Change the texture of the specified object. How to properly apply textures in Photoshop

Today we will learn how to wrap the object we need with an interesting texture in the Photoshop program or apply a cool pattern around any object. In our Photoshop video tutorial, we use this sexy face as an object that we will wrap, and the texture, or more precisely, the pattern will be for us the flag of Great Britain or, as the English say, Union Jack.
As you probably already guessed in this way, you can also create very interesting Body Art works using Photoshop, modeling exciting drawings on a beautiful body. And the main advantage in this technique will be that Photoshop gives us a unique opportunity not to concentrate on artistic drawing, I think not many are strong in this, but showing pure imagination and using ready-made images, create exciting own collages on any object that attracts you, be that body, clothes, wall, plane, elephant or any fruit of your wild imagination.
So how do you do it ...?
First, let's close our final result and expand the original photo in Photoshop. Let's call this beauty, just a background ... and close it for now.
Now, to achieve our final "texture on object" effect, we need to create a Displacement map - a map of the pixel displacement of the part of the image on which we want to apply and wrap the texture or pattern in Photoshop, in our case it is the head and part of the neck. And we need to highlight them.
To do this, select the Pen Tool (Photoshop Pen Tool) and make a stroke along the border of the head, touching a piece of the neck. When this is done, right-click inside the stroke area and select Make Selection in this box, that is, convert the path to a selection. Click OK.
Then open Photoshop panetb "Dock" and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J on the keyboard to transfer the selection to a new layer of our Photoshop work.
So now we have our model's head on a new layer at the very top, separate from the original background image on the layer below.
Now, in fact, we will create a Displacement map - Displacement map for this top layer. To do this, we need to desaturate the selected area, i.e. head.
Go to the main panel of the Adobe Photoshop program: Image - Images, Adgastments - Correction and choose Desaturate - Desaturate. Next, we need to increase the contrast of this black-and-white image, in other words, make the light areas lighter and darker, respectively, even darker, since the Displacement Map in the Photoshop program is formed according to the principle of compression or concentration of pixels in a certain area of ​​the image in one direction or another, i.e. .e. white or black side. As we know, the entire illusion of volume in any image processed in the Photoshop program is based on the same simple theory - the play of light and shadow.
So, go to the main panel of the Photoshop program: Image - Images, Adgastments - Correction and this time select Levels - Levels. And with the help of the sliders, we make the contrast of the level we need. When this is done, click OK.
Now let's soften the hardness of our image using another Photoshop tool. To do this, go to Filtr -Blur (Blur) - Gaussian Blur (Gaussian Blur) and choose something like this effect, in my case it is a Radius of about 5 px. Click OK.
And the final step of this Photoshop video tutorial on creating a Displacement map - is to save what we got in the PSD format, that is, the Photoshop format that is set by the Photoshop program by default.
Let's do this, and in this case we'll name the displacement map file map1. We press to save. And here is OK.
Now let's take our Photoshop image back two steps. How to do it? Very simple! Press the Alt + Ctrl + Z hotkey combination or another option twice on the keyboard. To do this, go to the main panel of the Photoshop program and select Edit and click Step Backward twice, i.e. step back, two times.
Now open the flag in the Photoshop program, which we will wrap the object with.
Go to the move tool and hold down the left mouse button and drag the flag image onto the photo with our model. Now let's apply the Photoshop transform tool by pressing the shortcut Ctrl + T and place the flag so that it overlaps the model's head. For a more precise position, lower the opacity of the flag layer and adjust it as needed. When everything is done, return the Opacity to 100% and click on this bird.
Now go to Filtr - Distort (Deformation) - Displace (Displacement) and in this window we leave all the values ​​as they are, or if the final result does not satisfy you, then you can play with these values: Horizontal Scale (Horizontal size of the displacement) and Vertical Scale (The vertical size of the pixel offset). You can try setting the size to 15, 20 or 25 and experimentally choose the result that works best for you.
For now, click OK.
Next, select the file type Displacement map (PSD), it goes in the Photoshop program by default and the name of the file map1, which we saved earlier - this is our Displacement Map. Click Open.
And we observe the deformation of the flag, which is produced by the Photoshop program in accordance with the Displacement Map.
Next, the most interesting process of this Photoshop video tutorial begins ..
Remain on the top layer with the flag, hold down and hold the Ctrl button on the keyboard and left-click on the layer thumbnail below, with the head of our model. Thereby loading the selection.
Further, in order to get rid of unnecessary sections of the flag outside the selection, click on this icon, thereby creating a mask for the upper layer with the flag and hiding all unnecessary ones.
Then go to the Blend Modes panel and select Overlay Mode. And we see a head wrapped in a flag.
Now let's make some minor adjustments to our image. Set the opacity of the flag's top layer to about 75% for a more natural look. Then right click on the mask of the flag layer and select a soft black brush and correct the errors on the eyelashes.
Now let's take care of the eyes and lips, return them to their original state for a heightened effect.
To do this, merge the top two layers. How to do it..?
Make sure that the top layer is selected, hold and hold the Shift key on your keyboard and click on the layer below it, get both selected, then right-click and select Merge Laers.
Then everything is very simple, select the Photoshop eraser tool and carefully erase the top layer in the eye area, i.e. Develop the eyes of the original bottom layer. I think the principle is more than clear. And if you wish, we do the same procedure with the lips - that's how you like it.
You could also remove the flag texture from some of the hair.
To do this, click on the icon, creating a mask of the top layer in the Photoshop program and again choosing a soft black brush with a large diameter and zero hardness value, carefully process the hair.
And here is such an interesting result of our Photoshop video tutorial we get ... What happened and what happened.

This tutorial will help you install new textures (patterns) for the version of Adobe Photoshop CC 2017. For other versions, the algorithm will be the same.

First, download a file with new textures on our website or from the Internet and unpack it if it is in the archive.

Go to Manage Sets

Next, open Photoshop and go to the main menu at the top of the screen to the tab Editing -Sets- Set management(Edit - Preset Manager). This window will appear:

The button next to the first pointer (in the form of a small arrow) allows you to select the type of add-on you want to install - brushes, textures, shapes, styles etc.

The button next to the second pointer shows the add-on varieties.

Loading patterns into Photoshop

Click on the small arrow and in the drop-down list, by clicking the left mouse button, select the type of add-on - Patterns(Patterns):

A new window appears. Here you indicate the address of the downloaded file with textures. This file is located on your desktop or placed in a special folder for downloaded add-ons. In my case, the file is located in the "Backgrounds" folder on the desktop:

Press again Download(Load).

Now, in the Manage Presets dialog, you can see the new textures we just loaded at the end of the texture set:

Note: if there are a lot of textures, move the scroll bar down, and new textures will be visible at the end of the list

That's all, Photoshop copied the specified texture file into its set. You can use it!

Together with you, I installed new textures for myself! Let's see what happened!


If your texture is in JPG or PNG format,then it does not need to be loaded as patterns, just open such a file in the program how document and use for works by dragging and dropping into your work.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to quickly change the texture of a material using a mask that will only be applied in a given area. In this work, you will learn how to quickly change the texture of a material, using a mask that will only be applied in a given area. This method is good in that you do not need to know special methods of using all possible effects. We will do all the work in just 11 steps.

Image before:

Image after:

Let's get started.

() Open the image which we will edit

(1) The first thing we need to do is separate the jacket from the main layer and move it to a new layer. To do this, you need to use any convenient method for selecting a fragment of the image. In this case, I used the tool Magnetic Lasso

(2) Now we have selected the selection tool. Let's make a selection of the object you need, that is, the jacket

(3) When you have selected the desired area, make sure you are positioned on the jacket layer.

(4) Go to the tab Editing

(5) In the menu that opens, select Copy merged data or the same command can be done by pressing Shift + Ctrl + C

() Press the key combination Ctrl + V, in order to create a new layer on which one jacket will be located

(6) Open the file with the texture you want to apply to the jacket. Choose a tool Moving

(7) Transfer the texture to the image.

(8) Move the texture layer above the jacket layer, make sure the texture covers the entire jacket.

(9) Move the mouse cursor between the texture and jacket layers. The cursor should change to two intersecting circles... Now click with the left mouse button in order to crop the excess areas

(10) Make sure to select the texture layer. Change Layer blend mode... In this tutorial, I have used Color dodge(lightening the base). But I advise you to experiment and choose the most suitable method.

(11) Downgrade Layer opacity with texture. I downgraded to 50% .

So that is all. I hope you have learned new skills and techniques. I hope they will help you with your future work!

P.S. Experiment as much as possible, and then you will master great skills and achieve great success!

Today you will learn about a simple yet effective way to make a photo interesting and unique by using texture mapping. You will need: Adobe Photoshop, your original photograph, and a desire to create.

So, upload the original photo that we will process.

With the second shot, open the texture image that you will be overlaying on top of the photo.

With the texture image open, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A, which will select the entire image. A thin dotted border appears around the picture.

Copy the image to the clipboard by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C. Open the photo you will be applying the texture to and press Ctrl + V. Photoshop will automatically paste the texture on a separate layer.

Open the "Modify" tab and select "Free Transform". This function allows you to adjust the parameters of the texture so that they match the photo. When finished regulating, press the Enter key.

Activate the Move tool. The fact is that with certain tools, some of Photoshop's functions may not be available. In order for them to work, we select "Move".

Go to the layer blending option. By default, there is the "Normal" option. This contains a list of parameters that will change the intensity of the texture overlaid on top of the photo. Review each option to find the one that works best for you.

Now you can move on to changing the saturation of the texture. If you want only the outline of the texture to be visible in the photo, then you should desaturate it. To do this, go to the menu "Image" - "Correction" - "Desaturate". Essentially this function makes your texture black and white. You can see this if you look at the Layers panel and see a thumbnail image of the texture layer. In some cases, a photo can look more interesting with a color texture, so feel free to experiment.

Another interesting effect that makes it possible to play with the texture is inversion. changing colors to the opposite. To do this, go to the menu "Image" - "Correction" - "Inversion".

The final stage of adjustments is to lower the opacity of the texture. The corresponding item is located on the layers panel, where the degree of opacity is indicated as a percentage (100% is a completely opaque texture). By adjusting the slider, you will achieve the most appropriate result so that the overlaid texture looks more delicate.

And to make the image look more natural, we lower the color saturation of the image. To do this, click at the very bottom of the toolbar on the miniature icon in the form of a circle, one half of which is white and the other black. This option will create an adjustment layer mask. In the list that appears, select the "Brightness / Contrast" item and use the slider to adjust these indicators until the result is satisfactory.

That's all! Now you know the basics of working with textures using blend modes.

In this mini tutorial, I'll show you,. Textures for Photoshop are in .pat format. If you downloaded a texture in this format, then everything is simple: put it in Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe Photoshop CS5 \ Presets \ Patterns.

After that, in Photoshop go to Edit -> Preset Manager and select the Patterns tab. In it, you will see the current set of textures. Let's say I copied a texture named Lesson_textures. To find this set, click on the arrow and select it from the list:

That's it, now you can use these textures anywhere. Here's an example using layer-style textures:

You can also select a texture without uploading it to your photoshop folder. To do this, click on the arrow and find the Load Patterns item:

You will be prompted to select a texture from any folder on your hard drive.

I guess we sorted it out. But what if the texture is in .jpg or .png format, that is, it is a normal picture? Everything is also very simple here, let's figure it out.

Creating a new texture in Photoshop

Open your picture, I took this one:

Go to Edit -> Define Pattern and give the texture a name.

Click OK and that's it! Your texture will now appear in the Preset Manager:

Click the Save Set button to save it to a separate .pat file. You can also save several textures, thereby creating your own sets, to do this, simply select several textures and click the same Save Set button.

That's it, now you know how to set texture in photoshop.