. This folder is located at