The influence of music on a person: interesting experiments and their results. The influence of music on a person

We all love listening to music. True, everyone has different tastes and preferences: from Vladimirsky Central to Beethoven. Have you ever asked yourself the question “why do I like listening to music”? The range of answers is wide, ranging from the primitive "like - dislike" to "awakens the soul", "makes you think." In fact, everything is much deeper.

On the one hand, we will not exclude the so-called "human factor". After all, we are all different and interest in musical directions is also purely individual. However, such an entertaining science as physics allows us to look at this issue from a completely different perspective. The human brain is not very fond of high frequency sounds. This may explain the popularity of pop music. Its sounds are low-frequency (about 40-66 hertz). Hence the addiction of people to "club" music. The low frequencies that are used in this music do not strain, but even to some extent zombify people. Some may object to me and say that club music weighs them down and depresses them. Please do not confuse the "human factor" mentioned above with scientific facts.

Have you ever wondered why so few people love classical music? Now you know. The high-pitched sounds used in baroque music have longer wavelengths than our brains can handle. Therefore, some people experience discomfort when listening to “classics” for a long time. Meanwhile, it has long been known that it has a positive effect on the human body. Yes, classical music has a healing effect. In France, they came to the conclusion that if you play Mozart's music to cows, they give more milk. In the USA, during language lessons for immigrants, they played the music of Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi. Language acquisition has accelerated markedly. In Japan, in one of the bakeries, bread is baked to the sounds of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony. The music plays continuously, the bread has an exceptional taste. Well, it’s absolutely fun - in Japan, someone guessed sake (rice vodka) to drive to the music of Mozart. The quality of sake has improved markedly. It would be nice to introduce such a practice at our distilleries. There is even such a term - "The Mozart Effect" (it is his music that has a positive effect on the working capacity of the brain). Baroque music leads to the fact that the brain begins, in addition to synchronizing the work of the hemispheres, to generate the so-called theta waves, which leads to improved memory, increased concentration, and attention is kept on the subject of study much longer.

One more musical direction I would like to single out separately. This . In Soviet times, he was hated. They could even put up with the Beatles, but not with jazz. Even about rockers it was not said “from the saxophone to the knife - one step” (Soviet ideologist A.A. Zhdanov) and “today he listens to jazz, and tomorrow he will sell his homeland”. Well, and Gorky with his “jazz is the music of the fat”. Why so hated? Because jazz is played and listened to by people who have a huge degree of inner freedom. And the Soviet Union didn't need it... Jazz is the music of creative, extraordinary personalities who can think outside the box, combine seemingly incompatible things at first glance.

In conclusion, I will say that many people want to have a good memory, overcome banal laziness, increase attentiveness and concentration. So here is one of the recipes - music. Listen to classical, jazz. Constantly. No need to deliberately sit down in an armchair and imagine popular prints, as sometimes teachers in schools advise, thereby giving rise to a persistent aversion to the classics, but simply make the classics and jazz the sound background of your being. The result will come! In a month, two, three, but it will definitely come!

Never in the history of mankind has there been so much music. But in fact, it does not just sound; it performs its programming function. And these are by no means empty words of a paranoid. They are backed up by hard facts... It's all rock 'n' roll “I'm a fireball. I'm pouring rain... You're still young, but you'll die. I won't take hostages and I won't share a single life... The bell is calling me. I'm taking you to hell... "These are the words from one of the most popular songs of the AC / DC rock band - "Hellz Bells" ("Hell's Bells"). The heavy rhythm of the music is borrowed from the African voodoo ritual, due to which the words of the song are imprinted directly into the subconscious of the listeners. "I'm taking you to hell"

At one time, American medical scientist David Elkin proved that a piercing sound of high volume contributes to protein folding (a raw egg placed in front of a loudspeaker at one of the concerts turned out to be soft-boiled after three hours). "Heavy metal" stops the growth of plants, and in some cases contributes to their death. The fish, subjected to rock processing with simultaneous flashing of the light, died and floated to the surface of the reservoir.

People are no exception. Studies have shown that teenagers, after a half-hour stay in a disco, completely lose control over themselves and fall into a state close to hypnotizable. And Jimi Hendrix once said: “With the help of music, we hypnotize people, reducing them to a primitive level, and there, finding their weakest point, you can drive anything into their heads” (from an interview with Life magazine) . This is one side of music.

Mom bought a horse

The first studies on the effect of music on consumers were conducted in the United States in the late 1950s. It turned out that soft relaxing music creates a cozy atmosphere in the trading floor, encouraging customers to take their time and devote more time to choosing their purchases. Fast music provokes the opposite effect and is used, for example, during peak hours to speed up the movement of customers. This principle is also used by fast foods. For example, at McDonald's, a special manager constantly analyzes the number of visitors in the hall: if there are a lot of them, dynamic recordings are made (swallowed a hamburger and roll sausage), if there are few visitors, relaxing music is turned on (eat calmly, keep spending your money) .

Today in the West there are many specialized companies that do not just select music for stores, but form the concept of musical design for commercial enterprises. The most well-known developer of music solutions for stores is Muzak Ltd (USA). In the 40s of the last century, the company worked for the government - composing music for defense factories in order to increase labor productivity. Today, Muzak Ltd works for supermarkets: in 2002, at the Global Shop exhibition in Chicago, one of the latest developments of the company was presented - an acoustic system that recreates different music in different departments of the store. Special plastic domes in the aisles between the racks give sound in a directed, “pointy” way, and a person, moving from one shopping area to another, hears completely new music. And he is surprised, not even realizing that he is stupidly "led" along a specially designed route.

However, these are still flowers.
The disks are spinning

February 2, 1980 at the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. I.M. Sechenov, a laboratory of psycho-correction appeared. Igor Smirnov headed it. In 1993 he was invited to America. According to Defense Electronics, a series of meetings between Smirnov and representatives of the FBI, CIA and other US intelligence agencies took place in Northern Virginia (USA), at which Smirnov demonstrated to the Americans a certain software product that allegedly allows you to introduce other people's thoughts into the human brain. In the same year, the company "Psychotechnologies Corp." was created in the United States, which was engaged in developments in the field of influencing mental processes. And in Russia, the Institute of Psychoecology of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences soon appeared under the leadership of Smirnov. In 1997, the department of psychoecology began to work at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, headed by the same Igor Smirnov. In June 2000, Smirnov announced that he and his colleagues had created psychotronic weapons "to fight human diseases." Like, in the course of research, four “universal keys” to the human subconscious were discovered. One of these keys was psychomusic - seemingly ordinary, mostly classical, which contains a special unconscious sound signal.

As a result of listening to this signal, the internal resources of the human body are activated, its vegetative functions are stabilized and sleep is improved. And although Smirnov himself never sold a single Omofor disc, pirated copies could soon be bought at Gorbushka or Moscow stalls for 100-150 rubles. It would seem, so what? Who benefits from better sleep? Nobody. Unless, of course, it is. Those who go to bed According to scientists, every year there are more and more suggestible people. Now they are about 85% (!) although some ten years ago it was less than 50%. What caused it? Unknown. What is the risk? Everyone. In a state of deep hypnosis, a person can be suggested anything, even a complete loss of memory. Guess who might be interested?

And here there is nothing to guess - the method of influencing the psyche has already been adopted by criminal structures. The essence of "armament" is as follows: hidden commands are superimposed on rhythmic music (in terms of sound range they are lower than auditory perception), which are perceived by the subconscious as an indication to action. As a result, people lose control over themselves and follow any commands. Anthrax is resting.

Sects, business clubs and other "hobby" institutions that use "stuffed" music in their "trainings" breed faster than rabbits. By the way, in America there are currently about 1800 (!) Legislative acts that control the use of psychotechnologies. Americans are more afraid of unauthorized influence on the psyche than Osama bin Laden. And they are quite understandable. Who wants to be a zombie?

To the music of Vivaldi

See the discs spinning. Hear - in a rhythm imposed by someone else's will, a submissive heart beats. Can you smell what? Yes, okay, calm down. Put on Schubert, Schumann, Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi. Stimulate your creativity with Ravel's Bolero or Khachaturian's Saber Dance. Never forget about Mozart& All this is also music, which, no less than other sound combinations, can influence the consciousness, subconsciousness and other little-studied "control levers" of a person. Choose yourself. Those who have ears, let them hear their music.

Musical culture in its deep meaning has long gone beyond the circle of music lovers in the modern world. The widespread use of music to influence the human condition has now become almost total. The property of music to influence the state of a person is now used in therapeutic sessions, advertising, cinema, etc. At one time, American medical scientist David Elkin proved that a piercing sound at high volume contributes to protein folding (a raw egg placed in front of a loudspeaker at one of the concerts turned into soft-boiled in three hours).

"Heavy metal" stops the growth of plants, and in some cases contributes to their death. The fish, subjected to rock processing with simultaneous flashing of the light, died and floated to the surface of the reservoir. Music also affects water. A flask with water was placed between the speakers of the music center and various music was turned on. After “listening” to the symphonies of Mozart and Beethoven with water, beautiful, regular-shaped crystals with distinct “rays” were obtained. But hard rock turned water into frozen terrible torn fragments. People are no exception.

Studies have shown that teenagers, after a half-hour stay in a disco, completely lose control over themselves and fall into a state close to hypnotic. The influence of music on the human body has been known since ancient times. Moreover, the phenomenon itself is much older than the human race.

Repeated observations of biologists-ethologists and zoopsychologists confirm that monkeys, bears and some other animals can quite consciously calm down or, conversely, excite themselves with the help of rhythmic tapping with a stick on some echoing object (for example, a hollow trunk) or “playing” on a split wood (especially brown bears use this).

In the late 80s, it was convincingly shown that listening to classical music with tomato seedlings accelerates its growth by about thirty percent. And also increases its (seedling) resistance to various diseases! The bodily-motor aspect of the influence of music is the oldest in terms of the chronology of the emergence of the elements of musical structure. This is due to the simplicity of reproducing the idea - it is enough to knock with a stick on a log that has rotted from the inside, and a tempo-rhythmic pattern is already possible. An ancient man made such a discovery and used the results to accompany the rituals of initiation into warriors, preparation for the hunt, which implied the active inclusion of the body-motor component. Teenagers will benefit from knowing that groups of young dog-headed monkeys (baboons, hamadryas, etc.) like to tap sticks together. It really turns them on...

And then, by the way, they go to the older monkeys to bully or molest the females ... Does this remind you of anything? In the process of further evolution, the perception of music becomes more subtle and goes through a relatively young (in evolutionary terms) emotional system. Music affects the emotional state of a person - everyone knows this. It can calm and excite, soften and harden, evoke memories, soothe pain, increase aggression... Almost all developments in the field of musical influence are carried out by doctors or, at best, by psychologists. Further research in this area will provide additional information and allow you to understand more about the influence of music on the human condition as a whole.

Empty couch

We haven't had a Friday in a long time! Get the new movie! ...

Never in the history of mankind has there been so much music. But in fact, it does not just sound - it performs its programming function. And these are by no means empty words of a paranoid. They are backed up by hard facts... It's all rock 'n' roll “I'm a fireball. I'm pouring rain... You're still young, but you'll die. I won't take hostages and I won't share a single life... The bell is calling me. I'm taking you to hell..." These are the words from one of the most popular songs of the AC / DC rock band - "Hell'z Bells" ("Hell's Bells"). The heavy rhythm of the music is borrowed from the ritual of African voodoo - due to which the words of the song are imprinted directly into the subconscious of the listeners. "I'm taking you to hell..."

At one time, American medical scientist David Elkin proved that a piercing sound of high volume contributes to protein folding (a raw egg placed in front of a loudspeaker at one of the concerts turned out to be soft-boiled after three hours). "Heavy metal" stops the growth of plants, and in some cases contributes to their death. The fish, subjected to rock processing with simultaneous flashing of the light, died and floated to the surface of the reservoir.

People are no exception. Studies have shown that teenagers, after a half-hour stay in a disco, completely lose control over themselves and fall into a state close to hypnotizable. And Jimi Hendrix once said: “With the help of music, we hypnotize people, reducing them to a primitive level, and there, finding their weakest point, you can drive anything into their heads” (from an interview with Life magazine) . This is one side of music.

The first studies on the effect of music on consumers were conducted in the United States in the late 1950s. It turned out that soft relaxing music creates a cozy atmosphere in the trading floor, encouraging customers to take their time and devote more time to choosing their purchases. Fast music provokes the opposite effect and is used, for example, during peak hours to speed up the movement of customers. This principle is also used by fast foods. For example, at McDonald's, a special manager constantly analyzes the number of visitors in the hall: if there are a lot of them, dynamic recordings are made (swallowed a hamburger and roll sausage), if there are few visitors, relaxing music is turned on (eat calmly, keep spending your money) .

Today in the West there are many specialized companies that do not just select music for stores, but form the concept of musical design for commercial enterprises. The most well-known developer of music solutions for stores is Muzak Ltd (USA). In the 40s of the last century, the company worked for the government - composing music for defense factories in order to increase labor productivity. Today, Muzak Ltd works for supermarkets: in 2002, at the Global Shop exhibition in Chicago, one of the latest developments of the company was presented - an acoustic system that recreates different music in different departments of the store. Special plastic domes in the aisles between the racks give sound in a directed, “pointy” way, and a person, moving from one shopping area to another, hears completely new music. And he is surprised, not even realizing that he is stupidly "led" along a specially designed route.

However, these are still flowers.

The disks are spinning

February 2, 1980 at the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. I.M. Sechenov, a laboratory of psycho-correction appeared. Igor Smirnov headed it. In 1993 he was invited to America. According to Defense Electronics, a series of meetings between Smirnov and representatives of the FBI, CIA and other US intelligence agencies took place in Northern Virginia (USA), at which Smirnov demonstrated to the Americans a certain software product that allegedly allows you to introduce other people's thoughts into the human brain. In the same year, the company "Psychotechnologies Corp." was created in the United States, which was engaged in developments in the field of influencing mental processes. And in Russia, the Institute of Psychoecology of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences soon appeared under the leadership of Smirnov. In 1997, the department of psychoecology began to work at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, headed by the same Igor Smirnov. In June 2000, Smirnov announced that he and his colleagues had created psychotronic weapons "to fight human diseases." Like, in the course of research, four “universal keys” to the human subconscious were discovered. One of these keys was psychomusic - seemingly ordinary, mostly classical, which contains a special unconscious sound signal.

As a result of listening to this signal, the internal resources of the human body are activated, its vegetative functions are stabilized and sleep is improved. And although Smirnov himself never sold a single Omofor disc, pirated copies could soon be bought at Gorbushka or Moscow stalls for 100-150 rubles. It would seem - so what? Who benefits from better sleep? Nobody. Unless, of course, this is a dream of reason. Those who go to bed According to scientists, every year there are more and more suggestible people. Now they are about 85% (!) although some ten years ago it was less than 50%. What caused it? Unknown. What is the risk? Everyone. In a state of deep hypnosis, a person can be suggested anything, even a complete loss of memory. Guess who might be interested?

And here there is nothing to guess - the method of influencing the psyche has already been adopted by criminal structures. The essence of "armament" is as follows: hidden commands are superimposed on rhythmic music (in terms of sound range they are lower than auditory perception), which are perceived by the subconscious as an indication to action. As a result, people lose control over themselves and follow any commands. Anthrax is resting.

Sects, business clubs and other "hobby" institutions that use "stuffed" music in their "trainings" breed faster than rabbits. By the way, in America there are currently about 1800 (!) Legislative acts that control the use of psychotechnologies. Americans are more afraid of unauthorized influence on the psyche than Osama bin Laden. And they are quite understandable. Who wants to be a zombie?

To the music of Vivaldi

You see the disks are spinning. Hear - in a rhythm imposed by someone else's will, a submissive heart beats. Do you feel what it smells like? Yes, okay, calm down. Put on Schubert, Schumann, Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi. Stimulate your creativity with Ravel's Bolero or Khachaturian's Saber Dance. Never forget about Mozart... All this is also music, which is no less than others.

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Probably many of you noticed the influence of music on yourself, but somehow did not attach any importance to it. Remember how you once heard a popular uncomplicated song, you literally began to sing it under your breath, just hearing familiar notes somewhere in public transport.

Modern popular music does not shine with lyrics, as a rule, it is a set of uncomplicated phrases. The musical accompaniment of these texts seems outrageously similar, as a rule, it is the rhythmic repetition of drums, plus other instruments.

And as we know, even shamans used rhythmic tapping on their drums (shamanic) in order to enter a trance or put others into a trance. And when a person in a trance does not control consciousness, what they say to a person and all this goes immediately to the subconscious, bypassing the critical assessment of consciousness. It turns out that the texts of modern, popular songs go bypassing our consciousness and immediately into the subconscious. This explains the fact that once a person hears such a “pop” song, he will walk and mumble it all day.

In order to make it easier for the shaman to put a person into a trance, tobacco was used. A man intoxicated with tobacco, under the rhythmic tapping of a shaman, fell into a trance even faster. Nowadays, in order to effectively introduce crowds of young people into a trance, they use tobacco, beer, vodka, as well as modern technology. The clubs where young people like to “hang out” are equipped with modern lighting equipment, everything blinks and spins, loud “bang” comes from the speakers everywhere, the attention of young people is already scattered, and then there are intoxicating drinks.

I think it is clear that nothing good can be expected from such influence of music. Here are all the elements used in zombification.

Here is an example of the influence of modern popular music on a person.

Ancient Greek manuscripts say: "Musical education is the most powerful weapon, since rhythm and harmony penetrate into the innermost depths of the human soul."

The influence of music on human intellectual abilities

Psychologists together with neurologists performed the following experiment. Candidates were selected and brain activity was recorded before and after listening to contemporary popular music. In addition, memorization tests were used, asking me to remember 20 words. While listening to collections of popular songs, there was a very noticeable sharp decrease in the number of active points in the right hemisphere and a slight decrease in active points in the left. The memory test after listening to music was much more difficult than before listening.

The subjects only returned to normal after an hour.

Conclusion: the negative effect of the influence of popular music is obvious.

The influence of rock music on a person

Not only popular music has a negative impact on a person, it is also hard rock.

Rhythm, the frequency of light alternation, and loudness are also used here. An excess of high or low frequencies seriously injure the brain. American medical scientist David Elkin proved that the shrill sound of high volume contributes to protein folding (a raw egg placed in front of a loudspeaker at one of the concerts turned soft-boiled after three hours). The power at rock concerts is only growing every year and has long passed over 20 thousand watts.

Musicians and singers at these performances are usually dressed provocatively and depressingly, all their behavior only does what instills violence plus lyrics, especially foreign performers who directly call for violence and praise Satan. In addition to violence, rock music encourages drug use. You probably noticed how teenagers after the concerts of a rock band took to the streets and often smashed, broke anything they could get their hands on. In America, it was recorded that with the advent of rock music, cases of suicide have increased.

The influence of music on plants

These experiments have already been carried out many times. The same seeds were taken, planted in the same conditions, in a word, everything that could affect their growth was observed.

The first group of seeds were placed under a 3-hour exposure to hard rock

The second group of seeds to "pop" music at the same time.

The third group of seeds under the classics, Bach music for 3 hours.

After a certain time, when the seeds sprouted and grew up, it turned out that the smallest plants are in the first group, then in the second and the tallest and healthiest in the third group.

Similar experiments were carried out more than once, and on other plants, and the fruits of plants were evaluated. Everywhere, the negative influence of heavy and popular music was noticed.

Mozart's works are suitable for stabilizing and activating brain activity. It can be the first and third movements from piano sonatas and concertos, "Rondo" from "Little Night Serenade".

Oginsky's polonaise, Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody, Beethoven's Fidelio will save you from a headache.

Insomnia can be cured by Grieg's Peer Gynt suite, Sibelius's Sad Waltz, Tchaikovsky's plays.

It is useful for hypertensive patients to listen to Chopin's Nocturne in D Minor, Mendelssohn's Wedding March and Bach's Violin Concerto in D Minor

Pleasant music has a beneficial effect on the blood. Favorite melody causes an increase in lymphocytes in the blood, it becomes easier for the body to fight diseases.

Listening to the classics helps to easily memorize information.


Never in the history of mankind has there been so much music as now. But in fact, it does not just sound - it performs its programming function. And these are by no means empty words of a paranoid. They can be confirmed by impartial facts ...

The heavy rhythm of the music is borrowed from the musical series of African tribes - thanks to which the words of the song are imprinted directly into the subconscious of the listeners. At one time, American medical scientist David Elkin proved that a piercing sound at high volume contributes to the folding of proteins (a raw egg placed in front of a loudspeaker at one of the concerts turned out to be soft-boiled after three hours). "Heavy metal" slows down the growth of plants, and in some cases contributes to their death.

People are no exception. Studies have shown that people, after a half-hour stay in a disco, often lose control of themselves and fall into a state close to hypnotizable. And Jimi Hendrix once said: “With the help of music, we hypnotize people, reducing them to a primitive level, and there, finding their weakest point, you can drive anything into their heads” (from an interview with Life magazine) .

The first studies on the effect of music on consumers were conducted in the United States in the late 1950s. It turned out that soft relaxing music creates a cozy atmosphere in the trading floor, encouraging customers to take their time and devote more time to choosing their purchases. Fast music provokes the opposite effect and is used, for example, during peak hours to speed up the movement of customers.

This principle is also used by fast foods. For example, at McDonald's, a special manager constantly analyzes the number of visitors in the hall: if there are a lot of them, dynamic recordings are made (swallowed a hamburger and roll sausage), if there are few visitors, relaxing music is turned on (eat calmly, keep spending your money) .

Today in the West there are many specialized companies that do not just select music for stores, but form the concept of musical design for commercial enterprises. The most well-known developer of music solutions for stores is Muzak Ltd (USA). In the 40s of the last century, the company worked for the government - composing music for defense factories in order to increase labor productivity.

Today, Muzak Ltd works for supermarkets: in 2002, at the Global Shop exhibition in Chicago, one of the latest developments of the company was presented - an acoustic system that recreates different music in different departments of the store. Special plastic domes in the aisles between the racks give sound in a directed, “pointy” way, and a person, moving from one shopping area to another, hears completely new music. And he is surprised, not even realizing that he is being "led" along a specially designed route.

However, music is different, and each song affects us differently. There is music that heals both the soul and the body. The Ministry of Health of Russia has recognized music therapy as an official method of treatment. Healing properties have classical music, music for meditation, folk ethno music. But the most healing is the music of nature: the sound of leaves, the murmur of a stream, rain, etc.

Perfectly matched rhythm, frequency, timbre create absolute harmony and make music a real healer and helper. You need to pass the exam perfectly - Mozart's compositions charge the brain, activate creative thinking, encourage creativity, give a boost of energy; compositions by Bach and Handel stimulate logical thinking, help in solving complex mathematical problems. Rachmaninov's concerto gives the mood for victory, confidence. The possibilities of classical music to improve memory and help in learning foreign languages ​​are unique.

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Music is a language of sounds that is inseparable from nature. Sounds have a huge impact on the human psyche and on the body as a whole. This impact can be both constructive and destructive, as different styles of music can have different effects on a person's physical and emotional health.

The influence of music on a person is determined, first of all, by his psycho-emotional state. If music is in harmony with this state, then, according to scientists, it has a positive effect on a person. In the event that this harmony does not exist, then the influence of music on a person will be very negative.

Modern popular music does not shine with lyrics, as a rule, it is a set of uncomplicated phrases. The musical accompaniment of these texts is similar to disgrace, as a rule, it is the rhythmic repetition of drums, plus other instruments. And we, as we know, even shamans used rhythmic tapping on their drums (shamans) in order to enter a trance or put others into a trance. And when a person in a trance does not control consciousness, what they say to a person and all this goes immediately to the subconscious, bypassing the critical assessment of consciousness. It turns out that the texts of modern, popular songs go, bypassing our consciousness immediately into the subconscious. This explains the fact that once a person hears such a “pop” song, he will walk and mumble it all day.

In order to make it easier for the shaman to put a person into a trance, tobacco was used for this. A man intoxicated with tobacco, under the rhythmic tapping of a shaman, fell into a trance even faster. Nowadays, in order to more effectively introduce crowds of young people into a trance, they use tobacco, beer, vodka, as well as modern technology. The clubs where young people like to “hang out” are equipped with modern lighting equipment, everything blinks and spins, loud “bang” comes from the speakers everywhere, the attention of young people is already scattered, and then there are intoxicating drinks, and sometimes these are synthetic drugs. I think it is clear that nothing good can be expected from such influence of music. Here are all the elements used in zombification. Here is an example of the influence of modern popular music on a person.

Ancient Greek manuscripts say: "Musical education is the most powerful weapon, since rhythm and harmony penetrate into the innermost depths of the human soul."
And do not forget the story when in Nazi Germany, a huge number of people before Hitler's speech lost exciting marches. This explains the hypnotic talent of Hitler. After such treatment, the Germans were ready to fight with the whole world.

The influence of music on human intellectual abilities
Psychologists together with neurologists performed the following experiment. Candidates were selected and brain activity was recorded before and after listening to contemporary popular music. In addition, memorization tests were used, asking me to remember 20 words. While listening to collections of popular songs, there was a very noticeable sharp decrease in the number of active points in the right hemisphere and a slight decrease in active points in the left. The memory test after listening to music was much more difficult than before listening.
The subjects only returned to normal after an hour. Conclusion: the negative effect of the influence of popular music is obvious.

The influence of rock music on a person
Not only popular music has a negative impact on a person, it is also hard rock.
Rhythm, the frequency of light alternation, and loudness are also used here. An excess of high or low frequencies seriously injure the brain. American medical scientist David Elkin proved that the shrill sound of high volume contributes to protein folding (a raw egg placed in front of a loudspeaker at one of the concerts turned soft-boiled after three hours). The power at rock concerts is only growing every year and has long passed over 20 thousand watts. The musicians and singers at these performances are dressed, as a rule, defiantly and depressingly (imitation of dark forces), all their behavior only does is that it inculcates violence plus lyrics, especially foreign performers who directly call for violence and praise dark forces. In addition to violence, heavy rock music encourages drug abuse. You probably noticed how teenagers after the concerts of a rock band took to the streets and often smashed, broke anything they got their hands on. In America, it was recorded that with the advent of rock music, cases of suicide have increased.

The influence of music on plants
These experiments have already been carried out many times. The same seeds were taken, planted in the same conditions, in a word, everything that could affect their growth was observed.
The first group of seeds were placed under a 3-hour exposure to hard rock
The second group of seeds to "pop" music at the same time.
The third group of seeds under the classics, Bach music for 3 hours.
After a certain time, when the seeds sprouted and grew up, it turned out that the smallest plants are in the first group, then in the second and the tallest and healthiest in the third group.
Similar experiments were carried out more than once, and on other plants, and the fruits of plants were evaluated. Everywhere, the negative influence of heavy and popular music was noticed.

Surprising as it may seem, but the factor of perception of music is also the national and cultural affiliation of the person. For example, a representative of Europe will not always feel comfortable listening to oriental tunes, and prolonged exposure to this kind of music can cause him a severe mental disorder. In the same way, the inhabitants of the eastern countries are unlikely to be to the taste of Western music.

And yet, scientists believe that the beneficial effects of music on humans have already been proven. Experts believe that not only the rhythm, style, tonality of music matters, but also the musical instrument on which the work was performed. The sound of each musical instrument has its own influence on a specific system of the human body.

Folk compositions have the most beneficial effect on a person. Ethnic music provides an opportunity to calm down and relax. Folk music, returning a person to his historical roots, helps to open energy centers and normalize the flow of life. Folk music cleanses the space of negativity, saturates the human biofield with energy. Let's give you a little advice. To understand what effect music has on you, try to listen to yourself while listening to different styles of music, to understand what feelings and emotions this piece of music evokes in you.