Presentation concept static and dynamic content. Disadvantages of raster graphics

Topic 1.2. Processing of information content by means of graphic editors

Lecture 1. Introduction to computer graphics

Classification of computer graphics

CG can be classified according to the following criteria:

Depending on the organization of the graphics system

1. passive or non-interactive - this is the organization of the graphics system, in which the display is used only to display an image under the control of the program without user intervention. Graphical representation once received, it cannot be changed.

2. active or interactive (dynamic, interactive) is the reproduction of images on the screen under the control of the user.

Depending on the imaging method

raster graphics is a graphic in which an image is represented by a two-dimensional array of dots, which are elements of a raster. Raster is two-dimensional array dots (pixels) arranged in rows and columns, designed to represent an image by coloring each dot with a specific color.

2. Vector graphics is an imaging method that uses mathematical descriptions to determine the position, length, and coordinates of lines to be drawn.

3. fractal graphics - is directly related to the vector. Like vector graphics, fractal graphics are computed, but differ in that no objects are stored in the computer's memory.

4. 3D graphics.

Depending on color gamut distinguish black and white and colored charts.

Depending on how the image is displayed

1. illustrative graphics - a way of displaying graphic material.

2. demonstrative graphics – associated with dynamic objects.

Technologies for imaging dynamic objects three main methods are used:

1. drawing - erasing;

2. personnel change;

3. dynamic images.

Means for creating and processing demonstrative graphics are divided into animation (two-dimensional and three-dimensional), processing and output of live video, and various special video processors.

Depending on the application

1. scientific graphics - displaying graphs on a plane and in space, solving systems of equations, graphical interpretation (MathCAD).

2. engineering graphics (automation systems design work) - various applications in mechanical engineering, circuit board design, architecture, etc.

3. business graphics – construction of graphs, diagrams, creation of commercials, demonstrators.

business graphics

The concept of business graphics includes methods and means of graphical interpretation of scientific and business information: tables, charts, diagrams, illustrations, drawings.

Among the CG software tools, a special place is occupied by business graphics tools. They are designed to create illustrations in the preparation of reporting documentation, statistical reports and other illustrative materials. Business graphics software is included in word and spreadsheet processors.

The MS Office environment has built-in tools for creating business graphics: paint editor, MS Graph tool, MS Excel charts.

Types of computer graphics

Despite the fact that there are many classes of software for working with CG, there are only three types of CG: raster, vector and fractal graphics. They differ in the principles of image formation when displayed on a monitor screen or when printed on paper.

Raster graphics used in the development of electronic and printing publications.

Illustrations made with raster graphics are rarely created manually using computer programs. More often, illustrations prepared by the artist on paper or photographs are scanned for this purpose. Recently, digital photo and video cameras have been widely used to enter raster images into a computer. Respectively, most graphic editors designed to work with raster illustrations, focused not so much on creating images as on their processing . On the Internet, raster illustrations are mainly used.

Software tools for working with vector graphics on the contrary, they are intended primarily to create illustrations and to a lesser extent for their processing. Such tools are widely used in advertising agencies, design bureaus, editorial offices and publishing houses. Design work based on the use of fonts and simple geometric elements is much easier to solve using vector graphics. There are examples of highly artistic works created using vector graphics, but they are the exception rather than the rule, since the artistic preparation of illustrations using vector graphics is extremely difficult.

Software tools for working with fractal graphics are designed for automatic generation of images by mathematical calculations. Creating a fractal artistic composition is not about drawing or design, but about programming. Fractal graphics are rarely used to create printed or electronic documents, but they are often used in entertainment programs.

Raster graphics. main element bitmap is a point. If the image is a screen image, then this point is called a pixel. Distinctive features of a pixel are its uniformity (all pixels are the same size) and indivisibility (a pixel does not contain smaller pixels). Depending on what graphic screen resolution is set to operating system computer, images with 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 or more pixels can be placed on the screen.

The size of an image is directly related to its resolution. This parameter is measured in dots per inch (dpi). For a monitor with a diagonal of 15 inches, the size of the image on the screen is approximately 28x21 cm. Knowing that there are 25.4 mm in 1 inch, we can calculate that when the monitor is operating in the 800x600 pixel mode, the resolution of the screen image is 72 dpi.

When printing, the resolution should be much higher. Printing a full-color image requires a resolution of at least 300 dpi. A standard 10x15 cm photograph should contain approximately 1000x1500 pixels.

The color of any pixel in a raster image is stored in the computer using a combination of bits. The more bits, the more shades of colors you can get. The number of bits used by a computer for any pixel is called the bit depth of the pixel. The simplest bitmap, consisting of pixels that have only two colors - black and white, is called single bit images. Number available colors or grayscale is 2 to the power of the number of bits in a pixel. The colors described by 24 bits provide over 16 million available colors and are called natural colors.

Raster images have many characteristics that must be organized and fixed by a computer. The dimensions of an image and its pixel arrangement are the two main characteristics that a bitmap file must maintain in order to create an image. Even if the information about the color of any pixel and any other characteristics is corrupted, the computer will still be able to recreate a version of the picture if it knows how all its pixels are located. The pixel itself does not have a size, it is just a computer memory area that stores color information, so the squareness factor of the image (determines the number of pixels of the pattern matrix horizontally and vertically) does not correspond to any real dimension. Knowing only the squareness ratio of the image with a certain resolution, you can determine the real size of the picture. called a new image consists of pixels that have only two colors - black sela. in. vertically. the coordinates of the displayed

Raster resolution is simply the number of elements (pixel) of the given area (inch). Raster graphics files take up a large amount of computer memory. Three factors have the greatest influence on the amount of memory:

image size;

2. bit depth of color;

3. file format used to store the image.

Advantages of raster graphics:

1. hardware feasibility;

2. program independence (file formats intended for saving bitmaps are standard, therefore, it does not matter in which graphic editor this or that image was created);

3. photorealistic images.

Disadvantages of raster graphics:

1. a significant amount of files (determined by the product of the image area, resolution and color depth (if they are reduced to a single dimension);

2. fundamental difficulties of transforming pixel images;

3. pixelation effect - associated with the inability to enlarge the image to see the details. Since the image is made up of dots, magnification causes the dots to become larger. No additional details can be seen when the raster image is enlarged, and the increase in raster dots visually distorts the illustration and makes it rough;

4. hardware dependence - the cause of many errors;

5. lack of objects.

Vector graphics. If in raster graphics the main element of the image is a point, then in vector graphics it is a line (it does not matter whether it is a straight line or a curve).

Of course, lines also exist in raster graphics, but there they are considered as combinations of points. For each line point in a raster graphics, one or more memory cells are allocated (the more colors the points can have, the more cells are allocated to them). Accordingly, the longer the raster line, the more memory it takes. In vector graphics, the amount of memory occupied by a line does not depend on the size of the line, since it is represented as a formula, or rather, in the form of several parameters. Whatever we do with this line, only its parameters stored in memory cells change. The number of cells remains the same for any line.

Line is an elementary object of vector graphics. Everything that is in vector illustration, consists of lines. The simplest objects are combined into more complex ones (for example, a quad object can be considered as four connected lines, and a cube object is even more complex: it can be considered as either 12 connected lines or 6 connected quads). Because of this approach vector graphics often call object-oriented graphics.

EXAMPLE AT general case the third-order curve equation can be written as

x 3+a 1y 3+a 2x2y+a 3xy 2+a 4x 2+a 5y 2+a 6xy+a 7x+a 8y+a 9= 0.

It can be seen that nine parameters are sufficient for recording. To specify a segment of a curve of the third order, it is necessary to have two more parameters. If you add parameters to them that express such line properties as thickness, color, character, etc., then 20-30 bytes will be enough to store one object. random access memory. Sufficiently complex compositions, numbering thousands of objects, consume only tens and hundreds of KB.

Like all objects, lines have properties: line shape, its thickness, color, character (solid, dotted, etc.). Closed lines have padding property. The inner area of ​​a closed loop can be filled color, texture, map. The simplest line, if it is not closed, has two vertices, which are called knots. Nodes also have properties that determine how a line's vertex looks and how two lines fit together.

Note that vector graphics objects are stored in memory as a set of parameters, but all images are still displayed as dots on the screen (simply because the screen is designed that way). Before displaying each object on the screen, the program calculates the coordinates of the screen points in the image of the object, so vector graphics are sometimes called computed graphics. Similar calculations are made when outputting objects to the printer.

Basic concepts of CG

The concept of a raster

Appearance and wide use raster based on property human vision perceive an image consisting of individual dots as a whole. This feature of vision has long been used by artists. It is also based on the printing technology.

The image is projected onto a light-sensitive plate through glass, on which an opaque raster grating is evenly applied. As a result, a continuous halftone image is broken into individual cells, which are called raster elements . The raster is widely used in the manufacture of various kinds of printed products: newspapers, magazines, books.

The concept of continuous halftone comes from photography. Actually a photographic print when viewed through optical instrument with very big increase also consists of separate elementary points. However, they are so small that they are invisible to the naked eye.

Other methods of representation of images: polygraphy, printing on a printer, output to a monitor - use relatively large raster elements.

light and color

Light as a physical phenomenon is a stream electromagnetic waves different lengths and amplitudes. The human eye being complex optical system, perceives these waves in the range of lengths from approximately 350 to 780 nm. Light is perceived either directly from a source, for example, from lighting fixtures, or as reflected from the surfaces of objects or refracted when passing through transparent and translucent objects. Color is a characteristic of the perception of electromagnetic waves of different lengths by the eye, since it is the wavelength that determines the visible color for the eye. The amplitude, which determines the energy of the wave (proportional to the square of the amplitude), is responsible for the brightness of the color. Thus, the very concept of color is a feature of the human "vision" of the environment.

Rice. 1. Human eye

On fig. 1 is a schematic representation of the human eye. Photoreceptors located on the surface of the retina act as light receivers. The lens is a kind of lens that forms an image, and the iris plays the role of a diaphragm, regulating the amount of light transmitted into the eye. The sensitive cells of the eye respond differently to waves of different wavelengths. The intensity of light is a measure of the energy of light affecting the eye, and brightness is a measure of how the eye perceives this effect. The integral curve of the spectral sensitivity of the eye is shown in fig. 2; this is the standard curve of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE, or CIE - Comission International de l "Eclairage).

There are two types of photoreceptors: rods and cones. The sticks are highly sensitive and work in low light conditions. They are insensitive to wavelength and therefore do not "distinguish" colors. Cones, on the contrary, have a narrow spectral curve and "distinguish" colors. There is only one type of rods, and cones are divided into three types, each of which is sensitive to a certain range of wavelengths (long, medium or short.) Their sensitivity is also different.

On fig. 3 shows cone sensitivity curves for all three types. It can be seen that the cones that perceive the colors of the green spectrum have the greatest sensitivity, the "red" cones are slightly weaker, and the "blue" cones are much weaker.

Rice. 2. Integral curve of the spectral sensitivity of the eye

Rice. 3. Sensitivity curves for various receptors

Fundamentals of color theory

When working with color, use the concepts color resolution (also called color depth) and color model . Color Resolution defines a method for encoding color information, and it determines how many colors can be displayed on the screen at the same time. To encode a two-color (black and white) image, it is enough to allocate one bit per color representation of each pixel. The allocation of one byte allows you to encode 256 different color shades. Two bytes (16 bits) allow you to define 65536 different colors. This mode is called High Color. If three bytes (24 bits) are used for color encoding, 16.5 million colors can be displayed simultaneously. This mode is called True Color.

Colors in nature are rarely simple. Most color shades are formed by mixing primary colors. The method of dividing a color hue into components is called a color model. There are many various types color models, but computer graphics, as a rule, no more than three are used. These models are known as RGB, CMYK and HSB.

Colour- one of the factors of our perception of light radiation. The following are used to characterize the color attributes.

Color tone. Can be determined by the dominant wavelength in the emission spectrum. Hue allows you to distinguish one color from another, for example, green from red, yellow and others.

Brightness. It is determined by the energy, the intensity of light radiation. Expresses the amount of perceived light.

Saturation or purity of tone. It is expressed by the proportion of the presence of white. In a perfectly pure color, there is no white admixture. If, for example, a white color is added to a pure red color in a certain proportion (this is called whitewash among artists), then a light, pale red color will be obtained.

These three attributes allow you to describe all colors and shades. The fact that there are exactly three attributes is one of the manifestations of the three-dimensional properties of color.

The science that studies color and its measurements is called colorimetry. It describes the general patterns of color perception of light by a person.

One of the fundamental laws colorimetry are the laws of mixing colors. These laws were formulated in their most complete form in 1853 by the German mathematician Hermann Grassmann:

1. Color is three-dimensional - three components are needed to describe it. Any four colors are linearly dependent, although there are an unlimited number of linearly independent collections of three colors.

In other words, for any given color (C), one can write the following color equation, which expresses the linear dependence of colors:

C \u003d k1 C1 + k2 C2 + k3 C3,

where C1, C2, C3 - some basic, linearly independent colors, coefficients k1, k2, and k3 - the amount of the corresponding mixed color. The linear independence of the colors C1, C2, C3 means that none of them can be expressed as a weighted sum (linear combination) of the other two.

The first law can also be interpreted in a broader sense, namely in the sense three-dimensionality colors. It is not necessary to use a mixture of other colors to describe a color, other values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be used, but there must be three of them.

2. If in a mixture of three color components one changes continuously while the other two remain constant, the color of the mixture also changes continuously.

3. The color of the mixture depends only on the colors of the mixed components and does not depend on their spectral compositions.

The meaning of the third law becomes clearer if we take into account that the same color (including the color of mixed components) can be obtained in different ways. For example, a blendable component can be obtained in turn by blending other components.

Table of values ​​of some colors in the RGB numerical model

color HSV model

Model HSB(Hue Saturation Brightness = Hue Saturation Brightness) is based on the subjective perception of color by a person. Proposed in 1978. This model is also based on the colors of the RGB model, but any color in it is defined by its color (hue), saturation (i.e. adding white paint to it) and brightness (i.e. adding black paint to it). In fact, any color is obtained from the spectral by adding gray paint. This model is device-dependent and does not correspond to the perception of the human eye, since the eye perceives spectral colors as colors with different brightness (blue seems darker than red), and in the HSB model they are all

brightness is assigned to 100%.

Rice. 5. Models HSB and HSV

H determines the frequency of light and takes a value from 0 to 360 degrees.

V or B: V- value (takes values ​​from 0 to 1) or B- brightness that determines the level white light(takes values ​​from 0 to 100%). are the height of the cone.

S- determines the saturation of the color. Its value is the radius of the cone.

Rice. 6. Color circle with S=1 and V=1 (B=100%)

In the HSV model (Fig. 5), color is described the following parameters: hue H (Hue), saturation S (Saturation), brightness, lightness V (Value). The value of H is measured in degrees from 0 to 360, since here the colors of the rainbow are arranged in a circle in this order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. S and V values ​​are in the range (0…1).

Let us give examples of color coding for the HSV model. At S=0 (i.e., on the V axis) - gray tones. The value V=0 corresponds to black. White color is coded as S=0, V=1. Colors located in a circle opposite each other, i.e., differing in H by 180 º, are complementary. Specifying color using HSV parameters is quite often used in graphics systems ah, and the scan of the cone is usually shown.

The HSV color model is convenient for use in those graphic editors that are focused not on processing ready-made images, but on creating them yourself. There are programs that allow you to simulate various artist's tools (brushes, pens, felt-tip pens, pencils), paint materials (watercolor, gouache, oil, ink, charcoal, pastel) and canvas materials (canvas, cardboard, rice paper, etc.). Creating your own work of fiction, it is convenient to work in the HSV model, and when finished, it can be converted to the RGB or CMYK model, depending on whether it will be used as a screen or printed illustration.

There are other color models built similarly to HSV, such as HLS (Hue, Lighting, Saturation) and HSB also use a color cone.

Lab color model

Model Lab is a hardware-independent model, which distinguishes it from those described above. It has been experimentally proven that the perception of color depends on the observer (if you remember colorblind people, there is a difference in age perception of color, etc.) and observation conditions (everything is gray in the dark). Scientists from the International Commission on Illumination (CIE = Commission Internationale de l "Eclairage) in 1931, they standardized the conditions for observing colors and investigated the perception of color in a large group of people. As a result, the basic components of a new color model XYZ. This model is hardware independent because it describes colors as they are perceived by a human, more precisely by a "standard CIE observer". It was accepted as the standard. The Lab color model used in computer graphics is derived from the XYZ color model. It got its name from its basic components L, a and b. Component L carries information about the brightness of the image, and the components a and b- about its colors (i.e. a and b- chromatic components). Component a changes from green to red and b- from blue to yellow. Brightness in this model is separated from color, which is convenient for adjusting contrast, sharpness, etc. However, being abstract and highly mathematical, this model remains inconvenient for practical work.

Since all color models are mathematical, they are easily converted from one to another using simple formulas. Such converters are built into all "decent" graphic programs.

Color profiles

The theories of color perception and reproduction outlined above are used in practice with serious amendments. Founded in 1993, the International Color Consortium (ICC) has developed and standardized color management systems (Color management system, CMS). Such systems are designed to ensure color consistency at all stages of work for any device, taking into account the features specific devices in color reproduction.

In reality, there are no devices with a color gamut that completely matches the RGB, CMYK, CIE and any other models. Therefore, in order to bring the capabilities of devices to a certain common denominator, color profiles.

Color profile– a means of describing color reproduction parameters.

In computer graphics, all work begins in RGB space, since the monitor physically emits these colors. On the initiative Microsoft companies and Hewlett Packard was accepted standard model sRGB corresponding to the color gamut of a medium quality monitor. In such color space graphics should play without problems on most computers. But this model is very simplified, and its color gamut is much narrower than that of high-quality monitors.

Nowadays, color profiles created in accordance with the ICC requirements have become almost a universal standard. The main contents of such a profile are tables (matrices) of color matching under various transformations.

The most ordinary monitor profile should contain at least CIE - RGB conversion matrices and a table for inverse conversion, white color parameters and gradation characteristic (Gamma parameter).

main feature ICC-profile of the printing device - the need to take into account the mutual influence of colors. If on the monitor the dots of the phosphor emit almost independently, then when printing, the inks are superimposed on the paper and on each other. Therefore, the profiles of printers contain huge matrices for recalculating the mutual transformations of the XYZ and Lab spaces, mathematical models various options such transformations.

Color coding. Palette

Color coding

In order for a computer to be able to work with color images, it is necessary to represent colors as numbers - to encode color. The encoding method depends on the color model and numeric data format in the computer.

For the RGB model, each of the components can be represented by numbers limited to a certain range, for example fractional numbers from zero to one or integers from zero to some maximum value. The most common color scheme for video devices is the so-called RGB representation, in which any color is represented as the sum of three primary colors - red, green, blue - with given intensities. The entire possible color space is a unit cube, and each color is defined by a triple of numbers (r, g, b) - (red, green, blue). For example, yellow is given as (1, 1, 0) and magenta as (1, 0, 1), white color corresponds to the set (1, 1, 1), and to black - (0, 0, 0).

Usually, a fixed number is allocated for the storage of each of the color components. n bit of memory. Therefore, it is considered that the acceptable range of values ​​for the color components is not , but .

Almost any video adapter is capable of displaying significantly large quantity colors than that determined by the size of the video memory allocated for one pixel. To use this feature, the concept of a palette is introduced.

Palette– an array in which each possible pixel value is assigned a color value (r, g, b). The size of the palette and its organization depend on the type of video adapter you are using.

The simplest is the organization palettes on the EGA adapter. Each of the 16 possible logical colors (pixel values) is allocated 6 bits, 2 bits for each color component. In this case, the color in the palette is specified by a byte of the form 00rgbRGB, where r, g, b, R, G, B can take the value 0 or 1. Thus, for each of the 16 logical colors, you can set any of the 64 possible physical colors.

16-color standard palette for EGA, VGA video modes. Palette implementation for 16-color modes VGA adapters much more difficult. In addition to supporting the EGA adapter palette, the video adapter additionally contains 256 special DAC registers, where each color is stored in its 18-bit representation (6 bits for each component). At the same time, the value from 0 to 63 is compared with the original logical color number using 6-bit registers of the EGA palette, as before, but it is no longer the RGB decomposition of the color, but the number of the DAC register containing the physical color.

256 color for VGA. For 256-VGA, the pixel value is directly used to index the array of DAC registers.

Currently, the True Color format is quite common, in which each component is represented as a byte, which gives 256 gradations of brightness for each component: R=0…255, G=0…255, B=0…255. The number of colors is 256x256x256=16.7 million (224).

This type of coding can be called component. In a computer, True Color image codes are represented as triples of bytes, or they are packed into a long integer (four-byte bits (for example, this is done in the Windows API):

C = bbbbbbbb gggggggg rrrrrrrr.

Index Palettes

When working with images in computer graphics systems, it is often necessary to find a compromise between image quality (requires as many colors as possible) and the resources necessary for storing and reproducing the image, calculated, for example, by the amount of memory (it is necessary to reduce the number of bytes per pixel). In addition, a certain image itself can use a limited number of colors. For example, two colors may be enough for drawing, for human face important shades of pink, yellow, purple, red, green, and for the sky - shades of blue and gray. In these cases, the use of full-color color coding is redundant.

When limiting the number of colors, use a palette that provides a set of colors that are important for given image. A palette can be thought of as a table of colors. The palette establishes the relationship between a color code and its components in the selected color model.

Computer video systems usually allow the programmer to set their own color palette. Each color shade is represented by a single number, and this number does not express the color of the pixel, but the color index (its number). The color itself is searched for by this number in the accompanying color palette attached to the file. These color palettes are called index palettes.

Index Palette- This is a data table that stores information about what code a particular color is encoded with. This table is created and stored along with the graphics file.

Miscellaneous images may have different color palettes. For example, in one image green color may be encoded with index 64, and in another this index may be given pink color. If you reproduce an image with a "foreign" color palette, then the green Christmas tree on the screen may turn out to be pink.

Fixed palette

In cases where the color of the image is encoded in two bytes (High Color mode), an image of 65 thousand colors is possible on the screen. Of course, these are not all possible colors, but only one 256th part of the total continuous spectrum of colors available in True Color mode. In such an image, each two-byte code also expresses some color from the general spectrum. But in this case you can't attach an index palette to the file, which would record which code corresponds to which color, since this table would have 65 thousand entries and its size would be hundreds of thousands of bytes. It hardly makes sense to attach a table to a file that can be larger than the file itself. In this case, the concept is used fixed palette. It does not need to be attached to the file, because in any graphic file, which has a 16-bit color encoding, the same code always expresses the same color.

Safe Palette

Term safe palette used in web graphics. Since the data transfer rate on the Internet is still poor, graphics that have color coding higher than 8-bit are not used to design Web pages.

This raises the problem that the creator of the Web page does not have the slightest idea on what model of computer and under the control of what programs his work will be viewed. He's not sure if his "green tree" will turn red or orange on users' screens.

In this regard, the following decision was made. All the most popular Web browsing programs (browsers) are pre-configured to some one fixed palette. If the developer of the Web page when creating illustrations will use just this palette, then he can be sure that users around the world will see the drawing correctly. This palette does not have 256 colors, as one might expect, but only 216. This is due to the fact that not all computers connected to the Internet are capable of reproducing 256 colors.

Such a palette, which rigidly defines indices for encoding 216 colors, is called safe palette.

Graphical interfaces and programming standards
computer graphics

Standardization in computer graphics is aimed at ensuring the mobility and portability of application programs, the unification of interaction with graphics devices and enabling the exchange of graphical information between different subsystems. The use of standards makes it possible to reduce the development time for graphic systems and increase their life cycle. Today, in the practice of using CG tools, a large number of standards are used that differ in purpose and functionality. They have varying degrees of officiality - from actual to international standards.

The starting point in the work on the standardization of graphic tools should be considered 1976. It was then that the first meeting to discuss graphic standards was held in the French city of Seilak. Since then, graphic standards have been dealt with in various national and international standards organizations associated with the use of

Information content- information in any form that gives an exhaustive answer to the user's question or tells about something. Information content includes:

  • descriptions of goods in the cards of online stores;
  • articles “How to reinstall Windows”, “How to pour a concrete floor”, “Why do we need to grind a log house”;
  • cases of marketing agencies;
  • blog articles with personal reflections;
  • news content;
  • and many other types of content.

Information content helps or another platform indirectly and helps in the eyes of customers, if and detailed answers to the most FAQ. Information will benefit you if you publish really useful, relevant, understandable materials.

Social networks (SMM).User in social networks concentrates on one object for an average of 8 seconds, so the short format prevails here. Information materials are presented in the form of small posts with interesting facts, separate pages with great articles or guides, infographics or videos. Now the new one is very actively used.

Other platforms. You can post informational content in the media, in visited blogs, news sites and other sites. Such guest posts will bring visitors to your site, increase brand awareness, help you make yourself known and expand your target audience.

The role of information content in promotion

Informational content helps to promote not only the site, but also the business as a whole. With it, you can:

  • bring the portal to the TOP of search results search engines by high-frequency, mid-frequency or through the publication of keyword-optimized materials;
  • increase brand awareness through frequent sharing of useful materials, viral publications, growth of natural traffic from search engines;
  • increase the level of expertise in the eyes of readers by publishing their research, cases, real examples from practice, checklists, answers to difficult questions.
  • tell more about the product, service and their benefits, give examples of the use of the product or service in order to increase the reader's interest in your offer.

In the complex, namely - information content - increases the number of sales. If you keep posting useful materials, traffic to the site, profile or group will increase. New customers, buyers or readers will appear.

Vivid examples of the effectiveness of information content:

  • blog site builder Tilda with useful articles, guides, instructions on the topic of Internet marketing;
  • Elena Torshina with publications of original materials on her Torshinsky site;
  • website of the Clean Line trademark with life hacks, make-up secrets and other useful materials.

Creation of information content

To create really useful and high-quality informational content, you need to:

  1. Define target audience and find out what they would be interested in reading about. To do this, you can use the company's customer survey forms, discussions in social networks or the latest trends in the sphere.
  2. Collect material. Depending on the format, collect facts, research references, test the product, or prepare detailed description your opinion.
  3. Create text, image or video. Write concisely, to the point, without being distracted by minor deviations from the topic. This will make the materials rich, short, interesting.

Other companies or authors can be involved in the creation of informational content, so that they write guest articles, or are published on your site under their own name. You can also write your guest posts on popular sites.

Information Content Examples

And now let's give examples of informational content on the site that sells like hot cakes.

How do you use informational content? Do you think it is effective? Share your opinion in the comments.

1. Prepare a video report about the organization (the report must include video materials, audio materials, have logical structure and plot, credits). The report should reflect general information about the organization, interviews with employees, the specifics of the activities of individual specialists, the duration of the material should not exceed 10 minutes.

2. Stages of development:

Creating a plot;

Storyboard (optional)

Video recording;

Recording audio material (interviews with employees);

Processing and installation;

Adding titles and footage.


All types of materials are collected only with the permission of the management of the organization and should not contain confidential information, as well as by any means violate the laws of the Russian Federation.

Task 3. Perform the work and describe the procedure for its implementation(based on the profile of the organization):

Install and work with specialized application software;

Install and work with application software;

Diagnose equipment malfunctions using hardware and software tools;

Monitor the operating parameters of the equipment;

Eliminate minor malfunctions in the operation of equipment;

Perform equipment maintenance at the user level;

Prepare bug reports;

Carry out commissioning of industry equipment;

Carry out testing of industry equipment;

Install and configure system software.

Task 4. Create standard form and calculation of the employee's salary at the enterprise (where the practice takes place). Take any work position as an example.

1. Development must be external program A that contains tabular data, graphical data, and controls. The program should generate one type of report - "an employee's salary for six months."

Task 5. Provide information on these issues based on the industry focus of the enterprise:

1. Principles of operation of specialized equipment;

2. Operating modes of computer and peripherals;

3. Principles of building a computer and peripheral equipment;

4. Equipment maintenance rules;

5. Equipment maintenance schedule;

6. Types and types of test checks;

7. Ranges of permissible operational characteristics of the equipment;

8. Operational characteristics of industry-specific equipment;

9. Principles of switching hardware complexes of branch orientation;

10. Principles of operation of system software.

Task 6. Creation of a presentation using MS PowerPoint (or any other presentation resource), in which to present information on following topics:

Topic 1. Static informational content

Technologies for working with static information content;

Standards for presentation formats of graphic data;

Standards for presentation formats of static information content;

Rules for constructing static information content;

Technical means of collecting, processing, storing and displaying static content.

Topic 2. Dynamic information content

Technologies for working with dynamic information content;

Dynamic Data Representation Format Standards;

Standards for presentation formats of dynamic information content;

Information content processing software;

Rules for building dynamic information content;

Principles of linear and non-linear editing of dynamic content;

Rules for preparing dynamic information content for editing;

Technical means of collecting, processing, storing and demonstrating dynamic content.

ANNOTATION TO WORKING PROGRAM PM.01 PROCESSING OF INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION 1.1. Scope of the program The work program of the professional module "processing of industry information" is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SPO 09.02.05 Applied Informatics (by industry) of basic training in terms of mastering the main type professional activity and relevant professional competencies (PC): PC1.1. Process static information content. PC1.2. Process dynamic information content. PC1.3. Prepare equipment for operation. PC1.4. Set up and work with industry equipment for processing information content. PC1.5. Control the operation of computer, peripheral devices and telecommunication systems, ensure their proper operation 1.2. The place of the professional module in the structure of the main professional educational program: the discipline is included in the professional cycle of the mandatory part. 1.3. Goals and objectives of the professional module - requirements for the results of mastering the professional module In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must: have practical experience: 1. processing static information content; 2. processing dynamic information content; 3. installation of dynamic information content; 4. work with industry equipment for processing information content; 5. monitoring the operation of computer, peripheral devices and telecommunication systems, ensuring their correct operation; 6. preparation of equipment for work; be able to: 1. carry out the process of prepress preparation of information content; 2. install and work with specialized application software; 3. work in a graphics editor; 4. process raster and vector images; 5. work with packages of application programs for text layout; 6. prepare original layouts; 7. work with packages of application programs for processing industry information; 8. work with presentation programs; 9. install and work with application software for processing dynamic information content; 10. work with application software for processing economic information; 11. convert analog forms of dynamic content to digital; 12. record dynamic content in a predetermined format; 13. install and work with specialized application software for editing dynamic information content; 14. select the means of editing dynamic content; 15. perform event-driven editing of dynamic content; 16. work with specialized equipment processing of static and dynamic information content; 17. choose equipment to solve the task; 18. install and configure application software; 19. diagnose equipment malfunctions using hardware and software tools; 20. monitor the operating parameters of the equipment; 21. eliminate minor malfunctions in the operation of equipment; 22. carry out equipment maintenance at the user level; 23. carry out the preparation of a bug report; 24. switch hardware complexes of industry orientation; 25. to carry out commissioning of equipment for the industry; 26. carry out testing of industry-specific equipment; 27. install security; and configure the system software to know: 1. the basics of information technology; 2. technologies for working with static information content; 3. standards for presentation formats of static information content; 4. standards for graphic data presentation formats; 5. computer terminology; 6. standards for registration of technical documentation; 7. sequence and rules of prepress; 8. rules for the preparation and execution of presentations; 9. software for information content processing; 10. fundamentals of ergonomics; eleven. mathematical methods information processing; 12. information technologies for working with dynamic content; 13. standards for dynamic data presentation formats; 14. terminology in the field of dynamic information content; 15. information content processing software; 16. principles of linear and non-linear editing of dynamic content; 17. rules for building dynamic information content; 18. rules for preparing dynamic information content for editing; 19. technical means of collecting, processing, storing and displaying static and dynamic content; 20. principles of operation of specialized equipment; 21. operating modes of computer and peripheral devices; 22. principles of construction of computer and peripheral equipment; 23. equipment maintenance rules; 24. equipment maintenance regulations; 25. types and types of text checks; 26. ranges of permissible operational characteristics of the equipment; 27. principles of switching hardware complexes of branch orientation; 28. performance characteristics of industry equipment; 29. operating principles of system software; 1.4. The recommended number of hours for mastering the program of the professional module: the maximum study load of the student is 745 hours, including:  the mandatory classroom study load of the student is 394 hours;  independent work 197 hours;  educational practice 78;  industrial practice 76 hours. 1.5. Forms of intermediate certification: differentiated tests, exam, qualifying exam. 1.6. The content of the professional module Section 1. Processing of static information content Topic 1.1. Fundamentals of information technology Topic 1.2. Static information content Topic 1.3. Computer graphics content Topic 1.4. Computer graphics theory Topic 1.5. Photo processing Topic 1.6. Basic parameters of the vector contour Topic 1.7. Bitmap image processing Topic 1.8. Development of design and construction documentation Section 2. Processing of dynamic information content Topic 2.1. The process of planning a layout and working with a printing house Topic 2.2. Basic techniques for creating original layouts of various printed publications, taking into account the features of a modern printing base and paper type Topic 2.3. Technologies of the printing process Topic 2.4. Fundamentals of typography Topic 2.5. Equipment for the work of a designer Topic 2.6. Creation of ps-files and preparation of an original layout for transfer to a printing house for subsequent color separation on a phototypesetter Section 3. Preparing equipment for work Topic 3.1. Presentation preparation standard Topic 3.2. Presentation Forms Topic 3.3. Presentation effects Topic 3.4 Preparing presentations Section 4. Information technologies for working with economic information Topic 4.1. General information and interface of the program Mathcad Topic 4.2. Exact calculations in Mathcad Topic 4.3. Numerical methods in Mathcad Section 5. Information technologies for working with sound Topic 5.1 Forms of sound information presentation Topic 5.2 AdobeAudition program Topic 5.3 Working in single-track mode (EditView). Working in multitrack mode Topic 5.4 Working with loop and wave files Topic 5.5 Using noise reduction filters Topic 5.6 Editing voices Topic 5.7 Using Audition's channel mixer and real-time effects. Topic 5.8 batch processing and scripting Topic 5.9 Optimization sound files for the Internet Topic 5.10 Importing audio data from a CD and creating a new CD Section 6. Video processing Topic 6.1 Ways to create a digital video image. Types of Digital Video Topic 6.2 Basic concepts Adobe Premiere. Program interface. Project, Source, Program windows Topic 6.3 Importing and exporting files Section 7 Creating simple animations Topic 7.1 Ways to create animations. Animation types. Simplest GIF animation. FLASH animation Topic 7.2 Adobe Flash program. Features of the program interface Topic 7.3 Adobe Flash tools Topic 7.4 Fill. Combining contours. Lasso tool. Work with text. Section 8. Editing of dynamic information content Topic 8.1 The concept of editing Topic 8.2 Basic rules for shooting video materials Topic 8.3 Video editing. Film editing Topic 8.4 Video editing. Basics of work in the application AdobePremierePro and its installation Topic 8.5 Video editing. The main editing tools in the windows "Program" (Program), "Source" (Source) and "Timeline" (Timeline). Topic 8.6 Video editing. Video and audio transitions Topic 8.7 Video editing. Transparency of video clips. Moving and scaling clips Topic 8.8 Video editing. Video effects Topic 8.9 Video editing. Sound in the film Topic 8.10 Computer animation: Technology for creating an animated film Topic 8.11 Computer animation: Working with color. Types of fills and their application Topic 8.12 Computer animation: Shape animation. Bitmap Tracing Topic 8.13 Computer Animation: Motion Animation Topic 8.14 Computer Animation: Symbols. Complex Animation Topic 8.15 Computer Animation: Library Samples and Instances Topic 8.16 Computer Animation: Nested Instance Animation Topic 8.17 Computer Animation: Layer Mask. Masking Layers Topic 8.18 Computer Animation: Sound. Saving, exporting, publishing Section 9. Technical means of collecting, storing and demonstrating static content Topic 9.1 Camera and its equipment Topic 9.2 Graphic tablet Topic 9.3 Scanners Topic 9.4 Printers Topic 9.5 Plotters Topic 9.6 Risograph Topic 9.7 Cutter and laminator Topic 9.8 Stapler and booklet Section 10. Technical means for collecting, processing, storing and demonstrating dynamic content Topic 10.1 Video camera and its equipment Topic 10.2 Equipment for sound recording Section 11. Technical means for processing and storing content Topic 11.1 Processor Topic 11.2 Motherboard Topic 11.3 Video card Topic 11.4 Sound card Topic 11.5 Video capture card Topic 11.6 Storage equipment

Types of content for the site: these are texts, photos, video, audio, PDF files. It is IMPORTANT that all of them are properly SEO optimized. Web studio AVANZET offers the creation of sites with a guarantee of rapid promotion to the TOP. We have developed a unique technology that makes it possible to bring the site to high positions very quickly.

Site content is texts, photos, videos and other materials that help the visitor to perceive the information content of the site.

Question: What types of content for the site are of interest to the owners of Internet resources when we are talking about the frequency of updating information and about progress. Content is not only texts (articles, reports, books, press releases, etc.) posted on the pages of the site, it can be any materials

Strictly speaking, content is information, and information can be transmitted not only through printed text. The content also includes the following elements that can be presented on the site:

  • audio recordings
  • video recordings
  • thematic graphics
  • Photo

Such content enlivens the design of the site and makes it dynamic, but it is necessary that this information corresponds to the subject of the site and is interesting to your target audience.

Benefits of different types of content

  • Static content - this is textual material, usually placed on one page, for example, a description of services or a brand. It is important that text materials are not only unique, but also understandable and interesting to the user. Often, a high-quality and interesting description of services plays a decisive role in deciding whether to call the office or fill out an order form.
  • Dynamic Content - this is the so-called user-generated content: forums, comments and reviews. This content is good because the content of the site is done by users on their own, but the information needs to be moderated. There is a lively discussion of the material and receiving from users a large number information.
  • Information materials - articles, news or company blog. This content is good because it is well thought out for the company: both in terms of user interest and in terms of search promotion.
  • multimedia content - These are images on the site - such as videos, photos, 3d images. They are also content. Viewing them provides an opportunity to enlarge the image, how to “turn” the goods, this gives a more visual and figurative idea of ​​​​the goods.
  • Aggregation of news information- collection of materials from various news sources. This method is good for the availability of information on almost any issue and you can search for it without much difficulty. One of the advantages is that there is no need to edit the news. You just need to find a news source and install a module that implements these news on your site.

Interesting articles on the topic content for the site

  • Literate texts for the site: how to write headlines - part 1

Why is it important that all types of content hit exactly the target audience

If we are talking about texts, then an interesting useful article will bring visitors to the page of your site for a long time. This is the so-called forever green content.

If this is an attractive photo and it is indexed by search engines, then users also often go to the site page when they are looking for important information. If relevant text is added to the photo, then the chance to get the target user increases several times.

Video content is also very important. Therefore, do not forget to add key phrases to the title and description of the videos. Don't forget to include a compelling description of the content and the length of the video content in your short preview.

Don't forget audio content. Short audio descriptions or instructions are easy to make, but they will spice up your site. They also need to be provided with headings containing key phrase, through which users can get to the page of the site where the audio content is located.

You may also be interested in the following publications:

  • Content marketing officially becomes the "king" of promotion

Remember! Any content on your site should clearly meet the goal. And whatever fantastic types of content you use in the future, their impact on target audience must always be subordinated to this goal.