Security of entering passport data into WebMoney for the user. How to get a formal WebMoney certificate

The Webmoney system is an online payment system where you can conveniently and quickly make calculations, payments, exchanges cash, attract an investor, conclude a deal. The system is most often used and positioned as “ e-wallet", or "electronic money". The widespread use of the WebMoney system is associated with the widespread introduction of computer Internet technologies into our lives.

About the WebMoney passport system

The WebMoney passport system is needed to identify the user in the WebMoney system. Depending on the user’s activity and the degree of disclosure of his personal data, each participant in the WebMoney system is assigned a certificate.

The need for authorization is due to the fact that system participants work remotely, often without meeting in real life, and the question arises about the security of transactions.

WebMoney system certificate

The WebMoney system certificate is similar to a passport individual, that is, it contains confirmed data about the payer/counterparty/individual, and this confirmation of identity is the WebMoney passport.

Depending on the degree of information disclosure, the types of WebMoney system certificates are distinguished (in increasing degrees of trust in the WebMoney system):

Alias ​​certificate

It does not have confirmed information about the user of the system; anyone can hide under this mask. This certificate is most often used regular user for making payments, transfers and exchange of funds. Media Operations this certificate most often subject to fraud. An alias certificate is assigned upon registration in the system. Issued without passport verification, free of charge.

Formal certificate

To obtain this type of certificate, you must provide your passport details on the website of the certification center - This data is not subject to verification, but you should consider whether it is worth entering it “out of your head”, because in the future you may want to increase your level, and then confirming this entered information will become a problem. Issued to the user free of charge. To receive it, you need to fill in your data in the cells marked with an asterisk, from your passport (in Russian) and as in your passport.

Initial certificate

The certificate is issued for a fee after verification of the provided passport data. The passport is scanned and sent to check whether it matches what you entered. Reconciliation takes place by attesters, that is, there is a person who is a participant in the WebMoney system and has the right to confirm the passport data of other persons. Given this, it makes sense to look at who issued the initial certificate to your counterparty and how high the level of his certificate was when issued. Data about your existing passport can also be checked on the WebMoney passport website using the WMID identifier or wallet number.

Personal certificate

The most popular passport in the WebMoney system, accordingly, enjoys the greatest trust in the WebMoney system. Passport data is confirmed only by persons with Registrar certificates or through the certification center, for a fee. Advanced user trusts confirmation from the registrar more, since it is carried out in person and is not made using notarized documents (unlike the certification center).

Professional certificates

Rarely used by the average user, necessary for implementation professional activity: legal entities, registrars, individual entrepreneurs, programmers.

The level of the certificate determines the system’s trust in the user, restrictions on the amount and turnover of transactions, conditions for filing claims against other system participants, and posting news.

Information about your existing passport can be checked on the WebMoney passport website using the WMID identifier or wallet number.

Providing your passport for WebMoney is required only if you receive a certificate. There are many levels of certificates, but the lowest is formal. This payment system requires documents in order to protect you. You don’t want some scammers, of which there are a lot, to be able to withdraw money from your account without your consent? You don’t have to worry about confidentiality; WebMoney does not provide your personal data to anyone. An exception is reporting to tax authorities when you withdraw money offline. This is done so that the state can control your financial activities regarding payment of taxes.

Why does WebMoney ask for passport information?

First, let's figure out why WebMoney requires passport data. When registering in the system, you only need to enter your phone number or email and password. On the newly created account you can perform a minimum set of operations. For example, settlements with other users for small amounts, replenishing your phone number and payments on online resources that provide services or sell goods.

To expand the functionality on your account, you need to get formal certificate. To complete this operation, Webmoney asks for a scan of your passport to confirm your identity. The point is that getting a certificate gives you additional features withdrawal of funds from the wallet. The resource simply plays it safe and protects you from scammers, since only you can withdraw money.

Webmoney also asks for passport information because this is required from the resource by laws according to which every citizen must pay taxes on their income. The funds in your wallet are the equivalent real money in securities. They are not profit in themselves. When you cash them out, from a legal perspective, this is regarded as income from the sale of securities. IN in this case you are required to pay tax.

The Wikimoney website recommends taking the Lazy Investor Course, where you will learn how to get out of your financial ass and learn how to earn passive income. No enticements, only high-quality information from a practicing investor (from real estate to cryptocurrency).

Is it worth uploading a scan of your passport to Webmoney?

Whether it is worth entering passport data into WebMoney, everyone decides for themselves. It all depends on how you use your wallet. If you need an account for rare payments on the Internet, then it is quite possible to get by with an account without a certificate.

Please note that even a formal passport greatly expands the functionality of your account; the following options appear:

  • replenishment of wallets by bank transfers;
  • withdrawal of money from any wallet by bank transfer;
  • withdrawal of funds through exchangers to a card;
  • you can withdraw money to a debit card from WebMoney;
  • you can receive money from your clients in automatic mode, through the Merchant Transfer service;
  • the payment limit increases - depends on the type of system used (Keeper Standard Mini, Mobile, Winpro classic and others).

If you have a large amount of money in your account, then, of course, you need to protect yourself by providing documents to the resource. Even if something happens to your account or you forget your password, you can always regain access to your money. Considering all of the above, to the question: “Do I need to enter passport data into Webmoney?” we can confidently give an affirmative answer.

How to scan a passport

U inexperienced user With payment systems, a completely logical question may arise: “How to make a scan of a passport for WebMoney?” Logically, you need a scanner. Not every home has it - for ordinary person this thing is useless. Where can I get a scan of my passport for Webmoney? Alternatively, you can go to the nearest copy center. This service costs pennies, the main disadvantage is the time spent.

Basically, everyone replaces passport scans for Webmoney with photographs.

You can even take it on your phone; you don’t need any special quality. The resource makes the following requirements:

  • the photo must be color and readable;
  • recommended jpeg format;
  • maximum size 2 MB.

Meeting these requirements couldn't be easier. At the first stage you need to photograph everything significant pages of your passport (first page, double page and registration). Download these photos to your computer. Then in search bar In your browser, type the request “Photoshop online” and follow the first link. Next, click the “Upload photo from computer” button. A window will appear in which you find the folder where the photos are stored, select them all (hold Ctrl and select each file) and click on the open button at the bottom. Photoshop will load all the photos. Then press the combination Ctrl keys and S is the command to save.

In the window that appears, select the jpeg format and pay attention to the size - it is indicated in KB. 2 MB equals 2 thousand KB. In our case, the image fully satisfies the requirements of the resource - you can save the file.

How to upload a scan of your passport to WebMoney

After scans of passports for WebMoney are ready, you can upload them in your account. This procedure will only take you a few minutes, but after that it will take time while the administrator checks your documents. So, let's go how to upload a scan of your passport to WebMoney.

Step #1. We go to your account, select the “Individuals” tab and click on the “Get certificate” item.

The system will redirect you to the page, where you need to click on the green “Get certificate” button.

Step No. 2. A control panel will appear where you need to fill in your verification data and click on the link “Provide a scan of your passport for verification.”

Step #3. On the page where the resource will take you, click the “Select file” button and upload a photo from your computer.

This page has all the information regarding the operation you are performing and the file requirements. At the second stage, you need to select the document type from the proposed list and click on the “Finish upload” button. After that, you just have to wait for verification. When the passport data you provided for WebMoney is verified, it will be marked with a tick, and the inscriptions will change their color from black to green.

You can view this by going from the control panel to the “Copies of documents” tab. In this case, the resource will ask you for confirmation via SMS. Be prepared for the fact that in the WebMoney payment system you often need to enter codes to confirm an action - this is the security policy.

To register a new user in the WebMoney system, passport data is not required. But a beginner can use minimum set functions - keep no more than 15,000 rubles in your wallet and only perform replenishment and payment for goods and services. To receive transfers, increase your wallet limit and withdraw funds, you must obtain a formal certificate, which is issued only after submitting a copy of your passport. A passport scan for WebMoney is needed to verify the real existence of the user.

Reason for requesting passport data

Requesting a scan of a passport is not a whim of the WM company, but a legal requirement aimed at combating the legalization of proceeds from crime and concealing income from tax authorities. Other payment services work on the same principle. The number and series of the passport for WebMoney is entered by the user for .

A scan of your passport is requested to verify the accuracy of the information provided.

Security issue

Any person may have a logical question whether it is safe to enter passport data into WebMoney.

System WebMoney Transfer To access its services, it uses a secure encrypted connection (https//), which prevents information leakage to third-party resources.

Personal information and a copy of the document can only be viewed by the registrar before issuing a certificate and by the user himself using his login and password (on the certification center page inside the “Control Panel” tab).

Whether to show your passport data to other WebMoney participants is up to everyone to decide for themselves. If the user chose to hide information from prying eyes, then when checking its WMID on the page, everyone will see the following picture.

The question of whether it is worth entering passport data into WebMoney must be decided based on the purpose of creating an account. For infrequent online purchases for small amounts, a pseudonym certificate is sufficient. To regularly carry out financial transactions, receive transfers, loans and withdraw funds, you must provide your personal data.

How to upload a scanned copy

Let's figure out how to scan a passport for WebMoney and then upload it. Electronic copy must be performed on a scanner in JPG formats, PNG or GIF. The document size should not exceed 2 megabytes. If you don't have a scanner, you can use digital camera, but if the registrar cannot read all the information in the document, he will ask you to make a better copy and repeat the download.

Before uploading a scan of your passport to WebMoney, you must enter your data at the certification center, after which the system will request to upload the document from your PC.

If you're not ready to download a copy of the document right away, you can come back to this later. To do this, log into your account and click the “Upload files” button. The system will redirect you to the certification center website, where you can complete the last requirement to receive a formal certificate.

To view a document sent for verification, you need to log in to the certification center website and click “Copies of documents” inside the “Control Panel” tab.

If desired, a copy of the passport can be deleted after verification by the registrar by clicking the “Delete document” button.

How to get a WebMoney certificate: Video

In the previous section, we looked at registering and creating a WebMoney wallet. In this article we will look at how to get formal WebMoney certificate .

Obtaining a certificate is necessary step when working with payment system, otherwise full-time job it will be impossible. The certificate is issued to the user free of charge on the website of the Certification Center after entering the passport data.

If you indicate your personal data and do not provide confirmation, you will need to upload copies of the specified documents to the site, then you will not be able to withdraw money from WebMoney. Below is a description of the restrictions for users who have not provided confirmation.

The holder of a formal certificate is provided with additional opportunities:

  • replenish R-wallets by bank transfer, postal transfer or cash through payment terminals using the Banking service;
  • replenish R-wallets with ruble transfers without opening an account (through money transfer systems);
  • replenish E, U, G-wallets by bank transfer.

Holders of a formal certificate who have passed personal data verification have the opportunity (if they have provided scans of documents):

  • withdraw funds from R-wallets by bank transfer;
  • withdraw funds from R-wallets through a money transfer service and to a bank card;
  • withdraw funds from U-wallets by bank payment, through money transfer systems;
  • withdraw funds from Z-wallets to a debit bank card issued by the Cards service;
  • automate the receipt of funds from customers using the Merchant service interfaces, in a limited mode;
  • create X-wallets for replenishing and withdrawing WMX title units.

In addition, holders of a formal certificate can:

  • use the services of specialized sections of the WM Exchanger exchange;
  • communicate with your “compatriots” through the Geo.WebMoney website;
  • leave reviews about any sites in the WM Advisor service.

Obtaining a formal WebMoney certificate

To get a formal WebMoney certificate go to the official website to the section “For private individuals”.

And in the drop-down menu, find Certification and select " Get a certificate".

Now you have to fill out the required sections.

The security of your funds and WebMoney rules require you to enter reliable data.

  1. "Passport details" - indicate your personal (personal) data;
  2. "Mail address" - indicate your registration address in the section (as in your passport);
  3. "List of bank cards" - indicate the details of your bank card in the corresponding subsection ( optional if you do NOT plan to withdraw money from WebMoney to your card);
  4. "Download new document " - upload scans of documents ( also not required if you do not withdraw funds).

Then save the entered data. Thus, you received a formal certificate (without confirmation of data). This will be enough to make transfers of funds to other WebMoney users, pay mobile communications and other payments. But not enough to withdraw money from the payment system.

Prepare scans of documents (passport or identity card, only the front side of a bank card) in electronic form and upload them to the WebMoney server. Will be needed next pages passports: double page with photo and registration.

You can upload color scanned documents or photocopies to the server, to which only the administrator of the Certification Center has access. The owner of WMID (and that’s you) can delete any of the previously downloaded documents from the server at any time.

If the data in the certificate (which you indicated in paragraphs 1 and 2 above) matches the scans of the documents, then within one or two business days (in my case, within a few minutes) you will receive a notification about a successful verification. Verified documents are marked with a tick and green.

Now it’s the turn to learn about an equally famous service from WebMoney.

Yes, there is never too much money, even electronic ones, and you need to store it somewhere. So you have to have it organized. It is very convenient to have three electronic wallets from different systems. After all, if necessary, you will have a choice of which one to use at one time or another.

And if you work or have just started working on the Internet, then you need to be 100% proficient in all three at a minimum, because you probably don’t know exactly how the customer will be able to pay you, for example, for a cool article you wrote.

So, today we will talk about another company that has such a service as an electronic wallet, or more precisely about how to obtain a WebMoney certificate.

What is webmoney

First, let's figure out what electronic money is, why it is needed and why webmoney.

It's simple an electronic wallet is a means of storing your earnings online. It is as safe as keeping your personal savings at home or in a bank, since every transaction made with your funds happens with you. You have complete control over what happens in your online savings cell.

Using this service you can make purchases, pay for services, make various payments, purchase any services not only on the Internet, but also in real life. This is because you can always withdraw your earned budget, for example, using a regular ATM.

Note: There are other ways. We will talk about them in detail in the next article.

Currently, electronic money is very popular. You won't need to carry around change that constantly rattles and overflows your wallet. You can hold just one card in your hand and use it to perform many transactions.

Moreover, online shopping is gaining momentum, and is already very large number people are inclined to shop online, which saves time. Do you know that time is our expensive and irreplaceable resource.

However, the WM service has certain conditions, and in order to take advantage of the possible benefits of working with this company, you must comply with them. For example, an identification procedure with which you can expand your ability to manage your wallet online.

Let's talk about this in more detail.

What is a WebMoney certificate

Participants in the system, for example, you and the customer, are located remotely from each other and do not meet during settlement. You don’t know what your customer looks like, what kind of person he is, etc. It is logical that in this situation the issue of trust and security is fundamental.

How can you be sure that a person is not a fraud? The WebMoney certification service will help with this.

A WebMoney certificate is a kind of certified identity document that reflects the following data: full name, passport, contact information. The certificate is a guarantee that a person really exists.

Depending on the amount of information provided by the participant, there are various types certificates. The higher the level, the more trust he has.

Types of certificates

As already mentioned, personalization will help you expand the capabilities of your electronic wallet, however, which ones are up to you to decide. WebMoney provides various options. Some are very easy to do, others not so much.

Let's talk about what types there are:

Nickname. It is issued to the system participant upon registration and is completely free. It is usually used by beginners to learn the service. You can perform a number of operations: small transfers, payment of payments and purchases on the Internet. Since they were presented to him minimum requirements, then the trust is corresponding.

Formal. This type is suitable for those who actively use Internet services, freelancers and those who want to withdraw electronic money. To receive it, you need to enter your passport details on the website and upload a scanned copy of it. Allows you to make payments, pay bills and withdraw funds.

Elementary. Suitable for those running small businesses or online work, such as bloggers. You can purchase it either for a fee after checking your passport, or for free by ordering a WebMoney card or making a certain purchase.

Personal. Suitable for large business owners, advanced Internet users, etc. It allows you to use all the features of the system. Issued for a fee after verification of passport data by the registrar - confidant webmoney company.

What are certificates for?

Why are different certificates needed? Everything is simple so you can expand the boundaries of use and control own funds. It depends on what goals you are pursuing.

If you're just paying for completed purchases on the Internet with the money that your friends transferred to you or that you earned from a small transaction, for example, 300 rubles, then a pseudonym will be quite enough.

If you need to pay with proceeds in real life, in addition to online stores, make transfers within the system, pay for services and bills, you should think about having a formal level.

If you plan to make fairly large transactions and store a considerable amount in your wallet, then the initial one is what you need. Here there are larger limits and the status is no longer a beginner.

Well, as we said, owners of large businesses or Internet businessmen cannot do without a personal level. Here you can already go wild: replenish and withdraw funds with much higher limits than those discussed above. In addition, the certificate indicates maximum confidence in its owner.

Agree that this is a lot important role when working via the Internet.

How to get a certificate

But let's still talk about how to get certain statuses.

Before receiving it is necessary register in the WebMoney system.

We go to the site On the right top corner Click the “Registration” button, select the registration type and click “Next”.

A form will open for entering the following data: date of birth, Security Question. Next, check the box that agrees to the processing of personal data and click “Continue.”

Then you need to enter the code that the system sent to the e-mail you specified. The code is quite long, so to avoid errors, I advise you to copy and paste it into the window intended for it and click “Continue”.

The last step of registration consists of you providing a password. To confirm that you are not a robot, you must enter the characters from the picture and click “OK”.

All! Hooray! You are registered. Now you can open your wallet. Select in what currency you need a wallet (in the example I chose rubles), read the agreement, accept the terms and click “Create”.

After registration, a pseudonym certificate is automatically assigned free of charge.

In the upper left corner you will see a notification that your wallet has been successfully opened. The number itself is located next to the tricolor icon. On at this stage you can already perform operations permitted by the alias passport.

Registration of a formal certificate

The next step after the pseudonym is a formal certificate. To get it you need:

You will be redirected to a page with personal information. The first block of full name and date of birth just needs to be checked; if the date is incorrect, it can be corrected, just like gender. You can also choose what will be displayed on the page for other users and what not.

Then you need to set your country by clicking on this button.

A form will open for you to select your region and city. You can find it manually or through a search, and then press “Enter”. Select your city, as indicated in the screenshot, first in the search, then below in the “City” field and only then click “OK”.

Here you need to fill in the address, indicating the zip code, street, house, apartment.

You will then be redirected to a page to enter additional data: TIN, SNILS and passport issuing unit code. After filling them out, you need to click “Next”.

Within 10 minutes your status will be updated.

On your page you can see the presence of a formal certificate. The system also notifies you that you need to provide a scan of your passport for verification. Select the file containing the passport pages and click “Continue”.

At this point, the procedure for obtaining a formal certificate can be considered complete.

Registration of the initial certificate

There are two ways to obtain an initial certificate:

1. P at a personal meeting with an attestator.

2. No meeting, but subject to the following conditions:

— when replenishing your wallet through the Unistream, Contact or Anelik system by money transfer in the Russian Federation on the website

— when replenishing your wallet from a bank account on the website

— when attaching a bank card from partner banks (Alfa-Bank, PromSvyazBank, Ocean-Bank, etc.) on the website

Let's consider the first method in more detail.

On the website it is necessary to select an attestator who can conduct the inspection.

Read the identification conditions and pay for the service (this is done directly on the website using a wallet).

Next, we arrange a meeting with the selected registrar and bring with us an application and a photocopy of your passport (the page with your photo and signature). At this point, obtaining an initial certificate can be considered complete.

Registration of a personal certificate

On at the moment personal certificate can be obtained in two ways:

1. After a personal meeting with one of the registrars from the list on the website. The procedure is as follows:

— on your personal page, select “personal”;

— select a registrar from the list;

— fill out an application indicating the required status (the same form as when receiving an initial certificate);

— come to the meeting in person with documents.

2. According to notarized documents which are sent by mail.

I did it using the second method, since I don’t have an attestator in my city. The first 3 points are similar to method 1, then the printed and completed application must be taken to a notary for certification.

Note: date and sign the application in the presence of a notary.

Also, do not forget to take his business card with contact information from the notary. This is required to verify the reality of the document certification procedure.

Next, you will need to confirm your postal address. To do this, fill out a form on the website indicating the address. After that, WebMoney sends a letter to the address you specified with a code that you must enter. Thus, confirming that you really live at this address and received the code with the letter.

After this event, you need to go to the post office, buy an envelope, enclose an application, a copy of your passport and a business card in it and send it to the address of the selected attestator. In my case it was:

About a week later, an employee of the center called me and asked a few questions about my work in the service and why I needed this particular type of certificate.

A few days later, going to my personal page, I saw new status your certificate.

Note: in terms of price it cost me: 19 $ payment for the certificate, 500 rubles. certification of the application by a notary and 20 rubles postal envelope.

Thus, after reading this article you can easily obtain the certificate you need. It all depends on your activities and transactions that you plan to perform on the Internet.

If you have any questions during the process of obtaining certificates, welcome to comment. I'll be happy to help in any way I can.

See you again on the blog.

Ekaterina Kalmykova