The computer displays a reboot and error. Reboot and select proper boot device: how to solve the problem - step-by-step instructions

The computer turns on in semi-automatic mode. First, a black screen appears with brief information, then the system begins to boot. The user's first actions are usually to enter a username and password into the Windows interface; until this point, his role is limited to monitoring the monitor. Everything changes when, instead of the system greeting, an alarm message appears: “Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in select boot device.” In this case, you will have to help the computer deal with the problem.

What does the message “Reboot and Select proper Boot device...” mean?

Translated into Russian, the inscription may mean something like this: “Reboot and select a working boot device or insert bootable media into the selected boot device.”

In some BIOS versions, a similar situation causes other text messages to appear: “No bootable device - insert boot disk and press any key” or “No boot device available”. Their meaning is the same.

In simple terms, the computer was unable to fully boot on its own and asks the user to change the getting started instructions in one of the following ways:

  1. Select a different (working) boot device.
  2. Insert a boot disk or other external storage device (for example, a USB flash drive) into the selected boot device.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to ignore this message; the computer will refuse to work until the cause of the problem is fixed.

Why did the error message appear?

The BIOS stores instructions for booting the operating system, which indicate on which media the boot files are located, and also indicates the priority of disk devices. Therefore, the error could be the result of a problem with any of the elements in this chain.

BIOS error

  1. BIOS failure due to a dead battery is a common problem with older computers. Typically, the battery “outlasts” the PC, since its resource lasts for more than five years, and devices are updated more often. But if the system unit continues to serve the owner properly for longer than this period, the battery is discharged and BIOS failures begin.
  2. Consequence of third party intervention. While trying to configure the BIOS to suit his needs, the user could enter incorrect instructions, the execution of which led to a failure.
  3. Poor power quality. Power surges can cause errors in the BIOS and more serious consequences.

Drive problems

The main hard drive can also serve as a source of failure. Problems can be found with the drive itself, for example, its physical wear or damage as a result of a fall, and with key information stored on it - accidental deletion of system files, the operation of malware. Don’t forget about the intermediate links: cables, adapters, cables, plugs and other little things that provide power to the disk and retrieve information from it.

Problems with the power supply

A faulty or insufficiently powerful power supply can lead to the loss of power to individual elements of the computer, including the disk with boot system files.

The work of malware

Computer viruses try to get as deep into the system as possible, so their activity or the work of anti-virus applications that fight them can lead to various problems, including the appearance of the error “Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in select boot device.”

How to solve the problem

Since there are many possible reasons for the appearance of an alarm message, you should eliminate them one by one until the true one is discovered. Let's start with simple steps, trying not to harm the computer.

Step 1. Check the DVD drive and USB ports

Most computers prioritize the drive and external device ports when determining boot order.

This is done to make it possible to use rescue disks or flash drives in case of problems with the hard drive. The downside of this technology is a boot failure when the BIOS perceives a disk in the tray or a connected USB drive as a system one.

Therefore, we disconnect all external devices and remove the disc from the DVD drive, if it was still there, and then try to reboot again.

Step 2. Check the BIOS power supply

A characteristic sign of a low BIOS battery is the regular reset of settings, including the current date and time. In addition, the parameters are guaranteed to be lost if you turn off the computer from the network for a few minutes.

If such symptoms occur, you should replace the battery located on the system board. This is a simple operation that requires only care and precautions, including turning off the computer.

Step 3. Checking hardware components

To check that the power supply's output power is sufficient, you should disconnect all additional devices connected to the computer:

  • external monitor;
  • flash drives;
  • printer;
  • network cable and other energy consumers.

In addition, it is necessary to use stable electrical networks that provide sufficient incoming current power. If, after all the measures taken, the computer boots successfully, you should either replace the power supply with a more powerful one, or reduce consumption by eliminating some external devices.

During the check, you should also pay attention to the hard drive operation indicator and the sounds it makes. If the indicator does not light up, most likely there is a hardware problem, that is, the power supply has failed or the cable has come loose from the drive. Also, a characteristic sign of problems with the power supply is the regular booting of the computer only the second or third time. If the indicator lights up, but the hard drive makes unusual sharp sounds, then the drive may be faulty. In both cases, it is better to take the computer to a workshop to check the operation of the components on the stand.

Step 4. Set up the BIOS

Incorrect BIOS settings may result in the system attempting to boot from the wrong media. This problem is typical for computers that have more than one physical disk. Therefore, let's launch the BIOS and set the right priorities.

  1. We go into the BIOS. When you turn on the computer, press the “DEL” key repeatedly. Some modifications use other buttons for the same purpose. Therefore, you should carefully read the messages that appear on the black screen.
  2. Go to “Advanced BIOS Features”. The BIOS interface has remained unchanged for several decades. On the first screen, use the keyboard arrows to select the desired item and enter it by pressing Enter.
  3. Go to “Boot seq & Floppy Setup”. The name of this item may be slightly different, as it is determined by the specific manufacturer. In such a situation, it is necessary to find the closest in meaning containing “Boot”.

    As a last resort, you can simply go through the possible options until you find the desired menu with disk device options.

  4. Open "First Boot Device". This item determines the boot order, and also, in a minimized form, shows the first drive or disk from which the BIOS tries to load the operating system.
  5. Determine the loading order. We mark “Hard Disk” as the first boot device if only one physical hard drive is installed, otherwise we select a specific drive.
  6. Save the changes. Press the hotkey and confirm the intention in the next dialog box by selecting “Y”. The computer will immediately begin rebooting.

    The bottom line of the BIOS window contains hints for basic operations. One of them concerns saving changes and contains the name of the command: “Save” next to the name of the function key. Most often this is F10, but there are other options.

Step 5. Alternative boot device selection option

Some manufacturers build in the ability to call up the boot device selection window using function keys. The most common options: F10, F12, less often - F8 or F9. This method is also suitable if for some reason it was not possible to configure the BIOS using the previously described algorithm.

Step 6. Boot from a rescue disk or USB flash drive

In order to check whether the system hard drive with the installed operating system and the information on it are damaged, you need to boot from external media: a rescue disk or a flash drive with the OS installed.

Of course, a necessary condition for this method is the presence of such a carrier. If there is no rescue disk or flash drive, you can create one (using another, working computer) by downloading the necessary files from the website of antivirus manufacturers, for example, Dr Web.

Having connected a flash drive or placing a disk in the drive tray, go into the BIOS again and set the boot sequence with the priority of the selected device. This procedure can be carried out using hotkeys directly from the boot window or manually by changing parameters in the menu. Don't forget to return the boot priority to the hard drive after completing the system restore.

Step 7. Check your computer with antivirus

A successful boot from the rescue drive indicates that the problem is with the Windows hard drive. This may be a physical problem (breakdown or broken power supply) or a software problem, for example, the result of malware.

We check the availability of the hard drive (using Explorer or another file manager to find out whether the system disk icon is reflected):

  1. If Windows does not see the hard drive, you can remove the cover of the system unit and find out if the connectors have moved away from the drive. If everything is in place, then it’s time to take the computer to a service center, since it is necessary to check the power supply and the absence of physical damage to the disk, and for this you need the appropriate instruments.
  2. If the disk is accessible, then the reason is not a physical failure, but a software one, so you need to run an anti-virus program, usually added to the emergency disk. It is quite possible that this will be enough to solve the problem.

We fix it errorreboot and select proper boot device - video

How to restore the Windows boot loader

BIOS recovery and access to the hard drive will ensure the relative performance of the computer by booting from external media. However, if the Windows bootloader is damaged, instead of normal operation of the BIOS, we will be greeted with another message “No boot device available - No bootable devices-strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility.” Roughly translated into Russian it means “No boot device available - No boot devices - press F1 to reboot, F2 to call the setup utility.”

Before you make a serious decision about reinstalling Windows, let's try to restore the bootloader. To do this, we will have to use the system restore utility. It is quite possible that this will be enough to solve the problem.

  1. We boot from the emergency media (disk or flash drive) according to the algorithm already familiar to us. You can also use the Windows installation disk.
  2. We wait for the Windows installation screen to appear.
  3. Select the active option “System Restore” in the lower left corner and click on it.
  4. Click on “System Recovery Options”.

    There are two options in this window; the second involves the use of previously created system rollback points. If they are saved on disk or external media, then you can use them if our procedure fails. For now, we’ll try to make do with restoring only the bootloader, for which Windows has a separate option.

  5. Select Windows operating systems from the list and click “Next”.
  6. In the next window, select a recovery tool. Launch the command line.
  7. Fixing startup errors. We enter the commands sequentially, finishing them by pressing Enter:
  8. Close the console window with the “exit” command and reboot.

If the problem persists, you still have the option of restoring the system using backup points. This method will help even if Windows is damaged by malware.

Windows boot repair - video

How to prevent errors from occurring

To avoid seeing a similar message on your computer screen again, you need to take some precautions:

  1. Computer care. It is necessary to monitor the computer hardware, change the BIOS battery in a timely manner (especially at the first date and time errors), and prevent falls and other physical impacts on the components. An additional warning sign of hard drive problems may be a characteristic high-pitched sound.
  2. Skilled intervention. Any tampering with the BIOS or computer hardware should be supervised by a qualified technician. Connecting additional components (video card, hard drives, drives, etc.) must be consistent with the output power of the power supply.
  3. Antivirus protection. You should protect your computer from malware using an antivirus program from a trusted manufacturer.
  4. Reservation. It is necessary to regularly save important information to external media, as well as create backup system restore points.
  5. Tools. The “emergency kit” must certainly contain bootable media (disk or flash drive).

A black screen when you turn on your computer instead of a friendly Windows screensaver does not always mean a fatal error. First, you can try to fix the problem yourself. If the problem cannot be corrected, contact the service center. Qualified specialists will definitely help you.

The appearance of this error when turning on the computer is possible for many reasons: a faulty hard drive, the presence of an installation device plugged into the computer, damage to the file system or operating system loader, as well as errors in the BIOS settings.

Way elimination malfunction depends on what exactly caused the message. In most cases, the problem is quite simple to solve without reinstallation operating system or hard drive replacement.

External media installed

In this case the problem arises during installation not just any external drive. In most cases this occurs due to the installation damaged flash drive or external drive.

On older computers with present Floppy drive, the system may not boot due to the presence of floppy disks.

To fix the problem it is enough pull out all third-party drives from USB ports or floppy disks installed in the computer.

Incorrect BIOS settings

Incorrect BIOS settings can also cause a problem. In this case, the computer trying to load system from a USB flash drive, optical drive, or hard drive that does not have an operating system boot loader.

How to fix incorrect BIOS settings (shown on the example of an Asus motherboard):

Dead battery

A dead motherboard battery leads to a complete reset of the BIOS settings, which is why the PC may simply not boot, producing various errors. To correct the situation you will need replace the battery, having first bought a new one in the store.

After replacing the battery, the system should boot normally.

Hard drive problems

If the HDD breaks down or even partially fails, it is recommended to completely replace it. After all, it’s unlikely to work on a damaged HDD install operating system. During installation, fatal errors will simply appear. errors, which will not allow you to copy the necessary files to disk. In some cases, you can extend the life of the HDD using specialized utilities, but the device will work very little after that.

Bootloader corruption

As a result of malware, viruses, accidental deletion of system files, or other unwanted actions on Windows, the system boot loader may become damaged or even completely deleted. In this case, you will need it recovery or, if it is impossible to fix problems with the bootloader, a complete reinstallation Windows.

How to perform boot area recovery on Windows 10 or 8.1.

Updated: 2019-11-27 / Victor Trunov

A situation often arises when, when we turn on the computer, we are not faced with the usual Windows boot, but with various errors that arise for unknown reasons.

Today we will look at one of these errors with the text “reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press any key”, translated this means the following: “reboot and specify the required boot device or insert the boot drive into boot device and click any key."

But that's not all. Depending on the version of your BIOS, the error text may vary, for example, the following symbols may be present: , Boot failure or No boot device available. In general, the solution to the problem is the same; there are only some additional points for each type of malfunction. You can get acquainted with them in more detail in the corresponding articles, where each problem was touched upon in more detail.

The appearance of the reboot and select proper boot device error may indicate incorrect settings in the BIOS, the presence of damage to the hard drive or its incorrect connection, damage to the MBR boot record, and much more.

Let's talk specifically about what to do in this situation, analyze the reasons for the appearance of this message and try to correct them ourselves.

A simple and effective way

Perhaps the simplest thing that can help correct the situation is to disconnect all third-party peripherals from the PC or laptop. This includes: flash drives, external HDD drives, cameras, USB cameras, Wi-Fi adapters and everything else.

After you disconnect all this, try turning on the computer again and look at the result. This will most likely help fix the problem.

If this method helped you, then it is obvious that the problem was on the side of the BIOS settings. And in order not to turn off all the equipment every time, you need to change the settings.

To do this:

In some cases, the settings may not be saved and the next time you start the computer you may see the same reboot and select proper boot device error. This mainly happens due to a dead BIOS battery, after a sudden shutdown of the PC, as a result of a voltage drop in the electrical network or power supply.

This can be signaled by resetting the current date and time. In this case, you should replace the battery, ensure a stable voltage in the power supply, replace the power supply (if it is faulty) and only then set the necessary settings again.

Resetting the BIOS settings to default will also help.

An alternative way to boot from the desired drive

The good thing about the method we’ll look at now is that you can select the boot device without going into the BIOS. It is enough to immediately press one of the keys when you turn on the computer: F8, F10 or F12. Each case can have its own unique key.

So, the procedure will be as follows:

The main disadvantage of this method is that every time you turn on the computer, all actions must be performed again. But as a check, you can use it.

If it really was an incorrect boot order of the devices, then this will help fix the reboot and select proper boot device error.

Checking the hard drive and its power supply

Hard drive “HDD” is a device on which all your data is stored, like the installed Windows OS. Investigator, if it partially or completely fails, various errors may appear. Therefore, you need to make sure that it is connected correctly in general.

To do this, we perform all the points one by one:

Usually, after correcting all the above problems, the situation improves.

However, if the computer still writes that it cannot find a boot device, as evidenced by the message reboot and select proper boot device, then move on to the next step.

Bug fixes

As a result of various failures, the file system could crash. To restore it, you need to boot from any LiveCD, bootable USB flash drive or disk with Windows installed.

If you decide to boot from disk, then:

We wait for the end of the check and boot the PC in normal mode.

If you use a LiveCD, for example, from Dr.Web, it will be additionally useful, since they, in turn, can also influence the appearance of the reboot and select proper boot device error.

Checking the system board

The most common cause is swollen capacitors or a faulty SATA connector.

In the first case: Visually inspect the capacitors on the motherboard. Their surface should be smooth and flat, they should not have any bulges. If it is clear that the capacitors are swollen or burst, then they need to be replaced. The service center specialists will help you with this. The procedure is quite fast and does not take much time.

In the second case: connect the SATA cable to another connector and check operation.

If you bought a new HDD drive, made sure that it works by connecting it to another PC, but does not want to be displayed on yours (even in the BIOS), then most likely the motherboard is faulty.

Bootloader recovery

As I already said, the main error reboot and select proper boot device, which we analyze throughout the entire article, in some cases appears in a completely different version. For example, you may see the following messages: Boot failure, No bootable device, or No boot device available. They all talk about a crashed bootloader that needs to be restored.

I will show you how to do this using Windows 7 as an example:

If indeed the problem was on the bootloader side, then this will help get rid of the message “reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press any key”.

Additional Methods

All of the above helps in almost all cases, however, there are exceptions and then you can try the following:

Now I suggest you familiarize yourself with the main list of recommendations that will warn you against such problems and help you detect and eliminate them in time:

  1. Always use UPS. This will solve the problem with voltage drop in the electrical network.
  2. Change the BIOS battery periodically, especially when you start to notice that the current time and date are reset to several years ago. Typically the battery lasts for 3-5 years.
  3. Trust PC setup only to competent people who understand this matter.
  4. Be sure to install, even if you consider yourself an experienced user and download files only from trusted resources. They will protect you from sites that automatically download viruses to your system.
  5. Check the HDD for errors from time to time. This will allow you to timely detect and eliminate the malfunction, while preserving the information on it.
  6. Create a copy of all important data that should preferably be stored on another drive. You can also create a backup of the system partition and restore it after an unexpected failure. This is done using the True Image program.

If none of the methods helped you and the computer still does not turn on, then ask your questions with a detailed description of the entire situation, and we will solve the problem together.

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then most likely the problem lies at a more technical level.
This could be: a failure of the motherboard, power supply,
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It is important to diagnose and repair the breakdown in time,
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Quite often computer users encounter this problem. The Reboot and select proper boot device error can occur for many reasons, and if you encounter this problem, your computer will not be able to load the operating system.

I would like to note that the Reboot and select proper boot device error is not as critical as it might seem, and often this problem can be easily solved without calling a specialist or incurring any costs.

Below I would like to present you with a number of reasons for the Reboot and select proper boot device error and their solutions.

Reason #1.

One of the reasons for the error may be that the computer is trying to load the operating system from an external hard drive, flash drive, etc.

In this case, you should disconnect all external drives and restart the computer. If this was the reason, then the computer should boot.

Reason #2.

One of the most common causes of the Reboot and select proper boot device error may be the computer attempting to load the operating system from another hard drive on which it is not installed. This happens due to incorrect BIOS settings; in order to set boot priority from the hard drive you need, you need to change the settings.

Go to the BIOS, open the Boot tab and look for something like the “Boot Device Priority” item.

Please note that the settings for each manufacturer are different and the names may differ, therefore, either try to find out how to change the boot priority setting yourself, or you can ask a question in the comments to the article, indicating the brand of your motherboard and its manufacturer, I will try to tell you.

After you find this item, indicate the hard drive on which you have the operating system installed. Press F10 and put the letter “Y” in the pop-up window to confirm saving the settings. Restart your computer.

If you couldn’t cope with the BIOS settings, then there is another option: when you boot the computer, press the F10, F12, rarely F8 key; here, too, it all depends on your motherboard.

If you pressed the correct key, you will see a window with a selection of drives to boot.

Select the one on which your operating system is installed.

Reason #3.

If you tried to change the boot priority using any of the methods above, but did not find your storage medium in the list, this may mean that you have problems connecting the hard drive, check the SATA connectors.

Reason No. 4.

It is unlikely, but it is quite possible that your hard drive has failed, this could happen, for example, due to viruses in the system, a power failure, power surge, etc. In this case, the system will no longer detect your hard drive.

Reason #5.

The Reboot and select proper boot device error can also occur due to a dead battery on the motherboard, which is responsible for saving BIOS settings. It is quite easy to determine whether the battery is dead or not; you need to turn off the computer and unplug it from the outlet for about three minutes.

Then turn on the computer and go to the Bios settings to check the date and time, if they are wrong, then you need to.

Reason No. 6.

One of the reasons may also be damage to the Windows boot file, and if none of the options above work for you, then most likely the Reboot and select proper boot device error occurs precisely because of this.

This case may require, but only if it is not possible to restore the boot file.

I’ll tell you how you can try to restore a boot file using the Windows 7 operating system as an example.

I wrote about this earlier, and this article will be useful to us now.

And so we boot the system from a DVD with an operating system, we will think that you have the original operating system installed, and not the “assemblies” available on the Internet, or in the case when you are using some converted assembly, then you have the disk from which it was installed. But I advise you not to install modified builds of the operating system; you can find disks with the original system on the Internet.

After choosing to boot from a DVD, we will see a window to begin installing the operating system. We are interested in the “System Restore” item in the lower left corner of the window.

By clicking on it, we select the operating system from the list for which we want to restore the boot file. In cases where you use one operating system, you won't have much choice.

Next we need to select “Command Line”.

Enter the following commands “bootrec /fixmbr” and “bootrec /fixboot”, after entering each command, press the “Enter” button.

We close the command line and reboot the computer, if everything written above was done correctly, then the computer should boot. The Reboot and select proper boot device error should no longer bother you.

After turning on the computer, the BIOS or UEFI system node is the first to fire, depending on the year of manufacture of the computer and its operating system.

This node starts the operating system, and if there are no failures during the startup process, the computer boots and operates normally.

But sometimes failures can still occur in this process, and then a typical error notification appears, one of which may be reboot and select proper boot device.


What happened?

You can understand this only by knowing the essence of the processes that occur when the computer is activated.


If the problem arose due to a violation of the sequence of execution of BIOSOM boot programs, then it can be eliminated one-time in another way.

To do this, while the computer is booting, continuously press F9 (you do not need to press and hold the button, but rather make many quick successive clicks).

As a result, a window will open with options for selecting a boot device.

Advice. Depending on your computer build, you may need to use a different key for this purpose. Most often, this is F10.

The window that opens lists all the devices from which the BIOS can boot the system (some of them do not have any data, but these devices are also displayed in the list).

You need to indicate from which device you want to boot the system (and for this you need to know in advance the name of your hard drive with the system) by clicking on it with the arrows.

After that, press Enter and the system will boot from the specified disk without any problems.

In some cases, the problem is then eliminated and the system begins to boot normally, but more often than not, this measure is only good as a one-time measure, since it does not eliminate the problem and you have to repeat the same procedure during subsequent boots.

However, it also helps in cases where there is a risk of an operating system failure that requires reinstallation, as it allows you to save all the necessary information.

UEFI setup

All computers before had a BIOS menu, but starting with Windows 7, all operating system build options (8, 8.1, 10) are equipped with a different boot system - UEFI, which interacts differently.

Troubleshooting loading problems with it can be more difficult, mainly because it loads quite quickly and the user simply does not have time to do it.

Exemplary The algorithm for dealing with this bootloader option is as follows:

  • Immediately after starting the computer, start pressing F9 or F10 frequently to bring up the startup device selection menu (do this in the same way as when using the BIOS);
  • After you specify the drive, from which you need to boot in the same menu as when using BIOS, wait until the operating system loads and enter it;
  • Click on the Start button and go to Control Panel from the menu or by typing the name after clicking the Start button;
  • Go to the Power Options section;
  • In the window that opens, find the line Changing settings, which are currently unavailable;
  • Below you will see a list of parameters and capabilities that were not previously displayed (in the same window);
  • At the very bottom of the window, find the shutdown options command block;
  • It contains the item Enable fast startup (recommended);
  • Uncheck the checkbox to the left of this line;
  • Click Save changes.

After this, the computer can be turned off - now it will boot more slowly, and the user can have time to go to the operating system boot loader menu.

When the operating system boots, the recommended hotkey combination will appear on the screen in order to enter the menu.

Follow the system instructions.

The menu of this bootloader is much more reminiscent of the interface of modern programs that are understandable to the user, therefore it is usually easier to use it without special skills.

Go to the Boot Priority section by selecting it in the tab at the top of the window.

At the bottom of the window that opens there are icons with symbolic designations of boot devices.

Just place them in the desired order by dragging the icons with the mouse - put yours in first place, the removable disk in second place, if available, etc.

Please note that the design and appearance of this menu may vary depending on the manufacturer of your device.

For this reason, the actions within the program may differ slightly.

Sometimes you have to first select BIOS Features and then proceed by analogy with the algorithm described above.

Hard drive setup

In some cases, the problem actually lies in the device itself from which the download is made.

In this case, the problem will not be resolved by the previous two methods.

If you apply them, then the system still won't boot, even from the specified disk.

This problem can occur both when using hard and .

There are many reasons for this failure– this includes physical wear and tear, mechanical damage, and software failure.

Sometimes problems occur due to malware and when certain system files are accidentally deleted.

To diagnose this component of your computer you will need a set of Hiren's Boot CD utilities, which do not require a running (booted) operating system to run.

To diagnose a device this way, do the following:

1 Install media with Hiren`s Boot CD utilities into the drive or port, which you can download from the link from another computer;

2 Now turn on the computer and call up the boot device selection menu in the same way as described above;

3 A window for managing utilities will open, designed in DOS style;

4 Use the arrows to navigate to the section DOS programs;

5 From there, also using the arrows - to the Hard Drives section;

7 Use the arrows to navigate to the drive you want to check (bootable);

8 Pass Drive level test menu à Check and Repair bad sectors;

10 After the check is completed, the strip at the bottom of the program window may turn out to be completely blue or have red sectors, if it is completely blue, then the disk is fully functional;

11 The presence of red sectors indicates that booting the system requires its recovery;

12 During the check, this system restores, if possible, those in which there are failures, but if this is impossible to do with the resources of the utility, then the sector is indicated in red on the graphical display.

If there are red sectors, the system will not boot - The hard drive is faulty and needs to be replaced. You can check this in a simpler way using an emergency boot disk. If the system started from it, then the problem is not with the hard drive.

Action of malware

Quite often, the cause of such failures is the malicious activity of a virus program.

In order to try to fix this problem, when you boot your computer, call up the boot device selection menu in the manner described above.

Select yours and launch the operating system.

Important! If the problem is truly malware, then the system should start easily using this method.

After this, open and run a scan of the operating system for malware as usual.

In this case, select Full or Deep Scan(depending on the antivirus).

Fast or Express scanning often cannot detect a virus operating at the level of system files on the hard drive, and these are the ones that often cause problems when loading the operating system.

Once malicious software is detected, it should be removed.

You cannot quarantine such a program, as this will not make sense.

After removal, the computer should restart without problems.

PC power supply malfunction. Typically, such problems are resolved by the service by replacing components.