How to hide groups on Facebook? Privacy settings for posts on Facebook: how to hide a Facebook post from prying eyes.

It would seem that Facebook has already made it much easier to manage your privacy settings, but numerous questions and complaints still continue to come. On and in the comments we receive questions of the same content almost every day: “ How to hide a post from everyone?«, « I don't want to be found in searches«, « How to close your page?"and others.

We will not consider all the possibilities of privacy and write an online manual. You can easily find all this in the Facebook help center. We’ll just try to highlight the most popular questions and give the most concise and understandable answers.

Post Visibility

The most popular question. But in fact, everything is elementary. We can make posts visible for the following options:

  • Visible to everyone
  • Visible to friends
  • Visible to friends except acquaintances
  • Visible only to me
  • Visible for people list
  • Visible to everyone except the People list

Settings: go to SettingsConfidentialityWho can see my content?

And choose the marker you need. If you want to set visibility for a separate list of users, then select User Settings.

Please note that these settings will only apply to new posts, but to apply them to old posts, click the button Limit access to previous publications. You can also set the visibility scope for each publication separately (directly in the timeline).

Chronicle visibility

The second most popular question is: “ How to make a chronicle invisible?". Unfortunately (or rather, to the article), you cannot be invisible on Facebook. You can hide/unhide posts, photos, personal information, but not hide the entire profile. The only option is to remove the chronicle from search results.

Settings: Confidentiality

Annoying users

Facebook is not VKontakte, there is much less spam and a higher culture of communication, but sooner or later you will still meet characters who will try to sell you some product, invite you to another business training, or simply bother you with stupid questions. Spam can be combated by strengthening filtering or even by a personal ban.

As you know, Facebook has two private message folders. First - Inbox, second - Other. With inboxes it’s clear, but others are something like a “spam” folder in mail services. Switching the filter to mode Enhanced filtration, you will receive messages in the folder Inbox only from your friends. Everything else will fall into Other without any notification.

Another useful feature is the complete blocking of the user. Add his name to the input field (as in the screenshot below) and forget about his presence.


You cannot contact the Facebook administration directly (via email, phone, etc.). There is a feedback form for this.

Setting up a fan page (“group”) on Facebook is the next step, which we recommend performing immediately after its graphic design (uploading the cover and avatar). To do everything right, to help a beginner - the current article on our site.

Without further introductory words, let’s start practicing right now, and the first thing we’ll find out is: where are the settings and how to access them?

Where can I find settings for a business page on FB?

Go to your page. You can do this in 3 ways:

  1. In the menu on the left, in the “Quick Links” section, click on the name;
  2. Also, in the left column, use the “Pages” item, where you select your community;
  3. On the right, if you have not hidden the “Your Page” panel, click on its name or avatar.

Once on the page of the community you created, to specify or change settings, in the page administration panel (above the cover) find the item of the same name - “Settings”.

On the left side of the screen there are tabs (groups/sections of settings). Behind each of the tabs there are a lot of options available for editing (p.s. however, in practice there are not as many of them as it seems).

Each option, each setting element is accompanied by comments. With these tips, understanding the settings will not be difficult, even for a beginner. However, we will also provide our explanations where necessary.

General settings

Page status

After creation, the page has the “published” status by default (if not, check this box). This way it will be available for search and viewing by users of the social network. Remove from publication if you have not yet “put things in order” in your community (haven’t set it up, formatted it, etc.), or in case of any other need.

Publications by visitors

Only you (administrators and editors) or, if you want, in addition to the administration, any user who is a “fan” of your community (your subscriber) can post content on your page.

P.S. Do not rush to prohibit the posting of materials from subscribers. As a last resort, FB provides the ability to pre-moderate posts from other users, that is, posts from other users will appear only after approval by the page administration. This can be useful for several reasons.

  • More trust/loyalty to the community from the audience;
  • Subscribers are more interested in the community;
  • Free content source!

Audience optimization for publications

Just mark this point - it doesn’t ask for food, but it might come in handy. When creating a publication, this will allow you to set tags and conditions in order to show the post only to a certain audience of your subscribers (“filtered” by interests, gender, age, country of residence, etc.)


Everything is simple here. Your fans can send personal messages to your page address (ask questions, share thoughts, suggest ideas, etc.), or they cannot - depending on your choice. Of course, we recommend allowing LAN.


With the “tags” option active, visitors will be able to tag themselves and other users in photos or videos published on behalf of your business page. This does not bode well; it is not a sin to “allow”. However, it's up to you.

Other people like this Page

Yes, allow it. Otherwise, Facebook users will not only be able to tag your page in their photo or video, but also will not be able to even mention it in their post or in their comments on social media. networks.

Geodata Pages for frames

In addition to you, other users will be able to assign geodata to frames (create frames). Our position on this point is to leave it unchanged (permitted).

Country restrictions

Allows you to either list only those countries in which your page will be available for viewing, or, on the contrary, indicate the countries for which your community will be hidden. If you have no reason to set country restrictions, leave this field blank.

Age restrictions

A separate point is communities associated with alcohol; intimate theme, or any other that requires age restrictions (for example, dedicated to a computer game with elements of cruelty or a horror film). If the content of your page suggests this, be sure to indicate the minimum age.

Page moderation

Here Facebook allows you to enter “safe words”. That is, publications and comments containing words, phrases and expressions from this list will be blocked. We won’t explain why this might be useful: you’ll probably understand what to write in this field if you really need this tool. “Far-fetched,” however, as an example:

“You represent the Yandex company and can’t stand Google – you are allergic to the mere mention of a competitor. Specify this and you will never see “Google” again... at least in the posts and comments of your Facebook page.”

Obscene expression filter

They cannot be specified. This can be done one point above. Here you can simply select one of the options: disable, medium, high (level of protection against swearing).

P.S. Thus, in the comments on your page, all criticism, malicious indignation, indignation and other ardent negativity towards your company will look as if cultured/civilized people are writing to you 😉

When this option is selected (active by default), the following occurs:

  • On your FB page, users will be shown a block of similar communities. This is a minus, because competitors’ business pages may also be displayed.
  • On the pages of other communities where this function is activated, among others, your fan page will be displayed. And this is already a plus, since it can attract new subscribers.

When the option is turned off, your competitors’ communities will not appear on your page, but it goes without saying that yours will not be shown. Which of these two options should you choose? Everything is individual. For business accounts of large companies/brands, it is, of course, worth turning off “recommendations”. Conversely, for young communities of an entertainment or “informational” nature, this can help increase the number of fans, without any damage.

Page Updates

When you make any changes on your page: changing the phone number, address, description (possibly changing the cover or avatar, but this is not certain) - a post will be automatically created and published. It will look something like this:

Publications in different languages

It will allow you to create a kind of several “versions” of the same entry (post) - in different languages. An indispensable feature if your audience speaks different languages. In this case, the subscriber will be shown the publication in the language that he specified in his settings as his preferred one.

Automatic translation

In addition to the previous point, there is another opportunity to overcome the language barrier. When the current function is activated, visitors who have specified another language as the main language in their personal profile settings will be shown a machine translation of the publication text.

Comment rating

The ability to display comments not in chronological order, but in accordance with their rating: messages with a large number of “likes” will be displayed above others.

Distribution of materials

This applies exclusively to the ability to download videos published in your business account. Downloading (available to users by default) can be disabled.

Download page

A tool with which you can create and download to your computer a copy of publications, photos, videos and information of your fan page. And besides this:

  • List of people assigned to roles on the Page
  • Description of current Page settings
  • Information Pages from the “Information” section

Merge pages

A tool that allows you to combine 2 or more Facebook Pages into one. Provided: they have similar names and the same theme. It may be necessary if, for whatever reason, you have several pages created for the same company, business, website, etc.

Deleting a page

The first item in “Basic Settings” is to cancel the publication of the page (allows you to hide the community from users of the social network). If this is not enough and the Page needs to be deleted, use the appropriate link. After clicking it, you will have 14 days to change your mind or confirm the deletion permanently.

Messaging settings

A tab with settings for sending messages from fans to the name of your Page. Contains 6 options in 2 subsections.

General settings

“Press Return to send message” is nothing more than sending a message by pressing the Enter key. Change the value to "Yes". Leave the following 2 options enabled; with their help, it will be easier for your subscribers to send a message.

Answer Assistant

For each of the 3 cases, you can turn it on/off, and also set the text of “instant messages”. This is a kind of answering machine. Here you can specify what text will be sent to the subscriber in response to his message to your business page.

In addition, Facebook provides the ability to personalize a message. That is, the user’s name (full name) will be automatically added to your text.

The second point is an instant message in case you are not online. Among other things, it allows you to specify “working hours”. This way, the subscriber will know when to expect a response. The last field is for the “welcome text” for fans in Messenger.

"Edit Page"

Below on this page you can customize the display order of the tabs individually - just drag them while holding the mouse button. Using the “Settings” button opposite each tab, you can enable/disable it.


Set notification settings for events related to your Facebook Page. On the current page you can select:

  1. Notifications about which specific events on your page you want to receive;
  2. How do you prefer to receive notifications (Facebook, email, sms, etc.)

Roles on the page

On the current tab – manage user roles: assign/remove page administrators, editors, moderators, etc. In the “Assign a new role on the Page” subsection, you can add a new user with certain powers. In the input field we indicate the user name (he must be a subscriber of the community), to the right - select his role. Below we read a detailed description of the “authorities” for a particular “position”.

People and other Pages

This tab will not be needed when initially setting up the page, but it will certainly come in handy in the future. This displays a list of all the “fans” of your fan page. You can quickly find a specific user using the search, after which you can block the subscriber. Blocked users can't post, comment, or take other actions on your Page.


As a Page you are an admin of, you can like other fan pages on Facebook. The list of communities to which you have assigned the “Like” mark will be displayed in the block below in the sidebar of your business page.

This can be useful if you have several FB pages on similar topics. This way you can attract the attention of your subscribers to them. What you shouldn't do is like and display your competitors' pages.

Other settings

Authorship of the publication

Allows you to choose whose name (Page or your personal profile) will be used by default to sign posts and comments on your business Page timeline.


This tab may be useful if you have several Facebook Fan Pages and want the photos or videos you post on the current Page to automatically be published on the other Page(s).

Related Posts

Facebook sometimes feels like a dark forest. Functions created specifically for the convenience of users are installed on the social network like trees in a thicket - there are many of them, but it’s easy to get lost among them.

Do you know, for example, how you can manage your privacy settings on Facebook? We invite you to get acquainted with some of the social networking features and see if you missed anything important.

Who can see posts? ?

You can control who can see your Facebook posts in the future. Please note that when you set a preference, it applies to all subsequent publications. Therefore, if you want this post to be visible only to friends, and the next one to be available to all users without exception, do not forget to change the privacy settings in the second case.

How to install: go to Privacy Settings -> Privacy -> Who can see my content?

Whose check-in notifications do I want to see?

After the introduction of Chronicle, viewing posts and photos in which you were tagged has become much easier. By going to your Activity Log, you can set up notifications to be sent to you when you are tagged by friends, friends of friends, or any Facebook user.

How to install: go to Activity Log -> Publications in which you are tagged

Please note: when you tag someone in a post and set it to private (for example, only visible to friends), that post can be seen by other users (in this case, friends of the tagged person). If you don't want certain people to see your post, set restrictions by selecting User Settings.

Who can find me?

It's almost impossible to hide on Facebook. However, it is within your power to set everything up so that “strangers” cannot find you on the social network using your email address or phone number specified on Facebook. In addition, you can allow or block search engines from showing your profile in search results.

How to install: go to Privacy Settings -> Privacy -> Who can find me?

Have you lost your phone? To prevent your account from being taken away...

If you lose your phone, you must immediately: Delete your phone number from your Facebook account and click “Log out of your phone.” This will prevent other people from using your account.

What to do: Go to Privacy Settings -> Mobile -> Have you lost your phone?

Notifications from groups

You can set your preferences to receive or not receive notifications from groups you are a member of. Additionally, you can set notifications to only see friends' posts published in the group.

How to install: go to Privacy Settings -> Notifications -> What notifications you receive -> Group news

There are other types of notifications that you should set up to make your life easier and not be distracted by unnecessary spam.

If, for example, you're tired of endless TopFace invitations and other notifications from different users, you can disable them by clicking "Disable" in the notification panel.

You can also customize which notifications you want to receive via email.

In the same way, you can set up mobile notifications, choose how you want to be notified about the activities of your friends and followers, or whether you want to be notified at all, and set up alerts for the pages you manage.

Privacy in apps

You want to open the 20 Most Beautiful Girls in Brazil app, but you don't want all your friends and followers to see it on your wall. To do this, set privacy settings for applications. You can allow or block an app from sending you notifications and control who can see messages on your behalf.

How to install: go to Privacy Settings -> Applications

From whom do I receive messages?

Any Facebook user can message you. To reduce the amount of spam, you can set filters for incoming emails.

How to install: Quick privacy settings -> Who can contact me?

How do I report a problem?

What to do: go to the Help section -> Report a problem -> select the desired item in the drop-down menu and write a message.

Once you are a member of the Facebook community, you can become a “prisoner” of the information cluttering your News Feed. To protect yourself from this, you just need to hide Groups - perform a simple action that will save you from publications that are not of interest to you.

Attention: instructions!

In general, Facebook users have long been complaining about the unprecedented freedom taken by social network developers in relation to the management of Groups. The fact is that administrators and community members can freely add their Friends to them.

Moreover, this is not just an invitation that can be accepted or rejected. It's a kind of coercion. Owners of Facebook accounts have repeatedly sent letters of complaints to the administration of the social network, but to this day the situation has not been corrected. However, the developers offered some way out - the ability to hide the activity of Groups that are not of interest to users.

Fortunately, saving yourself from information “garbage” is very simple. The issue can be resolved in just a few simple steps:

1. Log into Facebook using your account details.

2. Go to the Group you want to hide. This can be done in two ways - via a direct link or through a link in the left menu of your Home page.

3. In the header of the main community page, click on the icon.

4. Select “Hide Group” and confirm your desire by clicking “Hide” in the window that appears.

Actually, after completing all these steps, you will no longer see publications from the hidden community. It will also be excluded from your bookmarks and favorites list. But you will still be listed among its participants. This is Facebook injustice...

Again, this injustice can be corrected. Just leave the Group. And also, just in case, use the “magic” function that prohibits any of your Friends from adding you to the same community again in the future.

And if I am an admin, can I close my Group?

So, now let's imagine a slightly different situation. Let's say you are the administrator of a community, but you want to close it from the all-seeing eye of Facebook users. Is it possible to somehow restrict access to it? The answer is yes, of course!

On Facebook there is such a thing as secret groups. This is generally a special category, a kind of private meeting of users. Unlike closed communities, they cannot be found even through a search - only participants know the link to them. Such isolation is quite justified, especially if it involves a very narrow circle of people, for example, close friends planning a party or a joint trip. Naturally, the information is simply not intended for outsiders.

Well, now let's move on to updating the status of your Group. Let's say you've already launched it, but accidentally made it public. How to change the situation? Follow simple instructions:
1. As an admin, log into the community you manage.

2. In the page header, click on the icon, and then on the “Edit group settings” item.

3. Click "Change Privacy Settings", select "Secret" and click "Confirm".

Once you change your privacy settings, everyone in your community will be notified. Now a random “passerby” will definitely not show up in the open spaces of your community. Only people who have received invitations from admins or current participants will be able to get here. Interestingly, former participants can also find the community from which they left via search.

Thus, both their members and administrators can hide Groups, but their purposes for this action are different. If the former clear their News Feed from unnecessary entries, then the latter protect the contents of the community from prying eyes. But, definitely, in both cases this function is very useful, practical and in demand.

Greetings, dear readers!

Every time you provide any information about yourself, share some information, or simply correspond with people close to you, you are putting your privacy at risk. The fact is that all this information can end up in the hands of complete strangers and organizations, which can lead to unforeseen consequences. I think it’s worth thinking about the confidentiality of information about your personal life, views and priorities. I will provide you with several ways to use Facebook privacy settings against intruders and unwanted users.

Hiding information from friends

Blocking information from friends on Facebook is a simple process and involves categorizing your “friends” into categories, such as friends, family, colleagues, and so on. Thus, you personally select participants who will either see this or that information or not, that is, limit their access to certain information.
In the left corner you will find the “friends” section, click on it, then you will open a list of groups into which you can distribute your friends and configure restriction options for each of the lists, or you can not create a list and make privacy settings for all friends.

Thus, you can add your friends to the provided categories, hiding this or that information from them. For example, you can hide your news feed, albums, or other personal information from the “colleagues” group, but make it all available to the “family” and “friends” categories. You can configure categories and information as you see fit.

Hiding notes from the wall

Privacy of information on the wall is a fairly common and necessary thing in every social network. This function implies the secrecy of posts, comments and persons who take part in correspondence on your wall. Since correspondence and comments on the wall do not always have a highly developed culture of speech, or are, for example, of a personal nature, many users want to hide this information from certain users.
You can set up privacy functions by clicking in the “privacy” section, then go to the “Chronicles and Markings” line.

This item provides several options: the first of them implies complete secrecy of your posts on the wall for all users, the second option allows you to choose who can see your friends’ posts on the wall.

Hide your page from search engines

In addition to the internal privacy system on Facebook, there is an external privacy system from search engines. If you use privacy within a social network, then the logical step would be to use the secrecy functions for your account from search engines, for example, Google or Yandex. In this case, people will not be able to find you even in a search engine. To do this, go to the settings menu, then click on the “Privacy” section, you will see settings called “Who can detect me”. Change the settings of this option to how you would like your page to look for unknown persons.

Find out more detailed information about Facebook, its capabilities or disadvantages.

Access to information through friends

All social media users have information that they would rather not share with their friends. Facebook has a feature that prevents your friends from viewing certain information. Go to the privacy adjustment menu and edit the settings in detail, indicating exactly what information can be accessed by your friends list.

Personalization system

Not everyone knows that some of the sites we visit have information access to your page, and it is not strange that those who are notified about this do not approve of such a function. In order to prevent such sites from accessing your page, Facebook has certain settings. Go to your privacy settings, go to the “Change the personalization system on partner sites” section, then uncheck all the boxes next to the items that you do not need.

I hope that the information provided will help you hide information that you do not want to share. Any questions? Perhaps the answers already exist. Here you will learn many interesting and useful things about the possibilities of social media. networks such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte and others.

See you soon, dear friends.