Maintenance and repair of personal computer system units. Computer help for a personal computer

Computers have already conquered the whole world. Yes, yes. The revolt of the machines has already begun. They have become a part of our lives and at the same time we are completely dependent on them. Every time the laptop or desktop computer fails, we equate this event to a global catastrophe on a domestic scale. The connection with outside world, get lost important files and information, without which we are without hands! Sometimes the breakdown is so simple that the user can cope with it on his own, but it also happens that it is required full resuscitation computer, which can be carried out either independently, having certain skills, or entrusted to professionals. It is worth considering that personal computer maintenance and ( should be carried out regularly and it is best to entrust the work to one master who will know all the features of a particular machine.

Types of maintenance

  • Cleaning or defragmentation hard drive. This will clear up space and speed up access to other files necessary for work. Depending on the use of the computer, the user may perform this process independently. The optimal solution would be to carry out this process at least once every few months. Although professionals perform this operation monthly.

  • Regular cleaning of dust and other things will help avoid clogging of coolers and other insides of the computer. If necessary, you can use a regular vacuum cleaner, which will remove dirt and avoid damage to expensive equipment.

  • Installing special utilities for deleting files allows you to get rid of garbage that slows down programs. If necessary, the master will select suitable ones for independent use programs and explain how and when to use them. At first, you can entrust this process to a professional. And then carry it out yourself.

  • Regular removal of viruses will ensure more efficient system operation. It is equally important to consider that server maintenance( also needs to be carried out at least once every few months.

  • The thermal paste is replaced quite often, which improves the dissipation of heat generated by the processor during operation.

  • The installation of additional coolers will help increase efficiency by more than 50%, which will improve the cooling of the internals and processor of the computer during operation. New grilles and additional openings will be another plus.

  • Every few months it is necessary to carry out general cleaning. Format hard drive and execute reinstalling Windows. This will allow you to get rid of files clogging up space, fill space and increase the speed of access to the folders you need for work.
Some work can be done independently, while some will require inviting a professional. He will be able to reinstall the system, clean the device from dust and animal hair, replace thermal paste and many other works. The process of maintaining a personal computer requires skill and habit, which develops over time. This will ensure normal work a computer or laptop that is used for work or entertainment.

In the century information technology, computer systems in one form or another are quickly making their way into all sectors of the economy and occupy stable positions in all spheres of human life. It's no secret that thanks to computers, our work, learning, leisure and other elements become much more accessible and easy to understand.

If earlier creative people, for example poets or writers, loved to express their thoughts and ideas on paper, today even they prefer to surrender to their muse using computerized systems. And there is nothing strange in this, because life does not stand still, everything changes, improves, and humanity wants to take advantage of this and be at the center of such changes.

Such rapid development of the information industry has led to the emergence of certain computer services, and the most relevant today are specialized companies. Why is this service so popular and what is it?

Who can you trust to maintain your personal computer?

Everyone knows that any item that we use in our everyday life needs care, especially for various computer devices. It is they who, to a greater extent, require constant professional service, which is implemented thanks to special outsourcing organizations. Such companies have on their staff specially trained computer engineers, frankly geniuses, who, with excellent knowledge, extensive work experience and deft hands, are able to bring back to life even the most seemingly lost personal computer.

Until recently, about such a service as personal computer servicing, knew only the management of enterprises, as well as entrepreneurs of medium and small businesses. But today this service is increasingly ordered by individuals who have only one personal computer.

With the development of technological thought and a significant decrease computer equipment, the scope of application of these smart machines is constantly growing. Almost everyone modern man has at least one computer in his home, and in those families where there are children or one of the parents has connected his activities with the Internet, you can find an entire computer network, each element of which is designed to perform its functions. And this entire complex high-tech web of devices requires proper attention and quality maintenance.

Computer help for a personal computer

What is the essence of the service? personal computer servicing and how to choose a reliable specialist? Despite the qualities of computers to help a person do his work and act as a source of entertainment, these devices have a completely unpleasant property - they fail, “glitch”, “slow down” and refuse to work. When this happens, a person can choose one of two possible options: purchase new computer, and throw away the faulty one or order a service personal computer servicing, which will allow him to significantly save his money and not part with his favorite assistant.

Of course, in the case when the computer is already completely outdated and has been repaired at least 5 times, you can think about replacing it with a new, improved, more advanced machine. But if the computer was purchased relatively recently and possible reason Its braking has become ordinary dust, which often gets into the fan and other elements system unit, then it will be much more convenient and rational to apply for professional help to a specialized service.

In the age of global computerization, nothing is impossible. Modern, highly qualified specialists will not only repair your computer in the shortest possible time, but will also completely update it, make the system more powerful, the programs more concise, and all processes accurate and fast. Thus, a computer purchased two or three years ago will acquire new, improved and useful “stuffing”.

Along with the stunning growth of information technology, factors are also developing that may threaten modern informatization. One of the most common is the threat of infecting your computer with viruses. Any virus attack or a malicious Trojan program can lead to unpleasant consequences: loss of user data, disruption of data exchange, communication systems, etc. Only a specially trained person who deals with this type of activity.

Offering personal computer servicing, outsourcing companies provide high quality services, the shortest possible time for completing their work and optimal prices.

During operation, the PC requires periodic cleaning from dust and dirt. To reduce PC contamination, it is recommended to use special antistatic covers. They need to cover the components of the PC and peripherals after turning off the computer. Before cleaning, the PC must be turned off and unplugged.

When dusty, but at least once a month, it is necessary to lightly wipe the PC components with a clean damp cloth. Never use aerosols, liquids or solvents to clean your PC.

If the surface of the keyboard and buttons is very dirty, you can wipe them with a piece of cloth moistened with alcohol (do not use cologne or eau de toilette for these purposes).

Several times a year, depending on the intensity of PC use and dust levels environment, it is necessary to remove dust from the system unit. To do this, it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle attachment.

Periodically it is necessary to check the computer hard drive to detect bad sectors and lost clusters. To do this you need to use special utilities(Norton Disk Doctor, Scan disk, etc.). It is also recommended to periodically run file defragmentation utilities. hard structure disk (Speed ​​Disk, Defrag). The frequency of such checks depends on the intensity of computer use and is determined empirically.

During intensive information exchange with other computers, it is recommended to check the hard drive and floppy disks for computer viruses. For verification it is necessary to use whenever possible latest versions several antivirus programs. It is also recommended to install a disk auditor to monitor changes occurring on the PC hard drive.

Lecture 4. PC software

4.1. Software levels

Programs are ordered sequences of commands. The ultimate goal of any computer program- hardware management. Even if at first glance the program does not interact with the hardware in any way, does not require any data input from input devices and does not output data to output devices, its work is still based on controlling the computer’s hardware devices.

Software composition computing system called software configuration. There is a relationship between programs, as well as between physical nodes and blocks - many programs work based on other lower-level programs, that is, we can talk about an interprogram interface, which is provided by the distribution of software into several interacting levels. Software layers are a pyramidal structure. This division is convenient for all stages of working with a computer system, from installation of programs to practical operation and maintenance.

Basic level. The lowest level of software represents the basic software. It is responsible for interacting with the underlying hardware. Basic software is directly included in the basic equipment and is stored in special chips called read only memory (ROM). Programs and data are “stitched” into ROM chips at the production stage and cannot be changed during operation.

In cases where a change in basic software During operation, it is technically feasible; instead of ROM chips, reprogrammable read-only memory devices (EPROM) are used. In this case, changing the contents of the ROM can be performed both directly as part of the computer system (flash technology) and outside it, on special devices called programmers.

System level. The system level is transitional. Programs running at this level ensure interaction between other programs computer system with programs basic level and directly with the hardware, that is, they perform “intermediary” functions.

The performance indicators of the entire computing system as a whole largely depend on software at this level. So, for example, when connecting new equipment to a computer system, a program must be installed at the system level to ensure that other programs communicate with this equipment. Specific programs Those responsible for interacting with specific devices are called device drivers - they are part of system-level software.

Another class of system-level programs is responsible for user interaction. It is thanks to them that he gets the opportunity to enter data into a computer system, manage its operation and receive the result in a form convenient for himself. These software tools are called software tools user interface. The ease of working with a computer and productivity in the workplace directly depend on them.

The collection of system-level software forms the core of a computer's operating system. Full concept We will look at the operating system a little later, but here we will only note that if the computer is equipped with system-level software, then it is already prepared for installing programs more high levels, to the interaction of software with hardware and, most importantly, to interaction with the user. That is, the presence of an operating system kernel is an indispensable condition for the possibility practical work person with a computing system.

Service level. Software at this level interacts with both base-level and system-level programs. The main purpose of utility programs (they are also called utilities) is to automate the work of checking, setting up and configuring a computer system. In many cases, they are used to expand or improve the functionality of system programs. Some utilities(as a rule, these are maintenance programs) are initially included in the operating system, but most utility programs are external to the operating system and serve to expand its functions.

There are two alternative directions in the development and operation of utility programs: integration with the operating system and autonomous operation. In the first case, utility programs can change consumer properties system programs, making them more convenient for practical work. In the second case, they are loosely coupled to the system software, but provide the user with more options to personalize their interaction with the hardware and software.

Application layer. Software application level is a complex application programs, with the help of which specific tasks are performed at a given workplace. The range of these tasks is unusually wide - from production to creative and entertainment-educational. Huge functional range possible applications funds computer technology due to the availability of application programs for different types of activities.

Since there is a direct relationship between application software and system software (the first relies on the second), it can be argued that the versatility of the computing system, the availability of application software and the breadth functionality computers directly depend on the type of operating system used, on what system tools contains its core, how it ensures the interaction of the triune complex man - program - equipment.

4.2. PC Operating System

operating system(OS) is a complex of system and service software. On the one hand, it relies on the basic computer software, on the other hand, it itself is the support for higher-level software - application and most service applications.

The main function of all operating systems is mediation. It consists of providing several types of interface:

Interface between the user and the computer hardware (user interface);

Interface between software and hardware (hardware-software interface);

Interface between different types software (software interface).

Even for one hardware platform, such as the IBM PC, there are several operating systems.

Unlimited service includes


Installation and configuration of operating systems and software. Connection peripheral equipment. PC troubleshooting and repair.


Administration Windows servers, Linux, FreeBSD. Organization and support backup. Access rights management. Protection against viruses and hacker attacks.


Connecting printing and scanning devices. Organization sharing. Training in the intricacies of use.


Updating the 1C platform and standard configurations. Organization of multi-user work. Setting up integration with client banks.


Connection and setup network equipment. Information security. Organization of access to Internet resources. Remote access.


Support for the operation of the video surveillance system. Maintaining access control system functionality. Programming cards and access rights to premises.


Equipment setup telephone communication and office or cloud PBX. Setting up automatic receptionists, call distribution rules, forwarding rules.


Consulting users on all issues. Unlimited support by phone, email, remote administration.


Management of credentials of Internet service providers, telephony, email, website hosting. Interaction by technical issues. Optimization of the composition of services.


Selection optimal model and configurations. Ordering, supervising the delivery and receipt of goods.

Stages of setting up subscription service for computers:

  1. Personal meeting:
  • Our manager and technical specialist will come to you at a time convenient for you and explain in detail what the subscription service includes.
  • The technical specialist receives the necessary primary information from you or on his own. You and our manager are discussing the terms of the contract, which will determine the volume and cost of initial work to eliminate deficiencies and bring the computer park to the required condition. Depending on the complexity, initial work can be done as part of scheduled visits.
  • Analysis of the current state:
    • Our specialists will come to you for a full inspection of the current state of your computer equipment and local network.
      The documentation package contains:
      - Local network diagram and location of computer equipment and peripheral equipment
      - Configuration of personal computers and servers
      - Information about external contractors with whom your company works (Internet access provider, hosting provider), support phone numbers, etc.
    • Bottlenecks in the operation of your computer equipment are identified, both in terms of computer performance and software. A plan is drawn up and agreed upon to bring the condition of your computer equipment to a high-quality stable state and an estimate for the work.
  • Primary work:
    • A group of highly qualified specialists leaves for the initial work at the agreed time. The work is carried out according to an agreed and approved plan based on the concluded contract.
    • During the initial work the following occurs:
      - Elimination of malfunctions and bottlenecks in the operation of computer equipment
      - Organizing a system for backing up information
      - Installing security updates for the operating system
      - Organized antivirus protection computers
      - Organizing/organizing a centralized document storage, etc.

    Reliable with us

    Thanks to proven, mature and reliable engineers with more than 5 years experience, the company for 10 years has formed a positive reputation in the Moscow market

    Your personal superadmin

    We will allocate a personal one for you system administrator, which, as a family doctor, he knows about your equipment All

    We are always on the alert

    An engineer will connect remotely within 5 minutes and fix the problem. If the problem cannot be solved remotely, an engineer will come to you via 40 minutes

    Help, not hinder

    Select convenient days and times the arrival of an engineer and his work will become almost invisible to the office

    Warranty 3 months

    Unlike a private administrator, we give guarantee for work under contract and accept payment by bank transfer with VAT

    We keep secrets

    Our company signs with each client non-disclosure agreement and bears responsibility under the laws of the Russian Federation

    Remote Standard Unlimited Premium+
    5 pcs 2 500 6 900 8 900 10 900
    10 pcs 5 000 9 900 14 900 19 900
    15 pcs 7 500 12 900 22 900 29 900
    20 pcs 10 000 14 900 29 900 38 900
    25 pcs 12 500 17 900 37 900 49 900
    30 pcs 15 000 19 900 44 900 58 900
    35 pcs 17 500 21 900 52 900 68 900
    40 pcs 20 000 24 900 59 900 77 900
    45 pcs 22 500 27 900 67 900 88 900

    Tariff Standard:
    The number of trips is limited: 1 trip per month; Remote and server work - without restrictions.

    Unlimited tariff:
    No restrictions or overpayments

    Premium+ tariff:
    Training users to use the software.
    An individual engineer is assigned to the client.
    Provision of replacement equipment, possibility of signing an SLA agreement.

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    Video review from the Primula company:

    Computer service in Moscow

    Currently, every organization, regardless of occupation, uses computers in its work, with the help of which countless types of activities are carried out. For each of these types, be it trading, accounting, industrial equipment management or working with images, appropriate software is required. In order to know the specifics of each type of software and be able to work with it as an administrator, appropriate qualifications are required. In addition, any computers, servers and computer networks and other peripheral equipment require regular maintenance and elimination of minor ongoing breakdowns. Often, a small printer breakdown, such as a chewed piece of paper, can cause quite a lot of trouble. for a long time paralyze the work of an entire office. To avoid similar problems and to ensure uninterrupted operation of any business process, there are the following solution methods:

    1. Maintaining a staff of technical specialists who perform repairs, maintenance and debugging computer networks, systems and software. The inconvenience and complexity of this technique lies in the fact that any specialist has a certain work schedule, may get sick, or go on vacation, while service is often required for on an ongoing basis. In addition, highly qualified technical department employees need sufficiently high wages, which only a large enterprise with a stable profit can afford.
    2. Outsourcing computer maintenance on an on-site basis. That is, computer capacities are monitored by technical specialists from the company with which your company has entered into an outsourcing agreement. These specialists are ready to come to your office at any time to eliminate any technical problem. The number of visits by the system administrator is not limited in any way, and is carried out as needed and does not in any way affect the cost of service. In case of illness or vacation of a specialist assigned to your company, his role is performed by another qualified engineer. Maintenance of computers, servers and any office equipment is our main task, which we cope with “to the best of our ability.”

    The ZEONIT company offers on an away basis. We are always happy to receive your calls and are ready to immediately begin solving any problems with the equipment.

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    Just like your body, home or car, your computer also needs regular maintenance. Only if this condition is met will it serve for a long time and flawlessly. Maintenance Cleaning a computer involves cleaning it from dust, crumbs, unnecessary files that clog the hard drive, and, possibly, viruses that slow down the operation of the entire system. Fortunately, this is not so difficult to do; there are special programs that help bring the system into excellent shape, and cleaning it from dust will not require anything more from you than accuracy and patience.

    Removing dust from the system unit

    When a computer is running, a lot of heat is generated. Coolers (fans) rotating in various parts of the system unit help to remove it. But, while removing heat, coolers suck in quite a lot of dust and pet hair. Dust accumulates on electronic components and prevents them from cooling properly.

    Therefore, an indispensable element of computer maintenance should be cleaning dust from inside the system unit or laptop case. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at least once every six months. If we're talking about about your desktop computer, unplug it, remove the side covers, and blow out the dust using a can of compressed air. It is better to carry out this procedure outdoors, for example, on a balcony. Treat the cooler blades in short bursts, and then go through all electronic components and don't forget to blow out the power supply. Pay special attention to heatsinks (they are often located on chipsets and video cards). A lot of dust can accumulate between their ribs.

    Removing dust from a laptop is a more delicate job. After turning off the laptop, remove the battery and unplug the power cord. Now turn it upside down and find all the holes where air enters and exits the case. Some laptops may have one, but very large hole.

    Determine how to attach back cover to the laptop. It can be screwed with a dozen or one bolts, and additionally secured with latches along the edges, or it can be secured with the same latches that hold the battery. By removing the laptop lid, you can easily find the cooler - this is the dustiest place inside the laptop. Now you need to blow out the dust with a jet compressed air, just like it was done during maintenance desktop computer, and again - it’s better to do this outdoors. You can use a thin, sharp plastic object to help the air remove dust from the laptop case.

    After removing the dust, reassemble the case. Your laptop should now run quieter and stay cooler than before cleaning. Remember that this will help it maintain its performance longer.

    We remove everything unnecessary

    Every spring we try to rid our home of things that have become unnecessary. Computer maintenance should be accompanied by a similar procedure, but this time with regard to files littering your virtual life. These are all kinds of temporary and permanent unnecessary files Windows and various programs. Their accumulation in large quantities slows down your computer.

    To thoroughly clean your computer, you don't need a broom, mop, or trash bags. Only virtual ones. All you need is a utility designed to find and remove all this accumulated junk.

    One of popular solutions for computer maintenance: Piriform CCleaner- this is a whole set ready-made solutions to keep the system in shape. The program is absolutely free and has versions for Windows and Mac. It carefully searches for and deletes temporary files from your computer and web browser, clears history and many other things that only interfere with your work. On Windows, it also rids the registry of unnecessary entries. Run CCleaner once every few months and your computer will remain functional for a long time.

    Defragmenting your hard drive

    This is another source of computer debris that is worth paying attention to during regular computer maintenance. Fragments of one file can be physically scattered across the entire surface of the hard drive. Many years ago we regularly launched special program, which placed these fragments close to each other, as a result of which the speed of work significantly increased.

    Today the situation has changed somewhat. If your computer has Windows XP installed and the disk space is relatively small - about 320 GB, then monthly defragmentation is a good idea. Use the built-in operating system utility: Open My Computer, then click right click mouse over the drive you want to defragment and select Properties. Go to the Tools tab and click the Defragment Now button, in the window that appears, click the Defragment button, and the process will start.

    More modern computers with big hard drives do not need defragmentation, if you have Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 installed, then everything happens automatically. However, the most advanced users use special utilities like Diskeeper. Their developers promise that regular use similar programs makes the computer faster.

    Warning: If you are using a computer with solid state drive(SSD), never defragment it. This can seriously shorten its lifespan, and the SSD design is such that it efficient work no defragmentation required.

    "Wash" the hard drive

    If you want to give your computer a real spring cleaning, consider taking the drastic step of formatting your hard drive and reinstalling Windows. This is a serious project, and it may take longer than half a day, and maybe even the entire weekend. But after such maintenance, your computer will be like new and the achieved effect will last for another couple of years, provided that relatively modern hardware is installed inside.

    In general terms it looks like this:

    1. Make a list of everything you need that is on your computer (programs, documents, photographs, bookmarks, addresses, books, etc.),
    2. then backup it all (to external hard disk or in online storage data). Do backups There is no point in programs, since they will have to be reinstalled from disk.
    3. Now use the system repair disk or installation disk. Computer recovery utilities may be hidden in hidden section on your hard drive. To find out, look at the instructions or consult the seller. Among the recovery utilities are those that will wipe the hard drive and reinstall Windows (along with the programs that came with the hardware).
    4. After that, reinstall your programs and restore your data.

    If you've never done this before, look it up on the Internet. additional materials, describing the process of reinstalling the system. This activity may be intimidating at first, but after doing all this, you will realize that there is nothing scary about computer maintenance.