Download a regular notepad for windows 7. Other program features


About Notepad

About the Notepad program

Text files are created in Notepad.
A text file is a file type that can be
identified by the file name extension TXT.

The default file name is "Untitled".

You can also use Notepad to create and edit web pages while learning the basics HTML language. Although, judging by own experience, such complex work as comprehending the basics of the language HTML is better in WordPad, and in Notepad to do simpler work.

By default, Notepad creates, opens, and saves documents with a TXT extension, but you can also use it to open files with INI extensions,INF,LOG.

To run files of any other type, run the command:
“File” → “Open” → in the file type field, specify “All files”
then select required file.

Notepad allows you to work with texts in ANSI and Unicode encodings,
and also perform conversion from one format to another. To do this, when saving the document, select the desired encoding in the appropriate field.

Suppose you found something interesting on the Internet (news, story,
poems, etc.) – read it yourself and want to send it to friends – “highlighted”
liked the text, “copied” it right mouse, "inserted"
first in Notepad, and then “pasted” - either into email
to a friend, or in a message to social network(“Odnoklassniki”, “My World”
etc.), or “saved” in a folder on your computer. Very convenient!

How to use Notepad

How to use Notepad?

Working with the Notepad program
I will describe it in an accessible way for
novice user, form.

How to find Notepad on your computer -
shown in the screenshot on the page Text editors

On top panel programs –
“File”, “Edit”, “Format”.

how to create, open, save, print documents in Notepad

How to “create”, “open”,
“save”, “print”
documents in Notepad

File - “Creates”, “Opens”, “Saves”, “Prints”
documents in Notepad.

To create new document- click "File" → select "New"
and start typing. Or you don’t have to click on “Create”. Since you've already opened Notepad, you can immediately type and then save your document.

If the document is new, then select “Save as...” to save.
In the Explorer window that opens, select the folder where you will save,
In the “File name” line, write the name of the document and click “Save”.

To open a previously saved document,
then click “File” - select “Open”.
“Explorer” will open with the “Documents” folder, find your previously saved
document and either double click open this document yourself, or click
once over this document to select it and then at the bottom of the Explorer window, click Open.

Or you can do it without “File” - find your document yourself in the “Documents” folder and double-click to open it. In all cases there will be the expected result. You will open a previously saved document and can make changes to it.

If you make any changes to a previously saved document,
then click “File” and select → “Save”.

To print your document
Click Notepad's "File" menu → select "Print."

In the “General” tab that opens, select the printer and its parameters,
and then click the "Print" button. If you want to change the type of printed
document, click the File menu and select Page Options.

My observations about the vagaries of the Notepad program

If you do anything big printed works, then it should be taken into account
that the Notepad program is quite capricious, therefore, in order not to make unnecessary
work - save the document at the beginning of work, i.e. typed the title of the document -
click “File” → “Save as...” and in the already saved document, typed a short text → click “Save”, typed a little more and again → “Save”.

And always watch the cursor to see if it is in the place where you need to type.

How to copy, cut, delete in Notepad

How to “Cut”, “Delete”,
“Copy”, “Paste” in Notepad


“Cuts”, “Deletes”, “Copies”, “Pastes” - already “selected” text.

"Cancels" last action made in Notepad.

Searches and replaces characters and words in the text.

Inserts the time and date into a text document.

Before removing, cutting,
copy, paste - the text must be selected.

How to highlight text in Notepad

How to highlight text in Notepad

"Select text" (words)
can be done in two ways:

Place the cursor at the beginning (end) of the text (word) and press
left mouse button, drag across the text (word) to the right,
if you put the cursor at the beginning.
And to the left if you put the cursor at the end of the text (word).

Selected text turns blue.

Place the cursor at the beginning (end) of the text (word), press
and hold Shift key with one hand and press with the other
key to move through the text, right (→) or left (←).

With text (word) already selected – you can “Cut”, “Delete”,
“Copy”, “Paste”. To do this, click “Edit” and do the following:
what you were going to do: cut, delete, copy, etc.

To remove the “selection”, simply left-click
on the white field of “Notepad” or in “Edit” and select “Cancel”.

To execute the “Paste” command, you must first copy
(or cut if you don't need the text in this place) selected text
in one place and then place the cursor where you want to paste
text, and then either “Edit” and select “Insert”, or click
right-click and select "Paste".

If you need to select all the text printed in a document, then click
“Edit”, select “Select All” and then click “Edit” again,
choose what you were going to do with this text - cut, copy
or delete.

How to undo your last action in Notepad

How to undo your last action in Notepad

If you cut something out, deleted it, etc. and immediately, without taking any action
any actions in Notepad, you change your mind, then click “Edit”
and select Cancel.

The “Undo” command can also be executed with the right mouse button -
just right click and select from contextual
"Cancel" menu.

It must be said that the “Undo” command in Notepad (unlike WordPad) -
only undoes the actual last action. If, after cancellation,
press the “Cancel” button again - the program will return the previously canceled
action. Whereas WordPad undoes the last actions in sequential order.

To make it clearer, let’s take the number sequence – 1,2,3,4,5.
WordPad will cancel first 5, then 4, then 3, etc. A Notepad, with each
to the “Cancel” command – it will first cancel 5, and then return 5 and cancel 5 again.

Let me remind you once again that the same actions in Notepad
with “selected” text: “cut”, “delete”, “copy”,
“cancel”, etc. – can be done without going to “Edit”.
Click on the right mouse button and select from context menu
what they wanted to do with the text (word).

Find and replace characters and words in a Notepad text document

Finding and replacing characters and words
in a Notepad text document

Suppose you need to find some sign or word in a document. For this -
Click on the "Edit" menu and select "Find". As a result, it will open
such a tab.

In the “What:” field, enter the text you want to find. In the "Direction" group
Click Up to search from the current cursor position to the beginning of the document
or click Down to search from the current cursor position to the end of the document.
And click the “Find Next” button. The word or character will be found and highlighted.

If you want to replace one word with another in the text -
then from the Edit menu select Replace.

A tab with two lines will open.

In the “What:” line – enter the word (or sign) that you want to replace.
In the line “With:” – enter the word you want to replace. And then
click “Replace”. Or “Replace all” if the word you want
replace – repeated several times in the text.
And as a result, the word will be replaced.

How to Format Font in Notepad

How to Format Font in Notepad


“Format” is responsible for formatting
(change) font, font style and size.

If you want to change the font,
font style or size, then click “Format”.

Select "Font".

In the new tab, in the “Font” section, you can select a font.
In the “Format” section, you can select a font style (bold, italic).
In the “Size” section you can select the font size (12, 14, 16, etc.).

You can, if you want, change the “Character set”
from Western European to Cyrillic or others.

If you are outputting your document to print, but none of the fonts
If you don’t like it in this tab, you can choose others.
To do this, click on the link “Show additional fonts».
File Explorer will open with a variety of other fonts.

Double click on the one you like
font in Explorer and a new tab will open.

In this tab you can select the font size
and then click on the left top corner"Seal".

And one more thing about the font. If you (not for printing, but for regular work in Notepad) changed the font for only one document, then when you finish working with this document, return the font to its original position. Otherwise, the next time Notepad will exit with a changed font.

As you can see, the Notepad program is very simple.
and it’s convenient to work with!

It's no secret that most often you have to work on a computer with text information. This includes working with documents, correspondence, and browsing the Internet. There are many options for entering and editing texts. various applications and online services, ranging from office programs and ending with content management systems. Most of these software have developed over the years and at the moment are quite complex systems for working with formatted text - i.e. text presented in different fonts, symbols different sizes, colors, positioning, etc. At the same time, sometimes there is a need to work with simple, unformatted text - i.e. with text that is one continuous sequence of characters that does not contain information about the appearance of the letters. Standard Windows tool to work with such text is Notepad program. This program has rather meager functionality, which allows you to open a file in standard Windows encoding, edit the text using the keyboard and clipboard, and then save the edited information as the same text file.

Since working even with unformatted text can be quite varied, many programs have been created to replace the meager functionality of Windows Notepad. alternative programs. And one of the most popular among them is the Notepad++ program. As its name suggests, it is also called a notepad, but with the prefix “++”, which implies expanded functionality and convenience. In this article we will talk about how to use these two programs and reveal their most important features.

Installing and launching programs

Since Windows Notepad is regular program operating system, then you do not need to install it, but simply launch it through the menu item “Start / Programs / Accessories / Notepad”. And to install the Notepad++ program, you can use either the installer with official website of the program, or install portable version through . To do this, in the window for selecting programs to install, select “Notepad++” in the “Development” section.

After downloading and unpacking, the program will be available in the portable programs menu.

Opening and saving files

Both programs have standard means to manage files. So the program Windows Notepad in the “File” menu section there are the usual “New”, “Open”, “Save” and “Save As” items. But even in this, it would seem simple question, Notepad++ has a number of significant advantages. Here are the most important ones.

In Notepad++, you can open several files at once, switching between them through tabs in the program window.

The “File” menu displays a list of previously opened files, which is extremely convenient if you often return to the same texts. Moreover, Notepad++ remembers the list of open files when you exit the program and opens them all the next time you start it.

If the file encoding is non-standard for Windows, then in Notepad++ you can set it for the current file. For example, when editing files for Internet pages, the “UTF-8 without BOM” encoding is often used. Accordingly, you can enable the operating mode in this or any other encoding through the “Encodings” menu item.

If necessary, through the same section of the menu you can convert open file to a different encoding - for example, to be able to work with it in Windows Notepad.

Using the clipboard and search functions

Working with the clipboard is an integral part of editing text data. Therefore, you can work with the buffer in both notepad programs. The same applies to text search. In the standard Windows notepad, these options are available through the “Edit” menu item.

Of course, not only these features are available in Notepad++, but also a number of others that are not available in regular Notepad. For example:

Copy and paste vertical text blocks by selecting them with the mouse while holding down the Alt key.

Selecting multi-page text without having to scroll it when selecting it - through the menu item “Edit / Set Selection”

Clipboard history panel.

Special paste of rich text from the buffer, where not only the displayed text is pasted, but also formatting characters such as HTML tags.

Search and replace in several files at once.

Highlights all matching text fragments with a different color.

Search using special characters(line break, etc.), as well as using the so-called. regular expressions.

Setting the display type

Since unformatted text is not tied to the size of the printed sheet, it can consist of lines of arbitrary length. And if the line does not fit into the current width of the window, then you can view it only by scrolling horizontal stripe scroll. To avoid this inconvenience, you can enable line wrapping in standard Notepad.

Apart from setting the font, there are no other options for changing the appearance of text in this program. But Notepad++ is designed for this a whole series important functions:

Display special characters (tab, line break, spaces, etc.).

Change the text scale using the mouse wheel or the Ctrl+Num+ and Ctrl+Num- key combinations.

Syntax highlighting for the selected programming language or markup.

Selective hiding of lines, as well as selective hiding of syntax blocks.

Operation optimization

Windows Notepad does not provide any special operations to speed up text editing. While Notepad++ has a number of useful features that can significantly increase your work speed. For example, you can convert the character case for a selected piece of text with one click. To start such a conversion, you can use the menu item “Edit / Register Conversion” or the corresponding hot keys.

An even more frequently used feature of Notepad++ is working with integers. text strings. After all, for example, it is much more convenient to delete a line by pressing one key combination than to first select its beginning and end with the cursor and then press the Delete button. The same applies to deleting rows and moving them. At regular work With texts, such small optimizations simplify the work. Moreover, the program has the ability to sort rows according to different criteria. All these operations are available in the menu item “Edit / String Operations”.

No less useful function is automatic processing spaces. After all, when working with text, it is difficult to keep track of where extra lines were inserted by mistake. whitespace characters. And so the removal operations extra spaces may come in handy. These operations are available in the menu item "Edit / Operations with spaces".

For those involved in preparing technical texts, editing HTML code, and programming, it will be extremely convenient to use tools for code commenting and auto-completion. In addition, all users can automate many routine activities by creating your own macros. This can be done through the menu item "Macros".

To top off all these advantages of the Notepad++ program, it is worth mentioning the ability to install a variety of plugins, thanks to which you can further expand the functionality of the program.


Using Windows Notepad, you can perform basic editing tasks. text files. This is convenient because Windows Notepad is a standard program included in the operating system and is therefore available on all computers running Windows control. If you need to work more closely with unformatted text, then it is convenient to use Notepad program++, which has a much larger set of functions, making the process of working with texts much easier and more convenient.

The excellent Windows operating system has provided everything for the user's work. It has everything you need. Let's take a closer look at one of the built-in programs, an insignificant, but very interesting and useful one, called " Text pad" It would seem, what is such a seemingly useless program for? A “text notepad” on a computer is just what you need to write down your thoughts or small theses and stories, and the notepad can also be used to copy links or change code various programs. It is simply indispensable for writing down, for example, a phone number or a note, especially when there is neither pen nor paper at hand, and the matter is urgent.


What is "Text Notepad"? "Notepad" or "Notepad" (its official name) is the most common text editor that is included in the package of Windows operating systems (from the very first Windows 1.0 and NT to Windows 8). In earlier operating systems, it was possible to write (work) in this program only up to 64 kilobytes, and therefore more advanced programs were constantly being developed, whose capabilities were less limited. These restrictions have now been lifted, and this editor has become more convenient and practical to use. Also in this program you can understand the HTML code, which allows you to create websites for the Internet and much more.


What does the program consist of? What can she do? The menu bar includes five main items: “File”, “Edit”, “Format”, “View”, “Help”. Each item performs its own function.

1. The “File” item includes several subsections:

  • "Create" (CTRL+N) - this function opens up a completely new empty file. This function is very important, especially if previous file is damaged or you want to start working in the editor again.
  • "Open" (CTRL+O) - the most natural way open the desired file on your computer. By clicking on this sub-item, select the location of the file and click “Open”.
  • “Save” (CTRL+S) - everything is clear here. When clicked, the button will save the result of the work in a text editor.
  • “Save as” - here you can select the file name and path to save by selecting a folder and clicking “Save”. You can also change the file encoding to ANSI and Unicode when saving.
  • “Page settings” - this sub-item contains parameters for printing - paper sizes, margins, etc.
  • “Print” (CTRL+P) - when you click this button, a window will open in which various options will be indicated - number of copies, page range. After clicking “Print” the document will be printed on the printer.
  • "Exit" - closes the program. Also done using the cross in the upper right corner. Don't worry about accidentally pressing the "Exit" button by writing huge amount information, the program will automatically ask whether to save this file, if this has not been done previously.

2. “Edit” contains the following:

  • “Undo” (CTRL+Z) - this function cancels the last action and returns the document to the state before this action was performed.
  • "Cut" (CTRL+X) - the item cuts out a piece of text, placing it in
  • “Copy” (CTRL+C) - and this item copies the selected part of the text, which is also placed on the clipboard.
  • “Paste” (CTRL+V) - the function is designed to place a piece of text from the clipboard to the part where the cursor is located.
  • "Delete" (Del) - deletes the selected part of the text. If you want to return a fragment, just click “Cancel”, provided that no other actions were performed in the editor other than deleting the text.
  • “Find” (CTRL+F) - using this function you can find the required place in the text by phrase or word, and also select the search direction (from the cursor to the top or bottom of the text). By clicking the “Find” button, the searched text will be highlighted.
  • "Replace" (CTRL+H) - this function replaces the words you are looking for in the text. When clicked, a window opens. By entering in the “What:” paragraph the right word, in the “With:” section we write what word to replace with. If a word is repeated constantly in the text, just click the “Replace All” button.
  • “Go” (CTRL+G) - this subsection moves the cursor to the required line of the document.
  • “Select All” (CTRL+A) - this combination makes it possible to select text in the entire document.
  • "Time and date" (F5) - inserts the present date at the cursor location.

3. “Format” includes only two functions:

  • "Word wrapping" - this operation allows you to wrap words from lines automatically, the length of the line becomes limited to the visible part of the screen. This function is made for convenience - now you do not need to constantly scroll the worksheet horizontally while trying to read the text.
  • “Font” - by selecting this sub-item, you can set its style and appearance. If you are not satisfied with the proposed fonts, then you can select the “Show additional fonts” section and find a new, more interesting and attractive one. By clicking the “Ok” button, the font will be changed to the one you selected.

4. “View” includes only one function - “Status Bar”.

5. The Help menu will show you the version of the editor and also answer frequently asked questions.

Where to find and how to open

How to open Text Notepad? In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, but there are two options. Which one is simpler - decide for yourself; as they say, the markers are different depending on the taste and color. This task is not difficult, and even those who are just starting to get acquainted with a computer and have not yet learned all the basics in this matter can cope with it.

Option 1

For the first option, you need to know where the "Text Pad" is located. Click the “Start” button, which is located in the lower left corner, then select “All programs”, after which the list will expand different folders and frequently used computer programs. IN this list you need to find the “Standard” folder. It is in it that Notepad is located - a text editor.

Option 2

There are more easier way, completely different from the first one. To get started, click on empty space on the desktop right click mouse, after which a small menu will open, select “Create” from the list, and another small list will open, in it select the line “ Text document" and set a name for the new document. That's it, you can work in notepad. Now you are probably asking: “How can I open this file using Text Notepad?” It couldn't be easier! Just right-click on it and in the list that appears, find the line “Open with Notepad (or notepad).”


The main difference between the first option and the second is that in the first case we first write down the entire necessary information, and then we create a file and save it there, and in the second case, on the contrary, it is first created blank document, which is then replenished with our records.


Notepad++ - very interesting program, but its true purpose is to work with HTML code. Unlike the classic Windows editor, Notepad++ can deal with several files at once, and at the same time. It does not conflict with the file encoding, and in case of any error, it highlights it in red.


NFOPad - another one great program. It independently determines Internet links and addresses emails, something the standard “Text Notepad” built into the operating system cannot do. This program also supports the NFO format.


At first glance, this editor is no different from the standard one, but this is not so, it has a preview function of the file being opened. And the most important advantage of this program is that in the absence required function You can simply write it yourself and paste it into the editor, which a regular “Text Notepad” naturally cannot do. This feature is very useful for those who are familiar with the basics of programming

The standard package of Windows OS includes a simple text editor. NOTEPAD (NOTEPAD). It has minimal means for entering and editing texts, but it is precisely because of the minimality of these tools that it is preferred in many cases.

The program is launched using the commands Start/Programs/Accessories/Notepad .

Program window NOTEBOOK has a work area and a small menu bar. There is a cursor in the work area - a blinking vertical bar. The cursor determines the location where the new character entered will appear. Lowercase letters entered using alphanumeric keys. To enter capital letters When pressing the alphabetic key, you must hold down the key.

If you need to enter many capital letters in a row, it is convenient to press the key. Go to new line carried out by pressing the key. Using the command Edit/Word Wrap can be set automatic transition to a new line when the right border of the window is reached. Then pressing a key will end one paragraph and start a new one. The distance from the left edge is set using the key. Tabulation is also used in cases where it is necessary to arrange text in the form of a table: the key is used to align the columns.

Editing (editing) text is making changes to a document.

NOTEBOOK only works in insert mode. This means that the character you enter expands the previously entered characters.

The character to the left of the cursor is deleted with the key, and the character to the right of the cursor is deleted with the key. You can control the cursor movement the following keys:

  • – moves the cursor to the beginning current line
  • – moves the cursor to the end of the current line
  • -[→] – forward one word
  • -[←] – back a word
  • - – to the beginning of the document
  • - – to the end of the document
  • – screen page up
  • – one screen page down

The cursor can also be placed in right place with a mouse click.

Another opportunity fast travel according to the text - use the command Search/Find . In the dialog box that opens, enter the input line Sample you need to enter the word or phrase you want to find and press the button Find next. The searched word will be highlighted.

NOTEBOOK allows you to work with blocks of text. First, a fragment of text must be selected by dragging the mouse (moving the mouse while holding down the left button) or using a key combination and cursor arrows. The selected fragment is deleted using the key. Copying or moving a fragment can be done using a buffer Windows Exchange:

-[X] – delete a fragment to the buffer -[C] – copy a fragment to the buffer -[V] – paste a fragment from the buffer

These are the “hot” keys for commands from the menu Edit .

Program NOTEBOOK allows you to work with only one document. But you can run it twice and copy blocks of text between two documents opened in different windows.

In the program NOTEBOOK The same order of saving information is used as in all Windows OS applications. Data is saved as a file. The file must receive a name, address and extension. The file address (folder) is selected by the user. If it does not specify a folder, then the folder that is used by default in this program is used. The name is chosen by the user. The extension usually does not need to be specified: the application “knows” what type the file is and will automatically substitute the required extension. NOTEBOOK assigns the extension .txt to files. If the application can save data in several formats, then you need to specify the type of file to be saved.

If the document is being saved for the first time and does not yet have a name, then you need to give the command File/Save As . In the dialog box that opens, select a folder, file type, and enter a name. Then you need to click on the Save button. If the document already has a name and was previously saved, then you can give the command File/Save . The file will be saved under the same name and will overwrite the previous file. If you need to save a copy of the file under a new name, then you need to give the command File/Save As and set a new name in the dialog box.

Standard programs general purpose

Immediately after Windows installations XP, in the absence of any additional applications, the computer can already be used for useful work. The operating system includes standard programs general-purpose applications that are simple versions of typical production applications.

Thus, the Notepad text editor is designed for processing simple, unformatted texts. The techniques used in this program (in particular, methods for editing and highlighting text, working with the clipboard) are absolutely standard and are used without changes in all programs designed to work with texts.

The convenience of the Notepad program lies precisely in its extreme simplicity, which turns out to be very convenient when working with small text documents, especially when you just need to view them without making any changes.

The WordPad word processor is a more sophisticated word processing program. It allows you not only to enter and edit text, but also to format it, that is, to specify it appearance and placement on the page. The techniques used in WordPad are also standard and can be used in other, more powerful word processors. Another important feature of WordPad is the availability of tools for creating combined documents. Formatted WordPad documents can include graphics, media, and many other inserts. These elements can be created directly when editing a combined document or taken ready-made from a file created earlier. Insertable elements can be resized, scaled, or deleted.

The Calculator program is a computer version of a typical desktop calculator. It can work in two modes. In the first mode, only four basic arithmetic operations are available, in the second - many functions for scientific and engineering calculations. In addition, in the engineering mode, it is also possible to determine the order of calculations using parentheses, perform bitwise logical operations on integers, as well as statistical calculations. The Windows XP operating system includes a special program for viewing images. It is intended primarily for viewing images, but also allows you to work with multi-page files, such as faxes. Working with multi-page documents, as well as annotating documents, relies on the use of the graphic format. TIFF, which allows you to store several graphic pages in one document, as well as overlay graphic and text npi marks on the drawing, keeping the original intact.

Another standard Windows program XP, graphic paint editor, is intended for creating raster images. The created drawing can be saved in the standard Windows format Bitmap, as well as in TIFF format or in GIF, JPEG and PNG formats accepted on the Internet. Drawing is carried out by using tools located on a special panel. The Paint graphic editor allows you to draw lines, straight and curved, draw closed shapes, and select the colors used when drawing. To compose a picture from individual fragments, the Paini in program uses the clipboard in the same way as it does in more powerful graphic editors.

What are general purpose standard programs?

Standard general purpose programs are programs (applications) that are part of the operating system! ifi systems, but intended not to ensure the functionality of the computer, but for practical work, that is, for preparing and viewing documents and performing other work operations. The presence of such programs in the operating system allows the computer to be usefully used, even if there is nothing on it except the operating system.

What standard general purpose programs are included in Windows XP?

Standard general purpose programs in the operating room Windows system XP are located in the Accessories submenu of the Main Menu (Start > Programs > Accessories). There are four such programs: Notepad (text editor), WordPad (text process.r), Calculator (computer version of a desktop calculator), faint (graphics editor). By purpose, they are complemented by a program for viewing images, also included in Windows composition XP. Oh and is not available through the Main Menu, as it always requires specifying the name of the file being viewed.

Text editor Notepad What is Notepad used for?

The Notepad program (Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad) is a simple text editor designed for creating and editing text documents. The techniques used in the Notepad program are the de facto standard for more powerful programs of the same purpose, including word processors, editors for preparing Web pages and many others, so the skills of working with the Notepad program are very useful for any user,

What is a text document?

A text document is standard type file in operating system Windows XP (name extension.TXT). Such files contain only text in the form of a sequence of characters and do not contain structures that control the display of this text on the screen or on a printing device. In Windows XP, Notepad is used by default to open text documents. View of Spitak Used in the Notepad program to edit text documents minimum set absolutely; necessary funds. Oddly enough, this is not a disadvantage, but an advantage of this program.

What are the benefits of using Notepad?

The Notepad program uses a minimum set of absolutely necessary tools to edit text documents. Oddly enough, this is not a disadvantage, but an advantage of the program. Notepad's no-frills design makes it very fast to load, making it extremely useful for preparing short documents and viewing text files, particularly the accompanying documents that come with the operating system and most installed applications.

What is a text cursor?

The text cursor is used in the Windows XP operating system in all cases where it is possible to enter text. It is displayed as a blinking vertical line and marks the place where Teiv-OT] the entered text will be placed. Havm the word “text” is omitted and they simply talk about the cursor. Don't: You should use the word "cursor" when we're talking about about the ms and g index,

How can I move the text cursor?

Moving the cursor is used to change where characters are entered. Similar methods of moving the cursor are used in all text processing programs. The easiest way to change the cursor position is to use the mouse. In order to * place the cursor in a certain place in the document, it is enough to push once on the corresponding place in the working area of ​​​​the window. If the desired location in the document is currently outside the work area, you should use scroll bars.

What keyboard commands can you use to move the text cursor?

Moving the cursor using we:pi is convenient, since its initial and final positions are in no way related to each other. Otherwise, it is more convenient to use the keyboard. Here are the main ones keyboard commands cursor movement:

LEFT or RIGHT - one sim HI. i left or right respectively;

UP or DOWN - one line up or down, respectively;

PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN - one page (or the size of the working area) up or down, respectively;

HOME or END - respectively tt the beginning or the end of the current line (that is, the line on which the cursor is currently located);

CTRL+LEFT or CTRL+RIGHT - and the beginning of the previous or next word, respectively. Spaces and punctuation marks are considered boundaries of words;

CTRL+HOME or CTRL+END - to the beginning or end of the document, respectively.