How to synchronize email with gmail. How to set up an account in Gmail and import letters and contacts from other mail servers? Another Gmail account

Almost all news resources reported that access to popular Russian Internet resources will be limited in our country. The sanctions list contains (in addition to social networks, cards, office programs, antiviruses) mail services Yandex and In this regard, owners of email accounts from Ukraine on these resources may have real problems with access to their mailboxes, calendars and contacts. To avoid such inconveniences, you can transfer your account to Gmail completely, or continue to use your old mailbox, but using Gmail.

Transfer your account to Gmail

First of all, you will need to get a Gmail account. After you log into your mailbox, you need to go to settings. Go to the “Settings” menu => “Account and Import” => “Import mail and contacts”.

The next step is to enter your e-mail and password to the “old” mailbox.

When all procedures are completed, a folder with the name of your “old” will appear in the side menu postal address. This folder will contain old letters, and the “Contacts” folder will contain the address book of the “old” account.

It should be noted that such an operation with transferring mail from the “old” mailbox may not work, provided that access to it is blocked by postal protocol POP3. In short, it is a special protocol that allows you to receive mail from a server.

For Yandex, you will need to grant access permission via the POP3 protocol manually. To do this, you need to go to “Settings” => “Personal data, signature, portrait”. Then you need to check the boxes next to “From the server using the POP3 protocol.” After this, Gmail will be able to import all your correspondence from Yandex.

Linking the “old” mailbox with Gmail

This transfer method is also fast and convenient. You can continue to use the “old” mailbox, but at the same time log into it whenever Gmail help. The setup is similar to the first method. You will need to go to “Settings” => “Account and Import” => “Add mail account" Next you will be offered the Gmailify service.

After completing these steps, you will be able to choose from which address to send the letter in your mailbox settings.

Your letter will be sent from the “old” mailbox, but using Gmail.

Earlier in the article “” we talked about the fact that wealthy users are more loyal to Ukrainian services, and more and more people are switching to They are guided by such criteria as mailbox functionality, security, workspace, spam protection.

Transferring Mail.RU contacts

Synchronization of contacts of the Mail.RU service does not always take place in automatic mode. Below we will describe and show how to transfer contacts from address book manually.

To get started, log into your account, then click on the list icon. Select "Export Contacts".

Select which contacts you want to export: all or specific groups. Then select the contacts file format "Google CSV" and click "Continue".

Save the generated file with contacts.

Then go to Google mail. Click on "Gmail" and then on "Contacts".

The system will prompt you to switch to the old version of the interface to complete the import.

After downloaded old version interface, click on the “More” button, then “Import”.

Select the download file that you previously saved.

After this you will see your contacts from Mail.RU

Try choosing a recipient. Gmail should accept new contacts right away.

The President of Ukraine signed a decree that obliged local providers, including Mail.Ru and Yandex services. Large quantity Ukrainian users used the products of these companies, including mail. And while you'll have to look for alternatives with most other services, you can still use your old mailboxes if you set up forwarding in Gmail.

This guide allows you to transfer your entire correspondence history, receive new letters sent to old addresses, and also send letters from them even from a network of providers that have blocked access to services (you only need access to Gmail). This process does not violate any laws in itself and does not contradict the decree of the President of Ukraine.

What is needed to forward emails?

First, you need to register with Gmail if you do not already have a mailbox in this service. If you are using an Android smartphone, the app store Google Play in particular, then you already have mail. For everyone who doesn't have a box or just wants to receive new address, you must go through the registration process on the official website.

It is also worth making sure that you have access to the service from which letters will be forwarded: either find a provider whose services have not yet been blocked, or visit a country where blocking has not been implemented, or use.

How to set up Gmail to work with other mailboxes?

Go to the Gmail web client (you may need to additionally log in to your account), in the window with the list of letters, find the gear at the top right, click on it, and in the drop-down menu go to “Settings”. In the new window at the top, select the “Accounts and Import” tab, in the newly opened set of settings we find the “Send letters as” block and click “Add another address email»:

A new window will open in which you need to enter the address of the mailbox that you plan to connect to Gmail. Next setting up SMTP servers where you don’t need to change anything, since Google automatically pulls up the necessary data for almost everyone postal services(you may not know anything that is completely exotic, in which case you will have to google the necessary parameters). If the address and password are correct, to the specified mailbox a letter will arrive with code and activation link.

How to send letters on behalf of the old address?

In the Gmail web client window, clicking on the “Write” button (top left) will open a window for writing a message; under the “To” field, where the recipient’s address is entered, the “From” item is available, which has a drop-down list. Here you can specify which mailbox the letter should be sent from:

The recipient will see a message from a user with the old address, that is, there is no need to inform the entire contact list about the mail change; for them, the process of corresponding with you does not change in principle. For convenience, in the “Account and Import” settings from the previous paragraph, check the “Reply from the address to which the letter was received” checkbox.

How to import mail and contacts from an old mailbox?

Again, go to the settings (gear at the top right - “Settings” - “Accounts and Import”), there we look for the “Import mail and contacts” block, click “Import mail and contacts”. In a new window, indicate the desired email address and enter the password.

Gmail will analyze the available data, and then offer to import addresses (contacts), all letters available in the mailbox, and provide the option to enable forwarding of all incoming messages for the next 30 days. Last point can be disabled if you plan to constantly receive incoming messages from there; then move on to the next point.

How to receive new letters that will arrive on the old mailbox?

In the already familiar “Accounts and Import” tab, look for the “Receive mail from other accounts” item, click on it. In the new window, enter your mailbox address and select the mail import method: Gmailify or POP3. Always choose the first one, it gives additional features, including Gmail spam filters, automatic folder organization, and improved search. If it turns out that old service does not lend itself to “jimailization”, then settle for POP3.

Ready! It remains to repeat the necessary steps for all mailboxes, if you previously used several, and now want to collect all mail in the same service.

We present to your attention step by step guide on transferring mail from Yandex to Google Apps. In principle, you can use this guide when migrating from almost any mail server that supports IMAP.

A small lyrical digression

Yandex Mail for Domain good service(not least of all the fact that it is free). However, we regularly work with companies that are migrating from it to Google Apps. This happens most often when the following reasons:

  • More functionality available in Google Apps as users (for example, Google Docs, Hangouts) and administrators (many settings in the admin console, management mobile devices etc.).
  • Availability technical support from Google (by email and phone).
  • Problems when working with Yandex Mail (users often complain about working via IMAP, sometimes certain mailboxes do not work, etc.)
  • Additional security tools (two-factor authentication, archiving, security policies).
Objectives and content of this article

When a company with several hundred users connects to Google Apps, the transition project (here, as a rule, we are not talking about Yandex, but about own server) requires a lot of attention, competencies and experience. Our specialists help with planning, with the migration itself, with integration with the local IT infrastructure (for example, synchronization with Active Directory), with change management in accordance with Google recommendations, with training for users.

If a company transfers from several to several dozen people from Yandex to Google Apps, then it can often make do with its own resources. That is, your own or an incoming administrator can perform the migration and that’s it necessary settings For quick start. This article is specifically designed for this case.

Its purpose is essentially to save you time and effort in a simple scenario of switching to Google Apps, since all the information presented here is available in various instructions Google, partly in Russian, partly in English. Links to these instructions will be provided in the article.

We tried to outline step by step and as briefly as possible the entire transition process (migration is only part of it) for a small company, starting from domain confirmation in Google Apps to setting up SPF records in DNS. Let us repeat that we assume that your transition involves implementation according to the simplest scenario: without pilot groups, periods of simultaneous operation of two systems (with double delivery), without migration from/to several domains, etc.

When preparing a CSV file in Microsoft Excel You may encounter a common problem. When saving a file in CSV format due to regional settings operating system(Windows) the delimiters in the file end up not being commas, but semicolons. IN Google result does not accept this file and reports an error. The easiest way is to replace all “;” in Notepad. to ",".

For the purposes of this article, we will use the third level domain - In your case, most likely it will be a domain like The domain is connected to both Yandex Traffic Regulations and Google Apps, several users of the following type have been created [email protected], [email protected]

3. Migration settings in the Google Apps admin console

After the domain has been confirmed and users have been created, you need to make several preliminary settings in the administrator console.

3.1 In the Security - API Reference section, check the box Enable API access.

3.2 Go to the section. Check the Activate this client ID checkbox and click Save changes. The settings should now look something like this:

3.3 Go to the Security section - Advanced settings - Configure OAuth client access. In the Client Name field, enter the name of your domain (without www as in the example). In the One or more areas field API actions It is necessary to indicate the following entries separated by commas (you can simply copy and paste):,,,,,,

4. Installing the Google Apps Migration for MS Exchange application

In the summer of 2014, Google launched new service Data Migration Service, which allows you to configure mail migration directly in the admin console. The following advantages of this service can be noted:

  • no need to download, install or configure any applications;
  • minimal settings;
  • you can monitor the migration process by logging into the administrator console from different devices;
  • allows you to save resources on the local Internet access channel, since data is transferred from the server from which migration occurs directly to Google Apps.

However, we almost always use GAMME, and recommend it to you for the following reasons, current at the time of writing:

  • Migration via IMAP via Data Transfer Service is significantly slower than via GAMME.
  • Limited number of settings and functions, including troubleshooting and reporting.

After downloading, install GAMME on any computer through which the migration will be carried out. Among system requirements Please note the following:

  • The utility only works on Windows.
  • You cannot migrate data to free version Google Apps (because Migration API is not supported).
  • If you are migrating from Exchange, Outlook 32-bit must be installed on the machine.

Depending on mail volumes, migration may take quite a while for a long time. The computer will have to work. You can pause the migration and pick up where you left off.

To roughly estimate the time required to move mail, you can make calculations based on the information provided. From experience we can say that these calculations are likely to be very approximate, since the actual result depends on many factors (see link above). We recommend that you first test migrate one or more “typical” users. Based on the result depending on the volume/number of letters, you can get a more accurate estimate.

5. Setting up Google Apps Migration for MS Exchange

Setup is quite simple.

In the first step, we specify the parameters for connecting to Yandex via IMAP:

In the second step, we specify the parameters for connecting to Google Apps. In the Google Apps field Domain name and Kosumer Key indicate your domain. In the Consumer Secret field, specify the OAuth Client Crypto Key value from the Security - Advanced Settings - OAuth Domain Identity Management section. In the Google Apps Admin user field, enter the email address of a Google Apps user with super administrator rights (by default, this is the first user created):

In the third step, we indicate what we will transfer, as well as the path to the prepared CSV file with user mapping (more on this below). It is clear that GAMME only transfers mail via IMAP. When migrating from Exchange, you can also select calendar and personal contact data.

We prepare a file with a list of users in CSV format, as follows:

email_user_in_current_system#password_in_current_system, email_user_in_google_apps

In our case, the file looks like this:

As you can see, in in this case the addresses “before” and “after” are the same. In your case this may not be the case, but, for example, like this: [email protected]#password, [email protected] . It is not necessary to put a space after the comma (it will not be there if you prepare the file in Excel).

Please note that in the third step you can select the period for which you want to transfer mail. If the volume is large enough (let's say several hundred GB), Google recommends first moving your mail beyond last month, then switch users to work with Google Apps (change MX records), and then gradually migrate the remaining mail in the background. If the volume is not very large, you can transfer everything at once. Migration occurs in reverse chronological order, that is, the most recent messages are transferred first.

The next step will show the settings made earlier, as well as several important checkboxes:

Migrate checkbox all data is disabled by default, and we recommend that you do not install it either on the first or subsequent launches of GAMME. In this case, GAMME migrates only those messages that have not yet been migrated. If you check this box, then when you restart, all data will be transferred completely again.

A typical example: you launched a migration on a Friday evening with the expectation that it would be completed over the weekend, and by Monday morning users would be working in Google Apps. The migration continued until Sunday evening and during this period some users still received a certain amount letters. Since the MX records have not been changed so far, they came to the current server. After changing the MX records on Sunday evening, you run GAMME again with the same settings and with the Migrate all data checkbox turned off, and GAMME transfers only these fresh messages that were received while the main migration was in progress. If you run the migration again with the checkbox enabled, the migration will start all over again and the data in Google Apps will be overwritten.

Having checked the three remaining checkboxes (Run Diagnostocs, Estimate, Migrate), click Next, after which GAMME diagnoses all settings, establishes a connection with IMAP server and Google Apps, checks the correctness of the CSV file:

If everything goes as normal and the diagnostics do not reveal any errors, click Start, and the assessment of the total number of letters to be migrated begins:

And then the migration starts:

6. View the report

Once the migration is complete, you can view the report. To do this, you can click on Error Reports: Show directly in the utility window, or through the Start menu find Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exchange, and there select Show Reports.

The report will show the total and more detailed information by users:

Separately, we note that if the user had a certain folder structure in Yandex in which letters were stored, then these folders will also be transferred and created in the form of separate Gmail shortcuts.

7. Common errors and troubleshooting

If errors occur during the migration process and some emails cannot be transferred, you can also see information about this in the report. Among the common errors that arise directly during migration are the following: the size of the letter is larger than what is supported in Gmail (25 MB), the letter contains attachments that are not supported by Gmail (details), failures when connecting to the IMAP server.

We recommend running the migration process twice. When you restart the utility, it will once again try to transfer those letters that it could not transfer the first time for one reason or another. As we wrote above, if you do not check the Migrate all data checkbox before starting, then repeated migration will only affect emails that were not previously transferred, and will not take much time.

When testing settings, an error in Validating OAuth credentials often occurs. Check the spelling of Consumer Key (this should be your domain) and Consumer Secret. Often, regenerating the cryptokey and using a new one for the utility helps solve the problem. This is done in the administrator console in the Security section - Advanced settings - OAuth Domain Identifier Management:

Error codes, as well as troubleshooting instructions, can be found in and respectively.

If problems occur, log files help; they are located here:

Windows 7: C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Local\Google\Google Apps Migration\Tracing\ExchangeMigration
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\user-name\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Google Apps Migration\Tracing\ExchangeMigration

Google also offers an online log analyzer, which can help interpret them and identify errors.

Here is a link to the full GAMME manual(86 pages, in English).

8. DNS settings

After mail has been migrated to Google Apps, you need to change the MX records to route newly incoming mail to Google servers. In addition, it is advisable to add (or correct) an SPF record to designate Google servers as servers that are allowed to send mail from your domain.

MX records for Google Apps should be as follows:


The numbers indicate priority. You can read more about MX records.

The SPF record (actually a TXT record) if you are sending mail only through Google Apps should look like this:

v=spf1 ~all

It is not advisable to have multiple SPF records. This means that the SPF record for Yandex (if you had one) must be deleted. Learn more about SPF recording for Google Apps.

9. Final actions

After switching MX records, it is advisable to run the migration again to migrate any new emails that may have arrived to users over lately.

After this, you can “browse” through the administrator console and look at the ones that are relevant to you additional settings, although in principle everything will work with the default settings. You can enable or disable various services For the right users or user groups. You can configure various security policies regarding individual services(for example, is it possible to give access to files in Drive or to Calendars to users outside the domain, and, if so, with what privileges). Enable or disable POP/IMAP protocols or two-factor authentication for users. Allow or not to install Google app Disk. And so on.

As you can see, the process of switching from another postal service saving mail (in this case, from Yandex) is quite simple, and you can switch very quickly. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, please contact us and we will try to help you.

Lately, politics, which many don’t even think about and don’t want to think about, is somehow bringing into our lives various changes and sometimes very surprising.
You have your whole life Email address on the popular service and suddenly circumstances develop in such a way that you are no longer allowed to use this service.

This happens to citizens different countries, someone cannot use their mailbox on, someone cannot visit their favorite social network, someone cannot go to their favorite torrent distribution site, and someone has lost all their contacts on a business social network.

Everyone has different circumstances and history, but today we will try to help those who have lost or are about to lose access to their mailbox on and and to all their contents.

So let's start step by step.

Step 1. Create a new one Email address on Google

Why on Google? Because this is an international, large and serious company that operates all over the world, is reliable and is not blocked by anyone. And it also provides a huge amount of storage for your mailbox.