Xiaomi touchscreen does not work. The sensor on the Xiaomi phone does not work Xiaomi does not respond to touches

There are many reasons why the Xiaomi touchscreen does not respond to touches. Often the cause of this situation is mechanical influences; in addition to them, there are also hardware faults, which can only be diagnosed and repaired in a service center.

First, pay attention to the appearance of your phone. Due to dirt or greasy stains, the sensor may not respond to the user's touch. To do this, you need to constantly wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth. This routine cleaning can get it back to work. In addition, train yourself not to pick up your phone with dirty or wet hands.

A poorly installed film may be the reason why the sensor does not respond to finger touches. This happens due to air bubbles and dirt collected between the screen and the protective film. To solve the problem you need to re-stick the film.

Sometimes the Xiaomi touchscreen does not work due to the fact that the commands received by the device may not be perceived correctly. In this case, to return the system to working condition, you need to restart the smartphone.

Carefully inspect the screen for chips. Even the smallest cracks can cause your phone to slow down. Consequently, the touchscreen sometimes reacts to touches only in certain areas. The only way to return your phone to full functionality is to replace the touchscreen on your phone in our service center.

If the touchscreen on your Xiaomi phone does not work, this may be due to a malfunction or failure of the sensor control chip. As a rule, chip failure occurs after falls or strong impacts. This can also be caused by water getting inside. Replacing a new module will help solve the problem.

The touchscreen on your phone may fail due to the breakdown of various parts. For example, a loss of functionality may result from failure of a printed circuit board or its modules caused by moisture or mechanical damage. Only a complete diagnosis can determine what exactly is broken.

If your Android phone (Samsung, Xiomi, Lenovo, Asus, ZTE, Huawei, Sony, etc.) is frozen and it has a non-removable battery, this is not a big problem.

Modern Android phones have a hidden feature to manually restart the operating system.

It consists in holding the power button on the device not for five seconds, as usual, but for 20-30 seconds.

This prolonged action actually causes the phone to reboot. Of course, many owners of mobile devices with a non-removable battery feel completely helpless if the phone freezes. That's why this guide was created.

There is absolutely no need for you to panic in such a situation. Just hold the off button for longer than the usual period of time.

Sometimes you need to simultaneously press and hold one more (volume down and power) or even two buttons.

If nothing happens - there is absolutely no reaction, then you just have to wait until the battery is completely discharged.

Of course, you don’t want to wait, but it’s better than taking it to the repair shop to have it disassembled and reloaded. Let's dig a little deeper.

How I rebooted my frozen phone with a non-removable battery Samsung A3

Although phones are improving all the time, sometimes progress can work against us. This happened with devices that have a non-removable battery.

Previously, if it froze, I quickly pulled out the battery, plugged it in again, turned it on and that’s it - the problem was solved.

Today, such resuscitation will not work on many Android devices, such as on my Samsung A3.

What helped me was pressing the “Power” + “Volume Down” buttons for about ten seconds. The device turned off and on.

Why does my Android phone freeze and not reboot?

If the phone freezes and does not respond to touch, then this is either a system glitch or a screen problem - in the touchscreen.

In practice, the phone freezes most often due to applications - they may not have enough RAM and some kind of error may occur.

If the battery is removable, then don’t fuss, just take it out for a minute - a 100% working way to get rid of the freeze.

When the classic option does not work, the forced option remains: simultaneously pressing the “Off” and “Volume” buttons (what volume and even two at once depends on the device - Xiomi, Samsung, Asus, Sony, ZTE, Lenovo, Huawei)

What to do with your Android phone to get rid of freezes

Sometimes the phone can be rebooted, but the freeze keeps coming back. Then try

One of the main reasons for freezing is low performance (weak device), so in such devices it is advisable not to use effects, such as animated wallpapers - they heavily load the memory and processor.

Also, do not even overload the memory card - this also contributes to freezing. The optimal balance is when 10 percent of the memory remains free.

NOTE: manufacturers of phones with an unearthly battery are well aware that the phone may freeze and not respond to anything, so they provide a way out of this situation - holding the power button until the Android OS reboots. Good luck.

Modern applications are distinguished by their large size and advanced functionality, and smartphones released by Xiaomi are characterized by enormous power and performance, which can lead to freezes. Therefore, many users are interested in how to reboot a Xiaomi phone if it is frozen, and in what ways can one generally rid the device of partial slowdowns.

There are many reasons for freezes, ranging from ordinary contamination of internal memory to serious disruptions in the operation of the operating system.

Many applications open

The most common thing is to open a large number of programs at the same time. For example, you have three games running and all are currently minimized, but not closed, and several videos are also starting to play. This results in excessive CPU usage and may cause applications to become unresponsive.

Errors during backup

Crashes in firmware and applications

Don't forget about the firmware. Most often, the factory one does not cause any trouble, but with a custom one you will have to work hard. It’s the same with programs: applications downloaded from Google Play and scanned by an antivirus for malicious components are completely safe. The same cannot be said about APK files from third-party, little-known sites. Since the virus is another very “popular” reason, the elimination of which may even require the help of an experienced specialist.

Two ways to reboot a Xiaomi phone when it freezes

Rebooting is the best solution in this situation, allowing you not to harm the device and carefully return it to correct operation. There are two types of such reboot: soft and hard.

Typically, a “soft” reboot is used for mild freezes, when the sensor responds more or less normally to touch. It is also used for prevention. Have you noticed slowdowns and reduced speed of your smartphone? Use this method. The command is regulated by the operating system, so all processes done before the reboot are successfully saved, and the risk of losing important information is minimized. Begin:

  1. Press the power button, holding it lightly for a few seconds;
  2. A standard menu window appears;
  3. Click “Reboot”. Ready.

This method forcibly stops the operating system. That is, no preparation for saving occurs, so it is better to synchronize with before starting, or transfer important materials manually to.

You should start the process if the device does not respond at all. The instructions are easy and standard:

  1. Press and hold the power button for 20-30 seconds;
  2. After “Mi Logo” appears on the screen, release the key. That's all.

The signal enters the smartphone processor itself, so the reboot usually occurs instantly. Don't use this option too often!

How to avoid freezes

Don’t forget that constantly turning off your smartphone is not an option.. It is necessary to remove exactly the cause of incorrect operation, and to do this, you must first identify it. If you've installed a new app lately, it might be the culprit. Remove suspicious programs. Did not help? It turns out that they could have already introduced viruses. Use a proven good utility and carefully check your device for unnecessary junk and malicious files.

It's a good idea to update your operating system. Either select an available new version, or update an already installed one. Returning your smartphone to factory settings and/or clearing the RAM are also worthy options.

Adviсe: reboot your phone every week for preventive purposes, using predominantly a soft reboot. Don't let the phone's charge drop below 15-10% (