The most “delicious” PP Instagram accounts. The most “delicious” PP accounts on Instagram Accounts about a healthy lifestyle on Instagram

In the spring we lost weight so that we could eat in the summer, in the fall - so that we could show off at the New Year's corporate party. Anyone who has encountered this problem knows that the approach must be comprehensive - motivation, nutrition, proper physical activity, useful information.

It was with these requests that I looked at Instagram and found accounts that answered them. In fact, there are a lot of similar pages, as well as recipes, secrets and exercises! They're all the same. I tried to highlight the most interesting ones for readers.

About exercise

Beautiful mother of two children @love_my_body shows exercises for home workouts, tells how to do them correctly, and regularly invites experts to answer questions from subscribers. In her posts, Natalie touches on burning topics for everyone losing weight - where to get a waist, how to get rid of cellulite, where to look for a butt like a nut. There is a lot of useful information, but I recommend approaching it selectively - for example, when looking for a waist, avoid twisting, and focus on the vacuum, which Natalie, by the way, also writes about.

Useful personal experience

Young mother Irina in September 2017, she gave birth to a wonderful boy, Damir. During pregnancy, I gained about 30 kilograms, which did not “want” to go away on their own. Irina decided it was time. In her account, she shares useful nutrition tips, posts PP recipes (very unexpected and interesting), and leaves a photo of the menu for the day. Just take it and use it. One cannot but rejoice at the reasonableness of her approach - everything is gradual and smooth. At the beginning of the month, she posts a report on her weight achievements and sums up the results. From April he promises to connect the power load. Why not take an example from her?

Nothing extra

Sergey @master.trainer claims that he lost his first 20 kg on fried wings and marshmallows. And his whole approach is this: eat what you want, within reason and healthy, exercise - and there will be a result. What exactly should you eat, what should you give up, why can’t you lose weight forever, how can you still maintain the result, why is your belly growing? - this is not a complete list of questions that the blogger answers. And, you know, very reasonable, without unnecessary pathos and with humor. I like his approach.

Nutritionist about nutrition

Elena @elena_goodfood informs: a lot, varied and useful. About sweeteners, about what dinner should be, about detox, about vitamins, about mistakes when losing weight, etc. Overall, this is a profile worth following if you're following yourself. Don’t be lazy and go through her old posts - you’ll learn a lot of interesting things.

About everything at once

@sportpit_fitness, which contains a lot of useful information, ranging from videos with home workouts to the fat content in certain products. I also recommend excluding exercises that are dangerous for the spine - twisting in any position of the body, bending to the sides, deep deflections. Otherwise, when you lose weight, you will develop a lot of health problems. But in general, the account is quite informative and interesting for those who take care of themselves.

Why I liked the page @pp_recipes, it contains many recipes for PP sweets. This is something that is usually off-limits to form returners. But if you take advantage of the knowledge and useful experience of others, a tasty and healthy “Napoleon” will not turn out to be bad for you. Recipes collected from all over the “losing weight” Instagram.

Reasonable approach

I couldn't ignore the account about my beloved @intueat. Here subscribers receive answers to their questions directly from experts, here they talk about how to eat and lose weight, here they talk about a healthy attitude towards food and themselves. Here you will find answers to why diets don't work and why mindful eating is so important. In general, this page is not about losing weight, but about the right lifestyle and thoughts that lead to the desired results. Highly recommend!

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Every Monday, millions of people promise themselves to start their lives over, go on a diet and join the gym. But not everyone is able to give up their preferences in favor of healthy habits. You can blame yourself and look for the reasons for your weaknesses, but it is better to gather your will into a fist and rush towards the goal. Overcoming the difficult path to become a new person is difficult, but motivation, which is easy to find on social networks, will help. We will show you useful PP Instagram accounts that will reveal all the cards for proper nutrition and weight loss!

The 21st century is a time of opportunity. The World Wide Web represents a new world in which it is easy to find answers to any questions. In this article we will talk about popular bloggers who run Instagram about healthy nutrition. If you have been looking for like-minded people and advice on healthy lifestyle for a long time or have been waiting for a magic kick to get off the couch, then start looking through these pages. A social network is not only a beautiful picture, but also useful information.

We have selected some of the best blogger pages about PP on Instagram with recipes. Here you will find motivation that will make you move forward! Some of the girls are not just housewives, but qualified specialists, so they really know their business. Tips will help you create your own diet, diversify your menu and understand that proper nutrition is delicious!

Natalia Zubareva

Our TOP will be opened by a true specialist in his field - Dr. Zubareva @doctor_zubareva. If you think that this is just another nutritionist who will charge a tidy sum for a consultation, then we hasten to please you. Natalya shares useful information for free on her personal Instagram page, which has already helped many people.

The girl has been following proper nutrition since childhood, because her parents instilled this important habit, and now Zubareva wants to show the advantages of a healthy lifestyle to others.

Natalya is a general doctor who graduated from a medical university with a degree in general medicine. Today she is a member of the Russian Society of Dietetics and Nutritionists involved in the preparation of proper nutrition.

The popularity of Dr. Zubareva is growing, at the moment the number of her subscribers on Instagram reaches 1.5 million. The profile @doctor_zubareva covers various topics about weight loss. For example, in one of her posts she discusses the issue of detox and its necessity.

If you go to her page, you will understand that you have ended up not just with a nutritionist, but with a doctor. From her you will learn about various diseases, tests that everyone should take, and the necessary vitamins for humans.

Natalya has a course that helps everyone lose weight. In her online school she offers a unique nutrition system. If you want to find out more details, go to the official website of Dr. Zubareva.

  1. Author's nutrition program. It includes 10 types of menu: simple (for those who don’t have enough time to cook), more refined (basic), for nursing mothers, vegetarian, lactose-free, meat-free, fish-free and gluten-free. The main thing is that the nutrition will be balanced and appropriate to your taste. The recipes sent by the curators are written down and accompanied by photos, so anyone can handle the preparation of the dishes.
  2. 4 types of classes for home and gym.
  3. Control and support from 9 experts.

Each direction has its own characteristics, which are described in detail on the official website.

Yulia Rastorgueva

Our review of PP bloggers Instagram Julia @pp_yulia56 will continue. This is another nutritionist involved in creating the right diet. What can you find on her page? A large number of dietary recipes. If you follow a healthy diet, but want to pamper yourself, then use Yulia’s dish.

It is always difficult for a beginner to calculate the calories of the menu for the day. Does this sound familiar to you? Then the help of a nutritionist will come in handy here, because by following the hashtag #rastorgueva_menuday, you will find ready-made diets with different calorie content. This will make the task much easier; all you have to do is select the menu and move forward to your new body!

Anna Gambler

If you are only interested in dishes prepared according to the principles of proper nutrition, then welcome to the page of @tomka_an or just the sweet girl Anya.

@tomka_an's profile from the PP diary has long grown into a collection of recipes loved by many. You can learn how to prepare delicious and healthy dishes that the whole family will appreciate. Anya will not only tell you about the recipes, but will also show you a video example. From her Instagram you will learn how to regularly treat yourself to PP desserts, but not gain weight. The girl also shares what foods you can eat on a healthy diet, destroying popular myths about diets.

Anya also released the book “Desserts for the Night,” from which you can learn how to eat and not gain weight. Joke! Not a single person on earth has yet solved this mystery, but the book will really help you become a chef and pastry chef in your own kitchen, so it will not be difficult for you to prepare PP baked goods.

Zero calories

Want to learn more about how to eat without harming your figure? Then you will like the Instagram account Zero Calories @0kkal.

This is a profile that will change the understanding of diets and proper nutrition. You will understand that delicious food is not always harmful. It is possible to eat and lose weight. Instagram Zero Calories presents recipes for various dishes - meat and vegetable. There was also the preparation of desserts for those with a sweet tooth. The advantage is that the recipes are accompanied by comments and calculations of BJU, and this will help you create your own diet.

@0kkal is not a personal blog, it contains recipes from Instagram culinary pages.

Olga Yagnetinskaya

Do you want to learn the secrets of proper nutrition, but are you at a loss as to where is the myth and where is the truth? Olga Yagnetinskaya @yagnetinskaya will help you understand the world of constant restrictions and teach you to eat what is good for your figure.

Olga jokingly calls herself a guru of diets and sweets on Instagram. The girl admits that she can’t resist tasty treats and even allows herself to eat them not only for breakfast, but also at night. Sounds implausible? But after watching the video of PP recipes, you will understand that sweets are not prohibited, but an acceptable luxury during a diet. Have cheesecakes for breakfast or allow yourself a cake or other indulgence - all this is easy to do with Olya.

There are already more than a million subscribers on her page! And this is not surprising, because the profile contains only useful, unique information. Olga shows recipes for dietary dishes, indicating their calorie content, and writes posts about what is allowed to eat when losing weight. From her mini-articles you can learn a lot of interesting things that will help everyone who has embarked on the path of a healthy lifestyle.

The cook took care of her audience; her dishes can be found not only on Instagram. They are also presented on the personal website, where there are 1000 recipes for the slimness and beauty of your body.


Let's go to @galainst for motivation and beautiful photos. A sweet girl with the rare name Galia will show that watching your figure and eating deliciously are compatible concepts.

The Instagram profile talks about self-care, recipes, fitness and personal stories that motivate. Galia is of the opinion that you can eat everything that is prepared according to the rules of PP. Therefore, on her page there are only proven recipes that she pampers herself and her family with.

The Instagram blogger also actively works on her own body. She really can boast of her figure, which is perfect. But no one is born with such forms, so Galia shares her results and the way to achieve them.

If you are not afraid to become infected with the mood for a healthy lifestyle, then the Instagram of an active girl will be an excellent motivation for you.

Lena Maxim

Do you want to meet a person who will charge you with vital energy? We know who you will definitely like! This is @lena_maxim.

Lena is 36 years old, but it’s hard to call her a woman, because energy flows out of this person like a fountain. The girl specializes in several areas at once - nutritionist and sports trainer. And this makes her incredibly cool!

On Instagram, the chef shows healthy food recipes that anyone on a diet will appreciate. The girl knows what she can eat and what she should avoid.

Also, the insta blogger will talk about pumping up your figure, that even at 40 you will be slimmer than at 18.

Lena knows how to lose weight, so check out her page for a free consultation.

Albina Komissarova

You will find a real treasure trove of useful information if you visit Instagram @doctor_komissarova. The owner of the page is Albina, a young and slender girl who is also a nutritionist. Therefore, her advice should be listened to and trusted. This is a budget option for consulting a specialist, which will require only a little free time from you.

So, we noted her profile, because each post in it contains important information that will be useful and interesting to any self-respecting girl who watches her figure.

Albina has broken so many myths about nutrition. On her Instagram, she breaks down various products, describing the pros and cons. Gives advice on what is best to include in your diet and what you should ignore in the store.

Take 10 minutes and look at Dr. Komissarova’s page.

Evgenia Krivtsova

Do you want to know how to manage everything and stay beautiful? @ya_krivtsova will help you with this. On her page you will find dietary recipes and fashionable looks. Evgenia is also a mother of two sons, but at the same time she looks flawless! Is there a secret? You will find out when you get to know her Instagram better.

Evgenia shares low-calorie recipes to help keep fit and also talks about detox. The girl does not forget to show exercises for slimness.

The blog is full of positivity. In it you can find tips that make life easier and us more beautiful.

Ira Kos

Have you been dreaming of a beautiful figure for a long time? Then it's time to visit Instagram @irakos_pp, the account has about 40 thousand subscribers. Irina is a certified nutritionist. She will be happy to create custom nutrition programs for you, explain the meaning of PP and help you lose weight.

If you have any personal questions about weight loss, then you can call her on WhatsApp. In Ira Kos's account you will find many recipes - from desserts to first courses.

The girl motivates for the right lifestyle and positive thinking.


A young Instagram blogger with the nickname @pp.tysya won the hearts of thousands of users. The girl is only 15 years old, however, the number of her subscribers has already exceeded 400 thousand. PP Tusya shares with users not only recipes for proper nutrition, but also life stories. For example, the girl does not hide the fact that she suffered from anorexia.

Natasha's profile is a kind of business page. Tusya actively sells diaries of her own design, communicates with subscribers and enjoys life.

Yulia Gladkaya

A girl with creative thinking and a creative approach to life will teach you how to lose weight correctly and tasty. We are talking about Instagram @gladkaya_y. Julia is a professional trainer and nutritionist, nutrition program developer.

In the girl’s profile you will find PP recipes, recommendations for playing sports and wise thoughts about life. Julia's page presents menu variations for different amounts of calories.

Come in, read and lose weight!

Daria Bakulina

The creator of the PROWeight Loss Marathon @bakylina_sport_pp encourages girls to lose weight correctly and in a short time. 400 thousand subscribers agree with her. On her Instagram profile, Daria motivates with her own slimness, which she achieved through exercise and proper nutrition.

On the page you will find PP recipes, ready-made diets and a table of calorie content of foods. The profile contains links to a weight loss marathon, the express course of which promises a weight loss of 6-8 kg.

In addition to personal programs, the girl posts recipes for dietary desserts with calculations of KBJU. Cook, lose weight, enjoy life with Yulia.

Irina Sinitsa

Versatile, interesting and beautiful, @ira_sinica_ is interested not only in PP, but also in cake making, sports, and cosmetology procedures. The girl’s profile will be useful for those losing weight with healthy nutrition recipes that are low in calories and have an extraordinary taste.

Irina’s account has 2 thousand subscribers who draw inspiration from the active girl. It is noteworthy that Ira bakes cakes to order, but most of them are dietary ones.

Take note of the culinary master’s Instagram profile to make your weight loss delicious and healthy.

The owners of the Instagram profiles that we wrote about will teach you how to cook dishes that will not harm the body. With them, you will fall in love with proper nutrition and will not want to return to old habits. Don’t forget that a healthy lifestyle is not fanaticism, but a lifestyle!

No matter how healthy boiled chicken breast is, sooner or later your body runs the risk of giving up and rushing to tiramisu at the nearest coffee shop.

In addition, anyone who has ever tortured their own body with diets knows that there is little happiness in such manipulations.

To make sure that healthy food is tasty and beautiful, Sputnik has collected six bloggers from Instagram who, at a minimum, contribute to profuse salivation and are excellent motivation.

Lots of PP sweets on yagnetinskaya

Olga Yagnetinskaya calls herself a diet-sweets guru, and it’s hard to disagree with her, because the blogger’s recipes are not only perfect in appearance and tasty in reality, but also extremely healthy.

In addition, Olga tells stories from her life, shares beauty life hacks and demonstrates from personal experience to a million subscribers that sports and proper nutrition are the key to beauty and health.

PP, food and healthy lifestyle on dianka_food

This Instagram account consists exclusively of delicious and healthy posts. The profile has been maintained by a girl named Diana for about four years. Today more than 550 thousand people have subscribed to it. In addition to step-by-step recipes with photographs, in the post you can always find KBJU dishes for 100 grams.

PP, recipes and more your_sweet_fit

In Anastasia’s account you can learn about how to replace sugar, how to choose products with a good composition, and even how to save money on proper nutrition. In addition, the blogger regularly reviews well-known specific products for benefits and harm, publishes healthy food recipes brought to the ideal, and actively communicates with subscribers, and Anastasia has almost 300 thousand of them.

About nutrition, vigor and beauty on salatshop

It’s worth subscribing to Olga Malysheva’s blog just because this girl’s account brings great aesthetic pleasure. Olga is a vegetarian, and the recipes on her blog, accordingly, are also exclusively vegetarian. Nevertheless, they look so tasty that it’s definitely worth trying to prepare the dish according to the Salatshop recipe. Almost 60 thousand people have subscribed to Olga’s account, and believe me, this is too few for such a beautiful and tasty profile.

Almost 4 thousand healthy recipes for resepts_prav_pit

The fact that this Instagram collection is really useful is evidenced only by the number of subscribers - there are 1.6 million of them. Here you will definitely choose dishes for tomorrow, lunch, snack and dinner: they are made from products we are familiar with, without any frills or numerous costs. Also, almost all recipes are published in the form of videos, which is very convenient.

In general, the Resepts_prav_pit profile clearly proves that proper nutrition is not torture for the body, but a pleasant and tasty process.

Sports, nutrition and beauty on bakylina_sport_pp

It is very important that Yulia Bakulina’s blog is not based on empty interest: the girl herself lost 25 kilograms and now helps others achieve results.

This girl boldly tells her subscribers about her “past” life, publishes “before” and “after” photos, which are truly powerful motivators, and, of course, shares delicious and healthy recipes.

A healthy lifestyle is promoted in all media. And the Instagram feed was no exception. This social network has long ceased to be purely entertaining, and readers can learn a lot of useful things from it. Subscribing to the accounts of famous food bloggers, nutritionists and fitness trainers will provide you with interesting and useful information about the culture of healthy eating. We have selected eight original profiles, thanks to which you can upgrade your knowledge in the field of preparing and serving delicious and healthy dishes.


Amelia Frier is a practicing nutritionist. It has become popular thanks to a diet that allows you to quickly lose weight. In his cookbook “Eat. Eat. Glow” (Eat. Nourish. Glow.) she describes a healthy eating technique, which consists of cooking from simple and natural products (meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, herbs) in the right ratio.

Amelia strongly recommends giving up sugar, alcohol, nicotine, and also eliminating from your diet all products that are sold in packages, be it fresh frozen meat or fruit. Amelia Frier publishes recipes on her blog of the same name, posting announcements on Instagram. Among her subscribers are Sam Smith, Jessie Ware, Kim Kardashian.


Natasha Corrett is a nutritionist and the creator of delicious, healthy quick recipes that were published in May this year in a book called Honestly Healthy In A Hurry. Corrette is constantly improving her recipes and providing cooking tips on her website, which she links to on her Instagram. Celebrities turn to Natasha for advice, including Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston and Robbie Williams.


Jamie Oliver is a famous British chef, restaurant owner, and TV presenter who promotes home cooking. Oliver has become the author of a dozen books about the culture of healthy eating. He loves simple and accessible recipes for delicious dishes that help keep him in shape. The restaurateur actively posts his new culinary creations on Instagram and shares the secrets of their preparation.


This account belongs to a 25-year-old Dutch blogger who practices a raw food diet and knows many recipes for cooking without cooking. In her profile, the girl shares photographs of drinks and dishes made from fruits, berries, vegetables, root vegetables, nuts, seasoned with spices, and she uses dairy products and even chocolate as a dressing.


Miranda Hammer Shear is a nutritionist and founder of a website about healthy eating with recipes for those who never have time for breakfast. On her Instagram, Miranda reminds followers of the importance of the morning meal and shows how simple and healthy quick-cooked breakfasts can be.


Karina Wolf is a journalist and psychologist by profession, but she is well versed in nutrition, in particular, she promotes the consumption of organic foods, which not only saturate us, but also have a positive effect on our emotional background. Following the advice of Karina Wolf, your diet will include original salads made from cabbage, figs, persimmons, cherry tomatoes and almonds, white beans, avocado and herbs.


Katie Higgins can be called a “chocolate” blogger. Thanks to her nickname alone, she became the favorite of her subscribers. Among Katie's recipes are dietary desserts and sweets that even those who constantly adhere to a low-calorie diet can afford. From Katie's Instagram you will learn how to make chocolates and desserts from dried fruits, coconut-glazed oatmeal bread, and cornmeal muffins with cherries.


Jeannette Ogden is a yoga instructor and new mother, so she is especially careful about her diet. Jeannette adheres to the recommendations of Indian yogis, whose nutritional system is aimed at achieving psychological and physical harmony. In her account, she describes ways to prepare healthy dishes mainly from plant foods and, of course, accompanies them with colorful photographs.

How much time do you spend on social networks every day? About 5-6, according to data from the large analytical company Nielsen. The figure, of course, is average, like, say, the temperature in a hospital (or the percentage of fat in a fitness club), but it fully reflects the trend: sitting on “contacts”, “Facebook”, “Insta”, etc. really takes a lot from us time. Which could be spent on a lot of other useful activities, including improving your body or taking care of your health.

And if you don’t like the idea of ​​scrolling through the “feed” exclusively while standing in the “plank” position (although this, no doubt, will help at least a little prepare your body for the beach), I advise you to take at least the first step towards a healthy lifestyle: take this very “feed” (at least on Instagram) a little more sporty and useful. So that it inspires you to cook healthy recipes or start your morning with exercise. I am sharing the pages that I regularly read for this purpose:

This yoga instructor's pet helps him train

jasmine_yoga- Instagram of a charming yoga instructor from Singapore, who shares funny pictures of her practice and from time to time holds online marathons: she shows a certain sequence of asanas, asks her followers to repeat and post a photo of it with a certain hashtag. Some who “accept the challenge” receive prizes, others receive honor, fame and pleasure. It’s so nice to realize that you and someone in another part of the world have something in common, for example, a love of yoga and the same set of asanas.

The breakfasts on this page will inspire you to culinary exploits

pelochka_a- page of a Russian food blogger “specializing” in breakfast. On this page, the girl almost every morning publishes pictures of her breakfasts with recipes: variations on the theme of oatmeal, safe for your figure, incredible salads, cereals, etc. All dishes fit into the framework of proper nutrition and are always very beautifully decorated. And they were shot so appetizingly that they can cause intense salivation even in those who have just had breakfast with sausage sandwiches.

A fitness blogger's page will help diversify your workouts

beyond_the_comfort_zone- sports diary of a fitness blogger from the USA. The girl maintains the page in two languages ​​- English and Russian, since she was born and lived in Moscow for a long time. The fitness blogger posts videos of her workouts, tips on nutrition and an active lifestyle. I respect this page for its simplicity and brevity: in short videos, Irina (that’s the blogger’s name) manages to show effective exercises, which are so convenient to create a workout for yourself.