Google is an American or international company. History of Google

The mobile version of Google Docs has received a text editing function.

Company Google Inc. founded in 1998 (date of registration - September 4, 1998) by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Brin and Page met at Stanford University and began working together on a project that later became Google. According to the company's founders, "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful to everyone."

Today the company has more than ten thousand employees worldwide. Brin is President of Technology and Page is President of Products.

Eric Schmidt, chairman and chief executive officer, joined Google from Novell in 2001. Under his leadership, Google significantly expanded its infrastructure and product portfolio. His extensive work experience has prepared him well to lead the development of user-centric technology solutions. Together with the company's founders and other members of the management team, Schmidt is responsible for the company's technical and business strategies.

Google's headquarters are located at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.

One of the most important areas of the company’s activities is the delivery of search results (and other information) in real time.

In addition to the search engine, Google provides users with various online services. Among the most popular are Gmail, Google Docs, Google Maps and others.

The company owns a popular video hosting service YouTube and the online photo editor Picasa, which allows you to process photos and create web albums from them.

Google's email service with virtually unlimited message storage, internal search, and smart anti-spam protection. It has a standard mode and a basic HTML version, which switches to automatically when logging into Gmail using a browser that is not fully supported.

Google Docs

Online application for remote collaboration on documents. Google Docs allows you to add Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML or plain text files, create documents from scratch, and upload your own Internet documents; edit documents online simultaneously with any users you choose and invite other people to view those documents; publish documents on the Internet; Send documents via email as attachments.

Google Docs also allows you to work with tables, presentations and illustrations.

Google Maps

A Google service that offers user-friendly map search technology and local business information including address, contact information and driving directions. You can work with maps in three display options: satellite photographs, schematic maps, and a hybrid of the first two maps. Searching for a point by latitude and longitude is supported.

The service also includes the Google Traffic service, Google Places, mobile versions of maps, a custom map designer, etc. Using Google Street View, you can explore 3D panoramic images of various locations around the world.

Google Earth

Google Earth is a client installed on the user's computer. It lets you travel the world using a virtual globe and view satellite photos, maps, landscapes, 3D buildings and more. Google Earth also allows you to virtually explore the sky, dive into the ocean, walk on the Moon and fly to Mars.

What is Google?

A googol is a mathematical term for one followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was first described in the book Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman.

The material was prepared based on information from the official website

StoryGoogle began in 1996 as a research project by two Stanford students - Larry Page And Sergei Brin. Colleagues and friends at that moment were working on the SDPL project - the Stanford Digital Library. They developed the most convenient, universal digital library, which was supposed to be unified.

The official history of Google as a company began September 4, 1998, when Page and Brin officially registered their creation in their friend Susan Wojcicki's garage in California.

Brief background

In the 2 years since the start of joint activities at Stanford and before the registration of Google Inc. Larry and Sergey have done a lot of work in the IT industry. One more search engine was not enough, a breakthrough was needed, and friends did it.

In 1996, Larry Page was choosing a topic for his dissertation. His choice, on the advice of Professor Terry Winograd, fell on identifying and structuring the influence of external links on a particular resource. This became the prototype of Page Rank (PR), one of the factors thanks to which Google gained leadership in its field.


After Larry decided on a topic for his dissertation, he began a scientific project that went down in history as BackRub. It was at this moment that Sergey Brin joined him.

Page Rank

In March 1996, for the first time, a search engine began indexing pages on the World Wide Web from Larry's home page at Stanford.

In order to better display the results of this indexing, friends developed an algorithm Page Rank, which took into account the authority of the page under study based on the number and quality of external hyperlinks to it from other pages.

The beginning of a unique search engine

Realizing that they were getting better results than other search engines thanks to their algorithm, Page and Brin actually made a revolution in the history of search engines. This is what gave birth to Google, a world-famous company.

At the beginning of its work, the Google search engine was located on the Stanford University website at -

Domain name google. com was registered September 15, 1997. "Googol" is a number equal to one followed by one hundred zeros.

Attitude to advertising

Colleagues did not want to turn their brainchild into a billboard with all sorts of pop-up windows and graphic advertising banners. They even wrote a scientific paper on this topic in 1998.

Until now, Google's interface is the most simple and “easy”, allowing it to load faster in the user's browser. Among the advertisements in search results, you can currently only find text advertisements (contextual advertising based on keywords), which first appeared in the search engine in 2000.

The beginning of the history of Google Inc.

Having received the first funding from Andy Bechtolsteim in size $100,000, Larry Page and Sergey Brin officially registered Google Inc. – the history of the beginning of the number 1 search engine in the world began on September 4, 1998 and continues to this day.

By the end of that year, Google's crawler had indexed more than 60 million pages on the Internet. Its advantage over analogues has become generally recognized. At the peak "dot-com bubble" In the stock market, Google already had a huge lead over its competitors, being a private company.

Sales attempt

In 1999, Larry and Sergei realized that the company had so absorbed them that it was clearly interfering with their studies at the university. It was decided to sell to Google for 1 million dollars. The offer was made George Bell, who runs Excite, but he backed out of the deal.

Public IPO of Google Inc.

One of the significant days in the history of Goggle Inc. became August 19, 2004, when the company entered the NASDAQ stock exchange and became public.

Google offered investors 19,605,052 shares at a price of $85 per share. The shares were sold through an online auction of a unique format, organized by the banks that underwrote the transaction. Morgan Stanley And Credit Suisse.

IPO proceeds of $1.67 billion meant Google's market capitalization was more than $23 billion. The vast majority of the shares remained in the company's control, and many of its employees instantly became millionaire stockholders. Yahoo!, a Google competitor, also benefited because it owned 8.4 million Google shares before the IPO. As of February 2014, the corporation's capitalization amounted to over 400 billion dollars!

In addition to being sold on the American market (NASDAQ stock exchange) under the ticker GOOG, the corporation is sold on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and has the ticker GGQ1 there.

Reorganization at Alphabet

After the Google Reorganization Alphabet in October 2015, all shares of the first were converted into shares of the second. They continue to trade on NASDAQ as GOOGL and GOOG ( class A- GOOGL, - with one vote, and class C- GOOG, - no voting rights).


There are also promotions class B, giving their owners 10 votes. The only holders of this class of shares are Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, as well as the former CEO of the company Eric Schmidt.

Google services and acquisitions

Over its history, Google has acquired many companies, some of which have become the basis of the corporation's modern services. Some of them became Google subsidiaries, and some of them became independent branches.

Here are some of them:

GooglePlanetEarth– a service based on the startup Keyhole, Inc., purchased in 2004, whose product was then called Earth Viewer. The service stores photographs of our planet taken from a satellite.

YouTube– the most popular video hosting and search engine No. 3 in the world, purchased by the corporation in 2006 for $1.65 billion.

GoogleVoice– made on the foundation of the purchased company GrandCentral. The transaction amount, which took place in 2007, was $50 million.

Other popular services and products

Among Google's many developments, the most popular are Gmail(postal service), Google Maps(the most recognized integrated application is Google Maps), GoogleDocs(a worthy cloud replacement for office programs from), browser GoogleChrome with a wonderful bookmark synchronization function, operating system Android for smartphones and many others.

Partnerships and sponsorships

In addition to its own developments and acquisitions of companies for its own needs, Google’s management is always open to cooperation and even sponsorship with other companies in a variety of fields of science and production: ecology, space exploration, medicine, IT, automobile production (), smartphones, etc.

Today, Google, under the wing of Alphabet, is one of the leading companies in the IT industry. The history of Google continues and many more useful services and products from this company may be waiting for us.

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The company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It was first incorporated as a private company on September 4, 1998, and began trading its shares on the stock market on August 19, 2004. Then Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt agreed to work together for twenty years, until 2024. The company's stated mission from the very beginning was “organizing the world's information, making it accessible and useful to everyone,” and the company's unofficial slogan, coined by engineer Paul Buckheit, was “Don't be evil.” To be does not mean not to become In 2003, the company moved to its current headquarters in Mountain View, California.


An American company found itself at the center of a high-profile international scandal after it became known on Sunday that during the creation of global city virtual maps in 2008 as part of the Street View project, it scanned the computer addresses and passwords of ordinary citizens. This was reported by the British television channel Sky News.
One of the managers, Alain Eustace, already apologized on Sunday about this and said that the company is extremely upset by what happened. “We understand that we made a very big mistake and let everyone down,” he said.
According to British media, while filming with video cameras from special cars the streets and squares of numerous cities around the world to create a virtual global map, specialists were also scanning the signal of wireless Wi-Fi networks. As a result, the company received passwords and other confidential information to enter the electronic correspondence of individuals and employees of companies using this type of access to the world wide web.
A British police spokesman announced today that Scotland Yard is looking into the matter for possible violations of existing laws.
It is not yet clear how this information, which the company collected around the world, could be used, notes the British radio station BBC, as reported by ITAR-TASS.

Today, almost every Internet user knows Google. Its founder, Sergey Brin, a Jew by nationality, had long thought about the need for a discovery of this kind. His biography is a vivid example of the fact that even today it is quite possible to make a discovery and create a brilliant project.

Sergei’s biography originates in the USSR, so the Russian people can proudly say today that the creator of the unique Google system, Sergei Mikhailovich Brin, is our fellow countryman, a Russian. Sergei Mikhailovich Brin was born in Moscow into a family of mathematicians in 1973.

His mother, Evgenia, worked as an engineer, while his father was a gifted mathematician. However, in the former Soviet Union, Mikhail Brin experienced enormous inconvenience: hidden anti-Semitism posed obstacles to the talented mathematician. After graduating from Moscow State University, he was denied admission to graduate school, which prompted him to begin working “privately” on his Ph.D. thesis. Mathematicians were not allowed to go abroad to scientific conferences either. But for unknown reasons, he was given a visa to travel to the United States by private invitation.

And at the end of the 70s of the last century, families who wanted to change their place of residence began to be released from the Soviet Union. One of the first to decide to leave the country was Mikhail Brin. He had many mathematician acquaintances in the USA, so the choice fell on this country. So the biography of six-year-old Sergei took a sharp turn: he turned from a Soviet subject into an American.

The beginning of the Breens' life in the USA

After the move, the father of the family settled at the University of Maryland in the small town of College Park. His wife got a job as a scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Agency.

Sergey Brin, the future creator of Google, during his studies began to amaze teachers with completed homework assignments, which he printed out on his home printer. Indeed, at that time, even in the United States, not everyone in the family had computers - it was a rare luxury. Sergei Brin owned a real Commodore 64 computer, which his father gave him for his ninth birthday.

Years of doctoral studies

After graduating from school, Sergei Brin received his education at the University of Maryland, where his father worked. With a bachelor's degree in his pocket, the future founder of Google moves to Silicon Valley, a place where the most powerful minds in the country are concentrated. The myriad of tech schools and high-tech companies in Silicon Valley provide a wide range of choices for those looking to improve their knowledge. Sergey Brin chooses a super-prestigious computer university from the entire mass of offers - this was Stanford University.

Anyone who didn’t know Brin well could be mistaken in believing that the future founder of Google was a “nerd” - Sergey, like most young students, preferred fun activities to boring doctoral studies. The main disciplines to which Sergey Brin devoted the lion's share of his time were gymnastics, dancing, and swimming. But, despite this, a sharp idea had already begun to swarm in the inquisitive brain, the name of which was “the Google search engine.

After all, a lover of the fascinating site “Playboy” was sorry for the time and effort spent “combing” it in order to look for something new. And, as they say, laziness is the very first reason for progress - and Sergey Brin created a program, independently and personally for his needs, which automatically found everything “fresh” on the site and downloaded this material to the PC of a resourceful young man.

A meeting of two geniuses that changed the entire Internet world

Here, at Stanford University, the meeting of the future founders of Google took place. Larry Page and Sergey Brin formed an excellent intellectual tandem that introduced a unique innovation to the Internet - the original Google search engine.

However, the first meeting did not bode well at all: both Sergey Brin and Larry Page were a match for each other - both proud, ambitious, uncompromising. However, at some point in their arguments and shouting, two magic words flashed - “search engines” - and the young men realized that this was their common interest.

We can say that this meeting became an important milestone in the destinies of both young people. And who knows, Sergei’s biography would have been enriched by the discovery of Google if he had not met Larry? Although today it is generally accepted that it is Sergey Brin who is the founder of Google, while undeservedly forgetting to mention Larry Page.

First search page

Meanwhile, Sergey Brin, together with Larry Page, now, having abandoned all youthful fun, spent days poring over their “brainchild”. And so, in 1996, a page appeared on the computer at Stanford University, where both young men studied, the predecessor of the now well-known Google search engine. The search page was called BackRub, which translated as “you to me, and I to you.” It was the scientific work of graduate students whose names were Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Later the search page became known as PageRank.

BackRub founder Sergey Brin kept a server with a hard drive in his dorm room. Its volume was equal to one terabyte or 1024 “gigas”, if translated into modern computer language. The operating principle of BackRub was based on not just finding pages on the Internet upon request, but ranking them depending on how often other pages link to them and how often Internet users access them. Actually, this principle was subsequently developed in the Google system.

The future founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, became even more confident in their decision to continue working on improving the search system, because even this imperfect program began to be used by a huge number of people. For example, in 1998, about ten thousand users accessed this site every day.

However, the proverb that initiative should always be punished came to life at this time very inopportunely. Sergey Brin recalls that Stanford professors became indignant because the service began to consume most of the university’s Internet traffic. But the worst thing for teachers was not even this - the future creators of Google were accused of hooliganism!

The reason for everything was the imperfection of the system. And she “displayed” to everyone even university “closed” documents, access to which was strictly limited. At this time, the biography of the future founders of Google could well have received such a negative fact as expulsion from the university.

Turning Googol into Google

The young people were already developing their grand discovery, they even came up with the name of the company - Googol, which meant one followed by one hundred zeros. The meaning of this name was that the company would have a huge base, a huge number of users! But it became impossible to continue working on the university computer, so it was necessary to urgently look for investors.

As it turned out, it’s not enough to come up with a bright name for your company; you also need to be able to convince wealthy people to believe in your genius and decide to invest their capital. And here Sergey Brin and Larry Page could not find their passion - the majority of potential investors did not even want to talk about the company.

And suddenly the young people were surprisingly lucky: businessman Andy Bechtolsheim, who was among the founders of the Sun Microsystems corporation, decided to help them. However, he did not even listen to the confused speech of the young men, but somehow immediately believed in their genius and success.

Two minutes into the conversation, Andy took out his checkbook and began writing out a check for one hundred thousand dollars, inquiring about the name of the company. And only when they went outside, the young people discovered a “mistake”: their investor, due to his carelessness, casually renamed their brainchild, replacing “Googol” with the company name “Google Inc.”

Now the partners faced a new problem: in order to receive money from the check, they had to urgently register the Google company. Sergey Brin, together with Larry Page, took an academic leave from the university and began urgently calling friends and relatives in order to obtain some finances to achieve their goal. It took a whole week, and on September 7, 1998, the birth of Google was officially registered with a million-dollar capital in its account.

The success of a search engine is the success of its creators

At first, Google had a staff of four people. Sergey Brin was a leading founder of Google. Most of the finances were spent on business development - there was practically nothing left for advertising. However, in 1999, all major media outlets were buzzing about the successful Internet search engine, and the number of Google users increased many times over. Sergey Brin and Larry Page noted that Google search was no longer limited to a few powerful servers - Google was supported by several thousand simple personal computers.

In the summer of 2004, the company's shares reached their highest price on the stock exchange. Sergei and Larry were at the peak of their success.

From that moment on, Sergei Brin experienced a dramatic revolution in his biography: he and his friend-companion turned into billionaires. Each of them today has a net worth of over $18 billion.

Work in the company

Today, the company has a head office in the very center of Silicon Valley. The comfort in which employees work here is shocking to the most democratically structured companies and corporations.

For example, employees can play roller hockey on Saturdays right in the company's parking lot, and breakfasts and lunches in the cafe for employees are prepared by well-known qualified chefs invited there. Hot coffee and a variety of soft drinks are provided to employees absolutely free of charge. They can also use the services of massage therapists during the working day.

This fact may seem surprising: staff are allowed to bring their pets to the workplace. Therefore, in the company’s offices you can see cats, dogs, rats and hamsters, and even iguanas and other reptiles.

Google LLC.
Type Public company
Exchange listing NASDAQ: GOOG
Base September 4
Founders Sergey Brin And Larry Page
Location USA USA: Mountain View, California
Key figures Larry Page - founder
Sergey Brin - founder
Sundar Pichai - CEO
Industry Internet
Products see List of Google services and tools
Equity ▲ $92.137 billion (2017)
Turnover ▼ $59.097 billion (2017)
Operating profit ▼ $14.242 billion (2017)
Net profit ▲ $14.842 billion (2017)
Assets ▲ $131.133 billion (2014)
Number of employees ▲ 85,050 (Q1 2018)
Parent company Alphabet Inc.
Subsidiaries YouTube, DoubleClick, On2 Technologies, Google Voice, Picnik, Aardvark, AdMob
Google on Wikimedia Commons

Google operates more than a million servers in data centers around the world and processes more than one billion search queries and 24 petabytes of user data every day. Google's rapid growth since its founding has led to the emergence of a large number of products not directly related to the company's main product, the search engine. Google has online products such as the Gmail email service and the Google+ social network. The company also has desktop products such as the Google Chrome browser, the photo program Picasa and the instant messaging program Hangouts. In addition, Google is developing the Android mobile operating system, used on a large number of smartphones, as well as the Google Chrome OS operating system and Google Glass devices. According to Alexa, Google's main site - - is the most visited site on the Internet, and numerous international Google sites (,, etc.) are in the top hundred in terms of traffic, as are Several other Google service sites are YouTube, Blogger and Orkut. In May 2011, the number of unique monthly visitors to Google sites exceeded 1 billion for the first time.

According to BrandZ, Google is the most powerful brand in the world, and according to Brand-Finance, the most valuable brand in the world in 2011. In 2011, Google was recognized as the company with the best reputation in the United States, ahead of Microsoft, Sony and other companies. The dominant position of Google's services in the market has led to criticism of the company over issues of privacy, copyright and censorship.

On April 23, 2018, 118 out of 1002 known IP addresses used by Google services were blocked in Russia. The domains,, YouTube services, reCAPTCHA and AdSense have become unavailable to users in different parts of Russia.



In July 2001, at the invitation of the company's founders, Eric Schmidt took over the positions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Google.

On April 4, 2011, Larry Page became chief executive officer. Eric Schmidt remains chairman of the board of directors of Google.

As of June 20, 2010, Page, Brin and Eric Schmidt owned approximately 91% of the Class B shares, which collectively provide holders with 68% of the voting power. The triumvirate has a decisive influence in resolving all issues within the competence of shareholders.

In 2015, as a result of the reorganization of Google and the creation of the Alphabet holding company, Sundar Pichai became the CEO of the company.


Corporate culture

In 2013, Google topped Fortune's annual list of the 100 Best Employers in the United States for the fourth time.

Google had a “20 percent” program, under which engineers could spend 20% of their time on projects that were not part of their job responsibilities. However, since 2011, the company has embarked on a path to becoming as efficient as possible and has abandoned this program.

Hiring staff

When hiring new employees, they are assessed, among other things, for their ability to work in the existing corporate culture, in particular in a flat organizational structure and a rapidly changing environment. The successful candidate must be talented, creative and passionate, ethical, approachable and able to impress without a business suit.

Millions of online resumes are first processed automatically, identifying those who could potentially be a good fit for the company.

In an effort to attract talent, the company hosts a Google Code Jam tournament among college students. At this tournament, programmers compete in solving problems against the clock. The 15 finalists are invited to Google headquarters for the final round.

In January 2018, former technician James Damore filed a lawsuit accusing Google of discriminating against employees based on skin color and political views. James Damore himself was fired after making allegations of gender inequality.

Project "Oxygen"

Google spent two years conducting a large-scale study called Project Oxygen, the goal of which was to develop its own model of a good leader. As a result, in March 2011, the following most important qualities of a good leader, according to Google, were published:

Services and tools


In 2004, Google created a non-profit charitable offshoot - (Google Foundation), with a start-up capital of about $1 billion. The main activities of this organization are to inform society and help solve problems in the areas of climate change, global health and poverty. One of his first projects is work in the field of hybrid and electric vehicles.

In 2007, Google became a sponsor and active participant in several gay pride parades in San Francisco, New York, Dublin and Madrid.

In 2008, Google introduced the “10^100 Project,” in which everyone can propose ideas and then jointly choose the one that will change the world and help as many people as possible. At the start of voting, more than 150 thousand ideas were proposed from people from 170 countries. 16 groups of ideas took part in the voting, from which up to 5 were selected, to help in the implementation of which Google allocated $10 million.

Google and society

Violation of the right to privacy

Google first began having problems with human rights violations in 2005. When creating Google Earth maps, images of the roof of the American White House were used, which poses a threat to the national security of the United States. The American public was deeply outraged that potential terrorists were given a chance to closely examine the White House rooftop defense systems.

The next high-profile scandal associated with Google was a lawsuit against this company by the American Boring family from Pennsylvania. In 2008, the Boring couple accused Google of violating their privacy. Images of a couple's house and swimming pool were used to create global virtual city maps on Google Street View. The Borings immediately filed a lawsuit and demanded $25,000 from Google as compensation for moral damages caused. However, their first claim was not satisfied. However, the litigation continued, and in 2010, the Borings received compensation from the company in the amount of $1. However, Google representatives said: “Unfortunately, absolute privacy does not exist in the modern world, because there are satellite images that take pictures of everything, regardless of the signs “private territory.” However, the company's specialists can remove images from their server if they are asked to do so privately.

The American National Law and Policy Center (NLPC) also spoke out against Google. As evidence of the service's violation of private rights, members of the center provided information about one of the Google executives, collected using the company's services in less than half an hour - images of his house, license plates of cars parked near him, the name of a company engaged in landscaping his territory, and even the name of a security company , whose clients are his neighbors.

Due to the large number of claims against the company, Eric Schmidt stated in 2009: “If you don’t want anyone to find out unnecessary information about you, then first of all, don’t do anything reprehensible. […] In fact, search engines, including Google, retain this information for a period of time. We are all subject to the authorities of the United States, so it is possible that we may have to disclose information to government officials.

In 2010, a new scandal involving Google received great public attention. It became known that while working on the Street View service, the company scanned the IP addresses and passwords of citizens. While filming the streets and squares of different cities from special vehicles equipped with video cameras, Google specialists also scanned the signal of wireless Wi-Fi networks. As a result, the company received passwords and other confidential information necessary to log into the email of individuals and legal entities. Google representatives agreed that they made a big mistake, thus violating the right to privacy, and apologized. However, they stated that they were not aware of the problem until the German authorities approached them with complaints in this regard. Google experts assured that the private information received was not used in the search engine.

In the summer of 2013, thanks to former American intelligence officer Edward Snowden, it became known that the American government was paying Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Facebook millions of dollars for disclosing information about Internet users (as part of the PRISM program). The costs, according to the documents, were covered by a division of the National Security Agency known as the Special Sources Division. In response, Google's chief lawyer, David Drummond, published an open letter on the company's blog addressed to the US Attorney General and the Director of the FBI, in which he asked for permission to publish detailed information about government requests, including requests based on the Surveillance Act, in a regular transparency report. over the activities of foreign intelligence services (FISA). According to Drummond, responses to these requests did not provide the US government with direct access to user data.

Currently, Google is seriously criticized for human rights violations associated with the implementation of the Google Glass project. Wearing Google glasses is already prohibited in American movie theaters, casinos and strip clubs. Their owners fear that visitors wearing such glasses will record what is happening on video. In addition, the decision to ban glasses may soon be made by American banks and park directorates. Google representatives have not yet commented on this situation.

On August 5, 2014, Google informed US law enforcement agencies that one of the users of its subsidiary email service Gmail had stored pornographic photographs of children, after which the user was arrested.

Participation in the affairs of foreign countries

Some Google experts took part in the events of the Arab Spring, advocating for democratic values ​​and the protection of human rights. Thus, Google's marketing director for the Middle East and North Africa, Wail Ghonim, advocated the overthrow of the Hosni Mubarak regime in Egypt during the unrest in the country in 2011. He created a page on the social network Facebook, where he condemned the violence against Egyptian citizens by the ruling government and coordinated the actions of the demonstrators. Ghonim described the Egyptian protest movement as a "Facebook revolution" and noted that the Internet played an extremely important role in it.

In addition, shortly after the events of the Arab Spring, Google representatives announced that they were working to facilitate access to the company's information and products in the Middle East and North Africa. In this regard, the American company's goal is to provide access to even more of its products in Arabic. In 2011, the company launched an Arabic version of Google Voice and Google+ and featured two museums located in Qatar (the Museum of Islamic Art and the Mathaf Arab Museum of Contemporary Art) in the +Art Project, and in 2012 invited the President of Tunisia to speak via the Google+ Hangout On video broadcasting service Air. Google also has serious complaints against the Chinese leadership in connection with attempts to limit the access of Chinese citizens to information on the Internet.

To google

Due to the popularity of the search engine, a neologism appeared in the English language to google or to Google(analogue in Russian computer slang - google), used to refer to searching for information on the Internet using Google. It is with this definition that the verb is included in the most authoritative dictionaries of the English language -