How to cut out a blank page. Blank pages in a document: how to delete a sheet in Word

In our completely computerized age, you won’t surprise anyone with a program like Word. The ranks of users are constantly increasing, replenished with new members of the computer community.

If you are a beginner user and are interested in taking another step towards mastering higher levels of work with this program, then this article is for you. She will tell you how to remove an extra page in Word. This is far from an isolated question from those PC users who are just beginning to learn the beauty of modern computer technology.

When typing text and editing it, there is often a need to remove unnecessary fragments of typed text. I would like to introduce you to one feature: in addition to those characters that we always see perfectly well on the screen, there are a number of invisible (non-printing) characters, including such as the end of a line, paragraph, page or section. These are service symbols; they do not carry useful information in the document, but they are managed in the same way as any text symbols. They are the ones who throw us empty, unnecessary pages into the document, just like empty lines. To get acquainted with them, you can go through: Home tab - Paragraph group - Display. On the screen this icon looks like this - “¶”. The mode for viewing non-printable characters is disabled by pressing the “¶” icon again. You can also use the combination for these operations (in this case, “8” is pressed on the main keyboard).

To bring order to the document, the well-known Delete and Backspace keys will come to our rescue.

First, let's look at Word, if it is empty. A blank page may appear in the text in one of the following cases:

· empty lines or paragraphs are broken throughout the entire page;

· at the beginning of the page there is a sign “end of page or section”.

But you can only see this in the “Display” mode. It was said above that non-printable ones are managed in the same way as any text ones. To delete them, place the cursor to the left of the “¶” symbol and press the Delete key. If you use the Backspace key, the last character of the previous line will be deleted. Using one of these two keys, you can delete all unnecessary lines one by one.

Is it more professional in Word? First, you should visualize non-printable characters and, holding down the left mouse button, select the entire page. After this, by lightly pressing any of the two Delete or Backspace keys, we can easily delete the empty fragment. This is the most universal way to remove any unnecessary fragments in the text.

A more important question for the user may be how to delete a page in Word if it is filled with text information. It is necessary, by placing the cursor anywhere in the text to be deleted, simply perform the following algorithm: Home tab - Editing group - Find - Go tab - instead of the page number, enter page - Go - Close.

The part of your text that is deleted will be completely highlighted. After that, delete it using the standard method (Delete or Backspace).

The last point that I would like to highlight in this article is how to delete a page in Word that is at the end of a document. The answer will be short - any of the three above methods: manually (line by line), selecting the entire fragment with the mouse, or automatically selecting it in the Find-Go mode. You just have to understand that the last blank page is nothing more than a few empty lines that accidentally ended up at the end of the text.

To the question of how to delete a page in Word, there is another, fundamentally different answer. The situation with the presence of empty pages in the text can be corrected by slightly changing the vertical size of the text field. To do this, use the vertical ruler to move the border of the text field upward or downward.

Digital text documents quite often have to be corrected, deleted or added text or entire pages. As a result of such manipulations, dozens of pages or even blank pages may appear that should be deleted. The most common text editor is the Word program and, based on this, we will consider how to delete a page in Word.

There is nothing complicated about deleting a page in Word, and any deletion can only be done using the “Delete” or “Backspace” keys. But sometimes situations arise in which even pressing these keys for a long time does not lead to anything, which is why many people have the question of how to delete a page in Word.

The problem in this case is the presence of a large number of hidden non-printable characters that must be removed to delete the page itself in Word. Let's look at it with a clear example. We have a blank page in Word that should be deleted. Blank pages mainly occur when page breaks are used, primarily used to separate individual chapters of a document. To delete such a page in Word, you must place the cursor at the end of the text if the blank page to be deleted will be the next one, or place the cursor at the beginning of the text if you need to delete the previous blank page in Word. Deleting is done using the “Delete” or “Backspace” keys.

To see what we need to delete to delete the entire page in Word, we need to enable the display of hidden non-printable characters. Basically it is a tab character and goes to the next line. You can enable their display by clicking the corresponding icon in the “Home” tab.

Deleting a blank page in Word will occur only after removing all these icons, as well as removing the page break icon, which is located at the very end.

If you need to delete a large number of pages, whether empty or with text, you need to place the cursor in front of the first page to be deleted, scroll the pages to the last page to be deleted, leaving the cursor in the set position, then hold down the “Shift” key and place the cursor at the end of the pages to be deleted. After this manipulation, all the pages to be deleted in Word will be highlighted, and to delete them you will just need to press “Delete” or “Backspace”.

May the Word gurus and its creators forgive me... If you have a more rational solution to the problem with the last section and last page, please tell me in the comments.

The abundance of questions “how to delete the last page in Word” and “How to preserve formatting in Word after deleting a page” (more precisely, the question sounds more like this: why when I delete a page in Word, everything creeps up on me), served as the reason for writing this note. I don’t consider myself a WORD expert, so I don’t exclude that there is a more correct (correct, convenient...) solution.

Quite often, when editing WORD documents, you may encounter a situation where the last page turns out to be empty (the plate is over, and there is another sheet behind it). What to do?

How to delete the last page in Word?

First of all, let's go to the last page and see what's there? If there are a lot of characters (paragraphs or spaces) - just put the cursor at the beginning of the page and press DEL (ete) until everything is deleted. If there is only one paragraph character left and it does not want to be deleted, press BackSpace once - it’s possible

Most likely, the reason is that the very last character in the document simply did not fit on the penultimate page. Most often, it helps to place the cursor on the last page and reduce the font size of the last paragraph (say, make it equal to 1 or 2 - you can not only select from the drop-down list, but also write “with pens”). You can also reduce the vertical indents of the same paragraph... in general, make sure that the last paragraph “fits” into the remaining free space.

Often, when deleting the last page, a formatting issue occurs. To be more precise, when the last partition is deleted, its formatting is applied to the previous (penultimate) partition. I haven’t found how to delete a section without a formatting “failure” (if anyone knows, please share in the comments), but there is a little trick that allows you to delete the last sheet while preserving the Word formatting.

How to Remove the Last Section in Word

First of all, go to the section with the required formatting (the penultimate one), and go to the Page Setup window (double-click on the ruler or the File-Page Setup menu). We enter all the values ​​for the fields (you can simply erase the centimeters.. The fact is that they are already set.. but if you do not touch them, then when you select “apply to the entire document”, all values ​​will become empty), select the paper orientation, go to Paper Source tab and select Start the “On Current Page” section.

It is possible (if the formatting of the last section to be deleted is different from the previous one) that additional changes will need to be made, but in my case (on the last sheet there was a “horizontal” plate that needed to be deleted) the changes described were sufficient.

After setting all the properties in the lower drop-down list, select “Apply to the entire document” and click “OK”. After that, we boldly go to the penultimate page and move the section break to it - we delete the characters before the break, but not the page break itself. To reduce the space required for the last paragraph, you can reduce the font and vertical indents (as in the first part of this article)

If a page suddenly appears in your text document on which there are no printed characters or other objects, then most likely you have previously left blank paragraphs or gaps between pages on it. In some cases, having a blank sheet in Word is not always a consequence of your negligence. For example, your printer's specific settings may cause it to print a page that acts as a separator between pieces of text and is usually blank.

In any case, you need to get rid of unfilled sheets. Fortunately, Word software provides its users with several ways in which you can solve the problem facing you without unnecessary problems.

An easy way to remove blank pages in Word

In case the empty the sheet is located at the very end file that belongs to you, you can remove it using the following steps:

  1. Press the combination Ctrl + End. This keyboard shortcut will allow you to instantly jump to the most recent sheet.
  2. Click BackSpace. If there was more than one blank sheet at the bottom of the file, then press BackSpace as many times as necessary to remove blank pages from the document.

Other ways

First, you will need to find the reason why blank sheets are not disappearing from your file. The easiest way to do this is if you include hidden symbols. Hidden characters appear in the text after doing the following:

  • At the top of the Word utility window, find the menu item called “Home” and left-click on it.
  • To the left of the block in which you can set different styles for your text, find the button that appears when you hover over it with the title “Show or hide all characters,” and click on it.

Once you've completed the steps above, you can move on to identifying the reason why blank sheets were added to your file.

If blank pages have been added to your Word document due to extra paragraphs, then there is no need to worry as they can be removed very easily. To do this you will need highlight special characters, which symbolize paragraphs, and remove them by clicking Delete.

If the reason for the appearance of a blank sheet in Word is page break, then you can remove it in no more than five to ten seconds using the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Place the cursor next to a special symbol that symbolizes the presence of a page break at that location.
  2. Click on Delete, after which the blank sheet should be deleted.

Often, the cause of blank pages in the middle of your document is due to unnecessary page breaks.

How to delete a blank sheet in Word caused by a section break

Section breaks are sometimes not visible in Word when you turn on the option to show hidden characters. To guaranteed to see them, if they are present in your document, do the following:

  • At the top of the Word program window, find the menu item called “View” and left-click on it.
  • In the tab that opens in front of your eyes, find the item called “Draft” and click on it.
  • Review the text you typed again to see if there are any section breaks.

If you find a page at the end of a document without printable characters, but with section break, then you can delete it as follows: before the break you will need to place your cursor and then click on Delete. After completing these steps, your goal will be achieved.

However, the situation becomes more complicated if you find blank sheet with a section break in the middle of the document. Of course, you can remove the page as described in the paragraph above, but keep in mind that eliminating the section break will cause the editing settings of the printed characters below the break to be propagated to the text above the section break. However, if it is important for you to preserve the formatting settings and at the same time eliminate the blank page, then you can replace the current break on the sheet with another break, which is called “on the current page”.

This is done as follows:

  1. Place your cursor exactly after the break you want to change.
  2. Next, at the top of the utility window, find a menu item called “Page Layout” and left-click on it.
  3. In the block called “Page Options”, find the arrow in the lower right corner, clicking on which will open a new window.
  4. Find the phrase “Start section” in the window that opens. There will be a drop-down list next to it. Click on it, look for an item called “On the current page”, click on it and at the bottom of the window click “OK”.
  5. Check if the software has deleted the blank page.

How to remove a blank sheet in Word located after a table

It is quite difficult to delete a sheet without printable characters, which is located immediately after the table. The problem in this case is that the utility automatically inserts an empty paragraph after the table, and if the table ends at the very border of the sheet, then the empty paragraph will be moved to the next sheet. However, keep in mind that you do not have the opportunity to destroy this empty paragraph.

What to do in this case? The solution is to simply hide that empty paragraph at the bottom of the document. This operation is carried out as follows:

  1. To the left of the block in which you can set different styles for your text, click the button that, when you hover the cursor, appears with the words “Show or hide all characters.” This will turn off the display of hidden characters in your file.

The result of your efforts should be the disappearance of the blank sheet from your document.

When working with text in Word, page breaks and section breaks are often used. Subsequently, unnecessary paragraphs appear, which means extra empty sheets in the Word file. If after the option with the “Delete” or “Backspace” button the page is not deleted, then it is worth considering the option of deleting the page using a formatting sign. There are several options for deleting an extra page with content or a completely empty blank sheet. The methods that will be described below work in almost all versions of Microsoft Word - 2007, 2010, as well as 2013 and 2016.

Extra paragraphs

You can delete a sheet by removing unnecessary paragraphs. To understand whether there are extra paragraphs in the document, you need to click on the “Display all characters” button in the main menu. To do this, open the “Home” menu, find and click on this symbol.

Unnecessary paragraphs cause blank pages. When all the text is accompanied by the symbol, then it is easy to see unnecessary paragraphs.

You must select and delete by clicking on the “Delete” button.

Page break

This method is a little similar to the method above. To see where a page or section break was made, you should turn on the already familiar button. Scroll through the document and find the page you want to delete. Place the cursor before or after the page break, as shown in the screenshot below, and click on the “Delete” button. When placing the mouse pointer after the break, you must use the "Backspace" button.

Paragraph after table

For example, the article has a table, probably also at the end of the page. This is the reason for the appearance of a blank unnecessary sheet. Most often, after the table, MS Word automatically adds a paragraph, which, unfortunately, cannot be deleted using the two above methods. In our case, the blank page was the last one, so here’s how you can solve the problem with deleting it.

Naturally, we need the help of the symbol, turn it on and return to the blank sheet.

This is what it will look like after turning on the display of all signs.

A symbol that is completely alone and creates an extra page with its presence. We need to remove it with the following steps.

1) Select a character on a blank page and press the key combination “Ctrl + D”;

2) In the “Font” window, check the “Hidden” function;

4) Disable the symbol (when disabled it does not light up in yellow) or use the key combination “Ctrl + Shift + 8”;

5) The blank sheet has been removed.

Section Break Correction

If you use "From Even Page" or "From Odd Page" section breaks, then a blank page will appear. It will not be possible to remove this sheet using the “Cut” or “delete with the Del” key combination. If a blank page appears in the middle of a document, then deleting it will destroy all text formatting. You can fix this problem, you just need to replace the “on current page” section break. This way, all text formatting will be preserved without adding a blank sheet. The following steps can replace the section break with "Break on Current Page". To do this you need:

The blank page will be deleted without causing damage to the entire document.