Analysis of music computer training programs currently used. Training programs

Guzel Mustaeva
Game program “Musical Kaleidoscope”

Municipal Autonomous Institution Sovetsky district

"Center "Constellation"

Open lesson

Musical kaleidoscope

"Modern Lesson" music within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC»

Completed: Mustaeva Guzel Nailevna

Additional education teacher

Focus: Artistic and aesthetic

Subject: Musical kaleidoscope

Type of activity: Musically themed

Target: Create conditions for children to be involved in musically-creative activity.



Summarize the knowledge of children acquired in classes in the process musically-educational activities;

Improve your choral singing skills;

During the lesson, identify the level musical knowledge


To promote the development of children's creative activity, intelligence, attention, resourcefulness, playing skills musical instruments.


To contribute to the enrichment of the spiritual world of children, to educate them musical, artistic and aesthetic taste;

Instill interest in music and cartoons;

Promote the development of communication skills and collective creativity children;

Planned results:


Students will have the readiness and ability for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge; communicative competence in communicating and collaborating with peers; ethical feelings of benevolence, emotional and moral responsiveness.


Enriching the perception of the surrounding world. Get experience musical impressions, will develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and establish relationships music music and cinema(cartoon)


Mastering knowledge about musical instruments, musical notation, mastery playing musical instruments, ability to evaluate and analyze piece of music.

Equipment for teachers:

Video materials;

Technical means - computer, projector, microphones, speaker system;

musical equipment - synthesizer;

musical instruments - noise (tambourine, maracas, triangles, xylophone, rattle, bells, spoons);

Handouts (sheet music, leaflets)

Types of activities:

Hearing music

Watching video material

Vocal and choral work

Working with musical instruments.

Methods and techniques:


Use of video material




Expected result:

They will apply the acquired skills in practice - organize an orchestra, solve puzzles and musical riddles, recognize familiar songs from cartoons.

Execution level: Good. Students independently evaluate their achievements. The teacher emotionally supports the child. The atmosphere is friendly.

Progress of the lesson

(children enter the class under cartoon music, "from Smile")

(tables are arranged in the classroom for three teams)

Hello children!

(children say hello)

I ask you to split up and take positions

(children are divided into teams and take their tables)

- Music from cartoons - these are not just intonations familiar from childhood, they are very close to the heart and therefore so dear. For you, I have prepared a special selection, which contains the most striking episodes of cartoons in which samples of amazing music sound music. Thanks to them, you will enjoy a wonderful plot, meet your favorite characters and, of course, listen to popular works by Russian composers.

And so, we begin our exciting journey. First, we need to come up with a name for the teams, but so that it is musical title .

(Teams confer and come up with a name)

Let's welcome our first team and wish them good luck!

We welcome the second team and wish them good luck!

(children say the name of the team, the rest clap)

And finally, let's welcome team number three and wish them good luck!

(Children say the name of the team, the rest clap)

As you know, any game begins with a warm-up.

Let's give you guys some very difficult riddles.

If you guess it, don’t yawn, answer in unison!

1. It’s easy to go hiking with me, it’s fun to travel with me

I am a screamer, I am a brawler, I am loud and round. (drum)

2. The movements of the bow are smooth, there is joy and a smile in them,

It sounds like a dreamy tune and plays gently. (violin)

3. Youth from different countries dashingly dances under. (accordion)

4. Kolya took up the game very zealously. (piano)

5. This instrument has both strings and a pedal,

Undoubtedly, this is a sonorous one, this is our black one. (piano)

6. He looks like the accordion’s brother, where there is fun, there he is

I won't give any hints. What is this?. (accordion)

(Warm-up – slide No. 3)

Well done! While the jury is counting the points, you and I move on and our next task is “On what musical our cartoon characters played the instrument"

(1st round – slide No. 4-12)

(Each team is asked a question in turn, then we listen to how it sounds this tool)

(Here you can attract older children, clowns "Major" And "Minor", during the game they can make wishes musical riddles and help teams in competitions)

Musical riddles:

1. What key won’t open the door? (treble clef);

2. What note is added to the soup? (salt);

3. Is there a flock of birds resting on five wires? (notes);

4. Seven guys played songs on the stairs (notes);

6. It looks like a rattle, but it's not a toy. (maraca).

(“Riddles – slide No. 13)

Well done! As we know cartoons well. This makes me happy.

Well, we have dealt with this too, and now we look again at the screen, our next task is called "Guess which melody is encrypted"

(At the teacher’s discretion, you can distribute balloons to everyone. Whose team will inflate faster. Or, for example, set a rhythm for inflating. The rhythm can be depicted on the board in the form of any object or notes.

Strong beat weak beat weak beat

For example: –

If children are unfamiliar with rhythm, then the teacher can show where the strong and where the weak beat is and clap, and then they can blow up the balloons. Or show a quarter, two eighths. Also clap first.)

And you guys and I didn’t just compete to see who could inflate the fastest, we did a breathing exercise and now you can safely sing songs)

(Each team is given the task of guessing which song from the cartoon is encrypted. After the children have guessed, the teams sing 1 verse and chorus. So that the children do not get tired, you can dance and sing near their seats).

(2nd round – slide No. 14-25)

Amazing! How well and friendly you answer. No team gives up and fights for points! Well, while our jury is deliberating, we move on to the competition "Connoisseur music»

Competition "Connoisseur" music"

1) What was the name of the heroine of the fairy tale, who, when she first went to the ball, charmed the king and prince with her wonderful song? Who is this song about?

2) Name your favorite music. Karabas-Barabas instrument (Pipe)

3) What flower has musical title? (Bell)

4) What is the name of the kindest, and most importantly, singing cat, who called on everyone to live in friendship and harmony? (Leopold)

5) What kind of instrument can be made from a reed if you make holes in it? (Pipe)

6) What is the name of the profession of a person who performs songs? (Singer)

7) What is the name of the song they sing before going to bed? (Lullaby)

8) Profession of the person who writes music? (Composer)

9) Name the main song of our country. (Hymn)

10) What song did the mother goat sing so that the kids would open the door for her? (Hum a song)

11)Name musical instrument, played by the crocodile Gena? (Harmonic)

12) Name the first one musical note. (To)

(Connoisseur music - slide No. 26)

What a great fellow you are!

Aren't you tired? You and I sang and danced, and now we find out what musical you know the tools.

(Musical tools – slide No. 27, here, whose team will list the tools faster)

Okay, now the teams, please tell me which tool is extra and why?

(children answer and say why this tool is superfluous)

(Remove the unnecessary - slide No. 28)

And so, my dears, I see you are tired, shall we play with you a little?

(children answer - Yes)

Then let's move on to the next round!

(3rd round - teams draw lots, you can do it in different ways, just leaves, some kind of forfeits, remove notes from the staff or, for example, a flower, this is at the discretion of the teacher. I made notes. On back side The music is written for the dance that the team needs to perform)

Competition - dance

1. Dance of the little ducklings

2. Dance of the little swans

3. Dog Waltz

(The students get tired of sitting and they really liked it)

(Dance competition – slide No. 29)

We danced, laughed, and relaxed. While our jury is counting the points, we move on to the next round. And again we look at the screen. Our musical heroes Having learned that we have such a fun game, they ran away from their cartoons, and now I can’t go back, let’s help them! Shall we help?

(children joyfully answer - Yes)

We look at the screen.

(4 – round. Pictures from cartoons are shown on the screen. We include excerpts from songs. The guys must guess which cartoon this song is from).

(Arrange correctly - slide No. 30-31)

(We give the slips to the commission, they check)

Dear experts, let's solve some more riddles.

1. A song about how a birthday present was brought by helicopter. ("Song of the crocodile Gena" (Let them run clumsily)

2. A song about a holiday that is celebrated with tears in our eyes. ("Victory Day")

3. Song about two poultry different colors. ("Two cheerful geese")

4. The song is about how good it is to walk with friends and sing songs. ("It's fun to walk together")

5. Song of a girl who wore a bright headdress ("Song of Little Red Riding Hood")

6. A song about transport that is rolling towards new adventures. ("Blue Car")

7. A song about worn winter shoes. ("Felt boots")

8. The song after cartoons that all the children go to bed to. ("Tired toys are sleeping")

9. A song about a wooden boy who exchanged his ABC for a theater ticket. ("Pinocchio")

10. A song about a coniferous tree that is cold. ("Little Christmas Tree")

11. A song about an animal floating on an ice floe. ("Song of the Baby Mammoth")

12. A song about a mother with many children who is haunted by a gray animal ( "An ox and seven kids")

(Each team is asked a question in turn)

If you have students in each team who know musical literacy, then you can give one more task « Musical puzzle» . I had children in each team who knew notes, and I gave them the following task.

And now, I will distribute to each team musical puzzle, in place of the notes, insert the words and retell the text.

(Rebus – slide No. 32)

Well guys, ours music program, is coming to an end and our last task is to play on musical instruments.

(The guys really like to play)

If anyone would like to participate, please come out.

(I used video material “There was a birch tree in the field. Noise Orchestra", which shows a rhythmic pattern with instruments)

(Orchestra – slide No. 34-35)

(At this point the jury can count the points)

(Everyone came out and really wanted to participate. But there weren’t enough instruments for everyone. If possible, it’s better to provide instruments for everyone, as the children get offended. If you have time, you can divide it up so that all participants can try).

What a wonderful orchestra we have! What do you guys think, what instruments are we playing now? What instruments did we meet today?

(Children answer what instruments and say that they make noise)

Since they are noisy, what is the correct name for our little orchestra?

(Children answer - Noise orchestra)

Right! These are noise instruments, and can also be called folk instruments.

How smart you all are, I am very glad that you know our cartoons, our heroes, and of course our song repertoire.

Now let’s give the floor to our jury.

(I prepared evaluation sheets in advance, bought certificates and prizes)

(The jury comes out, thanks the participants for the game, says the number of points and accordingly presents certificates, as you like, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, maybe one first team, here at the discretion of the teacher or the jury)

And I think I won our game « Musical kaleidoscope» Friendship!

How are you feeling?

(Children answer)

What did you like most about the lesson?

(Children give their answers)

Do you think we learned something new?

(Children give their answers)

Very good my dears! Now let's say goodbye! Goodbye! See you again!

(- Goodbye)

Self-analysis of the teacher: The lesson was held in the mode of dialogue between the student and the teacher. The atmosphere is creative, friendly, cheerful. Children actively took part in self-analysis and knowledge of the topic. In progress musically- educational activities summarized the knowledge gained in the classroom. Revealed the level of preparation and knowledge of children. The readiness and ability for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge has been formed; communicative competence in communicating and collaborating with peers; ethical feelings of benevolence, emotional and moral responsiveness. The students gained experience musical impressions, developed the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and establish relationships music and visual activities, music and cinema(cartoon).

A love of cartoons begins at a young age, and many people maintain it throughout their lives. What is the secret of such consistency? Cartoons are kind, funny, touching stories that are sometimes filled with mystery and magic. They are understandable to absolutely anyone and have fascinating plots that are close to everyone’s heart. What gives this genre a special charm is music, which can be found not only among modern composers, but also among classics. Such familiar and close melodies that captivate viewers from the first sounds - this only enhances the emotional impact of cartoons. Sometimes, classical compositions fit so organically into the plot that it seems as if they were specially written for it, so subtly and clearly they convey the thoughts, feelings of the characters and the general atmosphere. There's no secret to it - it's just amazing power music.

Tatyana Lvovna Murashko
Computer technology music and game programs in practice of working with children





Close connection between music and technology - a little more than just interesting fact. Music is a reflection of existing technologies, the improvement of which continuously expands the means musical expressiveness.

Music and computer technologies- a very young and dynamically developing field of knowledge. She is at the junction between technology and art, providing people with constantly improving tools for creativity, learning and scientific research. On music and computer technologies As an area of ​​research, there are many different views, which allows them to be classified

precisely as a knowledge system that combines computer science, sound engineering, pedagogy and musicology.

Currently developing audio-musical computer technology a significant number are engaged professionals:

V. Beluntsov, D. Dubrovsky, E. Trusova and others. In their arsenal are Internet sites, books and magazines containing large volume information about computer programs Oh, techniques working with sound and musical material on a computer, ways to achieve a particular goal with working with sound and musical material, etc..

Considering the relevance of the problem computer use

thorny technologies in working with children, it can be noted that in modern world technical progress is developing very actively, new ones appear every day technologies. Modern man adjusts and adapts to the pace that dictates to him today. Almost every modern family has a home computer, which not only adult family members, but also children can use.

Modern preschool institutions understand the relevance of implementation computer technology in the education of preschool children.

L. A. Leonova in the book "Preschooler and computer» wonders how long young children can complete tasks in computer without excessive fatigue. When organizing computer activities with little ones children their individual capabilities must be taken into account.

At the Institute of Age Physiology Russian Academy education by the author were developed basic hygienic requirements for the training regime at computer:

1 Maximum one-time duration work on the computer should not be more than specified below:

For children 6 years old -10-15 minutes;

For children 5 years old -7- 10 minutes;

For children 6 years old who are at risk due to their visual condition, 10 minutes;

For children 5 years old who are at risk for vision conditions, -7 minutes a day.

2 During the day, no more than one lesson is allowed using a computer.

Study on Friday computer is undesirable. This is explained by the fact that performance the child already decreases by Thursday, and on Friday it occurs sharp decline due to the accumulated fatigue of the week.

In progress children working on the computer It is important to pay attention to the peculiarities of communication between the teacher and children. It should be noted that without emotional influence it is impossible to teach and educate

children's education. Children's attitude towards the proposed activity changes, and the effectiveness of its implementation increases significantly. When an adult, with the help of figurative descriptions, stories or pictures, awakens the child's emotional imagination. In preschool

For children and younger schoolchildren, the relationship between emotional and cognitive processes, these two most important areas of their mental development, is very clearly manifested.

Music computer programs contains exciting tasks for children preschool age, during which the child becomes familiar with the sound musical instruments , learns to recognize sounds, reproduce them and combine them into melodies, determine character and style. Pace musical works , develops its musical and creative abilities, etc. After playing on computer The teacher and children get together and share their achievements and impressions, and also talk about what new things they learned during the game.

So the data implementation technologies is currently relevant and interesting for teachers of preschool educational institutions. Content computer music game programs aimed at developing a wide range of skills in children musical abilities, such as a sense of rhythm, harmony, development musical memory, dance movements, sound definition musical instruments, etc..

Interesting plots, cheerful and funny characters, bright, aesthetic design make these computer game programs attractive to children.

I would like to note that for teachers to be successful in this area, it is important for each of us to understand that only extensive knowledge, constant observations of children and their successes, improving your pedagogical, professional and technical skills will contribute to solving the problems of versatile education and development of the child’s personality, the formation of the foundations of his artistic and musical culture development of musical, creative and communication abilities, as well as the ability to live in modern information space With using computer technology.

Publications on the topic:

Adaptation of general education programs on music education in the practice of inclusive education

Adaptation of general education programs on music education in the practice of inclusive education. It is in childhood, and over such a short period of time as preschool childhood, that what largely determines is laid.

Report “Technology for using mathematical educational games in preschool educational institutions” The years of preschool childhood are years of intense mental development and the emergence of new, previously absent mental characteristics.

Using computer programs to eliminate general speech underdevelopment Speech activity is the subtlest expression of the social nature of the human psyche. Normal speech development is achieved thanks to.

The use of health-saving and gaming technologies in teaching practice Full preservation of the mental and physical health of preschool children is the primary task facing modern society.

Does your child have musical abilities? Is it worth teaching him music and, if so, what instrument should he play? And from what age? While parents are wondering about all these complex issues, their children are just waiting for the right moment to steal their father’s or mother’s iPad or iPhone and run away to play with it.

We offer a solution that will suit everyone: with the help of iOS applications, you can find out what music your child wants and whether he even wants to play music, and the child himself will have a great time with his favorite gadget and, at the same time, perhaps learn something.

Baby Piano (4+)

A common belief is that the earlier you start, the more likely you are to instill in your child a love of music. Creators Baby apps Piano are confident: you can start almost from the cradle.

Seven bright, multi-colored keys, a switch between nursery rhymes and melodies, three melodies to learn with your child, and “secret” cartoons that appear when you click on the background.

Despite its simplicity, Baby Piano perfectly performs its function: even if it does not turn your child into a Beethoven, he will definitely remember the name of the notes and their location on the piano keyboard.

Download Baby Piano for iPad and iPhone from App Store: [for free ]

Toca Band (4-5 years)

Toca Boca employees are convinced that their games stimulate children's imagination and help children learn about the world. Toca Boca has many ideas for keeping your child occupied free time, including the cute, superbly designed and drawn Toca Band application.

So, we have a stage and 16 funny characters (each with their own instrument, unique sound and part). Characters can be placed on the stage, and the higher the cartoon musician is on the stage, the more actively he produces sounds from his instrument. You can play around with each of the characters separately, and then try to put together an ensemble from the cartoons (which will also have a place for a soloist). Thanks to the magical settings, virtual musicians will always be on the beat and on the note. Great animation good idea, obvious benefit: thanks to the game, the child will for the first time have the opportunity to listen and hear the rhythm, distinguish the tempo and create his own rhythmic parts.

Buy Toca Band for iPad in the App Store:[249 RUR]

Tongo Music (4-5 years)

Although Tongo Music is formally designed for children over 4 years old, the scope of the application is not at all childish. And the point here is not only that the training part of the program touches on complex musical concepts- duration, pause, stave. Tongo Music encourages young musicians to quickly move from musical theory to practice. Tongo Music is in many ways like an animated media encyclopedia about music for little ones. There is something to see and something to listen to. The program includes 12 cartoons dedicated to acoustic instruments (violin, cello, trumpet, double bass, guitar and others) and 15 superbly recorded excerpts from classical works (Mozart, Bach, Haydn). But the application is not designed for a passive observer: the kit includes virtual pianos and percussion instruments just in case a child, succumbing to inspiration, begins to improvise.

Buy Tongo Music for iPad in the App Store:[169 RUR]

Loopimal (6-8 years)

If your child becomes interested in live music, a solution has been found. But what if the still unrecognized Jeff Mills, Juan Atkins or Laurent Garnier sleeps in it? In order to help the future producer understand in early childhood how a track is built in electronic music, and there is an app called Loopimal. It allows you to create your own compositions from blocks or, in other words, mix loops and build sequences. Of course, Loopimal would never have received the honorary title of “App Store Editor’s Choice” if it weren’t for the well-drawn and incredibly funny animation: a mammoth, a pig, a finch and some completely unprecedented animals will dance together to the track you created.

Buy Loopimal for iPhone and iPad in the App Store:[249 RUR]

Crayola DJ (6-8 years)

The Crayola DJ application was created specifically for those who see their grown-up child not at the controls in a recording studio, but among a crowd of enthusiastic fans in Ibiza or Berlin. Everything here is like for adults: about 100 high-quality loops in the genres of dance, pop or hip-hop, crossfaders, sound effects. The resulting mixes, which are accompanied by a powerful color and light show on the screen, can be downloaded and saved as a memory.