How to create a text document. How to create a new text document

How to create a text txt document or just a text document - we’ll look at it in this article.

Just like in everyday life, in order to write something down, for example, a sheet of paper is used. On your computer you can also use several programs in which you make entries. There are already ready various templates. And most often, users create their own files (leaflets), where they make entries.

Today we will create such documents. As you already understood, they are also called files. Let's get started. First click on the monitor screen with the left mouse button. Did something happen? Nothing. Why did they click? - To quickly learn to understand what, why, why.

Right-click on the screen again. A small context-sensitive menu (window) appeared with various lines in which something is written. These lines are called menus, I call them commands.

Move your mouse pointer over the “Create” line, a submenu will now appear. Without leaving this submenu, drag your mouse down along it to the “Text document” line. That is, we get the command: “Create” -> “Text document”. At the very beginning, not everything will work out right away and the arrow will every now and then go somewhere to the side. Don't despair. Soon you will be clicking only this way.

So we managed to go all the way and, having reached the “Text document” line, click on this line. At the same time, at work Windows desktop will appear new icon. This will be ours text document, where we will type the text. It's called a notepad.

Under the notebook sheet its standard name [Text document] is written.
You will see that the name is highlighted in inverse color. These can be white letters on a dark background, or marked in some other way. (Depends on the version of the program installed on the computer).

A cursor blinks next to the selection, indicating that the computer’s operating system is ready to type a new name. When you type a new name, the old one will be automatically deleted.

Using the keyboard, type the name you came up with. Let’s say they called it “My Document” or whatever your heart desires. To confirm this name, press the key.

That's it, you have created a document where you can now write. Don't worry if after clicking on the title shortens, it means it's too long. An ellipsis will appear after the name abbreviation. Everything is fine.

This also happens: "failed to create text document" or "The option to create a text document is missing."
This happens if you move the mouse to the side. Just return to the “create” line and slowly move your mouse along the line to the submenu. In the submenu, move the mouse to the line “Text document”.

Let's start filling it with content of this document(sheet, notepad, file).
I note that by selecting from the many documents that you saw in the submenu. namely “Text document”, we chose the one in which the text with the simplest design will be typed. For now, this is enough to get started.

To start filling it out, you need to open this document. I will specifically use different terms when naming it, so that you get used to it, and in the future, when these words come across, you will immediately understand everything.

What does "Open" mean? You cannot enter any program on a computer without opening it. And “Text Document” is also a kind of program. Also in life, you will not be able to take money out of your wallet until you open it, just as you will not be able to put money in it.
Let's open it. There are several ways to do this.

Continued here.

The Notepad program (Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad) is the simplest text editor, designed for creating and editing text documents. The techniques used in Notepad are the de facto standard for more powerful programs for the same purpose, including word processors, editors for preparing Web pages and many others, so skills in working with the Notepad program are very useful for any user,

What is a text document?

A text document is standard type file in the Windows XP operating system (name extension.TXT). Such files contain only text in the form of a sequence of characters and do not contain structures that control the display of this text on the screen or on a printing device. In Windows XP, Notepad is used by default to open text documents. View of Spitak Used in the Notepad program to edit text documents minimum set absolutely; necessary funds. Oddly enough, this is not a disadvantage, but an advantage of this program.

What are the benefits of using Notepad?

The Notepad program uses a minimum set of absolutely necessary tools to edit text documents. Oddly enough, this is not a disadvantage, but an advantage of the program. Thanks to its no-frills nature, Notepad loads very quickly, making it extremely convenient for preparing short documents and viewing text files, in particular the accompanying documents supplied with the operating system and most installed applications.

What is a text cursor?

Text cursor used in the Windows XP operating system in all cases where text input is possible. It is displayed as a blinking vertical line and marks the place where Teiv-OT] the entered text will be placed. Havm the word “text” is omitted and they simply talk about the cursor. Do not: the word “cursor” should be used when talking about the ms and r pointer,

How can I move the text cursor?

Moving the cursor is used to change where characters are entered. Similar methods of moving the cursor are used in all text processing programs. The easiest way to change the cursor position is to use the mouse. In order to * place the cursor in a certain place in the document, it is enough to push once on the corresponding place in the working area of ​​​​the window. If right place document in at the moment lies outside the work area, you should use the scroll bars.

What keyboard commands can you use to move the text cursor?

Moving the cursor using we:pi is convenient, since its initial and final positions are in no way related to each other. Otherwise, it is more convenient to use the keyboard. Here are the basic keyboard commands for moving the cursor:

LEFT or RIGHT - one sim HI. i left or right respectively;

UP or DOWN - one line up or down, respectively;

PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN - one page (or the size of the working area) up or down, respectively;

HOME or END - respectively tt start or end current line(that is, the line on which the cursor is currently located);

CTRL+LEFT or CTRL+RIGHT - and the beginning of the previous or next word respectively. Spaces and punctuation marks are considered boundaries of words;

CTRL+HOME or CTRL+END - to the beginning or end of the document, respectively.

How do you enter keta?

Text input is performed at HOMOI sch. the main part of the keyboard containing the alphanumeric CHMHO.I - i , punctuation marks and some additional characters. If there is support for both English and Russian languages, you can enter text containing both Russian and english letters(switching is done by means operating system). The character you enter appears at the location where the cursor was.

How can I delete the characters I just entered?

To delete a small number of characters at the cursor location, usually use! using the keyboard. Pressing DELETE keys deletes the character to the right of the cursor and the BACKSPACE keys to the left. The cursor location does not change.

How to determine the end of a paragraph?

In modern text documents, the end of a single line is usually not particularly marked, so that when the document is displayed on the screen, the division into lines is done in accordance with the width of the output field. To indicate the end of a paragraph (subsequent text will begin with new line), use the ENTER key. Repeatedly pressing the ENTER key creates empty paragraphs and, accordingly, empty lines in the document. Destruction of such hidden symbol end of paragraph (moving the cursor to the end of the line and pressing the DELETE key) allows you to combine two paragraphs into one.

Why do you use the SHIFT and CAPSLOCK keys when entering text?

When working with text documents standard use SHIFT keys - change the case of characters. Pressing the letter keys while holding down the SHIFT key causes you to enter capital letters, while for symbol keys you enter the characters shown on the top of the keys. If you need to enter a significant amount of text only in capital letters, use CAPS key LOCK. When this mode is turned on, the CAPS indicator LOCK on the keyboard. To enter lowercase letters In this mode, you can use the SHIFT key. CAPS LOCK mode does not affect keys intended for entering non-alphabetic characters.

What is the purpose of the TAB key when entering text?

The TAB key when working in a word processor is used to create indents from the left edge of the document, as well as tables. When pressed TAB keys a tab character is inserted into the document, which is interpreted as variable number spaces, so that the number of characters from the beginning of the line, including the last of those spaces, is a multiple of eight. In a text document, this can ensure alignment of information across columns.

What is a highlighted text fragment?

Editing text may require copying, deleting, or rearranging significant portions of text. To avoid the need to re-enter such fragments, Notepad (like all other programs for working with texts) allows you to use the clipboard. To indicate which fragment of the text is about we're talking about, it must be highlighted. The selected fragment is displayed on the screen in inverted form, that is, with white characters on dark background. The text cursor is always located at the beginning or at the end of an unselected fragment.

What part of the text can be included in the selection?

A document in a word processor is usually viewed as a stream of characters (a sequence that does not have 11 ".morning structure). The selected fragment represents part of such a stream, that is, arbitrary group sequential symbols. It can start anywhere within a paragraph (that is, even inside a single word), cover an arbitrary fragment of text, and in the same way break off at an arbitrary place. Of course, the fragment can be separate word, a separate line or a separate paragraph, since these are special cases of the situation described above. In the Notepad program, a fragment cannot consist of separate s; ov located in different places document, or have the form of a block;] and i parts of successive lines located one below the other, However, some text editors have more wide possibilities to highlight text and allow you to work with block fragments or even with disjointed fragments covering different parts of the document.

How to select a piece of text using the mouse?

Using the mouse, a fragment is selected by dragging. When you move the mouse pointer up or down outside the window's work area, the contents of the work area scroll in the corresponding direction. When selecting a large fragment spanning several screens, it is more convenient to act differently. Place the cursor at the beginning of the fragment, use the scroll bar to display the area of ​​the end of the fragment and click on the desired place with the left mouse button while pressing the SHIFT key.

How to select a piece of text using the keyboard?

It is more convenient to select small text fragments using the keyboard. In this case, it is enough to remember one simple rule: any command to move the cursor while pressing the SHIFT key selects a fragment between its initial and final positions. So, using the combination CTRL+SHIFT+HOME, a fragment of text is selected from the beginning of the document to the current cursor position. Moreover, after a fragment is selected, these same keyboard shortcuts allow you to change the boundaries of the selected fragment.

How to delete a selected fragment?

If you simply need to delete the selected fragment, you can use any of the BACKSPACE and DELETE keys. If the selected fragment needs to be replaced with other text entered from the keyboard, you can start typing immediately - the selected fragment is deleted automatically. On the contrary, if deleting the selected text is not required, be especially careful: pressing any symbolic keys will lead to the destruction of the fragment.

How to copy or move a selection?

Copying and moving text fragments is done via the clipboard. The corresponding commands are available in the Edit menu; standard keyboard shortcuts also work. Pasting text from the clipboard occurs where the cursor is located.

How to open a document using Notepad?

A text document (file with the extension .TXT) can be opened using Notepad double click on a badge or label. If Notepad is already running (for example, from the main menu Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad), you can use the File t Open command to open the file. The selection of the file to open is carried out in the standard way using the Open File dialog box. The Notepad program can only process one document at a time, so opening...1 document causes the one that was previously opened to automatically close.

How do I save a document opened using Notepad?

To save a document in Notepad, you can use the File * Save and File > Save As commands. The file name is specified in the Save dialog box. Unlike previous versions Windows, in Windows XP in the Notepad program you can use the standard keyboard shortcut CTRL+S to save.

Is it possible to use Notepad to work with several documents at the same time?

Notepad does not allow you to work with multiple documents at the same time, but you can work around this limitation by opening multiple copies of Notepad, which is acceptable. Text is transferred from document to document via the exchange buffer. To switch between applications use standard means WindowsXP.

What is word wrap mode?

By default, the Notepad program displays each paragraph of text as one line, which, if long enough, can extend to the right side of the screen, forcing the user to. thus, use to read text horizontal stripe scroll. If you turn on the word wrapping mode (Format > Word Wrap), then when the right edge of the program window is reached, the text is transferred to next line. It’s more convenient to read the text this way, but in this way I ate." appearance text.

How to insert into a document edited using the program

To insert in the place where the cursor finds: current time and j^™ date, you should give the command Edit > Time and Date or press the F5 key. Relevant data definition< .тяготея по показаниям system clock computer.

How is contextual search and replace performed?

In Windows XP, Notepad allows you to perform contextual search and replace in the text of a document. To do this, use the Edit > Find or Edit > Replace commands, respectively. The Replace dialog box differs from the Find dialog box only in the presence of the Than field and the Replace and Replace All buttons. The text you want to find in the document is entered in the What field. If a replacement is made, then new text is entered in the What field. The checkbox allows you to perform a case-sensitive search. To find the next occurrence of the specified text, click the Find Next button. The found text will be highlighted. To replace this entry, click the Replace button. The Replace All button allows you to automatic replacement throughout the text.

While editing a document, I accidentally destroyed an important fragment.

Is it possible to restore it? Most programs that work with documents of any type have tools for undoing erroneous actions. The text editor Notepad is no exception. It allows you to undo the last action you performed using the Edit > Undo command or the CTRL+Z keyboard shortcut, which is universal. It is also useful to know the alternative keyboard shortcut ALT+BACKS PACE. Unfortunately, the Notepad editor only allows you to undo one last action, so if the error is not noticed immediately, it will not be corrected. In addition, in such cases it often makes sense to refuse all changes made and return to the last saved version of the file.

How to use Notepad to keep a diary?

In the e-diary file, each entry is marked with the date and time of its creation. Having created a file that should play the role of a diary, you must enter four characters “.LOG” at the very beginning, from the first position, and then close the file. Now every time you open this file will be automatically assigned to its end current date and time, after which you can enter any required information.

Can Notepad work with very large documents?

In older versions of the operating system Windows systems The file size that could be viewed and edited in Notepad was limited. In the Windows X system, these limitations are removed - the Notepad editor can be used to work with text documents of any size.

Any action that the user does on the computer performs specific program, loaded into electronic stuffing system unit. Write text on the computer possible using various computer programs, For example, Microsoft Word , Open Office. Such programs are called " Text editor". Text Microsoft editor Word is paid program, that is, it is installed on a computer for money, and not little. The Open Office text editor is free program, that is, you can install it on your computer from the Internet for free. These programs have many different options for writing, designing, text editing and other features.
The most simple program for writing text is included in the system Microsoft Windows, that is, it is already on your computer. This is a text editor called " Notebook". The capabilities of this program are very modest, but we will begin to learn how to write text for now in this text editor.

There is a "Start" button in the lower left corner of the monitor screen. Hover your cursor over it and click, that is, click left button mouse (first open new tab). Next, move the cursor higher to the inscription “All programs”, the inscription will be highlighted in blue. A column with a list of programs will appear on the right.

Move the cursor to the right in this column and select the inscription “Standard” from the list; the inscription will be highlighted in blue. Another column with a list will appear on the right. Move the cursor to the right in this column and select the inscription “Notepad” from the list; the inscription will be highlighted in blue. Click on this inscription.

A window will open, at the top of which there is the inscription “Untitled-Notepad”.

A large white field appeared in front of us - space for writing text. In the left top corner This field has a small vertical line blinking. This is our cursor, this is how it looks in a text editor, having changed its appearance from an arrow to a vertical bar. Let's start typing text on the keyboard.

The capital letter is written when pressed simultaneously with the left hand Shift keys. Space between words is created by pressing the long, empty key at the bottom of the keyboard once. In order to, having written part of the text, continue it on a new line, that is, start a new paragraph, press the key Enter. To separate the next paragraph of text from the previous one empty line, you need to press the "Enter" key a second time. You can delete an unnecessary letter if it is to the left of the cursor by pressing the key Backspace, if it is to the right of the cursor - by pressing the key Del. Place the cursor at the desired location using the mouse.

Write at least one paragraph of any text. Don't worry if it takes a long time to find each letter on the keyboard, sometimes it seems that the desired letter not there at all. I assure you that the keyboard has all the letters and all the punctuation marks. Try and experiment with the keys. Marks such as exclamation point, question mark, semicolon, quotation marks, number are located in the second row from the top of the keyboard and are written when simultaneously pressing a key with the left hand Shift.

After you have written some text, you need to save the written document on your computer. In general, you should try to save the document as early as possible. It is enough to write only one word or even not write a single word, immediately save the document, and then continue entering text from the keyboard.

Hover your cursor over the “file” inscription in the upper left corner of the screen; the inscription will be highlighted in blue. Click on the inscription and a list of suggested actions will open. Click on "Save As".

A window will open with “Folder: My Documents” written in the top white field. This folder has already been created on your computer. Below are a few more folders with different names, which are located inside the My Documents folder. Everything here is very simple, just like in ordinary life. There is a thick folder on your desktop that says “My Documents.” In this folder you put other folders with different names. But among the folders already there, there is not a single one with a suitable name so that you can put the text document you just wrote during the learning process there. This means you need to take a new clean folder, sign it and put the document there. And then put this new folder, like all the others, in the thick shared “My Documents” folder.

We click on this icon, a folder with a winking blue highlight appears in the white field. That's what it's called" New folder". Such a name does not reflect its contents, so you need to give the folder a decent name, that is, change the existing name. Press the "Del" key on the right side of your keyboard, the name "New Folder" and the blue highlight will disappear, and ours will appear inside the name field vertical bar cursor.

Type the name of the folder from the keyboard capital letters(although it is not necessary with a capital) “Training”, do not put quotation marks. Press the "Enter" key. The folder has been created and named.

In order to put our text document in this folder, it must be opened. This is done on the computer double click on the folder, that is, hover over the “Training” folder and click twice in a row. The folder will move to the top margin where the My Documents folder used to be. This means that we have opened our folder. There are three lines at the bottom of the window. Top line called "File name" the line says "*.txt"

When we opened Notepad at the very beginning, we saw the inscription at the top Nameless-Notepad. This means that our document does not yet have a name. On a computer, every document (text, photograph, video, etc.) is called file. Each file needs to be given a name so that it can be found later. required file in the desired folder.

Since working with different types documents on a computer are produced using different programs, then after the file name they write special combinations letters so that the computer knows which program to open your file in to work. In our case, we have a text document, which is worked with in a text editor program - Notepad. For files in this program, you should write the symbols .txt after the file name, the dot at the beginning is required. The line "File name" offers us exactly these symbols. The asterisk before the dot is intended to replace it with the file name.

Place the cursor after the asterisk before the point, that is, move the mouse over this place and click. The cursor will start blinking in the desired location. If it is difficult to place the cursor exactly in the right place, you can place it, for example, at the end of the text and then move it to the left by pressing the left arrow key (bottom right on the keyboard). The right arrow key is used to move the cursor to the right.

Now you need to erase the asterisk, that is, press the Backspace key if the asterisk is to the left of your cursor, as you did when typing. After this, enter the name of our file, that is, a text document, for example, “First text”, do not put quotation marks.
As a result, the file name should look like this: First text.txt Do not put a space after the word “text”. Click the "Save" button.
In general, in the future, do not put spaces between words in file names; it is better to put a dash or underscore; with spaces, errors may occur when opening files in some programs.

The save document window will close and your text document will re-open. At the top, instead of “Unnamed” it will now be written “First text”.

So, the text is written, the document has a name (file name), it is located in the "Training" folder, which is located in shared folder"My documents." Let's finish working with the document and close it. In the upper right corner, click the white cross on the red square. When you hover your cursor over it, a “Close” prompt appears.

Now let's try to supplement and correct the written text. To do this, you need to take it from the folder again. Open the text editor "Notepad" as you already did, starting with the "Start" button.
Click in order File, open.

In the window that opens, you will see the “Training” folder at the top, which means it is already open. Below it is your piece of paper with the title “First Text”. Click on the sheet, it will highlight in blue and its name will appear in the “File name” line. Next, click the “Open” button. The text you wrote earlier will open.

Now try adding a few more lines to this text. Delete the letter to the left of the cursor, to the right of the cursor, enter it again. Try removing the word. To do this, you need to double-click on it (it will highlight in blue) and press the "Del" key or at the top "Edit, Delete". When you click on the word “Edit”, a list drops out, it contains the action “Delete”, and next to it is the name of the key with which you can also perform this action. Now try to cancel the deletion, that is, return deleted word in place. Click "Edit, Undo."

Now let's try to increase the font size so that the text is easier to see, and change the font type. Click "Edit, Select All". All text will be highlighted in blue. Next, click “Format, Font” at the top.

A window will open with the name “Font” at the top. The font type, style and size corresponding to our written text are highlighted in blue. All this can be changed.
There is a scroll bar in the "Size" column on the right. If you click on it and drag it down without releasing it, the font sizes will scroll. You can scroll through them one by one using the arrows on the scroll bar up or down.

Select the font size 18 and click on this number, it will turn blue. I left the style as usual. And in the left column I chose a different font type “Times New Roman”, I like this one better. You can choose all the parameters as you like. Then click the "OK" button.

The procedure for recording printed text on a computer is called “Saving”. Thanks to her, we submit the document to Local disk, in Documents, on the Desktop and in other computer places.

Save to Word program - this is when, using some actions, we make a file from printed text (document), which can then be opened on a computer, recorded on a disk, on a flash drive, or sent over the Internet.

Let's say I need to print a lot of text. I definitely won't be able to do it in one day. And so I typed a certain amount of text and decided to continue typing tomorrow. In order for this to be possible, I need to write down my partially finished document, that is, save it on a computer. Having made a save, tomorrow I can open the printed text and continue working from where I left off.

How to save incorrectly

Many people do not save the document while working, but do it at the end. The fact is that when you try to close the Word program, having already typed something in it, a window pops up in which the computer “asks” whether to save the changes.

If you click on the “Yes” button, the computer will open a new window where you need to select a location for the document, give it a name and click the “Save” button.

By clicking on the “No” button, the computer will close the Word program along with the text, and you will no longer be able to open it. That is, the text will disappear forever. And if you click on the “Cancel” button, the computer will leave open program Word along with printed text. Thus, the program gives you the opportunity to correct something, change the text.

But it’s better to save it in another way. And not at the very end of working on the document, but from time to time. The fact is that there is a possibility of losing the document. For example, a power surge or a computer freeze. If this suddenly happens, your text may not be saved on the computer. This means you will lose it. By the way, this applies not only to Word, but also to any other computer program (Paint, Excel, Photoshop, etc.).

How to properly save a document (text)

If you are working in a modern version of Word (2007-2010), then instead of “File” you will have round button with a picture (colored squares) inside.

By clicking on this button, a window will open. In it we are interested in the “Save as...” item.

Click on it. A new window will open. In it, the computer prompts you to select a location to save.

Please note top part this window. The location where the computer is “going” to save the document is already indicated here.

In the example in the picture, the computer offers to save the text to the Documents folder. But it’s better to write it to some Local disk, for example, to D. To do this, in the window you need to select “Computer” (“My Computer”) on the left side.

After that, inside the window (in the white part of it) open the desired Local disk, that is, double-click on it with the left mouse button.

If you want to put a document in a folder, open it in the same window (click on it twice with the left mouse button).

After you have chosen the location where you want to save the document, you need to pay attention to the bottom of the window. Or rather, to the “File name” item. This part contains the name under which the document will be recorded in the computer. In the example in the picture, this name is “Doc1”. If it does not suit us, then we need to delete it and print a new, suitable name.

And now the final touch. In order to save the document, you need to click the “Save” button.

The window will disappear - and this will mean that the text has been written to the specified location.

Now you can close the program and try to find the saved document on your computer in the location where you saved it. There should be a file with the name you typed or the standard name “Doc1” (Document 1).

When you type text (compose a document), better time save it from time to time. They typed a paragraph or two and saved it. For this there is special button at the top of the program.

Clicking on it will overwrite the document. That is, the option you have already saved will be replaced by a new one.

The fact is that sometimes the computer can freeze. Or the power may unexpectedly go out. In such situations, there is a high probability that unsaved document will get lost.

By creating a text document, you have the opportunity to electronically store all the information you need, send it to friends and colleagues, and print it at any convenient time. The type of document itself is determined by its format, the most popular of which are: doc, docx, pdf, txt. If you have installed Microsoft program Office Word, then you can easily create a text document directly on your computer or laptop, as well as mobile device.

How to Create a Text Document in Microsoft Office Word

This convenient way to format, change and add to the file. You can change such documents at any time, as soon as you like.

  • To get started, install the program or find it on your computer.
  • On the white field you can create your own text, enter headings, and insert pictures. Once you have done everything necessary, click on the “File” button in the upper left corner.

  • From the drop-down list, select the “Save As” line.

  • Now select the folder where your file will be stored and enter its name. After this, click “Save”.

  • So easy you made it doc file, where all text data will be located until you delete the document or change it.

How to create a PDF text document

An equally popular format created for distributing and storing data. It is difficult to change once created, so it is better to distribute books, booklets, invitations, instructions and other similar files this way. It is created in paid version programs Adobe Acrobat Reader Pro. But in Microsoft Word, starting with version 2010, you can also create one.

  • Click on the “File” button when you have already entered all required text.

  • Go back to the “Save As” tab.

  • Now you need the “file type” line. Select “PDF” from the drop-down list and save the document.

Your document is now PDF format will be in the save directory.

How to create a text document in Notepad

The simplest and quick way creating a text document. However, in this easy program There are absolutely no formatting functions: your file will be the same font and size. This method is best used for personal storage of text that you don't want to forget.

  • Open Start in your computer's Explorer. If it already has Notepad, then just open it. If not, contact search bar. Type “Notepad” in it.

  • Click on the program to open it.

  • Enter all required text. Then follow the already familiar path: “File” - “Save As”.
  • Enter the file name and storage location in the appropriate lines.

  • Now you know how three types of text documents are created.

How to create a text document on your phone

It all depends on what program is installed on your mobile device. On new models on the Android OS, the full Microsoft package Office. Try creating a file in it.

  • In the phone menu, select the “Microsoft Applications” section.

  • In them, click on the “Word” program.

  • In the upper right corner you will see the “Create” button and a plus next to it.

Immediately designate the storage location for the future file:

  • OneDrive virtual storage.
  • Your phone.
  • Another option is to send it by email or social networks.

  • Now write down all the necessary data, format it if necessary. Click on the three bars in the left corner of the program.

  • Select the “Save As” line.

  • All you have to do is choose specific place to store your text document.

Now you can easily create any text document format, format it or change it, both on your computer and on your phone.