How to check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM: several simple ways. Selecting RAM

What is random access memory (RAM)? Before moving on to the answers to this question, it is important to note that this element of any computer and laptop significantly affects its power and performance. Therefore, you need to know how to choose RAM for your computer.

Modern society uses PCs in almost all spheres of life, be it work, education or entertainment. That is why its high-quality modernization (improvement) is a very important point. Modern programs require more power and speed from a computer, which means that equipment with outdated components simply cannot fully fulfill its main purpose. RAM plays a big role in functionality, which is why many experts recommend upgrading it first.

What is RAM needed for?

Another name for OP is RAM. This abbreviation stands for “random access memory” (in English – RAM). It is intended for temporary storage of information.

For the software to function properly, you simply need to select sufficient RAM. OP is, first of all, temporary (random access) memory. The user does not participate in its use. Files are saved by the system for some time in order to ensure the normal operation of a particular program.

What is the structure of the OP?

To give a more visual example, we can say that the OP is similar to a honeycomb. Each cell is equipped with a certain amount of capacity (1-5 bits) and a personal address. It is actually a capacitor, ready at any second to fulfill its “job duties”, namely, to record an electrical discharge. The data stored (temporarily) in this way is understandable to the computer.

OP types and form factors

Before deciding which RAM to choose for a computer or laptop, you need to familiarize yourself with its types and form factors. So, there are 3 types of OP:

  1. DIMM. Most commonly used in PCs.
  2. SO-DIMM. Most often this type of RAM can be found in laptops and monoblocks. Differs from the previous type in a more compact size.
  3. FB-DIMM. Equipped with increased buffering support and high quality performance. Should be selected as RAM for servers.

It is important to consider that the OP must be compatible with the motherboard. How to choose RAM for a computer: should you prefer ddr3 or ddr4? At the moment, there are 4 types of OP, classified by compatibility with the motherboard:

  1. DDR is outdated and almost out of production.
  2. DDR2 - like the previous version, is outdated.
  3. DDR3 is currently the most popular among consumers.
  4. DDR4 is new in the world of computer technology. For the latest processor models, this type should be selected.

What RAM do you have installed?

How can you find out this information if the computer was “delivered, brought in, installed” and you have never encountered its configuration before? One way is to install a program called AIDA64. It will provide information about the type of OP and the number of modules in it. By opening the program and clicking on the Motherboard tab, then SPD, you will find out all the necessary information. You can download the AIDA64 program here.

You can see information about the type and capacity of RAM right on the board. To do this, you will need to remove the RAM stick from the connector and examine the data on the sticker. After familiarizing yourself with them, you will be able to select a compatible and suitable OP for your PC or laptop in accordance with the one originally installed.

How to find out the appropriate RAM frequency for a PC?

When answering the question of how to choose the right RAM for a laptop or computer, you need to take into account the frequency of the motherboard and processor. Here are some important points:

  1. It is not recommended to purchase a frequency less than 1600 MHz, of course, unless you have a very old PC. They are designed for computers with low endurance and performance, and are obsolete.
  2. The most current option is 1600 MHz. This module frequency is relevant for many modern computers and laptops.
  3. 2133 – 2400 MHz. This is the most expensive module of all listed. It is worth noting that this level is relevant only for programmers and professionals in the field of video processing. For the average user, the difference between 1600 MHz and 2400 MHz will be invisible.

Volume of OP: which one to choose?

To choose RAM based on this indicator, you must be guided by the purpose of the PC.

  1. 2 GB. This is the minimum amount of RAM. If you decide to choose a module with this amount of memory in order to save money, then keep in mind that a computer with 2 GB of RAM simply will not function normally. Of course, if you do not use your computer only to browse websites.
  2. 4 GB. It is better to choose this option for using the computer to watch movies, listen to audio recordings, and light games.
  3. 8 GB is the recommended option. Such RAM will cope perfectly with all programs and modern games.
  4. 16 GB is worth choosing for people who use a computer to make money. Freelancers involved in the development and creation of websites and their designs, programmers, video editors, YouTubers organizing streams - the cost of purchasing 16 GB of memory will be completely justified.
  5. 32 GB is more of a concern for the future, since at the moment there is no software that needs such an amount of RAM.

How to choose RAM depending on the OS

This is a very important point. Even if you are ready to choose the best RAM, you need to consider the features and capabilities of the system installed on your computer. For example, it is worth paying attention to the fact that 32-bit versions of the Windows system support a maximum RAM size of 3 GB. Even if you decide to choose RAM containing 4 GB, the system will only use three.
A 64-bit Windows system is optimal for all types of RAM. But it is worth remembering that an outdated computer simply will not find suitable drivers for systems of this category. Therefore, before choosing RAM, make sure that you have a 64-bit system installed and that all applications are functioning correctly. It would also be a good idea to visit the website of the motherboard manufacturer and get acquainted with information about its capabilities and the maximum memory size it supports.

What is channeling?

Many users have never heard the term “channel” in all their time working with a PC. But experienced computer scientists, on the contrary, strive to make the work of their OP two-channel, three-channel, four-channel. What does this mean? Let's take dual-channel mode as an example. The principle of its operation is based on the use of 2 RAM slots at once, combined into one memory bank.

When installing the 2nd channel, experts strongly recommend observing the following rules:

  • modules must contain the same frequency;
  • the volume of OP should also be equal;
  • 2 strips - one manufacturer.

The benefits of omnichannel

The main and main advantage is increased performance of the entire system. However, the main question remains about the need for such changes and the real visibility of improvements. It is worth noting that, as in the case of 16 GB of RAM, changes towards improvement will be noticed only by representatives of specific professions (programmers, computer graphics designers, etc.). For an ordinary user who uses a full list of usual activities (including spending time playing “heavy” games), the performance of the 2nd slot will be almost imperceptible.

So, we have given a detailed answer to the question of how to choose RAM for a PC. So before you decide on a particular OS, carefully study the capabilities of your computer and your own requirements for your PC.

Have a great day!

Is DDR4. This is what current Intel processors support (although they also left partial support for DDR3). New motherboards for AMD processors will also be released for DDR4, which will appear in early 2017. This article will help you find out how to choose DDR4 for building or a new PC or upgrade, and how RAM for laptops differs from it.

Before choosing DDR4 memory, you need to familiarize yourself a little with the features of this type of RAM. Essentially, DDR4 memory is a surface-mount BGA (solder ball array) chip, which makes it universal for all types of electronics, from routers to servers. However, for ease of installation, as well as maintaining the possibility of upgrading, increasing the available amounts of RAM and overall unification, PCs usually use a modular design.


DDR4 memory chips are soldered onto small boards, ranging from 4 to 16 pieces. Such boards are called DIMM (Double In-line Memory Module - double-sided memory module) and are equipped with 284 contacts. They have the same dimensions (5.25″ or a little more than 13 centimeters), but are physically incompatible with DDR3, since the latter’s DIMM module has 240 pins. In addition, the modules have different locations of a special key cutout that prevents the board from being installed on the wrong side or in an incompatible slot. DIMMs are the main type of RAM memory for desktop computers and servers.

For laptops with increased requirements for compactness, SO-DIMM modules (Small Outline DIMM - double-sided memory module with small pins) have been created. Also, similar boards are used in monoblocks, nettops and other types of compact personal computers. They are half the size of DIMMs (6.76 cm) and have only 260 pins.


The second criterion by which DDR4 memory can be classified is its performance characteristics. The main ones are clock speed (and the bandwidth directly related to it), latency and voltage.

Clock frequency and bandwidth characterize the performance of memory in sequential reading and writing mode. DDR4 RAM is available with support for frequencies from 1600 MHz (very rare in practice) to 3200 MHz. The most common frequencies at the moment are 1866 MHz (bandwidth - 12800 MB/s), 2133 MHz (17064 MB/s) and 2400 MHz (19200 MB/s). Most computers are designed to work with them.

CAS latency is the delay (measured in the number of working cycles) between submitting a request to read/write data and completing this operation. This parameter characterizes memory performance in random read/write mode. The lower the latency value, the more responsive the memory. At equal frequencies, the module with the lower delay duration (latency) will be faster.

Voltage— module supply voltage. At the moment, the only common value is 1.2 V. There is also LPDDR4 (low power DDR4) memory that uses lower voltages. It is not yet popular, and is used only in compact devices (ultrabooks, tablets, smartphones) that do not support its upgrade. The disadvantage of this type of memory is its reduced performance for the sake of efficiency.

Choosing DDR4 memory when building a new PC

Choosing DDR4 RAM for a computer that is being built from scratch is the easiest way. As of late 2016-early 2017, the only platform supporting this memory is Intel SkyLake (Core i3-i7 6xxx, Celeron and Pentium of this family). The base memory frequency for this platform is 2133 MHz. Higher frequencies are not supported by all boards and are only achieved during overclocking.

When purchasing a board equipped with two memory slots, it is advisable to purchase one large-capacity stick (8 or 16 GB). This will leave the possibility in the future to add another one to it and double the amount of RAM. For boards with four DIMM slots, you can choose a set of 2 smaller strips. In this case, the possibility of an upgrade remains, and the performance is at least slightly increased due to the dual-channel mode.

Heatsinks on DDR4 memory sticks are more a decorative element than a functional one. The power consumption of this generation of RAM is tiny (about 0.5-2 W), so there is no need for additional cooling. In a case with a transparent wall and backlight, heatsinks on the memory strips will decorate the inside of the PC. However, if the choice is between planks with the same parameters, and the aesthetic component fades into the background, there is no point in overpaying for radiators. They are really useful only for overclockers who overclock RAM much higher than factory frequencies.

Probably every user of a modern computer who is trying to upgrade it in order to increase performance by installing additional RAM sticks knows, or at least guesses, that the matter is not limited to just purchasing a new module and inserting it into the appropriate slot on the motherboard. If some basic parameters are not taken into account and mandatory conditions are not met, conflicts may subsequently arise. Therefore, it is initially necessary to check the compatibility of the RAM and motherboard. This can be done in several ways, which will be discussed further.

Why do you need to check the compatibility of your motherboard and RAM?

Previously, at the dawn of the development of computer technology, when mainly only DDR SDRAM standard sticks were produced, there were no problems with their installation. The only question here was one of volume.

With the advent of new standards, checking the compatibility of RAM with the motherboard has become more relevant, since not all manufacturers have managed to retrain for new types of RAM. Today the situation is repeated exactly the opposite: manufacturers of mother chips refuse to support old modifications of RAM, excluding their support. The situation is similar with outdated mother chips.

This can be explained with an example. Let's say the motherboard supports DDR3 RAM sticks with a frequency of 1333 MHz, the user bought and inserted a DDR3 stick into the slot, but operating at a frequency of 1600 MHz. What does he get as a result? Yes, the bar will work. But! At the frequency of the mother chip, and not the one for which it was originally designed. However, stable operation is not absolutely guaranteed. And if the throughput of the bar is not comparable with that of the central processor, expect trouble.

What parameters should be taken into account when replacing RAM sticks

As for the main parameters that should be taken into account when installing new or additional RAM modules, the main ones include the following:

  • memory type and generation;
  • operating frequency;
  • memory capacity of each individual stick;
  • timings;
  • operating voltage;
  • manufacturer;
  • type of computer device (desktop PC or laptop).

How to find out motherboard compatibility using the simplest method?

Now about the verification itself. Everyone knows that when purchasing a computer device, the corresponding technical documentation is supplied with it (unless it was purchased secondhand).

Thus, the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM is simply checked in the passport of the mother chip. As a rule, all manufacturers indicate the necessary technical parameters and a list of supported devices or manufacturers. But what to do if the user does not have such documentation at his disposal? In this case, you will have to turn to the Internet.

Where can I find the chipset parameters?

But first you need to know some basic characteristics of the motherboard itself, or at least know the model number. There are no problems with this on desktop PCs. You can simply remove the side cover and look at the indicated modification.

For laptops, this option is less convenient, so you can use the “Run” console, enter the msinfo32 command in it, and then view the main characteristics of each component, including the main chipset.

But this information may not be displayed. In such a situation, you can check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM on the equipment manufacturer’s website. For laptops this is generally an ideal option.

For example, the compatibility of RAM and ASUS motherboard can be found directly on the official resource. When you log into the site, you simply enter your laptop model number, then go to the main chip section and use the specifications or support tabs.

The first option is intended for so-called advanced users, where all the main parameters of supported modules will be shown in the RAM section. The second tab contains a link to download the main list. By downloading it, you can see exactly what requirements apply to RAM sticks, and which manufacturers are included in the list of officially supported ones.

Using the AIDA64 program

In principle, in order not to go far, you can use universal utilities for checking the configuration of a computer system, one of which is the powerful AIDA64 program.

The first step is to check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM for the maximum amount of RAM. To do this, use the main “Motherboard” section, find the “Chipset” line in it, or view the “Maximum memory” item through the “Northbridge Properties” menu.

But this is only general information. More detailed parameters are presented in the SPD section. But here we already have all the main characteristics that should definitely be taken into account when choosing new RAM sticks (list given above). Based on this data, it will be possible to choose exactly what is best suited for the mother chipset.


Summing up briefly, it remains to add that the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM when purchasing additional memory modules or when replacing old sticks with new ones must be done without fail, otherwise conflicts that can lead to complete failure of the computer or laptop cannot be avoided. In terms of the methods used, you can advise either going to the equipment manufacturer’s website, or using the AIDA64 application or something similar. Only after this will it be possible to select the required RAM sticks even on the Internet.

Random access memory (RAM) is computer memory, which is responsible for the rapid exchange of user and system data with the processor. RAM is no less important device in the system unit than the motherboard or processor. Choosing the right RAM is very difficult, since there are many types of them and they have many important features. That is why in this article we will try to tell you everything you need to know to choose the right RAM.

RAM Features

What is RAM needed for?

The purpose of RAM is to store information currently being used by the user or programs. RAM communicates with the processor directly or through the cache. The speed of RAM is tens or even hundreds of times higher than the speed of a hard drive. Let's give an example: the operating speed of DDR3 is 12800 Mb/sec, when the HDD speed is 80 Mb/sec. In this case, the difference is 160 times, which you will agree is very, very significant.

One of the features of RAM is its volatility, that is, it is capable of storing information as long as the power is on; when the computer is turned off, all information is erased. There is really one exception - sleep mode, in this case all information from RAM is written to a special temporary file on the hard drive. Therefore, when you wake up your computer from sleep or standby mode, you can see applications, videos, music, documents that you haven’t closed and continue working from where you left off.

Why is the amount of RAM important?

The amount of RAM directly affects the performance of individual programs and the system as a whole. The larger the amount of RAM, the less the system will have to access the hard drive, and accordingly there will be no freezes or slight slowdowns.

In practice, RAM plays the role of a kind of buffer between the hard drive and the processor. For example, you decide to play a game. When the game has loaded, you see the game menu, which means that the data from the HDD has been transferred to RAM. Now you are working directly with RAM. Next, the game levels and your profile are loaded - this is also uploading data from the HDD to RAM. The gameplay itself is the interaction of RAM with the processor.

The same thing happens when you work with programs. The amount of RAM will determine how many documents you can work with at the same time, how many browser tabs you can open without freezing. If you have a large amount of RAM, then you can open all of the above together with the game, and you can also watch a movie in a small window in the corner of the screen. A large amount of RAM allows you to watch high-definition movies without freezing, as well as use various graphic effects.

Selecting RAM

RAM type

When choosing the type of RAM, be sure to pay attention to the features of your motherboard, since it is this that will dictate the conditions for you. Usually on the manufacturer's website you will find comprehensive information about what type of RAM the motherboard supports and its other features for which the memory will be selected.

All modern motherboard models support DDR3 RAM type. It is important to note that RAM is divided into: computer and laptop. That is, long panels are used for a computer, and short ones for a laptop, so they do not fit each other.

What amount of RAM to choose

If we are talking about a desktop computer, then today the most optimal amount of RAM is 8 GB. In tandem with well-balanced components, they are quite enough for most games, not to mention various programs and working with multimedia content.

A limitation in choosing the amount of RAM may become, since not all of them support large amounts of RAM. This is exactly what you need to find out first of all in the characteristics of the motherboard.

As for the laptop, first study its parameters: the number of RAM slots and supporting capacity. Thus, you should also find out whether there are free slots on the motherboard for installing additional RAM panels, and whether the motherboard will support this amount of RAM. For most laptops, 4 GB of RAM will be sufficient.

Also, when choosing RAM, remember that 32-bit operating systems do not support more than 4 GB of RAM, or even less. Therefore, there is no point in increasing its volume. It is worth buying larger RAM if you install a 64-bit operating system, which supports up to 64 GB of RAM. But for this you must have a powerful computer.

Number of slats

Computers in which the total amount of RAM is divided into an equal number of sticks for the slots available for them are the best option. Two 4 GB sticks are better than one 8 GB stick. The fact is that motherboards support two or more channel modes of working with RAM. In theory, by activating this mode, throughput increases by 2 times. In practice it is a little less, but it is quite noticeable. Therefore, try to distribute the total amount of RAM among the slots, but be prudent at the same time.

Sooner or later, you will need to upgrade your computer, so give yourself the opportunity to increase the amount of RAM in the future. For example, if you have 4 slots for RAM, buy two 4 GB panels, in the future you can buy 2 more 4 GB each - and thus correctly increase the volume. If you buy slats of a smaller volume, then later you will have to put them in a box and buy new ones, since they will be of no use. More RAM is welcome, but illogical.

RAM sticks can be sold individually or as a set. Buying RAM in a set is more profitable than buying one at a time.

Clock speed, bandwidth and supply voltage

When you select RAM, make sure that the clock speed, bandwidth, and supply voltage are supported by the motherboard. By the way, the higher the value of the listed parameters, the more powerful the RAM.


Website experts strongly recommend giving preference to RAM models with a heatsink. The RAM heatsink is a metal plate that is located on the socket chips. Radiators are used to improve heat transfer, mainly in models operating at high frequencies.

Which company is best to buy RAM?

The company that produces the RAM is also very important. Today, RAM sockets from such manufacturers as:

  • Corsair;

  • Kingston;

  • Hynix;

  • Patriot Memory;

  • Transcend.

When choosing RAM, try to ensure that all available sockets are not only from the same company, but also from the same model and with the same parameters, for high-quality and synchronous operation.


RAM in comparison with other components, such as: motherboard, and others, is quite cheap. A pair of 4 GB DDR3 sticks (with a total capacity of 8 GB) costs from 2500 to 3000 rubles. If you buy the strips separately, they will cost a little more.

There is no need to buy the newly released RAM models (for example, 32 GB DDR3). Firstly, on average, one megabyte of memory in this case costs more, and secondly, you are unlikely to find a way to use the entire amount of memory. As a rule, 8 GB of RAM is enough for any user to work comfortably.

Let's think about random access memory (RAM), sometimes simply called memory. RAM data can be called up without the need to access the hard drive, so having the required amount of memory on your computer directly correlates with the computer's performance.

Without diving too deeply into the science behind computer memory, called RAM allows your computer to run faster and more smoothly, especially when multitasking—if you need to open multiple programs at once.

Why upgrade RAM?

Implementing RAM in a PC is a performance issue. If you've noticed your PC performance dropping more than expected, and this has been happening for a while, Windows Task Manager is a good way to check if you're overloading your RAM.

Open Windows 10 Task Manager by pressing ALT + CTL + DEL. Go to the Performance tab. The tab named Memory measures your RAM usage.

You'll get a more detailed view by clicking the Open Resource Monitor button at the bottom of the Task Manager window and going to the Memory tab.

The rule of thumb is that if available memory is less than 25 percent of your total memory, upgrading the RAM will provide a noticeable performance boost to the end user.

Monitor your RAM, especially when you open a new application. If it's slower than you'd like and you notice ram usage approaching 100%, then upgrading your RAM may help you.

Determine the possibility of upgrading the RAM of your laptop or PC

Unfortunately, many laptops do not have a window in the bottom for upgrading the RAM or the memory is soldered to the motherboard; these situations prevent the RAM from being upgraded. It is also possible that the system simply cannot recognize more than a certain amount of memory. To find out if you can upgrade your RAM, try Crucial's Memory Advisor tool. Once you find the exact model of your laptop, you should get a screen that shows the maximum amount of RAM and the number of slots for your laptop.

First, note that laptop memory and desktop memory are different from each other. friend And not interchangeable! Let this be the first step in choosing the right RAM for your computer.

The two components that most influence the type of RAM you can choose are your motherboard and your operating system.

The operating system you're running may affect the maximum amount of RAM you can use on your computer. The maximum RAM limit for the 32-bit version of Windows is 4 GB.

Your computer's motherboard also determines the amount of RAM because it has a limited number of real-time memory module slots (DIMM slots) into which you plug RAM. Consult your computer or motherboard manual to find this information.

Additionally, the motherboard determines which RAM you should choose. The most common desktop options are:

  • DDR2 SDRAM(with double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory) - typically used in computers built after 2003.
  • DDR3 SDRAM(double the data rate of three synchronous dynamic random access memories) - found in computers built after 2007.
  • DDR4 SDRAM(double data rate with 4th generation synchronous dynamic random access memory) is the latest generation of RAM found in the latest versions of PCs.

Other RAM characteristics should also be noted:

  • Speed ​​(MHz). Unless you're comparing performance, you probably won't notice the difference between an 1866 MHz memory module and a 1333 MHz one. Speed ​​issues are more important for server workstations that handle large computing loads.
  • RAM timings or latency are represented as four numbers separated by “-”. Generally, lower scores mean better performance.
  • Multichannel sets. If your motherboard supports multi-channel memory, the appropriate set will optimize performance. For this, RAM can be purchased based on the system memory.

An online store configurator (for example, can help you choose RAM for your system.