Beeline services in roaming home region. Beeline home region service

Beeline home region

"When our spaceships plow the expanses of the universe"

Agree, earlier only in science fiction novels could one read about a small device that transmits words over long distances. Now it is impossible to meet a person who does not use a mobile phone. Small children deal with this device as with a simple and understandable toy. And for the elderly, it is no longer difficult to communicate with each other using the phone. Mobile communication has firmly settled in our lives and has become so understandable. There are some facts that few people know, and to be honest, they have not thought about them.

Interesting: Popular, widespread and in demand mobile communications. But it turns out that some do not need it, the inhabitants of the Tuva Islands absolutely calmly do without it.

But, unfortunately, or fortunately, we are not residents of distant islands, we need communication all the time, we cannot imagine ourselves without it. Everyone chooses a mobile operator with tariffs that meets his needs. The main indicators are usually quality and maintenance costs.

Mobile operator Beeline is among the leaders in cellular communications. He has earned the trust of customers, through all sorts of promotions, offers, tariff packages and services.

Beeline is a subsidiary of VimpelCom Ltd. The existence of the company began in 1993. It flourishes and successfully develops in the Russian Federation, the CIS countries, Europe and Asia to this day. The main direction of the company is the provision of high-quality mobile communication services, as well as telecommunications services.

You work only in your region, or maybe you have frequent trips, perhaps you need an Internet around the clock or you are a regular user, and you only need a connection to communicate with your family, the Beeline operator will find the perfect tariff for each of your clients.

The company, keeping pace with the times, provides only high-quality communication, at the best prices. Offers all kinds of tariffs, we just have to follow the news, enjoying what we have.

Interesting: If you are a fan of the extraordinary and extravagant, this could be your number. The Beeline company, for its customers, provides an option - a number to order. In order to find a phone number that would satisfy your taste, there are two options:

  • use the site;
  • contact the operator of the Communications Corporation company.

Everywhere at home

We are all in a hurry somewhere, not a minute of rest, not a day without movement. Often you have to be outside the region, but at the same time you must remain constantly in touch. There are many inconveniences. Outside the home region, roaming begins to operate, which significantly affects finances. Everyone faced with this problem is frantically looking for ways to solve it.

Someone purchases a different SIM card, someone is transferred to a new tariff plan, and some are trying to come to terms with the expenses that have arisen.

The Beeline mobile communication company was able to find a solution to the problem, thereby making life easier for its customers. The "home region on Beeline" function allows you to be outside your home like at home. You have a constant connection, and communication by mobile phone is not an impressive cost. The same tariff remains with its cost for calls to cities of the Russian Federation and to other countries, prices for SMS, MMS, Internet. You can find out who your cities are "neighbors" using the official Beeline website. By selecting your city, cities with a tariff will be displayed where you can call at home.

All you need to do is activate the option when leaving the area.

With a slight movement of the hand, we will connect the option

This feature will need to be paid for:

  • - we pay a subscription fee - the amount deducted for the time of using the service;
  • - payment for connection - a one-time write-off of the amount upon connection.

Check prices on the operator's website.

Important: The option is available for postpaid customers.

Let's deal with the question of how to connect the "Home Region".

There are several ways to become the proud owner of a feature:

  1. A fairly simple and quick way to set the option is to send a command consisting of numbers and symbols *110*241#, pressing the call, you will hear a service connection offer. Your affirmative answer will cost a one-time payment for the connected service.
  2. 06688, using this code, you will find yourself in the voice menu, where you can choose the option that suits your desires.
  3. For fans of the Internet, a connection through the Beeline website is perfect. By going to the official website of the company, you can find and read a lot of useful and interesting information, as well as by contacting the support service to activate the option.
  4. 0611, a short number for contacting the support service, where you can explain your desire and clarify your questions, fill in the gaps regarding the service. The connection will take place within a few minutes.
  5. If you have no desire to dial numbers, some combinations, use any service center of the company. Go to the Beeline company, hand the phone to the manager and explain your desire. The employee will connect the function to you, answer all your questions.

Disabling the home region option

You can also disable this service in several ways:

  1. The fastest disconnection is possible using a combination of numbers and symbols *110*240# call;
  2. The voice menu of the number 06688 will prompt the required section, by selecting it, disable the option;
  3. Personal account on the site, always at your disposal. With it, you can not only connect, but also disable the Beeline home service.
  4. 0611, this is the number of a support specialist, they will explain in detail how to disable the service.
  5. By contacting the operator's office. Employees will always be able to help you sort out all the issues, tell you about the latest innovations. By disabling the "Home region" option, the company manager will help you choose the best tariff or service to meet your needs.

Studying the offers of services of various mobile operators in Russia, you will definitely come across the concept of home region. It is the base for almost all mobile communication companies operating throughout the country. It often determines the amount of payment for calls, mobile messages and other services provided.

The introduction of the concept of a home region is associated with the vast territory of the country, for which it is much more difficult to provide dense mobile coverage than for regions with a high population density.

What does "home region" mean?

As you know, the territory of Russia is divided into administrative regions, which are separate subjects of the Federation and have the right of relative self-government. Mobile operators open their branches in each of the regions, and the branches have a very wide independence, up to setting their own prices for communication services. Of course, the cost of a service in this case may differ from the cost of the same service in the neighboring region in one direction or another.

When setting prices and tariffs, marketers take into account a number of factors in order to make communication services within the region accessible to the population living there and competitive. At the same time, low intra-regional rates, as a rule, are compensated by more solid payment for calls made to other regions of the country. If the subscriber leaves for some time outside the home region, the domestic roaming mode is activated for him with his own pricing policy.

From the point of view of an ordinary subscriber "home region" the one in which his SIM card was purchased and the intra-regional tariff connected to it is considered.

What is the home region in MTS?

The concept of a home region operates in MTS as follows: this is the region in which you bought your MTS SIM card and use an intra-regional favorable tariff. At the same time, you can call other regions without any additional settings.

To make calls to other regions more affordable, you can connect an option called "Favorable Intercity", which will make it possible to call throughout Russia for only 3 rubles per minute with a subscription fee of 40 rubles per month. If your tariff provides for a package of prepaid calls to other regions, the option will take effect only after the package minutes are used up. "Favorable intercity" is connected as follows:

  • in "Personal account";
  • by command *111*903# from your phone;
  • by sending SMS to a short number 111 , where in the text field is written 903 - to connect "Favorable Intercity", 9030 – to disable the option.

What is Beeline's home region?

If you permanently live in one of the regions of Russia - for example, in the Moscow region - and bought a SIM card there, MO becomes Beeline's home region for you. Within this region, according to your tariff, calls and SMS are cheaper than calls outside your home region. At the same time, you can make communication more accessible and profitable for yourself, for example, in which a large package of prepaid minutes of conversation with other cities will be reserved.

Beeline has a lot of offers for its subscribers that will make communication less expensive if you often have to call other regions or travel outside your home region and talk in roaming.

What is Megafon's home region?

Megafon was one of the first to introduce the concept of home region into use. Today, this operator in all regions has uniform rules and tariffs for those who are outside their home region or call a person who is in another region. For those who like to travel, or those who need to travel around the country frequently for business purposes, Megafon offers a number of advantageous options:

  • "Fell yourself like at your own home"- conversations in roaming at "home" rates with a monthly fee of 15 rubles per day, to connect, dial *570*1#
  • "All Russia"- any conversation outside the home region is charged at 3 rubles per minute, connection by command *548*1#
  • "In Moscow like at home" for those who often travel to Moscow from their region, tariffs for calls to the Moscow region, as in your home region, with a daily subscription fee of 7 rubles, are connected by the team *105*353#
  • "Travel without worries"- paying 39 rubles a day, you get 30 minutes of calls to any phones in Russia, connection by a team *186#
  • "Crimea"- with a monthly fee of 15 rubles per day, a minute of a call from Crimea will cost 5 rubles, connection by command *105*1037*1# from your phone.

What is the home region in Tele2?

To date, Tele2 branches do not exist in all regions of Russia. If you come to such a region, you use the Beeline, MTS and Win mobile networks for calls. Numbers in roaming, i.e. outside the home region, for calls dialed through the numbers +7 and 8.

If you often travel around the country, activate the service "Zero Everywhere", and all conversations, without taking into account the territorial location of your interlocutor, within Russia will cost you 2 rubles per minute. The service is activated by the command *143*21# and is available on all tariffs, except "Orange", subject to payment of 3 rubles per day.

Additional opportunities for tariffs from mobile operators - this is what can attract many customers. Beeline has a huge number of such services. But today we have to learn how to connect and disconnect just one additional feature - "Home Region" ("Beeline"). How to connect it? Why is she needed at all? Is this offer profitable? And what if you want to opt out of using this option? All of this is what we need to know now. Let's get down to business as soon as possible.

About option

Before using the tariff "Home Region" ("Beeline"), you must clearly understand how it works. After all, sometimes some options are simply not needed by everyone.

The thing is that the opportunity we have chosen today is what will help you communicate with the Central region of Russia at the cost of your home region. Of course, depending on the available tariff plan. For connection you will have to pay only 10 rubles.

Next, you will have to pay a subscription fee. It is 90 rubles per month. Not so much, considering all the benefits. Of course, this tariff is ideal for sociable clients, those who have relatives or close friends living in the Central region of Russia. As you can see, the Beeline company's "Home Region", the description of which we gave, is a great opportunity to save money and extend conversations with a certain area at the same time. A very advantageous offer. But now it’s worth talking about how to connect this option. And now we will deal with this.

Personal visit

The first option that can only be offered is nothing more than the use of communication offices in your city. It is they who will help you not only connect yourself with some additional features, but also find out important information for the subscriber.

In order to bring the idea to life, just take your passport (just in case) and a mobile phone with you, and then visit the nearest communication office of our today's operator. Say that you are interested in the "Home Region" ("Beeline") service. How to connect this option to the phone? This is actually not your concern. Give the phone to the office worker, and if necessary, provide your passport details. This is a completely normal process - it is with the help of it that you can identify the true owner of the SIM card.

All you have to do now is to wait a while. The office worker will independently do all the necessary processes, after which he will give you a mobile phone with the option already connected. That's all the problems are solved.

In fact, this option is not very popular. After all, it usually takes quite a long period of time. And for this reason, customers are thinking about other connection methods. Which ones? Let's try to understand this difficult matter.

Special Combinations

The second method, already more suitable and popular, is the sending of special requests. They are activated using the so-called USSD commands. Each cellular operator has such combinations. But how to use them?

You have decided to acquire the service "Home Region" ("Beeline"). How to connect it without visiting cellular offices? Just dial the combination *110*241# on your mobile phone, and then press the call button. After that, you can activate the service.

You will start sending your request. Its processing usually takes about 5-10 minutes. After it is completed, you will receive a special SMS notification that will help you figure out if the option is connected or not. And if not, for what reasons?

It should also be noted that the cost of connecting the service is 50 rubles. If you do not have enough funds on your mobile, it is better to replenish your account in advance. Otherwise, you will receive a notification asking you to deposit the required amount to the balance, and then try again. That's all the problems are solved. But that's not all there is to offer. After all, the operator happens in different ways. And there are still quite a few of them. Let's figure out what else is offered to customers.

We call the operator

Well, here's another rather interesting approach. The thing is that you can always call the operator, and then connect / disconnect various additional service packages. It's actually quite simple and fast.

Do you want to start using the "Home Region" ("Beeline") service? How to connect it to yourself and start using it? Just dial 0611 on your mobile phone and then press the call button. Now wait for the operator's response.

As soon as they answer you, let us know that you would like to connect the service. Next (if necessary) tell the operator your passport data. He, in turn, will tell you the details of the selected tariff, as well as inform you about the connection cost. It is enough just to agree with him, and then wait a while.

After you end the conversation, it remains to receive an SMS notification. It will say that you have successfully started using the "Home Region" ("Beeline") service. How to connect the opportunity in other ways? Let's try to find out about them.

Calls on command

There is also an approach that helps customers quickly start connecting additional services. With all this, you do not have to talk to the operator or go to the nearest cellular office. After all, a certain team comes to the rescue. And this is far from a USSD request.

The thing is that some telecom operators come up with additional activation numbers for certain services. They "ring out", during which the request is sent and the connection is made. The action of this approach is somewhat similar to a USSD request.

So, you wanted to try the service "Home Region" ("Beeline"). How to connect it to yourself? To do this, dial the combination 0674 09 241 and press the subscriber's call button. Now it remains only to sit and wait for the result. By the way, it does not require a long wait. After all, such a "call" is processed very quickly - 1-2 minutes. You receive an SMS notification, and then you are happy with the results. The main thing is that you have more than 50 rubles on your phone. But there is another modern and already popular approach to solving the problem set before us today. You can disable the "Home Region" ("Beeline") service, as well as connect it using the Internet.

Internet to help

But how to do that? To implement the idea, go to the official website of "Beeline" and go through authorization there. It should be noted right away that it is available only to subscribers of this mobile operator.

After that, go to the "Services" section. Find "Home region" there and click on this line. You will see a list of possible actions. You can activate the "Home Region" ("Beeline") service by clicking on the corresponding command in the list. It is disabled in the same way. That's all the problems are solved.

What do clients choose?

Today we got to know you with possible options for connecting additional options (in particular, "Home Region") on a mobile phone from the Beeline operator. As you can see, there are a lot of them. But what do customers choose?

As a rule, now many advanced users prefer to use the Internet and the web page of the mobile operator. In second place are USSD requests and special command numbers. Followed by personal visits to the office. In the last place - a call to the operator. All this is because now when you try to talk to a live person, you can run into an answering machine. And then the whole connection process will take 20-30 minutes. And this is not very happy. As you can see, it is not so difficult to connect the "Home Region" ("Beeline") service, as it might seem at the very beginning.

If you are a supporter of exciting trips around Russia, then Beeline's "Home Region" service will help you save money during conversations while traveling. Favorable conditions will allow you to make calls to your colleagues, relatives and friends without thinking about tariffs.

Service features

What is the "Home Region" option and why is it beneficial for subscribers? Even when traveling outside the scope of your package, you will be able to communicate, send SMS and use the Internet at the rates applicable for your region.

In addition, numerous cities and villages of our country are surrounded by the Beeline network, so that when you are in the far corners of Russia, you can make calls without hindrance, while communication rates will not empty your wallet.

As soon as you activate the "Home Region" service, an amount ranging from 1 to 1.5 rubles will be debited from your account every day, taking into account a specific region. If you are on a postpaid system, then you will pay up to 90 rubles per month (also taking into account the region).

The "Home region" option will save you from the constant stress of counting expenses while talking on the phone outside your area.

How to connect / disconnect the "Home Region" option from Beeline?

The mobile operator has created the most comfortable conditions for you to activate the "Home Region" service. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Through the Personal Account from Beeline (quick and easy enough, but you need to be registered on the official website).
  2. By entering a special USS command - *110*241# , which will send a request to the operator.
  3. By dialing to a single technical support number 0611, after which the operator will connect / disconnect the service. It should be noted that sometimes call center employees are very busy, so you have to stay on the line for a long time.
  4. Asking for help at the Beeline mobile service point. Activation is free.

Would you like to disable the option when you return home? Then send a USSD request *110*240# or use other methods, as in the case of connection.

Successes and pleasant communication!

The Home Region service on Beeline will be beneficial to subscribers who frequently visit neighboring regions. The cost of communication services, SMS, MMS and the Internet will be the same as at home.

Before activating the Home Region service, you need to check in which regions this service will be active.

To do this, you need to go to the Beeline website, indicate your city of residence, find the “Home Region” service and see the list of regions where the home tariff will work.

The service is old, it was transferred to the archive and in many cities, it is already closed for connection. For example, in Moscow this service can no longer be activated. But in Ufa it is still possible. You need to look in the description on the Beeline website.

To make it clear, I will take screenshots and show step by step the procedure.

We will find out in which neighboring regions the service "Home Region" Beeline operates

We go to the service description page -. In the upper left corner, enter your city of residence. If it’s not your city, be sure to change it to your own.

If you don't change it, then other neighboring regions will be displayed in the service description and you will not be able to see in which of your neighboring regions the service will operate. Also, each city has its own code for connecting the service. And it is also very important to indicate your real city - in order to find out if the service works in your city or is no longer available (moved to the archive). Enter your city.

By specifying your city, the description will display the regions where you can safely go and you will be calm that you will not be connected to roaming - the prices there will be like home. The screenshot below shows the neighboring regions of Ufa.

If you have found the necessary regions and everything suits you, then scroll down the page a little lower and find the “Connection and service management” items, or click on the “To connect” button.

I clicked on Connect and manage the service. There are 2 options for connecting the service. Or *110*241# + Call . Or 067409241 + Call .


Prices for the Home Region service.

Speaking about the prices for the service, it is worth knowing that in each city this service costs differently. This information is also worth looking at on the Home Region service description page.

For example, for the city of Ufa, the connection costs - 30 rubles. Subscription fee per day - 1.5 rubles.

The service may not be available in your city.

Let me remind you once again that the service in some cities is no longer available for connection. It may not be available in your city either. You can find out more about this in the additional information in the description of the service on the Beeline website. An example is in the screenshot below.