Two strangers find your double. Service for finding similar people

There is an assumption that every person has a copy, the so-called non-natural twin, and some sources indicate that there are many doubles. Despite this, the chance of meeting your mirror image on the street is reduced to a minimum. That is why many people are interested in whether it is possible to find their double. Celebrity look-alike competitions have been held around the world for decades, but more often than not they look more like parodies. Today, ordinary people can find their copies, and all thanks to the Internet.

How to find your double?

You can find many different resources on the Internet that allow you to search among registered users in different parts of the world. First, you need to take a photo from a full-face perspective, and it is better if the background is plain. The quality of the image is of great importance. In general, you should be guided by the photo in your passport, because there is nothing superfluous on it and your gaze is directed strictly at the camera. The photo should be downloaded to your computer, and only then use existing services.

If you are interested in how to find your double on the Internet, then use the following online programs:

  1. "Twins"( These are some people who are looking for their copy. Here you don’t need to register and send paid SMS; it will be enough to simply upload a high-quality photo or even just copy a link to it. After this, you need to wait a while and the program will independently select photos of possible doubles among the show business stars. The search is based on similarities in facial features, with a total of 40 control points used.
  2. "Stranger Twins" ( This resource is in English, which may be a bit of a barrier for some people, but it's actually quite simple. A photo is also uploaded to the site, and then, among the proposed options, you will need to select the most suitable facial features. After this, the program will perform an automatic search, focusing on the specified parameters.
  3. Understanding how to find your double in the world, it is worth mentioning another foreign site -, where you need to register and then upload your own photo. The next step is to place dots in the center of the pupils, which will allow you to start searching for similar celebrities. On this site you will also not need to send an SMS message or pay for anything.

When figuring out how to find your double, you cannot lose sight of social networks, in which a huge number of people from different countries are registered. To try to find your copy among them, you can become a member of groups relevant to the topic, here are a couple of examples:

  1. “Doubles” ( is a group on the popular social network Vkontakte. Here you can find people who have a similar goal, that is, they want to find a two. You can place your photo in an album or on a community wall, and also look through an existing database to find a similar person.
  2. There is a similar group on the Odnoklassniki social network – Here you can also post your photo and view the existing database.

Speaking about how to find your double, it is worth mentioning the international festival of human doubles. Today, a huge number of large-scale competitions are held in different cities and countries, where people look for similarities with various famous personalities. There are also various programs on television where you can see copies of actors, pop performers, etc. Everyone has the opportunity to take part in such events.

How to find your double from a photo, what methods of finding your doubles exist currently? How do high technologies and the development of modern Internet communications help in your search?

There is an assumption that every person has a double. This has not been scientifically proven, so whether this is actually true is anyone's guess.

A person who looks exactly like you, like two peas in a pod, may live very far away, in another country. Therefore, in your entire life you may never meet him in person.

Thanks to the Internet, it is possible to find your double absolutely free and get to know him, even if he lives on another continent.

1 - International look-alike competitions

It turns out that there are a lot of people in the world who look like famous personalities. In this regard, look-alike competitions have recently gained popularity. They are carried out throughout the country.

People compete with each other in their external similarity to celebrities. The winner is the one who is most similar, in the opinion of the jury.

Some tournaments are held on the Internet based on user photos. They make a whole show out of other competitions. There, on one stage, dozens of copies of Alla Pugacheva, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson and other great people compete for the title of main double. This is a truly interesting sight.

Look-alike competitions have also become popular on television. True, they are more like parody competitions. Their peculiarity is that they are held among famous actors, singers, and politicians. At the same time, their task is not only to look like a certain character, but also to portray his voice and manner of movement.

2 - Lookalike show on TV

Look-alike shows have become widespread. These are concerts and other performances where actors who look like famous people perform. Moreover, they are in demand among viewers. They provide an opportunity to watch your favorite pop star at a low cost.

They prefer to order such show programs for anniversaries, weddings, and corporate events. With the presence of a “star” at the holiday, you can pleasantly surprise your guests, while paying a much smaller amount of money than when ordering the original.

Some stars hire their doubles to work for them. This gives them the opportunity to be in two places at once, for example, at a concert in the Kremlin palace and in the city of Saratov. This is convenient, especially with a very busy schedule.

At one time, this method was actively practiced by the group “Tender May,” which was popular in the nineties. The number of their doubles reached several dozen, which was eventually stopped by law.

There are also double scammers. These are people who speak on behalf of a famous person without his knowledge or permission. They, as expected, issue tickets, put up posters about the concert, thereby packing large concert halls. They sing to a soundtrack, so it’s difficult to distinguish a “fake” star from a real one. In most cases, many spectators remain fully confident that they have attended a concert of their favorite performer.

3 - How to find your double from a photo for free online

To search for your “mirror image” via the Internet, you will need a computer or other device with Internet access and your photo in electronic form.

You can post your photo on one of the sites where people look for doubles, and wait for someone who has a physical resemblance to you to notice it and respond. As a rule, this method takes a very long time and a positive result is unlikely. We recommend using another search method.

According to him, the only thing required is to upload a photo to a special site or group for searching for doubles online and wait for the result.

In this case, you should immediately note the criteria for choosing the right photo:

  1. good image quality.
  2. The photo should only show you and in large size.
  3. It is desirable that the face in the photo is positioned straight, without tilting.

If you meet all these conditions, you will increase your chances of finding a double who is most similar to you.

The search result can be several photos of different people. The degree of their similarity to you is up to you to determine.

Some sites, in addition to the image, provide contact information for doppelgängers, for example, a link to their social network page or email address. Therefore, you can write to one of them and, if desired, arrange a meeting.

4 - How to find a celebrity doppelgänger

Some people are often told by acquaintances that they resemble someone famous - a politician or a show business star. For fun, anyone can check their similarity in appearance to a celebrity. It's easy to do. All you have to do is upload a photo to one of the Internet portals, which helps you find a celebrity doppelgänger. The site analyzes data by comparing certain facial points with images of famous people. As a result, the faces of stars that have the highest percentage of similarity to your photo will be displayed.

5 - A site where you can find your double

There are many sites on the global network that provide look-alike services. free and without registration. To find them, you need to specify similar phrases in the search bar of Google, Yandex or another search engine: “find a double for free”, “ looking for a double online», « search for a double», « celebrity look-alike"and others.

We warn you that you should only trust free portals. Sites that require paid registration or offer to send an SMS message to a specific number in exchange for providing search results steal a considerable amount of money from a mobile phone, but do not keep their promise and do not send any information. Be careful not to fall for scammers' tricks.

Good afternoon In today's article we will talk about finding a double using a photo for free online. Finding your double from a photograph is a very interesting task. Unfortunately, the probability of meeting a “twin brother” on the street tends to zero.

Modern information technologies can help us find a double using facial recognition programs right while sitting on the couch. Some people don’t even realize that they look like a celebrity or just another person. Most of the proposed methods are not effective and do not lead to a positive result. In this case, using sites and online services with an already proven reputation will help.

Necessary conditions to start searching:

  • laptop or computer with Internet connection;
  • photograph with which comparison will take place.

In addition, the direction of a person’s gaze in photographs is the key to a successful search. If a person's gaze is directed to the side, the result may not be accurate. Looking forward will increase the chance of a successful search. A plain background will also contribute to obtaining a high-quality result. It is enough that the photo only contains an image of the face; there is no need to upload a full-length photo.

How to find a double among famous people?

It's interesting to find a person among celebrities who looks like you. This question haunts many people. To accomplish this task, there are many free, proven sites with online search capabilities.

  1. is a site that allows you to find 3 stellar doubles. If I want to use the search on this site, I must register. After that, upload the photo (don’t forget about the important conditions when choosing it), indicate female or male gender. To start the search, you need to mark the points in the center of the pupils in the photo. Click the “Send” button and get the result. If the search is unsuccessful, the procedure can be repeated using the “Again” button.
  2. is a resource containing about 4,000 photographs of celebrities. The procedure is similar: download the application, register and start searching.

Online services for lookalikes

The most famous online services are:

  1. Twins ( is a popular online program for finding twins. Registration is not required to access the resource. The search process itself takes about 6 minutes. On the loaded image, the program independently determines about 50 significant points and conducts a similarity analysis based on them.
  2. Stranger Twins ( The search takes 5 minutes from the moment the photo is uploaded. You are asked to choose the facial features that will be used for comparison yourself, unlike Twins. The site also indicates the criteria that the photo must meet.

Search order on the website

This resource is quite simple and effective. In order to use the search, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Select a photo to search. Don't forget about the conditions for choosing a photo to get the best search results.
  2. The result will appear in literally 10 seconds. The program will determine the age, gender and names of stars with whom there will be similarities. You can immediately determine how correctly a given resource works.

The service is popular among people who have recently changed their appearance and want to find out the percentage of similarity with a celebrity.

This resource works great with photographs of women. You can see a screenshot of a successful example of such a search below.

Search for a double by photo for free online in social networking communities

The websites VKontakte and Odnoklassniki will help you find twins.

  1. Group "Doubles" ( Users share their photos, opinions, and look for similar people.
  2. Find a double ( - search for doubles in the database, posting your photo.

Searching for a double through systems on the Internet

The most accurate result can be obtained using various search engines. The complication of algorithms and the increase in the amount of loaded information day by day makes this search option better and more effective. As an example, consider the Google search order.

  • Open the start page;
  • In the upper right corner, click on “Pictures”;

  • In the search bar you will be able to search by images. Select the "Camera" icon;

There are people in the world who are very similar to each other - height, age, eye and hair color, physique. However, they are not close relatives. Scientists have calculated that for each person you can find at least 6 people very similar to him. Some electronic resources implement a search for doubles using an uploaded photo - you can easily find out whether you match the appearance of any famous or ordinary person. Let's find out how to find your double via the Internet.

It requests access to your VK page, upload the original photo and start the process. After a while, you see the profiles of the most similar people found, which can be filtered by age and place of residence. Next, you will have to choose a double manually - by opening each account and comparing the appearance yourself.

Groups on social networks

Groups have been created on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte that search for the most similar people. Type “doubles” in the search bar, a list of similar communities will open. You can upload your photos to any of them and wait until someone recognizes you as their twin. Or manually view already added pictures - there is no automated search in groups.

Search engines

“Do I have a double?” – even the largest search engines can answer this question. Yandex and Google are able to find similar images from their extensive databases. They work similarly: go to the “Pictures” tab, click the camera icon in the search field, upload a photo from your computer or paste its address on the Internet. You will see hundreds of images of strangers who resemble the given one. Of these, you have to manually select the ones that best suit you. To find out who it is, open the sites on which a specific photo was found.

Also read about ways to search by photo or picture in our previous one.

Assessing their appearance in the mirror, many girls sometimes try to understand which world cinema star they might resemble. Catherine Zeta-Jones or Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts or Angelina Jolie, Kristen Stewart or Nicole Kidman - which celebrity is exactly like you? Suggesting that you do not guess on the tea leaves, but turn to the help of network services that, based on neural networks and various digital algorithms, will give a suitable answer. In this article, I will list services that can determine your resemblance to a celebrity from a photo online. I also suggest using the Yandex People service to search among all people.

How does the procedure for searching for a double among stars work?

There are a number of resources on the Internet (especially in the English-speaking segment) that allow you to determine your similarity with a celebrity online. Working with them is quite simple - you launch such a resource, upload your photo to it (or provide a link to it on the Internet), and click on the verification activation button. A verification procedure is performed, and then you receive the result in the form of a photo of a celebrity similar to you and the percentage of similarities identified.

At the same time, some of these resources may provide other information on the photo being processed (the gender of the person in the photo, his age, etc.), which, of course, should not be taken seriously.

Let's move on to the list of services that allow us to figure out what kind of celebrity I look like online. – will select the celebrity most similar to you

The service is the most popular network resource for determining similarity with a star online. It was created by Microsoft for those users who would like to understand which Oscar nominee they might be like.

  1. To start the search procedure, you need to go to
  2. Click on the “USE YOUR OWN PHOTO” button and upload your full-face photo to the resource.
  3. Literally immediately you will receive a photo of an Oscar-nominated celebrity similar to you (with a percentage of similarity), as well as three more celebrities below who are not nominees.

Another Russian-language service that allows you to identify which celebrity you resemble is A special feature of the online resource is to find not only a movie star who looks like you, but also to determine the gender and age of the person in the photograph. Of course, you should not expect accurate determination from this algorithm; take it as entertainment, in a humorous way.

  1. To work with the service, log in to
  2. Click on “Upload image” and upload your photo to the resource (frontal photos up to 200 kilobytes are accepted).
  3. In a few seconds you will receive information about the similar celebrities found (with the percentage of similarities), the estimated gender and age of the person in the photo. – perfectly identifies photos

The English-language resource was written by the author in the Wolfram programming language and is designed to find a celebrity similar to you. Unlike other resources, it gives only one star similar to you with a percentage of similarity (there are more than 2 thousand stars in the resource base).

  1. To use the resource, go to
  2. And click on the “drop a photo here to find your celebrity match” button.
  3. Upload your photo to the resource, and in a couple of seconds you will receive the name and photo of the star most similar to you. – determine similarity using a Facebook profile

There are several entertainment services that work based on analysis of a user’s profile on Facebook (for example,, popular on the Runet). I suggest using another popular service,, which will analyze your photo on Facebook and tell you which star you resemble online.

  1. Go to and select “Continue with Facebook” (you will need to give the service permission to analyze your public profile).
  2. The service will analyze your photos and, if necessary, ask which photo from those available in your profile to choose, as well as your gender (male - male, female - female).
  3. Then you will get your result.

Search by photo from Facebook profiles “Vonvon” - entertaining search in the form of answers to questions

The Kate Walker test posted on will ask you to answer 6 basic questions about your facial features. Based on your answers, the system will select the celebrity who is most visually close to you.

  1. Go to and click on the “Let’s play” button.
  2. In the first question, select the color of your eyes and hair color.
  3. Features of hairstyle (hair style), skin color (skin tone), shape of nose (nose), lips (lips), and face (face).
  4. At the end you will get your result.

Complementary mobile applications

In addition to the network services listed above, it is worth using various mobile applications to determine your similarity to a star. Among such applications, I would highlight the following:


The online resources and mobile applications listed above will allow you to find out which celebrity your photo resembles. The results obtained with their help should not be taken too seriously - this is just fun entertainment, and nothing more. Happy coincidences!