What kind of wiring is inside the smartphone? A few words from the program developer

Good day, friends!

Today you won’t surprise anyone with a mobile phone that can take photographs, access the Internet, shoot high-quality video, work with documents, etc. Moreover, progress does not stand still, and most of these functions can already be done even wrist watch, for example – iWatch (Apple). But how can you figure it all out if you previously had a regular mobile phone without all this, which could simply make calls and send/receive SMS? About this and we'll talk in today's article - about smartphones.

So, what is a smartphone, what functions does it have, and also what you need to pay attention to in order to choose the “right” smartphone and be satisfied with your gadget.

Smartphone(eng. Smartphone, " smart phone") - , complemented by the functionality of a pocket personal computer(CPC).

Smartphone functions

The main functions of the smartphone are:

— Internet access;
— functions of photo/video shooting, as well as voice recorder;
— audio/video playback of recordings;
- reading e-books, various documents;
- work with by email;
GPS navigator;
— All kinds of records: memos, contact information, lists, databases.
— Typing, programming.
— All kinds of games;
— Working with office applications;
— Management of various electronic devices: , projector, DVD player, and much more.
— Of course, making calls, SMS, MMS has not gone away;
— Stopping other programs that turn your smartphone into a mini-computer.

Disadvantages of a smartphone

- Sometimes sizes. For example, it is not very convenient to use a smartphone with one hand that has a screen of 5 inches or more;

— Most smartphones run out of battery very quickly. Some of them need to be charged literally once a day, or even more often.

— You need to be careful when using smartphones. Large screens When they fall, they often stop working, and because... They have touch controls, so even making a call won’t work. I remember the Nokia 3310, in terms of indestructibility there is no comparison. 🙂

— Smartphones are more sensitive to the environment in which they operate. For example, if the temperature is sub-zero, the screens literally freeze and the phone literally refuses to work. If humidity is high, condensation may form under the glass.

— Application developers want to know almost everything about you. When you install a program, it asks you to allow access to everything possible, from your contacts in the phone book, SMS, call duration to your location. I suspect that the developers of both smartphones and applications for them do not even officially open everything to the average user.

— I don’t know whether you noticed or not, but when you enter a subway car you can see that it’s just huge amount people are constantly on their phones, and if you look at some statistics, you can conclude that modern gadgets develop addiction in people. I will say that sometimes it is useful to take a walk in nature without electronics.

— People far from technology will find it more difficult to understand the menu. After all, even to just make a call you no longer need to press 1-2 buttons, but go here and there.

Of course, each person chooses for himself what is an advantage and what is a disadvantage in a smartphone, so you can continue the rest of the list yourself, for example, in the comments to the article. 😉

Characteristics of smartphones

After our first acquaintance with smartphones, let's move on to studying their characteristics and figure out how to choose a smartphone?.

1. Manufacturer. Oddly enough, but unlike most other equipment, it is better to start choosing a smartphone by choosing the manufacturer. This, firstly, is a guarantee of the quality and durability of the device. Secondly, the performance of the gadget. After all, as you know, with the same technical specifications, devices can differ radically in operating speed.

The leaders among smartphones are: Apple, Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, Nokia, Sony, LG.

2. Number of SIM cards. With today's diversity mobile operators, as well as their conditions, many users have 2-3 or more SIM cards. Previously, we simply opened back cover phone, and changed them. Now you can buy a phone into which you can insert 2 SIM cards at once, and make/receive calls at the most advantageous rate for us.

Conclusion: If you are economical, it is better to take a phone with 2 SIM cards.

3. Display. The smartphone screen has several characteristics:

— Screen diagonal. Buy a smartphone with a display that will fit more comfortably in your hand. I have a 5-inch smartphone, but I also have a big hand. It’s already extremely inconvenient for my wife to use my phone.

— Matrix type. The most popular AMOLED, super AMOLED and IPS. Moreover, some people like one option, others another. Personally, I prefer IPS.

— Screen resolution. The higher the screen resolution, the better. First, watch the video from high resolution much more pleasant, and secondly, the quality and clarity of the display of documents, photos, websites, games and other applications will be much higher.

— Protecting the display from dust and moisture getting inside;

— Special glass that protects the screen from scratches

Conclusion: It is better to buy a smartphone with a diagonal of 4-5 inches, IPS, with a resolution of 960*540 (the optimal average option is 1280*720), and a surface protected from moisture and scratches.

4. Processor (CPU). All modern smartphones Just like computers, they have their own “brains,” which is technically called a “processor.” There are 1, 2, 4, 8 processors, and I think in the future there will be 16 or more core ones. The more cores, the faster and more stable the smartphone will perform several tasks simultaneously.

The processors also have clock frequency work. The higher it is, the faster the phone thinks.

Conclusion: It is better to purchase a phone, if possible, with a processor of 4 cores from 1.2-1.5 GHz.

5. Random access memory (RAM). RAM affects the speed of all applications, especially dynamic ones, such as games or watching high-resolution movies. Most mid-range smartphones have 1GB RAM, but I won’t be mistaken if I say that for active users smartphone this is the minimum indicator.

Conclusion: It is best to purchase a smartphone with RAM 1.5-2 GB or higher.

6. Permanent (built-in) memory. This is actually an indicator of how much information you can store on your smartphone. The more, the better, of course, because... from year to year, and sometimes more often, programs, videos and other applications take up more and more space. If there is little memory, you will need to delete something before you can write anything.

Conclusion: It is better to purchase a smartphone with internal memory at least 8-16 GB

7. Internet connection. Connecting a smartphone to the Internet can be done using 3G/4G modules, standard means mobile operators or from using Wi-Fi module.

Most cheap way Wi-Fi (wireless networks). Places with free access access to the Internet using Wi-Fi is only growing from year to year, these are airports, McDonald's, parks, hotels, etc. Where I live free internet there are even on the Dnieper embankment, although there are no establishments relatively nearby. Great technology. All smartphones have Wi-Fi module, but pay attention to what type of connection it has. Standards are: a, b, c, g, n, ac. "a" is the most slow internet and the smallest range wireless network, “ac” is the biggest one. The more connection types, the more universal smartphone, i.e. it can be connected to almost any Wi-Fi networks.

3G. If you use the Internet via a 3G module, the connection speed is higher, and the price for the service is lower than means of connecting to the network standard features mobile operators.

4G. The Internet is much faster than the 3G standard, but also more expensive.

Conclusion: Choose a smartphone with Wi-Fi a/b/c/g/n/ac, 3G/4G.

8. Camera. Today, there are smartphones with 1 or 2 cameras (one front, one rear). If you often communicate with someone via Skype, then not only will you be able to see your interlocutor, but he will also be able to see you.

Photo. In addition, cameras are characterized by their shooting resolution, which is measured in pixels. The more megapixels, the larger and better the photos are. Of course, there are exceptions, if, for example, the cost is cheap Chinese or “basement” optics.

Regarding front camera, i.e. the one that is located on the front side of the phone, then it does not need to have a very high resolution, because High-resolution video is difficult to transmit over the Internet, and most likely, with not very good quality internet, Your interlocutor will not see you.

Video. Video quality is also affected by camera resolution, quality of optics, and hardware features. Please ensure that your smartphone can record video at a resolution, preferably FullHD (1920*1080). This is due to the fact that the majority modern TVs and monitors show the image with exactly this resolution. Then your video will be clear and play beautifully on modern devices information display.

By the way, I would like to note that premium phones can already shoot video at 4K resolution (4096×3112). True, TVs with this resolution are sold for well over 100,000 UAH (from 11,000 USD)

Conclusion: Optimal resolution main camera 8 megapixels, front 2.

9. Battery. Battery capacity is measured in mAh (mAh). The higher this indicator, the longer the period of time you will not need to charge the device. Most smartphones have a battery capacity from 1800 to 3500 mAh.

10. GPS. Availability of the system GPS navigation in devices ( satellite system navigation) is now difficult to underestimate. You can go anywhere globe, and if you have maps installed on your smartphone, the GPS navigator will help you find the exit.

There is also A-GPS technology, which allows you to determine your location more quickly and accurately. The disadvantage is that A-GPS additionally uses an Internet connection for geopositioning, which actually makes this service"paid".

Glonass- Soviet/Russian satellite navigation system, developed by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In practice, Glonass is an analogue of GPS, the only thing is that communication with satellites is more stable.

In addition, most smartphones can also be equipped with a compass.

However, it is advisable to be able to navigate the terrain without electronics. After all, the ability to recharge a phone in extreme conditions is not always possible.

Conclusion: It is better to purchase a smartphone with GPS functions, Glonass.

11. Operating system (OS). Early mobile phones had standard firmware with standard functions required for a regular mobile phone: call, SMS, MMS, phone book, calendar, alarm clock, a couple of “light” games and a few more functions. But, keeping up with the times, manufacturers decided to expand the functionality of phones, and operating systems for smartphones were born.

The most popular operating systems for smartphones today are iOS, Android and Windows Mobile. It's all a matter of everyone's taste. I will only note that iOS is used only in Apple products.

Conclusion: Pay attention to the OS version. If the version is outdated, then this may indicate that this model smartphone is outdated.

12. Possibility to expand internal memory. This can be done using additional flash drive. When choosing a flash drive, pay attention to its class. The higher it is, the faster information is read/written on it, the more faster flash drive will work.

Conclusion: Buy a flash drive of at least 32 GB and at least class 10.

13. Design. Choose only a design that you really like. Fortunately, the variety is great, and if not, then “dress” your phone in some interesting case.

Additional functions of smartphones

Depending on the manufacturer, smartphones have many additional functions, For example:
- FM receiver;
— Connectivity additional devices (watch Gear, which measure heart rate monitor, accelerometer, calling/receiving calls and much more);
— fingerprint activation;
— LED flash;
— video editor;
standard sets calendar, alarm clock, weather, and much more.

Which smartphone to choose?

Based on the above, a smartphone with the following characteristics would be excellent:

4.5-5 inches IPS (1920*1080)/ RAM 1.5-2Gb/16-32Gb internal memory/Wi-Fi a, b, c, g, n, ac/Bluetooth 4.

Everything else is at your discretion.

How much does a smartphone cost?

  • A smartphone with minimal characteristics can be purchased for about 100-120 USD.
  • Average level – 200-250 USD
  • Top-tier smartphones cost from 500 USD.

On this note, perhaps that's all. Have you forgotten anything? If so, remind me in the comments.

I wish you success, dear readers, in your purchase the best smartphone, which will always make you happy!

Smart phones have burst into our lives quite recently. For example, the first iPhone came out in 2007, but it’s already impossible to imagine without it. modern world and culture. The smartphone is a kind of pinnacle of technical thought of our era. The amount of innovation, brilliant ideas, engineering and design solutions concentrated inside this small device exceeds imaginable limits, so we will only touch on the most interesting of them.

Touch screen

Surely you saw the time when the so-called resistive touch screens. It was possible to perform the action only with the help of a stylus (or fingernail), it worked very slowly and did not respond to several presses in a row. In essence, the screen consisted of two plates, between which there was a gap. By pressing the stylus, the user “pushed” the first screen and touched the second, due to which an electrical contact was made in that place.

Modern screens work on a different principle and are called capacitive. The operation of such devices becomes possible due to the ability of materials to accumulate electric charge, namely, their electrical capacity. The point is that objects large capacity spend better AC. And to measure the capacity of an object, you need to apply pressure to it alternating voltage and check the current strength that will flow through it.

They work like this: a special material (usually tin oxide) is applied to a glass or plastic screen panel with a mesh. At the corners of the screen there are electrodes that supply a constant weak current to the panel. There are also sensors along the edges that detect current leakage if something with a larger capacitance (the human body has a very large electrical capacity) touches the screen than the screen itself. touchpad. By measuring this capacity, the phone understands who touched the screen and where. Roughly speaking, each time your phone shocks you to determine the strength of the current itself that will flow through you. But this discharge is so small that you do not feel it. This is why, by the way, you cannot print through gloves, since they are an excellent dielectric.

Tilt sensor

Imagine that you have a heavy ball mounted on an axis along which it can move up and down. If you hang this ball on a spring, the spring will stretch under the influence of gravity. But as soon as we place the axis with the ball horizontally, the spring will compress back, because now the force of gravity will be directed perpendicular to the axis. In other words, by changing the angle of inclination of the axis, we will change the degree of stretch of the spring. And vice versa - if we measure this “extension”, we can find out the value of the angle.

Now it is enough to make three axes for each direction in space and write a mathematical angle for them.

A similar device works in our smartphones, helping us to rotate the screen depending on the position of the phone.

SIM card or Subscriber Identity Module – subscriber identification module. Inside the SIM card there is a specialized computer with quite complex functionality. Comparing the electronic contents of a SIM with a computer (especially a pocket one), you can find many elements that are identical in function:

  • CPU;
  • RAM;
  • permanent storage memory operating system;
  • memory for storing user information;
  • input/output controller.

The main task of a SIM card is to identify and authenticate a number on the network. In her file system secret keys are stored address book, list latest SMS, operator name, preferred networks for roaming, as well as networks prohibited for use.

Over the past 20 years mobile communications has gone from a luxury item to a mass service, accessible even to schoolchildren. Many of us, when using a mobile phone, even have an idea of ​​what it consists of. Yes, in principle, this is of no use to us if we use it for its intended purpose. But there are also inquisitive people among us who always want to know what is inside. This article about the device of a cell phone is intended for them.

Modern mobile phones have already turned into multifunctional harvesters. Manufacturers equip phones, in addition to communication tools, with the functions of a radio, player, camera, voice recorder, etc. The telephone has long become an assistant in everyday affairs and your favorite toy. So, what does he have inside?

A mobile phone has a rather complex device, the fundamental element of which is an electronic board to which all other components are connected. If we draw an analogy with a computer, then this is the motherboard. Other spare parts for cell phones, such as a display, antenna and other components, are already connected to it. Like laptops, these boards in cell phones are an individual thing for each model. Their form factor and functionality depend on the phone model.

Body parts

Basically, there are three types of phones on the market: monoblock, clamshell, slider. Combinations and variations of these three main types are also possible. It goes without saying that the design of the case also affects the type of components inside. So, in the case of a slider (or other models with moving parts) internal components connected using flexible cables. Rubbing of such cables becomes one of the main reasons for their failure.

Monoblock cases include three main components: the middle part, the front and back panels. It happens that the back panel is combined with the battery cover. The clamshell includes the upper and lower parts of the body, as well as a rotating mechanism. The sliders also contain a slide, which may have a different design depending on the model.

In almost all cases, the keyboards have an identical design and consist of two parts. One consists of keys on a substrate, and the second is hidden in the case and is made in the form of a substrate with metal pads for closing contacts on the board. The keyboard can be combined with motherboard, can be performed separately from it.


According to the type of batteries that are installed in cell phones, they can be divided into Ni-Mn (nickel-metal hydride), Li-On (lithium-ion), Li-Pol (lithium-polymer). The first type on at the moment are already outdated. Both types of batteries consist of 2 parts, the battery itself and electronic unit.


Phones have displays of what is called “all stripes.” They can be black and white or color and are made according to various technologies. Among the latter we can note the most common UFB, TFT, STN, OLED and some others. They all differ in the quality of the output image and, accordingly, in price. If we look at the design, then among the displays we can distinguish two main groups. The first is displays connected to motherboard on a cable, and the second is soldered displays.

Other spare parts

In addition, other mobile phone parts may also be present. For example, this could be a microphone, speakers, vibration motor, camera, etc. The purpose of such components is clear and does not require special explanation. Let us only note that in a number mobile phones One speaker can be used to play melodies and talk, while others use different ones. The speakers can be fixed on the board or on the case. IN the latter case they are connected to the board using a special connector. This is the situation with the microphone. The camera is usually already installed on the motherboard. An important part The phone is an antenna, which can be located outside or inside the case. The last option is the most common, although models with an external antenna are also found on the market.

Well, that's all, actually. We have looked at all the main parts that make up a mobile phone. The review has quite general description, but it will help you get an idea of ​​how a modern cell phone works.

Naturally, many people simply use the telephone as a means of communication, without thinking at all about how it works and what it consists of. Indeed, what does it matter if you use the phone for its intended purpose? But man is a very inquisitive creature, and this same curiosity manifests itself in very early childhood. Remember the time when the main thing when receiving a new toy was the desire to take it apart? Personally, it’s very vague, but, according to my parents, the love of studying the insides of various things has always been in me.

Over the past 20 years, the mobile phone has evolved from a common means of communication into a real multifunctional device. A modern mobile phone, depending on the degree of saturation with functions, combines: a communication device, a radio receiver, music player, a camera, a voice recorder and much more, except that he doesn’t know how to cross-stitch. In fact, it has turned into such a multifaceted toy for adults. Human curiosity knows no bounds and many people naturally ask: what’s inside this toy? Of course, out of simple curiosity, I somehow don’t want to disassemble a device that costs several thousand rubles. In that case, this article is just for you!

A mobile phone is a technically complex device, the heart of which is an electronic board that ensures that the phone performs the functions assigned to it. By analogy with computers, it is often called maternal. Connected to the motherboard various devices(display, antenna, etc.), which ensure the interaction of the phone with the operator’s network and the user. Shape, size and design features phone motherboard depend on the form factor of the phone case and the specifics determined by the phone brand. And it is advisable to start examining the design with the body - after all, it is in plain sight.

Hull parts

In modern mobile phones, cases of three main form factors are used - candybar, book (clamshell), slider, as well as their variations - flip (a hinged cover that covers the keyboard) and a rotator (parts of the case rotate relative to each other). Currently, phones of the last two form factors are very rare. Cases in the slider form factor have several design options (we will take old phone models as a basis):

  • Only the keyboard moves. IN closed state the keyboard is blocking part of the screen. An example of such a design is.

  • Only the screen moves. When closed, the screen blocks part of the keyboard. Example - .

  • The screen and part of the keyboard move. Typically this part includes a joystick, soft keys, and answer and end call keys. The most common slider variation. Example - .

Naturally, the design of the phone has a direct impact on its internal structure– in phones with cases that have moving parts, there is always a flexible cable that connects the moving parts of the phone to each other. By the way, chafing (breaking) of this particular cable is one of the common malfunctions of phones with “mobile” form factors. In a number of phones, the flexible cable also includes other components - display, speakers, etc. An example of a phone with a similar cable is.

A candy bar phone body usually consists of three components– front and rear panels and middle part. Rear panel often combined with the battery compartment cover or battery. The combination of the battery compartment cover and the battery is typical for models made in Asia and China - Samsung, LG, Pantech, Fly, etc. The middle part of the all-in-one phone body can be either visible (,) or hidden from the user (). The case of a phone with a book form factor usually includes the upper and lower parts of the case and a rotating mechanism. Phone cases of the slider form factor necessarily include a slide along which the parts of the case slide relative to each other. In turn, the upper and lower parts of the bodies of “books” and “sliders” usually consist of two or three parts. Also, the display glass can be distinguished as a separate part of the body.

The keyboard in cell phones of any form factor consists of two parts. The first one visible to the user usually consists of plastic keys on a flexible backing. The second of them is hidden and consists of a substrate with metal plates that close the contacts on the keyboard board. Structurally, the keyboard board can be either combined with the motherboard or separate from it (). In some phones, the keyboard board and its substrate are combined with a flexible cable ().


The battery is the most important component of a mobile phone, because it is what ensures its functioning. By type, batteries used in mobile phones are nickel-metal hydride (Ni-Mn, used in older phone models, have a memory effect), lithium-ion (Li-On), lithium polymer (Li-Pol). Nickel-metal hydride batteries for mobile phones usually consist of three rechargeable batteries, either round () or square () in shape.

Lithium-ion and lithium polymer batteries usually consist of one battery and electronic unit. The functions of the electronic battery unit of these types are to protect the battery from deep discharge (less than 3 V) or overcharge (more than 4.2 V). Without going into technical terminology, this block is an electronic switch that breaks the circuit of one of the battery terminals. It is the presence of this block that explains the fact that a phone that was not used long time– may not turn on and refuses to charge.


Mobile phones are equipped with displays of various types - black and white and color, made according to STN technologies, UFB, TFT, OLED and others. Naturally, displays made using different technologies, have differences in image quality, but in terms of design Phone displays can be divided into two groups - those connected to the board through a connector located on a flexible cable and those soldered to it (,). In phones with slider or book form factors, they often use a so-called display module - a display (or two displays) on one board. All the auxiliary components necessary for operation are soldered onto the same board. display module and a connector for connecting a flexible cable. By the way, due to the use of the display module, replacing the display in phones with book or slider form factors costs more than similar work in all-in-one phones. The display module may also include phone speakers

Other mechanical parts

The phone also includes a microphone, conversational and polyphonic speakers, a camera, and a vibration motor. Functional purpose of these blocks is quite understandable. In a number of phones, the same speaker can be used to talk and play a melody. Speakers in phones can be hard-soldered to the motherboard, but more often than not, they are fixed to the body of the phone and connected to the motherboard through a connector or group of spring-loaded pins. Connecting microphones to the motherboard of phones is carried out in a similar way. However, in phones from Asian-Chinese manufacturers there is often a situation where the microphone is soldered to the motherboard. The camera is usually also connected to the phone’s motherboard through a connector, which can be of two types – flexible and rigid.

One of the most important parts of a mobile phone is the antenna. Currently, the vast majority of phones are equipped with an antenna located inside the case. Structurally, the antennas of most phones are a pin or a plate of a special shape. The pin shape is more typical for external antennas, (), although there were also internal antennas of a similar type (). It is the location of the antenna and the distance from it to the brain, as well as the radiation power of the phone, that determine it potential danger for human health. There is fierce debate about how real this harm is, but doubters may want to choose a phone with an antenna as far away from the ear as possible. In this regard, they compare favorably flip phones, since in them the antenna is usually located at the bottom of the case. Particularly advantageous in this regard is the difference between Motorola RAZR V3 – its antenna is located near the microphone and, therefore, as far as possible from the brain.

To sum it up

The article discusses the main mechanical parts that make up a mobile phone. Naturally, this consideration is very generalized, but based on it we can draw up general idea How does this toy for adults work? More detailed description the procedure for disassembling the phone, a list of its mechanical parts and the method for replacing them are described in the Service Manual, which is essentially a repair manual intended for service centers. I hope mine short review It will be useful for you, but only for replenishing your general knowledge.

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See also:

Posted by: Sergey.
Hello, I wanted to ask if I order a phone from an online store, will it arrive by mail intact and safe? Or will it be a little crippled? I want to buy exactly the one I need, but I'm afraid.

Posted by: so-called
thank you very much! this material helped prepare a report on physics for 7th grade.

Posted by: Gloomy
An article for those who are far from this, but want to find out... Just like in the first grade, when they lead you by the hand and tell you, you learn this and that here. If I am a purely technical person, I immediately liked the fact that the basics came into my head, and the rest needs to be developed and found!!! And it’s not worth blaming the author for saying that someone is a genius.... There are enough of them on TV!!! And now for the smart ones, give me a link where to develop further.... OKAY

Posted by: ku
What is the difference between the percentage of a regular phone and a “smart” phone? I don’t mean “power” and clock frequency.

Written by: Anton Pecherovy
Dear IONe, the story about the operation of a mobile phone will be replete with technical details that most people are not interested in. I agree, this article is a review intended for people far from technology. A detailed story about the design of a mobile phone will require more than one article, because you will have to remember a bunch of physical laws on which it all works, the basics of electronics and programming. In short, a mobile phone is a microprocessor device controlled by control program(operating system). It also contains various “peripherals” - a transmitting and receiving path, a microphone, a speaker, a display, a camera, etc. Correct work with all these devices is provided by the device software - firmware and calibration data (constants written at the factory into the phone’s memory). If you are interested in more specific information, please refer to specialized literature.
Now about your problem - it’s difficult to advise anything remotely. Try checking the battery voltage with a multimeter. A fully charged battery has a voltage of about 4.2 V. If it is less, try charging it in your phone or with a “frog” (universal charger for all battery sizes)

Written by: Anton Pecherovy
I will answer point by point:

Andrey, to see whether or not the presence is practically useful information in this article it is up to you. I won’t comment on “idiot” and “ram”. If you are interested in a specific technical information refer to specialized literature, preferably the original source. Find description GSM standard- no problem. But as for “literate people” - excuse me, you are not one of them. A competent person works with specialized literature and does not throw around insults and sweeping accusations. Judging by the comment, your level of knowledge is at the level of the sites that you advised me to write.

Posted by: IONe
Dear Anton, I cannot but agree with Andrey, who criticizes you. Information for a teapot, could you tell us how this or that part of the mobile phone works!
I also wanted to ask a question. I found it in my inbox here. old Nokia I tried to turn on 2300 - it works! But my joy didn’t last long, after 1 minute it went out. Again I tried to turn it on, it works and again after 1 minute it goes out. I took it apart and looked at the contacts, they’re fine, the battery is full (tongue stings))) What could it be - I’d like to make a mobile phone, I really like the polyphone even though it has 4 voices - classic!!1

Posted by: Andrey
All of the above concerns only the phone body and does not provide any useful information about its operation and use. This is from that series like a book: “Windows 95 in 10 minutes.” Such books are written by idiots and for idiots. Because Windows was developed by a group of several thousand over the course of one year, and only an idiot would think that he could figure it out in 10 minutes. So here I can well call the author about the design of a mobile phone an IDIOT. Don't go into the area where you are a RAM. Better write porn sites and don’t fool literate people, we don’t have time to read the misinformation of all sorts of IDIOTS.

Posted by: Andrey
What is the wavelength electromagnetic vibrations mobile phones. How are channels selected for phones? How it works oscillatory circuit and antenna. What is the emitted power of the phone. How is it possible to say this while in a bus or car? Apparently the EM field strength in this area is very high?

Articles and Lifehacks

Over the past few decades, the mobile phone has gone from being a luxury item to becoming a necessity, and today it is even available to schoolchildren. But I must say that many people don’t even imagine what does a mobile phone consist of?, not to mention the fact that, in principle, they have no need to know this. Although there are also those who strive to find out what such an important thing today consists of. It is precisely for such people that the information in this article will be intended.

The main parts that make up a mobile phone

1. Electronic board. This detail is the heart mobile device and ensures the performance of its basic functions.

2. Case parts, which primarily include the keyboard, as well as case components depending on the device model (slider, candy bar, flip, and so on).

3. Display. Displays are classified into two groups:
- displays connected to electronic board;
- displays soldered to the body.

4. Battery that provides offline mode operation of a mobile phone (it can be nickel-metal hydride, lithium-ion or lithium-polymer).

5. In addition, when answering the question of what a mobile phone consists of, you must not forget to talk about the camera, which allows you to take photos or videos.

Minor components of mobile phones

The group of minor components of mobile phones includes the parts described below.

1. Speakers and microphones. These are quite important components (although they belong to the secondary class), since they are responsible for sound quality and its reproduction. IN modern models On phones, there may be about three microphones, the first for conversations, the second for recording sound on a voice recorder, and the third for suppressing noise during a telephone conversation.

2. Train. This is a part that is capable of connecting several moving parts in the phone, in addition to this. Special attention is paid to trains.

3. Vibration motor, which is responsible for the well-known vibration on the phone.

4. Antenna (antenna module), which is designed for listening to radio stations. The antenna, as a rule, is located inside the housing and is a pin or plate of a specific shape.

To summarize, it must be said that this presentation about all the components of a mobile phone can be called conditional, since some of listed elements may not be included in basic equipment mobile phones, because their equipment may vary depending on their price category.