Topic phone. Topic in English "Mobile phone" (Mobile phone)


Can we imagine our life without a mobile phone? I don't think so. But as it turns out when our parents were small they didn't have them, and very often they had one landline number for several families. So when did phone appear and how has it developed?

The first telephone call was made on March 10, 1876 by Alexander Bell. He invented the telephone and called his assistant Mr. Watson. Basically telephone consists of a transmitter, a receiver, a ringer and a dial. Until 1970s telephones had a rotary dial (you have probably seen them in old movies). In 1963 the first push-button dial was introduced in the USA.

It is interesting to know that first telephones were connected directly to each other. By that I mean that a telephone in one house was directly connected to a telephone in somebody else's house, so you could only call the person your phone was connected to. As it was very inconvenient it was soon replaced by switchboards that were manually operated.

When reading about the history of telephone I wondered when a mobile phone appeared. I was surprised to know that Motorola presented its first mobile for personal use in 1973. But in Russia mobile operators and mobile phones appeared only in 1991. Back then you had to be very reach to use a mobile.

I think it is great that now many people can afford a mobile device because our life is impossible without a phone or rather a mobile phone.



Can we imagine our life without a mobile phone? I do not think. But, as it turned out, when our parents were small, they did not have mobile phones, and often several families used one city number. So when did the telephone appear and how did it evolve?

The first telephone call was made on March 10, 1876 by Alexander Bell. He invented the telephone and called his assistant, Mr. Watson, for the first time. Basically, a telephone consists of a transmitter, a receiver, a ringer, and a dialing system. Until the 1970s used a disc set (you've probably seen this in old movies). In 1963, the first push-button version was introduced in America.

Interestingly, the first telephones were interconnected. This means that the phone in one phone was directly connected to the phone in someone else's house, so you could only call the person whose number your phone was connected to. This was extremely inconvenient and this system was soon replaced by a manually operated switchboard.

While I was reading about the history of the telephone, I was wondering when the mobile phone appeared. I was surprised to learn that Motorola introduced the first mobile phone for personal use in 1973. And in Russia, mobile operators and mobile phones appeared only in 1991. Then you had to be very rich to have a mobile phone.

At present mobile phones have become ingrained in our everyday lives and the majority of people can hardly imagine themselves without cell phones. Is it just a tribute to fashion or a necessity of a modern person?

It isn't a secret that today many people feel quite helpless if they have left their mobile phones at home. First of all cell phones give us an opportunity to keep in touch with people in any place and in any time (it’s especially important for businesspeople). Besides, modern mobile phones are multi-function: they provide access to the Internet, have various games, cameras, memory sticks, etc.

Nevertheless we can't deny that mobile phones provoke a range of problems. People have started to see each other less frequently. Mobile communication requires quite a lot of money and people have to control the amount of money on their accounts constantly otherwise at the most inappropriate moment they won’t be able to phone the people they need. But the greatest disadvantage of cell phones is certainly their harmful influence on people’s health.

In my opinion at the present time mobile phones are an integral part of life of any person and we can't stop it. I personally need it everyday for my work and to keep in touch with my friends and relatives, though I’m aware of its deleterious influence on my health. But I try to avoid idle talks on the phone to reduce the influence of harmful radio waves. I try to find the happy mean.


Mobile phones are now ingrained in our daily lives and most people can hardly imagine living without mobile phones. What is it just a tribute to fashion or the need of a modern person?

It's no secret that many people today feel helpless if they leave their cell phones at home. First of all, the mobile phone gives us the opportunity to keep in touch with people anywhere and at any time (this is especially important for business people). In addition, modern mobile phones are multifunctional: they provide access to the Internet, have various games, cameras, memory cards, etc.

However, we cannot deny that mobile phones cause a number of problems. People began to see each other not so often. Mobile communication requires quite a lot of money, and people have to control the amount of money in their accounts constantly otherwise, at the most inopportune moment, they will not be able to call the people they need. But the biggest disadvantage of mobile phones is, of course, their harmful effects on people's health.

In my opinion, nowadays mobile phones are an integral part of the life of any person, and we cannot stop it. I personally need a phone every day at my job and to keep in touch with friends and family, although I am aware of its harmful effects on my health. But I try to avoid idle chatter on the phone to reduce the impact of harmful radio waves. I'm trying to find a happy medium.

At present mobile phones have become ingrained in our everyday lives and the majority of people can hardly imagine themselves without cell phones. Is it just a tribute to fashion or a necessity of a modern person?

It isn't a secret that today many people feel quite helpless if they have left their mobile phones at home. First of all cell phones give us an opportunity to keep in touch with people in any place and in any time (it’s especially important for businesspeople). Besides, modern mobile phones are multi-function: they provide access to the Internet, have various games, cameras, memory sticks, etc.

Nevertheless we can't deny that mobile phones provoke a range of problems. People have started to see each other less frequently. Mobile communication requires quite a lot of money and people have to control the amount of money on their accounts constantly otherwise at the most inappropriate moment they won’t be able to phone the people they need. But the greatest disadvantage of cell phones is certainly their harmful influence on people’s health.

In my opinion at the present time mobile phones are an integral part of life of any person and we can't stop it. I personally need it everyday for my work and to keep in touch with my friends and relatives, though I’m aware of its deleterious influence on my health. But I try to avoid idle talks on the phone to reduce the influence of harmful radio waves. I try to find the happy mean.

Mobile phone

Mobile phones are now ingrained in our daily lives and most people can hardly imagine living without mobile phones. What is it: just a tribute to fashion or the need of a modern person?

It's no secret that many people today feel helpless if they leave their cell phones at home. First of all, the mobile phone gives us the opportunity to keep in touch with people anywhere and at any time (this is especially important for business people). In addition, modern mobile phones are multifunctional: they provide access to the Internet, have various games, cameras, memory cards, etc.

However, we cannot deny that mobile phones cause a number of problems. People began to see each other not so often. Mobile communication requires quite a lot of money, and people must constantly control the amount of money in their accounts, otherwise, at the most inopportune moment, they will not be able to call the people they need. But the biggest disadvantage of mobile phones is, of course, their harmful effects on people's health.

In my opinion, nowadays mobile phones are an integral part of the life of any person, and we cannot stop it. I personally need a phone every day at my job and to keep in touch with friends and family, although I am aware of its harmful effects on my health. But I try to avoid idle chatter on the phone to reduce the impact of harmful radio waves. I'm trying to find a happy medium.

Topic: Mobile Phones – a Universe in a Small Gadget

Topic: Mobile phones - The universe in a small gadget

I wonder how smart your mobile phone is. Can it provide voice calls and texting? Share photos and videos? Give an access to the Internet and monitor your daily activities and health? A modern mobile phone has so many useful options that it is hard to overestimate its great impact on our lives. Isn "t it amazing that a considerably new technology has gained such a great popularity nowadays?

Wondering how smart your mobile phone is? Can it provide calls and text messages? Share photos and videos? Provide Internet access and keep track of your daily activities and health? The modern mobile phone has so many useful features that it is simply impossible to overestimate its impact on our lives. It's amazing that a relatively new technology has gained so much popularity today, isn't it?

The era of mobile phones started in the last decade of the XX century and today the number of mobile phones has exceeded the number of people on the Earth. Why are these gadgets so popular? The first reason of the popularity, to my mind, is that the phones help us to feel the connection with our family, friends and classmates. They fulfill a function of a virtual support and protection that is why we feel unsafe when we lose or forget somewhere our mobile phones.

The era of mobile phones began in the last decade of the 20th century, and today the number of mobile phones has exceeded the number of inhabitants of the Earth. Why are these devices so popular? The first reason for their popularity, in my opinion, is that phones help us feel connected to family, friends, and classmates. They act as virtual support and protection, which is why we feel defenseless when we lose or forget our mobile phone somewhere.

Moreover, mobile phones give us a possibility to be connected with the whole planet by the means of the mobile Internet. Having a useful access to numerous resources of information just on the go is a unique privilege of a modern life. It gives us the image of freedom and independence.

Moreover, mobile phones enable us to be connected to the whole planet through the possibilities of mobile Internet. Convenient access to numerous sources of information in any convenient place is a unique privilege of modern life. It gives us the appearance of freedom and independence.

A smartphone, the improved version of a mobile phone with multiply functions and options, nowadays has become an inherent part of teenagers’ life. Despite the functions of making calls and providing an access to the Internet, a smartphone is a center of entertainment and communication for teenagers. An average smartphone of a young person contains hundreds of music tracks, videos, photos, books or games. The device can tell about its owner almost everything. That is why we regard it as a very personal thing.

The smartphone, an improved version of the mobile phone with a variety of features and capabilities, has now become an integral part of the life of teenagers. In addition to the functions of communication and Internet access, the smartphone is the center of entertainment and communication for teenagers. As a rule, hundreds of music tracks, videos and photos, books or games are stored in a young person's smartphone. The device can tell its owner almost everything. That is why we treat it as a purely personal thing.

Of course mobile phones do not consist of advantages only. The thread of phone addiction to the modern society is really great. But nevertheless, a tiny gadget that opens the world is an outstanding invention!

Mobile phones have really changed the way of communications. Cell phones are the most used communication tool today. But they are not just limited to communication purposes today. Read on to find out the importance of mobile phones in our daily life.

Mobile phones are a crucial part of our lives these days.

Gone are the days when mobile phones were considered as a luxury thing to have with. The growing competition in mobile manufacturers has lowered the prices of mobile phones to that extent that nowadays, buying a mobile phone is not a big deal. Just spend a few bucks and you are the proud owner of a mobile phone. In today's time, it's very hard to find a person who does not own a mobile phone. The small gadget is a basic necessity of life. But why everyone tags the mobile phones as a basic necessity of life? What is the importance of mobile phones in our lives? Here is the answer.

Easy Way of Communication

What are the mobile phones meant for? Yeah, you answered it right for communication. So the first and foremost role that mobile phones play in our lives is that they provide us an easy and fast way of communication. Go wherever you want, whenever you want; your mobile phone will stay connected with all. Got an important message for your friend/family member? Just send instant SMS or call straight away and make your important message reach the intended person in no time. Simple!

Mobile Phones

Mobile Phone Helps in Business

Got an important message for your client or employee? Pick up your mobile phone and communicate with the intended person straight away. Since businesses require constant communication, so one just can’t imagine any without the use of mobile phones. And with all those new smart phones available in market these days, a businessman can organize the schedule and set reminders, so he does not forget any important meeting. Mobile phones come packed with a lot of business apps which makes their life easier. Thus mobile phones are like a boon for businesses.

So folks! These are the main benefits of having mobile phones in our life. Now it's your turn, tell us why Mobile phone is important for you in the comments below.


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  • mobile phone essay
  • essay on mobile
  • importance of mobile
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  • Importance of mobile phone
  • mobile essay
  • essay on mobile phones
  • essay on mobile phone in easy english

22 responses to “Importance Of Mobile Phone Technology”

    Mobile phones are the most important innovation for humans. They are not just useful for communications but comes handy in other day to day tasks.

    If you are carrying the latest smartphone, you don't need to have any extra camera, calculator, torch, music player, wear a watch or radio. Your smartphone can do all these tasks easily. And if you are getting bored, you can play games on your phone or have chat with your friends.

    Moreover, with millions of apps available for almost anything you can think of, mobile phones are certainly the most useful tool for us today.

    I agree that the days of considering a mobile phone a luxury are gone, but I’m not sure they actually save you money. I guess in a way maybe as we did drop our land line phone, but overall I think we are spending more than in the pre-mobile-phone-days. My favorite thing about my smart phone is being able to look up directions using google maps.

    yes the mobile phones used to play a significant role in industry to grab its target goal but i dont think that it will play the same role to save a money because we have to recharge it again and again

    Mobile phones are definetly better then landlines but when comes to culture it fails… We (family member) were more closed to each other when landline was there but now kids don’t seat in, they are all the time busy with chats and games. I would say gone are the days where everyone used to share day to day life…

    Yeah, I am agree. Nowadays over 96% of adults in America have using mobile phone for a different aspect of life. We know that, there are many smart phones which is so expensive and the people who can not afford to buy it live in little stress. But mostly People can buy mobile phone and get gain from it. If we compare the cost with the performance that mobile phone done for us, it may be so less. So we can say mobile is a crucial budget for all human lives.

    now a days, mobile phones are becoming the essential part of human life. they can't fine well , when they are carrying own phone phone, so we can say that, it is one of the most important electronic device.
    mobile phones have so many features, like camera,GPS,java based so many games,apps etc. all the features make mobile completely powerful in user's eyes. we can carry this device in one place to other place easily and it having so many application, that-why almost peoples makes totally crazy for mobile phone,
    before times, when mobile phone was not so much developed, on that time some person only keeping mobile phone rarely because of, that time mobile phones was very expensive on those days. almost people can't effort mobiles on those days. but at present life it's very chief. in all over India 90% peoples using mobiles phones just because of lack of cost.
    just like two sides of coin,tail and head. mobile phone having some advantage and disadvantage. advantage is that we can carry this easily without any problem and it's totally unaware device for peoples who can handle so many tasks simultaneously, unfortunately it's having some of disadvantage like ,it giving harmful display,and it must be wireless because when where peoples are working they can't carry mobile in the same time.and for kid's it's very demerit thing they always use chat and playing games and vesting time.
    so we can say it's an opportunity to gain lots of thing for human life,

    Now days mobile be comes the part of our life even without mobile people can't live . it's the important part of our daily life. please use it properly. and take advantage of this advanced technology. Thanks

    Even i am very much addicted of “clash of clans” i can even study 10min with concentration ,so guys plz try to be away of it ,i can only advice because your life your rules
    🙂 have a nice day(:

    The small gadget is a basic necessity of life.

    When I have a Windows 10 computer? I don't want a phone.

    Mobile Phones

    The mobile phones provide us security. how? Well, to understand this better, just consider any situation in which you urgently need to contact the fire brigade or police. What would you do in such a case? The landlines are not available everywhere, but the mobile phones do. Just take your mobile phone out, dial the number and that's it. Your one good step of buying mobile phone will prove as a great money saver for you.

    When I can just download Skype, probably get a subscription for phone calls from Skype, and use Skype to probably make phone calls from a computer. I don't have a phone. ._.

    In my opinion, e-mail is > phones, because my typing speed is said to be 80-102 WPM according to 10FastFingers. By the way, not everyone knows English.

    Mobile Phone Helps in Business

    Got an important message for your client or employee? Pick up your mobile phone and communicate with the intended person straight away.

    again. I don't have a phone. I can probably make phone calls from Skype, and, bam. No need to waste money on a phone for me.

    Since businesses require constant communication, so one just can’t imagine any business without the use of mobile phones.

    At least e-mail services exist.

    Psalm 101:3 ESV:

    I will not set before my eyes
    anything that is worthless.
    I hate the work of those who fall away;
    it shall not cling to me.

    I believe that mobile phones are worthless. So, I support that Bible verse, as I'm a Christian. I don't need a mobile phone just to get to Heaven. And, as well, spend all of my life in The New Earth (Revelation 21:1). I can get to Heaven with never having a mobile phone. Since Jesus went to Heaven without any electronic devices, that means that I can just go to Heaven by doing what God wants me to do in order for me to be in Heaven. forever.

    In my opinion, I love my Windows 10 computer and I don’t want to betray my Windows 10 computer by getting addicted to a mobile phone. Thank God I don't have a mobile phone.

    Mobile phone is an electronic device and it is the best way to communicate with each and every person. Just as every coins has two sides similarly mobile has also two aspects, first positive and second negative. But I am in the fervour of it's positive points because it is very useful, helpful for the students and every person as well as important also. And it has so many negative points. If any student or any person use a mobile phone whole day then it is very bad. If I tell it in one sentence. Then it's all are up to the users that how they use. Thus I can say that mobile phone is very very important for everyone…