Standard programs included in Windows. Standard Windows applications


1. Main application programs…………………………………………………………….3

2. Standard programs of the Windows operating system………………….4

2.1. Notepad………………………………………………………………….4

2.2. Calculator……………………………………………………………......5

2.3. WordPad text editor……………………………………………………5

2.4. Graphic editor Paint………………………………………………………..6

3. Description of the Microsoft Office package………………………………………………………8

3.1. Large application programs………………………………………….9

3.2. Helper programs……………………………………………...10


Application- a set of interrelated programs for creating and modifying objects (documents), as well as for managing objects of a certain type.

All programs can be divided into two groups - standard (or built-in) and additional.

Standard Windows operating system programs

Standard programs are part of the Windows operating system itself (WordPad text editor, Paint graphics editor, virtual calculator and much more). They are very diverse and allow you to work with texts, images, music and sounds, scan, print and even play, as well as test your computer and optimize its operation.

Additional programs - These are those programs that are purchased and installed independently, in addition to the standard Windows package.

To log in standard programs, run the command Start/Programs/Accessories, and then specify the name of the desired program:

Paint Word Pad Address book Notebook Calculator Command line
Synchronization Conductor Program Compatibility Wizard

Program Notebook is a fairly simple text editor for working with small files (up to 40 KB), usually in the format *.txt. Text editor - a program designed for creating, editing and viewing text documents. Text editor Notepad takes up little RAM, and therefore it is convenient to use for making short notes, notes, editing batch files, as well as for exchanging text fragments between separate applications using the clipboard. Notepad provides limited means for document design; For example, in this program you cannot use different fonts for individual parts of a text document, but you can change the font type, its size and style throughout the entire document. Save a Notepad document, like a document of any other Windows application, can be accessed using the menu command FILE = Save or FILE = Save as. The Notepad program is convenient to use for logging records with automatic indication of the date of their creation.


The Windows calculator is used to perform relatively simple calculations and works much the same as a regular pocket calculator. The Windows calculator has memory for storing intermediate calculation results. There are two calculator options on Windows: Normal and Engineering. Switching between these modes is done using menu commands VIEW in the program window Calculator .

Engineering The calculator, in addition, allows you to calculate standard mathematical functions and perform quite complex, for example statistical, calculations. The results of the calculator's calculations can be copied to the Clipboard. In addition, you can paste numerical data from the clipboard into the display line of the calculator for use in subsequent calculations using the calculator. You can perform calculations using the mouse by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the calculator panel - numbers, operators, etc., or using the keyboard by pressing the keys that coincide with the calculator buttons shown on the screen. Detailed information about all the functions of conventional and engineering calculators can be obtained using the item "?" in the horizontal menu bar of the calculator window.

WordPad word processor

WordPad program is a modern, relatively simple word processor. The WordPad word processor has many more features than the Notepad editor. WordPad replaces the Write editor that was included with earlier versions of Windows. Word processors, in addition to performing the main functions of text editors for creating and editing text documents, perform another function - formatting documents. Formatting is the processing of documents using several font sets, using text alignment methods, embedding objects of a different nature, such as drawings, into a text document, as well as controlling the flow of text around graphics.

The WordPad program supports the technology of inserting and embedding objects, and when exchanging data between WordPad applications it can be like server(source) and client(receiver). Although WordPad is notably inferior to the more powerful word processor Word, it can be widely used for creating documents containing formatted text, clipboard-pasted graphics, spreadsheets, and charts created in Excel. In addition, WordPad allows you to develop presentations with multimedia elements, including connecting audio, showing slides and even small videos.

The program allows you to set automatic word hyphenation, drag selected fragments in a document with the mouse, use context menus, provides a variety of options for formatting text and improving the appearance of the document, for example, the ability to set not only the font type and size, but also the color of any character or an entire piece of text etc. WordPad allows you to open and save files in three main formats:

1 in text format MS DOS- no formatting;

2 in tbext format RTF- with individual formatting elements;

3 in format Word 6.0- with a wide range of formatting elements. WordPad also allows you to open .wri files, documents created in the legacy Windows Write text editor. The WordPad word processor and the Paint program discussed below are single-window applications.

Graphic editor Paint

Program Paint- a relatively simple graphic editor that is included with Windows 95/98 and Windows NT. The Paint program allows you to create and edit arbitrary drawings, diagrams, drawings, diagrams, inscriptions, insert and edit ready-made objects created in other applications. Objects created in Paint can be saved as desktop wallpaper. Paint is an editor raster type: a graphic image in it is built from individual points - pixels. In addition to raster editors, graphic editors are also used to create graphic objects vector type. Vector images exist in the form of a set of mathematical formulas (graphic primitives) that describe the individual elements of the drawing. Vector graphics are easily scaled without loss of image quality, whereas when a raster image is enlarged, the outlines can take on a rough step-like character due to the increase in the size of the pixels that make it up. Vector-type editors include a graphic editor built into Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel), Corel DRAW! etc. Some programs, for example Adobe Photoshop, when processing images, they allow you to combine raster and vector methods.

Drawings created in Paint can be:

1 save as files of various formats (see below);

2 print (using the menu command FILE= Print);

3 insert into documents created using other applications, such as Word-Pad, Word, Excel, etc.;

4 use as Windows wallpaper (background for the desktop surface) - using the appropriate menu commands FILE .

Drawings can be saved in one of four formats (*.bmp):

in the form of a black and white image;

as a 16-color drawing. This format has an extremely limited color gamut, but the file takes up little disk space;

in the form of a 256-color drawing. The file takes up twice as much disk space as if saved in 16-color format;

as a 24-bit image. This format provides the highest color quality, but the files take up a lot of disk space. You can learn more about drawing techniques, the purpose and capabilities of individual graphics editor tools using the help subsystem of the Paint program.

Address book

The Address Book is a convenient place to store contact information so you can easily query it from programs such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Internet Explorer, and NetMeeting. Here you can search for people and organizations, create groups of contacts for mail distribution, and send and receive electronic business cards.

To open your address book, click Start and select teams All programs , Standard And Address book .

Using the Command Line

Using the command line

MS-DOS (stands for Microsoft Disk Operating System) is a command line operating system used on personal computers. Like other operating systems, such as OS/2, MS-DOS converts keyboard input into commands, organizes actions such as writing and reading from disks, displaying, keyboard control, and many other internal operations that enable programs and file organization.

MS-DOS commands are entered in the Command Prompt window. To end the MS-DOS session, enter exit in the command line window at the position of the flickering cursor.

MS-DOS mode is a shell that emulates the MS-DOS environment on 32-bit systems such as Windows. MS-DOS programs can run under Windows and also create a program description file (PIF) that appears as a shortcut on the desktop.


To sync offline items:

1.Start Synchronization Manager.

2. Select the check boxes next to the offline items you want to synchronize, such as next to a mapped network drive or a web page that is accessible offline in Internet Explorer.

3.Press the button Synchronization .

Program Compatibility Wizard

Using this wizard, you can configure compatibility settings that can solve problems with programs that worked correctly in previous versions of Windows. Warning: We do not recommend using this wizard for older antivirus programs, backup programs, or system programs.

Description of the entertainment software package


Use the volume control to adjust the volume, balance, and tone of sounds played through your computer or media applications. In addition, the volume control can be used to adjust the level of system sounds, microphones, CDs, line input, synthesizer and wave output.

"Sound recording"

The Sound Recorder program is used to record, overdub, play and edit sound recordings. In addition, audio recordings can be linked to or inserted into other documents.

Windows Media Player

With Windows Media Player, you can play CDs and DVDs, create your own CDs, listen to radio broadcasts on the Internet, play movie clips or browse music videos on the Web, find and organize digital media files, and copy files to a portable device. You can use Windows Media Player to play various types of audio and video files.

Description of the composition of the communications software package

To select the desired program, run the following command:

"Network Connections"

The Network Connections component connects your local computer to the Internet, local network, or another computer. This tool allows you to access network resources and functionality regardless of how the user is connected to the network - directly or through remote access services. Operations for creating, configuring, saving connections and monitoring them are performed in the “Network Connections” folder.

"New Connection Wizard"

endofformbeginningofformSpecial New connection wizard Helps you create Internet connections using a dial-up modem, ISDN adapter, DSL line, or cable modem. Using this wizard, you can create inbound connections, direct connections, and virtual private network (VPN) connections. If a network adapter is installed on your computer, a local network connection is automatically created.

"Remote Desktop Connection"

Remote Desktop Connection makes it easy to connect to a terminal server or other computer running Windows. All that is needed is network access and permission to connect to another computer. If necessary, it is possible to specify the parameters of each connection and save them in a file for later use

Description of the composition of the "utility" software package

"character tables"

A character table is used to insert special characters into documents, such as a trademark, mathematical symbols, or characters from character sets of other languages.

end of form start of form Using the Personal Symbol Editor

The Personal Character Editor is used to create unique letters and logos for your font library.

Using Windows Media Player

Using the Public Folders feature

The Public Folders component contains the following three categories.

· Resources: Shared folders on this computer.

· Sessions: User connections to this computer.

· Open files: Files on this computer that are currently open by users.

The Shared Folders component allows you to create, view shared files and folders, and set permissions to access them.

To open the Public Folders feature, follow these steps:

1.Open the Computer Management (local) node.

2.In the console tree, click the component "Shared Folders"

General information about the control panel

Control Panel contains customization tools that you can use to change the appearance and characteristics of various Windows components.

Some of these tools let you choose options that make using your computer more fun. For example, the Mouse component allows you to replace standard mouse pointers with animated icons that move around the screen, and the Sounds and Audio Devices component allows you to replace standard system sounds with sounds of your choice. Other components help you customize Windows to make your computer easier to manage. For example, a left-handed person can use the Mouse component to switch mouse buttons so that they can perform basic selecting and dragging operations using the right button.

To open the control panel, click the button Start and select a team Control Panel. If the classic menu style is selected Start, press the button Start, point to the command Settings and select Control Panel .

When you first open Control Panel, it will display your most frequently used items, grouped by category. To learn more about Control Panel items in Category view, hover over a category icon or name and read the tooltip text. To open an item, click its icon or category name. Some of these items open a list of tasks that the user can perform and also allow you to select individual Control Panel components. For example, if you select a category Design and themes, a list of tasks opens, such as Selecting a screen saver, along with individual control panel components.

If you don't see the feature you want when you open Control Panel, select Switch to classic view. To open a component, double-click its icon. To learn more about Control Panel items in Classic View, hover over the icon and read the tooltip text.

For more information about any item in Control Panel, select Help and Support.


Using the Backup Program

The backup utility helps you create a copy of your data on your hard drive. If your original data is accidentally deleted, replaced, or becomes inaccessible due to hard drive failure, you can use a backup to restore it.

Using Disk Defragmenter

Some tasks may require you to log in as an Administrator or a member of the Administrators group.

Defragmentation software consolidates fragmented files and folders on your computer's hard drive so that each file or folder on the volume occupies a single, contiguous space. As a result, files and folders are accessed more efficiently. By merging individual pieces of files and folders, defragmentation software also consolidates free disk space into a single unit, making new files less likely to fragment.

Disk defragmentation can also be started from the command line using the defrag command.

Understanding Scheduled Tasks

Using the Task Scheduler, you can schedule a script to run, a program to run, or a document to be opened at the most convenient time. The Task Scheduler starts every time you start Windows XP and runs in the background.

The Task Scheduler allows you to:

· assign a task to be executed daily, weekly, monthly or at certain moments (for example, when the system starts);

· change the schedule for a task;

· stop performing the assigned task;

· configure the task launch mode at the appointed time.

end of form start of form Working with the System Information component

The System Information component collects and displays system configuration information. Technical support staff require certain information about your computer to troubleshoot system problems. The System Information component allows you to quickly find the information you need.

Using the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard

The Files and Settings Transfer Wizard helps you move data files and personal settings from your old computer to a new computer without having to repeat the setup steps you performed on your old computer on the new computer. For example, you can transfer personal screen properties, folder and taskbar settings, Internet browser settings, and email settings from your old computer to your new one. This wizard also moves some files or entire folders, such as My Documents, My Pictures, and Favorites. When you move program properties using the File Transfer Wizard, passwords are not transferred. This functionality of the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard helps you maintain the confidentiality of your passwords.

It is recommended that you install an antivirus program on your new computer before moving files from your old computer. This will help protect your new computer from viruses that may be contained in files transferred from your old computer.


Accessibility Wizard

The Accessibility Wizard guides you through the process of customizing your computer to suit your individual needs. Accessibility modes (such as Sticky Keys, closed captioning, and keyboard pointer control) help users with physical disabilities use their computers fully. Some of these features, such as keyboard pointer control, may be of interest to a wider range of users. Once accessibility features have been configured, they are accessed through the control panel and menus Accessibility .

Understanding the On-Screen Keyboard

On-screen keyboard is an application that displays a virtual keyboard on the screen and allows people with limited mobility to type on the screen using a mouse pointer or joystick. The on-screen keyboard is designed to make it easier for people with limited mobility.

The on-screen keyboard supports three data input modes.

· Mouse button mode, in which you click selected keys with the mouse button.

· Scanning mode, in which areas on the on-screen keyboard are highlighted in which you can enter characters by pressing a key combination or using a push-button input device.

· Waiting mode, in which during the waiting time the character is highlighted by the mouse pointer or joystick and after this time is printed automatically.

The on-screen keyboard also provides the following options:

· Display the extended keyboard with a numeric section or display the standard keyboard without a numeric section.

· Display the normal keyboard layout or the block layout, which groups the keys into rectangular blocks. The block keyboard layout is convenient in scanning mode.

· Displays the standard keyboard (101 keys), the universal keyboard (102 keys), or the keyboard with additional Japanese characters (106 keys).

· Using the mode Audio confirmation to provide a sound confirmation when a key is selected.

· Using the mode On top of other windows to keep the on-screen keyboard on the screen when switching between programs or windows.

Understanding Magnifier

Screen Magnifier makes it easier for people with visual impairments to use the screen. It displays a separate window in which an enlarged part of the screen is displayed. It's also easy to change the color scheme of the magnifying window to make it easier to see. You can move or resize the Magnifier window, or drag it to the edge of the screen and dock it there. A screen magnifier will certainly come in handy for people with low vision.

When using Screen Magnifier, you can do the following:

· change the degree of magnification;

· resize the magnifying glass window;

· change the position of the magnifying glass window on the desktop;

· reverse screen colors.

In addition, the magnifier has a number of tracking parameters providing the following modes:

· following the movements of the mouse pointer across the screen;

· following input focus (cursor position);

· follow text input.

When the Magnifier window is open, you can right-click it to change Magnifier settings or exit the program.

end of form start of form Understanding the Utility Manager

The Utility Manager allows you to check the status of accessibility programs, as well as start and stop them. Users with administrator level access can set programs to run when Utility Manager starts. Users can also launch utility programs before logging on to the computer by pressing the Windows key + UEndFormStartForm on the Welcome screen.

Using Utility Manager, you can set Windows to automatically launch accessibility programs whenever you log on, pin items on your desktop, or launch Utility Manager. For example, you can specify that Magnifier should start automatically when you log in. This will allow you to skip all the steps to open Magnifier every time you log in.

The built-in programs available from the Utility Manager are Magnifier, Narrator, and On-Screen Keyboard. Narrator runs when you start Utility Manager. This provides users with total or partial vision loss immediate access to the Utility Manager.


Today, almost every computer user needs general-purpose applications, which include: text and graphics editors, spreadsheets, database management systems, and applications for creating multimedia presentations. The most common general purpose application package today is Microsoft Office.

It is simply impossible to imagine modern life without modern technology. No company can do without the help of computers. Storing data, writing documents, drawing up graphs, tables, schedules, creating presentations - the computer helps us with all this, and helps us successfully.

We briefly looked at the standard Windows application, which consists of a Word text editor, an Excel spreadsheet, a PowerPoint presentation program and an Access database with which you can achieve all of the above.

List of used literature.

1. Alexander Starshinin Microsoft Office at a glance., St. Petersburg, 2003.

2. A. Levin. Self-instruction manual for useful programs. – M.: “Knowledge”, 2000. – 496 p., ill.

3. Volkov V.I. "A clear tutorial on how to work in Windows." Publishing house "Peter", St. Petersburg. 2001

4. Ed Bott Microsoft XP., BINOM, Moscow, 2003.

Practical work No. 3

Techniques for working in Windows OS. Standard Windows programs and utilities.

Purpose of the lesson: explore the elements of the desktop, taskbar, Main menu; explore the capabilities of standard Windows OS programs and additional features of the operating system.

Theoretical foundations of the work:

Desktop elements.

Desk is a graphical environment that displays Windows objects and Windows controls. Taskbar– is also a very important control element.

On the desktop are shortcuts(icons, pictograms), which are divided into two groups: systemic And custom.

System are part of the operating system and are necessarily located on the Desktop. These are the following icons: My Computer, My Documents, Recycle Bin, Network Neighborhood, Internet Explorer. As a rule, they cannot be renamed or their icon changed.

Custom shortcuts are created by PC users for quick access to files, folders and quick opening of programs. Most often, a custom shortcut is distinguished by a black arrow in the corner.

1. My computer. Using this icon, you can view any disks (including CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, flash cards and other equipment), find the necessary folders and files on them and work with them.

2. Basket a special Windows object that performs the function of a container. It serves for temporary storage of deleted objects. Any object can be restored from the Recycle Bin, and it will be restored to the folder from which it was deleted. If you click on the Trash icon right click and select the command in the context menu Properties, then you can configure various parameters. For example, the “Destroy files immediately after deletion, without putting them in the Recycle Bin” checkbox means that files and folders will be deleted immediately, without going into the Recycle Bin, and cannot be restored.

3. My documents - this is the user's personal folder. It contains two specialized personal folders: “My Pictures” and “My Music”. You can share your personal folders with everyone who has an account on this computer, or you can make these folders private; in this case, the files in them will be accessible only to this user. Windows creates personal folders for each computer user. Windows also provides a Shared Documents folder for storing files that other users can access.

4. Network environment. If several computers are connected to a local network, then this icon will help you view information on neighboring computers and work with it. If the computer is standalone, then this icon is not needed.

5. Internet Explorer. This browser program, designed for surfing the Internet and viewing Web pages. It is convenient because it is already included with Windows programs. There are more convenient programs - browsers, but they need to be installed additionally.

On the taskbar there must be a button Start, with which it opens Main menu, indicators for sound, keyboard, time, date and other icons that can be configured by the user. The taskbar displays buttons for open documents and programs, which is why Windows is called multitasking OS.

Main menu contains two parts: mandatory and optional. The optional part is located above the gray line; commands required by the user are added to it. The required part contains the following commands:

- Programs . You can open any program installed on your computer.

- Documents . A list of recently opened documents, from where you can quickly open a document or view the most recently opened documents.

- Find .(Search) Most often, this command is used to search for desired files and folders.

- Help and support. Calling the built-in help system of Windows OS.

- Execute. Using this command, you can start any program if you know the name of its startup file.

- Setup. Allows you to configure the screen, mouse, keyboard, printers, scanners, enter passwords for system users, etc.

Working with windows.

Any window in the Windows operating system has three control buttons in the upper right corner: DIV_ADBLOCK215">


1. Windows minimized to buttons on the taskbar are not displayed on the screen.

2. To restore windows to their previous sizes and positions, right-click an empty space on the taskbar and select Undo Cascade or Undo Windows Side by Side.

3. To minimize all windows into buttons on the control panel, right-click on the taskbar and select Collapse All.

To resize an open window, hover over its left or right border or corner. When the pointer changes to a horizontal, double-headed arrow, drag the border left or right.

Comment: The size of a maximized window (in full screen mode) cannot be changed.

Taking a screenshot . To create a copy of the active window, press the keys ALT+PRINT SCREEN . To copy the entire screen as it appears on your monitor, press PRINT SCREEN . To insert the resulting image into a document, open the menu Edit in the document window and select the command Insert.

File attributes.

Besides the name and extensions file, the operating system stores for each file the date of its creation (change) and several values ​​called attributes file. Attributes are additional parameters that define file properties. The operating system allows you to control and change them; the state of the attributes is taken into account when performing operations with files. Windows OS has the following types of attributes: :

1. read-only file attribute ( read- only) protects the file from changes: to change or delete a file with this attribute, you must first remove this attribute. Files on CDs also have a read-only attribute to indicate that these files cannot be modified;

2. attributes "hidden" ( hidden) and/or “system” ( system) used by some system files (for example, the main files of the MS DOS operating system - IO. SYS and MSDOS. SYS - have both of these attributes). Files with the “system” attribute are not moved by programs for optimizing the location of files on the disk (such as Speed ​​Disk), and they are also usually not copied to a compressed disk when creating a compressed disk from a regular disk using programs such as DriveSpace;

3. file attribute "archive" ( archive) set when the file is created and reset by backup programs to indicate that a copy of the file has been archived. Therefore, the presence of the "archive" attribute usually means that the file has not been backed up.

Thus, most files only have the "archive" attribute set. The remaining attributes (“read-only”, “hidden” or “system”) are usually not set.

Standard programs.

The Windows operating system includes a limited set of application programs that can be used to solve simple tasks unless more powerful tools are installed on your PC. This Standard programs. Let's list some of them:

- Notebook . A simple text editor that can be used as a convenient means of viewing text files;

- Graphic editor Paint . This is the simplest program for creating and editing images. It does not meet the modern requirements of graphics programs, but it is very simple and accessible, allowing you to master the basic techniques of working with graphics;

- WordPad word processor . Like the text editor Notepad, it is used to create, edit and view text documents, but it performs another important function - formatting document. Formatting refers to the use of several font sets, methods of text alignment, embedding pictures and other objects into a document, wrapping text around them, etc.;

- Calculator . Convenient program for mathematical calculations.

Comment: we have reviewed the most popular standard programs, consider the rest yourself using the help system!


Utility applications are designed to service the personal computer and the operating system itself. They allow you to find and eliminate file system defects, optimize software and hardware settings, and automate some routine operations related to computer maintenance.

These applications are opened with the command Start/Programs/Accessories/Services. They are supplied as part of the operating system and are installed with it.

Comment: Study the purpose of utility programs on your own, using lecture material and additional literature!


1. Explore your desktop shortcuts .

2. Explore the taskbar elements.

3. Display and hide Quick Launch Toolbar.

4. Open several windows at the same time. For example: My Documents, Trash and My Computer.

5. Try moving them around the screen, collapsing, expanding, resizing them with the mouse and achieving approximately the same size.

6. Arrange open windows in a cascade, from top to bottom, from left to right. Close all windows.

7. Move shortcuts on your desktop, then arrange them automatically.

8. Open the standard program Notebook and print some quatrain in it. Save it in your folder under the name Poem

9. Copy the text of the poem into the WordPad program window and see what options are available in this program. Save it in your folder under the name Copy and notice what icon the document is saved with.

10. Open the standard program Paint and draw a Christmas tree in it. Save it in your folder under the name Christmas tree. Pay attention to which icon the document was saved with.

11. Right-click on the Poem and Christmas tree file icons. Select the Properties command in the context menu and examine the contents of the dialog box that opens. What attributes are set for these files?

12. Explore what other Standard programs are on your PC.

13. Open the Address Book in Standard Programs and create two folders in it: Friends and Colleagues.

14. Create two contacts in each folder.

15. Try it in search on the Toolbar in the Address Book, find the friend you added to Contacts.

16. Study the rest of the Standard Programs.

17. In the Windows OS Help system, look at the purpose of programs unknown to you.

Report requirements:

1. Write down what icons and indicators are on the Taskbar?

2. Write down which desktop shortcuts are user and which are system shortcuts?

3. Describe what needs to be done if folders and files are deleted into the Recycle Bin, but it is empty?

4. Write down the properties of the Poem and Christmas tree files. (point 10)

5. Write down what text formatting options are available in Notepad.

6. Write down the differences between Notepad and WordPad.

7. Search Help and write down the answer to the question, What does disk defragmentation do?

8. Calculate the following expression in the Calculator program and write down the complete answer in the report: (23456+()*2-2345)/3.

9. Write down which programs are presented in the Standard Programs Accessibility section.

Test questions.

1. What elements are located on the Desktop ?

2. What shortcuts are called system and user?

3. What is the Taskbar for?

4. What elements are located on the Taskbar?

5. Is it possible to customize the Taskbar?

6. What operations can be performed with windows?

7. How can I change the position of several open windows on the screen?

8. What is the My Computer icon for?

9. What is the Basket for?

10. Why is the Network Neighborhood icon needed?

11. Why is the program needed? InternetExplorer?

12. What are File Attributes?

13. What Standard Programs do you know?

14. Why are Standard Programs needed?

15. What are Windows utilities used for?

Standard programs in Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

Standard programs in Windows- a set of useful and popular programs that come with Windows. Serve for various purposes.Standard Windows programs are:Notepad - a simple text editor, Paint - a simple and convenient graphic editor, Calculator,WordPad, Remote Desktop Connection, Explorer, Utilities and others.Utilities include: Disk Defragmenter, Disk Cleanup, System Restore,resource monitor, control panel, system information and others.

- a small standard program included in Windows for viewing and editing text files (usually *. TXT).Notepad can be used for many purposes, such as creating small text notes, as it usually opens faster than office programs.

Paint- A simple graphic editor, a standard program included with all versions of Windows. It is also often referred to as MS Paint or Microsoft Paint. Allows you to create drawings, pictures, etc. or edit images. Additionally, it can be used to save graphic files in various formats. The main functions of paint, creating screenshots on this.

In standard programs there isinstructions for using the program- built-in help. To call up help, you can press the F1 key or the question mark icon in the upper right corner of the program, if present.

Where to find it in Windows 10, 8.1, 8

On Windows 10:

Method 1) Click "Start" - "All applications" - "Accessories - Windows"

Method 2) (for a specific program): Click "Start" - and immediately type, for example: "Paint", "Notepad", "Wordpad"...

On Windows 8:

Anyone who starts working with the new Windows 8 or 8.1 will notice that the Start menu interface is completely different from previous versions of Windows and it takes some time for the user to get used to it.Anyone who uses Accessory Programs knows how to open them in previous Windows, but it's a little different in Windows 8 due to the change to the Start Menu. If you want to open a standard program and you open the Start menu, you will notice that the standard programs item has disappeared and the Start screen has appeared.


1. In any Windows window or in the Start window, move the mouse to the upper right corner of your screen or desktop, a vertical menu will pop up: Search, Sharing, Start, Devices, Settings. Click the Magnifier icon - search button - the Applications window will open, where all your programs are.
3.a Move the bottom scrollbar slider to the right - you will see the Standard programs group
The programs you are looking for are there.
3.b You don’t have to move the slider or search the entire list of programs, but on the right side of this window in the search bar write, for example, Notepad or notepad and on the left you will see the search result in programs - notepad.

The Explorer program described above is one of the so-called standard programs. These programs are installed along with the operating system, and the list of them is quite wide: Calculator, Notepad, WordPad, Paint and many others. Let's give a brief description of some standard programs.

The calculator, like its desktop counterpart, is used to perform arithmetic and functional calculations. There are two options for the calculator: standard and scientific (Fig. 5.13), switching is done by selecting the appropriate command in the View menu. Help about the purpose of a particular Calculator button can be obtained using the context help.

The mouse cursor is used as a device for selecting one or another “key” of the calculator. For arithmetic calculations, you can type numbers and operation signs on the numeric field of the keyboard.

Rice. 5.13.

Using the engineering view of the calculator, you can additionally perform calculations in various number systems (binary, octal and hexadecimal); functional, statistical and logical calculations.

The use of number systems is convenient when performing some auxiliary operations. For example, when writing a Web page in HTML, color is generally specified as a hexadecimal number, which can be obtained by typing the decimal color value into the Calculator and changing the number system with the Hex key.

The function keys of an engineering calculator are used to find the values ​​of forward and inverse functions. The inverse function is called by setting the 1pu flag, for example:

Arguments to trigonometric functions can be specified in degrees, radians, and grads.

The need to allocate special buttons for statistical calculations is caused by their widespread use. The statistics window is called up by button 81a. Data for calculations is entered into it using the button Oa. The remaining buttons are used to calculate the sum, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, etc.

The MC, MI, MB, M+ buttons are used to work with the memory register.

The Notepad program (Fig. 5.14) is a simple text editor. It allows you to process only one small text document at a time; does not support paragraph and font formatting; in general, it only allows you to type some text. Compared to the current word processing programs, Notepad looks extremely primitive, but that is why it is indispensable, for example, when writing a Web page in HTML code (other editors add a large amount of service information to the document, which significantly affects the file size).

A special place among standard programs is occupied by utility programs, in particular disk maintenance programs.

While working on a computer, the structure of information on the disk may be damaged. The most common file structure errors occur. Thus, sections of files remain on the disk that

Rice. 5.14.

The system considers them occupied with information, but at the same time does not assign them to any file (the so-called lost clusters). Another error is when the same section of the disk is recorded as belonging to two files at the same time (crossed files). Finally, the third type of error is when the file size does not match the value recorded in the file allocation table.

Often the disk itself fails at the physical level. This is common with floppy disks, especially if they have not been used with proper precautions. In this situation, it is necessary to mark the damaged areas of the disk accordingly so that they are not used in the future for recording information.

To correct these and many other errors, use the disk check program BsapsLzk (Fig. 5.15). It is designed to restore the structure of computer disks. It is recommended to run the program after any emergency situations, for example, during an emergency shutdown of the computer. For preventive reasons, it is recommended to check the disk regularly,

Automatically fix system errors Scan and repair bad sectors

Disk check Local disk (B:)

Check Disk Options

? ..............................????......

Rice. 5.15. View of the BsapsPzk program window

approximately once a month (this period depends on the intensity of work with the disk).

The program is launched using the command START Programs -» Accessories -> System Tools -» Disk Check. In the Check Disk window, you need to specify the name of the disk to be checked and define the parameters. With the Standard option, only the file structure of the disk is checked; with the Full option, the disk surface is checked for the presence of bad sectors. The program can run in the background.

It is also recommended to run a program to check the surface quality of the floppy disk after each formatting. As a result, you can mark all bad sectors on the disk and reduce the likelihood of losing information.

A file written to disk is saved as a set of several minimal “pieces”, the size of which is determined by the physical and logical parameters of the disk. Typically, a file is written to sequentially located sectors, but during intensive work with the disk, when some files are deleted, others are written (including in place of deleted files), a situation arises when the file is written to sectors located in different parts of the disk.

When working with such a file, naturally, additional time is spent (for example, moving the heads that read information from the disk to another position, which is always slower than reading sectors). A situation may arise when the proportion of such fragmented files becomes significant (up to 10% or more) and the computer slows down. There are special programs that can rewrite files on disk so that they are saved in the form of sequentially readable sections. This process is called disk defragmentation.

The Defrag program allows you to defragment both regular and compressed disks.

Rice. 5.16. Defrag window

The program is launched using the command START -» Programs -» Accessories -» System Tools -> Disk Defragmentation. A window opens on the screen (Fig. 5.16), where you need to specify the name of the disk to be scanned and its type.

This program can run in the background. In practice, defragmentation occurs during pauses in the application program. However, if the application program writes to the disk, the defragmentation process will be restarted.

Help system №п(1о№ ХР

The yindows help system contains a huge amount of information about the operation of the operating system and computer and is designed to obtain quick information on the issue that arises. The help system starts with the operating system. One of the components of the help system is constantly located in the computer's memory and displays “pop-up” tips on the screen that appear when you point at one of the desktop objects or any button in the application. They contain information about the actions associated with an object or button.

To call the Help window (Fig. 5.17), you need to select the corresponding command in the main menu or in program windows press the “P1” key or the “?” in the window title.

The Windows XP help system is integrated with MegaSec. Even the structure of the help itself is an HTM file organized as a page with frames (the window consists of two parts). The creation of a help system based on Verb technology has greatly simplified the use of the help system and obtaining help. Topics in Help are divided into topics, sections, and subsections. Each Help topic is located in the left frame of the Help window, making it easy to find the topic you're looking for. The names of sections and subsections are hyperlinks that lead you to the desired section.

The left frame has two more tabs: Index and Search. The Index tab provides a general, comprehensive list of Help topics, arranged in alphabetical order. At the top there is an input field in which you can enter keywords for

© Help and Support Center

O -3> U Index Favorites Magazine?E Support

Help section

Request for support

New features of U/ts1osh$ XP

Music, videos, games and photos

Basics of working in

Protecting Your Computer: Security Basics

Networking and Internet

Working remotely






Printing and fax

Performance and Maintenance




Ptsh>-msh->dt-i aya”t.zh”

And Connection Invitation for Remote Assistance

Request support or search for information in newsgroups У/Ш(1оШ5 ХР

Job selection

Updating your system using the Windows Update website

in Searching for compatible equipment and programs for

And Undoing changes using System Restore

c Use utilities to view computer information and diagnose problems

Did you know?

If you are connected to the Internet, this area displays links to Help and Support Center information. If you want to connect to the Internet right now, run the New Connection Wizard and create a connection through your Internet Service Provider.

Rice. 5.17. Help Window

search. As you type, the cursor in the list of topics moves; this circumstance is convenient to use to quickly jump to the desired element. On the Search tab, an advanced search option is implemented; topics can be found by keywords in the text of the help itself.

The right frame displays the help itself on the topic or section. It can contain text and graphic hyperlinks, pictures, text, animation, and a background picture can be embedded under the help text.

Above the two help frames is a toolbar that makes working with the help system easier. Back and Forward buttons make it easy to move from one section to another. L/e-help is used to launch the “online support service”. The Settings button is used to configure the interface and move from one section or topic to another. The Hide button removes the left frame from the screen and at the same time transforms into the Show button. The Hide Tabs command from the menu called up by the Options button works similarly.

The help system can be called not only by the user, but also by the operating system or application in cases where it is necessary to explain further actions or along with a message about the error of the command.

Some applications only partially use the help system to display help, or do not use it at all. One example of partial use of a help system is the MS Office application. It has additional help options, such as calling an interactive assistant that displays the help you need if an error occurs.