The number of applications in the App Store has decreased for the first time in history. Free monitoring and statistics tools for the App Store

Delete apps on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, while preserving program data. This way, when reinstalling applications, users do not have to re-set the settings. Although it's quite useful feature, iOS reminders about low storage space clearly show that best way save memory - delete applications along with their data.

But before you start deleting, it's worth finding out which applications are taking up the most storage space. Many users have probably noticed that the iPhone quickly runs out of available storage space. This is because applications continue to grow in size. This is partly due to lazy developers who don't optimize their programs for Apple's space-saving technologies such as App Thinning and On-Demand Resources. However, App Thinning is not with a magic wand, which addresses the problem as smartphone screens get larger and have more pixels. As a result, more and more resources are required to support user interfaces and high definition technologies.

How to check how much memory specific games and programs take up on iPhone and iPad

Tab "Storage and using iPhone» starting from iOS 11 it is simply called « iPhone storage» , making it easier for beginners to access this feature. This section displays information about the volume free space on the device, how much space each application takes up, and recommendations for freeing up space.

1 . Launch the Settings app on your iOS device.

2 . Follow the path: "Basic""iPhone Storage"(or « iPad storage» , If we're talking about about iPad).

3 . A list will appear on the screen installed applications and information about the amount of space they occupy. The most “heavy” applications will be located at the top of the list. Tap on the desired program to get more detailed information about the size of the application and the amount of space its data takes up.

Note. Cached data and temporary files may not be counted as being used. As before, you can delete the application and its data, including cached data and temporary files, by clicking the option "Uninstall a program" in the summary window.

Content of some applications such as "Music", "Messages", Safari And "Podcasts" can be removed directly from of this screen, as shown in the images below.


As you can see, the summary window for the application "Music" And "Messages" includes additional options to delete downloaded tracks, both all at once and each separately.

The most popular app stores today are App Store under the wing Apple, And Play Market, or, as it is already commonly called, which saw the light of day thanks to, you guessed it, Google. Each of them, from the moment of release, was replenished daily with first hundreds, then thousands of applications. And already in 2015 they achieved impressive results, but now we’ll find out what they are.

For example, the App Store first appeared in 2008 with iPhone release 3G. On the first day of launch, about 500 applications were available, literally after 3 months the number of applications exceeded 3 thousand, and the number of downloads reached 100 million. In 2009, the company surpassed 2 billion downloads, in 2010 - 3 billion, and already in 2011 - as much as 10 billion with 350 thousand applications. By March 2012, the number of downloads reached 25 billion, and the number of applications also increased from 350 to 550 thousand, of which 170,000 were developed for the iPad.

Exactly a year later, the number of downloads reached 50 billion, and by the end of 2014 this figure exceeded 85 billion. In 2013, the number of applications reached a key million. Today the result crossed the line with the inscription “1.4 million”. However, the data itself is very inaccurate, some say 1.2 million, however, the difference is relatively small.

If we talk about Google Play- until 2012 it was called Play Market - at the time of launch it consisted of a handful of applications, which later grew to 1.3 million. In 2009, according to colleagues from androidauthority, it already included 2,300 applications, and by the summer of 2010 their number had increased to 80 thousand. The total number of downloads at that time was approximately 1 billion.

3 billion, 6, 10, by 2012 the number of downloads simply went off scale, while the number of applications increased from 80 to 500 thousand.
According to the report of many research companies, Google Play has 70% more downloads than the App Store. At the same time, the App Store is 70% more profitable than Google Play.

This is primarily due to the fact that Google places great emphasis on developing countries, which are in first place in terms of population (China, India, Indonesia). It is thanks to the number of citizens of these countries that this result was achieved. Apple, in turn, is considered a company not for the poor, which is why prices in the App Store are higher, and people buy there more often because they simply can afford it.

The same goes for developers. It is most profitable to write a program specifically for iOS; Apple pays developers significantly more in order to improve the quality of not only its products, but also services.

What do you think, which app store is better?

Today there are great opportunities for development mobile applications. However, once they are created, it is very important to ensure that they generate stable profits. At the same time, it is necessary to take a competent approach to marketing mobile applications so that the statistics of requests in the AppStore for them is maximum.

There are more and more mobile applications every time. Therefore, competition in this area is becoming increasingly fierce. Many people don’t understand how to promote their programs and make them more and more popular. The solution to this issue should not be postponed, because it leads to loss of income and potential users.

Google Play vs. App Store in numbers

Yesterday, Google and Apple almost simultaneously announced the number of downloads in their app stores - Google Play Store crossed the milestone of 48 billion downloads, and iTunes App Store at 50 billion. But how do companies count downloads and can they be compared?

It turned out that both companies think the same. Both Apple and Google count unique app downloads from one account. That is, if the application is universal, then the download to the tablet and smartphone will be counted as one, according to at least, if one is used on them user account. No company considers pre-installed applications, such as Google Maps, Talk, etc., but Apple considers iBooks, since this is still an optional installation.

Nevertheless, Android Market(and now Google Play) looks better in terms of numbers - it launched four months late (not to mention when it actually got enough users), plus iOS has fewer universal applications, but more of those that work on either iPhone or iPad (which, of course, counts as two installations).

It is expected that Google store Play will cross the 50 billion download mark next month.

What was 2017 like for the mobile app market? We are looking for answers in the annual report of the analytical agency App Annie.

World market

Users downloaded more apps and spent more money than in 2016. The statistics take into account data on the App Store, Google Play and other Android stores.

The most profitable market is China, where apps have generated more than $30 billion for publishers.

By platform

According to the last quarter of 2017, Google Play continues to lead in terms of downloads, and the App Store in terms of revenue.


Banks offer mobile services and expand the list of services available through applications. Apple is not lagging behind and gives users Pay service Cash for money transfers via iMessage. The result is an increase active users from fintechs around the world.

The rise of Bitcoin and the hype around cryptocurrencies have increased the demand for mobile applications to serve the market.

Leading markets 2017

Interestingly, in the App Store for downloads and money, the rankings headed by China differ in only one position.

Ten most popular applications in the AppStore for 2017

But on Google Play, only the United States made it into both top five. Russia in 2017 was in the top 5 in terms of downloads, but in terms of the influx of funds everything is not so cool - they only reached 10th place in Google ranking Play.

Top 5 App Store

  1. China
  2. Japan
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Russia

By income

  1. China
  2. Japan
  3. United Kingdom
  4. South Korea

Top 5 Google Play

  1. India
  2. Brazil
  3. Indonesia
  4. Russia

By income

  1. Japan
  2. South Korea
  3. Germany
  4. Taiwan

Top categories

Games became the undisputed leader in both downloads and revenue. Other categories that receive the most revenue and downloads: social media, messengers, entertainment, photos and videos, music, lifestyle.

Mobile market of Russia

In our country, Mail.Ru Group, liters and Yandex earn the most from mobile applications (cumulative income from all products).

Apps that became the best in 2017 (combined data from the App Store and Google Play):

  1. WhatsApp Messenger – Facebook
  2. VK – Mail.Ru Group
  3. Viber – Rakuten
  4. Sberbank Online – Sberbank of Russia
  5. Yula – Mail.Ru Group

By income

  1. VK – Mail.Ru Group
  2. Yandex.Music – Yandex
  3. Read books online – liters
  4. OK.RU – Mail.Ru Group
  5. Badoo – Badoo

Mobile application analytics

Mobile application analytics – collection and analysis of data on the use of mobile applications. Divided into 2 types:

  1. external analytics – number of application installations, its promotion;
  2. internal analytics – analysis of user behavior within the application and the operation of the application itself.
  • Tutorial

In the first part of our tutorial, we registered in both stores - App Store and Google Play. But in order for your application to become available for download, you need to perform many more actions. Let's look at them.

Before proceeding with the publishing procedure, be sure to make sure that your application meets the requirements (Google, Apple) for the quality and content of published applications. Failure to meet these requirements often leads to novice developers being surprised to receive a refusal to publish, and even a warning for violation.

First of all, the application must have some functionality, that is, it must have benefit and value. Make sure that your application is at least somewhat different from its analogues. If you have not yet looked for analogues in the store, do not be lazy to do so - at this stage the creation of many projects ends. This is especially true for newcomers with an “innovative” idea.

There are also a lot of options for getting rejected due to incorrectly written code. This primarily concerns application crashes. Also, many developers are tempted to get into the internal API when there is not enough software interfaces provided by the vendor. But believe me, if the API is closed, it means it was done for a reason. Re-read the documentation on the technology used, you probably missed something.

If you use the names of other companies in the name of the application or in its content, brands, copyrighted images and images (even in the form of screenshots) - without the appropriate permission - then you can safely count on the application being “wrapped” with a reprimand. Therefore, carefully avoid such situations. If you need to use or mention copyrighted material, you will need to immediately prove the right to use it using the appropriate form.

A complex or incomprehensible interface is another common reason refusal. Make sure that the application screens are not overloaded, are easy to read, and the colors are chosen so as not to kill the user's eyes within 5 minutes of working with the application. Both companies have guidelines for interface design, check them (Google, Apple).

Apple is especially sensitive to the functionality of all declared functions: if you have a distant menu item that you have not yet completed and placed a placeholder, then reviewers will discover this and force you to modify the application first.

If your application collects any information about the user and their device, then you need to make it as clear as possible in the application how you will use this data. It is not recommended to collect all kinds of telemetry without explanation and send it to your server; this is suspicious and punishable by refusal to publish the application.

Planning to charge users using embedded systems Payment App Store and Google Play, then check whether your application falls into one of the categories supported by these systems. For example, if you plan to sell some services through your application, you will have to add other payment systems.

Background Modes. These are the modes that your application can use when minimized/closed. But the application must contain functionality that justifies the choice of these modes. If you specify Audio, but there is no audio, or Voice over IP, but you can’t call from the application, then wait for a refusal.

Most often, applications are not moderated when posted for the following reasons:

  1. Incomplete completion of all supporting forms.
  2. Bugs and crashes.
  3. The application uses false, fraudulent or misleading information.
  4. Icons similar to those of third-party applications are used.
  5. When developing the interface, recommendations from official guidelines (Apple, Google) were not taken into account.
  6. Inconsistency between the stated functions and/or screenshots and the actual application.
About all sorts of malicious things - like using an application for hacking, spamming, using dishonest methods of attraction, etc. - you don’t have to mention it.

If you do not take a responsible approach to checking your application for compliance with the requirements, then your developer account may be blocked altogether.

In conclusion about the application review process, a quote from the official website: “ We will reject an app with content or functionality that crosses the line. Where is this line, you ask? As one judge once said, “I know it when I see it.” And we think you'll understand too when you cross it.».

App Store

Tools used:
  • Apple computer (with OS X installed).
  • Apple store - Apple application store.
  • - Apple Developer Center.
  • - a site for managing your applications, uploading them to the store, viewing statistics, finances, etc.
  • XCode is an integrated development environment.
  • Application Loader - Apple program to upload the collected application archive to iTunes Connect.
Every app submitted to the App Store must be signed with a valid certificate issued by Apple.

To sign the application we need:

  1. Request a certificate from Apple.
  2. Add a new application to the Developer Center.
  3. Create a provisioning profile.
  4. Create a new application on the portal (hereinafter referred to as iTunes Connect).
  5. Fill out all the required information about the application.
  6. Collect the application archive from XCode, signing it with our Provisioning profile.
  7. Upload the archive to iTunes Connect using Application Loader (Apple software).
  8. Specify in new version application archive that we have downloaded and submit the application for review.

Let's look at each step in more detail:

  1. Request a certificate from Apple.

  2. Adding a new application to Dev Center.

  3. Creation of Provisioning profile.
    1. Go to
    2. Click on “+”. Select Distribution -> App Store. Click Continue.
    3. Select the certificate we created (iOS Distribution). Click Continue.
    4. Set the name of the certificate. Click Continue.
    5. The certificate has been created. Download it to your computer and open it - now you have it in XCode.
  4. Create a new application in iTunes Connect.
  5. Filling out all necessary information about the application.

  6. Collecting an archive from XCode, signing it with our Provisioning profile.

  7. Uploading an archive to iTunes Connect using Application Loader.

  8. Specifying the archive for the new version of the application that we downloaded and submitting the application for review.

Google Play

  1. Sign the APK file.
    In order to publish your application on Google Play, you need to sign it with a special key. There are two types of keys:
    • develop - the key with which absolutely all applications are signed during installation from the development environment to devices;
    • production - the key with which the application is signed before uploading to Google Play.
    We will need a second type of key. It is unique for each application, they also need to sign all updates to your application. If you suddenly lose it, it will be impossible to restore it and you will have to upload a completely new application.

    Let's look at the signing process.

  2. Create a new project and upload the APK file to the developer console.

  3. Filling mandatory information about the application.

So, your application has passed all checks and appeared in the store. You are excitedly awaiting the first downloads and user reviews. But winning the attention of users among many other applications can be very difficult. Therefore, after publishing an application, you need to pay close attention to its promotion. We will talk about ways in which this can be done in one of our future publications.

Once upon a time, one of the arguments of iOS fans in disputes with Android fans was the number of applications available for download in the App Store (noticeably larger than in the Android Market), and various analytical agencies calculated these indicators. Since then, interest in how many applications there are in the App Store and Google Play has decreased somewhat, but the AppFigures agency continues to count it. The result of the 2017 analysis showed a surprising result: the number of applications in the App Store has decreased. A year ago it was 2.2 million, now it is only 2.1 million. At the same time Google time Play made a leap by 30%, now there are 3.6 million applications.

The decrease in the number of applications in the App Store is explained by the fact that Apple removed from it all software that did not receive support for 64-bit architecture. But not only this: for the first time in history, the interest of developers in the Apple store decreased; only 755 thousand new applications were released for this platform. At the same time, the number of new products that appeared on Google Play during the year exceeded one and a half million for the first time in history. Thus, if previously there was only a small gap in favor of the Android store, now it is twofold.

Just one graph shows the decline in interest in the App Store: the number of applications ported from iOS to Android last year exceeds 17 thousand, and counter-porting happened for only 7,500 utilities.

And another interesting graph from the AppFigures report concerns which countries create the most applications. The USA and China are leading by a huge margin, while Russia is in ninth place, having almost the same result as France. In Russia, games and business applications are most often created for iOS; The most popular categories for Android are games and books. Note that the “books” category was not included in the top 2 in any other country for any OS.