Machine embroidery and Photoshop (Akvis Sketch plugin). How to create an embroidery (seam) text effect on denim in Photoshop Master class: leaf embroidery

Learn how to create a cross stitch effect in Photoshop that you can use to create original text effects using fabric and other material textures. This effect is only for text and numbers, so if you suddenly want to convert an image/shape/illustration into cross stitch, you will have to use a brush Cross stitch, and this process is very slow. To speed up the process, you can use a special action.

Final image:

In this tutorial you'll learn how to create a realistic cross stitch effect in Photoshop using a cross stitch font and brushes. Stitch. Also for our effect we will need a canvas as a background. We'll be using a real canvas turned into a seamless Photoshop pattern.

Step 1

First, let's create a wooden table surface. You can use a wooden texture or choose any other background you want.

Draw a rectangle using the tool Rectangular Marquee Tool(Rectangular selection) and fill the selection; choose any color you want, it doesn't matter. Name this layer Canvas.

Step 2

To make the edges of the canvas a little wavy and more realistic, we need to apply a ripple effect, but before that, make a copy of the original rectangle and hide it, we will need it later. Go to menu Filter > Distort(Filter > Distort) and select Ripple(Ripple) with the following settings.

Step 3

Time to insert the actual canvas pattern; Canvas texture is used here to create a seamless pattern, which you will find archived in the source materials for this tutorial.

To layer Canvas add a layer mask and apply a filter to this mask Noise(Noise). To do this, go to the menu Filter > Noise(Filter > Noise) and select Add Noise(Add Noise) with the following settings.

Step 4

Make a layer selection Canvas without ripple effect (use a previously saved copy, make it visible). Expand the selection by 5 px via the menu Select > Modify > Expand(Select > Modify > Expand) and at the bottom of the panel Paths(Outlines) click on the icon Make a Work Path(Create a work path from the selected area).

Step 5

Create a new layer and name it Fringe. Use brushes Fringe from the archive to trace the outline. Use brush color #ddd8cd.

Translator's note : Select path, select toolPen Tool (Pen), right-click on the outline and select Stroke Path(Stroke the outline). In the window that opens, selectBrush (Brush) and click OK. Now a fringe will be drawn along the edges of the outline.

Step 6

Tool Rectangular Marquee Tool(Rectangular Marquee) Select each corner of the fringe. Press the key Shift to perform multiple selection. Press the key Delete to remove the fringe as shown in the image below as it doesn't fit on the corners.

Step 7

Now let's add some cross stitch text using the Embroidery font. Just download the font and install it in Photoshop. Write any text you want.

Step 8

To make the cross stitch effect look more realistic, you can simply add layer styles DropShadow(Shadow) and Bevel and Emboss(Embossing).

Step 9

This effect is ideal for text and numbers, but if you want to draw something, you'll have to use a different method. To create cross stitch brushes I used a free cross-stitch font, the brush itself can be found in the archive in the source materials for this lesson.

Select the new one created brush cross stitch and with different colors you can add simple lines or even draw more complex shapes.

Step 10

As a finishing touch, duplicate the layer Canvas and place it above all layers. Decrease the parameter Fill(Fill) this layer to 0% and add a layer style to it Gradient Overlay(Gradient Overlay) as shown in the image below. This method will create a beautiful folding effect on the fabric.

In this tutorial we'll look at how to create a fairly realistic embroidered letter effect using Photoshop.

For practice, we will work on a logo embroidered on denim. You can, of course, choose a different fabric base, but keep in mind that the settings you need to apply to achieve the desired result will differ from those indicated below.

Lesson materials:

Step 1

Select the fabric texture you want to work with and open it in Photoshop. You can use one of the denim textures that are provided on our website or via the link in the archive. I recommend that you use a dark fabric texture, because the text will look much more readable on it.

Step 2

In order to get a beautiful embroidery effect, we need the “Mardian” font. Download this font and install it in your font library. Then, on a new layer, write the necessary text. To do this, use the tool Horizontal text(Horizontal Type Tool). If you want to write a phrase, you can write each word on a separate layer.

Step 3

Convert the text layer to a smart object (if you have more than one text layer, then you need to convert all layers with text to smart objects). Rename the text layer “Embroidery 1”. Create two more copies of this layer and name them “Embroidery 2” and “Embroidery 3”.

Step 4

For each smart object we will add different Layer styles and other effects such as smart filters.

So let's start with the "Embroidery 1" layer. Double-click the left mouse button on the layer to go to the settings Layer Style(Layer style). Then enter the values ​​shown below in the screenshots.

Step 5

As a result of applying the above settings, you will get a similar result:

Step 6

Go to the “Embroidery 2” layer. Double click on the layer to go to the window Layer Style(Layer style). Add an effect in settings Pattern overlap(Pattern Overlay). The pattern we will use to fill the letters is “Pixel pattern” (the settings are shown below in the screenshot). Also, in the layer blending parameters, change the value Fill(Fill) to 0%.

Step 7

Re-convert the "Embroidery 2" layer to a smart object. Then go to Layer styles and enter the settings as shown below.

When you go to the settings tab " Color overlay"(Color Overlay), then you can choose any shade you like, or use yellow like I did.

Also, if desired, you can additionally apply to this layer Filter > Distort > Ripple(Filter > Distort > Ripple).

Step 8

Go to the “Embroidery 3” layer. Then add the following layer styles to this layer to give the text additional relief.

Step 9

Create a selection along the outline of the text. To do this, hold down the CTRL key and click on the thumbnail of the “Embroidery 1” layer. Next, go to Select > Modify > Expand(Select > Modify > Expand) and enter a value of 15 px.

Step 10

Create a new layer below the “Embroidery 1” layer and name it “Pressed Effect”. Fill the new layer with any color. Then copy the layer style we applied to the Embroidery 1 layer. Paste this layer style on the “Pressed Effect” layer.

You should get a similar result:

Step 11

To make your work more realistic, use the Stitches brushes. Load these brushes and paint the stitches and seams on a new layer.
You can also change the text size if necessary. In this example, the size of all text layers has been increased to 110%.

Translator's note: in order to change the text size, select all text layers and hold down the key combination CTRL + T. And then, in the settings panel, enter new parameters for height and width in percentages.

Step 12

If you want to get an even more interesting result, I recommend adding the texture of crumpled paper to your work.

Place the paper texture layer on top of all previous layers, and set the blending mode for this layer to Overlap(Overlay) or Darkening the base(Color Burn), (the blending mode depends on the texture of the paper you choose).
To get a softer effect, lower the opacity of the texture layer (as desired).

Before finishing your work, you can also experiment with the adjustment layer Brightness\Contrast(Brightness/Contrast), and filter Sharpness(Sharpen).
This concludes the lesson!

I hope you enjoyed working on this effect!

If you like this effect, you can also use it for various shapes and elements. To get a quick and beautiful effect,
I recommend using the action.

In this tutorial I'll show you how to create an embroidered text effect.

Step 1. Let's start with the fabric. Create a new document of any size (I created a canvas 250x250 px).

Step 2. Using Rectangle Tool(Rectangle) (U), on a new layer draw a small black rectangle.

To create a texture, apply layer styles Layer - Layer Style(Layer - Layer Style):

And we get this result.

Step 4. Duplicate the rectangle (CTRL+J) and create the following shape:

Step 5. Merge all layers with rectangles together and use Rectangular Marquee Tool(Rectangular Selection) (M) to select the texture area. From the selected area we will create a seamless texture.

Step 6. Having selected the texture, go to Edit - Define Pattern(Editing - Define Texture). In the window that appears, enter the name of the texture and click OK.

Step 7. We will use this texture to create the fabric that will be the background for our illustration. Create a new document with a size of 2500x2500 px.

Step 8 Let's move on Edit - Fill(Editing - Fill). Select our texture from the drop-down menu (it should be at the very bottom of the list of textures).

Step 9 To add some color, apply to this layer Layer - Layer Style - Color Overlay(Layer - Layer Style - Color Overlay).

Step 10 I want to add a little variety to the texture. Let's start by creating a new layer with a white fill. Then apply the filter Filter - Noise - Add Noise(Filter - Noise - Add Noise) 100% and blur using the filter Filter - Blur - Motion Blur(Filter - Blur - Motion Blur) with an angle of 55 degrees and an offset of 40 px. Set the layer blending mode to Multiply(Multiply) and reduce Opacity (Opacity) to 75%.

Step 11 Let's continue working with the texture. Create another new layer and apply a filter Filter - Render - Clouds(Filter - Rendering - Clouds). Set the layer blending mode to Multiply(Multiply) and Opacity (Opacity) by 5%.

Step 12 Select all layers in the layers panel, right-click on them and select Convert to Smart Object(Convert to Smart Object). Rename the smart object to “Fabric” and save this file.

Step 13 Now we need to create a new document. Since we are creating a screensaver for the iPad, we choose a resolution of 1024x768 px, which means that when rotated horizontally or vertically, it will not exceed 1024 width or 1024 height. To make sure that our wallpaper will fit on the screen in any position, we need to create a new document sized 1024x1024 px.

Step 14 For convenience, I created a new group that will contain horizontal and vertical auxiliary lines.

Step 15 Now we can hide the line group. Import a smart object with a fabric texture into our working document. Transforming(CTRL+T) texture in perspective. Save the document.

Step 16 We will create the stitches on a separate document. We need to make sure that it's big enough so that we can transform it a little in perspective later. The overall size of the document will depend on your text or logo. For this project I created a new document measuring 2200x500 px.

Step 17 Find the logo or text that you want to use and paste it onto the working document. Enlarge it (CTRL+T) to fill the space.

Step 18 Now we will create stitches. If you are fluent in Illustrator, this will be easier to do there, especially when using the Blend Tool (W). But since this is a tutorial on working in Photoshop, we will limit ourselves to that. As you can see I changed Opacity(Opacity) of the logo layer to make my work easier to see. On a new layer we use the tool Line Tool(Line) (U) to draw stitches over the logo.

To make the work easier, draw one line and duplicate it (CTRL+J). Then CTRL+T to enter transformation mode. Move the copy up slightly and press ENTER to accept the changes. After that CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+T to repeat the transformation. We continue this process until we have a strip of stitches ready.

After that, we merge the stitch layers together and use them to fill the entire logo.

Step 19 We continue to create stitches for the rounded areas of the logo.

Step 20. Now we have a logo covered with lines. We need to make the ends of all lines rounded. Add a filter Filter - Noise - Median(Filter - Noise - Median) with radius 1.

Step 21. You may notice that some stitches overlap each other. To fix this we use eraser(E) and correct these areas. Once we're done with the stitches, we can continue creating our wallpaper.

Step 22 Insert the stitches onto the fabric document and transform them in perspective (CTRL+T). Let's activate the auxiliary lines to see how the illustration looks in horizontal and vertical positions.

Step 23 We need to make sure that the middle of the stitches is slightly raised above the fabric. To do this we will use a filter Liquify(Plastic). Let's move on Filter - Liquify(Filter - Plastic) and using Forward Warp Tool(Direct curvature) transform the stitches.

Step 24 Let's start with a brush size of 76. Carefully draw along the center of the stitches to raise them. We continue this way with all the stitches, adjusting the size of the brush.

The result should be like this:

Step 25 We need white stitches, so move on to Levels(Levels) (CTRL+L) and adjust the lower sliders.

Step 26 Duplicate (CTRL+J) this layer and add a filter Noise(Noise) with amount (quantity) 100%. Continue next Filter - Blur - Blur More(Filter - Blur - Blur+) to soften the noise. This will give a rough look to the stitches.

Step 27 We merge these two layers and call them “Seams”.

Step 28 To add dimension, add a layer style Bevel and Emboss(Chamfer and embossing).

Step 29 Duplicate (CTRL+J) the “Seams” layer and rename the copy to “Shadow”. Delete the layer style and adjust the Levels (CTRL+L) until the shadow is completely black. Place this layer under the stitch layer.

Step 30. Apply a filter to this layer (Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) 14 px and set the blending mode to Multiply(Multiply) and Opacity (Opacity) by 50%.

This is what the result looks like:

Step 32 Rename this layer to “Seam Texture” and use moving(V) to slightly move this layer up and to the right.

Step 33 Activate the “Seam Texture” layer, hold down CTRL and click on its thumbnail in the layers panel to load a selection.

Step 34 On a new layer, fill the selection with white. Add a Noise filter with amount 87% and move on Filter - Blur - Blur(Filter - Blur - Blur). Set the layer blending mode to Screen(Lightening) and Opacity (Opacity) by 35%.

Step 35. To finish the stitches, duplicate (CTRL+J) the “Stitches” layer again. Remove layer styles and adjust Levels(Levels) (CTRL+L) to make the copy completely black - as in step 29. Move this layer under the "Seams" layer and apply a filter Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) with a parameter of 1.8 px. Install Opacity(Opacity) to 71% and move the layer down a little to make it more visible. Thanks to these simple manipulations, the stitches now lie more realistically on the fabric.

Step 36 The last thing we need to do is add some depth to the image. Let's start by creating a merged copy of all layers (CTRL+ALT+E).

Step 37 On a new layer we use Gradient Tool(Gradient) (G) in Reflected mode to create a gradient fill like this.

Step 38 Select everything (CTRL+A) and copy (CTRL+C) the selection, then go to the channels panel. Create a new channel and paste (CTRL+V) a selection. We will use the new alpha channel when we add Lens Blur(Shallow depth of field blur).

Step 39 Delete the gradient layer; we won't need it anymore. Activate the combined copy of all layers and go Filter - Blur - Lens Blur(Filter - Blur - Shallow Depth of Field Blur). We apply the following parameters:

(click on image to enlarge)

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Did you like the site? Did you find the lessons useful? You can support the project simply by downloading and installing the Flashlight application for Android. The application was written by the author of the site and hopes to publish his own applications in the future. The flashlight controls the phone's camera flash LED and also turns on the screen backlight at full brightness.

Advantages: flexible settings. You can set in the settings so that the flashlight turns on immediately when you launch the application and the timer automatically turns on when the application starts. Settings allows you to disable screen lock and flashlight lock with the phone's power button. You can also set the timer yourself.

If the application gains popularity, this will give the author an incentive to create new applications taking into account the wishes of site visitors.

Thanks in advance, Dmitry.

QR code for installation:

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