Oculus Rift is the most awaited virtual reality headset. Characteristics of different versions of Oculus Rift

The time has come. You can already purchase the first version of VR glasses for the mass market – Oculus Rift CV1. The price is, of course, steep, but the gadget itself and the emotions it gives are worth it.

After releasing several samples for developers, Oculus VR has released the CV1 VR helmet model, which stands for Consumer Version 1 - consumer version number 1. At the time of writing, the final version of the helmet virtual reality Oculus Rift can be purchased for $599 (the price does not include shipping and taxes, as it is listed in the manufacturer’s official online store). Plus, you won’t be able to order more than one helmet per hand. Let's look at all the pros and cons of the new gadget.

Advantages and disadvantages of Oculus Rift CV1

The final version of the gadget
+ Incredible sensations during the game
+ Comfortable to wear on the head
+ Quite a long cable
– Need for a very powerful computer
– Excessively large number of wires
– High cost of the gadget
- At long-term use the cable begins to remind itself and gets in the way
– Attacks of nausea (with prolonged use)

Oculus Rift CV1: technical specifications of the VR helmet

The Oculus Rift CV1 has some pretty impressive specs. The design of this VR helmet is based on a system with a pair of OLED displays, which are located as close as possible to the user’s eyes. The displays display an image with a resolution of 1080x1200 pixels for each eye, which makes the total resolution equal to 2160x1200 pixels with a refresh rate of 90 Hz.

The Oculus Rift CV1 helmet connects to the computer using a 4-meter cable and is compatible with Windows OS. You can use the gadget both in a sitting position and standing. The device will determine your location in space thanks to built-in infrared sensors. Location recognition works without errors, you can move freely with a large range and are not afraid of turning 360 degrees around your head.

It should be noted that, unlike the HTC Vive VR helmet, the Oculus Rift cannot boast of great freedom of movement in virtual space, because the movement of the game character occurs through the use of a controller; you only need a helmet to control the camera using head movements. To control the gadget from Oculus, in the package you will find a small remote control and the already familiar controller from Xbox One. For example, I still use it for PC gaming, starting with the Xbox 360 version.

What kind of PC is needed to play Oculus Rift CV1 comfortably?

Those gamers who regularly upgrade the “big brother” will not see technical requirements nothing unusual. Yes, for a very good reason high resolution images and the considerable demands of VR games on PC resources, in order to achieve a comfortable frame rate you will need a powerful computer. If you use outdated or even modern hardware, but of an average level, then no one can guarantee you gaming without brakes.

A PC for use with the Oculus Rift CV1 must have an Intel Core i5-4590 processor on board, but this is only the recommended minimum. The video card is also not “lag behind”, because you will need a graphics accelerator of at least GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 390. Less productive graphics accelerators can simply ruin the experience of the game. These are the most expensive components you will need to play the game without slowing down.

The minimum requirements for a VR headset from Oculus also include:

  • 8 GB of RAM;
  • OS Windows 7 SP1;
  • 3 USB 3.0 ports;
  • USB port 2.0;
  • HDMI 1.3 connector.

In the future, the manufacturer promises to ensure Oculus Rift CV1 compatibility with Microsoft Xbox One.

Oculus Rift CV1: gaming impressions

I give a 99% guarantee that if you have never played in virtual reality, you will like everything and be delighted. I already have something to compare with, so I’ll say it more clearly - the impressions are excellent, especially for those who like to play in virtual reality. The gadget is very cool and well thought out, the lenses are easy to adjust and the distance between them does not interfere, and gradually it becomes unnoticeable, since over time it is combined into a whole image.

Most people are concerned about the ease of use of the gadget while playing. The Oculus VR helmet is very ergonomic; it fits perfectly on the head and does not cause any discomfort. In my humble opinion, the gadget from Oculus is a little ahead of the Vive in this indicator. The only thing that personally irritated me a little was the cable cable getting in the way. When connecting, the number of cables is also amazing; I never expected to see so many of them.

There are already quite a lot of adapted games for the Oculus VR headset, so you will find something to suit your taste. You will be completely immersed in the game, the effect of full presence is provided perfectly. But I hasten to disappoint you, don’t expect high-end graphics in games. First of all, low image detail is due to the need for frequent image regeneration to achieve the required number of fps at a high and fixed resolution.

HTC Vive and PS VR as an alternative to Oculus Rift CV1

Obvious competitors in the virtual reality headset market are already present, even though the devices have just begun to appear and the market is being formed. As for the alternative to Oculus VR, its greatest competition is from HTC with its Vive VR glasses. The gadget works using a similar method, but has a clear advantage - being in a confined space, you can move around real world, and these movements will be translated into virtual ones. True, this will require more space when using HTC Vive. You can buy HTC Vive now on the manufacturer’s official website at a price starting from 900 euros plus shipping costs.

A more budget-friendly version of the VR helmet offers users a PS4 console with a gadget, but their virtual reality helmet will have to wait. Virtual reality glasses from Sony can only work with the PlayStation 4, and their cost is more affordable - about 400 euros (plus PS Camera - required, and PS Move - optional). The functionality will be completely similar to Oculus Rift, but the resolution of VR glasses will be significantly lower.

The Oculus Rift CV1 is an interesting invention, worthy of the Oculus engineers, and an attractive gadget for immersing yourself in the world of virtual reality. For owners of a productive PC, the Rift CV1 promises the effect of maximum presence. Among the shortcomings, I would only note the high price and the hated wires.

Oculus Rift is probably the most famous virtual reality headset. Back in 2012, he raised $2.5 million on Kickstarter. And since then he has not disappeared from the pages of tech blogs. It is also worth recalling that one of the founders of the campaign is the legendary John Carmack(developer of Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM, Quake). And on March 25, 2014, Oculus was acquired by Facebook for $2 billion.

While development kits have long been sent out to Kickstarter backers, the helmet is currently only available for limited pre-orders. But already in the first quarter of 2016 it will finally hit store shelves. What will he be like?

What’s interesting is that it should come with two types of controllers out of the box. The first is a regular wireless controller from Xbox.

But the second controller is much more interesting. These are special devices for each hand that track the position of the hands and fingers. They are able to recognize not only hand movements, but even hand and finger movements, such as pointing, waving or thumb. Each controller has an analog stick, two buttons, a mushroom and feedback vibration feedback.

Oculus Rift will also work with Windows 10. And from the console, you can stream games to your helmet. A sort of observer mode - Brann Stark is behind the shoulder of the player - Hodor. You can look around, turn your head in all directions, but only the player can influence the gameplay.

In general, Oculus VR allocated as much as $10 million to support developers, so that the market would be filled with good games with Oculus support by the time sales start. The following games are promised to start selling helmets: Eve Valkyrie, Chronos, Edge of Nowhere, Damage Core, VR Sports Challenge, Esper, AirMechVR and Lucky’s Tale.

Also, in addition to games, entire interactive films are already being developed for the Oculus Rift, which will allow the viewer to feel literally in the center of the action. It's hard to imagine what it would look like with a helmet on, but you can imagine some really cool videos. Here is a video about an animated film for virtual reality headsets already presented in Hollywood, which will come with Oculus out of the box.

The consumer version of Oculus will have two OLED displays high resolution, so no pixels or blues effect will be visible. A special tracker will track the position of the head in space and provide precise immersion into the virtual world with a 360-degree view. The helmet also comes with built-in headphones, but it remains possible to connect your own headset. In addition, just like in the developer kit, the custom version will come with additional lenses that will allow you to customize the helmet for yourself.

Oculus Rift Review | Introduction

Along with the appearance Oculus Rift V retail sales A new chapter in the history of PC gaming begins. For four years we've seen a flood of investment, redesigns, development kits, trade shows and hype, but the moment of truth has arrived. And although there is still a lot of work ahead, today we will see what happened in the end, and whether the result is worth the long wait.

A Brief History of the Rift

Oculus Rift and its inventor Palmer Luckey first appeared on the scene in 2012, when a Kickstarter campaign launched to raise funds for the first generation Oculus Rift Developer Kit (DK1). Luckey enlisted the help of such video game industry heavyweights as John Carmack, the founder of id Software, who later joined the company as chief technology officer, and Gabe Newell, the co-founder of Valve Corporation, which later partnered with HTC to create the competing Vive VR system.

In the approximately four years that have passed since the launch of the company Oculus Rift On Kickstarter, Oculus shipped approximately 200,000 developer kits, valued at approximately $2.4 million. Thanks to these kits, beginners and experienced developers could get a little hands-on in creating virtual reality content. The most curious consumers were also able to gain access to it by ordering such kits themselves, or getting acquainted with them at numerous exhibitions and presentations.

Shortly after the Kickstarter campaign began, Michael Abrash (Chief Scientific Advisor at Oculus, formerly of Valve) outlined a scenario in which virtual reality would become a viable prospect in the consumer environment, both from a hardware and comfort standpoint. One of Abresh's most critical performance issues that Abresh identified was latency, including motion tracking latency, application rendering latency, and display latency. At that time, the combined delay of these three elements was too great. The entire VR industry seemed to have its sights set on 11ms, although in his paper Abrash pegged 15ms as the absolute maximum, suggesting we should get closer to 7ms.

He associated the problem of tracking delays with balancing the received data from IMU (inertial measurement units) sensors, which have incredibly low latency but introduce a large error, with data from the camera, which is more accurate, but has too much latency. At that time, he saw the solution to the problem in a combination of IMU elements and optical sensors.

He saw the opportunity to reduce latency in application rendering in simplifying scenes. Essentially, it was proposed to develop games that, in terms of game design and graphic quality, would resemble games from five or six years ago. He spent a lot of time discussing the display lag issue, which he believed would require fundamental changes in technology, including higher refresh rates, to fix. At that time we were mainly working with 60Hz panels. Abresh believed that increasing the refresh rate to 120Hz would help solve the problem.

Then the large-scale work process began.

Oculus Rift DK1

Today, many of the changes Abresh described have already occurred. We have low persistence and high refresh rate displays, powerful and accurate sensors taken from the industry mobile phones, more accurate cameras and faster GPUs. The result of four years of development kits and customer feedback from various demos has resulted in a network of partners, including GPU manufacturers AMD and Nvidia, as well as game engine developers such as Epic and Unity. This should also include monetary and intellectual investments from various companies and potential buyers.

All this energy helped grow the industry quickly. According to Nick Wieting, CTO of Epic Games, instead of simplifying content to the level of five years ago, VR games have moved closer to the level of modern games. "We have to use less dynamic lighting and other effects, so we can say that the quality of the graphics is equal to the level of games from two or three years ago, but with a lot of tricks. We have already done long way and learned a lot of new tricks, but we have to dodge even more, since PCs are becoming much more powerful than modern consoles,” says Wieting.

Given the time that Palmer Luckey spent developing the first prototype, Oculus Rift has been in development for more than four years. The hardware elements have gone through many versions. In the first Oculus Rift DK1 you could only look around in virtual space, tilting forward, backward and to the sides was not supported.

The second development kit (DK2) appeared a year later and included a system using infrared sensors to track and transmit headset movements in three-dimensional space. They allowed a little movement. You could crouch, walk forward, or peek around a corner. This significantly increased immersion and comfort, reducing the feeling of nausea (motion sickness) that many users of the first headset experienced Oculus Rift.

Oculus had planned to release the first consumer version of the headset, which would be similar to the DK2 version, but after being acquired by Facebook, the company had additional resources to create a better product.

Oculus Rift DK2

Virtual reality reality

Recent history is full of failures in related technologies, including early versions virtual reality devices and 3D television (along with other 3D technologies). Modern VR technologies have to break through the wall of skepticism with which they are met by the community of enthusiasts, which is still the main audience. This is especially true for those users who have not yet tried virtual reality or who had bad impressions after their first solutions. This is the negative side of early presentations.

In addition, the minimum hardware requirements of modern VR headsets are quite high even for enthusiasts, as evidenced by surveys conducted by our American colleagues. Representatives from Oculus and Valve also claim that the performance of modern GPUs is simply not enough. But it's not that bad. Game engines are implementing VR features in their SDKs, AMD and Nvidia are implementing special mechanisms to reduce latency, and developers are using carefully thought-out techniques to maintain the required level of performance.

Today the first round is over, and it’s time to find out what results have been achieved in the field of virtual reality. Headsets Oculus Rift sold out until July, and the Vive until May, but the future success of the industry depends on the performance of these first-generation devices, the quality of the content and the positive experience of early buyers.

It will be a long time before we can call virtual reality headsets a truly mainstream product. On the one hand, the results of a survey on readiness for virtual reality show that large percentage enthusiasts reading Tom's Hardware haven't tried it yet modern means virtual reality even in its simplest form (Google Cardboard). Even if these people have not tried VR, then Oculus and its competitors have a huge audience of customers to build. Our survey also shows that most people do not have the necessary hardware to support VR gaming. At best, you will have to spend a couple of hundred dollars to upgrade the system, and most respondents said that they are not yet ready to spend money on this.

Over time, the cost of VR-compatible video cards will decrease, as will the hardware on which the headset is built Oculus Rift. But by then, software developers and hardware manufacturers need to achieve a level of quality and performance that potential buyer I was looking forward to the day when I could afford a virtual reality headset. Virtual reality has the potential to change the world in unimaginable ways. The potential of this technology is hidden not only in games, but also in medicine, therapy, tourism, design, education and architecture. Oculus bears a huge responsibility for the first impressions of modern virtual reality, since the main attention is drawn to the product of this company. Let's get started.

Oculus Rift Review | Oculus Rift Package Contents

Scope of delivery Oculus Rift includes several components: the headset itself and a cable for connecting to a PC. The cord is 4 meters long. At one end it splits into HDMI and USB connectors. The plug connected to the socket on the HMD has a proprietary design.

Also included with Oculus Rift comes the Constellation motion tracking system. It is mounted on a support designed for installation on a table. The system sends head position information to your PC via USB cable 3.0 (2.5 m cable also provides power to the sensor).

Oculus has announced controllers called Touch that bring hand position tracking to the platform Oculus Rift. However, deliveries of these controllers are scheduled to begin only in the second half of 2016.

You'll also receive an Oculus media remote with the headset to control basic elements like menu navigation in some games and non-interactive content. The remote is a small oval-shaped unit with a D-pad, a navigation dial, volume controls, a select button, a back button, and an Oculus button that takes the user back to home screen. The remote uses buttons found on the GearVR headset, so content ported from that platform should work without any additional manipulation.

For a more immersive gaming experience, Oculus includes a Microsoft Xbox One controller with a wireless USB receiver. This is the primary control for headset gaming Oculus Rift, at least in its current form. According to Oculus, most developers who started working on virtual reality content with early dev kits used Xbox controllers, so adopt official support it was quite logical.

On top of that, Oculus is adding free content for Oculus Rift. You get a third-person platformer called Lucky's Tale, reminiscent of the classic games Banjo-Kazooie or Crash Bandicoot, and two short films created within the walls of Oculus Story Studio (Henry - a short cartoon about a hedgehog on his birthday, and Lost - another one short cartoon created to demonstrate audio and visual systems Oculus Rift). Available with pre-ordered kits: free game Focusing on melee combat in space, EVE: Valkyrie is one of the few games with a AAA price tag.

Oculus Rift Package Contents
Equipment Rift headset with integrated headphones (removable) and microphone
Constellation Camera Sensor with Stand
Wireless remote control
Cables Cable for connecting HMD 2 in 1 (HDMI 1.3/USB 3.0) 4 m
Cable for tracking system (USB 3.0) 2.5 m
Controls Xbox One Wireless Controller
Wireless adapter for Windows
2 AA batteries
USB extension cable for wireless adapter
Miscellaneous Cleaning cloth
Rif Carrying Case
Downloadable software Game Lucky's Tale
EVE: Valkyrie Founder's Pack (only available with Rift pre-orders)

Rift headset

Oculus Rift in the final version, it is a lightweight virtual reality helmet that provides complete visual and audio immersion in the virtual environment, or, as Oculus says, conveys the effect of “presence.”

The device looks like ski goggles, you also put it on your eyes, and it is also attached to your head with a belt. The entire headset (except for the front plate) is covered with a special fabric, which, according to Oculus, helps keep condensation to a minimum. In addition, the fabric gives the device a pleasant appearance. The soft fabric on the outer surfaces is a bit like quality denim material.

Inside Oculus Rift There are two low-persistence AMOLED displays developed by Samsung. The screens have a native resolution of 1080x1200 pixels (cumulative 2160x1200) and a refresh rate of 90 Hz. A high refresh rate is very important. In a 2014 interview for the Gamasutra portal technical director John Carmack said that 90 Hz is the magic number at which 95-99 percent of people no longer notice frame changes in virtual reality, although there is every reason to strive for more higher frequency personnel in the future.

The displays are isolated from each other from the screen itself to the lenses, so your left eye only sees images on the left screen, and your right eye only sees images on the right. Oculus uses proprietary hybrid Fresnel lenses to eliminate or reduce the grating effect, although some of us have found ourselves sensitive to it. But the company says the lenses were designed to fit the headset screens as closely as possible and have optimal clarity, especially in the center.

IN Oculus Rift There is an inter-eyepiece distance (IPD) adjustment, which allows you to set the correct distance between the lenses specifically for your eyes. It's similar to binoculars, but only the lenses and displays move together when making adjustments. The IPD range is 58-72mm and will fit almost any adult (average 64mm). The lower end of this range does not take small children into account, and Oculus suggests age limit 13+. However, the situation may change in the future. In an interview with Code, Oculus CEO Brendan Irib drew a parallel with Facebook's age requirements, noting that this is a good entry age. He also said that the company is interested in a headset for children, but its appearance is possible only after a comprehensive study of the impact of virtual reality on health and safety.

Oculus uses in Oculus Rift elastic material whose properties are similar to spandex. It allows the skin to breathe (water vapor penetrates through it) and adapts to your shape. The entire interior of the headset is covered with this material.

Oculus Rift Specifications
Display type and size Two AMOLED displays with low persistence (PenTile subpixel matrix)
Display size T.B.A.
Permission 1200 x 1080 (per eye)
Screen refresh rate 90 Hz
Viewing angle ~100 degrees
Lens type Hybrid Fresnel lenses
Lens adjustment IPD (58-72 mm), lens distance adjustment (adjustable using optional insert)
Sensors Accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer
Tracking technology Optical sensory system Constellation, 360 degree tracking with infrared LEDs, 6 degrees of freedom
Integrated camera No
Sound Microphone, integrated 3D surround headphones (removable)
HDMI connectors Branded connector (HDMI/USB 3.0)
Main cable length for HMD 4 m
Materials used Plastic, IR-permeable fabric, glass, foam, foam rubber
Dimensions Width ~171 mm (~216 mm with headphones), height ~102 mm
Weight 470 g (without cable)

Sound is not a secondary element

Oculus has developed a high-quality audio system for Oculus Rift. In virtual reality, audio is just as important as visuals. With it you are immersed in another world, but this world will not be believable if the sound signals are unrealistic. So Oculus had to develop specialized audio components to give developers the tools to add believable audio to their content.

Oculus puts its own digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and microphone into the headset, and also integrates headphones. Open-back headphones have been specially tuned for gaming Oculus Rift, Oculus also provides developers with an audio SDK. The headphones easily adapt to almost any head shape, yet they provide superior sound perception without sacrificing comfort. The headphones are attached to the head strap on a hinge and have a wide range of position adjustments, including height adjustment. Springs gently press the headphones to your head.

Oculus is pushing developers to optimize their products for integrated headphones, although you're not forced to use them exclusively. The company understands that some customers will want to use their own headphones (or gaming headset). Therefore, the ability to remove the integrated audio system from Oculus Rift using the tool included in the package. However, the headset does not have the usual audio jack or adapter, so third-party headphones will have to be connected with a separate cable.

Correct weight distribution

Headset Oculus Rift quite compact. The case width is 171 mm (or 216 mm with headphones), the height is 89 mm high (another 13 mm is added by the face pad). We weighed Oculus Rift without cable, and the figure exactly coincided with that indicated in the Oculus specifications - 470 g.

To ensure a secure fit to the headset, Oculus has developed a three-point strap that redistributes the weight of the device across the user's head, reducing pressure on the face. We've heard more than once from Oculus that they're betting big on usability. Oculus Rift, as this is a critical factor affecting the degree of immersion in virtual reality. The top strap is made of flexible material with a leather-like texture. Although it's too early to tell, the belt looks durable. Most The surface of the top strap is occupied by a strip of Velcro, which allows you to adjust the headset to heads of different shapes and sizes.

The two side straps are made of a rubber-like material that bends without losing its original shape. The inside of these belts is covered with a soft, suede-like material. There are Velcro tabs on the front to adjust the tension of the side straps. The side straps attach to the headset via a spring mechanism, so even after adjusting, you can easily remove the headset without stretching the Velcro closure. If you're the only one using the headset, you only need to adjust the mount once and you won't need to touch it again.

The rear belt anchor is triangular in shape and made of hard plastic. The outer surface is covered with the same material as the body of the device; another cluster of LEDs is hidden under it, which helps track the movement of the head at 360 degrees. The inside is lined with a soft-touch material, like a belt. This rigid triangle rests on the back of your head and plays an important role in balancing the weight of the headset. Thanks to him Oculus Rift you can use it for several hours in a row without experiencing discomfort, despite the fact that the headset weighs half a kilogram.

Oculus Rift puts some pressure on the back of the head and rests a little on the cheeks. To ensure comfort, Oculus covers the face plate with soft foam to cushion the pressure of the HMD mount. This material also absorbs light from external sources. The plate adjacent to the face is also made of soft, flexible plastic that adapts to its shape.

People differ not only in different interpupillary distances, but also in their facial structure. Oculus developed Oculus Rift with a removable face plate that can be replaced with a different size plate. This solution will also help eliminate the problem of wear and tear, since you can buy a replacement plate when the foam cushion begins to lose its properties. Oculus hasn't forgotten about customers who wear glasses. Oculus has mentioned that they plan to sell face plates with wider bezels.

Constellation - motion tracking system

Tracking is required for immersion in virtual reality. The Samsung Gear VR headset uses gyroscopes and inertial sensors to Oculus Rift they exist too. But key difference Oculus Rift is position tracking, allowing you to lean, look around corners and even crouch towards the ground. To some extent, you can move around the game space. You can probably imagine how difficult it is to achieve this. If the image on the screen does not coincide with your actual head position, then dissonance will arise.

Oculus has developed its own tracking system called Constellation. The feature works through a sensor that sits on the table and tracks an array of infrared LEDs hidden under the fabric on the headset body. The LEDs are built into the front, sides and back of the headset. Thus, full 360-degree motion tracking is achieved, meaning you can turn around completely and the sensor will know your position.

The Constellation system includes only one sensor for Oculus Rift, although the same technology will be used to track Touch controllers. To avoid interference, a second sensor will be supplied with the controllers. By comparison, the HTC Vive headset, which supports room-wide tracking, comes with two IR emitters located in opposite corners of the room.

The tracking sensor is attached to a wide post on a hinge and allows you to adjust its position.

Oculus has also included an option for when you don't want or can't place the sensor on a table. In this case, it is mounted directly on the wall. You can also use a regular tripod or speaker stand instead of a standard stand. The stand that holds the sensor detaches to reveal standard camera mounting holes.

Oculus Rift Review | System requirements, installation and configuration procedure

Almost a year ago, Oculus determined the recommended PC hardware requirements needed to support the headset Oculus Rift. At a minimum, you'll need a system with an Intel Core i5-4590 or equivalent processor, although the company didn't specify AMD equivalents or older Intel processors. The Oculus Rift Compatibility Tool doesn't allow previous-generation processors like our overclocked Core-i7-2600K to pass through, even though it nominally outperforms the modern Core i5 in terms of performance. Fortunately, AMD assures that FX-8350 or higher processors will easily provide the necessary Oculus Rift performance.

Featured system requirements for Oculus Rift
GPU Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290 or better
CPU Intel Core i5-4590 or better
Image output interface HDMI 1.3 video output
Connectors two USB 3.0 ports, one USB 2.0 port
OS Windows 7 SP1 or later

But a high-performance processor is just the beginning. You also need a fairly powerful graphics subsystem. Most gamers play at a frame rate of around 60 FPS, most often at a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. For such conditions, an expensive video card is not needed. However, the Radeon R9 380 or GeForce GTX 960 are unable to properly handle the combined resolution of 2160x1200 pixels at 90 Hz. There are mechanisms to compensate for the lack of FPS, but at a certain point the performance drops too low and the experience can be severely spoiled.

In fact, we are faced with a problem from a school mathematics course. Rendering to a 1920x1080 display with a 60Hz refresh rate requires rendering 124 million pixels per second. Permission Oculus Rift is 1080x1200 pixels. But you still need to apply a 1.4 multiplier to correct spatial distortion, resulting in 1512x1680 pixels per two eyes at 90 Hz or 457 million shaded pixels. In a talk entitled "Advanced VR Rendering" in 2015, Valve senior 3D graphics programmer Alex Vlachos described how this figure could be reduced a bit. But even after reducing the graphics load, it remains very high, even for the fastest modern video cards.

At a minimum, a GeForce GTX 970 graphics adapter from Nvidia or a Radeon R9 290 from AMD is required. It has been hinted to third-party software developers that these maps are supposed to represent a baseline, but it turns out that some games require even more performance at high detail settings to run smoothly. For example, Elite: Dangerous requires GeForce GTX 980-level performance, and the higher the better.

"Given the problems with graphics performance in VR, we developed for Oculus Rift Recommended specifications to ensure that developers can optimize content for known hardware configurations, providing a more comfortable and immersive virtual world experience. The recommended PC configuration includes an Nvidia GTX 970 or AMD 290 graphics card, an Intel i5-4590 processor and 8 GB of RAM. These requirements will remain in place throughout the release period. Oculus Rift, and over time, such PCs will become more affordable." - Atman Bienstock, Chief Architect of Oculus.

The advantage of such high requirements is that they represent a true minimum. As a rule, computer games come with recommended and minimum hardware requirements, which often differ greatly. In fact, the standard for drawing up minimum requirements No. For VR gaming, Oculus defines a floor level that will remain in place for the life of the HMD. In a sense, the company is presenting Oculus Rift as a console with specific performance requirements that must remain viable over time.

We tried to use Oculus Rift on different hardware configurations and we do not recommend ignoring Oculus recommendations. Running VR on a weak GPU will ruin the experience and you'll regret spending money on it. Oculus Rift$600 without even giving the headset a chance to open up.

Initial setup

The initial installation process is simple and straightforward. Oculus introduces a workspace to help your computer interact properly with your headset Oculus Rift. It includes all the necessary drivers, as well as the Oculus Home utility.

Oculus claims that the installation process takes about 30-60 minutes, but if you already know what's what, then with a fast Internet connection the installation time is reduced to 15 minutes. The installation files require 1.22 GB of free disk space, and installation is performed only in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus directory. Company representatives say that an update that supports custom installation folders will be released in a few weeks, but in the meantime you'll have to clear some space on your boot drive.

After installation, you are asked to create an account. If you already have a Gear VR headset, you can use this profile to Oculus Rift, or create a new one. After entering your login information, you will be prompted to select an avatar. There are approximately two dozen options to choose from. If none of the proposed images suits you, you can upload your own image.

Then you need to select several security settings. Oculus lets you control who can see and search for you by your real name online. You can also control who sees your actions.

After security settings, you need to select a payment method. If you do not want to save information about your credit card in your Oculus profile, you can skip this step.

Installation and connection of equipment

After creating a profile, you move on to setting up the headset and sensor. This process requires more involvement from the user, but there is nothing complicated about it.

First you need to connect the headset to the available USB 3.0 and HDMI connectors. Then connect the sensor to the second USB 3.0 port. Oculus recommends installing the sensor at least 90cm from the headset Oculus Rift. The shiny side of the sensor tracks the IR LEDs on the headset body, so make sure it's facing the right way.

Oculus asks that you keep the Constellation sensor away from heat sources and away from water. The presence of moving objects in the sensor's field of view may impair correct position tracking. Vibrating surfaces can also negatively affect tracking quality. It is best to place the sensor on a hard table or shelf.

After detecting the sensor and headset, the installer will ask you to connect the wireless remote control by pressing the select button. Next, you need to connect the Xbox One controller to the wireless receiver (included), which occupies the third USB port.

Sensor setup

Configuring a Constellation sensor involves more than just connecting a wire and establishing a connection to the system. The user needs to go through a calibration process, which begins by entering the distance between your eyes and the floor. This selects the appropriate camera height in virtual reality.

The program will ask you to wave your headset Oculus Rift in front of the sensor. After a few seconds, you will receive a message indicating that the tracking system is working or not working. If the sensor does not find Oculus Rift on the first try, you will be asked to check that nothing is blocking the view of the sensor and try again. You can skip this process and come back to it later, however Oculus Rift will not work without sensor calibration.

After setting up the sensor, the installer will help you adjust the headset to your head. Make sure the triangle on the strap is at the back of your head and the side straps are just above your ears.

If Oculus Rift sits comfortably on your head, you can move on to setting up the playing space. The tracking area of ​​a single Constellation sensor is not very large. The installer outlines a circular area where you are standing. Take a few steps in any direction, but the first step is to clear some space on the floor. Stand in the center of this area and look at the sensor that is presented in virtual reality. Then press the A button on your Xbox controller or the select button on your remote.

The animation will render a scan of your body with a light beam, just like in sci-fi movies. Basically, you are ready to dive into magical world virtual reality. There is one more adjustment left to make: adjusting the distance between the pupils. At the bottom of the body Oculus Rift Under the right lens there is a lever for adjusting the IPD. The program has a simple calibration utility to help with this process. You will be asked to look at the green cross and make the necessary adjustments until the image is as sharp as possible. Before moving the lever, you need to press it to unlock.

On at this stage the setup process is completed.

Oculus Rift Review | Health, Safety and Service

Health and Safety Hazards

New technologies are often accompanied by questions regarding their safety. Virtual reality is no exception and has every reason to raise concerns about the health and safety of the user. After all, in virtual reality you are greatly isolated from the real world.

Deep immersion in virtual reality can be dangerous because as you become more involved, you lose sight of the real physical objects around you. We've heard stories of people falling while leaning on a virtual table that, for natural reasons, is unable to support real weight. One of our reviewers even hit his head on the table while leaning forward to view his virtual environment.

Oculus is trying to prevent this by pushing developers to create content that can be viewed from a sitting or standing position. Oculus Rift, for the most part, offers environments where you won't be in danger, at least until Touch controllers arrive. It is not at all difficult to avoid causing physical harm to yourself by using Oculus Rift in its current form, especially if you clear the area around you before putting on the headset.

But there are other issues to think about. We constantly hear that if you sit too close to the monitor, your vision can deteriorate over time. And now we put two displays directly on the face. It's difficult to predict the long-term impact of wearing a VR headset for long periods of time. While most enthusiasts are trying to use Oculus Rift dosed.

Not for small children

Oculus does not recommend Oculus Rift children under 13 years of age because the headset is not designed for the interpupillary distance of children. The minimum IPD value is 58 mm and even exceeds the minimum IPD of some adults (55 mm). The interpupillary distance in children may be 10 mm less than this value. Using a headset with a suboptimal IPD puts a lot of strain on your eyes and ultimately leads to motion sickness. Oculus even says that excessive eye strain from an improperly installed IPD can have long-term consequences for children. The Company recommends that parents supervise their children when they use Oculus Rift, and limit play time. A long stay in virtual reality during the period of body development can have negative influence on balance, hand-eye coordination, and even the ability to multitask.

It's not just children who should use the headset with caution. Oculus warns all users about the risk of injury due to repetitive stress, possible skin reactions when contacting the pad, and motion sickness, which can occur for a variety of reasons. You should immediately remove the headset Oculus Rift and consult your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms (sound like side effects to an experimental drug):

Epilepsy attack; loss of orientation; eye-strain; twitching of the eyes or eye muscles; involuntary movement; distortion, blur, ghosting or other visual abnormalities; dizziness; disorientation; loss or deterioration of balance; deterioration of hand-eye coordination; excessive sweating; increased salivation; nausea; lightheadedness; discomfort or pain in the head or eyes; drowsiness; fatigue.


Oculus Rift to some extent it can be compared to a header, and not just another peripheral device for gaming. The headset rests on the face, sometimes for long periods of time. Games can be very dynamic, forcing the body to pump blood faster and release adrenaline. Fright and exciting experiences often make people sweat. You can imagine. What happens to the foam face pad after months of epic battles in EVE: Valkyrie?

Oculus approached the selection of materials for the headset, as if Oculus Rift is a piece of clothing. The company specifically chose a breathable fabric lining that also allows moisture to pass through. This prevents the lenses from fogging up and sweat condensation from forming in other parts of the headset. When the pad wears off, the plate can be replaced, along with the foam pad, since it's glued to it, so you don't have to worry about it wearing out either.

Care and maintenance

Oculus offers some headset maintenance tips Oculus Rift. First, the lenses and sensor should only be wiped with a dry microfiber towel. Scratches on the lens surface will affect clarity, and damage to the sensor can negatively impact tracking accuracy. You should also avoid cleaning these components with any liquids, including water, as they may damage the delicate surfaces.

To keep your face pad in good condition for as long as possible, Oculus recommends wiping it down with antibacterial, non-abrasive wipes. But alcohol-based cleaners can damage the material. If Oculus Rift will be used by someone other than you, it is recommended to purchase a gasket protector that can be easily washed. put on Oculus Rift It’s not very pleasant on the face when someone’s sweat remains on the pad.

Better to store Oculus Rift in a dark place. Do not leave the headset, sensor or remote control under direct sun rays, as this can lead to premature aging of materials and deterioration in tracking accuracy.

Oculus virtual reality glasses are the most common and popular device that immerses users in a full three-dimensional space. At their core, glasses are more of a full-fledged helmet containing a number of different sensors and sensors that react to the behavior of players and, accordingly, display our actions in the virtual world. There are also built-in headphones and a microphone, but first things first.
Answering the question of how the Oculus Rift virtual reality helmet works, one cannot help but say that it completely eclipses reality, filling the human vision area with digital space. The technology is equipped with mechanisms that ensure minimal response time to user actions and provides us with a field of view of 110 degrees. For each eye there is a special stereoscopic three-dimensional display, which, in combination with high-quality lenses, takes us into the world of modern computer games.
To start using the Oculus Rift, the description and technical characteristics of which will be presented below, you must unpack the purchase and install a special software.

The helmet is configured by adjusting parameters such as:

  • interlens distance;
  • placement of an infrared sensor;
  • determining user growth parameters;
  • magnetometer calibration;
  • adjustment of the straps for the most comfortable placement of the device on the head.

In order to fully use the full potential of the helmet in modern serious gaming projects, you need to initially run various test applications that will help determine whether all settings are made correctly. And after that you can set off to destroy the enemies of our planet, conquer new worlds and explore fantastic spaces.
Many modern computer and console game development companies have released especially for Oculus Rift major projects, in which VR technology is 100% supported. Among the most memorable products of modern game development we can recall:

  • Eve: Valkyrie is an exclusive development for Oculus from CCP Games;
  • Half-Life 2 is a port of the famous game from Valve, fully adapted for VR devices;
  • Doom 3 BFG Edition is the very first Oculus VR exclusive from ID Software.

Of course, there are also a lot of lesser-known projects that deserve special attention, which you can get acquainted with while using VR glasses from Oculus.

Characteristics of Oculus Rift glasses

The technical parameters of Oculus set them apart from their analogues, since it was the developers of these glasses who tried to release a truly universal device that would be optimally suited for the maximum range of users.

Oculus Rift has the following characteristics:

  • nominal viewing angle: 100 degrees;
  • Screen resolution: 1080*1200 pixels (for each eye);
  • response time to user actions: 3 ms;
  • refresh rate: 1000 Hz (built-in tracker) and 60 Hz (tracker built into the camera);
  • weight: 450 grams;
  • Sensors present: gyroscope, magnetometer, infrared sensor, accelerometer.

Oculus glasses, among other things, have built-in high-quality headphones and a microphone, which overall makes them a real VR headset, allowing you not only to enjoy detailed images and soft but clear sound, but also to communicate with your gaming companions. By the way, we must not forget about the presence of a special bundled joystick and control panel, which have an ergonomic shape and provide full functionality for using all the available capabilities of console and computer game projects.

Advantages over other models

Built-in audio system.

Access to the Quill community.


The best controllers on the market.

Located inside the helmet to control position

The most important characteristic that determines the quality of a VR device is the viewing angle, since the depth of immersion in the virtual space depends on it. And Oculus, unlike a similar development by Sony - the Project Morpheus system - has a higher screen resolution. Accordingly, the gaming sensations are more rich and varied.

Are you familiar with the problem when, to turn your head, even if you have a virtual reality helmet, you had to manipulate the joystick or keyboard? Oculus Rift does not have this problem - to turn in the game you do not need to press extra buttons, all the work is done by special infrared and other sensors that respond to human head movements. Some users, who often compare Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, claim that the latter wins because they allow you to feel even more immersed in a fantasy world. This feeling occurs after you start a game that involves physically moving around space. But there is also a certain nuance that neutralizes all the advantages - for HTC Vive you will need to not only install it indoors additional equipment(Lighthouse station), but also to allocate space free from furniture, which is unacceptable for most residents of small apartments. In addition, no one has canceled the factor of fatigue from constant movement, whereas in Oculus you can sit comfortably in a chair and enjoy the process without unnecessary stress. Access to the Quill community. The best controllers on the market. Sensors for position control are located inside the helmet.

System requirements and compatibility

According to statistics, most modern gamers use home computers as the main means of running projects, but developers from Oculus have also provided Oculus Rift compatibility with consoles.
The device has the following requirements for the computer:

  • video card: Nvidia GTX 970 (or higher) / Radeon 290 (or higher);
  • processor: Intel 4590 (or higher);
  • RAM: at least 8 Gb;
  • availability HDMI output 1.3;
  • presence of two USB 3.0 ports;
  • software: not lower than Windows 7.

If your personal computer can boast of having all of the above characteristics, then

you will be able to enjoy the gameplay without any problems. In this case, you can use medium or high settings, it all depends on the individual parameters of your system.
Players with consoles, as always, have better luck in terms of compatibility - Oculus Rift is compatible not only with the modern Xbox One platform, but also allows you to run games on previous generation consoles. As for the owners of the Sony platform, another device was created for them, so they will not be able to use Oculus.

Interface and device

Oculus virtual reality glasses are designed in such a way as to instantly capture any movements of the user’s head and respond to button presses on the remote control or joystick. Movement data is transmitted gaming platform through a special infrared sensor, which is installed in advance in front of us before the start of the gameplay. The glasses and sensor are connected via HDMI output to the video card or console, after which the software is downloaded and launched user interface. All sounds are transmitted through the built-in headphones, which you can easily remove and use with another headset.

There is also a universal microphone through which you can easily talk with friends while playing. Lenses for Oculus Rift are a special pride of the developer, since they are a technological novelty and are not found in any other glasses. Special Fresnel lenses not only provide high-quality images, but serve as a tool that can be fully customized. You can adjust image sharpness, contrast, and determine the optimal vertical-horizontal position, so Oculus can safely be called a universal device that is suitable for every gamer.

As for the main element of the interface, all applications and games for Oculus are launched through proprietary software - its own Oculus Store. It has several recommended products and sections that feature all the games available for download and upcoming projects. SteamVR also supports Oculus technology, although this digital platform was originally intended for its direct competitor, HTC Vive. This application will require you to carry out additional calibration and configuration of the sensors, after which the presented projects will contain a “Play in VR” button during launch.

Overall, Oculus 3D glasses are an excellent digital gadget that is definitely worth the money. If you want to enjoy virtual universes and make the most of available opportunities to explore them, then this development will be a real discovery for you!

Equipment and peripheral devices

    Built-in sensors:
  • accelerometers, vibration motor for additional feedback
  • Connectivity: Bluetooth
  • Special buttons, joysticks and triggers are used for control
  • The vibration motors in each controller feel powerful, producing a subtle vibration when you select a weapon and a noticeable shake to the controller when you fire.

Several virtual reality devices will go on sale in the coming months:
- Oculus Rift (March 28, 2016)
- HTC Vive (April 2016)
- PlayStation VR (first half of 2016)
- Microsoft Hololens (devices in the first quarter of 2016)

It's time to summarize everything that is known about these devices and decide whether they are worth buying now, what to choose, and also which device is most promising for developing games.

Why do you need a helmet and will it replace monitors and TVs?

Virtual reality technologies provide a completely different level of immersion. When you're wearing a helmet, the only thing in sight is the game, and the view is not done with a mouse or stick, but with head movements. Picture quality still differs in comparison to monitors and TVs the worst side, but even so, virtual reality is powerful. A roller coaster ride makes you feel sick, and the most ordinary horror game scares you as if you were a child.

The advent of helmets does not mean that displays will become a thing of the past. Virtual reality technologies are still far from perfect, and in some games their use is irrational (many strategy games, two-dimensional games).

What are the chances of success? They tried to produce virtual reality helmets before, but they never gained distribution.

Yes, indeed there have been attempts before. The first commercial virtual reality headset (Virtuality) appeared back in 1990. But at that time there was no technology that would allow a mass-available product that could be successful with customers. For example, Oculus Rift displays an image with a resolution of 2160x1200 (1080x1200 per eye) at a refresh rate of 90 Hz. This requires a computer 2-3 times more powerful than for playing at 1080p.

The fact that the current boom is not a false start is indicated by the widespread popularity of the Oculus Rift at the prototype stage for developers and the great interest of people.

Which of the three helmets should you choose? Oculus Rift?

It's hard to say yet. The characteristics of all three helmets are similar. The new wave of VR was launched by Oculus Rift, and so far it has attracted the most great attention. Oculus Rift started out as a Kickstarter project that raised several million dollars and was later acquired by Facebook. The head of the company, Palmer Luckey, has been interested in VR since childhood; he has one of the largest collections of virtual reality helmets in the United States. Technical Director at Oculus VR John Carmack is known as the creator of engines for id Software games (Doom, Quake), i.e. The person in the gaming industry is far from the last.

However, the company has no experience in creating and popularizing gaming devices. Oculus Rift can be difficult to set up for an inexperienced user, and besides, it is designed for the PC platform (for now only Windows, support for OS X and Linux will appear in the future), the market of which is several times smaller than the market for console games.

As for the characteristics, the Oculus Rift has two screens, each providing a resolution of 1080x1200 with a frequency of 90 Hz. It will be sold complete with an Xbox One gamepad, as well as the games EVE: Valkyrie and Lucky Tale. The list of supported games already includes hundreds of titles. In the future, it is planned to release a specialized Oculus Touch controller, which will allow you to control games not only using buttons and sticks, but also with hand movements.

What do we know about PlayStation VR?

Sony already has experience working on such devices - in 1997 it released the Glasstron helmet, which was supported by MechWarrior 2. PlayStation VR is its successor. The company has been working on it since 2011.

The Sony helmet is designed to work with the PlayStation 4 and can produce a 960x1080 image with a frequency of 120 Hz for each eye. The list of supported games numbers in the dozens, including 20 exclusives, including Ace Combat 7 and Gran Turismo Sport. You can play with a gamepad or on two PlayStation Moves. In the future, it is planned to release a new generation of Move (perhaps they will have a different name), tailored for VR.

What chance does Valve's HTC Vive have?

Valve entered the VR race later than everyone else: the first prototypes were shown in 2014. The helmet is being developed jointly with HTC. Characteristics like Oculus Rift: 1080x1200 per eye, 90 Hz. The kit includes specialized controllers, just like PS VR and Oculus Rift. Vive support is announced in 37 games.

Despite Valve's authority, the helmet does not yet have much prospects. Valve has little experience in the hardware business, and the unsuccessful start of Steam Machines shows this to the fullest. Things aren't going well for HTC either. in the best possible way: The business press describes the situation in the company with the words “collapse,” “tailspin,” and “stock quotes lower than the value of assets.”

What other helmets are there?

There is a curious Google Cardboard project: you can cut a helmet out of cardboard using a special design, insert lenses, a magnet and a smartphone into it as a screen. You shouldn't expect much effect from it. Surprisingly, there is a Russian analogue.

There are also many helmets that are made similar to Google Cardboard (smartphone instead of a screen), but factory-produced: Samsung Gear VR (works in conjunction with Samsung Galaxy Note 4), Homido VR, 3D VR, 3D VR Box, VR BAOFENG3, VR Shinecon, Magic Glass, Carl Zeiss VR One, Vortex VR One, Fibrum Pro, Durovis Dive, Merge VR, Freefly VR. All of them are already on sale, but none of them have caused much excitement.

In addition, there are second tier analogues of Oculus Rift, i.e. full-fledged helmets with their own screens: NVR (Russian development, on sale), OSVR from Razer (on sale), Total Vision VR2 (pre-order for 2016), Omimo Uranus One (on sale), ANTVR (on sale), VRVANA Totem (on sale) sale).

The most interesting alternative called HoloLens is offered by Microsoft. This is not a helmet, but augmented reality glasses that show 3D holograms in the real world near the user. Unlike helmets, this is an independent standalone device (like Google Glass) and its use goes far beyond gaming. Most likely, this is true: there are many more applications outside of Hololens games than in games.

The Hololens release was announced for the current quarter at a price of $3,000.

The most interesting games for VR?

Minecraft and tank games are the most popular in Russia. In Minecraft, support for Oculus Rift will appear this spring, and in addition there will be support for Hololens. War Thunder already supports Oculus Rift and will support PlayStation VR. " Armata"You can make friends with Oculus using VorPX. For World of Tanks There is a mod for Oculus Rift.

As for exclusives, that is, games developed specifically for helmets, the most interesting are EVE: Valkyrie (a space simulator in the EVE Online universe), The Climb (a rock climbing simulator from Crytek), Private Eye (a noir thriller), The London Heist ( crime action), The Deep (a diver simulator), Edge of Nowhere (something like “The Ridges of Madness” from Insomniac Games), a future game from the authors of the horror Until Dawn. Overall, Sony has the strongest lineup at the moment.

Will game control change with the advent of helmets?

Without a doubt. For now, the most convenient control method remains a regular gamepad - it is no coincidence that the Oculus Rift developers include it in the standard package. But in the long term, the best experience is likely to come from specialized controllers that look like a gamepad cut in half and can track hand movements. All three manufacturers (Oculus VR, Sony, Valve/HTC) are working in this direction.

In addition, other peripherals are being developed: a vest that simulates bullet hits, a full-body suit with recoil (most likely, the required amount will not be raised, but this is unlikely to be the last such project), a Virtuix Omni treadmill, a weapon with recoil, a device for pupil tracking, to help you aim, a bird flight simulator and even controller for squeezing women's breasts (invented, naturally, by the Japanese).

Devices of this kind are unlikely to become widespread: they require additional costs, a lot of space (especially Omni) and support from developers. Doubts remain even about the success of specialized controllers like Oculus Touch, which will be included with helmets. Controlling hand movements sounds great on paper, but in practice it takes up space and is just plain tedious. No one has yet been able to surpass the standard gamepad, although there have been many attempts.

Where else, besides games, can virtual reality devices be used?

- 360 degree video. Films are already being made using the Oculus Rift.

Social services. Linden Lab (the creators of Second Life) announced last year that they were working on a new virtual world called Project Sansar for Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR.

Design. Several architecture firms have expressed interest in the Oculus Rift.

Sports broadcasts. LiveLike promises them in VR.

Car sales. Audi has been using Oculus at dealerships for vehicle selection and virtual test drives since last year.

Army. Helmets are convenient for training pilots and armored vehicle drivers. And even in battle they will come in handy: tank crews get much better visibility. The Norwegian Army has already experimented with Oculus in this direction.

There are a lot of application options, and most of them have not even been invented yet.

What about porn?

This is generally the most important thing. The porn industry has embraced the Oculus Rift since its early days (NSFW). Separate sections with VR have not yet appeared on porn sites, but specialized sites already exist.

Reviews from those who have tried virtual porn are mixed. Some say that the effect of presence is so strong that you can reflexively recoil or “feel” the smell of your partner. Others complain that VR porn, contrary to expectations, is not as interesting: the helmet on your head disconnects you from reality and does not allow you to concentrate on your body, in addition, your hearing and vision are isolated, which makes you afraid that someone will Someday he will come into the room and find you in this form.

We can certainly say that VR will breathe new life into that type of adult, when a girl does what is asked of her over video chat for money. The effect of presence in such videos will clearly increase; you can “almost touch” the girls.

As for games with an adult theme, Summer Lesson has received the most attention so far. This is a Japanese dating simulator for PlayStation 4.

Of course, there will be no porn there, only flirting.

On PC, VR games will be much more explicit, but, as usual, uninteresting (whoever tried to play Sexy Beach knows that you will die of boredom there before you even see a naked breast). Eyewitnesses, however, also say about Summer Lesson that it is stupid and boring.

How much will you have to pay for VR?

The consumer version of Oculus Rift will cost $600 + $1000 per computer. Recommended system requirements: CPU Intel i5-4590 or higher, NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD R9 290 video card or higher, 8 GB+ RAM, Windows 7 SP1 64 bit or higher.

The price for the HTC Vive has not been announced, but rumors say it will be in the range of $600 to $1,500.

The cheapest PlayStation VR: console for 25,000 rubles. and about the same for a helmet.

So which helmet is better to choose?

One can cautiously assume that optimal choice in terms of price/quality ratio it will be PlayStation VR: the price of the helmet will be comparable to Oculus, but the console will cost less than a gaming computer. In addition, PS VR may be easier to use due to targeting a less tech-savvy audience and Sony's extensive experience in creating gaming devices.

Before purchasing, be sure to test the helmet for a long time - at least half an hour to an hour. It may turn out that you feel uncomfortable wearing a helmet for physiological reasons.

Is VR worth getting now?

It's interesting to be a pioneer, but, as always, you have to pay a price for it. Consumer versions of helmets will be better than devkits, but they are unlikely to completely solve the problems of rapid eye fatigue, headaches, and motion sickness. Surely there will be technical problems. Yes, and you will have to pay a lot of money.

On the other hand, being among early adopters can be priceless.

Bonus track: a collection of bookmarks to sites about VR

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