What is request frequency? Automatic collection of Yandex Wordstat What you need to know and understand to successfully use WordStat

Query frequency is the number of queries for specific key phrases over a certain period of time.

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Methods for determining search volume may vary depending on the search engine used. The most popular services are Google and Yandex.

Key phrases have varying degrees of popularity among users searching for information on the Internet. Some queries can be asked by search engines several times every 30 days, while others can be asked from 2-3 thousand times to several tens of thousands. Search robot algorithms are designed in such a way that the more often a particular phrase is used, the higher its frequency. Having such statistics and knowing how to use these numbers correctly, an SEO specialist can find out exactly what kind of traffic he will receive if he brings the site to the first pages of search results for queries that interest him.

In addition, frequency statistics make it possible to most effectively select the semantic core for a site or an individual web page, as well as exclude non-target key phrases in the first stages of resource promotion.

Determining the frequency of requests by type

High frequency (HF)

They have a broad focus and, as a rule, contain one or several words that are most popular among users when searching for certain information. High-frequency queries are used as advertising to form a positive opinion of the target audience about the company in general and the products/services offered in particular.

  1. HF are not suitable for promoting web resources that have been in operation for less than one year. In this case, you need to start with the bass and midrange.
  2. The maximum frequency of RF requests can reach several tens of thousands (according to Request Statistics).
  3. They are asked by users who are just starting to study the subject area and, being the most competitive option, are much more expensive in promotion than other types.

Midrange (MF)

These are more specific queries consisting of several words. Their frequency can reach from one to several tens of thousands of requests per month. They are suitable for promoting any web resources, regardless of the duration of work. Like high frequency, requests are the basis of promotion, endowed with not the broadest, but not too narrow focus. They are great for online stores and other sites that promote specific products or services, where users know what to look for and what keywords to enter into the search engine.

Low frequency (LF)

They have a narrow focus, describe a specific need of the target audience and, as a rule, consist of three or more words. In other words, LF is asked by people who know exactly what product they need in what configuration (for example, buy a Philips toothbrush in Moscow). The average frequency of requests here can be from 1 thousand views. the most converting and suitable for promoting any Internet sites at all stages. The main advantage of LF is that, not having much demand, they are not competitive and are much cheaper for search engine promotion.

Checking the frequency of requests in Yandex

High-frequency, mid-frequency and low-frequency queries are calculated based on the number of impressions per month. They cannot reflect accurate statistics, but in the process of promoting web resources they are used as a rather rough rounding. Without exact indicators, they can be divided as follows: a request of 100 impressions is low-frequency, over 1-2 thousand is high-frequency. At the same time, it is impossible to determine exactly the average frequency query - each SEO specialist determines it for himself independently.

Different search engines use different query frequency checking services. In the Yandex search engine, you can assess user interest in specific topics for selecting keywords using the WordStat service. To do this you need to enter a request. In response, statistics will be shown on the request itself and on its analogues (or word forms). In order to clarify the phrase, you can use additional operators. For example, if you enclose a query in French quotes (or “herringbone quotes”), you can get data on the frequency of a query consisting only of the specified words, but written in any form and sequence.

Types of request frequencies in the Yandex service

There are several types of frequency in the Yandex search system - basic, precise and refined (they are indicated by different signs and symbols).

  1. The base frequency is of purely research interest to the webmaster, as it is considered the most inaccurate. To calculate it, you need to enter a query without special characters, but the result will be non-specific, since it will contain data both on the query itself and on all others, which include all the words specified in the keyword. The only application of such frequency can be found in the analysis of general interest in a topic. So, if you enter “buy flour” and indicate the region of interest, you can understand how many people want to buy flour on the Internet (without specifics - what kind and in what volume). However, do not forget that there may be more such people, they can use queries like “flour price”, “cost of flour”, etc.
  2. The exact frequency (“herringbone quotes”) reflects the number of times users enter a query in different declensions. For example, a webmaster needs to calculate the frequency of the request “iron doors”. To obtain this information, you should put the query in quotation marks before selecting. This will allow the service, which shows statistics of keywords and queries in the search engine, to display the total number of specific queries for iron doors and all forms of declension (iron doors, iron doors, etc.).
  3. The updated frequency (!) contains only relevant and relevant information. It reflects the amount of user input of a specific form (declension, conjugation, number...) of a particular phrase that the webmaster is looking for. It is recommended to calculate the specified frequency, because it reflects the essence of the request and determines its popularity among the target audience. This way you can find out how many people enter a query exactly in the form in which you wrote it - very useful, if necessary, to find out which of two or more keys will be more useful to use in direct entries in texts. For example, “how to make candy with your own hands” or “how to make candy with your own hands.”

To obtain the frequency of queries in other search engines, other services are used. To obtain static data from Google, for example, you must have an account in the AdWords contextual advertising service. After logging into your personal account for an advertising campaign, you need to go to the “Tools” section and use keyword suggestions. By entering the desired phrase, the service will provide a ready-made analysis result not only for the specified words, but also for similar ones. This allows the webmaster to select the most optimal variant of queries for search engine promotion.

At the same time, Google does not have the ability to check the frequency of queries, however, the user can add web resources with content for persons of legal age to the results, as well as use additional filters. In particular, you can check a specific request by geographic location: in a specific region, country or throughout the world.

Services for determining the frequency of search queries

In addition to AdWords, Google has a web service that shows how many times users search for a specific phrase (over a certain period of time) to the total volume of search queries, divided by geographic location (region, country). This service is called GoogleTrends. By entering queries of interest, the webmaster receives statistics in the form of a graph with the ability to compare several phrases. At the same time, not exact indicators are displayed here, but conditional ones.
Statistics of search queries for the Mail.Ru Search service are also popular. Here you can see information on general impressions, divided by age and gender categories.

Mass checking of query frequency, as well as collection and analysis of the semantic core can be carried out using the Key Collector program and the Rush Analytics web interface. The first program is paid (the fee is only for purchasing the program - a one-time fee), the second is provided in various pricing solutions - from 0 to 6,000 rubles per month. At the same time, their functions and capabilities are largely similar.

The need to use these services is determined by the fact that, in addition to checking the frequency of queries, WordStat cannot be used to effectively compile a semantic core. Of course, you can rely on the information received, but with some nuances. In particular, keywords with a minimum frequency can have competition in the search engine and bring a certain amount of traffic to a web resource.

The search query is the query that the user enters into the search:

The frequency is largely explained by the topic and field of business, as well as region, seasonality and search engine.

You can check the frequency using Yandex.Wordstat.

Types of search queries by their frequency

  • How to select low-frequency queries? Take everything that Wordstat shows, up to 1 impression per month. The more low frequency at the start of work, the more traffic there will be.
  • How to promote low-frequency queries? These are the simplest and most undemanding requests; they do not need to be supported by links - you just need to create relevant content: write articles, news, product cards that will answer the user’s question as meaningfully and accurately as possible.
  • Traffic for such queries will begin to grow immediately, but perhaps slowly: the queries are low-competitive, the results may not be impressive at first, but the more such queries are implemented on the site, the higher its traffic will ultimately be.

Highly competitive low-frequency requests do occur, but rarely - mainly in narrow commercial niches with high competition. That is, there are very few people who enter such queries, bringing your site to the top will not be easy, but if a user comes to your site, then most likely he will become a buyer.

Mid-frequency queries, their concept and features

How many mid-frequency queries are there? Midrange is a little more popular than bass. Mid-frequency and low-frequency queries are the basis for website promotion, because there are the most of them. Using both groups of requests, you can achieve optimal traffic with not the largest investments.

It is more difficult to promote a site on a commercial medium than on an informational one, and this must be taken into account: commercial queries are selling ones, and the competition for them is higher. For mid-frequency queries, the number of offers corresponds to the level of demand: there are indeed quite a few sites that are promoted primarily by mid-frequency queries. For example, on the Internet more than one company offers “buy plastic windows inexpensively”, so be prepared that working on the site in this case can take quite a lot of time.

High-frequency queries, their concept and features

What queries are considered high-frequency? Those that users enter in search most often - more than 1000 times a month, for example:

High-frequency queries are as wide a variety and total number of options as you want: there are not only informational and commercial queries, but also branded queries that receive a lot of traffic. But such queries are extremely highly competitive, so the highest frequency queries are the most expensive in all respects.

Another disadvantage of high-frequency queries in Yandex and Google is not the highest conversion: it is not clear what the user wants when entering a query into the search bar "laptop screen". Does he need care information, addresses of workshops where it can be repaired or replaced, or some technical specifications? And the contents of the page may not be what he is looking for at all.

  • How to determine whether a high-frequency query is high or not? Use the same Yandex.Wordstat.
  • How to promote high-frequency queries? Long and expensive. To get to the top of the search results, you will have to work long and hard on the site, investing impressively, including financially. It must be taken into account that especially the highest-frequency queries (Yandex or Google - it doesn’t matter) mean a huge flow of audience, including non-targeted ones, and extremely high competition.

What queries are best to choose for promotion?

What queries – low-frequency, medium- or high-frequency – should you collect for search engine optimization of your Internet site? The ideal queries for promotion are low-frequency and highly competitive, but this is rarely a dream come true for the optimizer and the client. Therefore, which queries are best to choose for your site depends on the site itself.

If SEO has not been carried out before, the site is not optimized and you are just at the beginning of the journey, then you need to first take on the low frequencies and work on them, gradually connecting the midrange and high frequencies.

If the site is maximally optimized for midrange and low frequency, take on high frequency.

You can also select queries for promotion based on the optimization vector:

  • if the site is developing for demand in a direction or area as a whole, use HF;
  • if you need to attract targeted visitors who are looking for one or more areas of your company’s work, use more SP;
  • if you need high conversion and sales growth, focus on low frequencies.

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Free search statistics and word selection service from Yandex. The service was primarily created for evaluation by Yandex Direct advertisers. But later, it became a tool for SEO optimizers.

Why do you need Yandex Wordstat?

How it will help:

  • Selection of effective keywords for a contextual advertising campaign or for search engine promotion of a website (semantic core).
  • Traffic forecast, estimation of the frequency of impressions of key phrases and the niche as a whole.
  • Assistance in developing the site structure.
  • Identifying trends by phrases.

How to work with the service?

To work with Wordstat you need registration in the service by email or via social networks. If you already have an account in other Yandex services, then you can use it to work with word selection.

Login (upper right corner) > Register

By Words Tool

When you log in, you will see the By Words tool by default.

  1. Query input field- in this line we enter the word or phrase for which we want to see data.
  2. Service tools- display of words by region and history (trend) of the request.
  3. All regions- select the region for which statistics will be displayed.
  4. Platform- select the platform for which statistics will be displayed.
  5. Latest update- date of the last update of data in the service.
  6. Left column of Wordstat- a list of queries is shown, which contains the word or phrase entered in paragraph (1).
  7. Right column of Wordstat- shows a list of phrases that people who entered our word or phrase could still be looking for.

Let's take a closer look at how the left and right columns of Yandex Wordstat work.

Left column

The left column displays all phrases that contain our entered query.

For example, we enter the query Yandex Wordstat. All phrases that contain our query will appear to us, and the order of the words will not matter.

This must be remembered! The number opposite the request is the number of impressions of this phrase per month, and not the number of clicks on this phrase! For example, if we go to the search engine https://www.yandex.ru/, we type the phrase Yandex Wordstat and click find - this will be 1 impression for this phrase.

The number displays all requests included in it.

For example: In the number of impressions 60,897 on request wordstat yandex includes all queries below that contain the phrase Yandex Wordstat or wordstat yandex word order doesn't matter.

And the number of impressions was 2295 for the phrase Yandex Wordstat key includes the number of impressions for the phrase Yandex Wordstat keywords.

If we click on the phrase Yandex Wordstat key, then we will make sure of this. We will be shown all the phrases that are included in this request.

This is the basic principle and logic of the “By Words” tool and the left column of Wordstat. For a more advanced display of statistics, there are word selection operators.

Impressions are also called frequency (frequency). That’s exactly what they say, the frequency of the phrase Yandex Wordstat is 60,897.

Main operators of Yandex WordStat

There are two main operators:

  1. Exclamation mark.

They can also be used together with each other. Let's look at the essence of using each operator using the example of a simple request.

Exclamation mark

By writing it before the word! you fix the ending of words preceded by a sign ! .

That is, by writing !buy!phone, the displayed impressions will no longer include inflections of words, for example: telephones, bought and other changed endings and inflections of words preceded by!. But these shows include all the phrases that I have the exact spelling buy a phone, for example, these impressions include the following queries: how to buy a cell phone, where to buy a phone, etc.

The exclamation point only records the exact spelling of the words in front of which it appears.

Using the basic “Exclamation Mark” operator, the user can view the results for a specific query without any inflections of one or more words contained in the phrase.


By entering a phrase "buy a phone" in quotes, you will see the number of impressions of only this request without any other additional words, that is, this request may include phrases: buy phones, buy phones, bought a phone, etc. This no longer includes other additional words, for example: how to buy a phone, where to buy a cell phone, etc.

The value in quotation marks is called phrase frequency.

Using the Quote + Exclamation Mark Operators Together

Having written " !buy!phone", you will record both the query itself and the endings of the words. Thus, you will find out the exact frequency for a specific request without additional words, allowing you to predict the number of transitions for this request. But remember, the number of impressions is not the number of transitions, so this is only approximate data, you also need to understand that the number of clicks decreases depending on the site’s position in the search engine results for a given request.

The value of the quotation mark + exclamation mark is called the exact frequency.

Additional Operators

There are 5 more main auxiliary operators that open up even more opportunities in Yandex Wordstat:

  1. Operator "Plus". To use it, specify the symbol + . It helps to find search queries that contain stop words, such as conjunctions, prepositions, etc.
  2. Square Brackets Operator. Symbols are used with a key phrase written between them. With its help, the arrangement of words in a phrase is recorded, that is, they remain in the order in which you wrote them. The operator is relevant when you need to analyze the popularity of similar phrases for various queries.
  3. "Or" operator. Used with symbol | and is important for the prompt selection of semantics for a web page, as well as in the process of comparison or “shift” in the statistics of certain phrases.
  4. Operator "Minus". To use it, write the symbol - . It removes, if necessary, queries containing words that are unnecessary for studying statistics.
  5. Operator "Grouping". Characters are indicated () , inside which the above operators are written in order to use them together.

Examples of using operators

We present below examples of the use of all the above operators, both basic and additional.


We are shown all the words where the word is contained Job and preposition on. The operator +, as it were, fixed the preposition on.


We are shown all queries containing the word windows but there is no word price.

"Square brackets"

We recorded the exact spelling of words with an exclamation mark, with quotation marks we recorded only the words written between them, and with square brackets we recorded the order of words.

"Grouping" and complex query

Another convenient function provided by the WordStat service. It allows you to set the length of queries (2, 5 words, and so on) with the inclusion of keywords and parse them. This feature is especially useful in cases where a webmaster is working on a site dedicated to a very popular topic and, having collected the maximum number of pages, cannot get all the search phrases related to this niche.

Just a note. Statistics Yandex Wordstat, when analyzing one request, produces a maximum of 41 pages, but it often happens that there are many more phrases for a request, and not all of them can be seen.

To collect all phrases whose length contains 3 words, the following construction is used: "Samsung Samsung Samsung"

By asking such a query, you will not collect the maximum number of pages of search phrases of different lengths, but 41 pages of only 3-word phrases containing the keyword “Samsung”. If you analyze queries step by step, the length of which is from 2 to 7 words, then you will be able to collect absolutely all the statistics for the word Samsung.

Right column of Wordstat

Shows what else people were looking for when entering this query. shoes.

Request history

The “Request History” tab was created to study the dynamics of requests over the past 2 years, as well as determine their popularity depending on the season. For example, find out how consumer interest in the Samsung Galaxy S9 model is changing. There are chart settings for weeks or months, and there is also the ability to filter the device view, for example, displaying only on smartphones.

Absolute value– this is our actual value of impressions in certain periods of time.

Relative value– this is the ratio of the absolute value (impressions) to the total number of all impressions. This indicator shows the popularity of a given query among all other queries.

It is impossible not to mention such a function as obtaining the request frequency in a specific region. The ability to separate the total search frequency by region allows you to analyze how often a certain phrase is entered by users in a particular region, and how popular it is there.

So, a query containing the words "buy" And "Sochi" most often entered by residents of the city of Sochi, and this is logical. However, delving deeper into the capabilities of this function, you can discover much more unexpected results.

Yandex Wordstat Assistant

For convenient use of Yandex Wordstat, there is a special browser extension called Yandex Wordstat Assistant.

After installing it, a special window appears in your browser into which you can add keywords from Wordstat. Added words are marked in gray. The list of words can be copied and sorted.

Video instructions on how to use Yandex Wordstat


The free Yandex WordStat service is the most important tool for SEO specialists and Yandex Direct advertisers. It allows you to study in detail the statistics of search engine queries and analyze the selection of words in order to attract more target audience to the promoted site. Today we have studied all the most important functions of the service, the successful use of which will help you make your resource more visible and bring it to the leading positions in search engine results.

Search query analysis is used by every competent optimizer. Statistics show what people most often search for on the Internet using search engines.

Its main purpose is to compile semantic core. If you don’t have one (most often we are talking about blogs), search query statistics are used when writing articles, “tailoring” them to a specific keyword.

Most webmasters consider the main tool for selecting keywords Yandex query statistics.

Wordstat.yandex.ru (Wordstat) - Yandex query statistics

Yandex Wordstat (wordstat.yandex.ru) combines all kinds of word forms, most often without taking into account prepositions and interrogative forms. If you just write in Yandex Wordstat what interests you keyword, then the service will show you the total number of impressions of this word, word forms and phrases in which it appeared.
For example, let's write:

request statistics
(Views: 31535. Words included: Yandex query statistics, search query statistics etc.).

In order to achieve specification for a specific word form in Yandex Wordstat, you need to use special operators.

The most common is to enclose the desired search query in quotation marks (“”). In this case, a specific keyword in any word form will be taken into account.

"query statistics"
(Already 4764 impressions. Included: request statistics, request statistics etc.).

Operator exclamation point ! allows you to take into account only the exact meanings of keywords.

"!statistics!of requests"
(There are already 4,707 impressions. Now we have found out the exact number of impressions of the query we are interested in. Please note that the operator ! appears in front of each word).

Using the - (minus) operator, it becomes possible to exclude specific words from display.

Using the plus operator + you can force Yandex statistics to take into account conjunctions and prepositions. You will receive data on word forms with these parts of speech.

The bracket () operators are grouping and | - or. These operators are used to compose a group of keys under one request at once.

It is worth noting that operators can be combined with each other in various ways to significantly reduce the time for collecting statistical analysis data.

Yandex search query statistics lists not only derivatives of entered words, but also associative queries that users used together with your queries. This opportunity contributes to a significant expansion of the semantic core (tab on the right - “What else were people looking for who were looking for...”).

The first tab wordstat.yandex.ru “By words” contains the total number of impressions of specific search queries. Using the region tab, you can determine the frequency of the same keyword in a particular search region.

The “On the Map” tab displays the frequency of queries used on the world map. To track the frequency of a given request over a certain period, you can use the “by month” and “by week” tabs. This is especially true for seasonal requests.

  • Firstly, Yandex statistics do not provide data on the number of people who searched for specific queries; they only show the number of impressions of search results containing this query.
  • Secondly, Yandex Wordstat by default shows data for the last month. It should be taken into account that some requests may be seasonal, and there are also requests that are so-called “surges of interest.”
  • Thirdly, the number that appears on top of the query includes all keywords containing the query itself and its word forms. Special operators should be used.

Taking into account all the possibilities that wordstat.yandex.ru provides and the proper use of all tools, this service becomes the most important component that most webmasters use when promoting modern resources.

Google search statistics

Google has two services that can be used as statistics on key queries. Google statistics for selecting keywords are often used as an additional tool for expanding the semantic core. This service usually independently determines the language and region for search; the optimizer’s task is to compile a starting set of words. As a result, the system will offer you similar requests, indicating the frequency of their displays and competitiveness.

Google search statistics are more about comparing the popularity of multiple search queries. In addition, a visual representation of changes in the dynamics of query popularity in the form of graphs is offered.

Rambler request statistics

Rambler query statistics are not so popular, since the Rambler search engine is not so actively used by Internet users. The main difference from Yandex statistics is that there is no combination of results for different word forms. In other words, you can get accurate statistics on the frequency of a query in the desired number and case without using additional operators.

Rambler search query statistics would be a convenient addition to Yandex if this search engine were more authoritative on the RuNet. It is worth noting that Rambler statistics allow you to determine the number of views of both the first and any other pages regarding a specific set of words.

Search queries - frequency and competition

What else should a novice optimizer know about targeted queries? It is usually customary to divide all search queries into high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF). And also into highly competitive (HC), moderately competitive (SC) and low competitive (LC).

Of course, the best option would be a high-frequency and at the same time low- or medium-competitive request. But these are rare. It happens that a low-frequency request is highly competitive. Typically, high-frequency queries are highly competitive, mid-frequency queries are moderately competitive, etc.

It must be borne in mind that these terms do not carry any specific quantitative meanings, since these figures will vary for each topic. It is worth understanding that the promotion of a particular site will be determined not only by its topic, but also by the specific situation on the market.

It must be taken into account that the competent use of search engine query statistics is one of the components of the optimization process. Visitors who come for certain search queries should receive the information they expected, only in this case they will want to return to your resource.