The tablet requires updating google play services. How to update Google Play services on Android? Play store is not updating

operating room Android system contains a built-in store Play applications Market. It allows you to install any application located in public storage on mobile devices. If for some reason the installation of the software has become unavailable, then the problem may be in an outdated version of the store. How to update the Play Market on Android to the latest version?

Automatic update

Mobile devices on operating system Android consume a lot of Internet traffic, spending it on updating applications and internal modules. This means that our smartphones and tablets always have the latest versions installed software- in any case, as long as there is Internet access and automatic updating is activated on the devices. Many users disable automatic software updates. This is done for the following reasons:

  • Traffic savings are achieved;
  • The amount of “garbage” remaining after updates in the system is reduced;
  • Battery charge lasts longer.

Many applications can work without any update - these are offline programs, magazines, games and much more. Individual programs stop working immediately after discovering their new version. The same outdated Play Market shows incorrect behavior and stops installing applications.

How to update the Play Market on Android and what is needed for this? As a rule, If the Play Market is installed on the device by the manufacturer, then you do not need to update it. More precisely, it is necessary, but this is done in automatic mode– users have to be content with the automatically installed new version. You can see for yourself how the store is periodically updated and slightly changes its appearance.

In order to update Google Play Market on Android, there is no need to perform any actions. As soon as any updates are available, they will be installed automatically. If you suspect that there are still updates, but they are not installed, try restarting your smartphone or tablet - after that installed software will ask for updates via the Internet.

If you want to keep the software on your smartphone up to date, install new ones regularly Android updates and don't uncheck the boxes automatic installation and application updates in Play settings Market.

Manual update

If you are faced with a situation where the Play Market is not working, this may mean that it wants to update. In order to make sure that a new version is available, you need to go to “Settings” and tap on the “Build version” line. In response to this, Play Market will request from the server necessary files and update - after that you will get a fully functional application store.

You clicked on the “Build version” line, but the store returned a message to you that there are no updates? In this case you have to believe smart application and look for other reasons Not correct operation store. If you haven't had an app store since you bought your device, it means you installed it manually - in which case you can't count on automatic updates.

Update the Play Market on Android for free and completely manual mode It will be possible with the help of specialized resources where new versions of the store are posted.

A typical example of specialized resources on mobile topics is the 4pda forum. Here you will find new files Play versions Market and detailed instructions on their installation.

Many users downloading various applications and multimedia content to their Android device, they forget that its memory is not endless. Updates may not be installed for such a trivial reason as lack of storage space. If this is your case, then the solution is quite obvious - you need to delete unnecessary data, multimedia files, forgotten games and applications. In addition, it would be useful to perform such a procedure as clearing the cache. You can learn how to do this from separate articles on our website:

If, after you have freed up space in the memory of your device, updates are still not installed, we move on, trying other options to fix the problem.

Reason 2: Problems with the memory card

Most internal memory modern smartphones can be expanded by installing a memory card. At the same time, the Android operating system itself allows you to use such a drive not only for storing data, but also for installing applications and games. In this case, a certain part system files is recorded on a microSD card and, if there are various kinds of problems in the latter’s operation, updates to one or another software may simply not be installed.

There are several ways to check whether the memory card is really the culprit of the problem we are considering. Let's consider each of them in order.

Method 1: Moving Applications

First, let's try to move the applications installed on the SD card to own memory devices. This can be done in just a few taps on the screen.

In many cases, this simple solution helps if the SD card was the culprit. If moving does not solve the problem with updating applications, try the following method.

Method 2: Removing the memory card

A more effective solution, compared to the previous one, is to temporarily disable the external drive. This is done as follows:

If the update is installed, you can safely make a diagnosis - the cause of the problem lies in the microSD used. In this case, the card should be replaced with a working analogue, but first you can check it for errors and format it. You can find out how to do this on our website:

After successful installation updates and checking the functionality of the SD card, if it is working properly, you can connect it again. This is done in the reverse order described above: "Settings""Memory"(or "Vault") – tap on external storage"Connect". Then, having connected the memory card, in the same storage settings, set it as the default memory (if required).

According to some users, the essence of this problem can be completely opposite, that is, it can be caused not by the external, but by internal storage. In this case, you need to do the opposite of what was described above, assigning the SD card as the location for installing applications, or moving non-updable applications from internal memory to the outside. This is done in exactly the same way as described above, the only difference is in the choice of a specific drive.

If none of the methods described under this and the previous reason helped fix the problem with installing updates, then the culprit should be looked for not in the data storage device, but directly in the operating system.

Reason 3: Data and system application cache

Play Market, as the heart of the operating system, over time active use accumulates various garbage data and cache, which interferes with its stable work. The same thing happens with Google Play Services, which are necessary for the normal functioning of proprietary software from Google. It is quite possible that the problem with updating applications occurs precisely because the ones we mentioned system tools too "clogged". In this case, our task is to clean this software from garbage and reset it.

  1. IN "Settings" mobile device go to the section "Applications". Next, go to the list of all installed applications by tapping on the corresponding item or, for example, by going to the tab "System"(it all depends on the Android version).
  2. In the general list, find the Play Store and click on its name to go to the settings page.
  3. Once there, open the section "Vault" and press the buttons one by one "Clear cache" And "Erase data". In the second case, confirmation may be required.

    Note: On different versions On Android, the location of the above items may vary. For example, buttons for clearing data may not be located horizontally, next to each other, but vertically, in sections with the name "Cache" And "Memory". In any case, look for something that is identical in meaning.

  4. Let's go back a step to the page general information about the Play Market. In the upper right corner, tap on the menu button, made in the form of three vertical dots. Select an item "Uninstall updates" and confirm our intentions.
  5. Now we go back to the list of all installed applications and find Google Play Services there. Tap on its name to go to the settings page.
  6. As in the case of the Market, open "Vault", first press "Clear cache", and then on the adjacent button - "Place management".
  7. On the page "Data storage..." click on the button below "Delete all data", confirm your intentions and return to the main parameters page of Google Play Services.
  8. Here we tap on the button in the form of an ellipsis located in the same corner and select the item "Uninstall updates".
  9. Exit settings to home screen device and reboot it. To do this, hold down the power button, and then select the item in the window that appears.
  10. After starting the operating system, open the Play Store, where you will need to re-accept the terms License Agreement Google. Do this and try updating the application - most likely the problem will be fixed.

Forced data clearing and removal of Play Store and Google Play Services updates – effective remedy fight with the majority similar mistakes. If this step doesn't help you update the app, check out the following solutions.

Reason 4: Outdated Android version

The operating system version plays a significant role in updating applications. So, if the device has an obsolete Android installed (for example, below 4.4), then many of popular programs they simply won't update. These include Viber, Skype, Instagram and many others.

There are quite a few effective and easily implemented solutions in this situation - if possible, your smartphone or tablet should be updated to the latest available version. If there are no updates, but there is a fairly strong desire to upgrade Android generation, this can be done via device firmware. This option is not always available, but you can look for a suitable guide in a special section of our website.

To check for available OS updates, do the following:

As mentioned above, in the case of an outdated version of the operating system, it is guaranteed effective solutions does not exist. If a smartphone or tablet is really old, then the lack of ability to update some applications can hardly be called its most serious problem. And yet, even in such cases you can try to bypass installed by the system restrictions, which we will talk about in the part about « Alternative options troubleshooting".

Reason 5: Specific (number) errors

Above, we talked about the problem of the impossibility of updating applications in general, that is, when the update is not installed, but the Play Market does not produce any error with its own number. Quite often this same process is interrupted by the appearance of a notification window. "Failed to update the application...", and at the end of this message it is indicated in parentheses "(Error code: No.)", where № is a three-digit number. The most common error numbers are 406, 413, 491, 504, 506, 905. And even though these codes differ, the options for eliminating such an error are almost always identical - you need to do what we described in “Cause 3”, that is, erase and reset system application data.

To obtain more detailed information about each of the errors listed above, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the special materials on our website dedicated specifically to the Play Store and its operation.

Other “numbered” errors are also possible; they have code 491 or 923. The notification that accompanies such failures states that installing updates is impossible. Fixing this problem is quite simple - you need to delete and then re-link your Google account.

Important: Before you begin deleting your account, make sure you know the username ( e-mail) and the password for it. Keep them handy if not in memory.

In case of errors with codes 491 and 923, such a non-obvious solution as deleting and re-linking your Google account is guaranteed to get rid of the problem discussed in this article.

Alternative solutions to the problem

Each of the reasons described above for problems with updating applications has its own, often effective option solutions. Exception - outdated Android version, which is not always possible to increase. Below we will tell you what to do if applications in the Play Store have not started updating after completing the steps described above. In addition, this information will be useful for users who, for one reason or another, did not want to look for the culprit of the problem, understand it and fix it.

Method 1: Install the APK file

Most Android users know that this operating system supports installing applications from third party sources. All you need to do is find it on the Internet. executable file, download it to your device, run and install it, having previously provided the necessary permissions. You can find out how this method works in a separate article on our website, but we will briefly look at one of the possible examples.

There are quite a few websites where you can download APK files, and the most famous one is APKMirror. There are also specialized web resources that allow you to “extract” the application’s executable file directly from the Play Store. A link to one of them is given below, and we’ll tell you about it.

Important: This online service generates links directly from the branded Google store, so its use can be considered completely safe, unlike websites that offer files directly, the source of which is not always known. In addition, this approach provides the opportunity to download the latest version available in the Market.

  1. Launch the Play Store on your smartphone and go to the page of the application that you want to update. To do this, you can use the search or follow the path "Menu""My apps and games""Installed".
  2. In the window that appears, find the item "Copy" or ( "Copy link") and select it. The application link will be copied to the clipboard.
  3. Now using mobile browser, follow the link above to the page of the web service that provides the ability to download the APK. Paste the copied URL (long tap - select item "Insert") V search bar and click on the button "Generate Download Link".
  4. You may need to wait a while (up to 3 minutes) for the web service to generate a link to download the APK file. After creating it, click on the green button "Click here to download".
  5. A window will appear in your browser warning you that the downloaded file may harm your device. Just click on it "OK", after which the download process will begin.
  6. When completed, click "Open" in the notification that appears, or go to "Downloads" smartphone, or open this folder from the curtain where the notification will “hang”. Launch the downloaded file by tapping on it.
  7. If you have not previously installed applications from third-party sources, you will need to give permission to complete this procedure.
  8. Depending on the version of Android, this can be done in a pop-up window or in "Settings" in section "Safety" or "Privacy and Security". In any case, you can go to the necessary parameters directly from the installation window.

    After granting permission to install, click the button "Install" and wait for the process to complete.

  9. The new version of the application will be installed on top of the old one, therefore, in this way we forcibly updated it.

Note: Using the above method you will not be able to update paid application, because APK service Downloader simply will not be able to download it.

This approach to solving the problem of updating applications in the Play Market cannot be called the most convenient and simplest. But in those in rare cases, when installing the update is impossible in any other way, this method will clearly be useful and effective.

Method 2: Third Party App Store

The Play Market is the official, but not the only application store for the Android operating system. There are several alternative solutions, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, and all of them were discussed by us in a separate article

A third-party application store can also be useful if the update problem cannot be resolved. The material at the link above will help you decide on the choice of a suitable Market. Next, you just need to download it and install it on your device, and then find in it the application that is not updated in the company store. However, in this case it may be necessary to remove the already installed version.

Method 3: Reset your device to factory settings

The last thing that can be recommended in cases where you cannot fix any problem in the operation of your Android smartphone or tablet is to reset it to factory settings. This way you will return your mobile device to its out-of-the-box state, when it was fast and stable. Significant disadvantage This action is that all user data, files, installed applications and games will be deleted, so we recommend that you make a backup copy in advance.

As for the problem we are directly considering in this article - the inability to update applications - it is unlikely that it will come to a reset. So, if the methods described in the first part of the article did not help (which is unlikely), then one of the two described above will certainly help not to get rid of, but simply to bypass this problem, forgetting about its existence. Recommend full reset This is only possible if, in addition to the inability to install the update, there are other problems with the operation of the operating system and/or device.


In this article we have covered everything possible reasons, for which applications in Play Store may not be updated, and have also provided effective solutions to combat the problem even in cases where it is supposedly not being fixed. We hope this material was useful, and now you, as expected, use the latest versions of applications on your Android device.

Google Play services) is one of those tools that works completely unnoticed. However, if he suddenly isn’t there Android device, applications will not be able to update, and you will not be able to use modern features such as contact synchronization or GPS navigation.

Perhaps Google Play Services is the most necessary and useful tool for Android, because without it not a single service can function normally. This platform is link between Google products and your applications. So make sure you have the best today latest version this product.

If you have recently purchased a device, there is nothing to worry about yet, because new smartphones and tablets already contain all the components necessary for operation. But if your trusty gadget has been in service for a long time and has gone through many tests with you, be sure to update the platform. To do this is actually very simple, just download Google Play Services and install them on your device. The file is provided in the usual apk format and is unpacked in the same way as other ordinary applications. In case of an update, the mobile program itself will offer to replace existing components with newer ones.

What is the tool for?:

  • Google Services Authentication
  • Correct work with Google accounts
  • Updating and downloading new applications from the Play Store
  • Synchronizing contacts and Chrome browser tabs
  • Access to geolocation data, simply a GPS navigator
  • Possibility to use modern features, for example, such as energy saving and privacy of personal information
  • Thanks to proper operation Google Play services, games will become faster in offline mode and more realistic
  • Applications may stop working altogether without this tool.

Thus, it is important not only to take care of the availability mobile program, but also its most recent version. The application does not have an interface, you do not need to configure or configure anything. All you need to do is Google installation Play Services on Android or their update. Your device's system will take care of the rest. You can check the relevance of the tool in the Menu section by going to Settings and then Applications. Select the desired line and view information about the mobile program.

Download Google Play Services (latest version) for Android for free you can follow the link below.

Android 2.3+

Android 5.0+

Android 6.0+

In this article we will look at how to update Google Play services to launch the application and get rid of errors during the installation and launch process.

Google Play Services are several processes that are used in the Android operating system. All installed Google software is managed by one utility. Google developers recommend constantly updating Google Services to keep your device running smoothly.

If your device menu does not include installed application“Google Play Services”, then you can install it from a store, for example Google Play. This must be done for normal operation devices and for the interaction of all system components.

Google services cannot be removed from the device, because they are responsible for the following processes:

  • Checking for updates to installed applications
  • Connecting the Google server with all device software
  • Checking authentication in the Google search engine, as well as in Gmail, YouTube, Google+
  • Secure connection and password security control;
  • with other Android devices that use the same account. Ensuring confidentiality when transferring bank card data;
  • Work with energy saving and program control for productive and long work devices in standby mode
  • Operation of geolocation services and control of device location in real time.

If you like to play games and do it often, including online games that require connection to Google server, then it is advisable to update Google Play Services as soon as the update appears. This will improve fast connection to game servers.

Also, using software from Google, you can speed up the loading of maps, locations and speed up searches. In the latest version of Google services, the ability to support the API interface has been added. This means the phone will be able to connect to games faster and use more custom developer features.

Updates allow the device owner to use Google programs with the most current interface and new functionality. Each update fixes previous bugs and improves program performance.

Method 1 – Using Play Market

The simplest and quick way update Google Play services, this is an application store. The store icon is usually located in the main menu and to install the service you just need to log in to your account. To do this, you need to log in if you already have an account, or create a new one.

Updates from the Play Market come in two types:

  • Automatic
  • Custom

In the first case, applications are automatically updated. Applications can be selectively stopped from automatically updating. Automatic update begins if the connection is fast connection, that is, Wifi. The second option is when the user selects the application himself and updates it by clicking the “update” button.

To set up automatic updates, go to Google Play and follow the instructions below:

  • Use a left-to-right flip to open the main menu tab
  • Click on the “Settings” field

In the window that opens, click “Auto-update applications”

In the window that opens, select “Always” or “Only via Wi-Fi.” It is worth noting that if you select “always”, it may waste traffic. Automatic download programs may exceed the limit of available MB, which will lead to additional expenses for the Internet.

Now after connecting to high-speed Internet (Wi Fi), there will be automatic applications, for which updates are available.

If you do not want to automatically download any content from the Internet (this may slow down the device), you can manually start the installation of the new version of the program: Go to the Google Services page using the link

In the market window that opens, click on the “Update” button. If this button is missing and there are only “Delete” and “Open” keys, this means that the latest version of the software is installed on your device.

Method 2 – Installing updated services from a third-party source

You need to use this method if for some reason you do not have the application store installed or it does not work. Decide this problem You can install a service downloaded from a third-party source.

It is worth carefully checking the source where you are going to download from, as well as checking the apk file for viruses before installation.

It will be impossible to install the application if installation from unverified sources is prohibited on the device. To enable this option, go to your device settings. Then open the “Applications” tab and check the box next to the item shown in the figure below:

Now you can install the application from an apk file. Confirm your agreement with the developer's software usage policy and wait until the installation of the program is completed. If the installation is successful, the Google services icon will be added to the main menu of the phone.

Method 3 – Roll back updates and reinstall them

It is not uncommon for some errors to occur after a software update. Errors occur due to correct installation, incompatibility or due to an error by the developers themselves.

In case of an error on the part of the developers, a new update is released that fixes the current bug. If the error is on your side, then you should try to remove the software (roll back the update) and install it again.

Rolling back an update means removing all updates and leaving the very first version of the program.

To remove updates, follow the instructions:

Open the main menu of your phone and go to the settings window

Open the application management tab

Select “All” and in the list that appears, click on “Google Services”

In the window that opens, click on the “Uninstall updates” button. It is also recommended to delete the program data, its cache and clear all files. This can be done in the settings window. After removing the updates, go to the application store and update the program, or use APK file to install a newer version of the services firmware.

The Android operating system is still imperfect, although it is getting better in quality and functionality with each new version. Google developers regularly release updates not only for the entire OS, but also for applications integrated into it. The latter include Google Play Services, the update of which we'll talk in this article.

Google Play Services is one of the essential components Android OS, an integral part of . Often, the latest versions of this software arrive and are installed automatically, but this does not always happen. For example, sometimes in order to launch a Google application, you may first need to update Services. A slightly different situation is also possible - when trying to install an update proprietary software An error may appear notifying you that the same services need to be updated.

Such messages appear because for the correct operation of the “native” software, the corresponding version of the Services is required. Therefore, this component needs to be updated first. But first things first.

Setting up automatic updates

By default, on most mobile devices with Android OS, the function is activated in the Play Store automatic update, which, unfortunately, does not always work correctly. You can make sure that the applications installed on your smartphone receive updates in a timely manner, or enable this function if it is deactivated, as follows.

Important: Application updates may not be installed automatically if, when you log into your Play Store account on your mobile device an error is observed. You can find out how to eliminate such failures in the articles from the section on our website that is dedicated to this topic.

If you wish, you can enable automatic updates only for certain applications, which may include Google Play Services. This approach will be especially useful in cases where the need for timely receipt current version This or that software appears much more often than the presence of stable Wi-Fi.

Now only those applications that you have chosen yourself will be updated automatically. If for some reason you need to deactivate this function, follow all the steps described above, and then last step uncheck the box next to the item "Auto update".

Manual update

In cases where you do not want to activate automatic application updates, you can install it yourself latest version Google Play Services. The instructions described below will be relevant only if there is an update in the Store.

This way you will manually install the update only for Google Play Services. The procedure is quite simple and generally applicable to any other application.


If for some reason you are unable to update Google Play Services or encounter certain errors while solving this seemingly simple task, we recommend resetting the application settings to default values. This will erase all data and settings, after which this software from Google will automatically update to the latest version. If you wish, you can install the update manually.

Important: The instructions below are described and shown using the example of pure Android 8 (Oreo) OS. In other versions, as well as on other shells, the names of the items and their location may be slightly different, but the meaning will be the same.

  1. Open "Settings" systems. You can find the corresponding icon on the desktop, in the application menu and in the curtain - just select any convenient option.
  2. Find a section "Applications and notifications"(may be called "Applications") and go to it.
  3. Go to section "Application Information"(or "Installed").
  4. In the list that appears, find "Google Play Services" and tap on it.
  5. Go to section "Vault" ("Data").
  6. Click the button "Clear cache" and confirm your intentions if required.
  7. After that, tap on the button "Place management".
  8. Now click "Delete all data".

    In the question window, give your consent to perform this procedure by clicking the button "OK".

  9. Return to section "About the application" by pressing the button twice "Back" on the screen or a physical/touch key on the smartphone itself, and tap on the three vertical dots located in the upper right corner.
  10. Select an item "Uninstall updates". Confirm your intentions.

All application information will be erased, and the application itself will be reset to original version. All that remains is to wait for its automatic update or perform it manually in the manner described in the previous section of the article.

Note: You may have to re-set permissions for the application. Depending on your OS version, this will happen when you install it or when you first use/start it.


There is nothing difficult about updating Google Play Services. Moreover, in most cases this is not required, since the entire process occurs automatically. And yet, if such a need arises, this can easily be done manually.