How to create a popular blog. Make a firm decision to start a blog

Hello dear readers and aspiring bloggers! Today I will tell you in detail and consistently how to start writing a blog on the Internet. To do this, I have identified 12 sequential steps. With the right approach, not only professionals, but also beginners can pass them.

I’ll say right away that it’s powerful. step by step training held at the school of bloggers. If you have time, grab one of the discount coupons. .

Briefly about my experience

Investment of money, time and years practical experience- this is the cost of knowledge and success that I talk about on my blog. About higher education I’m not saying, because I acquired the main skills in this area during self-study individual areas of knowledge.

At first, I educated myself, conducted practical experiments, and saved on everything. Then I realized that paid products are better if you choose them correctly. Studied the mass information courses, received additional training. I continue my self-education, since you can always find something you don’t know yet.

In principle, it is impossible to know absolutely everything. Sometimes I make mistakes, then I correct them and take them into account for the future. In general, I am constantly learning - a normal work process.

The main thing is I see good dynamics based on the results of their work. In my publications, I sometimes recommend educational materials that really deserve attention. Have you seen it?

Today I will share with you part of my experience. In particular, the purpose of the current material is to tell where and how you can start blogging from absolute scratch, depending on your final goal. Let me show you what the “big picture” looks like.

Also, along the way, I will provide references to additional materials. Don't miss them, they complement the current publication important information.

Where to start: determining the purpose of creating a blog on the Internet

This stage not included in the list of main actions. However, if you have decided to start your first blog or have already encountered difficulties while maintaining an existing project, then you simply cannot ignore it. It is very important and will determine the further course of action.

In the traditional sense, a blog is a type of website or a kind of online diary that is kept primarily for oneself. We can say that this is done “for the soul” and for our own convenience. The project usually turns out to be lively and very interesting. However this goal far from the only one.

The goal is to make money on your blog and get high traffic

Bloggers, when developing their sites, began to realize that they could become an excellent platform for different types making money on the Internet. Some realized this earlier, others later.

Now professionals in their field take this into account financial opportunity still at the stage of creating your blog on the Internet. The right approach Getting to the point allows you to quickly reach the desired level of traffic and earnings on the site.

The 12 steps below are written with this goal in mind. It's also great for the next two.

The goal is to start your own blog for the soul

Errors and omissions in technical optimization resources and content are usually not so critical if it is conducted simply for the sake of the soul. However, you should not forget about the convenience and usefulness of the site for readers who may look at it.

Articles, videos and other content on such projects are usually “live”, which attracts regular readers. This is a huge plus.

The effect of combining goals

Now imagine what will happen if you create your own blog from scratch, which will be focused on the two goals described above. It might just be a stunning effect.

  • Huge and constantly growing attendance.
  • Increasing authority of the author and blog.
  • Constant growth passive income.
  • The emergence of personal and expensive offers from private advertisers.

Do you want it to be this way? I won’t hide the fact that achieving these goals requires enormous effort and relatively decent investments.

12 steps to fully launch a blog from scratch

Beginning bloggers on the Internet often skip some steps, serious mistakes in them. If you want results, then you have to correct them. It's much easier to do everything right from the beginning.

Of course, it was logical to publish this publication a year ago, when I opened this blog. However, I tested the effectiveness of the actions and shared my findings in separate materials. Now I’m ready to show 12 steps that will allow you to start writing a successful blog on the Internet from scratch.

For clarity, I have prepared an infographic for you. I'm not a designer, so it took me a long time to do this. I hope you find it useful.

How do you like the scheme? I immediately provide quality ones and briefly go through each of the 12 steps.

  1. Choosing a thematic niche. Read the material about.
  2. Drawing up the structure. Here we compose sections and subsections in which individual blocks of knowledge on the chosen niche are considered. For example, the section “earning money on the site”, subsections - “affiliate programs”, “ contextual advertising" U " affiliate programs» subsections - “pay per views”, “pay per action”. The result is a structure that can be used to compose headings on the site and select topics for publications.
  3. Domain registration. This unique name each site. It is advisable to come up with a short, memorable name.
  4. Choosing and registering hosting. Its parameters greatly influence search engine promotion; excessive savings are not appropriate here.
  5. Hosting setup. It is done taking into account the assigned tasks and features of the new project.
  6. Installing WordPress for hosting. You only have to download official version.
  7. Basic setup WordPress. Mostly involves installing a template and SEO optimization for correct search engine promotion.
  8. Development of a unique design. The advantage is obvious - you can do it as you want. However, not everyone knows that a unique website design can directly affect the level of income and the quality of promotion in search engines.
  9. Software layout of the site. The advantages of the unique and adaptive layout the same. There is a decent amount of advice for webmasters that is worth considering.
  10. Collection semantic core site (SY). This is a set search words and phrases that people use to search for information, and bloggers to create text content. No matter how well the other 11 steps are done, if not, then you will most likely have to completely forget about decent results. It is important that when collecting strategic information, it is necessary to take into account the prospects for further monetization of the blog.
  11. Compiling a list of topics for publications. They are compiled on the basis of the SY. It is also recommended to take about 20 percent of topics without taking it into account for the normal development of the blog.
  12. Writing and publishing materials. Dozens, hundreds of topics selected? All that remains is to publish articles and wait. With daily publication, the first tangible results may take 6 months. It can be more or less, depending on individual cases.

And here quite logical questions may arise.

What is the point of this description of the stages to me? Where more detailed information?

This will happen too. I just don’t put everything in one publication. As I said earlier, I provide links to more detailed information.

I understand that the information will be very comprehensive. Therefore, I immediately recommend bookmarking this and the entries mentioned below so that you can quickly find them later.

  • To get started, check out the description of the achievements and what I accomplished during 1 year.
  • Next, take a look at the page where I collect materials on the Internet.

Have you looked? I have never seen such valuable, structured and collected information in one place anywhere in the world. free access. You can search for yourself to see.

In the future, access to the materials mentioned above may be subject to a fee. Don't put it off until later. Don't miss the chance to explore powerful information for free.

The described steps seem too complicated, you don’t have enough time, or you just want to make the task easier? There is a way out.

What to do if you can’t start a blog on your own?

IN in this case there are three options:

  1. Delegation of work.
  2. Practical training with the participation of professionals.
  3. Simplification of the scheme when attendance and earnings are not important.

As for the first option, you can order the creation of your own turnkey website, and subsequently only publish articles. Adequate cost for quality work in 2016 - from 50 thousand rubles.

However, there is one nuance - how will you check whether the work is done correctly? No experience or step by step instructions Not for a beginner. Perhaps in the future I will make such a guide, until I get to this point.

If you don’t have experience and a clear understanding of the situation, or you can’t achieve it yourself desired results, then I think the most optimal practical training . It may include training videos, texts and expert advice. An effective training program with a practical focus usually lasts for a long time, but the results are worth it.

Do your goals not include earning money and huge traffic on your blog on the Internet? Then the scheme becomes simpler. In particular, you can use website builders or free templates for Wordpess, as well as free hosting. In this case, stages 2-11 need not be given professional attention.

Common blogging mistakes

In many cases, people start their first blog and abandon it after a few months or even years. Why? It's simple - money and time are wasted, interest disappears, and there is really no income from the project. Can you guess why this happens?

I will list a few common mistakes.

  • Shortcomings and errors in one of the 12 steps.
  • Increased attention(looping) on ​​one of the steps. Only works well integrated approach.
  • “I’m a beginner, I’ll save on everything, do everything myself and earn a lot.” It's possible. Only when? In 5, 10, 20 years and will you have enough patience? Moreover, a lot will change in such a period of time.
  • The desire to do everything perfectly. Is this possible? Think about how much time you could waste pursuing this pursuit.

Have you encountered a familiar situation? The cases are actually common.

This is where I will conclude the current publication. Have you read this and other recommended reading materials in detail? If yes, then now you know where and how to start writing correctly own blog. You can leave reviews and questions in the comments.

I have planned to prepare many more materials on the topics of making money on the Internet in various ways and competent website promotion. Will also be considered related information.

You can subscribe to blog updates at email. I sometimes add announcements of new materials to social networks. You can choose the most interesting things there.

Good luck with creating and maintaining your blog. See you soon.

Where is the best place to start a blog? This is the question asked by everyone who writes texts. The goals of texts can be different: to express oneself, to show competence, to attract readers and to sell them something. The main thing that unites such texts is the presence of a place where they can be seen and read.

In this article, we will analyze several options for posting original content and help you decide where it is best to create your blog.

Globally, there are two options to create a platform for your texts: free and paid.

Free ones include:

The paid option is to create a blog on your domain and hosting. Let me make a reservation right away that the cost of owning such a “paid” resource is about 200 rubles per month. This is the cost of one cup of cappuccino in a cafe. So someone might classify this option as free))

Let's understand the nuances of each option.

Creating a blog on ready-made blog platforms

These platforms include:

  • Blogger is a platform from Google.
  • Tumblr is a microblogging service in which, along with text content, pictures, gifs and mps are posted
  • Livejournal is one of the oldest Russian blogging platforms.
  • Diary - for schoolgirls and anime lovers.

Starting a blog on such a platform is easy, fast and free. And for those who are just starting to try themselves in the field of creating texts - this best option. If you are not yet sure whether you will create your own opuses in a month or two, go to the blog platform.

Pros of free blogging platforms:

  1. A blog is created in 10-30 minutes.
  2. You don't need to have any special technical knowledge.
  3. Templates on such platforms are already equipped with basic SEO optimization, so your articles will be visible in search results Yandex and Google.

Disadvantages of free blogging platforms:

  1. You receive a third-level domain of the type MY_NAME.BLOGGER.COM And this means that the site does not belong to you. All accumulated SEO reputation of such a domain (T&C and PR) remain with the owner of the service on which the domain was created. For example, if you decide to move from a free blog to your website, then all positions in search engines will be lost. And readers who came to you from search will no longer find you. And it will take some time to restore positions; you will have to create a reputation anew.
  2. Choice free templates design on such resources is very limited. As a result you have appearance site “like everyone else”. If you buy paid template, then the cost of owning such a template will be comparable to owning your own website on your own hosting.
  3. Organize the material into categories free platforms often not possible. Somehow you can categorize the material only with labels/tags. And this is inconvenient for readers.
  4. You cannot make changes to the site's HTML code or install additional counters(for example, Facebook pixel).
  5. There is no way to make money from your content. You cannot place any advertising banners or advertising blocks Yandex and Google. The blogging platform takes this opportunity and places advertising itself, taking advantage of the readers of your content.

Blog on social networks

Next free way posting your content - post texts on social networks.

Some netizens believe that posting content on social networks is blogging. And they don’t bother with other methods of placement.

Advantages of a blog on social networks:

  1. Free and fast. Registering your account does not require investment and takes 10 minutes.
  2. You can quickly reach your readership. All you have to do is recruit friends and they will read your posts.
  3. You don’t need to worry about the system’s performance or have special programming knowledge.

Disadvantages of a blog on social networks:

  1. Not suitable for making money by posting advertising banners and advertising blocks of Yandex and Google. Although you can earn money from advertising posts.
  2. No systematization of the material. Your account is structured like a feed and it is very difficult to get to older materials (two or three months ago). Your readers see only new materials.
  3. Your content is not promoted in any way in the Yandex and Google search engines. This means you won’t get a flow of readers from these systems.
  4. The account does not belong to you in any way. If you somehow violate the rules of the social network or readers complain about you, your account will be permanently “banned” and you will lose all your content along with your readers.

Blog as a personal website

Have you noticed that Austin Kleon talks about creating his own website (blog)? Important point: If you're interested in expressing yourself, there's nothing better than having your own personal space online. Creating your own website will require investment and time. Let's understand this method of setting up a blog.

Creating your website (blog) consists of five stages:

  1. Register for hosting. This is the place where your site will “live”.
  2. We register the domain. This is the name of your site that will appear in search bar browsers.
  3. We install the site engine (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Bitrix, etc.)
  4. Install the template/theme on the engine.
  5. All! You have your own website! Fill it with content.

Pros of creating your own website:

  1. This is your property. No one can take it away from you unless you break the law.
  2. You can design the site the way you want. Let the design reflect your personality.
  3. You can organize the content in every possible way to make it easy to read. Any article from any date can be easily found.
  4. You have your own domain - it is your asset. Over time, the domain will gain reputation and weight in search engines and your site will appear on the first pages of search engine results.
  5. You can place any advertising materials on your website and earn money from traffic.

This method also has its disadvantages:

  1. You'll have to spend a couple of days creating it. In fact, just a couple of hours. But new domain It takes about 24 hours to register on DNS servers, so you’ll have to wait a little.
  2. If you do not have knowledge of HTML layout, you may sometimes need to hire help. Nose good template you won't have to do this often. For example, if you have a website on WordPress, then you will add all new functionality to the site through installing plugins, and anyone can do this.
  3. You will have to take care of SEO optimization yourself in order to search robots“loved” the site. For this, again, there are special plugins (for example, Yost for WodrPress) that will tell you what to do.

Answers to the question " Where is the best place to start a blog?" some. Each has its pros and cons. The choice, of course, will depend on your goals and capabilities. We hope this article will help you make a decision.

Discussion: 12 comments

    Thank you for the valuable information - structured and to the point. I will take it into account in the future)


    1. Maria, thank you! If you have any questions on this topic, please write. I'll try to answer them.


    Thank you, Maxim! I thought that I didn’t need a website, but now I have a desire to create one.


    1. Love, everything is in your hands! Contact us, we will help))


    Clear information was very helpful in making a decision in choosing a site for the site! Thanks to the author! Good luck to you!


    1. We are glad to be useful to you!


    Hello, Maxim! It was useful to read your recommendations. I ask for your advice on what to do. Introductory: 56 years old, higher education (architect), classic and eternal teapot in the world of computers. I have accumulated a significant amount of local history information, which I want to share with everyone. Hidden goal: to receive orders to carry out archival and historical research (I periodically perform it at my main job, but I would like to make this my main activity. Potential audience: with rare exceptions, middle-aged and older Pskov residents.
    Question: create a blog or website? On what platform? Money for paid order practically none. Thank you in advance for your attention and, especially, for your advice.

Before creating a blog, select the resource that you will use as the publishing interface own records. Today there are a great variety of sites that have both highly specialized purposes (for example, blogs for musicians) and general ones.

Among the most popular services is Livejournal, which has earned its popularity due to the ease of registration and setup. The resource allows you to customize the appearance of the page, open your own subdomain for more easy access other visitors to your account. You can also publish your own audio and video recordings here. An equally popular and functional resource is Blogger, which is linked to your account Google posts.

Other popular sites include Yandex.Blogs and


Go to the page of the service you have chosen. Find the “Register” or “Get Started Now” button in the upper right or center of the site. If you chose Blogger, on the right side of the service page, enter data to access your Google account or click "Create".

In the form provided on the site, enter the data for your blog and indicate the required parameters. Some blogs make it possible to link a page on social networks to your account and automatically fill in the required fields based on data, for example, Vkontakte or Facebook.

By indicating necessary information, click “Register” and go to your email. Read the message received from the service and follow the link from the letter to activate. Once activation is complete, you will be asked to enter the account information you provided during registration, namely your username and password. After successful entry you will see your personal page on the blog. Write down your website address in a safe place, or copy it and save it in a safe place. separate document on the computer.

The blog address will be displayed in address bar browser and with its help other users will log in to view records.

Go to the Settings section to configure display and publishing options. Save your settings and go to the “Publish” or “Add Post” section and enter the text that will be displayed on the blog. With the help visual editor you can change the display of a record, for example, add bold type, create tables. After editing is complete, click “Add” or “Publish”. Registration on the blog is completed.

In this article, I will try to answer the question: how to create a blog for free?

I’ll say right away that at the end of the article I will give you an excellent “recipe” for creating your own blog, completely free of charge, in the form of several video lessons and links to open group VK, which has absolutely all the material so that you can quickly, and most importantly, correctly, create your blog yourself, here is the link to the group:, or click on the photo below.

If you are a creative person, we are on the same path!

So here it is. At the same time, it is not necessary to be “advanced” in Internet technologies and in technology in general. The thing is that nowadays there are excellent and intuitive platforms that literally in a matter of hours will allow you to understand all the nuances of blogging and create your own blog.

Do you like to embroider, grow cucumbers on the windowsill of your apartment, or just play the guitar? You simply need personal blog. Why? In this article we will talk about this too.

Of course, in our time there are a great many ways to express yourself, or rather to show your talents and abilities. We took a camera or a phone, filmed ourselves or asked a friend, posted it all on YouTube - that’s it, I can already see you and appreciate your talents.

But all these methods have one significant drawback: they are created and conducted initially on “foreign” territory. What does it mean?

A very reasonable question arises: why should this happen, who benefits from it and how to avoid it?

Why should this happen?

The thing is that when your YouTube channel or social network account is “young”, unknown to anyone and essentially unnecessary to anyone, there is no need for anyone to block it. But as soon as you promote it, gain subscribers or readers, involuntarily there will be those people - envious people who may not be happy with something or, as I said above, will begin to envy your success...

The path to success is like a race...

This is how life works and no one has the right to change it. There will always be people who will sit “on the other side of the barricades.”

The issue of competition is also important here... It is everywhere and concerns everyone. Any business sector is faced with this concept in any case.

For example. You are running your own channel on YouTube about how to grow gladioli... Your channel has acquired a large number of subscribers and after a while advertisers paid attention to you and are ready to pay you for advertising seeds, gardening tools, or simply advertising their online store - this is the scenario, for example, the successful development of a channel on YouTube.

But there is another channel on a similar topic to your channel, which, despite its growth, does not receive such benefits and is not as successful as yours. Question: what could happen next?

Who benefits from this?

There may be several answers, but there are two main ones.

First. Nothing. You develop your channel as before. And nothing bad happens in your passion and development. You do your job, develop and earn income. Class!

Second. This option is not so rosy. Your competitor (and in fact he is) does not receive some additional visitors to his channel due to the fact that it becomes “crowded” for the two of you in this niche. And this is what he decided. And having decided this, he begins to build various “intrigues” for you, or rather your channel.

They can boil down to different actions, but the result can only be one - this is blocking of your channel. This is an extreme case, but it cannot be ruled out.

A case from personal practice. Just recently, I posted a video in which I expressed my personal opinion about one “trainer” who recruits students in the topic of Forex market training. As a result, very soon, I saw that my video was deleted from the channel without explaining the reason for such deletion.

Thus, there is always the possibility of “being pinned down”, and quite easily. It also exists in the field of blogging, but getting blocked is much more difficult!

I was not taken aback and filed an appeal and asked for an explanation for this action. As a result, the video was restored and everything ended successfully. But everything could have been completely different...

Thus, there is always the possibility of “being pinned down”, and quite easily.

We have figured out what nuances may arise if we create our own channel on YouTube. I gave the most negative version of events.

Now I want to tell you that there is another way we can make ourselves known. And this method differs from the above. The thing is that when we create our channel on YouTube, we post video content there (video material). And here it is appropriate to note the following...

We are all different: some people like coffee, others like tea.

So it is here. Some people like to watch videos and receive information in this format, while others, on the contrary, prefer to sit and read in a calm atmosphere and receive the necessary information.

Thus, we finally come to the most important thing.

As I already said, if you have any knowledge and have a desire to convey this information to others, you can consider the option of creating your own personal website, which is most often called a blog.

And here I want to note the following: it was not by chance that I brought up the situation with YouTube. The fact is that getting a “ban” or, as a result, blocking a site is much more difficult, if it is impossible at all.

I personally, in my practice, have not encountered a single case of a blog being blocked on the initiative of another person (not the author).

Thus, you can come to the conclusion: if you want to record videos, create a channel on YouTube and post them there; if you want to talk about yourself and your hobbies in the form of articles like this, there are also options, which we will talk about now.

Create a blog for free

And the easiest way is to create a blog for free on some platform, of which there are several now. One of them is blogger com, where anyone can create a blog. There is also the Wix website, an advertisement for which you have probably already seen.

The advantages of such platforms include the simplicity and speed of website creation. In just a few hours, everything is set up and voila... you already have a ready-made blog.

I would list the following as the disadvantages:

  • inability to “link” your default domain
  • rather poor functionality
  • advertising of the site itself, which can only be removed for money, and without paying for it it will always pester you.

But the most main drawback- this is a “dependence” on the fruit itself. That is, the platform itself will be the link that will strictly regulate you in your actions and actions.
And what is the way out? What to do?

Where to create a blog

Only the right decision Here is the creation of your personal blog.

Thus, in order for you to have one, you need to buy a domain, pay for the services of a hosting company and actually install and configure the blog “engine” itself, running on the WordPress CMS.

Do you not understand some concepts, such as domain, hosting, “engine”?

It’s okay: read on, and I’ll try to explain it + in this article I’ll post a lot of videos below, after studying which you can not only understand all these terms, but you yourself will be able to answer the question for others on how to create your own blog on the Internet for free .

And I perfectly understand those people who have the desire to do all this, set up their blog, start posting their thoughts and ideas on it, but do not have the necessary knowledge.

In any case: it is better to spend a few days studying the material that will be available to you below in this article than to immediately create your blog on the platform - the designer, which we talked about a little higher.

After all, the most important thing in a blog is its content (content, articles). This is where you will invest a lot of time and effort. And even if you eventually figure out how to set up offline blog, running on WordPress, you simply won’t be able to transfer all the material.

This is due to the fact that search engines They are designed in such a way that the text on the site on which they first encounter it is recognized as a certain source site. And if they see that there is another site on which the same text is duplicated, sanctions may be applied to such sites.
A site on which copied text or an article will be placed will never be able to achieve high traffic rates; search engines will simply ignore it.

Thus, the following picture emerges: it is necessary to do everything right at once.

How to create a blog yourself for free: step-by-step instructions

If you are reading these lines and until now have never thought about how to create and make money on your blog - congratulations, you are in the right place.

First, I will list all the main points in the form of a list:

  • Why do you need a blog?
  • Choosing a Blog Niche
  • Domain selection
  • Registration and purchase of a domain (domain name)
  • Choosing a hosting company (hosting)
  • Installing a website (blog) on ​​hosting. Installing WordPress. Changing DNS servers
  • Installing a WordPress Theme
  • Registration Yandex Webmaster
  • Installing the Robots.txt file
  • Installing the necessary plugins
  • Selection rules keywords and how to write blog articles correctly.

This is not the entire list of topics that anyone who decides to become a blogger needs to study. I can predict the comments of some people who read these lines and think that creating a blog for free is such a hassle!

I won’t hide it: you’ll have to work hard!

If you are not used to working, if self-organization and self-discipline are not your thing, then you shouldn’t start. You will not achieve results, but you will waste your time.

When I started this blog, I did not have this knowledge and huge amount time was wasted... this is the price for knowledge and experience. The hardest moment for me at that time was not being able to ask a question to anyone who had already reached certain heights in this topic.

And it really unsettled me.

Now we can give this feedback. All that depends on you: follow the recommendations that are in the lessons of our school, which I spoke about at the very beginning of the article. I will duplicate the link to the VK group here again.

Finally, the day has come, and you are thinking or have already decided to create your own blog. You already have a huge number of topics and ideas in your head, how and what to write about, but you don’t have the slightest idea about where to create a blog or start personal page. Don't be discouraged - nowadays it's easy and fast. Read on for this article with my recommendations.

What is a blog and the goals of its creation

An online blog is a place where everyone can express their thoughts in any accessible form. The blog has become a diary of the twenty-first century, having acquired from paper electronic form, which greatly expanded the range of human capabilities.

When choosing a place to create a blog, it is very important to consider what it will be intended for.

The main goals of creating a blog:

  • Traditional use or blog “for the soul”. Here a person can write whatever comes into his head at the most different topics. The most common of them: travel, vacation, personal life, work, home, garden, vegetable garden, beauty secrets, cars, fashion and many others. You can share your thoughts, experiences, knowledge with the whole world, and, if you wish, you can remain absolutely anonymous.
  • Earnings and advertising. For example, your blog could be about a specific product or company. Accordingly, it must be designed for target audience and be posted on sites more relevant to this topic, etc. If your goal is to earn as much as possible more money, then the main task will be to promote the blog and attract visitors - the more popular it is, the more income it will bring.

Criteria for creation

If the goal is clearly defined, then it's time to establish the criteria that are important to you while creating a blog.

One of the most important criteria is payment. There are a million different paid and free features for blogging, so here, as they say, the master is the master. If you don’t want to pay, your option is free blog hosting, these include LiveJournal and liveinternet and from Google. Let's talk more about this below. It’s one thing if you decide to simply express your thoughts and share your plans and dreams with like-minded people, but it’s quite another thing if a blog is created to attract income. If you have serious intentions in terms of work and earnings, then I would recommend that you fork out some money.

The reasons for being afraid to pay for a blog are also different. For example, a person decided to start this business for the first time and is afraid that he will not succeed, or he will get tired of it in a month, or he is afraid to transfer money to nowhere. There are quite a lot of different options for you free hosting, which are used by thousands of people around the world. Including me too.

What do you need

Hosting is a service that allows you to place a resource on a web server, or provides hosting of someone else’s web server on your site.

Free services:

Google is one of those that provides free services for blogging. The most famous of them is Initially, the service did not belong to Google, but was released by Pyra Labs back in 1999. But already in 2003 it became part of Google. Today it is the most famous service with powerful and reliable servers, and is also very easy to use. A blog can be created in literally three minutes, and the advantage is that its appearance can be easily customized. If you choose it, be prepared for your blog to have a third-level domain ending in This is common for free services.

Another Google product is social network Despite the fact that this is still not a service, it is in no way inferior to them. Although it does not have as many text formatting functions, the network is created for communication, which will attract attention to you much more more people. By the way, I’m there too, add me to the circles.

The next one of the most famous and popular services is or as it is simply called LiveJournal. You can also buy here paid account, but even this does not give you the right to the domain. By the way, it will also not be higher than the third level, as in all similar services.

Equally popular is, in which you can maintain both paid and free blogs. Here you can get a second-level domain, but it will already be paid. or, as people say, just a lyre. This is a fairly simple service, famous for, which collects statistics for sites. Most often, it is used simply as a “diary” in which people share their news and thoughts. You won’t make much money there, and the abundance of advertising sometimes discourages you from going there.

Twitter. A well-known and very popular service for microblogging among young people (as well as celebrities, stars, politicians). The length of messages here is strictly limited.

Well, for those who like to take pictures of themselves, of course

I am on all these networks, come and add me as a friend.

Pros of free services

  • No fee;
  • A blog is created in minutes;
  • Anyone can use it, even without deep knowledge of programming;
  • Easy to find in search engines.

Disadvantages of free services

  • You won't make a lot of money here;
  • Hosting sets clear restrictions on the use of your blog, that is, you will not be able to do everything you want;
  • The user receives a third-level domain;
  • Outside users trust websites much less paid services.

Where to create a paid blog

If you decide to spend money and create your own hosting, then there is nothing difficult about it. By the way, don’t be afraid of the word “paid”; it’s not as expensive as you think.

Where can I get a domain and hosting?

No blog can exist without a domain name and hosting. We register the domain in REG.RU. The hosting that I have encountered and recommend to everyone is for beginners and firstvds when you realize that blogging is for you and traffic starts to grow. You can transfer your sites from hosting, but hosting, in search of the best one for you, is not difficult.

Also popular among paid hosting services are And is a paid hosting provider that is now developing very rapidly. In Russia, it is already one of the five most popular due to its excellent operational support and its rich functionality. The fee for such hosting can be quite small, from 99 rubles per month, and reach up to 450 rubles. Accordingly, the range of services provided varies slightly. The popular hosting is also designed for the varying solvency of its clients; the more you are willing to pay, the more disk space you are given. Take a look at these options and many others. Those that I personally recommend are written above.

Important Features paid hosting:

  • If you use paid hosting, you have the opportunity to create a subdomain for your blog.
  • Paid hosting has unlimited traffic.
  • All paid services support PHP and MySQL databases.
  • Paid hosting can provide the client with additional features to improve the blog ( various scripts etc.), thus, the user does not even need to delve into the intricacies of programming.

When choosing a domain, it is important to consider the audience you are going to work for. For example, if the audience is Russian, then it would be better to Popular for the West are addresses that end in .com and .net. To simplify the complex procedure of choosing a domain name for a site, come up with it in advance. You will also need to provide your passport details and nominate DNS servers your hosting. How to do this and what it is, read my article about it.

Which engines are most convenient to use?

DataLife Engine is a paid engine that is very popular among bloggers. You can simply get acquainted with its capabilities and it will immediately become clear whether it is worth using. It’s very convenient that you can create almost any web page on its CMS, and when you figure it out basic level, you can download additional modules.

I had a website about Forex on this engine, I didn’t really like DLE.

For beginners, I recommend using WordPress, it is easy to use and literally anyone can figure out how it works. In this article, read how to make a website on WordPress.

Joomla is an engine used by professionals, despite the fact that it is not the best in terms of functionality, and I personally don’t like it either.

Pros of paid services

  • At competent work, you can make money from them.
  • You can do anything from your page, both stylistically and functionally.
  • Second level domain.
  • The site does not depend on third-party resources.

Disadvantages of paid services

  • Long creation time.
  • Payment.
  • To build a website you need certain knowledge.
  • In the first months of site development, it will not be in first place in search engines.

A beginner can create his own blog either on a paid or free basis, it all depends on what goals he puts into creating it. But remember, the main thing in a blog is what it says, not where it is located.