Selective synchronization of folders on Yandex.Disk. Installing and using Yandex.Disk for Windows

Yandex.Disk team,
We help you preserve what’s important

Available for Windows and Mac OS X important function- selective synchronization. Now you can choose which folders to store on your computer, and which only on Yandex.Disk.

For example, if you use Yandex.Disk to store backups or archives, it is not necessary to have copies of these files on home computer. They are rarely needed, but they take up space. You can disable synchronization for folders with such files. The folders will be deleted from your computer, freeing up space, but will remain in Drive.

If you use Drive on multiple computers, synchronize separate folders You can turn it on on one of them and turn it off on the other. For example, a personal photo archive can be stored on your home computer so that it does not take up space on your work computer. A shared folders keep them only on your work laptop so that there is no temptation to work with them from home.

Managing folder synchronization is available in application settings.

Yandex.Disk team,
We help you preserve what’s important


An important feature has appeared for Windows and Mac OS X - selective synchronization. Now you can choose which folders to store on your computer, and which only on Yandex.Disk.

For example, if you use Yandex.Disk to store backups or archives, it is not necessary to have copies of these files on your home computer. They are rarely needed, but they take up space. You can disable synchronization for folders with such files. The folders will be deleted from your computer, freeing up space, but will remain in Drive.

If you use Drive on several computers, you can enable synchronization of individual folders on one of them and disable it on the other. For example, a personal photo archive can be stored on your home computer so that it does not take up space on your work computer. And keep shared folders only on your work laptop, so that there is no temptation to work with them from home.

Managing folder synchronization is available in application settings.

Yandex.Disk team,
We help you preserve what’s important

An important feature has appeared for Windows and Mac OS X - selective synchronization. Now you can choose which folders to store on your computer, and which only on Yandex.Disk.

For example, if you use Yandex.Disk to store backups or archives, it is not necessary to have copies of these files on your home computer. They are rarely needed, but they take up space. You can disable synchronization for folders with such files. The folders will be deleted from your computer, freeing up space, but will remain in Drive.

If you use Drive on several computers, you can enable synchronization of individual folders on one of them and disable it on the other. For example, a personal photo archive can be stored on your home computer so that it does not take up space on your work computer. And keep shared folders only on your work laptop, so that there is no temptation to work with them from home.

Managing folder synchronization is available in application settings.

Yandex.Disk team,
We help you preserve what’s important

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Selective Sync folders on Yandex.Disk

Yandex.Disk team,
We help you preserve what’s important

For Windows – cloud file storage. Information is stored on Yandex servers. You and users with authorized access have access to view.

The service stores information up to 20 GB. The information will not take up space on a physical medium, and you can access it by connecting to the Internet. The article discusses installation methods, setting up the service and working with it.

How to use Yandex Disk in a browser

    1. Open the browser you use to access the Internet. To work with Yandex will do one of the common ones: Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer.
    2. Enter the name in the search bar search engine, as shown in screenshot 1 under the number 1. Above search bar There are a number of links with various services.
    3. Click on the “More” button under number 2 and select “Disk” (number 3).
    4. On the page that opens, in the center there is a button “Start Yandex.Disk”.

    1. Click and open the account registration window.

Enter your full name, create a username, password and mobile phone number.

  1. After filling out, click the “Register” button. This way you can connect Yandex.Disk to your browser. You can use your account from someone else's PC if you remember your login and password. It is not recommended to save them in other browsers. After registration, the Yandex.Disk service for Windows will open. Let's look at the functionality.

Yandex.Disk functions

  • Data storage, creation, sending:
  • In the figure, numbered 1, the ability to create and edit documents;
  • In the left column of the menu there are all sections by category: Photos, Albums, Folders, Links, History. Section numbered 2 in the screenshot;
  • The “I.Pictures” item is a search for images on the Internet;
  • Photos from social networks allow you to synchronize your Yandex account with personal pages VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram;
  • In the center of the page there is a field “Upload files” (number 3). To upload to the service, the document is dragged into the frame. A window will open with folders on your computer. Select files and click “OK”;
  • Below the four is a field for viewing all recent documents;
  • When using the Google Chrome browser, install an extension that helps you track all changes. In the figure, this button is marked “5”;

By default, only 16 GB is available on the cloud free space. The volume is expanded with the “Buy more” item (number 6 in the figure).

Section 1 contains all account statistics. Under two – the ability to expand the internal disk space by 10, 100 and 1000 GB. Attention! This service paid. The cost for one month is 30, 80 and 200 rubles for each extension, respectively. It is possible to buy an annual subscription for 300, 800 and 2000 rubles. The second option is much more profitable than the first. Payment is made by bank card or Yandex.Money wallet. Bonus incentives are available for users. For inviting friends, the user receives up to 10 GB of additional space (512 MB for each person).

Operating principle

You have uploaded any document to the site. Now let's figure out what actions can be performed with it. Let's look at the picture:

Don't want to use the service in your browser? Download the program to your computer:

  • In the screenshot, select “Download Disk for Windows”;
    • Open the downloaded file YandexDiskSetupRu.exe;

    • The utility will begin downloading the files necessary for installation to the PC. Wait for the process to complete;
    • After installation, a window will open in which we click on “Login”;

  • Ready! The program synchronizes cloud space with the utility and you can get to work.

The picture shows appearance software after installation on Windows. Cloud folders and sections look like a regular folder operating system. This increases the practicality and ease of use of the service. There is a program icon in the Start menu bar. Clicking on it will open a context menu:

  • Under the number 1 there is a gear, menu caller settings. You can use the functions described for the online option in the browser;
  • The “Take a screenshot” function has been added to the stationary version;
  • The number 3 indicates the following possibilities. The folder icon opens a directory containing all documents on the computer. The browser icon opens the site and takes you to the online version. Synchronization between the program and the site. Every time the cloud is updated, the program will synchronize with it. That is, both utilities are exactly mirrored, which eliminates their need to be configured separately.

Installation is possible on all versions of Windows from XP Service Pack 3 and later. Restrictions on technical specifications No PC. Download the utility only from the official website, so as not to catch a virus or install malware.

How to set up Yandex.Disk?

Let's go to the program settings through the gear and see the sections:

  • Basic. Set startup options and news display;
  • Account – shows free and busy place on a virtual disk;
  • Synchronization. Disable synchronization of the site and computer;
  • Screenshots. Buttons for taking screenshots and editing are configured. Conveniently, all screenshots are immediately uploaded to the cloud drive. A folder is also set in which the pictures taken are automatically saved;
  • Section Additional. Here you can configure Yandex Disk to automatic update version, set a limit on the allocation of Internet connection speed and return the settings to factory settings.

The cloud is convenient for people who work on the road, constantly move, and so on. To gain access to personal data, one Yandex account is enough. An account is created for cloud drive, email and other services from Yandex.

Installation on other devices

For full synchronization and free access to the cloud on any device, install the application for smartphones and tablets. To download, go to the app store Play Market or App Store.

If you do not need the files to be physically on the desktop, then you can place links (shortcuts) to files from Yandex Disk on the desktop

How to sync your work Windows table to the cloud

The biggest downside of trusting a desktop to store files is everything you need, locked downstairs on one PC. So, why not send your desktop to the cloud where you can access all your important data from other PCs and mobile devices via SkyDrive (soon via OneDrive)?

For this tip you will need a PC Windows 8.1 or Windows 7, XP or Outlook PC with installed program SkyDrive desktop, although the same basic procedure, also works reliably with Dropbox, Google Drive or any other cloud sync service that integrates with File Explorer Windows.

Clarification for startup

Navigate to your SkyDrive folder and at the top of the File Explorer window, select Home>New Folder. After that call new folder the way you want. Then launch File Explorer. In Windows 8.1, open This PC and locate the desktop folder. If you are using another Windows version, head to Computer > Users > [Your username] > Desktop to find your desktop folder. Important Hint: Don't Click right click click on the “Favorites” desktop icon at the top of the File Explorer window because you won't get what you want.

Once you have found your Desktop folder, right-click on it and select Properties. In the new window that opens, click on the Location tab. At the bottom, tap in motion... a button that will open another window. Navigate to the Desktop folder that you just created within your SkyDrive folder and click the Select Folder button. Once you return to the property window, the text entry area should look something like this “C:\Users\\SkyDrive\Desktop”

Now click "Apply". Windows will ask you if you want to move everything. Click “Yes” and everything will be moved. Now open SkyDrive on the web, Android, iOS or Windows Phone, and you should see your desktop files start moving to your cloud storage account. Depending on the number and size of your files, this may take several minutes.

Desktop synchronization via PC

If you would like to sync desktops across PCs, simply repeat the same process on each PC, as Microsoft has not built desktop sync into Windows as a default feature. Make sure to point to the same desktop folder in SkyDrive each time. Once you do this, most of your program shortcuts and web shortcuts should work exactly the same with different PCs, assuming you have target programs and folders installed on both PCs in the same location. You may notice that some symbols for programs will not be followed, but the shortcuts will still work. Any files and folders saved directly to the desktop will also sync via PC without problems.

Yandex Disk is a cloud storage used to save information and access it from any device. On a PC it looks like a regular folder. When you copy files into it, synchronization occurs automatically and the data is sent to the server. Thanks to this, you can see all your information on any gadgets where you have installed this application. But sometimes it happens that the data is not synchronized. Let's figure out what the problem might be.

Perhaps synchronization is simply turned off

First of all, you need to check whether synchronization is enabled at all. To do this, in the lower right corner of the screen, on the notification panel, click on the Yandex Disk icon with the left mouse button. In the window that appears at the top you will see the operating status of the application. To launch it, click on the appropriate button.

Running out of cloud space

It often happens that the user does not notice how the disk space is running out. Because of this, synchronization stops. To check this, click on the Yandex Disk icon in the notification area. Click on the gear icon. Next, select the “Settings” menu item. In the window that opens, we need the “Account” section.

Antivirus blocked synchronization

This happens extremely rarely. To check this, simply disable your antivirus software for a while. If everything is restored, then you need to add the program to the exceptions. Never leave your computer unprotected!

Internet failures

Another common problem is network problems. If you see interruptions in loading sites, then Yandex. This will also be reflected on the disk. It simply will not be able to synchronize the data. To solve the problem, let's turn to the notification area again. Here we right-click on the monitor icon. Select “Network and Sharing Center”. In the window that opens, on the left side, click on the inscription “Change adapter settings.” You will see all your network connections. If you are using Wi-Fi, then look at wireless connections. Wired Internet, then connections by local network. In both cases, the status must be “Connected”. If this is not the case, you should contact your provider for a diagnosis.

Nothing helped?

If the above steps do not help, you can report the error to Yandex support. To do this, left-click on the Yandex.Disk icon. Then to the gear icon. Select the menu section “Help” and “Report Yandex about an error.”

Yandex disk is cloud service, which allows you to store any of your files on Yandex servers. You can exchange links to files with any of your friends or at work. The service is built on the principle of synchronization. Synchronization occurs on all devices and all changes are synchronized. Thus, no matter what device you work on, all your changes will be automatically reflected on other devices (computer, laptop, tablet or phone) where Yandex Disk is installed and the same account is used to log in.

Yandex Disk features

On at the moment Yandex offers 10 GB free upon registration disk space. This volume can be increased to 20 GB if you invite 10 of your friends to the service (512 MB for each) and they accept the invitation and register. If this volume is not enough for you, Yandex offers to expand it to a maximum of 1 TB for an additional monthly fee. Prices for today are as follows:

  • additional 10 GB for 30 rubles per month;
  • Disk capacity 100 GB for 150 rubles;
  • volume 1 TB for 900 rubles per month;

You can work with the disk as follows: special program, which needs to be downloaded and installed on your computer or via the web interface. If you work with the program, keep in mind that on your computer you will need to have as much free space on your hard drive as is occupied by Yandex.Disk. You will need to free up space on all devices where the program is installed. If you use the service only through the web interface, there is no need to free up space for storage (during synchronization). However, in this case, you will not be able to work with files that are stored in the Yandex cloud, as with those stored on your local disk.

The image below shows the current conditions for providing storage space. If you read an article much later than it was published, the terms and conditions may have changed.

How to install Yandex disk on a computer

As I said above, you can use cloud storage without installation software, but in this case you will not get all the functionality. Therefore, I recommend installing it at least once, trying it and deciding for yourself whether to use the program or not.

To install the software, follow this link -> Yandex.Disk Setup. Download the installation file required for your operating system (usually determined automatically) and install it on your computer. During installation, the program will prompt you to install by default additional services, which in my personal opinion are absolutely unnecessary and I never use them. Uncheck the appropriate boxes.

After installing the program, you will need to log into your account using mailbox from Yandex mail as your login and password mail account. If you have not yet created a Mail.Yandex mailbox, click on the register link and register an account. After that, log in using this login.

The next step is the location of the folder to store the files. By default, it is located on the system drive. In my case, this option is not suitable because... my system disk C: has small size(I use to install SSD systems disks because they speed up very significantly Windows operation), and to store the main files I have an ordinary high-capacity disk.

If you are happy with storing files in the default folder, click the “Get Started” button. To change the folder, click “Customize folder location” and use the Change button to specify the folder. Click start work.

If all settings have been made correctly, the program will automatically begin synchronizing data in the cloud storage with your computer. The download of all files stored on local disk(of course, if you had them there before, as in my case, for example). I first used the web interface to store files, and after installing the program, it automatically started downloading everything to my disk.

Yandex disk: how to use

To start using the disk as a storage for your files, you need to place these same files in the Yandex cloud in your account. After installation on your computer, you can get to the folder with the files through “My Computer” by selecting the appropriate “Yandex. Disk" or by double-clicking on the flying saucer icon in the system tray. You can manage files in this folder in the same way as others on your computer. You can use the clipboard to copy/move from another folder, or you can use the “Drag-and-drop” technology by dragging folders and files with the mouse.

As soon as you move or copy a file or folder to the Yandex.Disk folder, the program automatically begins synchronizing objects with cloud storage (synchronization must be enabled).

The fact that the file you placed in the folder has begun to synchronize is indicated by a blue icon with arrows on each of the objects that are being synchronized. After successfully saving the file to the cloud, the icon turns green. While the program is running, the tray icon will show the status. During synchronization, the same blue circle is displayed, and upon completion, if the save is successful, it will change to green.

Deleting files works the same way as when deleting files on your disk. Pressing the Del button or deleting by right-clicking on an object. Immediately after this operation, the program will automatically delete the file in the cloud storage.

If you do not use a program on your computer to manage your disk, Yandex has provided the ability to perform all operations through a web interface. You just need to launch a browser (on any device) and go to the Disk.Yandex website. Log in with your username and password and you will immediately be taken to your disk.

An interface will open containing all your folders and files. You can upload files to disk by clicking on the “Upload files” area or simply copy objects by dragging them into the same area. Navigate through folders by double-clicking.

To operate on a file or folder, you need to select it. After highlighting, a menu will appear on the right possible actions. You can:

As in the web interface, the program installed on your computer allows you to provide access to files or folders to another user. To do this, click on the tray icon and select the menu Sharing-> Select a file or folder and provide a public link. Moreover, you can provide access to files not only from the Yandex Disk folder, but also to any folder/file on your computer. The program will automatically add this object to the synchronization list and create a link for access.

To disable synchronization and access, go to the program settings menu and in the “Synchronization” tab, uncheck the folder and click “Apply”. Your folder will be excluded from the list for access and synchronization.

How to remove Yandex disk

To remove the Yandex.Disk program from your computer, you need to do some steps in a certain sequence. The first thing to do is disable local folder where are the files stored? remote server. To do this, go to the program settings and open the “Account” tab and click on the “Disconnect computer from disk” button. Click “Apply” or “Ok”.

After this operation, you can safely delete all files in the disk folder. If you do the opposite (delete files in the folder and then turn off the computer), the program will have time to synchronize and delete the files in the cloud. But you won’t necessarily need to delete what’s stored in the cloud. You can easily use it via the web interface and store it on disk backups that you don't use every day.

After disconnecting, click “Start” and go to “Control Panel”. Select “Programs and Features” (this is if you have Windows 7) and find the Yandex.Disk program in the list and remove it from the computer.

The last step to free up disk space is to delete the folder you created during installation and all its contents. After this, Yandex Disk is no longer on your computer.

Comparison of OneDrive, Google disc, DropBox, Yandex Disk