Monitor color resolution tests. Online Monitor Test - we check it with the help of a tester

One of the most common problems LCD screens are a "dead pixel". This happens when one of the millions of pixels on the monitor is not working correctly. Technically this term " dead pixel" occurs due to a manufacturing fault where the pixel is black and there is no way to make it work properly. We can also tell when a white pixel is stuck in the colors (RGB) and glows more or less than the others.

If the pixel is defective from the factory, there is nothing we can do, that pixel is truly broken. However, if a pixel is only "sleeping", meaning it remains a blank or fixed color, it can even be restored by causing it to load sequences of colors until they are reactivated.

Let's look at a series of websites that will allow you to determine whether your monitor has dead pixels and try to restore them for free. These sites can also be used to check for dead pixels mobile phones and televisions.

Sites for checking dead pixels on monitors and LCD displays

A stuck pixel can be corrected by testing and repeating them several times, but if there is a dead “dead” pixel on the monitor, this is a manufacturing defect. If the monitor is under warranty, bring it back for a replacement.

This simple site will allow us to check the pixel status of our monitor. By filling the entire screen with solid color, we can identify a dead pixel and determine its condition. Simply select the color you want to check and press the F11 key to go full screen, or you can swipe with the left and right arrows to change the colors on your monitor.

More automatic service than the previous one. By clicking the "Start test" button, the browser is automatically displayed in full screen mode and we can scroll through the colors by clicking the mouse on the screen. There are also other monitor analysis tools available, such as Dynamic Range Test or Color-shift Test to see the accuracy with which our monitor shows colors.

Another alternative web page to check the pixel health of any screen or LCD monitor. This service allows us to see the response of all pixels to white, black or red, green or blue.

The monitor is an integral element personal computer. It is thanks to this device that the user receives most of information and has the ability to visually observe the actions he performs. Unfortunately, any technology has the ability to break. Sometimes a person may initially purchase a defective model. Therefore, it is important to always have tools on hand to perform the test similar equipment so that it is possible to assess the condition of the monitor and its individual elements, for example, matrices.

Indeed, if there is a tester working in online mode, then it is absolutely not necessary to send the monitor for diagnostics to one of service centers, where they will ask for additional payment for such a service.

An online monitor test can be carried out using special Internet services. About the best of them and we'll talk in this material.

The best online services that allow you to check your monitor screen

There are enough programs on the Internet to check the status of the monitor matrix online or carry out a hertz test. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the best services similar type:

Online Monitor Test

English version. But understanding it is quite simple. Initially, the site offers to familiarize yourself with the method of testing the display. It is possible to launch in a small window (HTML FS), transfer the tool directly to hard drive(Executable Mode), activation directly in the browser (HTML Window).

It is important to immediately note that, no matter what option the user chooses, they will all work according to the same algorithm. As a result, a person receives five tools:

  • Checking the quality of color rendering;
  • Dead pixel test known as "Homogenuity";
  • Response time of the monitor used, blur text information on the screen and the presence of stains.

Another important functionality present on the site is “Input Lag Html”. It is designed to evaluate the speed of information display on additional monitors, if the user uses a system of several similar devices.


Russian-language Internet service, which is also suitable for examining the condition of mobile device screens.

It works very simply:

  • After going to the site, click on “Get Started”;
  • There is a transition to full screen mode, where you can select one of the testing options;
  • Switching is done using special menu located at the bottom of the screen. There are several modes available for each instrument.

What you can run: a test for monitor flicker, its color rendition, hertz sharpness and contrast. Easily detects dead pixels. There are also several dynamic checks. There are very useful option, designed for calibrating monitors operating in the 16:9 format.

Test address

Another very simple and convenient online resource with the necessary functionality:

  • The screen offers many options for testing;
  • It is very convenient that each of them, when turned on, displays a hint in Russian at the bottom of the screen, allowing you to find out what this or that option is intended for;
  • Launches in an Internet browser window. You can switch to full screen mode.

As a result, you can: find dead pixels, analyze the uniformity of filling the screen, check the display quality for the human eye, color balancing and the “swimming” of the picture.

Another alternative, made in an English interface. To start testing, click on the “Clock/phasing test screen” link.

In fact, it repeats all the tools offered by analogues described above. Main feature This resource contains a large amount of textual information about monitors, which can be very useful. Naturally, you need to have sufficient linguistic knowledge to understand it or use the services of one of the online translators.

The other day I remembered how I bought a monitor in a store a couple of years ago. I then read a bunch of articles about how to choose the right monitor, how to find dead pixels, what color rendition should be, etc. Most of the authors of the articles advised uploading good juicy photos to your flash drive, Nokia program Monitor Test and with this “gentleman’s kit” go shopping for a monitor...

Now, remembering all this, I thought about whether it was possible to simplify this entire preparation process and go to the store light, but at the same time be sure that you will choose a quality monitor. And I found a way out - online service.

He will provide you with everything you need tests to check your monitor before purchasing. Now you don’t need to take anything with you to the store - just ask the seller to type the address of the specified service in your browser, and you will be armed to the teeth)).

I’ll tell you what opportunities this online service provides for testing a monitor. You can choose three options:

  • “Html Window” – running tests in a browser tab
  • "Html FS" - running tests in separate window browser with a resolution of 1280×1024 px
  • “Executable Mode” - you can download tests in the form Windows applications and run them directly from your computer.

All these options are absolutely equivalent, so choose which one suits you best.

Immediately after starting the test, a page with a picture will open to check the monitor’s ability to display similar shades. On high-quality monitors, a two percent difference in dark tones can be discerned.

To switch to other modes, you need to move the cursor to the top edge of the browser window. A translucent menu will open in which other monitor tests will become available.

Color range

Assessment of color rendering quality when displaying smooth gradients of different tones. 9 different modes available.


Test real speed matrix response. There are 6 test options available.


Checking the uniformity of the backlight of the monitor lamps and checking for dead pixels. You can fill your monitor screen with five different colors.

1:1 pixel mapping

Test for the presence of stains, the so-called moiré.


Checking the readability and blur of text on the monitor. You can choose both the color of the text itself and the background on which it is located.

Besides everything else, Online Monitor Test will be useful to you if you work on several monitors at once. Using the “Input Lag Html (Exe)” test, you can determine whether there is a delay between them in the output of the input signal.

Friends, I hope you liked this online test monitor. When you are ready to go to the store to make a purchase, do not forget to use it to choose a good quality copy.

The likelihood that the monitor may have dead pixels - points where either black or white– applies not only to monitors purchased on the used market. The newest monitors from the manufacturer may arrive at sellers' warehouses with factory defects, in particular, with the same dead pixels. And the worst thing is that when you buy one of these monitors from an online store without any pre-check The seller may hastily ship to the buyer. It is unlikely that he will detect the problem immediately, in the mail upon receipt. Dead pixels will be revealed even if you look closely while working at the monitor.

However, before sending your monitor back, you should know that dead pixels are allowed in monitor production - this norm is even regulated ISO standard 13406-2. This standard provides 4 classes of monitors, and in each of these classes the presence of one or more dead pixels is allowed. Only the highest - 1st class, which includes high-quality and expensive monitors for professional activities, is not entitled to a defect.

Number of permissible dead pixels depending on the monitor class

  • Class 1: 0 defective pixels per million.
  • Class 2: up to 2 defects of types 1 and 2 or up to 5 defects of type 3 per million.
  • Class 3: up to 5 type 1 defective pixels; up to 15 – type 2; up to 50 defective subpixels per million.
  • Class 4: Up to 150 dead pixels per million.

As you can see, each of the classes also implies a type of defective pixels.

  • Type 1: Constantly lit pixels.
  • Type 2: permanently off pixels.
  • Type 3: pixels with other defects, including defects in subpixels (RGB cells that make up a pixel), i.e. constantly lit red, green or blue subpixels.
  • Type 4: Several defective pixels in a 5 x 5 pixel square.

To find out what class your monitor belongs to, you will most likely have to contact technical support. support, because manufacturers rarely indicate such information on the box or in the specifications. On the other hand, most monitors for general use often fall into the second class.

Dead subpixel (left) and burning pixel (right)

Monitor monitor before purchase

The only way to prevent buying a monitor with dead pixels is to the only way– you must personally check it at the point of sale and verify with your own eyes that all pixels are intact. Naturally, without special software it is quite difficult to do this. You must ask the seller to conduct a special test for the monitor you have chosen, during which various images– alternately white and black, special grids, checkerboard or other patterned fills, colored stripes, etc., making it easy to notice matrix defects. Such software for testing the display should be available in any serious hardware store or service center.

Theoretically, you can reduce the risk of buying a monitor with dead pixels by choosing a model based on high-quality types of screen matrix. So, in high-quality and rather expensive IPS, MVA and PVA matrices Dead pixels are less common than in budget TN matrices. In addition, if there are dead pixels in such matrices, they are often black (type 1), which is less noticeable than the multi-colored dots of burning pixels in TN matrices.

Well, as we see, the situation with monitors fits into general rule When purchasing any product, you always have to pay for something good and carefully look at what you buy.

The other day I remembered how I bought a monitor in a store a couple of years ago. I then read a bunch of articles about how to choose the right monitor, how to find dead pixels, what color rendition should be, etc. Most of the authors of the articles advised downloading good juicy photos to your flash drive, the Nokia Monitor Test program and going with this “gentleman’s kit” buying a monitor...

Now, remembering all this, I thought about whether it was possible to simplify this entire preparation process and go to the store light, but at the same time be sure that you will choose a quality monitor. And I found a way out - an online service. He will provide you with everything you need tests to check your monitor before purchasing. Now you don’t need to take anything with you to the store - just ask the seller to type the address of the specified service in your browser, and you will be armed to the teeth)).

I’ll tell you what opportunities this online service provides for testing a monitor. You can choose three options:

  • “Html Window” – running tests in a browser tab
  • “Html FS” - running tests in a separate browser window with a resolution of 1280x1024 px
  • “Executable Mode” - you can download tests as a Windows application and run them directly from your computer.
All these options are absolutely equivalent, so choose which one suits you best.

Immediately after starting the test, a page with a picture will open to check the monitor’s ability to display similar shades. On high-quality monitors, a two percent difference in dark tones can be discerned.

To switch to other modes, you need to move the cursor to the top edge of the browser window. A translucent menu will open in which other monitor tests will become available:

Color range

Assessment of color rendering quality when displaying smooth gradients of different tones. 9 different modes available.


Test of real matrix response speed. There are 6 test options available.


Checking the uniformity of the backlight of the monitor lamps and checking for dead pixels. You can fill your monitor screen with five different colors.

1:1 pixel mapping

Test for the presence of stains, the so-called moiré.


Checking the readability and blur of text on the monitor. You can choose both the color of the text itself and the background on which it is located.

Among other things, Online Monitor Test will be useful to you if you work on several monitors at once. Using the “Input Lag Html (Exe)” test, you can determine whether there is a delay between them in the output of the input signal.

Friends, I hope you liked this online monitor test. When you are ready to go to the store to make a purchase, do not forget to use it to choose a good quality copy.

Monitor testing programs invariably attract the attention of PC users. Perhaps among all information and diagnostic utilities they are the most popular. And all because every user will sooner or later worry about buying a new monitor. Simply choosing a manufacturer and model is not enough. According to the rules, when purchasing a monitor, it is necessary to meticulously test it, especially for dead pixels.

Why we test the monitor:

Monitor testing programs make the task of testing and adjusting a CRT monitor easier. Special test images (templates) make it possible to identify defects such as lack of convergence of rays for different colors, insufficient focusing and voltage stabilization, geometry distortion, low contrast, uneven glow of the phosphor, dead pixels. Having looked at several copies, we can choose the one with minimal deviations from the norm.

LCD monitors require a different approach. All LCD panel based monitors cannot have problems with geometry, convergence, stabilization, focus, etc. And the spread of parameters is generally not typical for them, with the exception of “broken” pixels, which are still encountered, despite all the efforts of manufacturers. However, LCD monitors should also be tested. Just not different specimens, but models various manufacturers. LCD monitors differ significantly from each other in such parameters as viewing angles, inertia (afterglow and smearing), natural color rendering, color resolution, brightness and contrast, backlight uniformity. These parameters are either not indicated at all in the characteristics, or are measured using completely inadequate methods.

IsMyLcdOK- universal and portable utility. Using it we will check how much is on the LCD tft lcd led monitor there are dead pixels. When we first launch it will open detailed menu choose colors and they will immediately show you what keys are responsible for..
Nokia Monitor Test version 2.0- a set of tests required for verification TFT work, CRT monitors. The utility contains required templates to check geometry, convergence, resolution, moire, contrast, brightness, focus, text readability, color rendition.
TFT Monitor test 1.52- a program with this name was developed by domestic programmers. Unlike existing analogues, it is, firstly, completely free, and secondly, equipped detailed information with a description of the available templates in Russian and tips for solving typical problems. The program consists of one file (plus an optional help file), does not require installation, and takes up only 650 KB when unpacked!
Dead Pixel Tester 3.0- a program for finding so-called “dead pixels” on your screen. A fairly clear, simple interface (though in English).
CheckeMON 1.1- a small utility for testing monitors. Does not require installation and is absolutely free. CheckeMON is implemented in the form of a window with links to various tests: gradients, geometry, color spectrum, etc. There are 11 of them in total; when you hover over each one, a hint with a description of the test appears at the bottom. And if you know a little English, then it won’t be difficult for you to understand what’s what.
EIZO Monitortest 1.6- the interface is in English, there is no Russian, but German and Czech are supported. She has simple interface and includes twenty-four tests, each of which has brief description. Tests, for example, are: geometry, brightness, clarity, brightness, contrast, moiré, inertia, etc., accompanied by brief tips.
PixPerAn 1.011e - interesting utility for testing monitors, but, unlike others, it offers to test the screen when changing images. Using PixPerAn, you can identify flaws that may appear due to the inertia of LCD matrices (for example, when viewing dynamic image Nasty multi-colored trails may remain on the screen). Includes original tests, for example, in the form of a small computer game, moving hand-drawn cars, a test of the readability of moving text, etc. The speed of movement and color can be customized. Plus, PixPerAn provides information about frames per second drawing speed, dropped frames, processor load and screen parameters.

Many people mistakenly believe that testing a monitor is something incredibly complex, comparable to tuning a piano, and only experts can do it. In fact, everything is much simpler, today I will prove this to you using the example of a service. But first, a few words about why this test is needed? The most obvious area of ​​application is testing the monitor you are about to purchase (if you have such an opportunity) or the monitor you just purchased. Actually, this is exactly what happened to me - I had to check new monitor for the presence of dead pixels, and in general to see how it behaves in different situations and tests. Apparently, I accidentally deleted the desktop program, and I didn’t want to waste time downloading and searching for it among the many Varezniks. Fortunately, I managed to find a monitor testing service online.

In addition, some monitors, especially new ones, may not be calibrated (factory settings are not always optimal). I agree - even very much good monitor can demonstrate the most mediocre result if it is not configured, nevertheless the test set Online service Monitor Test in any case will allow you to draw some conclusions about the quality (and qualities) of the monitor being tested. Let's move directly to the service. Let's start with the fact that there are 3 test options (modes) available on the Online Monitor Test:

  • HTML FS- the monitor test is launched in a separate window of 1280x1024 pixels. It is necessary to have it installed in the browser Adobe plugin Flash 8+;
  • HTML Window- the test runs in the same browser tab (and not in a separate window). Just like in the previous version, it is required that the browser has Flash plugin 8+;
  • Executable mode - Windows users have the opportunity to download the test as an application (exe file). In this case, the presence of a flash plugin is not necessary.

Whatever option you choose, the result will be the same, but I’ll choose as an example HTML mode F.S.

Main page and Color Range test

After running the test, its Main page opens:

On it you will see rectangles in grayscale. The hue change step is 1%. This test will allow you to evaluate the monitor's ability to display close shades. A good monitor can distinguish a 2 percent difference in dark tones. On very good monitors, a 2% percentage difference is visible even in the lightest shades.

In fairness, I note that it is more convenient to watch this in the “Color Range” mode - “Black/White%” (if you move your mouse pointer closer to top edge of the screen, you will see a menu test, where you can turn off hints):

Since we've reached the Color Range menu, let's continue exploring it. In addition to the “Black/White%” mode in this menu you will find similar tables for red, green and blue, as well as their gradients. The principle is the same - on a good monitor the differences between shades should be visible. Gradients must be smooth.

Trailing test

Using a group of these tests, you can determine how well a monitor works with moving objects. Turn on the “Main” mode, run the Start Box and compare the result with the standard from the prompt.

Homogenuity test

Using the Homogenuity mode, you can examine the monitor's backlight (its uniformity) and look for “dead pixels.” The monitor is definitely worth looking at on each of the “substrates” - white, black, red, green and blue.

Test 1:1 pixelmapping

The test for the so-called moiré (interference vertical lines on the screen) is important for those who intend to use the monitor, including as a TV. If you can easily distinguish between pixels and there are no “smudges”, everything is OK.

Test Text

Thanks to this test, you can identify the monitor’s predisposition to blurring text with certain combinations of text color/background color (text, for example, can cast a shadow as shown in the tooltip):

To check, try the most different options text and background colors.

In addition, there is useful tool- Input Lag HTML (there is also an exe version), which is useful for those who have several monitors connected to one computer. Using this test, you can determine whether there is a lag between monitors.

Well, that's all, I hope the online test of your monitor does not disappoint you. Even if something is wrong, don’t rush to panic, maybe it should be properly configured first? Of course, the big advantage of the Online Monitor Test service is its mobility; there is no point in storing the corresponding programs on all your computers; it is enough to have access to the Internet.

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Hello! For those who spend a lot of time at the computer, work comfort is of particular importance. I will not “discover America” for anyone if I say that the monitor is one of essential components comfortable and productive work. Many users wonder how to check a monitor for dead pixels, but doing this is as easy as pie.

Today I will tell you how to check your monitor not only for pixels, but also for backlight uniformity and picture blur.

Before we start testing, let's do small retreat and get acquainted with the concept color model R G B . RGB is an abbreviation for the English words Red Green Blue. This model is a method of color reproduction that has found wide application in technology. The method is based on the peculiarities of color perception by the human retina. With this model, all colors reproduced by the monitor are output due to a combination of three primary colors - red, green And blue . That is why all tests for monitors work with these primary colors.

Online monitor test

For online testing we need to go to the website -

Go to the menu HTML window. In the first window we see a scale of shades gray, which allows you to compare similar tones. If on your monitor you can see dark shades in 2% increments, then this is a good monitor. On the highest quality monitors, you can see differences between light tones.
Of course, the evaluation of the monitor does not end on this scale. If we move the mouse pointer to the top edge of the browser window, a menu with various options tests.

If the window with hints on the screen bothers you, you can turn it off by pressing the button "Info on/off" in the right top corner pop-up menu.

There are a total of 6 tests in the menu, including the main page:

  • Color range- color scheme;
  • Trailing- motion blur test;
  • Homogenuity- uniform filling of the screen;
  • Pixelmapping- pixel map;
  • Text- tests with text

Color range

These tests can test your monitor's color reproduction and see its ability to reproduce smooth transitions between different shades. The menu provides 9 color gradient options so you can compare the smoothness of the transition for each of the primary colors. The Black/White item presents a modified test model on the main page.


Here's a simple motion blur test. Do not confuse it with game performance tests, which measure FPS - Frames per second - the number of frames per second.

To set an object in motion, you need to press a button "Start box" and just look at the trail that remains behind the object. The shorter it is, the better monitor. The same menu also contains other tests in which you can move an object with the mouse pointer.


On this screen we can check the uniformity of the monitor's backlight (against a black background). By switching colors you can also ensure that the color appears the same across the entire screen.

Also, this test can help in detecting the so-called "dead pixels" since they become very clearly visible against a uniform background.


On quality monitor the screen should be evenly filled with black/white pixels without any colored areas. This indicates that the monitor matrix does not illuminate the color transition boundaries. In addition, the test allows you to determine the absence of geometric distortions.

This test is often used to check televisions.


Allows you to evaluate the display various types and font sizes on different backgrounds.

Monitor test using the program

In addition to the online test, there is huge amount programs for checking monitors. For the most part, these programs contain the same set of tests. Often the differences are only in the interface.

Such a test program is provided by the testing service described above. You can download it from their website - The capabilities and interface of this program completely coincide with the online checking functions described above.

Program features:

  • test for uniform illumination of the matrix and the absence of “broken dots”;
  • color gradient to check matrix linearity;
  • circles for checking “non-native” permissions;
  • ring gradient to check matrix linearity and discreteness;
  • patterns for checking interpolation of “non-native” resolutions;
  • checking font readability;
  • grid for checking the legibility of parts;
  • moving square;
  • moving square with a scale grid.

This is where I end my article and I wish you easy work at the computer.

P.S. Best vacation After hard work, take a walk in the fresh air. Don't forget to take breaks, take care of your eyesight and health.

Hi all! Today I will show how to test a monitor for dead pixels and malfunctions. This will be useful for you not only to see how your monitor works, but also when buying a monitor, why? Read on!

We need a program for testing, download:

The program does not require installation, just open it.

At the top the program shows information about the monitor.

And at the bottom left you can specify specific resolution and frequency.

Tests are already underway on the right.

For example, test number 3 of the monitor, which will show how uniformly the monitor works with colors.

In the test, you can control the arrows on the keyboard or the mouse.

If you press the key to the right or left, you can see the color uniformity not only horizontally, but also vertically.

Also make sure that the colors are saturated so that the white matches the white.

So that there are no ripples on the monitor.

And the most important thing is that there are no dead pixels. The color should be uniform across the entire screen.

The program also includes a letter readability test. Letters must be clear and readable.

It is also useful to look at the last and penultimate tests. Thanks to them, you can see how the monitor will behave in games. There should be no flickering. And also when increasing the speed on the up key, there should not be large loops. Those. traces behind a moving square... The smaller the better.

This is how you can see if the monitor is working properly. Or check your monitor for dead pixels. Or at the time of purchase.