Fast and reliable Internet in Kyiv. Connecting cable analog TV in Kyiv Section information technology and Internet

Among the main services of the Information Technologies provider is cable TV in Kyiv. We have been connecting subscribers to the capital since 1991, and we know for sure that we are one of the best in terms of price and quality ratio, customer loyalty and availability. Before connecting cable TV to your TV, you can read in detail the terms of service and consult with our managers on all questions of interest. Among the main advantages of cooperation with us:

  • prompt connection for only 25 UAH at a time convenient for you;
  • no hidden fees, constantly changing prices;
  • highest broadcast quality;
  • regular promotions and discounts that allow you to save additional money.
And also a super profitable Internet + TV package with an additional discount and convenient payment for both services in one payment! Connect cable TV

Which cable TV is better?

Many customers, when choosing cable TV in Ukraine, wonder which broadcast format is better. We recommend analog television to our customers, since digital cable and satellite TV implies additional costs for equipment: you will have to buy antennas, tuners, decoders, etc., as well as pay for their installation and configuration. Connecting analogue television costs only 25 UAH, and monthly fee is 82 UAH, regardless of the number of TVs in the house or apartment. The standard package includes 70+ channels of various types (sports, entertainment, educational). And if there is a built-in DVB-C tuner, it is possible to receive additional channels. The broadcast is always uninterrupted and without interference, as we use data transmission via fiber-optic communication lines and high-quality equipment of the latest generations. The basic list of channels includes our Mars-TV channel, which broadcasts the latest events in your area, and also provides our subscribers with information about current promotions, new services and changes in company policy.

If you don't have a TV, you can watch cable TV on your computer. To do this, install a special application that is also suitable for new SMART TVs. To watch cable TV over the Internet, use our IPTV service. In addition, you can always call our specialist for:

  • setting up and repairing equipment;
  • installation and laying of cables (including hidden installation);
  • TV cable terminations;
  • network diagnostics;
  • TV channel settings.
Prices for services are detailed in the price list. Watch cable TV program

How to leave a connection request with the Information Technologies provider?

Leave a request for television connection or related services on the website or by phone. The operator will definitely agree with you on the date and time of the technician’s arrival and the exact cost of the work. See all prices. If you have any questions about how to set up cable TV, or you can’t decide which cable TV is best to connect, contact our consultants. Round-the-clock and qualified technical support is ready to offer the optimal solution to the assigned tasks. You can also get advice at one of the company’s offices. For addresses of customer departments and their work schedules, see the “Contacts” tab.

In order not to get drowned in the flow of information, quickly find it and use it wisely, there is a whole field of activity - IT technologies. What this means can be guessed by expanding the abbreviation IT - Information Technology. Everything related to information - search, storage, transmission - refers to IT technologies.

In ancient times, IT technologies also existed. Knowledge was recorded on parchment, papyrus, and paper. carried out by messengers, pigeon mail, in the 19th century, humanity mastered radio and telegraph. Information was stored in libraries and archives.

But, of course, the information technology boom occurred in the 20th century with the advent of computer technology. Computer systems have shown the greatest efficiency when working with information, therefore, when speaking about IT, computer technologies are often meant.

Data transfer

The exchange of information reached a new level after the discovery of electricity. The ability to transmit data via electrical signals has become the most important achievement of IT technology. What did this give to ordinary people?

Our contemporaries can now communicate with each other from anywhere. There is an opportunity to get an education without leaving home. The Internet has largely replaced traditional sources of knowledge. Digitization of paper books, chronicles, and documents is in full swing. Digital copies of priceless works become available to everyone.

At the dawn of the Internet, the amount of information transmitted was very limited. For example, it took 15 minutes to download a music recording to your computer. Improvements in data transmission methods have made it possible to increase the speed of data exchange hundreds of times. This has opened up new opportunities - such as video conferencing, webinars, online viewing of TV programs, and IP telephony.

Data storage

Data transfer and storage are closely interconnected. If it is not possible to store large volumes of information, then powerful communication channels will also not be in demand. And great progress has been made in this area. The cost of a hard drive changes little, but the amount of information that can be written to it has increased tenfold over the decade.

For comparison, the memory capacity of a hard drive in 1995 was about 500 MB, in 2005 it was already 80 GB, and in 2015 the majority exceeded 1 terabyte. On the Internet, servers are used to store data. Essentially, these are ordinary personal computers designed for data storage. For greater efficiency, they are combined into data centers - the brainchild of IT technology. What is this if not one of the symbols of post-industrial society? There can be hundreds of servers in one room. The amount of electricity they consume can reach the output of a small power plant.


Data storage and transmission are, of course, very important, but only if the necessary information is quickly found and processed. Much progress has been made here too. To store information, databases have been developed that allow you to process and retrieve information in an optimal way. Computer databases have entered all spheres of human activity. They are located both at the ticket office and at the medical register; with their help, the lesson schedule at school is drawn up.

There are free and commercial databases, both for a single user and those that allow many people to access them at the same time. Accordingly, programming languages ​​have been created that allow you to create databases for different situations.

Data Search

IT technologies also help us not to get lost in the stormy ocean of information. What are these names - Google, Yandex, Rambler - probably all Internet users know. The huge amount of information accumulated on the World Wide Web makes finding the necessary information a non-trivial task.

It is impossible to review every document from start to finish, otherwise each request would take weeks to process. Therefore, search engine developers resort to various tricks. For example, each site has keywords that are searched for first. In addition, the found pages need to be sorted by importance so that the user can extract the maximum useful information from the first sites found.

Also, the search engine should cut off resources that artificially inflate their rankings. Search engines are developed by large teams of programmers. Their founders become billionaires, and the cost of advertising on the search engine's home page costs astronomical sums - all because millions of users visit it every day.

Let them teach me

How can you get a profession in the field of IT technology? These are primarily universities. Professions related to computer technology, programming, and information technology are in great demand now. New departments have appeared at institutes and universities to provide the labor market with specialists in the field of IT technology. Training traditionally focuses on theory. On the one hand, this knowledge is quite abstract, and it is difficult to directly apply it in practical activities. On the other hand, the profession of an IT specialist involves lifelong learning, and the foundation laid at the university will help the graduate quickly master the latest developments.

There is another way to become a professional in this field. Currently, a lot of literature has been published on IT technology. “For Dummies” is the name of probably the most popular series of books devoted to the basics of programming, database design, web design, network technologies, and so on. Studying from this kind of literature also has its advantages. Almost always it is of a purely applied nature, written in easy, intelligible language. Having taken the first steps, you can start earning your first money on the freelance exchange, completing simple tasks for ridiculous money, but gaining invaluable experience. With due diligence, you can achieve noticeable success in 5 years.

Both approaches have a right to exist, especially since sometimes studying at a university becomes inaccessible for financial reasons. The development of IT technology is so rapid that university education simply cannot keep up with it. It gives a certain foundation, but many things will have to be learned again. And in general, the specificity of an information technology specialist is such that you will have to study constantly in order to remain in demand in the labor market.

Promising developments

Among the latest developments and trends in IT technologies, cloud technologies can be noted. If previously a user installed the necessary applications on his computer for work, now more and more services are appearing on the Internet. Graphics and video processing directly in the browser no longer surprises anyone. Accounting and management programs are appearing that allow you to keep abreast of events away from the workplace.

Work is actively underway to recognize human voices and images. If a computer learns to recognize an image, it will be another breakthrough in IT technology. Photos from documents can be checked automatically. This will be a great help for law enforcement agencies and border guards. In the future, confident recognition of human speech will make it possible to control a computer in the most familiar way to a person.

Thousands of articles, websites, books are devoted to IT technology. What is it? It cannot be fully conveyed in one review. But if you are interested in the world of information technology, then the task of the article can be considered completed.

Founded in 1991 as the first cable television operator in Ukraine. Today we provide a full range of licensed telecommunications services to tens of thousands of Kyiv residents. The research and production association “Information Technologies” is registered in the Darnitsky district of Kyiv. Together with the Darnitsa district administration, a program has been created for the development of telecommunications space to meet the information needs of residents of the region and develop infrastructure until 2015. The Information Technologies company is one of the founders of the All-Ukrainian Association of Cable Television and Telecommunication Network Operators, whose activities are related to the development of bills on television and radio broadcasting together with the Council of Europe, holding international congresses on telecommunications issues, and the creation of the Coordinating Council of Cable Television Operators of Ukraine.

Scope of activity, services

We provide analogue and digital television services, as well as Internet services using broadband fiber-optic communication lines with a capacity of more than 10 Gbit/s. Additional services include: IPTV, game servers, individual packaging in digital format.

Network coverage

Darnitsky, Dneprovsky, Desnyansky and Goloseevsky districts of Kiev.

Competitive advantages

70 rated analogue television channels for all TVs in the apartment. 150 channels of high quality digital television. Internet using Fast Ethernet technology with an access speed of 100 Mbit/s to the apartment and 1 Gbit/s to the house is the highest speed Ukrainian Internet according to the resource. Experience in creating multi-service networks in large hotel complexes in Ukraine, incl. GC "Tourist", "Slavutich", "Sport", "Express" in Kiev, GC "Yalta-Intourist" in Yalta, GC "Podolie" in Vinnitsa. Own cable TV channel “Mars-TV” to inform residents of the serviced areas. An integrated approach to providing services. High image quality and high Internet speed, thanks to the use of optical communication lines. Individual packaging (a service that allows a subscriber to create his own package of digital channels).

Tariff policy

Stable prices for the entire range of services. Favorable rates for legal entities. Unique promotions and special offers for our subscribers. Individual approach to each client.

Author's developments

Our highly qualified specialists develop and conduct full-cycle engineering projects, including the original development of the IT-digital digital station and our own flexible billing system.

Comprehensive service

We provide high-speed Internet and 70 channel analogue television on all televisions in the apartment. The analogue television package includes popular foreign as well as the best Ukrainian TV channels in high image quality.

Comprehensive construction of multiservice networks

Network design. Construction of main lines. Construction of a distribution network. Connection and servicing of subscribers.

Ownership structure

The Information Technologies provider offers the most reliable and high-quality solution for connecting to the global Internet. We use the new Fiber To The Home architecture, which ensures a stable and responsive Internet experience.

* Access speed to the Ukrainian Internet segment (UA-IX) is up to 100 Mbit/s in all tariff plans, in the “Maximum” tariff - 300 Mbit/s.

Connection cost - 1 UAH. (Subject to signing a contract for 12 months).

Quick application for connection Example of a contract for the provision of Internet services

Why provider "Information Technologies"?

  • At the Subscriber's request, a fixed "external" IP address is provided
  • At the Subscriber's request, a mailbox is provided free of charge
  • Changing the tariff plan at the Subscriber's request is free of charge

The connection price includes:

  1. Physical connection of the client to the Ethernet port of our switching device.
  2. 10 meters of cable (“twisted pair” UTP CAT5: 4 or 8 wires, depending on the tariff plan).
  3. Software installation (authorizer, firewall, antivirus).
  4. Mailbox.
  5. The network card is not included in the connection price.

Information Technologies provides a comprehensive turnkey service for home and business use. We design, connect, install, consult, technical support around the clock!

IT network service areas

  • in Darnitsky district;
  • in Desnyansky district;
  • in Goloseevsky district;
  • in the Dnieper region;
  • in the Pechersk region;

Connect to cable service TV+Internet and get a discount on your subscription fee!

Protect your children online

Especially for you, exclusively and free of charge, the “Individual Firewall” service. Establish full control over your home Internet use - protect children and loved ones from viewing web pages containing elements of violence, pornography, and other unwanted categories and sites. The program blocks unwanted resources and services. Operation is simple and straightforward. We'll set it up, show you, explain. If necessary, you can always consult with us via our 24-hour hotline.