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Hi all! Sometimes it is necessary to check the Internet speed. In this article I will show you several ways!

Delay— time before data loading. The lower the number, the better.

Hesitation— How stable is the Internet connection? The lower the indicator, the more stable.

Unloading— speed of downloading data from your computer.

The fewer programs that use the Internet, the more accurately your speed will be shown.

You can check the speed with my plugin above or...

Check Internet speed in SpeedTest— This is the most popular service on the Internet. Over time, it has proven itself and it measures the most accurately of all services. Of course, there are glitches, like everyone else, but in most cases it shows accurately.

Just click START and the service will automatically find the server closest to you and measure the speed.

If suddenly something is not shown accurately, try selecting the service manually.

2ip another service that allows you to measure speed.

Click Test, after which the speed measurement will begin. If it doesn’t measure accurately, we try to choose another site.

Yandex— and another most accurate test from Yandex.

Here we simply click measure speed.

Internet speed test program

If you don’t want to constantly surf through services, there is a program that can measure the Internet.

It does not require installation (portable). Therefore, we select the version for the system capacity and launch it. We wait further, further and it’s done.

A new icon will appear in the tray where the clock is. We wait with the right mouse button and click measure speed.

We are waiting for the start!

The program will show ping, and incoming and outgoing speed.

Only the speed is shown not in MBit (Internet connection), but in MB (download speed per second). Therefore, if you need to find out the connection speed, then multiply this figure by 8. 11.3*8=90.4 MB, i.e. correct, my connection is 100 MB.

Often, when paying for a package that is not the cheapest of Internet services, we suddenly discover that the speed of loading pages and playing dynamic content is much lower than our expectations. Maybe the problem is in our computer? We look at the characteristics of the network card and find no reason for such a conclusion. According to the contract, we should receive one thing, but in reality we get something completely different.

The fact is that the contract with the provider specifies not the average, but the maximum possible speed of connection to the network. This point is not immediately apparent to consumers, so the only thing left to complain about is yourself. The first thing to do in such a situation is to measure the Internet speed using the Yandex service. Yes, provides such a service. The Internet meter of this search engine allows you to measure your connection speed most accurately.

What will this give us? Is it possible, upon learning that the speed on our network is significantly less than advertised, to file a claim with the provider? Some companies meet the consumer halfway, but this is rather an exception to the rule. In most cases, the provider does not respond to complaints of this kind, and only the most notorious miser would think of going to court over such a trifle. What will measuring Internet speed on give us?

First of all, moral satisfaction - we will be able to argue reasonedly and gloatingly about the kulak tricks of greedy providers. Secondly, this will give us a reason to think about switching to service from another company.

We measure traffic

To measure the speed of your Internet connection using the service, you need to go to the page We'll see something like this:

We launch the internet meter by clicking on the big yellow “Measure” button. You will have to wait, the incoming and outgoing connections will be tested, and as a result, a mini-report on network connection indicators will appear on the screen:

Below and on the side, Yandex will display a lot of other additional information: your IP address, browser type, region in which you are located and other technical information. This should be completely sufficient for the needs of any user. If you doubt the results obtained, try testing your traffic with other tools. There are plenty of them on the Internet. In addition, you can use not web interfaces, but full-fledged programs that are installed on your computer and provide a lot of useful information about the operation of your network equipment.

Internet providers boast about their fastest data transfer speeds, but what is the reality? The speed depends on many factors: time and day of the week, communication channel congestion, technical condition of servers, condition of communication lines and even the weather. When purchasing a certain package of services, you want to be sure that the money is not being paid in vain, and that the Internet speed corresponds to the advertised speed.

We will check using special services on the network, because this is the most convenient, affordable and accurate way to determine Internet speed. Speed ​​is measured from the computer to the server on which the service runs. Accordingly, indicators from different services will differ.


  • incoming speed, i.e. the one from which we download from the Internet
  • outgoing – speed of information transfer, i.e. when data is transferred from our computer, for example when you send an email or file, or a torrent is opened.

As a rule, these two indicators differ, for me - up to three times, depending on what you test. The outgoing speed is usually lower because it is used less often.

Data transfer speed is measured in kilo- or megabits. One byte contains 8 bits plus a couple of service bits. This means that with a result of 80 Mbps, the actual speed is 8 MB per second. Each speed test consumes about 10-30 megabytes of traffic!

Ookla SpeedTest

Today's best service, designed for testing Internet connection throughput. Accurately determines the maximum possible speed for your computer at the moment.

To start the test, click the big “START” button. The service will determine the optimal server and begin transmitting data. As testing progresses, the current speed is displayed. It usually grows as the process progresses.

Please note what indicators are determined:

Very approximate good values ​​for wired Internet:

  • “download” - incoming speed: 30-70 Mbit/s
  • “download” - outgoing speed: 10-30 Mbit/s
  • "PING" : 3-30 ms

For mobile 3G/4G Internet:

  • incoming: 5-10 Mbit/s
  • outgoing: 1-2 Mbit/s
  • PING: 15-50 ms

PING is an important indicator; it is the time it takes to establish a connection. The closer the server, the lower the value and the better.

SpeedTest has servers all over the globe, so it first determines your location and the closest server, then transmits the test data. The measured speed is the maximum possible for your computer at a given time. This is achieved due to the fact that the server for data exchange is located in your city or region, and the closer the server is to the computer, the higher the speed. But you can choose any server!

Thus, it turns out that we will get a speed that is not achievable for most sites on the Internet, well, because their servers are located further away. Thanks to this “trick” I got the best results. The obtained figures can be compared with those declared by the provider, but the actual speed on the Internet is still lower.

Speedtest has applications for smartphones:

After testing, a permanent link to the results and a picture is provided that you can show off on social networks

If you check the speed several times in a row, you will notice that it is different each time. It depends on the load of the provider and server. Therefore, I recommend running the test several times and calculating the average speed, this will be more correct.

After registration, the history of all checks becomes available and the ability to compare them, which is also important. You can run a test from time to time and then look at the history for the year, and in a graphical representation. It will immediately become clear where your provider is developing (or, on the contrary, it will turn out that it’s time to change it).

SpeedTest app for Windows 10

Using the application you can find out what the quality of your Internet connection is.

Communication quality differs from speed. For example, a file may be downloading at breakneck speed and suddenly the download is interrupted and you have to start over. After finishing the test in the application, you need to click on the results:

To determine the quality of communication, the following indicators are used:

  • Ripple (jitter) - phase pulsation, the smaller the better. Up to 5 ms.
  • Packet loss - what percentage of data was lost and had to be resent. Should be 0%

Internet meter from Yandex

Unlike Speedtest, the service from Yandex measures the data transfer speed between your laptop and its servers, only its own. It turns out that the speed here should be lower than in the speed test, but it is closer to reality for working on the RUNet.

Click the “Measure” button and wait a while while Yandex tests. The time will depend on the speed itself, and if it is too low, or there are communication interruptions, the test may freeze or end with an error.

Yandex tests as follows: downloads and uploads a test file several times, and then calculates the average value. For better accuracy, strong dips are cut off. However, after each re-check I received different results with an error of 10-20%, which in principle is quite normal, because... Speed ​​is not a constant indicator and fluctuates all the time. This was during the day, and then I tested early in the morning and the result jumped with a difference of up to 50%.

Yandex Internet Meter also shows the IP address and detailed technical information about the browser.


I have been using this wonderful service for a long time. The service will also show you, give complete information at this address, check any of your files for viruses, and tell you a lot of interesting things about any site on the Internet (IP, site engine, presence of viruses, distance to the site, its accessibility, etc.).

2ip determines your provider, the optimal server and checks the speed between you and this server, just like SpeedTest.Net, but 2ip has fewer servers, so the ping will be higher. But there are statistics on the average speed in your city and your provider. With each repeated test, my speed changed slightly - within 10%.

Another service that runs on HTML5, without Flash or Java, just like the previous services.

OpenSpeedTest will help you measure bandwidth between Western servers. You will notice that the pings have become even higher.

Works stably, averages the obtained values, fairly predictable and repeatable results.

The service is not of particular interest for testing high-speed Internet, but it may be of interest to those who use a modem or other not the fastest Internet. The results show average results for various network interfaces (modem, coaxial cable, Ethernet, Wi-Fi) and yours for comparison.

Here the measurement accuracy is expressed as a percentage. It is calculated based on whether the speed during data transfer was stable or fluctuated greatly. The more stable, the higher the accuracy.

I will separately note the testing method using . To do this, take a torrent with a large number of seeds and look at the real data reception speed.

For everyone, before testing it is advisable to:

  • Close all programs except the browser (especially those that can download something) and leave only one tab of the speed testing service active
  • Wait until the end or stop all downloads in your browser!
  • Check if any program is using the network. To do this, open the “Task Manager” using the “Ctrl+Shift+Esc” buttons, go to the “Performance” tab and click on the network adapter. If there are several of them, then there will be only one with data:

See how much data was sent and transmitted in the last minute. If no program uses the network, then there should be a few to tens, a maximum of a hundred kbit/s. Otherwise, reboot and check again.

Let's sum it up

Finally, I want to say that not a single service was able to determine the maximum possible indicators for my Internet connection. I say this because when downloading from torrents, my speed reaches 10 MB/s. This happens by downloading from different sources scattered around the world at the same time (this is how torrents work). And the services work with only one server, albeit a powerful one. Therefore, I can recommend the uTorrent program as a tester, but it works on active distributions where there are dozens of seeders.

Do not forget that low speed may be due to, or due to a weak Wi-Fi adapter. Please write your results in the comments and don’t forget to post the article on social networks.

Video review:

Yandex Internet Meter is a useful online service that allows the user to independently measure Internet speed, determine their IP address, as well as a number of the most important characteristics of a web connection.

Sometimes, after connecting to a particular provider and trying the Internet connection, certain doubts arise. They relate to compliance with the download or data transfer speed stated in the contract and its real value.

As a rule, the description of the tariff plan indicates inflated speed indicators. This is a kind of thoughtful advertising move by the provider of such services.

To establish the fact of fraud, you need to check the connection, and a special Internet meter service will help with this.

Yandex Internet meter - how to measure speed

Preparing for testing.

Before you begin accurate testing, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities:

  • close all previously running programs and leave only the browser with one active tab of the service itself;
  • wait for all downloads in the browser to complete or force them to stop;
  • make sure that no updates are running at the time of checking;
  • disable Windows Firewall.


On the Internetometer start page, which is the only one, the following is immediately displayed:

  • the unique address of the computer from which the service was logged in;
  • geographic region of residence of the user;
  • summary information about the web browser;
  • expansion capacity of computer screen.

The “Show detailed information” option allows you to view the characteristics of the operating system, data about the client itself, the presence of JavaScript and Flash, Yandex cookies and other information about the system.

The upper right corner of the service page is used to place advertisements for the Yandex Internet browser.

Other features of the Internetometer

The launch of Yandex Internetometer is accompanied by the work of the “sorcerer” program. It is he who provides data about the user’s IP address.

It indicates not only the address itself to entered queries regarding IP determination, but also allows you to view more detailed information about the type and other characteristics of the connection between the selected provider and Yandex.

The Internet Meter service also serves to determine the speed of the connection being used. There is a special button for this. You just need to click on it and wait a few seconds, after which the Internet meter will automatically check the speed of downloading and transferring data to the network.

The waiting time depends on the quality of the connection. An excessively slow Internet may cause the service to freeze or result in an error message appearing on the computer screen indicating that testing cannot be completed.

The process of measuring the speed characteristics of a web connection is accompanied by access to special servers located in Moscow. Yandex downloads and transfers the test file multiple times, and then calculates the average speed.

Internet speed is not constant and can change several thousand times a day. To obtain more reliable information, it is recommended to perform multiple tests and select an average value from the results.

According to reviews from many users, the speed of the Internet is also affected by programs on the computer that work with Internet resources. The most expensive of them are utilities designed for downloading large amounts of data. Among them, we should highlight torrents, Download Master and others.

In addition, scan results may vary due to server overload. In this case, no one guarantees one hundred percent accuracy of speed measurement. However, the Yandex Internetometer still works more or less decently, without any glitches and severe distortion of the real indicators of the value being determined.

06/28/17 3.5K

Services for Internet speed measurements there are many, and they all look the same. It is quite difficult to understand them, but we have done this work. If you want to make sure you're getting maximum speed, try one of the following sites.

Your Netflix isn't working is good for checking your Netflix bandwidth if you're getting poor quality pictures. But that's all. If you're looking for a service that can help you prove to your ISP that it's not delivering the speed you're paying for, won't provide enough information to know for sure.

But this resource is the simplest of all speed check services. Visit the site and it will automatically check your loading speed. If you want to know the data transfer speed, then you should go to another site. But if you need to quickly check your Internet connection speed, will help you with this.

You want something that everyone uses

Speed ​​Test is the standard for all Internet connection speed measurement services. This is what your ISP will advise you to use when you call to report a problem.

SpeedTest is one of the best. It offers a wide range of strip diagnostic locations around the world, continually improving accuracy. This service automatically calculates the diagnostic point closest to you based on your IP address. It also gives you the opportunity to choose any other point at your discretion.

If you create an account and log into the site, it will track all your checks. SpeedTest conducts over 50 million tests per month, so you can rest assured that it's trusted.

But there are also disadvantages. It still uses Flash, which doesn't work in all browsers and doesn't offer good solutions for mobile devices. Also, if you connect to the Internet via a modem, its busy graphic design can be hard on the eyes. However, these problems are minor and will not prevent SpeedTest from thriving.

Get the most reliable speed test, no matter what browser or device you're using.


Internet speed can be measured by Yandex, but SpeedOf.Me is better. It uses HTML 5. Thanks to this, it will work on all devices. You can even try it out on your iPad. While other sites connect you to the nearest diagnostic server, SpeedOf.Me searches for the fastest server available at that moment in time.

SpeedOf.Me also tests your connection by downloading and transferring sample files from your browser. This allows SpeedOf.Me to create a more accurate picture of the data transfer. It runs multiple checks, sending samples that gradually increase in size until it takes more than eight seconds to download the file. This allows SpeedOf.Me to test a wide range of connection speeds from a slow 10Kbps to 128Mbps.

SpeedOf.Me has only two drawbacks. First, this site looks ugly. It also does not allow you to create a user account. So you will have to save screenshots or take notes.

A service that will show how your speed compares to the speed of other users in your city or region

Before how to measure internet speed on your computer, pay attention to this service. What if you want to know how your speed compares to other users in your area? will tell you all this. Powered by HTML5, will work on any mobile device or PC. But its main advantage is data collection. aggregates the results of all the tests it runs into a massive database. You can see data by internet providers, cities and territories with the fastest speeds, AND what tests have recently been run in which areas.

The service also allows you to run a data transfer, download, or combined test depending on what information you want to obtain.

SpeedOf.Me remains the best service due to its ability to detect a wide range of bandwidths with exceptional accuracy. And's ability to easily save test results and rank them relative to other users and locations will appeal to many.