Windows Installer error - How to solve the problem. Why are programs from .msi files not installed? Windows installer doesn't work

Today, the vast majority of people use the Windows operating system. Naturally, many are also produced for it various applications, starting from the simplest programs and ending with such .

But one day terrible things may happen: the application will be in unknown format refuse to install. What to do? In fact, the solution to this problem is simple, you just need to download the Windows installer for Windows 7 x32 and install it on your computer. Today you can find out what this program is and finally solve the problem with its installation.

What kind of program is this?

Windows Installer(or in Russian Windows 7 installer) is free application, thanks to which you can install/configure or remove computer program, which has the extension .msi. Using this installer, you can always install any program, as well as change some parameters. On our website you can download and install it completely free of charge.

Main reasons why this service may not work

So, if, when you try to install a program, the message “Cannot access Windows service Installer", then you just need to enable or download it.

In general, this installer comes with the operating system, but it happens that it may not work on the following reasons:

  1. Access to the Windows 7 Installer service is prohibited because you are logged in account on behalf of the guest.

How to start the installer service?

If the computer is yours, then you will just need to log in as an administrator (main user). If not yours, contact the administrator-manager or person responsible for computers.

  1. The installer service has been disabled

If a message pops up with similar text, then this problem can be solved like this:


1) Open the Start menu and click Run. Or simply press the Win+R key combination. In the window that appears, enter msc and click OK:

2) In the window that appears, find the installer, click on it right click mouse and click run.

3) This service simply missing or outdated. Therefore, in this case, you just need to download it and install it on your computer. Windows Installer is compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10.


Download this installer. Then all that remains is to launch and install it.

Windows installer error is one of the most common pop-up problems that operating system users encounter. Windows systems.

The error may appear regardless of your OS version.

Reasons for the error

You can scan your OS using Sfc teams/scannow. You need to enter it into the command line window.

Launch command line You can also do it in two other ways:

  • Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt.
  • Start -> Run and enter the program name cmd.exe

In a few minutes you will be provided with detailed information about OS disks, corrupted files, problems with services and others. system programs.

The command line will not only find corrupted and corrupted files, but also replace them with functional ones.

After scanning, close the command prompt and reboot your personal computer or laptop. Try running the installation process of any executable file.

Microsoft also offers users automatic utility, which can solve the problem of the installer.

Go to the web address of the company's official website

In the window that opens, click on the “Run Now” button. The utility will restore correct configuration installer.

It is worth noting that the utility does not work with version 8 operating system.

The operating system consists of huge amount programs and services, each of which performs its own functions. For example, to install new programs on your computer, you use Windows Installer, an installer service for Windows 7. It is responsible for unpacking files and entering data into system registry. Some users, when trying to install applications, encounter the error “Could not access the service,” as a result of which the installation of the program becomes impossible. This article presents ways to solve the problem.

A similar error may occur if the corresponding service has been disabled, or the system files or registry entries. Below are ways to solve such problems.

"scan now" command

If, as a result of viruses or system failures, any important system files responsible for Installer have been damaged, you can use special team for the console to identify and resolve errors. You need to do the following:

After that, try calling Installer again by starting the installation of some application. If the problem is not resolved, proceed to the next step in the guide.

Service Manager

It is possible that Installer is not working because the service that is responsible for it is disabled. Try opening the manager and turning it on. If you don't know how to do this, follow the instructions:

If in the presented list desired element no, call the command line. How to do this is described above in the previous section of the manual. In the console you need to enter the command “net start MSIServer” and press Enter. If no problems occur, you will see the message “launched successfully.”

Registry export

You can also find a copy of someone else's registry key online and import it into your computer. The directory you need is called "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\msiserver".

It is recommended to look for copies that match the bit depth of your OS (x64 or x32). Alternative way– ask your friends to save the “msserver” folder from their registry and send it to you.

A fairly common problem among users of the Windows operating system of any version is the msi error when installing programs from a file with the .msi extension. In this article, I will describe common problems with the Windows 7/10/XP installer and solutions to them, and also make a video on the current issue.

Files with the .msi extension are regular installation packages (distributions) from which the program is installed. Unlike the usual “setup.exe”, to launch msi file The system uses the Windows Installer service (msiexec.exe process). Speaking in simple words, Windows Installer will unzip and run the files from the distribution. When Windows Installer does not work, various errors appear.

In general, this really infuriates me, because... After a stupid error message, it’s completely unclear what to do next. Microsoft specifically developed the Windows Installer to expand the capabilities of installing programs (mainly for system administrators), but did not take proper care to ensure that the service would run smoothly or even adequately report problems. Now we have to clean it up

Problems may be with the operation of the service itself or may arise during the installation of programs, when everything is configured, in principle, correctly. In the first case, you need to tinker with the installer service, and in the second, solve the problem with specific file. Let's consider both options, but first the second one.

msi file errors

Very often errors appear due to insufficient rights system into files or folders. This is not to say that Windows Installer does not work, in this case it is enough to simply add necessary rights and everything will work. Just yesterday I was faced with the fact that the downloaded distribution kit.msi did not want to be installed, the installation wizard starts successfully, the parameters are selected, but then the system thinks for a few seconds and gives an error:

"Error reading from file 'filename' verify that the file exists and that you can access it" (Error 1305). Translated: “Error reading from file...check if the file exists and if you have access to it.” Well, aren't you stupid? Naturally, the “Retry” button does not help, and canceling stops the entire installation. The message also does not carry any special meaning, because the file definitely exists and I have access to it, otherwise I simply wouldn’t be able to run it and receive this message, and for some reason it’s in English

And the mistake is that it is not I who should have access to the file, but the Windows installer, or rather the System itself. The solution is very simple:

Now the installer error will not appear! You can add access to the entire folder from which you usually install programs, for example, to the “Downloads” folder, like mine. Watch a video on solving problems with access rights:

In Windows XP, the Security tab will not appear if simple general access to files. To turn it off, you need to go to “Start -> Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View” and turn off the “Use simple file sharing” option. In stripped-down versions of Windows 7/10 and XP, there is no “Security” tab at all. To see it, you need to boot Windows into safe mode and log into it as an administrator.

More ways to solve the problem

The described method will help with different messages, With different numbers. For example, you may see msi file errors like this:

  • Error 1723
  • Internal Error 2203
  • System error 2147287035
  • Error: "This installation package cannot be opened"
  • Error 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation

In all these cases, setting the rights to the file and/or to some system folders. Check if the "system" has access to the temporary files folder (you may receive the error "The system cannot open the specified device or file"). To do this:

After pressing “Enter” the path will change to “normal” and you will be moved to the real temporary folder. The rights to it need to be checked. I also recommend clearing temporary folders of everything that has accumulated there, or even better, deleting them and creating new ones with the same names. If you can’t delete a folder, read, but it’s not necessary.

If the Windows Installer service still does not want to work, then check the rights to the folder "C:\Config.Msi", here the “system” must also have full access. In this case, you might have seen the error “Error 1310”. Just in case, make sure that the folder WHERE you are installing the software also has all rights.

Registry and service settings

The next way to resolve the error is to restore operating parameters in the registry Windows installer Installer.

To do this, download the archive and run two reg files from there, according to your Windows versions. Agree to import settings.

Important! Before last action desirable! If the method does not help or gets worse, you can recover to your previous state.

In Windows XP or Windows Server set 2000 latest version installer 4.5.

If this does not help, then re-register the components:

  1. Press "Win + R" and enter " cmd". Then in the black window enter the following commands in sequence:
    MSIExec /unregister
    MSIExec /regserver
  2. The answer should be empty, no errors. If the problem is not solved, enter another command
    regsvr32 msi.dll
  3. Close the black window

If it says that you do not have enough rights, then you need to run .

If the commands were executed, but did not help, then run msi_error.bat from the archive and check the result.

The last option is to download the Kerish Doctor program, it has a function for fixing the installer service and many others common problems Windows.

Also, many programs use the .NET Framework, so it would be a good idea to install the latest version of this package. And finally, one more piece of advice: if in the path to the distribution file there is at least one folder with a space at the beginning of the name, then remove the space. This simple trick will solve your problem

Summing up

Errors with the Windows installer are very unpleasant, there are a lot of them and it’s not immediately clear where to look. One thing is clear - the system has failed and needs to be restored to working condition. Sometimes nothing helps and you have to. However, do not rush to do this, try asking for help on this forum. Describe your problem exactly, tell us what you have already done, what messages you have received, and perhaps they will help you! After all, the world is not without good people

Let's start with why, in principle, this program is needed on a PC, and what functions it performs.

Typically those who were unable to access the installer service Windows Installer, fall into a stupor. In this article we will try to dispel once and for all the terrible myths about the criticality of this error, consider the main points and, just in case, others effective methods solutions to the problem, some will be in the following parts.

Operating system service Windows Installer is an important link, a small subsystem of your main Windows systems. It provides installation (installation) of most programs. Hence another name follows – installer. Without it, you will not be able to use programs that require installation to operate (that’s right, for some types of programs installation is not required, however, since you have already started reading this article, the case is different). Accordingly, it has the format .msi. There is nothing scary or incomprehensible in the letters of this format, just an abbreviation for the name early version Microsoft Installer.

The most common notification messages about malfunctions and errors are as follows:

  • The Windows Installer service is unavailable;
  • The Windows OS Installer service could not be accessed. This usually happens due to incorrect installed installer Windows operating system;
  • Problems with the OS Installer service Windows Installer: Failed to access service Windows Installer Windows 7/8/XP;
  • The most common problem: Windows Installer It's just not installed.

Now let's move on to optimal and effective solutions to these problems.

Your first task will be to check whether the Windows installer service is running or not running on your OS, and in general, check the list of programs installed on the system for its presence. You may even have to download Windows Installer for Windows 7 x32, if you have such an OS, because it may especially often be absent from it.

In most cases, ordinary users PC it happens. There can be quite a few reasons for this outcome: from viruses picked up on bad sites to incorrect or malfunctioning programs. However, the problem must be solved one way or another.

First, you need to check the list of services on your OS. To do this, press the key combination on your keyboard Windows (checkbox) + R(in this order), a window called “Run” should immediately appear on your PC screen. Next, to figure out why you can't access the service Windows Installer, in the empty field we print services.msc (there is no need to enter italics, I indicate this here for clarity). There is nothing complicated, everything will be something like this:

Next, click on the button called OK. A window will appear in front of you called "Services" . You will need to scroll through the list a little, strain your eyes and find a service called Windows Installer:

It may happen that you won’t find it - then you need to download it for free Windows Installer for Windows 7/8, etc. (you can do this at the end of the page). If you find it, great - double-click with the left mouse button and look at the following pictures. Here I give you examples for the OS Windows versions 7 and Windows 8. The only difference between them is that on Windows 7 the user can switch startup options between automatically and manually. On Windows 8, this can only be done forcibly.

If you own Windows 7 OS, try selecting the option automatic type launch Windows installer. Reboot your iron friend after this procedure and try again to install the program you need.

In the event that your attempts to find something regarding Windows Installer are unsuccessful, you will need to install it. Hide-Info has versions for any Windows- For example, Windows Installer x64 for Windows 7 can be downloaded for free from the link below.

However, if you were unable to solve the problem, and you believe that your access is not limited by anyone, and old versions of the program were never detected, then you can turn to the “Reset service parameters in the registry” function. This information is available on the Microsoft website. For Windows 8, this method may not lead to the desired result, but, in any case, to implement it you will need to be thoroughly familiar with the official website. However, more often it’s enough just to download Windows Installer for Windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit, without making any changes to the registry body.

Below are links to other methods of dealing with this problem, download links Windows Installer , as well as a forum official support, although if you carefully read the other methods and do everything according to the instructions, then the official website will no longer be useful to you.