How to remove bubbles from under protective glass? How to remove bubbles from under protective glass. How to clean the protective glass from the inside? What is a protective film

Many people buy new models of smartphones not only to use all the modern functions of such gadgets, but also to emphasize their status. And what kind of style can we talk about if the screen is scratched or completely cracked. In order to prevent such possible troubles, almost every phone user uses a protective film for the display. Bubbles are caused by air that gets under the surface of such a useful accessory as a film. It happens that a “defect” is formed due to a small speck of dust, then the process becomes a little more complicated - you have to change the entire film. In order to stick a film on your smartphone for the first time or repeatedly, you need to know how to remove bubbles from the phone film, because this is perhaps the only and main nuance in this matter. Today we will talk about this in more detail and try to get around all the obstacles.

Film replacement

This procedure requires extreme care and a high level of cleanliness in the room. It is best to carry out all manipulations in the bathroom, because due to humidity, dust does not fly in the air. The following is to be done:

  1. We pick up a smartphone and smooth out the air bubbles that have arisen with our fingers or another flat, but not sharp object. If nothing comes out, then the film will have to be peeled off and try to put it back in place again.
  2. The display of a mobile device is best wiped with a special computer wipe. With the same cloth, you can clean off all the dirt from the old film.
  3. Now firmly take the device in your left hand, hold the edge of the film with your thumb and carefully stick it on the glass so that air does not get under it.

If you've been careful and your film isn't too worn, you should be fine.

Safety glass

How to remove air from under the protective glass? Everything is a little more complicated here, since excessive movements can violate the integrity of the protective accessory. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most common tips from experienced mobile device users:

  • Use your driver's license or plastic card to "squeeze out" the air from under the glass surface.
  • You can use the most ordinary needle that everyone has at home. Take a needle and thread it under those places where air has accumulated. Carry out the procedure very carefully - you need to lift the edge, and then press it firmly so that air cannot get there.
  • If you have fishing tackle on hand, you can use a fishing line. Pick up the fishing line accessories and lead it until the problem areas run out. It remains simply to return the glass to its place and gently press it.
  • Some experts recommend using a household hair dryer to correct defects. Warm up the glass of the mobile device at a distance of 20-30 centimeters, put it face down on a flat coffee table and leave it under the press of books overnight. During this time, all the air should come out.

Important! You can also remove the glass in any of the above ways and clean its surface with a strip of tape. The adhesive tape will collect all the dust and small debris, after which you can glue the protection back.

All the details about that, we will tell you on another page of our website.

To avoid problems in the future, we have prepared a small list of recommendations for you:

  • Do not carry out the gluing procedure if your hands are dirty. Rinse the sebum from your fingers, otherwise it can “leave traces” in the work.
  • Both the protective glass and the film are best replaced in a damp, ventilated area. These precautions will help you avoid getting dust under the surface.
  • Do not make a lot of effort during the replacement of glass, otherwise you risk breaking it.
  • You can use Dust Remover to remove excess dust.
  • To remove bubbles, you can use the most common medical syringe. Pass the “nose” and pump out air from under the surface of the film or glass.


Now you know how to remove bubbles from a phone film at home without the help of specialists who require a considerable amount of money for such a simple procedure. We hope our tips were useful to you, and now your modern gadget looks exactly like an expensive phone should look like.

New models of smartphones for the modern user are not just a means of communication. Mobile devices that combine the functions of a phone and a computer are a status thing that emphasizes the image and impeccable reputation of its owner. But sometimes the overall style of the device is spoiled due to the appearance of cracks and scratches on the smartphone screen. Fortunately, the occurrence of such a problem can be prevented by applying a protective film to the display. But remember that with careless performance of this procedure, ugly air bubbles remain under the film. Sometimes a defect appears as a result of the settling of small dust particles on the inside of the film. In this situation, it will not be possible to eliminate it by simply re-gluing the protective accessory. The film will have to be completely replaced.

1 Bubbles on the protective film of the phone: how to remove them?

Information on how to remove air bubbles from the surface of the protective film will be relevant and useful for owners of mobile gadgets who independently stick a useful accessory on the display

2 Replacing the film on the phone - the main nuances

Replacing the protective film on the smartphone display should be done as carefully as possible and in a clean room where there is no dust. The best option for replacing the film is the bathroom. The level of humidity in it is high, so the dust does not float in the air, but settles down. Accordingly, it will not be able to get on the inner surface of the film that you attach to the display. The technique of sticking a protective accessory on the smartphone screen consists of the following steps.

3 Air got under the protective glass - how to remove it?

Removing air bubbles from under a thicker protective glass in a smartphone is a little more difficult than from under a thin film. But if you want, everything is possible. To help you - the advice of experienced owners of mobile devices who managed to independently solve the problem of air bubbles under the protective glass.

  • 1. If air has accumulated under the glass surface in the smartphone, try to "squeeze" it out of there by swiping a plastic card or a tight driver's license across the screen.
  • 2. An ordinary needle will help you remove air bubbles under the protective glass. Carefully pass it under those areas of the coating where there is an accumulation of air. Raise the glass to release the air, and then press it back against the display surface so that air masses do not get under it.
  • 3. Fishing enthusiasts can try to remove air from under the protective glass with a fishing line. Carefully slide it under the protective accessory on the screen of the smartphone and swipe it all the way until the air bubbles disappear. Then remove the fishing line, and return the glass to its place, gently pressing it.
  • 4. A household hair dryer will help to fix the defect in the form of air bubbles on the smartphone screen. Experienced craftsmen claim that air bubbles will disappear if the protective glass coating is first heated with a stream of hot air from a hair dryer (removing the device 20-30 cm from the screen), and then putting the device under a book press for the night (on a flat surface, display down) . Usually in 12-14 hours all the air comes out and the bubbles disappear.

Note! You can clean the inner surface of the protective film or glass from your smartphone using a strip of adhesive tape. Stick it on the surface of the accessory, and then remove it. The adhesive element will remove dirt, small debris and dust from the film surface. After this cleaning, you can stick the protective coating back.
Useful tips for sticking a film on a phone screen at home
If you want the display surface to remain clean and without air bubbles after self-fixing the film, follow the following recommendations during work.

  • 1. It is better to change the film or protective glass in a well-ventilated room with a high level of humidity. This will prevent dust from getting on the surface of the accessory.
  • 2. When changing the protective glass, be extremely careful and do not press hard on it. Otherwise, you can break a fragile part.
  • 3. If your hands are dirty, first wash them, and only then proceed with the procedure for gluing the film (protective glass). Otherwise, greasy, ugly marks will remain on the surface of the accessory.
  • 4. If air bubbles form under the film, remove them with a medical syringe. Just slide its "nose" under the accessory and pump out the air. In fact, the syringe will act as a pump.
  • 5. To remove excess dust from the film (glass), use a special Dust Remover.

So, now you know how to properly remove air bubbles from under the glass (film) on the smartphone display. If you follow the above recommendations, the film will fix on the screen evenly, without wrinkles and bubbles. The above tips will help you give your gadget a stylish and presentable look.

The protective glass is several times harder than the most durable film, and therefore saves the device not only from. According to the manufacturers, it is able to withstand even a blow with a hammer. We do not recommend such experiments. But we can say: in the event of a fall, it is most likely that the protective glass will break, and not the screen of the device.

In this case, the glass does not affect the sensitivity of the sensor and the brightness of the image.

However, glass is more expensive than film. And you can pick it up only for relatively popular models of smartphones and tablets.

How to stick protective glass

Step 1. Prepare the room

If dust gets under the protective glass, you will have to live with bubbles on the gadget's screen or tinker with removing them. To avoid this, do a wet cleaning in the room, or at least:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. With a clean cloth, preferably with detergent, wipe the table on which you are going to glue the protective glass.
  3. Wash your hands.

Step 2. Prepare the tools

In addition to the device and protective glass, you will need:

  1. Display cleaner, antistatic agent, or plain alcohol.
  2. Microfiber cloth.
  3. Stationery tape.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Plastic card or scraper.

Step 3: Degrease the screen surface

To do this, use a display cleaner, antistatic agent, or alcohol. Carefully remove all stains. If you've just removed the old one from your phone, wipe off any remaining glue. Wipe the screen dry with microfiber.

Step 4. Stick the glass

Take protective glass. On the one hand, it is covered with a film, it must be removed. Now the glass must be held around the edges so as not to leave fingerprints on the surface.

Carefully, without touching the screen, place the glass 5–10 mm from the smartphone. Align the glass so that the speakers and buttons are under their respective holes.

The most exciting moment has come. When the glass is perfectly aligned on the edges, simply lower it onto the screen. Thanks to the adhesive inner coating, it will fix itself.

If any bubbles appear, remove them with a microfiber cloth. Wipe the screen with it from the center to the edges, expelling excess air.

Step 5: Remove Missing Motes

Perhaps some speck of dust still got under the glass and left an additional bubble on the screen. Unfortunately, microfiber will not remove it. You will have to re-raise the protective coating.

This can be done with a plastic card or a scraper. In addition, we need a strip of stationery tape. It is better to take a transparent adhesive tape: white construction tape or colored varieties will leave marks on.

Pick up the edge of the glass, lift it up so that you can get a speck of dust. Now stick a piece of tape on it and sharply tear it off along with the debris. Everything. It remains only to return the protective glass to its place.

About protective glasses for smartphone screens and their advantages over protective films. There were quite a lot of comments, someone said that it was pointless to glue something on the phone. If you think so, then this post is not for you. But among those who gave advice on how best to glue, no one told the method that I will discuss below. Came across it relatively recently. And maybe I will act as "Captain Obvious", but I hope I will be useful to someone.

So, the usual way is to create a humid atmosphere to beat all the dust (for example, go to the bath and turn on the hot shower), perfectly clean the glass of the phone and quickly, before new dust has accumulated, attach the glass. Alas, sticking more or less evenly is not the first time. It happened that the glass had to be peeled off and glued again. This increased the chances of catching dust particles, and the sticky layer could be damaged. In any case, the advantage of glass is that it hides almost any hairs, dust particles and even air bubbles disappear in a day or two. Particularly confused people can remove particles that accidentally fall under the glass with adhesive tape. However, as it turned out, there is a way to a simpler "sticker".

Most often, glass comes with accessories - wet and dry wipes for wiping the screen and a set of stickers. Well, the big one is for dust particles, ok, but why the small ones (Guide Sticker) - I didn’t understand, and didn’t even think about it.

And the casket just opened. First, the protective glass does not need to remove the film. Ideally attach it to the screen of your smartphone and fix it with these narrowest stickers. Then “flip” the glass and clean the smartphone screen well (you can still do this in a humid room). Remove the film from the glass and attach to the screen. Ready. Since I discovered this method, I glue everything the first time and almost perfectly!

Ask why I change protective glasses so often? It's simple - I ordered several 0.2 and 0.26 mm glasses for testing and it turned out that they were terribly fragile. They cracked even if it was unsuccessful to put the phone on the table with the display down or hit something in the bag. So I spent them and again ordered the usual 0.3 mm and am glad. Yes, they are thicker and not as convenient to swipe from the edge of the screen (if your smartphone screen is rounded like an iPhone), but I sometimes drop my phone and don't want to accidentally break the screen.

In the first one, I also wrote about 3D-type glasses, which are also rounded towards the edges, but in the end it turned out from their use. The option with a metal edging does not look very good, dirt gets under the edges. Carbon looks great, but too fragile. Plus, some of the cases that "go" to the edges of the iPhone are not compatible with 3D glasses. And I have a lot of covers and I change them periodically.