How to eavesdrop on a conversation on the phone. Protection of commercial interests and corporate information

As with the legend of triangulation, carefully mixing fiction with carefully measured doses of truth can produce a believable-looking mixture. The beauty of it will be that not a single honest and objective specialist will say “this full bullshit." Such a hybrid of truth and fiction can even be shown on TV, accompanied by interviews with representatives of leading telecom operators. "Is it true that your company cooperates with intelligence services, transmitting to them information about calls and conversations of subscribers?" the pretty presenter will ask. " We work within the framework of the law and provide the necessary assistance in solving criminal crimes,” a company representative will say. And the average person will hear what he wanted to hear: “Yes! Everything said in the program is true! You can turn on the microphone and listen to me!”

Now let's try to figure it out ourselves.

The main tenets of the legend of eavesdropping:

  1. IN any mobile equipment is initially designed to provide information about the exact location of the subscriber (accurate to meters), recording and listening to conversations, even when the mobile phone is turned off (emphasis mine, quote from the first link).
  2. These capabilities can be activated by intelligence agencies or well-prepared "hackers"
  3. The phone user cannot detect the fact of listening
  4. The presence of this opportunity is confirmed by quotes from information security experts, representatives of intelligence agencies and government organizations.

Imagine that such an opportunity really exists and that you have become the target of an eavesdropper. Your phone's microphone picks up your conversations, and your phone transmits them...

This is where the fun begins. How and where does the phone transmit wiretapped conversations? Even the authors of articles about wiretapping do not go as far as outright nonsense in their fantasies like “the phone has an alternative voice codec that is used to encode speech, and the phone then transmits the resulting stream on a secret frequency through a separate antenna, without using base stations.”

As a rule, they write that the phone makes a call to a certain number without the owner’s knowledge, after which everyone on that side listens carefully and records it.

We will stick to this version. So, your phone makes a call (using standard GSM functions) to a certain number without your knowledge, and you don't notice it.

A number of uncomfortable questions immediately arise:

  1. Why is the fact that there is an active call not visible in the phone interface?
  2. How long will your phone battery last?
  3. what to do with characteristic interference on the speakers of surrounding radio equipment?
  4. will the call used for listening be visible in the detailed listing of your calls?

There must be some answer to all these questions, otherwise such a call will go unnoticed for a maximum of a couple of minutes.

Under paragraph 1, they usually write that intelligence services or a mobile operator can remotely install software on your phone, which will Hide Everything. However, there is currently no way to transfer active content to a phone that will work with any phone and SIM card. Software in the form of a SIM-toolkit requires appropriate SIM cards, and cannot control the behavior of the phone in such a way as to hide the fact of the call. Software in the form of special Java Applications requires Java support in the phone (and articles about eavesdropping appeared long before the advent of MIDP 1.0), plus the API will not allow them to control the phone sufficiently to hide the call, and installing them will require certain manipulations on the part of the owner phone (at a minimum - open MMS/WAP-push SMS, or install the software yourself). Perhaps the situation is slightly different with applications for Series 40/60/80 OS or other smartphone OSes. But smartphones are not “all phones.”

There remains the option of remotely changing/replacing the phone's firmware. Works with any phones. Any models. Any manufacturers. In the network of any operators. To this we can only say that it makes direct sense for the intelligence services that are capable of this to retrain as mobile phone manufacturers and effortlessly survive from the market of all current players :)

Point number 2 is usually passed over in silence. However, sometimes they write that “eavesdropping can be detected by the rapidly decreasing battery charge.” Which is usually enough for a maximum of 4 hours of continuous conversation, after which the phone dies. Somehow not very suitable for round-the-clock discreet surveillance, huh?

Point number 3 is also either passed over in silence or indicated as one of the ways to notice eavesdropping. But excuse me, in our time only a completely unobservant person can be unaware of the connection between interference from the speakers of radio equipment and the operation of a mobile phone. Again, for secretive method of listening, such a “side effect” is completely unacceptable.

Point number 4 assumes that the intelligence services are in collusion with mobile operators. This agreement assumes that:

  1. The operator has nothing against the fact that his voice channels are used for listening, and he does not receive a cent for them. (We are not considering the option “secret services pay for the person being bugged”, right?)
  2. The operator excludes calls to intelligence service numbers from the detailed call printout and from all internal databases (ok, this can be done)
  3. If the listener is in the coverage area of ​​another network (or in roaming), the operator additionally bears the costs associated with roaming and interconnect.
  4. This conspiracy is valid at least for all operators in the country where the intelligence services in question operate.

Attention, question: what should be the motivation of operators for them to agree to such a conspiracy - and, moreover, a secret conspiracy?

Since it is secret, the option of “compelling it by law” is not suitable (laws are published). Since the conspiracy involves significant financial losses on the part of the operators, the motivator must be either money or fear. Fear, for obvious reasons, disappears. And the money... Can you imagine intelligence agencies paying an operator for billing modifications and costs associated with wiretapping? :)

(A small digression: I read the “Lawful interception” section in the documentation for MSC from at least three manufacturers. Everywhere they talked exclusively about monitoring and recording calls from/to specified numbers, and not a word about the mystical “remote microphone activation”, “phone diagnostic modes” etc.)

So what do we have? Some all-powerful intelligence agencies, with the help of a staff of brilliant engineers, are developing a way to remotely change the software of any phone (note, they are developing it themselves - the intelligence services of another country will not share their developments with them). Further, these special services negotiate with all mobile operators to conceal the fact of calls to a secret number belonging to the special services. After which, they change the software of your phone and force it to make a call to a secret number. At the risk of being noticed every second by the rapid discharge of the battery and interference from nearby radio equipment, they have the ability to listen to you for about 4-5 hours (if you played into their hands and pre-charged the phone), and if you want to use GPRS, they will almost certainly have to be interrupted (rare networks and phones allow parallel support active voice channel and active GPRS session).

Sorry, but is the game worth the candle?

Let's apply Occam's razor and try to consider alternative version. Let's say you are a mafioso and you are being followed. According to a court order, your phone (the number can be easily recognized) is put on “classic” wiretapping - giving you the opportunity to listen to the calls you make or receive. In addition, they receive some other information about you in a different way (perhaps not entirely legitimate). In order to be able to use this information in court and not expose its source/method of obtaining, this information is presented as “a recording obtained from a telephone using (unnamed) special means.” In addition, in their free time, representatives of the special services in (anonymous) interviews can support the legend of listening through a switched off mobile phone - just so that “everyone is afraid.”

Now compare both options and ask yourself - which one looks more plausible and (most importantly) easier to implement?

If you are not yet convinced, use the razor again, and think about the relative plausibility of these options:

  1. A young but ambitious journalist hears/reads that a high-profile arrest has been made based on a “bug” installed in a mobile phone. If you write it like that, the note will be boring and uninteresting. It would be much more interesting to write about Turning on the Microphone - then in addition to the paragraph about the arrest itself, it would be possible to write ten more, stuffed with pseudo-scientific nonsense.
  2. You are a manufacturer of “mobile security products.” All sorts of scramblers, additional encryptors, tin foil hats, lead cases, etc. But here’s the problem: your products are poorly sold. The client does not feel the need to shell out money for your inventions. You take the initiative into your own hands and publish a series of articles in the media about the non-illusory threat of Turning on the Microphone... (this is the category that the first link seems to fall into).

Yes, I almost forgot - I promised to say more about quotes and links to official documents, with which this legend is often supported. Let's take the English-language article, the link to which I gave at the very beginning of the post. The article is replete with quotes. I will not analyze everything in detail, I will limit myself to the very first.

What the article says: " The FBI appears to have begun using a novel form of electronic surveillance in criminal investigations: remotely activating a mobile phone's microphone [...]. The technique is called a "roving bug," and was approved by top U.S. Department of Justice officials [...]. The surveillance technique came to light in an opinion published this week by U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan. take place near a suspect's cell phone. Kaplan's opinion said that the eavesdropping technique "functioned whether the phone was powered on or off."".

If you are not strong in English, I will translate. " The FBI has begun using a new surveillance method: remote activation of a cell phone microphone. The method is called a "mobile bug" and is approved by the highest ranks of the US Department of Justice. Judge Lewis Kaplan's opinion this week brought public attention to the method. The judge made a decision. according to which the use of a “mobile bug” is recognized as legal, because [.....] . The judge also noted that this method of eavesdropping works regardless of whether the phone is on or off".

Now let's see what is really written in this opinion: "The government applied for a "roving bug," that is, the interception of Ardito"s conversations at locations that were "not practical" to specify, as authorized by 18 U.S.C. § 2518(11)(a). Judge Jones granted the application, authorizing continued interception at the four restaurants and the installation of a listening device in Ardito's cellular telephone. The device functioned whether the phone was powered on or off, intercepting conversations within its range wherever it happened to be." (emphasis mine).

Everything turned out to be simple. The judge approved the installation of a listening device on the suspect's cell phone. There is no word about remotely turning on microphones. Below in the quoted document, the “installation” and subsequent “removal” of the listening device from the mobile phone of another suspect is also clearly mentioned.

To avoid wiretapping of subscribers' mobile phones, existing cellular operators have introduced network protection using GSM technologies. Such methods have been developed and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the competent state authorities.

The only existing method of protecting radio channels is the work of complex algorithms that provide data encryption, making wiretapping of a mobile phone impossible. These processes are quite simple - subscribers connect to databases, complex algorithms are activated, which reduces the leakage of personal information to absolute zero.

The existing technology for wiretapping a mobile phone comes down to active and passive methods. Passive technologies include expensive installations, the prices of which exceed tens and thousands of euros. The manufacturing companies of these units guarantee that all personal data of cellular network subscribers is currently being tracked thanks to unlimited access to the service provider’s database and directly to the SIM card.

Due to the complexity of the process of spying on subscribers and wiretapping phones at a distance of approximately 500 m, it is specially monitored by qualified trained employees.

Active wiretapping technology involves intercepting signals using a special mobile complex - a pair of advanced phones and a laptop. The cost of such complexes is also far from cheap - thousands of dollars. However, information on how phones are tapped in this way is only available to highly qualified employees in the field of technology and communications.

In addition, today it is possible to wiretap a mobile phone at a household level, for non-professional hackers. It is carried out by uploading malware onto the gadget. This kind of special programs are able to monitor and manage not only the encryption of data on the phone, but also all the data on the device!

Today, no one can determine the signs of wiretapping of a mobile phone or give a 100% guarantee that everything that happens to the phone relates to wiretapping, but everyone can get some confirmation of the likelihood of such processes, and this is not the slightest difficulty. A simple and reliable method for detecting wiretapping about ten years ago was ordinary push-button telephones. Opponents of technological progress can still observe this now - a closed or open lock appears on the displays of old phones, which displays the presence or absence of data encryption.

Users of modern smartphones, alas, do not have access to such a visual check, but we can use a number of certain signs that we cannot ignore to find out that a mobile phone is being tapped.

For example, a person does not use his own smartphone for a certain time, but the device’s battery still heats up. This is an important indicator of how to find out whether the phone is tapped.

If your smartphone has recently begun to discharge too quickly, it’s worth paying attention to, maybe it’s wiretapping! You can ignore this fact in cases where you like to play games on your phone or are a music lover and constantly listen to music from your device and watch videos. It is logical that each battery will begin to discharge quickly. Also, it is worth considering the age of the smartphone - a new device that is up to 1 year old cannot “kill” the battery for no reason. But older models will reduce their charge over time.

Does your smartphone turn off for a long time or with a certain delay? Can't you turn it off at all? This may indicate espionage! However, please note that similar types of device malfunctions can be caused by incorrect firmware or malware infection.

In cases where you notice strange activity on your device - the backlight turns on in standby mode, unknown applications or programs are installed, the smartphone reboots on its own - pay attention to this! Most likely, they are spying on you and controlling your smartphone using third-party software.

How else can an ordinary gadget user check his phone for wiretapping? Interference, clicks, background noise may indicate incorrect or faulty operation of the device, errors in an old battery, infection of the device with viruses, or... wiretapping!

Make sure that there is interference in your personal life by paying attention to the simultaneous coincidence of several of these points.

Ways to protect your phone from wiretapping

Password-protect your smartphone, keep it with you and don’t give it to strangers (or maybe even acquaintances!) - this is the first and most effective way to protect yourself from espionage. And if you are not going to use the device, turn it off by removing the battery.

Today, less radical options for protecting against mobile phone eavesdropping are also available. Manufacturers-developers, answering the frequent question “how to protect your phone from wiretapping?”, suggest not to fall into despair and install specially designed programs that can report wiretapping, providing peace of mind to users.

These applications and programs protect smartphones from malicious software that records telephone conversations of subscribers, duplicates SMS correspondence, uses the camera during a conversation and even in the device’s standby mode.

How do you know if your phone is being tapped? “Security” applications monitor the base stations with which the smartphone connects, checking their signatures and geolocation data. When dubious bases move from their location or disappear from the radar altogether, programs perceive them as suspicious and send a corresponding notification to the user. However, manufacturers of such applications warn users that these functions do not guarantee protection of the phone from wiretapping, and recommend refraining from telephone conversations and other methods of data exchange when connecting to dubious base stations.

In highly specialized online stores you can legally purchase affordable and effective methods of protection against eavesdropping, such as:

  • anti-bugs – detector devices that provide a sufficient level of human protection from wireless cameras, miniature radio transmitters, radio microphones and other things. They work with a wide range of frequencies, are endowed with high sensitivity and monitor the surrounding radio air;
  • Hidden camera detectors – detect cameras at long distances regardless of mode (on or off) and communication channels (wired and wireless) based on lens flares;
  • Field indicators detect data collection devices. Available in: portable, room, telephone and car.

Wiretapping a mobile phone using Reptilicus

Reptilicus is one such application that archives data. Thanks to this feature, everyone is able to use the phone as a scout. The program for listening to mobile phones has proven itself to be excellent.

There are a lot of reasons to install Reptilicus to listen to a mobile phone:

  • parental control over your child and his social circle;
  • establishing a trusting relationship with your significant other;
  • monitoring the work of subordinates to prevent gossip, conspiracies and information leaks;
  • comfortable round-the-clock care for sick or elderly people;

And this is not an exhaustive list. Everyone has their own reasons and the question is “how to listen to a phone?”, and there is only one solution - install the Reptiilkus program on the device.

The program is installed on a person’s smartphone, telephone conversations, SMS correspondence, the geolocation data of which is duplicated to the email address specified in the program settings.

Reptilicus has nothing to do with spyware! This is not a prank for friends who intercept messages on Viber, WhatsApp, VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and other social networks. The developers position the application as a friendly program that works exclusively in hidden mode, an assistant in life.

The creators of Reptilicus strongly remind you of the prohibition of using the program for illegal purposes (spying on a person, obtaining information illegally, using software for eavesdropping, etc.), as well as the mandatory consent of a person if it is necessary to monitor him. After all, the listed actions and actions imply the presence of responsibility on the part of the person who commits them.

Advantages of the Reptilicus service over other software for listening to mobile phones

A comparison of existing phone wiretapping software technologies on the market shows that Reptilicus provides the best service. This is not only a program for wiretapping phones, it is a logger program for personal data that provides accurate geolocation data of people's locations, the content and details of telephone conversations, printouts of correspondence, parental controls and much more.

The application provides a sufficient level of protection for device data in case of loss or deletion, restores lost data, and provides remote operation using the command line with SMS or email.

In cases of emergency determination of the location of phones/subscribers, the program monitors all actions that are performed on the phone, helps to find the device and saves the data stored on it. If the device has been stolen, the program will track the exact coordinates of its location and, if necessary, transfer this data to law enforcement agencies. All these functions are not available in other listening programs.

October 2, 2014 at 10:07 am

Wiretapping of mobile phones and their protection

  • Wireless technologies

What options exist for wiretapping cell phone conversations, how can one protect against this type of attack, and how can a subscriber determine that his phone may be being tapped? Due to the recent wave of espionage scandals, these issues are becoming relevant again. Journalists turned to Ukrainian mobile operators with a request to explain how subscribers should behave in such cases.

What was striking was that almost all the operators that journalists contacted were simply unable to provide answers to the questions posed. The only company that agreed to help were representatives of MTS Ukraine. The operator Life:) did not give an answer at all to the sent request, and Kyivstar replied that they are not experts in such matters, and that such questions should be addressed to special government services (read, Ministry of Internal Affairs, SBU, etc. ) The article below also used information about wiretapping of mobile phones obtained from public sources.

How operators protect their networks
When developing GSM technology, as well as at the stage of its implementation, all requirements from the controlling government were taken into account. authorities to the level of protection. It is because of these requirements that in many countries around the world the sale and purchase of special equipment, such as powerful encryptors, crypto equipment, scramblers, as well as very secure technologies for public communications, are prohibited. But mobile operators themselves ensure the protection of their radio channels using signal encryption methods. Encryption uses very complex algorithms. Which cryptographic algorithm will be used for encryption is selected at the stage when a connection is established between the base station and the subscriber himself. The degree of probability of a leak of subscriber information from the operator’s equipment, as MTS employees assured journalists, is practically zero. Why to zero, we asked - and all because of the complexity and control of access to the operator’s facilities and equipment.
How can you “listen” to mobile phones?
There are only two methods of wiretapping subscribers - the active method and the passive method. When passively listening to a subscriber, you need to use very expensive equipment and have specially trained workers. If you have money (read - a lot of money), you can purchase special systems on the “black market”, using which you can listen to the conversations of any subscriber within a radius of up to 500 meters. Ask why you need to have a lot of money? The answer is simple - the price of one such set starts from several hundred thousand euros. What such a kit looks like can be seen in the next photo. There are many sites on the Internet where you can familiarize yourself with the description and operating principle of such kits and listening systems.

As the manufacturers of such listening systems convince, their systems can monitor GSM conversations in real time, because the operating principle of the equipment is based on access to the SIM card of the mobile subscriber, or directly to the database of the cellular operator itself. Although, if those listening to you do not have such access, they can listen to all your conversations with some delay. The amount of delay depends on the level of encryption of the communication channel that a particular operator uses. Such systems can also be mobile centers for listening and tracking the movement of objects.

The second way of wiretapping is to actively interfere live on the air with the authentication process and management protocols. For this purpose, special mobile complexes are used. Such mobile systems, which are essentially a pair of specially modified phones and a laptop, despite their apparent simplicity and small size, are also not a cheap pleasure - their price varies from a couple of tens of thousands to several hundred thousand US dollars. And again, only highly qualified specialists in the field of communications can work on such equipment.

The attack on the subscriber is carried out according to the following principle: since the complex is mobile and is located at a close distance to the subscriber - up to 500 meters - it “intercepts” signals to establish a connection and transmit data, replacing the operator’s base station. In fact, the complex itself becomes an “intermediary bridge” between the nearest base station and the subscriber himself.

After “capturing” the desired mobile subscriber in this way, this complex can actually perform any control function over the intercepted channel: for example, connect the person being listened to with any number necessary for those listening, lower the encryption algorithm or even disable this encryption for a specific communication session, etc. .d.

What such a complex looks like can be seen in the photo below.

As experts shared, it is impossible to determine 100% that the subscriber’s phone is being tapped at this very moment. But, you can get indirect evidence that may indicate that such a possibility exists. In the recent past, some mobile models (namely push-button phones) had a special symbol-icon in the form of a lock in their functionality. If the lock was closed, then the signal is encrypted, and vice versa - if the lock is open... well, you understand everything yourself.

But in phones over the last 5-6 years there is no such function... It’s a pity. Although, for some smartphone models there are special applications that will signal the phone owner about the configuration of the settings used in the current communication session. One option is to notify the user about the mode in which his conversation is transmitted - using encryption algorithms or openly. Listed below are a few of these applications:

EAGLE Security
It is one of the most powerful applications for protecting your mobile phone from wiretapping. This program prevents any connections to false base stations. To determine the reliability of a station, a check of signatures and station identifiers is used. In addition, the program independently monitors and remembers the location of all base stations, and if it detects that a base is moving around the city, or its signal disappears from time to time from its location - such a base is marked as false and suspicious and the application will notify the owner about this phone. Another useful feature of the program is the ability to show which of the applications and programs installed on your phone have access to your phone’s video camera and microphone. There is also a function to disable (prohibit) access to any software you don’t need to the camera.
This program differs from the previous one and its main function is to monitor any suspicious activity on the network, including the use of SMS, which can be sent without the permission of the phone owner. The application evaluates in real time how secure your network is and what encryption algorithm is used at this moment and much more.
Android IMSI-Catcher Detector
This application also helps protect your smartphone from any connections to pseudo-bases. The only disadvantage of this program is that you will not find it on Google Play and if you still want to install it, you will have to tinker with this procedure.
The CatcherCatcher program, like its analogues above, is engaged in identifying false base stations that attackers (or special services?) use as intermediate “intermediary bridges” between the subscriber and the real base station.

And finally, experts also recommended using special applications to ensure the security of personal conversations and data, including encrypting your conversations. Similar analogues are the anonymous web browsers Orbot or Orweb, for example. There are also special programs that encrypt your telephone conversations, photos, and many already use secure instant messengers.

During the period of rapid development of information technology, many people are wondering how to check their phone for wiretapping. With the active use of computer technology, smartphones and the Internet, various spy applications and programs are being created that can damage office equipment and communication devices. But there are certain signs that you should pay close attention to. There are methods that make it easy to independently check whether the phone is wiretapped. Let us consider in detail in our article how to eliminate “strange” interference and in which case you will need the help of specialists.

How to detect wiretapping on your phone

The phenomenon of wiretapping a mobile phone has its own unique characteristics by which it can be identified. Getting access to another person's phone is quite simple. If you suspect that your own device is being tapped, then do not hesitate and urgently send it for diagnostics.

Detectives and telecommunications specialists know exactly how to check a phone for wiretapping, but first try doing it yourself so as not to waste money on company services. Of course, such diagnostics cannot guarantee an absolute result, but the presence of an extraneous network will certainly be detected.

The main signs of attachment to a listening device

To check your phone for wiretapping, you need to remember the basic signs of interaction with a listening device. Many of them can also be found on regular faulty devices. Make sure this is not your case.

1. The battery drains quickly. Of course, this is not always an accurate indicator, because it is also inherent in devices on which many applications and games are installed. But it’s a completely different matter when the phone can be in the wrong hands, disappear from the sight of its owner (you can’t control it at night) and there are no programs running on it. If, in a calm state, a mobile device is discharged in just an hour or two, then this is a clear signal that there is wiretapping on it.

2. The device turns off spontaneously, reboots or turns on the backlight. If all of the problems listed are not related to malfunctions in the Android or iOS operating system, then there is a high probability that interference is being created on the side. Remember that when the phone is still tapped, nothing new or unnecessary is displayed on the screen, but during operation periodic failures may occur.

3. During a conversation, extraneous sounds are constantly heard. The presence of other connected networks prevents the subscriber from reaching another number - this takes many times longer than without wiretapping. If during a telephone conversation there is minor interference and a noticeable echo of both voices, this means that a special listening program is being connected. It happens when a subscriber hears only himself, and not his interlocutor. Cell phones interfere with radio, TV, and stereo systems. Even when turned off, the phone may emit noise when approaching any other devices.

4. After replenishing the account, an impressive amount of funds was written off for no reason. If such a problem is detected, you need to call the operator on the hotline to clarify the circumstances or go to your Personal Account on the Internet and look at “Fund Expenses.” If there is no error, then we can assume that information about calls and messages was sent to the listening program along with the balance.

If you suspect the operation of eavesdropping systems, it is recommended to contact a service that removes bugs and other special programs, or change your gadget.

Don’t forget that you can install wiretapping on every phone, regardless of its cost or year of manufacture. Of course, the very first push-button models lend themselves to this only after installing bugs, and not using a network or the Internet, since they do not have operating systems, but even these cases are a cause for concern.

Is it possible to buy a wiretapping bug?

Previously, only law enforcement agencies had access to spy equipment, and only special services could install it on the required number. Today, with the development of Internet technology, a bug can be inexpensively purchased online. This is a small program for wiretapping a cell phone that can work for you and suit your needs. However, there is one big problem: in order to install the application, access to someone else's device is required. Advantage - it works on all brands, even very outdated ones. This will inform you about calls and text messages.

It must be said that the price of a quality product is relatively high - several tens of thousands of rubles, for this reason, the wiretapping bug is not used so often. In addition, there are more advanced remote methods that involve remote connection to a cellular network operator and the implementation of special applications at the software level. Our service sells similar equipment for household use.

Wiretapping at a distance

The most popular method among users. There is no need to look for the moment when a person leaves the phone unattended, to deal with spyware installations, and through services you can manage it anonymously. Absolutely all modern devices are at risk, and given that they are used by all age categories of citizens, any person can be put under control. When the smartphone is active, it creates very little interference that is unnoticeable, the battery does not drain, everything works as usual, as a result, you can listen to other people’s conversations from a distance and read the other subscriber without the danger of being detected.

To eliminate the possibility of listening to a mobile device at a distance, a few tips from experts will help:

  • Do not transmit confidential information over the phone
  • Do not use your cell phone for business negotiations
  • a conversation conducted in a moving car is much more difficult to listen to due to noise and frequency changes
  • there is no need to take risks and trust phone repair to an unfamiliar company with a dubious reputation

How to listen to your wife's phone without installing programs

The same question is asked by women who want to test their husband. Today, all communication is conducted through mobile communications, which means that this is the basis for a channel of reliable information. If you do not have the opportunity to check your wife or husband’s phone, then choose remote connection methods; alas, they are only possible with the help of specialists. However, they do not require searching and installing programs, which is fraught with danger both for you and for someone else’s phone. You can download a program riddled with viruses and lose your personal data, but for another person the harm can be even more global - theft of passwords and all documents downloaded on the smartphone. At best, it will be a stupid toy with information that the subscriber is online or busy without indicating or providing the spouse’s telephone conversations. The service of wiretapping your wife's (husband's) phone will help in case of divorce to convict your other half of betrayal.

In order to wiretap someone else's phone, you just need to send us a mobile number; no other information is required. After testing the device, our company will connect the controlled number on the server to a duplicate channel, from where the information will “go” to you. The service is paid for once and is valid for an indefinite period. The entire device will be under control, for example, if the smartphone is dual-SIM, then information is collected from all numbers connected to this phone.

Knowing how to check your phone for wiretapping, you don’t have to fear for the integrity and safety of the device, as well as for yourself. At the first “bell”, you must immediately contact repair shops that will carry out diagnostics. If wiretapping is installed remotely, they will not help. You need to look for specialists who, through requests from the provider’s server, will be able to create a channel for duplicating your conversations and SMS messages. Send your orders to us via the feedback form.

What is included in the package of services for monitoring other people's conversations:

  • Copying all data from the monitored device
  • Recording incoming and outgoing calls
  • Detailed information about subscribers
  • Online recording of all telephone conversations
  • Audio files - conversations in MP3 format with the ability to download to your computer
  • SMS message details
  • Determining the location of the device on the map
  • Listening to your surroundings
  • Manage applications, files and folders

Everyone has a mobile phone. A phone can serve not only as a benefit, but also as a detriment, giving information about the owner to attackers: wiretapping a phone will reveal a secret that can be expensive. The article will talk about two available methods of wiretapping mobile phones. Material provided by the company “7spy” - wiretapping mobile phones, a legal and inexpensive way.

1. Listening to a mobile phone using a GSM receiver

In 2007, information security specialist Carsten Nohl, at a press conference in Germany, reported and showed with an example that he had cracked the 64-bit GSM signal encryption code and showed how to wiretap a mobile phone. The method consists of intercepting a signal from the GSM range of 900 - 1800 MHz, decoding it and converting it into sound for listening.

So, to wiretap a mobile phone you will need a GSM receiver and the Kraken tool. You can use a Motorolla C123 mobile phone as a GSM receiver - after all, every mobile is a transceiver. Ether is captured through the Motorolla C123 phone, and the traffic is decrypted by the Kraken program (rainbow tables). To decrypt received traffic, you will need a computer with a powerful video card, since the entire process of decrypting the 64-bit encryption method falls on the video card processor. After intercepting and decrypting the traffic, it is necessary to convert it into an audio format for listening through a special GSM audio codec.

In fact, this is the simplest example of a professional passive GSM interception complex, which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars on gray markets. Of course, this device cannot be classified as a device with one “listen to mobile” button - since there are a number of inconveniences here. It will take weeks, or even months, for a home or office computer to decipher the signal. And one phone will allow you to listen to only one of about eighty channels.

It is not a fact that conversations will take place in exactly the channel that you are scanning. To understand the GSM architecture you need to be at least a GSM network engineer. Without special knowledge, nothing will work. However, this complex is either for enthusiasts or for a base for the construction of special complexes, but not for professional espionage.

2. Wiretapping a mobile phone with the 7spy program

The next way to wiretap a phone is the 7spy program. The main disadvantage is that to install the program you need physical access to the phone you want to listen to. This software module only works on Android, IOS, Symbian and BlackBerry smartphones.

After installing the 7spy program on the monitored phone, it works in the background and waits for a call from a certain predefined number to connect to the conference and listen to conversations. The program sends hidden SMS to the controlling number to notify you about the start of a call. By receiving an SMS you can find out when to start listening. In addition to listening to conversations, the program also has a function to remotely turn on the microphone for listening to the surroundings. This type of wiretapping works just like a GSM bug. When you call from a preset number, the program picks up the phone, but nothing is displayed on the screen, and the call melody does not play. This complex also cannot be classified as professional. But it is quite suitable for monitoring your minor children or spouse with their consent. Author: