Which is better Android, Windows or iOS. IOS or Android: comparison, difference and advantages

BlackBerrys and Windows Phones are practically non-existent these days, so for most of us, buying a smartphone comes down to choosing between iOS and Android.

However, by now, how many differences remain between the two platforms? Who will win the Android vs iOS battle?

If you have spent most of your life with a smartphone on one platform, then you may not be aware of the other - but we took a little time to familiarize you with both of them. Here are the main differences and similarities between Android and iOS.


The first Android smartphone, the T-Mobile G1 (or HTC Dream in the US) arrived in October 2008, and the first iPhone was launched in June 2007. Since then, these operating systems have changed significantly - if you remember, in the beginning, the iPhone did not even support third-party applications.

We now have Android 6 (Marshmallow) and iOS 9, with new versions of both platforms on the way. We've seen how these platforms have become more similar over the past nine years in terms of the features they offer, how they handle notifications, and the apps they support.

Many more users use iOS 9 than Android 6, although Android is installed on more smartphones. This is something Apple is proud of, though Google emphasizes that its OS is much more flexible and customizable - if you don't like the text messaging app, you can install another one. This circumstance is a strong argument in the Android vs iOS dispute.


Since Google made the decision to spin off its core apps from Android, the mobile OS itself has essentially become just an app launcher and setup screen. By contrast, iOS updates still include updates to Mail, Maps, Safari, Notes, News, and every other app you get with the software. In the question of which is better iOS or Android, a lot depends on the user's habits.

As we have noted, Google gives users and app developers more flexibility in terms of editing how the OS works (default apps, lock screens, widgets, etc.). On iOS, everything is more conservative and depends on how Apple wants to implement and develop the idea (which for many users is just fine).

Visually, Android's Material Design offers a more colorful, well-defined visual interface than iOS, which hasn't had a major overhaul since 2013. Apple has everything in translucent hues and thin lines, while Google has blocky shapes and bold headings and fonts.

Both operating systems have multitasking in a similar way. Both have battery saving features, support for mobile payments, digital assistants, and the ability to automatically back up all your data to the cloud.


Both Google and Apple want to keep you in their respective ecosystems, but Apple is taking it much more seriously. You won't find iCloud or Apple Mail support on Android, while all Google apps are available (and work very well) on iPhone and iPad. As an exception, we can recall that in August 2016, Apple Music was officially released on Android.

Google's focus is more on the cloud, while Apple prefers local devices and native apps. iPhones and iPads work very well with Macs and Apple TVs, but watching iTunes movies on an Android TV is not an easy task.

As you'd expect from the company behind Chrome OS, accessing your Google data on the web is much easier, although Apple now has an iCloud web interface.

On the other hand, if everything in your home is made by Apple, then iOS becomes much more attractive, for example, when you are trying to get digital music and movies, switch between the same applications on different devices, or easily sync data between smartphones, tablets and computers.

Native and third party apps

As we said, Google apps (Gmail, Google Maps, Google Keep, and so on) are now updated independently of Android. These apps are all available on iOS as well, though Google's own OS versions tend to be a little higher (and often updated first).

Trying to compare all these apps against Apple's equivalents is no easy job: chances are you're already used to one set of apps. Hangouts vs iMessage, Gmail vs Mail, Google Maps vs Apple Maps - the features are similar and there are no clear winners.

Now, it's rare to find a major app or game that doesn't end up on both platforms, despite the fact that it might launch first on one OS or the other.

New, experimental apps tend to appear on iOS before Android: due to the fragmentation issue, it's easier for developers to write code for iOS users (they also spend more money). In this respect, Apple's platform still has the upper hand.

Google Now vs. Siri

Looking ahead, the biggest innovations in the development of the mobile industry are likely to come in super-intelligent digital assistants: Google Now and Siri. Both give you voice-controlled access to your device, as well as smart travel and event prompts when you need them.

Traditionally, Google Now has been more concerned with serving up the right information when you need it, although Apple has also recently begun making Siri more active. Google Now is also available on iOS in a truncated form, but Siri is limited to the native platform and the new Apple TV.

The apps also show conflicting data privacy attitudes between the two companies: Google collects as much data about you as it can across platforms and services, supposedly giving Google Now a better idea of ​​what information you'll need. In contrast, Siri is more private and more limited. In the balance of Android vs iOS, Apple definitely wins when it comes to security.

Android 7.0 vs. iOS 10

In the near future, new versions of the OS from Google and Apple will be distributed.

iOS 10 isn't the biggest upgrade, but it brings with it cleaner notifications, smart auto-tagging in photos (like Google Photos), visual improvements to Apple Music and Apple Maps, and more effects and emoji in iMessages (probably also in whatsapp).

As of Android 7.0, developers have added native support for multiple windows, a dedicated VR mode, and the ability to run apps directly from the web without installing them directly on the device. There are also a few other tweaks, including better battery performance.

As always with Android, how many devices will get Nougat and how fast is one of the reasons why apps like Gmail and Google Maps are separated from the core and can be updated separately.


Both of these platforms are user-friendly, stable and secure, with thousands of apps available. Android is undeniably more customizable, and iOS, while you can argue, is a bit more polished (especially on tablets). Visually, they are quite distinctive, having different approaches to design.

Customization, ecosystem, applications, compatibility with other applications and devices are key issues that you should keep in mind, and decide for yourself after our tips - which is better iOS or Android.

Before going for a new smartphone or tablet, the buyer makes a difficult choice: iOS or Android. As a result, each person makes his choice based on personal beliefs, advice from other users. We decided to make a comparative analysis that can help many users decide what specifically will be more convenient, practical, cheaper, etc. for them. We are not trying to put one opponent in the best light, and the other - on the contrary. Only adequate criticism and comparison. We present to your attention the modern requirements of users, we will not describe who has a "cooler" processor and more "RAM", because these issues can be argued forever.

Mobile environment

In 2014, when choosing a tablet, player or smartphone, the main criteria are not technical characteristics such as a processor, camera resolution or memory capacity. They are more or less the same on both Android devices and iOS gadgets. The main condition for an advanced user is a mobile ecosystem.
The mobile ecosystem is the potential for creating applications, their relevance.
And in this matter, Android definitely loses to iOS. The most active users of smartphones and tablets are the owners of Apple gadgets. That is why the creators of all successful and popular applications focus on iOS. Only then do these applications, games and utilities reach Android and Windows. For example, 90% of Wheely users are owners of Apple gadgets. Another question is that there are not so many such "advanced users", so Android is in the lead in sales.

Flash technologies and data transfer

If you meet a person who had a gadget on both Android OS and iOS, and ask him what is the advantage of Android, then with a probability of 95% he will answer you: “You can transfer the game to your phone via USB.” Yes, Android users do not need to download an analogue of iTunes, just connect it to a PC and download everything you need to your phone: from music to games. Say what you like, but with the advent of the Internet, people are already used to “downloading” music, and not buying it in online stores. Whether this is good or bad is not for us to judge. But! The quality of licensed content from iTunes is a level higher than pirated mp3. In terms of Flash technologies, both Android and iOS are now on the same level. Although a year ago, iOS was far behind Android.

Interface and design

We continue the fight Android vs iOS. If you have not yet determined for yourself which is better - Google's Android or Apple's iOS, then we continue the fight. There is a tendency that the iPhone is the choice of the successful. If you think that this is a stupid delusion, and the rich buy apple technology only because of fashion, then you are mistaken. iPhone on iOS has become popular among businessmen because it is convenient. For people whose time is valuable, the iPhone is suitable precisely because it is able to save this very time. A nice design allows you to have a good time with the gadget and focus on work: write messages to the right people, reply on social networks, and do all these actions without unnecessary movements and glitches.

Both the gadgets themselves and the Apple software look chic. If Android devices also have an attractive design, then Android cannot boast of the same attractive interface. The device on iOS looks great in the hand of a student, and in the hand of an entrepreneur. The iOS interface wins Android in terms of attractiveness, here even ardent Android fans do not find anything to object to. Not only the system, but also applications on iOS almost always look more beautiful than on Android. Just compare this item when choosing a smartphone in the store. Sometimes it comes to the ridiculous - the icons of the same applications on different platforms look different: on Android they are more blurry. Another thing is that applications work on two platforms in the same way, because the hardware is almost the same, so the argument “which is better” is not appropriate here.

Who is stronger?

Which works better: Android or iOS? In this matter, the apple platform also wins. Due to the fact that Apple has been honing its system for years, finalizing its design, iGadgets are more stable than their competitors. The appearance of brakes after a year of using an Android smartphone is a common thing. Therefore, the apple system turned out to be better here, because tablets or phones with the prefix "i" work quietly for 3-4 years without brakes. Android will have to be reinstalled from time to time.

As for repairs, it is much easier to fix an Android gadget, these devices are better suited for repair work. The Android system crashes more often than on iOS devices, but reinstalling Android is not difficult. It's easier to do than Apple's. The Android user does not wait for a message after the firmware that the mobile connection is blocked due to the fact that you installed an unlicensed system. Android has more freedom, for some it is a decisive factor. Others are ready for the "golden cage" for more reliable performance, style, and comfort.

Summing up

As you understand, it is impossible to decide which is better - iOS or Google's Android OS. The last thing we will touch on is freedom of action. iOS has less of it. It will be easier for an Android user to customize an Android gadget for himself by changing a number of parameters better than optimizers did before him. But not every owner of a tablet or smartphone needs this feature. But there are also enough amateur hackers, because thanks to their efforts, jailbreaks for iOS and Root rights for Android appear. For those who do not particularly need to know all the functionality and capabilities of the device, it is better to opt for Apple technology.

So, let's summarize. The main advantage of Android is free access to files, settings, the ability to download any content for free. The main plus of iOS is practicality, as well as convenience. In terms of other parameters, the two top gadgets from Apple and Samsung are equal - powerful processors, a huge amount of memory. There are exclusives for both the apple operating system and Android from Google. We hope that you will determine what is best for you. Happy shopping!

At the moment, the electronic world is filled with a mass of mobile devices, tablets and laptops of various types. For most people, life without cellular communications is already unthinkable, and residents of large cities use smartphones so actively that they have become simply a salvation for them in any situation. In this regard, competition in the software market and in this area is significantly aggravated. The struggle of operating systems can be considered one of the most decisive confrontations between the mobile giants. It is the question of which is better: Android or iOS that has become increasingly of concern to modern users. Both systems are represented by major players in the mobile device market, so it's understandable why people want to get the best product.

Now it is impossible to specifically say which is better: Android or iOS, since the first system is newer than the second. It is developing dynamically, gaining the attention of an increasing number of users. However, the second has become a proven assistant for many fans of Apple products. Each system has its own tangible pros and cons, which usually depend on the tastes of users. Such people do not just choose one product, but also identify themselves as supporters of one or another option rather categorically.

If we talk about which is better: Android or iOS, then it is worth considering the fundamental differences between these systems. First of all, it is worth mentioning the design that users like or dislike solely depending on their individual preferences. If we talk about the convenience of the interface, then Android has an advantage in this case, since widgets and icons are installed here very simply. On all Apple equipment, widgets are located in a special menu, for which you need to go into the settings, and this is very inconvenient.

Both operating systems have a large number of applications, but "Android" is distinguished by well-thought-out multitasking. Products from Apple, up to the iPhone 4S, will close old applications when new ones are opened, which in some cases significantly reduces functionality.

Understanding which is better: Android or iOS, it is worth mentioning personalization and customization. Here you can give a slight advantage to the second system, since here there is a more stable operation of specialized firmware compared to similar Android products. Both systems have excellent browser support, as well as social networking. It is difficult to say why iOS is better than Android, since both platforms support many programs for transferring video and photos, as well as real-time text information. However, for the product from Apple, a faster connection is noted on Wi-Fi and 3G protocols, which makes working with the Internet much more convenient.

The advantage of iOS lies in the more stable operation of applications and the absence of viruses. The program code of the system is closed, which protects the user from unwanted software. With Android, the situation is slightly different. Viruses here are a common situation, which is solved by installing anti-virus software that provides protection even during the installation of programs. Applications for iOS are provided only for a fee, for a competitor there is a whole set of freely distributed ones.

It is clear that it is impossible to unequivocally call this or that system the best, since each of them has pros and cons, paying attention to which, the user will be able to make the best choice for himself.

iOS vs Android is the main battle of the last six years in the field of information technology in the portable device market. Fans of the two operating systems do not get tired of arguing and proving the superiority of their favorite product to each other. OS creators strive to adopt and implement something new and innovative in order to leave competitors far behind. Third-party application developers try to implement the best possible usability and the widest functionality, taking into account the characteristics of each system, or choose the one that they consider the best.

There are others in the mobile device market, but they are still too far behind to participate in real competition, and therefore we will not pay attention to them for now. Let's take Apple iOS and Google Android and put them head to head. Let's see who wins in this brutal battle of the titans.

Now both operating systems have moved to a trendy flat design style for their gadgets. Naturally, they have their own characteristics - for example, Android is introducing "material design", which focuses on typography and iconography. In general terms, this is the inverse idea of ​​skeuomorphism (the style of the former). If this terrible word hides applications that look like their real counterparts, then “material design” involves displaying virtual elements as they would look in the real world. Sounds very confusing.

In fact, when you see the shell of iOS or Android, you will immediately understand which system is in front of you, despite the fact that the interface of both is flat. Both operating systems have already managed to adopt quite a lot from each other, but at the same time managed to maintain their original concepts.

The iPhone and iPad do not have a desktop as such. Instead, there are several pages with icons of all that can be manually sorted into folders. There are three to five icons on the bottom panel. A slide in the center of the screen moving from top to bottom opens the Spotlight window - search for content by device, which searches not only by name, but also in messages, notes, and so on.

Sliding down from the top of the screen opens an additional menu where you can configure access to the most important applications or their individual functions, view useful information (weather, courses, etc.). Notifications are located in the next tab. From the bottom edge, you can “pull out” a menu with toggle switches for wireless networks, screen rotation, player control buttons and launching standard applications (calculator, flashlight, etc.).

At this point in the battle between iOS and Android, Apple is the clear winner. In the App Store, it is extremely difficult to find an application that would not work at all or “please” users with poor optimization and a large number of bugs. The strict requirements of the "apple" company force developers to publish only high-quality products, in addition, the process of creating programs is simplified as much as possible by a convenient devkit and related documentation. may surprise new users. iOS has a huge number of unique and exclusive programs that allow you to work, create and have fun without access to a PC.

Android, in turn, responds with a wider selection of free apps, as well as lower prices. True, there is a minus in this approach - high-profile AAA projects are released first on iOS, and only then on the platform from Google.

The app stores themselves are quite convenient, they have a favorable menu of categories, and the pages of the programs themselves are saturated with information, screenshots and videos. A small advantage here is again on the side of iOS, since the structure is more ergonomic, it is much easier to understand it intuitively. Plus, there is a recommendations section, which often advises downloading products that are quite interesting for a particular user.


Both operating systems do an excellent job with the basic functions of smartphones - calls, short messages, . But we will dwell on this point in more detail in order to note the characteristic features.

iOS is gradually expanding its functionality with additional iMessage and FaceTime capabilities. The first app includes a standard SMS sender and an optional free messaging service available on a Mac. In addition to text messages, you can send your coordinates, photos, and videos to iMessage. The latest version of the operating system has the ability to send audio messages. To do this, you just need to bring the phone to your ear and start talking after the beep. You can listen to the received voice recorder in the same way.

FaceTime, in turn, is the same free application, but for audio or video calls using an Internet connection.

Android was not far behind and received an update from Google for its dialer and SMS app. The Hangouts service was built into the operating system, presenting tablet and smartphone owners with the functionality that Apple fans have. A feature of this app is that it can be used on PC, Mac and iOS. Here it would be possible to give a well-deserved score to Android, but we will not do this.

Our winners are still third party apps like WhatsApp, Skype and Viber. This is for correspondence, calls and video calls. But they still have a lot of competitors, which, in turn, forces developers to improve their products. These services are used by a lot of people on all platforms, so you can communicate with fans of all portable and desktop operating systems (unless you install WhatsApp on a PC).

Data transfer

Devices on iOS or Android always have Bluetooth, but their functionality is different. So, Apple devices use the "blue tooth" only to connect accessories, while users of competitive devices can transfer files and other data.

Prices and Availability

Tablets and smartphones based on the Android operating system are released by almost all companies that are somehow connected with the portable device market. Due to this, the Google device market is divided into many classes and subclasses, which allows buyers for every taste, color and income level. Unfortunately, segmentation leads to problems with optimizing the OS itself and applications, but you always have to pay extra for a wide selection.

Apple, on the other hand, releases only 4 devices a year - two smartphones that differ in the size of the display diagonal, and two tablets, one of which is the younger version of the main one both in terms of “stuffing” and screen size. At the same time, after the release of new products, you can still officially purchase models of the previous generation for some time, and this fact turns the argument about the absence of Apple products into a myth. In addition, the company often sells a smartphone of an even earlier version, with reduced memory, but this only applies to the developing countries market.

However, the price range and breadth of choice still remains on the side of Android. For which the operating system receives its next score.

Settings and personalization

Every year, both OSes are getting closer to each other, but there are still enough training grounds for iOS vs. Android battles. Vivid proof of this are. On Apple devices, this section of the operating system looks almost perfect: it is impossible to get confused here, everything is where it should be, and the visual design only emphasizes this, simplifying navigation and search. At first glance, there are many options in the settings menu, but opinion quickly changes when you pick up a competitor with Android.

Here everything is not so clear and understandable, but there are much more different sections, switches and adjustment strips. And we are talking only about the operating system. Almost all manufacturers have their own view on this menu, so it often acquires additional features, turning into a full-fledged constructor that allows you to customize the operation of the device the way its owner wants.

The same is true with personalization. The Android operating system allows you to install any shell, changing the design and functionality, dialers, instant messengers, and much more. If the user of such a smartphone or tablet wants, he can configure the device so that it becomes ideal for him in all respects, and it will be difficult to find something similar from someone.

And if you get full access to the system, then the possibilities become even greater. What can we say about custom firmware. On iOS, this is not possible. In the latest update, only the ability to use non-standard keyboards appeared, but only developers can use them in their own application, which they are in no hurry to do.


Because of getting root access, a lot of problems follow. iOS vs Android is a battle between closed and open operating systems. It is logical to assume that excessive openness leads to an increase in chance, data theft and other terrible things. And in fact, that's exactly what it is. Of course, it all depends on how you use your device, what applications you install and what sites you visit. But high risks are already a negative point.

In addition to the standard app store, there are third-party apps on Android. Some of them are offered by manufacturers, others are developed by independent companies. Users are pleased with this approach by expanding the possibilities for choosing applications, but in fact this only worsens the situation.

In iOS, the system is closed, full access cannot be obtained, and the App Store is the only source of game and software updates on the device. The exception is jailbreak (hacking) and the cydia store, but here hacker attacks on your own device are certainly the fault of the user himself.

In addition, although Android is updated frequently, the vast majority of users receive updates with a delay or do not receive them at all. The abundance of devices does not give the manufacturer the opportunity to immediately release new firmware for all their products. Apple has no such problems. And add to this - and get the most secure modern smartphone.


Based on the results of our comparison, we can get an answer to the question: which is better - iOS or Android? If we count the number of victories of a particular operating system in all sections of this article, it becomes clear that with a slight advantage, the leader's position is occupied by the OS from Google. Despite the fact that the platform has problems with security and the software market, Android provides the widest opportunities for customizing the device, it can be used both on budget devices and on smartphones, it has high ergonomics and usability. And all this makes the operating system very attractive to buyers, in particular, for IT lovers and other geeks.

Malicious applications can be ignored, and low-quality applications can be filtered out in searches. Fortunately, sites with software reviews are now full and you can always find the best email client or office editor.

On the other hand, the winner's main competitor, the iOS operating system, boasts other advantages. The simplicity and security of using Apple devices is complemented by amazing applications that do not ask for such large sums. The advantages of this operating system simply do not allow us to call it a loser.

An already obvious choice arises: each user has his own needs, which Android can satisfy in one case, and iOS in the other. And do not forget also, which is rapidly gaining momentum.

The question of which is better: iPhone or Android smartphones, iPad or tablets from other companies worries many of those who are going to buy a new gadget. To this day, users are breaking spears in disputes over which of the platforms - iOS or Android - has pulled ahead in terms of convenience and innovation. Until recently, it seemed that comparing them is meaningless. Before, everything was simple: if you want a diluted OS created by perfectionists, buy an iPhone or iPad. If you need the freedom to choose a device and the ability to fine-tune the system for yourself, look towards Android.

However, both operating systems subjectively become more and more similar to each other. Android is gradually acquiring what iPhone and iPad users have always appreciated in iOS - aesthetics, simplicity and convenience. The latter, in turn, increases the functionality and customization options. Today we will talk about the features of iOS, which still favorably distinguish it from the Google mobile platform.

Application quality

Applications almost always look more attractive, more convenient on the iPhone and iPad. Just compare in the store by running the same apps. It comes to the comical: compare how the icons of identical applications look, which, it would seem, should look the same: on Android, the icons will look “collective farm”.

Quick update

iPhone and iPad users do not have to wait for manufacturers to bother to prepare an update for their device after the release of a new version of iOS. Most users still haven't received Android 5.0, which Google announced last year. Updates for iOS are released regularly and become available for all compatible devices at once.

Long term support for older devices

The support period for Apple mobile phones is 48 months. Even users of the iPhone 4s smartphone, introduced in 2011, received access to the iOS 8 operating system. Of course, not all features of the OS are available on the device, but users can use a number of important features of the mobile platform and run applications from the App Store that are compatible only with iOS 8. The same thing happened in 2012 with the iPhone 3GS. Users had the opportunity to upgrade to iOS 6 46 months after the start of sales of the smartphone.

The best apps available first

Most developers decide to first release the application on iPhone and iPad and only after a while to launch it on Android. This is due to the well-researched development toolkit for iOS. For example, Instagram, one of the largest social networks in the world, has been available only on the iPhone for more than a year. And only then it was launched for Android.

The most active users on iOS, which is why the developers of all popular and successful applications make their product in the first place for this operating system and only then refine it for competitor platforms.

Apple Ecosystem

Today, when choosing a smartphone or tablet, the main thing is not various technical characteristics such as battery capacity, camera resolution, etc. They are more or less the same on all modern devices. The main thing for the user is the mobile ecosystem. And on iOS it is much more developed. In recent promotional materials, Apple has presented its ecosystem in the form of four key products - Apple Watch, MacBook, iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2. You can also add Apple TV and AirPort routers to this.

Friendly interface

How many famous, successful people have you seen with an iPhone? And with Android? Probably the ratio will be 95% to 5% in favor of the iPhone. And it's not because it's fashionable. Quite the contrary: the iPhone has become massive among successful people because it is convenient. People whose time is precious make this choice because iPhone allows them to save time, enjoy using their device and focus on what they want to do: communicate with the right people, write messages, use social networks, and do it all seamlessly. Don't fight the interface.

Both the handsets and the iPhone software look great. Gadgets look appropriate in the hand of an entrepreneur, a student, a catwalk model and a neighbor from the nearest entrance.


The iPhone is much more reliable, as the manufacturer has been honing the nuances of producing one model and one operating system for years, each upgrade of which becomes more reliable, simpler, more powerful, more productive. The scale of sales in the hundreds of millions of devices has allowed Apple to hone production technologies and software to the smallest detail. For example, even an old iPhone will please you with fairly fast operation and a complete absence of glitches, while Android devices, after one and a half to two years of service, begin to slow down and freeze.

In terms of hardware reliability, iPhone is also ahead of all manufacturers: according to a study by Strategy Analytics, Apple devices are almost three times more reliable than Samsung smartphones and five times more reliable than Nokia. It is better to buy one good device and enjoy it for years than to constantly buy new devices to replace those that are broken or start to become unbearably buggy.

Family Sharing

Family Sharing is a very useful feature that allows you to save on purchases in Apple online services. So, by combining up to six Apple IDs, users can download purchased applications, music, songs to all connected devices. Thus, a person spends money on content once, and several people with different accounts can use it.

Greater security

Experts argue that the iOS mobile platform is much more secure than the Google operating system against most types of existing attacks. This is due in no small part to the strict censorship of the App Store. Google is taking it more freely, so most Android malware is integrated directly into official apps.
Analysts predict that the number of active Android malware will increase rapidly.


One of the useful features of iOS is the ability to combine the work of mobile devices updated to the latest operating system. Users can answer incoming calls from iPhone via iPad if both smartphone and tablet are connected to the same Apple ID. You can start surfing the web, type a text message or email on your iPad and finish on your iPhone. Another important bonus is the ability to use the iPhone as a modem if it is close to the same iPad. To do this, you do not even need to turn on modem mode on your smartphone.