An Android smartphone can only be charged from a laptop. The Android phone is not charging, what should I do? It shows that charging is in progress.

Sometimes you need to connect Android to your computer. Windows control for transfer certain files. Sometimes problems arise and the computer does not see the phone via USB, charges, but does not allow you to move files.

We propose to take a general look possible options, and then discuss all solutions to problems.

Reasons why the computer does not see the phone via USB

This may be to blame software incompatibility or technical problems. From time to time the cable gets damaged and the contacts in the smartphone break. In the first case, you need to try a different cord, and in the second, contact service center to replace the connector. A broken port on the computer can also cause problems, so switch the wire to a different socket to fix the problem. These are the most common hardware failures.

WITH software errors more difficult, since there are many reasons for failures. These could be missing or outdated drivers, incorrect connection modes (when the computer charges the smart phone, but blocks the transposition of documentation into folders) and other incompatibilities, which we will discuss in detail below.

What to do if the computer does not see the phone?

Listed below are all the methods that can help solve the cable connection problem.

Check your USB connection settings

This method will help if charging occurs during pairing, but the information cannot be reset. To transfer documents, you must connect Android as a media device (MTP). To do this, follow these steps:

Attention!In some cases, you may have to connect your phone to your computer and switch between various parameters before the desktop recognizes the device as a media device.

If you have older versions of Android, try this.

Connect the device to your computer, it should be recognized.

Install the USB MTP driver

It happens that the smartphone does not display due to problems with the driver, so try updating it.

Once the driver is installed, the PC should recognize Android phone. You may need to restart your computer for the update to take effect.

Download and install Media Feature Pack for Windows 10

We have already mentioned that you must use the MTP protocol to transfer content. It is associated with Windows Media Player, but in some versions of Windows 10 there is no Windows Player Media and support related technologies. If your Windows version 10 does not recognize Android, download and install Media Feature Pack from the official Microsoft website.

Use the included USB cable

Remove Android Drivers

Sometimes there is no system latest drivers or they are not installed correctly. It is recommended to remove them and install them again.

It remains to check whether the method worked.

Enable USB Debugging

From time to time, the connected gadget is recognized when USB debugging is active. If you are using Android 4.2 or later, this feature may be hidden. To enable it, do as follows.

  1. Go to "Settings - About phone".
  2. Click on “Build Number” 7 times.
  3. Go back.
  4. Open "Settings - For Developers".
  5. There, scroll down and activate “USB Debugging”.

Sometimes it is already turned on, in which case it should be turned off.

Turn on airplane mode

If Windows stops seeing your phone, launch Airplane mode through the panel quick settings in the curtain or by following the path “Settings - More”. Often after this the device is recognized by the PC. This is a simple method, so don't be lazy to try it.

Reboot your phone in Recovery or Fastboot mode

Read about how to enter it in our other article, where we described the process for each manufacturer. After you get to Fastboot mode or recovery, connect your smartphone to the PC, wait until they are installed necessary components. After this, a guide should open in front of you with a suggestion of what to do with the connected device. When finished, reboot Android.

Install KIES from Samsung

If your Samsung gadget is not recognized by Windows, download the KIES software from the manufacturer's official website and install it on your computer. With its help you can definitely connect your smartphone.

Use USB 2.0 ports

Try switching the cable from USB 3.0 to USB 2.0. Users reported that it worked for them sometimes.

Reinstall ADB

Windows occasionally does not recognize the smartphone due to problems with Android interface Composite ADB, so you should reinstall it.

This solution works with Android 5.0 and newer OS, but it can also be compatible with older ones Android versions. Users have reported that it is not always worth downloading USB driver from Google, and often this problem can be resolved simply by following the first four steps.

Reboot your Android device

Sometimes this simple solution is the most effective. People have repeatedly reported that after rebooting the phone, the computer recognized the mobile phone without any problems.

Connect your phone directly to your computer

Some USB devices may not be recognized if you connect them to a USB hub or extender. Therefore, if you are using a USB hub, disconnect it and connect your Android directly to the PC to solve the problem.

Clear cache and data for external system storage and storage systems

This solution works on Android 6 and above. But if you have more than old system, try it anyway.

After deleting the cache and data, reboot the gadget and connect it to the computer again.

Sync Android with PC using a third-party app

This does not guarantee 100% performance, but it often helps. Just install the sync app from Play Market, which will help the computer recognize. Try, for example, Mobile Go to connect and transfer data from Android and iOS to PC.

There are many reasons why your computer can't see your Android phone. We hope these solutions will be useful for you and you will solve your problems.

Ragged or ground wire is one of the most common reasons lack of charging when connecting the phone to the charger or computer.

How avoid damage wires:

What to do if the cable is already damaged or torn:

  • The simplest and most expensive way to fix a breakdown is buying a new one wires.

The connector in the phone is damaged

An equally common problem is connector failure on mobile phones. Detecting such a breakdown is not very easy, but it is possible. One of characteristic features connector malfunction is inclusion charging only in certain positions of the cable plug.

How to fix the problem:

  • The first thing to try is clean charging connector. Accumulated dirt often causes many breakdowns;

Bad battery

Battery problems can also make it impossible to properly charge a cell phone, smartphone, tablet, or other device. It could be Battery swelling, burnout contacts or simply loss containers due to aging.

There is only one way to fix this problem - acquisition And installation new battery. You need to buy a battery exclusively for your phone model, and it is recommended to choose original products are cheap Chinese analogues may be significantly inferior in quality and capacity.

Software problems

Errors While software problems often occur in smartphones, malfunctions of this kind very rarely occur on regular mobile phones. TO software failures include firmware faults device, drivers as well as installation malicious applications that prevent the device from charging correctly.

Ordinary users can try to correct errors in software in two ways: reset settings on your smartphone or flashing device

How reset settings:

If the smartphone does not work due to lack of charge or absence reactions Resetting the settings will require a full flashing device The firmware process depends on specific model mobile phone, on some it is enough to download special software and connect the smartphone to the PC. Others will require advance unlock bootloader or enter the device into the firmware menu. For inexperienced users You shouldn’t do this yourself, it’s better to turn to professionals.

Battery not calibrated

This problem may occur during installation new battery to the phone. This may manifest itself in the following ways : no response to connecting the charger, the phone is not fully charged or discharges quickly. To calibrate the battery, you need to run a couple full cycles charging and discharging the phone.

Over the past 20 years, phones have become an integral part of our lives. Not every home may have a TV, but every family member has a smartphone. Even small first-graders usually have a means of communication for emergency calls. The gadget performs various functions: from the ability to make calls to music player and readers. Therefore, a person whose phone stops charging finds himself in a state of mild panic. We have collected various reasons, why your phone won’t charge, and ways to solve these problems yourself.

It sounds very stupid, but sometimes it is this side that really lets you down. And it will be very disappointing, after disassembling the phone and trying all the options, to suddenly realize that the problem was with the socket. Therefore, first of all, try to rearrange charger to another outlet.

Faulty wire

Very often the problem lies in the charger itself. They are not as durable as we would like, and constant use of the cord greatly shortens its life. This usually doesn't happen suddenly. First, you start to notice that the phone only charges in a certain position. You begin to twist the charger, fix it in a bent state to get the desired charge. But at some point the cord stops working completely.

First of all, check that your power cord is working properly. If your phone is standard android, then finding the cord is not a problem. You can go to any communication store and ask to check the gadget. Usually such requests are not refused, because you will buy a new cord in the same store.

Attention: if your mobile phone is one of those models where there is access to the battery, then it is tempting to connect the wires directly to the battery. IN emergency situation this way will work. Simply cut off the adapter, strip the wires, and connect them to the battery contact. But such experiments damage the battery itself; it stops holding a charge. Then you will have to buy not only a charger, but also a new battery. Therefore, do not resort to this method.

Clogged contacts

The problem may be contamination or oxidation of the contacts. To solve the oxidation problem you will need alcohol and a thin brush. Lightly wet the brush with alcohol and carefully clean the connector. It is more convenient to remove dirt and dust from the connector using a thin needle or toothpick. Just be very careful not to damage the connector.

Power adapter failure

If your phone won't charge when plugged in, try checking the power adapter (the small box that plugs into the wall outlet). If it is too hot or, conversely, cold, it may be indirect sign breakdowns. Connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable. If it starts charging, the problem is with the adapter. Go to any hardware store and buy a new one that matches the model of your device.

Faulty charging connector

It happens that the phone shows that it is charging, but the charge still “melts before our eyes.” Even if you connected it to the network or power bank.

If everything is absolutely fine with the cord, the reason may lie in a faulty connector. This problem also manifests itself gradually. Usually it was not possible to put the device on charge right away; we had to move the charger a little in the area of ​​the connector. The cause of the breakdown is usually careless use of the phone. At risk are people who like to leave their smartphone charging but continue to use it. Also, the cause of this problem may be the age of the mobile or simply a poor-quality connector. Cheap chargers also greatly loosen the connector socket and dislodge the contacts.

You can try to solve this problem yourself.

  1. Turn off your device. Remove the battery if possible.
  2. Take a small thin object (toothpick or needle).
  3. Insert a needle into USB port and pull the small fastener up. This should be done very lightly and as carefully as possible.
  4. Insert the battery. Check if your phone is charging.

If you couldn’t fix it yourself, then use the services of a specialist. The problem is solved quite quickly and inexpensively. After repairs, try to charge your phone less often. Try to fully charge your phone once a day.

Operating system problems

Due to a failed update or harmful viruses The phone may stop showing that it is charging. These problems are solved differently in different operating systems.


  1. Use programs to optimize system performance (CCleaner, Clean Master, Smart Manager).
  2. Install an antivirus and scan your device for viruses.
  3. Reset the system to factory settings. To do this, find the “Settings” menu item on your phone.

Find "Backup & Reset".

Then select Factory Reset.

If the problem was precisely operating system, That last method will definitely help. Just don't forget to transfer all important data to the flash card.


  1. Force restart your iPhone. To do this you need to simultaneously press Home buttons and Power for about 30 seconds.
  2. If the problem occurs after the update, you can simply cancel them. To do this, connect the device to your computer. Open iTunes and make a backup.

Windows Phone

  1. Reboot your phone.
  2. Try turning off the device and charging it for 20 minutes while it is turned off.

Battery fault

If your phone won't charge, then the problem may be with the battery. Like any thing, it has its own service life. It is especially shortened if the mobile gets wet or falls. If it is possible to take out the battery and examine it, then be sure to do so. Pay attention to whether the battery has any deformation, swelling or bending. This is a sign that the battery is not working.

If the battery is non-removable, then there is another way to check for defects. Place your smartphone on the table and try to rotate it around its axis. A swollen battery will cause the phone to spin vigorously.

Upon purchase new battery, try to buy an original one from the manufacturer. They cost more, but the quality is much better than third-party developments.

Problem with the controller

If you have checked everything you could and the phone is not charging, then most likely the problem lies in a broken controller. It is he who is responsible for ensuring that the phone is charged. You won’t be able to identify the problem yourself, much less fix it. It is better to contact a specialist who can accurately determine the cause of the breakdown and fix it.

The phone has become such a part of our lives that without it you feel like you have no hands. But if your phone has stopped charging, this is not a reason to despair. Replacing a battery, connector, or charger is quite quick and inexpensive. It’s much worse when, for example, the screen glass of a gadget breaks. That's where the repair can cost as much as buying a new phone. Here the problem is local in nature and is solved very quickly.

If the phone stops charging, then this is an extremely unpleasant problem. Most often, owners of old, almost used-up batteries encounter this problem - their service life is 3-5 years, and with modern loads on mobile device It may not even reach two. However, the reason is not always old battery, there are others.


Which phones are affected by the problem?

A modern smartphone is a complex communication device, and not just a telephone. With its help, you can surf the Internet, listen to music, play games, watch videos, take photos, and so on. Therefore, the load on it is much greater than on a device designed only for making calls and sending SMS.

In addition, at modern models There is no connector dedicated specifically for charging. As a result, charging is carried out through a single connector, which is integrated with USB, and this process is closely linked to the software.

Therefore, charging problems are the most common failure among mobile devices. And no one is safe from them, not the owners expensive smartphones, nor cheap Chinese ones. Although it is believed that the latter are still more vulnerable and less reliable.

Main reasons and their solutions

There are several reasons why the phone does not charge from the charger, and they manifest themselves in different ways. Most often the problem is in the memory itself. If it is faulty, the smartphone will not respond in any way to connecting to the network. It’s easy to check: you need to find a 100% working charger suitable model and try connecting your mobile phone to it. If the process continues, then it’s time to change the memory. But there is more difficult situations. For example, when the phone does not turn on or shows that it is charging, but in reality the opposite happens.

Important! The reason your phone won't charge could be... a faulty socket! It's trivial, but before you panic, it's worth checking this too.

Phone shows charging but won't charge

Many smartphone owners have encountered this problem: when connected to the mains, the corresponding indicator lights up and a filling battery appears on the display, but in fact the charge level does not increase or, worse, charges at reverse side- that is, it is discharged.

There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Not the original memory. Modern mobile devices may not charge from non-original chargers, that is, they see the connection, but do not allow electricity into themselves, since the voltage is supplied above or below the recommended one. iPhones are especially famous for this.
  2. Weak memory. If the charging power is noticeably less than required for a given battery model or the process is carried out via USB from a computer, then the device will take a very long time to charge, and if at the same time you play on your smartphone, watch videos or sit on social media. network, then the phone will simply discharge faster than charge.
  3. Memory fault. The cable, adapter or connector may be damaged. There may be a tear or bend in the cable, oxidation of the contacts or a failure in the board of the adapter itself.
  4. Battery failure. The battery has outlived its usefulness and all that remains is to replace it.
  5. Calibration failure. The smartphone may not correctly see the battery capacity; to do this, it needs to be calibrated. Discharge and charge several times.
  6. Background applications. If you do not use your smartphone while charging, but it still does not charge, then the processor may be spinning large number running applications V background. It is worth turning off wi-fi, mobile internet and GPS. Close all applications, check your phone for viruses with an antivirus.

Phone won't turn on or charge

If the mobile device stops turning on and charging, this may be evidence of a serious breakdown, which can only be diagnosed and repaired by a service center.

  1. Problems with the memory. Perhaps the smartphone does not turn on because it is completely discharged and the memory has become unusable. You can check this by connecting the device to another suitable charger.
  2. Deep discharge. If the phone is discharged to 0 and does not charge, then perhaps the battery has gone into a deep discharge and the controller no longer passes current; in order to revive it, you will have to use a universal charger.
  3. Phone or battery failure. If the battery is removable, then you can temporarily ask someone you know for the same battery to determine who has the problem. As a last resort, you can try to turn on the phone from the wires.
  4. Firmware glitch. This can happen when failed update Software, virus infection or glitch. You'll have to take it to the SC.

Phone charges but won't turn on

If, after connecting to the charger, the indicator on the smartphone lights up, but it does not turn on, then the following could happen:

  1. Didn't have time to recharge. If the smartphone is very discharged, then you need to let it sit on the charger for a while, from 5 to 30 minutes. After which it should turn on.
  2. Firmware. You need to hold down the hot keys on your smartphone to reset the settings to factory settings. (You can view them on the Internet, since each model has its own). If it doesn’t help, then we take it to the SC.
  3. Hypothermia. If exposed to sub-zero temperatures for a long time, the device may turn off and not turn on. You shouldn’t put it on charge right away; it’s better to wait until it warms up to room temperature, and then connect it to the network.
  4. Battery problems. If the battery has become unusable, it may indicate that the charge is coming, but in fact there is no more capacity left in it and there is simply not enough power to run the smartphone.

The phone does not charge in the car using the cigarette lighter

When connecting a mobile device to the cigarette lighter, you need to know that the current here will be weaker than from electrical outlet, so the phone will take longer to charge. If you are using a navigator or running other applications at this time, the phone will not charge, and may even begin to discharge.

Another reason is simple contamination of the cigarette lighter socket. If so, then you should clean it. The socket may also be faulty. You can check it by connecting another device. Also possible reason in the “non-native” wire.

New phone or battery won't charge

  1. Factory defect. If you bought a new battery or phone in a store and it does not charge, then the most probable cause- This is a factory defect. The memory may also be defective. There is no need to try to fix the device yourself; it is better to return to the store and exchange it for another one.

Important! Be sure to check the functionality of the phone, battery and charger in the store, then you won’t have to go twice. When shopping in an online store, you need to be aware that returns will be more difficult.

  1. Taped contacts. On a new battery, the contacts are sealed with adhesive tape to protect them from oxidation. If it is not removed before inserting the battery into the phone, it will block the flow of current. Therefore, before this, the battery must be inspected from all sides and unnecessary protection removed.
  2. Deep discharge. If the device or battery was stored in improper conditions, then the battery could go into a deep discharge; we go to the store to exchange it for a new one. If it died after short-term use and it is no longer warranty case, then you can try pushing the battery.
  3. Hypothermia. If everything was fine in the store, but when you got home the battery refused to charge, then this could have happened due to frost. You need to give the device time to warm up to room temperature, and then put it on charge again.
  4. Incompatible battery. New battery may not charge because it is not compatible with your phone. You need to be more careful when choosing.
  5. Oxidation of phone contacts. A new battery in an old phone may not charge due to oxidation of the contacts between the battery and the smartphone. If this is the problem, then maybe old battery OK

Important! If you have new phone or battery, then you should not repair it, as you may lose the warranty. Within 14 days of purchase, the store must replace the device without question, then the warranty will be from 1 to 2 years, depending on the manufacturer.

Have you ever had a case where your smartphone stopped charging from the charger? Tell us in the comments what the reason was and how you managed to solve it this problem. This will help make the material more complete and useful.