What is AutoText AutoCorrect and how to use it. Mastering the text editor MS Word or why we need AutoCorrect and AutoText

Consider the simplest situation where some text is entered into a computer using a keyboard and formatted as it goes. If you created a new document with the File - New command, then by default it is a document based on the NORMAL.DOT template and the style of the only empty paragraph is the "Normal" style. Let's just try typing in this style and see what happens.

As you enter text, you may notice that the Word editor independently does a whole series changes in the entered text. These changes are divided into three classes :

    Changes that are made completely automatically and do not require any user action. These are the appearance capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and correcting a spelling error.

    Changes that are made based on an implicit "hint" from the user. These are the paragraph style changes when you press the key again< Enter >and appearance horizontal line instead of the three hyphens entered.

    Changes that are made at the explicit direction of the user. This is the replacement of the letters “mo” with the phrase “ Microsoft Office" when pressing a key< F3 >.

Word Tools, which perform changes to these three classes are called, respectively, AutoCorrect,Autoformat(when entering) and Autotext. The specific set of changes performed by these tools is determined by the settings in the AutoCorrect dialog box, which is opened with the command Service - Autocorrect.

AutoCorrect is used to perform three main functions :

    Automatic correction typos when entering text. The correction is made by replacing the word in the left column of the list with the word in the right column of the list. IN original condition the list contains approximately 250 elements with Russian words (and much more more elements with English words). To use this feature effectively, you must customize the list to include user-specific typos.

    Automatic replacement when entering certain combinations of regular characters special characters. For example, the symbol combination (r) is automatically replaced by the symbol ®. The original list contains just over a dozen such substitutions.

    Automatically replace certain abbreviations or symbols with expanded definitions, graphics, and just about anything. This function AutoCorrects intersects with the main function AutoText, which we will discuss below.

To add to the list AutoCorrects, you need to enter the letter combination to be replaced in the field Replace, enter a replacement word or phrase in the field On and press the button Add. If before opening the dialog box AutoCorrect select text or other object, it will immediately appear in the field On. This is how graphic objects are included in the AutoCorrect list.

In essence Autotext performs the same function as AutoCorrect. There is a list of name-value pairs, and both tools allow you to substitute its value instead of a name. However, there are some differences between these means.

AutoCorrect performs the substitution automatically, and Autotext- when pressing a key< F3 >. Therefore, AutoText elements can be given completely arbitrary names, including ordinary words, without the risk of unwanted word substitution.

AutoCorrect performs substitution as you enter text, and Autotext- No. It follows that the inserted element AutoText not exposed AutoCorrect. In particular, if the value of an AutoText element begins with lowercase letter and is inserted at the beginning of a sentence, the first letter will not be automatically converted to capital.

An AutoText element is a text object placed in a dictionary and available for insertion into various documents. Each AutoText element is given a name up to 31 characters long.

AutoText items can be used to enter or replace the following frequently used information:

  • company names and addresses;
  • company logo;
  • standard paragraphs (for example, sections of contracts);
  • tables.

The availability of elements depends on the template you are using. AutoText items created in a file with a specific template are saved in that template. Various templates may contain different elements autotext.

AutoText elements created in the Normal template are available in any document.

  1. Select the text or picture you want to save as an AutoText list item.
  2. Select the command and then the Create command (Fig. 75).

Rice. 75. Creating an AutoText Element

  1. Accept the default AutoText list item name, or enter a different name.
  2. Click OK.

There are built-in autotext list elements (appeals, farewells, etc.) that can be used when writing messages (Fig. 76).

Rice. 76. Built-in AutoText elements

If the AutoText menu contains additional list elements ( Attention, Normal, Greeting, etc.), select the one you want.

When you create an AutoText list item, you can link it to the paragraph style used to format the text or picture.

Inserting an AutoText List Item

When inserting an AutoText element into a document, the user is prompted to select from a list of elements that match the template being used, as well as from the template Ordinary.

  1. Place the cursor at the place in the text where you want to insert the AutoText list item.
  2. Select a team Autotext in the Insert menu (Insert, AutoText). To see a complete list of built-in AutoText elements, when you select a command Hold down AutoText Shift key (Fig. 77).
  3. Select the name of the desired AutoText list item.
  4. Click the button Insert.

Rice. 77. Inserting an AutoText element

To insert an element from full list Autotext, you can use the following sequence of actions:

  1. Select a team Autotext in the Insert menu (Insert, AutoText), then the line -AutoText from the submenu.
  2. Select the AutoComplete checkbox for AutoText and Dates.
  3. Select required element from the list of AutoText elements.
  4. Click Insert, then OK.

Later, when you enter the first few characters of the AutoText item name into the document, press F3 to accept the suggested AutoText list item. Otherwise, continue typing.

Deleting an AutoText list item

  1. Select a team AutoText in the Insert menu (Insert, AutoText), and then the line AutoText from the submenu.
  2. In the field Element name Select the name of the AutoText list item you want to delete.
  3. Click the button Delete.

You cannot undo deleting an AutoText list item.


Create and insert an AutoText element

  1. Enter and highlight text (for example, company name on English- Training Center KUDITS), which should be saved as an AutoText list item.
  2. Select a team AutoText on the Insert menu and then New.
  3. Enter a name for the AutoText list item.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select a team AutoText in the Insert menu, then the AutoText line from the submenu.
  6. Check the box Auto-completion for autotext and dates.
  7. Place the cursor where you want to enter AutoText.
  8. Enter name characters into the document tso and press the key F3.

The function is used to automatically correct the most common typos, spelling and grammatical errors. AutoCorrect parameters are easy to change and can be expanded existing list automatic corrections.

AutoCorrect elements can be used:

  • to correct the most common errors;
  • replacing some unusual symbols;
  • deciphering abbreviations and abbreviations.

Adding an item to the AutoCorrect list

  1. Select the AutoCorrect command in the Tools, AutoCorrect menu (Fig. 78).
  2. Select the Replace text as you type checkbox.
  3. In the field Replace Enter a word or phrase that is frequently misspelled, for example enter "dyal".
  4. In the field On (With) enter correct spelling this word, for example enter "for".
  5. Click the button Add (Replace).

Rice. 78. Autocorrect

AutoCorrect is often used to decipher abbreviations, for example MSU - Moscow state university.

To configure AutoCorrect settings, select the command Autocorrect in the Tools menu (Tools, AutoCorrect). When working with text, all switches must be turned on. Table 15 describes the parameters of the AutoMean command.

Table 15. Automeasures parameters

If the Replace text as you type checkbox is selected in the AutoCorrect dialog box, AutoCorrect will automatically correct errors and insert the required objects (text, graphics, and symbols).

IN standard list AutoCorrect includes most commonly used characters. For example, enter (c) to automatically insert the © character. It is possible to supplement the list of autocorrect element symbols. To do this, select the Symbol command from the Insert menu (Insert, Symbol), select the desired symbol, click the AutoCorrect button, and then save the AutoCorrect list item as usual.

Sometimes for correct display printed text Sometimes the characters we see on the keyboard are not enough. But if you type in Microsoft program Word, you won't have any difficulties. Anything that is not a letter of the alphabet or a number (such as punctuation marks) is called a symbol. There are many such symbols in the Word text editor; their use will help solve problems that arise during the preparation and execution of documents.

To open the dialog box, select the Insert - Symbol command

To add a symbol to your document, highlight it in the table, then click the Insert button (or simply double-click on it with the left mouse button). If you want, you can add multiple characters in sequence. Once you enter the character, the Cancel button will change to a Close button. Click on it with the mouse button to make the window disappear, or close it by clicking on the [x] (close) button in the title bar.

Some special characters can be entered into text directly from the keyboard using the AutoCorrect option. The Word developers have been kind enough to provide easier access (than using the Symbol dialog box) to frequently used symbols. For example, you can insert copyright symbols and trademark, laughing, frowning and worried faces, as well as some arrows - in the place of the text fixed by the cursor, just enter the combinations of symbols given in the table.

Inserting Foreign Language Characters

Sometimes it is necessary to insert a word in Greek into a text in Russian (Ukrainian), but there are no corresponding characters on the keyboard. What to do? Open the Symbol dialog box, select a font (for example, containing the Greek characters Symbol) and find the character you want. The problem of entering French characters (Super-French) or German languages with diacritics.

Advice. Word has a very easy way to insert accent marks. Just press Ctrl and the accent mark, and then the letter above which this sign is placed. To enter the letter "a" with some kind of diacritic (for example, "a"), press Ctrl+" and then the A key. Please remember that all characters with diacritics will only be visible on the screen if the font you are using contains them!

Add unusual ones graphic symbols
If you like fun, artsy pictures, you'll love the Wingdings font and will refer to it often in the Character window

These quotes are somehow not like that!

There are two types of quotation marks. Normal straight quotation marks look the same at the beginning and end of a quotation. But professionally designed printed products use paired quotation marks. You can also use them. By default Word converts regular quotes into double quotes as you type. If you want to disable this option, select Tools - AutoCorrect, click on the AutoFormat as you type tab and disable the Replace straight quotes with paired quotes as you type option.

Let Word enter the text for you Word program thanks to two special means- AutoText and AutoCorrect - how a competent pharmacist deciphers the scribbles written by a doctor in a prescription, helps translate into clear language abbreviations that you entered in advance. Why should you use AutoText and AutoCorrect? Because it will save you time and energy when entering chunks of text and graphics that you use constantly. For example, you can:

Expand the initials you enter into a handwritten signature with the words “I kiss you, forever yours”;

Create abbreviations for lists of names that you use in memos and reports;

Insert stereotypical blank texts into the document, for example, those long ornate phrases that, according to lawyers, must have a certain form;

Decipher technical terms and automatically add characteristic characters to the characters of foreign words, for example, tildes, umlauts, etc.;

Automatically correct words that you often misspell.

AutoText and AutoCorrect solve the same problems, but in slightly different ways.

AutoCorrect: just start typing

As the name of the feature (AutoCorrect) suggests, Word automatically corrects errors as you type. After initial installation Word contains a list of words that, when entered, will greatest number errors.

For example, if you type for and then press the spacebar (or period, or comma), Word will check its list and figure out what you meant for and change your text accordingly. AutoCorrect works with "names" up to 31 characters long (they must not contain spaces). True, the limiting value is achieved extremely rarely, because short entries for a list of substitutions, it will be easier for you to prepare and remember.

Is there a word that you always make a mistake when typing? For me, this word is organization; for some reason I always introduce it as organization. To avoid this mistake again, I used AutoCorrect to teach Word to replace organization with organization during the typing process. I don't have to worry about this error anymore.

AutoCorrect also works well when working with short forms of words and phrases that you have to type regularly. For example, you are tired of entering the name of your organization - “Institute of Scientific Experimental Research”. Suggest that AutoCorrect replace INEI with “Institute of Scientific and Experimental Research” every time at the time of entry (or, as they say, on the fly).

To add entries to AutoCorrect, run next steps:
1. Highlight in the text the correct (full) spelling of the word or phrase you are replacing.
2. Select Tools - AutoCorrect to open the AutoCorrect dialog box.
3. Then enter an abbreviation for the phrase or variant of the word that contains the error you usually make when typing in the Replace text box.
Selected text may include formatting information, such as fonts and alignment.
4. If you want to store formatting information along with the entry, turn on Rich Text mode.
5. Click OK.

Another way to create an AutoCorrect element is to enter the replacement and replaced parts from the keyboard into the appropriate fields of the AutoCorrect window:
1. Enter the abbreviation in left side Replace.
2. Enter full text V right side On.
3. Click the Add button.
4. Click OK.

In this way, you can add multiple entries at once, but you will not be able to specify their formatting.

To insert autocorrect into a document, simply enter the appropriate shortened combination of characters. Word replaces the abbreviation with the required text as soon as you finish typing and press the spacebar or a punctuation mark such as a period or comma.

To delete an AutoCorrect entry, you must open the AutoCorrect dialog box, select the desired entry from the list, and click the Delete button.

Attention! When using AutoCorrect, do not use abbreviations that can be read as individual words. You will be unpleasantly surprised by the result. For example, if you are tired of entering a signature in official letters and auto-correct a claim on Sincerely Yours, then you risk after entering: “What is the status of my claim?” receive: “In what condition is my Sincerely yours?”

However, if you do not want to give up using this autocorrect, you can enter and save the claim in the text by clicking the button. Undo immediately after Word replaces the word using AutoCorrect.

Advice. Before you try to "teach" Word new words using the AutoCorrect function, make sure that the "Replace as you type" mode is enabled (in the Tools - AutoCorrect command window).

Autotext: press F3 and get the result

What is the difference between AutoText and AutoCorrect? AutoCorrect replaces text automatically as soon as you press the spacebar. AutoText, on the other hand, does not start working until you specifically access it by pressing the F3 key. AutoText entry names can be up to 32 characters, including spaces. And one more thing no less important difference: AutoCorrect is on the Tools menu and AutoText is on the Insert menu.

To add an item to the AutoText list, follow these steps:
1. Select the required text and/or graphic object.
2. Select Insert - AutoText - AutoText to open the AutoText dialog box.
3. Give the element a name.
4. Click the Add button.
5. Click OK.

If you want to write a paragraph, make sure to completely highlight all the required text!
You can insert an element from AutoText into a document like this:
1. Click the left mouse button on the place where you want to add text.
2. Enter the name of the corresponding element (make sure it is at the end of the paragraph or followed by a space).
3. Press F3.

The Word editor will scan the list of AutoText element names until it finds the one you want and inserts the corresponding entry into the text.

If you want to change an AutoText element, follow these steps:
1. Highlight new text and (or) graphic object.
2. Select Insert - AutoText - AutoText.
3. Highlight the desired name in the list.
4. Click the Add button.
5. Answer Yes when Word asks you if you want to override this element.
6. Click OK.

To remove an AutoText item:
1. Select Insert - AutoText - AutoText.
2. Select its name in the AutoText window.
3. Click the Delete button.
4. Click OK.

In the program Microsoft Word the AutoText menu already offers ready-made options. To use these templates, it is enough to sequentially select, for example, the following commands: Insert, AutoText, Farewell, Kisses.
Call AutoText with the button

For more quick access You can use the toolbar buttons to AutoText. But first, run the command View - Toolbars - AutoText. The AutoText toolbar contains three buttons:
. calling the AutoText dialog box? ;
. selection of existing autotext templates All elements - ;
. creating a new autotext element create..,

You can disable the AutoText toolbar using the same command: View - Toolbars - AutoText.
However, extra buttons only distract attention. It is believed that AutoText should save time, so if you want to get from it maximum benefit, remember the F3 key, and no longer be distracted from the keyboard.

Defining AutoCorrect exceptions

Often, when typing the first word in a new sentence, I forget to press the Shift key, but Word vigilantly corrects the lowercase letter to uppercase. For this I am infinitely grateful to him! But there are times in life when you still need to write lowercase letters after a period, for example, after the abbreviation “see.” Word needs to be introduced to these exceptions:
1. From the Tools menu, select the AutoCorrect command.
2. Click the Exceptions button.
To take advantage of exceptions, follow these steps:
. To prohibit automatic conversion To capitalize the first letter of any word following an abbreviation, go to the First Letter tab, and then enter the abbreviation (including the trailing period) in the Don't capitalize after box.
. To prevent automatic correction of a word that begins with double caps, go to the Double Caps tab, and then enter the word in the Do not replace box.
. To prevent automatic correction of a misspelled word, go to the Other Corrections tab and enter the word in the Do not replace field.
3. Click the Add button and then the Close button.

So we got acquainted with some of the capabilities of the most powerful text Word editor. By the way, being able to work with a program and being able to install, activate and configure it are two different things. and setting up the program is best left to professionals; this will protect us from possible glitches and failures if installed incorrectly.

Using Lists

Lecture 4. Autoformat, autocorrect and autotext.

Let's consider the simplest situation, when some text (see. rice. 4.1) is entered into the computer using the keyboard and formatted as you go. If you have created new document command File – New, then by default it is a document based on the NORMAL.DOT template and the style of the only empty paragraph is the “Normal” style. Let's just try typing in this style and see what happens.

Rice. 4.1. Example of entered text

It's easy to see that Word has made a number of changes to the text you entered. These changes are divided into three classes :

Changes that are made completely automatically and do not require any user action. These are the appearance of a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and the correction of a spelling error.

Changes that are made based on an implicit "hint" from the user. These are the paragraph style changes when you press the key again< Enter >and the appearance of a horizontal line instead of the three entered hyphens.

Changes that are made at the explicit direction of the user. This is the replacement of the letters “mo” with the phrase “Microsoft Office” when pressing a key< F3 >.

The Word tools that make changes to these three classes are called, respectively, AutoCorrect, Autoformat(when entering) and Autotext. The specific set of changes performed by these tools is determined by the settings in the AutoCorrect dialog box, which is opened with the command Service - AutoCorrect...

On rice. 4.2, 4.3. And 4.4 Three of the four tabs in the AutoCorrect dialog box are shown. The purpose of the parameters is clear from their (quite lengthy) names.

Rice. 4.2. AutoCorrect tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box

AutoCorrect is used to perform three main functions :

Automatically correct typos when entering text. The correction is made by replacing the word in the left column of the list with the word in the right column of the list. In the initial state, the list contains approximately 250 elements with Russian words (and many more elements with English words). To use this feature effectively, you must customize the list to include user-specific typos.

Automatically replaces certain combinations of regular characters with special characters when you enter them. For example, the symbol combination (r) is automatically replaced by the symbol ®. The original list contains just over a dozen such substitutions.

Automatically replace certain abbreviations or symbols with expanded definitions, graphics, and just about anything. This function AutoCorrects intersects with the main function AutoText, which we will discuss below.

To add to the list AutoCorrects, you need to enter the letter combination to be replaced in the field Replace, enter a replacement word or phrase in the field On and press the button Add. If before opening the dialog box AutoCorrect select text or other object, it will immediately appear in the field On. This is how graphic objects are included in the AutoCorrect list.

Rice. 4.3. AutoFormat tab as you type in the AutoCorrect dialog box

Changes that can be made Autoformat when entered, are quite numerous, but they are described in detail in help system. You can get to this description using the following sequence of actions: ?/Help/Contents: Formatting, open Automatic formatting, display the Changes made during automatic formatting.

In essence Autotext performs the same function as AutoCorrect. There is a list of name-value pairs, and both tools allow you to substitute its value instead of a name. However, there are some differences between these means.

AutoCorrect performs the substitution automatically, and Autotext- when pressing a key< F3 >. Therefore, AutoText elements can be given completely arbitrary names, including ordinary words, without the risk of unwanted word substitution.

AutoCorrect performs substitution as you enter text, and Autotext- No. It follows that the inserted element AutoText not exposed AutoCorrect. Specifically, if the value of an AutoText element starts with a lowercase letter and is inserted at the beginning of a sentence, the first letter will not be automatically converted to uppercase.

Rice. 4.4. AutoText tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box

AutoCorrect is a tool that automatically detects and corrects typos, incorrect words, grammatical errors and incorrect letter case. Additionally, like AutoText, AutoCorrect allows you to quickly insert text, pictures, and symbols.

To illustrate how autocorrect works, type in Word symbols"(tm)" or the word "of course" with the letter "sh" instead of the letter "h" and then a space. In the first case, the ™ icon will appear, and in the second, the spelling error will be corrected. This is exactly how autocorrect works - it changes combinations of entered characters on the fly.

The difference between AutoCorrect and AutoText is as follows: AutoCorrect replaces entered characters without user confirmation, while to insert an AutoText element you need to press the keys (Enter) or (Ctrl) + (Alt) + (V). Otherwise, these functions are similar.

You can add your own AutoCorrect options. AutoCorrect settings are configured using menu items Service -- AutoCorrect.

There are two autocorrect options:

Autocorrect with plain text;

AutoCorrect with rich text.

To demonstrate the first option, let's create an auto-replace element for the text "!!!" to “Attention!”:

1. Select a menu item Service - AutoCorrect. AutoCorrect to bookmark AutoCorrect(Fig. 6.2).

Rice. 62 Dialog box Autocorrect, bookmark AutoCorrect

2. In the fields Replace And On indicate which text should be replaced with which during autocorrect, in in this case"!!!" is replaced by “Attention!”.

3. Press the button Add.

4. Press the button OK.

1. Write the word “Attention!” in the text of the document. and format it with italics (Ctrl) + (I) and boldness(Ctrl)+(B).

2. Highlight a word.

3. Select menu items Service - AutoCorrect. A dialog box will appear AutoCorrect to bookmark AutoCorrect(Fig. 6.3).

Rice. 6.3 Dialog box Autocorrect, bookmark AutoCorrect

4. Fill in the field Formatted text. In the field to: The selected document fragment will be displayed.

5. In the field replace: indicate which text needs to be replaced, in this case “!!!”.

6. Click the button Add(if the autocorrect element already exists - the button Replace, and then confirm the item replacement).

7. Click the button OK.

After execution specified actions, if you type the characters “!!!”, Word will automatically replace them with “Attention!”.

Unfortunately, AutoCorrect settings are not saved in document templates, which means that if you reinstall Word or replace your computer, AutoCorrect settings must be configured again.