Why are VKontakte events needed? How to edit an entry in VK if it is no longer possible Edit an entry in a VKontakte group

Events on the VKontakte social network are a very useful type of community. You can use it to schedule a meeting, which will be reminded to all participants. Only after the event has passed does it not disappear. Sometimes this is very disturbing. What does VKontakte offer here? How to delete an event? All the best tips and tricks will be presented to your attention. In fact, if you approach the task correctly, you can change the situation without any problems. The main thing is to try.

Is it possible?

First of all, I wonder whether it is possible to delete an event on a social network or not. It is likely that such a function is not provided here. After all, few people are interested in how to delete a VKontakte audio recording or a photo. Everyone has known about this for a long time over the many years of existence of the social network. But with events everything is a little different. The whole point is that it will not be possible to simply implement the idea. It is for this reason that many people think about the possibilities of the VKontakte social network. How to delete an event? Will it really remain forever? Not at all. There are some tricks that are used very often in practice.


The first trick is to get rid of the information you posted. And all of them. The distribution includes photographs, audio recordings, an avatar, videos, contacts, and topics for discussion, if any.

The most important thing after all this is to remove the event participants. In this case, the page will not disappear, but it will no longer appear in the list of upcoming events. We can say that this event can be safely forgotten. The features and secrets don’t end there. You can use several more VKontakte techniques. How to delete an event? This is not so easy to do. More precisely, as we have already found out, it is impossible using standard methods. But you can remove your event from upcoming events.


How exactly? Remember, only the event creator can bring your idea to life. It is he who has all the tools that are useful for deceiving the social network. In order to get rid of an event, you will need to change the date of the event. To prevent this community from disturbing users, you just need to set the day, month and year of the event in the settings at any point in time that has already passed. This can be any date. Save the changes and be happy with the result achieved.


How to delete a VKontakte event if I am the creator? This is exactly the question that interests some users. There is another small and simple trick that you can use. He will definitely help you get rid of the event. Among the event participants there is such a category of users as “Organizers”. They are the ones who will help us solve the problem. Have you thought about possible options for action on the VKontakte social network? How to delete an event? To do this, visit the “Leaders” section and find the organizer there. All that remains to be done now is to remove it. That is, move it to the regular participants section. The option is not bad, but few people talk about it. It is easier to take advantage of changing the date of the event.

Leaving the event

But what if you are a simple participant? The whole point is that you will be able to implement your idea without any problems. Why? Because deleting an event in this case means a taboo on participation. Refusing to visit a particular place is no more difficult than answering how to delete an audio recording on VKontakte. All you need to do is visit the event page and select the “Change decision” menu item there. It is located under the avatar. Next, select “I can’t go” - and that’s it, the job is done. Now you will not be included in the list of participants, and the event itself will no longer be displayed for you.

It turns out that everything is easy and simple. It is enough to know a few secrets of the VKontakte social network to bring your idea to life. If you come across apps that offer to delete social network events, don’t believe them. This is the most common scam. Most likely, he will deprive you of both your money and your work account. Be carefull! And remember that once you create an event, you won’t be able to completely get rid of it! By the way, there is another method that you can use on the VKontakte network. How to delete an event? Make it private in settings. Don't forget to remove all participants!

Our article will be structured from the following sections:

What group can you create on VKontakte?
A simple group is suitable for you to create an interest-based group where only a limited number of people or all group members can fill it with their materials. For example, a group dedicated to car audio or car tuning, a musical group, performer, etc. In order for the group to be filled not only by you, but also by subscribers, you need to set the appropriate parameters in the settings.

Public page
A public page is created to inform VKontakte users. For example, you have your own online store and in order to receive potential customers, as well as inform your regular customers about the arrival of a new product, you create a public page, users subscribe to it and receive the latest information. The same applies to your company, which, for example, specializes in providing services.
For webmasters, a public page will help attract additional traffic to the site; if you publish a description of the site’s news and links to them on this page, then users who read you on VKontakte can go to your site to read the full version of the article.

Event – ​​this type of group is created with the purpose of informing and attracting people to it. For example, you are the manager of a club and a grand party is being prepared, for example, in honor of the club’s birthday. In order to fuel the interest of subscribers (potential visitors), you can publish a photo report on how preparations for the event are going: publishing photos of the installation of decorations, adding advertising videos, etc. The date of the event, its time and location and other information will be written on the event wall. If, for example, you are organizing a meeting of a club of tuned cars, then on the event wall you can tell about the location of the event, date and other organizational information. You will also be able to post interesting materials: photos of participants and their cars, photos from past events, etc.
Which group is best to create on VKontakte - decide based on the above description. Let's take a quick look at creating and configuring each of these types of groups.

Instructions on how to create a group on VKontakte

So, before creating a group on Vkontakte, it should be said that if for some reason you want to delete this group, you will not be able to do this. As such, deleting groups on VKontakte is not provided; it can only be “cleared”, but not deleted. In principle, we will tell you about the process of deleting a group a little later, but now let’s look at the instructions for creating all three types of groups.
To create a group on Vkontakte, you need to go to your page on this social network and click “My Groups” in the left menu.

You will see a list of groups you are a member of and subscribed to.

Then at the top, below the navigation bar, click on the “Create a Community” link.

After this, you will see a window with a choice of community type

Create a group
In order to create a simple group, leave the point in place, since a simple group will be selected initially. In the top field, enter the name of the group, for example: “The most interesting from the Internet” or “iPhone lovers club”, in one word - the name of your community. Then click the “Create Community” button.

After creating a group, you will need to make settings for its profile. If you suddenly change your mind, you can rename the group. If not, we leave the name the same.

page address
The system will automatically enter its serial number in the page address field. But in order for your group not to get lost among thousands of other groups, we recommend coming up with some more original name, written in Latin letters. If this address is busy, and the system informs you about this, then you will have to change or even come up with a new address.

Community Description
In the description of the community, you need to write a few words about the topic of the community and its goals. It is also recommended to enter several keywords so that your group can be found in search engines by entering a query that will match the keywords.

Community Topic
Here you need to select from the proposed list of topics the one to which your group will belong.

Web site
If the materials that you will publish relate to your site, or you just want to enter information about yourself, then enter the address of your resource in this field.

Here you need to enter the city in which you are located or for which region your group is designed.

Access and privacy settings
Below you will need to configure access to your group by left-clicking on the access type opposite each parameter.
When all the parameters are configured, click the “Save” button and that’s it – the group is created.

Creating a public page
If you want to create a public page on VKontakte, then you can do it as follows:

In this window, enter the name of the public page, for example: “Clothing store - Passage”, “Site news - InfoNews”, etc.
When choosing a community type, select “Public Page”. After that, click on the “Create Community” button.

Now you have to select the page type:
  • Place or small company (for visitors to a place and owners of various establishments);

  • Company, organization or website (for business owners and website owners);

  • Famous person or group (for musicians, actors, politicians, public figures, etc.);

  • Work or product (for authors and fans, as well as for product manufacturers).

Having selected the type of your page, check the box where you confirm that you are an official representative and accept the rules. Then click the “Create Page” button.

The page will ask you to enter certain information:

page address
In this field, enter the desired address of your VKontakte page.

Community Description
In this field, enter a few sentences about this public page, about your resource, or about your activities.

Web site
Here you need to enter the address of your official website.

Date of foundation
Enter the founding date of the resource, company, institution, establishment, etc.

By leaving a checkmark, you allow subscribers and users of the resource to leave comments on your materials.

Export to Twitter
By clicking on the “Setup” link, a window will appear in front of you in which you will be asked to authorize your Twitter account. This function will allow you to automatically send a link to the published material to your Twitter account.

Creating additional page sections
Before creating a page, you probably decided what exactly you would publish on it. Based on this, check the boxes which sections you will need for this:

  • Links;

  • Photo albums;

  • Video recordings;

  • Audio recordings;

  • Discussions;

  • Activity;

  • Places;

  • Contacts.

Having selected the required sections, click the “Save” button and the page is ready.

Create an event
To create a group-event, in the window for creating a new community you need to write the name of the event and select the third item: “Event”.

After that, click “Create a community” and go to the event page settings menu.

As with the creation of previous types of communities, at the very beginning you can adjust the name of the event and the address of the page on the social network. Next, enter a description of the event, information that will interest users, you can mention sponsors, etc. If there is an official website of the event, its main organizers, or any other resource that is associated with it, then enter its web address in the appropriate field. And, of course, the main thing is to indicate the start time of the event (and, if necessary, its end time). Don't forget to indicate the location of the event and configure access to this page.
Below, select the categories of data that you will publish on the event page and access to them:
  • Photos;

  • Video recordings;

  • Audio recordings;

  • Documentation;

  • Discussions (user comments on materials);

  • Materials;

  • Type of meeting.

Then we check the entered data and click the “Save” button.

Changing group information and settings
Remember that you can make changes to your group settings at any time. You can change the name, limit or expand access to users, add additional sections, etc.

Setting up a group on VKontakte

Of course, every administrator wants to create a beautiful VKontakte group. Of course, the more beautiful the group is designed, the more users will join and subscribe to it. In addition to beauty, filling the group with high-quality and interesting material also plays an important role, but as far as the material is concerned, this is entirely up to you. We, in turn, will help you design the group visually beautifully.

The first thing you need to do is the group avatar, this is the main picture, which is located at the top right. To do this, you can set a picture with a height of 600 pixels and a width of 200. The avatar of your group can be the logo of a group, website, company, or just a beautiful picture - in a word, what you like will be liked by users and will distinguish your group, visually identifying it.

The next thing we recommend doing is a graphical menu. A graphic menu will allow you to navigate through the group and insert links to various sites embedded in the main menu image, which will look more harmonious than regular text links.

How to create a menu in a VKontakte group
Creating a menu in a VKontakte group is quite simple; this video will tell you how to do it.

How to beautifully fill a VKontakte group
When filling your group, try not to use special symbols, and if you do use them, then there should be a very minimal number of such symbols, since their presence makes the group “childish” rather than serious. Group headings should be interesting and informative.
Pay attention to the pictures that you will add to your group page; they must be of good quality.
Pay attention to user comments, they can give interesting recommendations on content, style and content.

How to delete a group on VKontakte

Now let's look at the options for how to delete a created group on VKontakte. As mentioned earlier, a VKontakte group cannot be deleted as such, but it can be completely cleared, which, in essence, is deleting it. Please note that you can only delete your group on VKontakte, and only on condition that you are its only administrator.
In order to clear your group, you need to delete all publications that were posted on it, including: photos, videos, audio, etc. Additionally, you need to remove all group members and then change the group type to private. Then remove yourself from the group - thus, a completely empty group will remain on the social network, which is its deletion.

You cannot delete someone else’s VKontakte group, only if the administration of the group gave you administrator rights and you yourself left the group, then you delete all information from the group wall, delete users, after which you yourself are deleted from this group. If you are not a group administrator, and other members of the administration do not delete themselves, there is no way to delete the group.

Unfortunately, VKontakte does not have a button that allows you to delete a created event in one click. And, accordingly, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the page on which you made an appointment for invited participants. But you can change the settings of the page with an invitation to the event so that it is not displayed in the profiles of other participants and cannot be found through the internal search of the social network.

Method #1: change the date

1. In your VKontakte profile, click on the “My Groups” menu.

2. Click in the “Upcoming Events” section on the page you want to delete.

3. Go to the “Community Management” section.

4. In the Start Time option, set the past date (for example, if today is March 30th, set it to the 20th). Click on the “calendar” icon in the field and select a day.

5. Click “Specify end time” and set the elapsed date in the same way.

Now, if the meeting is re-scheduled, the VKontakte invitation will not be visible on the personal pages of the participants and in your profile.

Method #2: change settings and delete content

1. On the event page, click “Photos” in the feed.

2. Hover over the photo album and click the “Edit” icon.

3. Click the "Delete" option.

4. In the panel that opens, click “Delete all photos for the last week.”

5. Go to “Audio Recordings”. In each audio track one by one, click the cross icon to remove them from the page.

6. Also, using standard VKontakte tools, get rid of the rest of the content uploaded to the invitation feed (videos, notes).

7. Go to the “Community Management” section.

8. In the last block of access settings, click on the “Meeting Type” column and select “Closed” from the drop-down submenu.

In the remaining options of this block (Wall, Photos, Videos) set the value to “Disabled”.

10. Go to the “Participants” tab and delete all invited users (the “Delete” button in the panel of each user).

That's all! Despite the fact that the event page remains, it no longer fulfills its original functions - in fact, it has been deleted.

Is it possible to make amendments to VKontakte entries or, conversely, why can’t you edit contact entries? The page owner has this opportunity, but certain conditions must be met.

How to edit a VKontakte post on a wall or why you can’t edit a VK post

The user of the VKontakte page needs to remember the “24 hours” rule. The administrators of the social network have set a deadline during which the author of a post on the VKontakte wall can make any changes to a previously published post. A little earlier, such a time limit was only 1 hour, then – 4 hours. Today, the owner of the page can edit the entry within 24 hours.

To make corrections, you need to find the icon at the top right, indicated by the symbol of a small pencil. When you hover over the icon, a pop-up editing window will open, in which you can do anything - change the content, add or delete posted text. After finishing the editing session, just save the changed post, and it will appear in an updated form on the wall.

If the author of an entry does not remember the specific time of publication, then just look at it carefully - after a day has passed after publication, the editing icon (pencil) disappears. The only way out in this situation is to completely delete the post by clicking on the cross on the right and posting a new post.

Ordinary members of the VKontakte group, who are not administrators or moderators of the community, can publish posts on the wall in groups, suggest and post news, and leave comments under published posts. If you need to change the published information, it is advisable to use the editing function.

Editing an entry in a VKontakte group is possible only within 1 day from the date of publication. If the entry is not yet out of date, then to make corrections you need to find and click the pencil icon. In the window that opens, you can correct the text that appears, add or delete pictures and photographs. Once editing is complete, you should save the changed entry.

Commenting on published posts and photographs is the right of each group member. If, after publishing a comment, its author wants to add or completely change the content of the entry, he will have to hurry. The system gives only 4 hours to edit a previously published comment.

The short duration of the period during which changes to answers and comments are available is most likely due to the fact that over a longer period the logical connection of the correspondence and the relevance of the comment itself will be lost.

It is possible to change entries made on the wall and in the VKontakte public page. But in order not to track the time during which you edit what you have written, it is better to clearly and consistently express your thoughts during the initial publication, and take your time. Then the need to change posted posts and comments will no longer be necessary.


Tags: Advanced

Sometimes there is a situation when you created a post on a VKontakte wall (this could be a wall on your page, a wall on your friend’s page, or a wall in a community), and suddenly you discovered an error that needs to be corrected, or you want to add to the post. In other words, you need to edit the post on the VKontakte wall.

Answering the question of how to edit an old VKontakte post on a wall, you can offer two options. Which one is most suitable for you, choose for yourself. There is one subtlety here related to how much time has passed since the start of the publication of the entry.

1. If no more than 24 hours have passed since the creation of the post, then editing the post on the VKontakte wall is very simple. For one day, a pencil icon will be visible in the upper right corner of your post. If you hover your cursor over this icon, an “edit” pop-up window will appear. You just need to click on the icon and you can easily edit your post on the VKontakte wall. Please remember that this feature is only available for 24 hours from the time you create the post.

2. If you discover an error in your publication later than one day later, then it is no longer possible to edit the entry. There is only one way out. You can completely delete your post from the wall and then create a new post, only without errors.

The situation with editing comments on walls is almost the same. The only difference is that you can edit comments on the wall only within the first four hours after publication.

You may ask why it is done so inconveniently. Why can't I edit my own posts at any time? This was done, obviously, so that when changes are made to the records, the logical meaning of the entire correspondence is not lost. The same thing, however, is done on some forums.


How to edit posts on a VKontakte wall?

VK has a so-called wall on which the user can add a wide variety of material. For example, he can publish some photo or even an article. Question - how to edit such a record?

Changing a post on a user's wall

In fact, everything is simple - to edit your post, you need to hover the mouse arrow over the entry, after which several icons will appear in the upper right corner, one of which looks like a pencil. Click on it and a form for editing the post will appear.

Here's what it looks like:

After you make your changes, don't forget to save them.

What if the pencil doesn't appear when you hover your mouse over a post? This means that 24 hours have passed, during which you can edit the post (the rule is valid at the time of writing) and you will not be able to change it, only delete it.

Changing a post on a VKontakte group wall

If you want to edit a post in your community, you need to do the same thing, so we won’t repeat it.

Even the time interval for editing a post is exactly the same - 24 hours.


How to edit an old VK post? - In contact with

The recordings are already about 2 months old. I noticed an error, I can’t sleep peacefully while this error exists and is an eyesore. I know that the easiest way is to delete the entry and create a new one without the error, but I don’t want to do that. Recommend some program or something, please?

no way or write in TP

Post edited by Alanamana: 05/21/2017 - 12:15

there seems to be no such thing there, 1-2 days pass and you can’t edit everything, ask the TP, they can come up with ideas)

ask the TP they can give you some ideas)

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I asked once, they said it’s impossible, sorry

Yes, they can do everything, they just don’t want to, they have exactly this, they can do it inside the code, they’re just too lazy most likely)

Even on VKontakte itself, there are repeated answers like: “unfortunately, the event cannot be removed from the group.” It is not true. It is very possible to remove it, and permanently. There are recommendations like: “delete all posts, participants, etc.” This is not at all necessary!

First, I’ll tell you a little background. Perhaps this will help someone avoid similar mistakes in the future. If you're not interested, move on to the next title.

Our website has an official VKontakte group dedicated to 1C Accounting courses. Commercial group. Somehow, at the initial stage of the group’s development, I decided to create an event to add information about current promotions for training (discounts, etc.). As a result, I ended up with 3 events (not immediately, of course).

The protests have passed, but the events remain. I got rid of them in the following way.

How to remove an event from a group

An event in a VKontakte group is like a mini-community and, like the group, it has management! This is what you should take advantage of.

We need to open an event. Then we go to “Community Management” (events, not groups!). Next we look at the participants of the event. There is a “Leaders” tab, and the organizer of the event is listed on it.

Unlike a group, you can change the organizer of an event! Just change it from your group to something else and problem solved! If the procedure is performed with all events, then this block in the group will disappear on its own (it is impossible to hide it if there is at least one event).

Helps 100%. I got rid of all the events in my VKontakte group and don’t create them there anymore. You can check it (link above or on the right of the site). If it didn't work, we tried poorly. I don’t include any pictures due to the lack of unnecessary activities in the group, and there are no complex operations here.

[click on image to enlarge]

Let's sum it up

Before creating an event in a VKontakte group, think carefully about whether you need it. Perhaps you should make a regular post in the group and pin it? In any case, VKontakte events should be created only if it is really necessary - some important event. It is better to think BEFORE than to delete this event later.