What program is needed for gifs. GIF file extension

The topic of website optimization is now being discussed more and more often. And for good reason, since the Internet is becoming faster and faster, and there is more and more information. Just look at the number of image optimization services, CSS styles, JS styles that have appeared recently. Achieving fast loading of a website has become much easier than it was before. But even here, not everything can be solved with simple services. Today we'll look at a simple way to download GIFs only on click.

If you want to study the topic of loading speed in more detail, I recommend reading the following articles:

Since the article relates specifically to GIF images, I recommend studying the article on creating GIFs online:

There will be no examples before and after, since everything here will be clear in numbers. And below you can see and download a ready-made example of loading a GIF image when clicked:


Pros and cons of loading GIFs on click

To clearly evaluate all the pros and cons of this method, I presented everything clearly in the table:

The first point is a little controversial, because it was possible to write a script in pure Javascript, then it would be absent, but the rest will definitely remain in any case.

It is not yet entirely clear what the point of this method is, if it has so many disadvantages. But the last plus for many (including me) will be much more important than all the minuses listed above. To achieve good download speeds, there are a few things you need to do.

Now I want to talk a little about the last method of downloading and show in numbers how much the downloaded volumes of data differ when simply inserting a GIF, as well as in the second case. I will give examples of those GIF images that you can see in .

In this particular example, the differences are colossal!

What needs to be done before implementing the code...

Let's say you are inspired by this method and you understand that your site contains a large number of GIF images, but the loading speed suffers. And you decided to implement this functionality in your project (possibly in the future). There is a small preliminary procedure in which you need to prepare preview images that need to be shown as soon as the site has loaded. That is, these are exactly the images that the user sees until he clicks on the Play button.

What can you put on a preview image? There are 2 options here: either make a preview for each GIF image, which is its first frame, or make one image that will be used throughout the site, regardless of the GIF image. But you need to decide what will be best for your project yourself.

So, you have prepared all the preview images for each GIF image and are now ready to implement the functionality, then let’s move on to the most interesting block! 🙂


Everything will be really simple here, and if not, then just download the demo example and see how everything works inside and take the appropriate actions for your project.

Let's start, as usual, with the markup:

Stage 1. HTML markup

1 2 3 <div class = "gif-with-play" > <img src = "img/self-portrait.jpg" alt = "Self Portrait" data-srcgif= "img/self-portrait.gif" > !} </div>

IMPORTANT: all images must be in a block with the "gif-with-play" class. And the second important note: you must specify the address before the preview image in the "src" attribute and MUST specify the address before the GIF image in the "data-alt" attribute .

Stage 2. CSS styles

In fact, you can do without CSS styles, and implement the functionality and that’s it. But a person is unlikely to understand that they can click on the image and simply scroll down the page further. Therefore, we still need styles that will help the user understand how to work with this page component:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 .gif-with-play ( position : relative ; background ) transparent no-repeat center center ; ) .gif-with-play :hover ( cursor : pointer ; ) .gif-with-play :hover :before ( background-color : rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , .56) ; ) .gif-with-play : after , .play .gif-with-play :after ( content : "" ; position : absolute ; top : 0 ; left : 0 ; right : 0 ; bottom : 0 ; margin : auto ; height : 120px ; width : 120px ; -webkit-background-size: background-size: cover; -webkit-transition: all .35s ease; -o-transition: all .35s ease; 1 ; ) .gif-with-play :after ( background-image : url ( "../img/player-buttons/play_button.svg") ; ) .play .gif-with-play :after ( background-image : url ( "../img/player-buttons/stop_button.svg") ; ) .play .gif-with-play : not(: hover) :after ( opacity : .35; ) .gif-with-play :before ( content : "" ; position : absolute ; top : 0 ; left : 0 ; height : 100% ; width : 100% ; background-color : rgba(255 , 255 , .7) ; -webkit-transition : all .35s ease ease; transition : all .35s ease; opacity : 1 ; ) .play .gif-with-play :before ( background-color : rgba(255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) ; ) .gif-with-play img ( opacity : 1 ; -webkit-transition : all .35s ease; -o-transition : all .35s ease; transition : all .35s ease img ( opacity . play . gif-with-play : after ( opacity : 0 ; ) @media screen and (max-width: 768px) (.gif-with-play :after , .play .gif-with-play :after ( height : 60px ; width : 60px ; ) )

This is the most basic set of styles to show the Play button. I wrote them only so that you understand the principle and can change the button (and any styles) to suit yourself and your project. If you noticed, for a GIF image that will be substituted using JS instead of preview, the container block (in our case, the block with the "gif-with-play" class) is added with the "play" class.

Some will say that it was possible to add additional tags to the HTML markup and attach the GIF playback and stop event to them. But I like the format with the :before and :after pseudo-elements.

Stage 3. Javascript

The first thing you need to do is connect jQuery library. And then place the following script below:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (function ($) ( $(".gif-with-play") .on ("click" , function () ( var $this = $(this ) , $img = $this.children ( "img" ) , $imgSrc = $img.attr ("src" ) , $imgSrcgif = $img.attr ("data-srcgif" ) , $imgExt = $imgSrcgif.split ("." ) ; if ($imgExt[ 1 ] == = "gif" ) ; $img.attr ( "src" , $img.data ( "srcgif" ) .attr ( "data-srcgif" , $imgSrc ) ; ) ) ; ) else ( $img.attr ( "src" , $imgSrcgif) .attr ( "data-srcgif" , $img.data ( "srcgif" ) ) ; ) $this.toggleClass ( "play" ) ; ) ; ) ) (jQuery) ;

For WordPress owners

There is an excellent ready-made solution for you in the form of a plugin for WordPress. The plugin is called "WP GIF Player". You can download it here - download the plugin "WP GIF Player" .


GIF Raster image file format

GIF is the most popular file type on the Internet because it allows you to create animated images. GIF files use raster images up to 8 bits/pixel. This resolution allows the use of 256 colors of the RGB palette. It should be noted that not all GIF images are animated. A large number of logos and images with clear, well-defined lines, as well as transparent backgrounds, are saved in GIF format. Compression of files in GIF format occurs without losses, i.e. The size is reduced without reducing image quality. This allows you to convert files to other formats without any significant loss of quality.

Technical information about GIF files

Compuserve created the GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) format for use on the Internet. That is why data about him was open to the general public. The 256 colors of the GIF file are capable of using the Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm, which allows you to compress files while simultaneously removing areas with insufficient data in order to minimize loss of image quality. Raster information is compressed to a minimum size. The number of colors required to construct an image is reduced by removing colors that are not used to form the image. The maximum number of colors is 256, but the image can even have 2 of them - white and black (the minimum requirement for the number of colors in a GIF file). Reducing the number of colors reduces the overall file size.

More information about the GIF format

In this article you will learn why gifs do not work in Odnoklassniki, the causes of problems and how to deal with this problem. Since most people on the OK social network are inexperienced computer and Internet users, these instructions will come in handy for them. This problem can have a number of reasons that are related to browsers, plugins, and also largely depend on the stable operation of the service itself. Let's take a closer look at the reasons why gifs are not shown in Odnoklassniki or why gifs are black in Odnoklassniki (users often complain that animations turn black or darken during playback). Also on our website read about where to find and how to use them.

How do GIF animations work?

Where can you find them?

There is no separate section for an album with gifs on the social network. When you save the first animation to your profile and upload it from your computer, this album will be created automatically, so you don't have to put in any effort. Now let's figure out how to make GIF animations play.

Why aren't GIFs shown on Odnoklassniki?

Let's highlight a list of problems and malfunctions due to which animations do not load:

  • browser malfunctions;
  • errors in the operation of the social network itself;
  • errors in flash player;
  • viruses.

Let's look at each reason in more detail and look at ways to fix the problem.

Browser errors

First of all, try opening a GIF file on a social network through a different browser. If everything works fine in another program, then the problem is in your standard browser. GIFs do not load due to third-party plugins or an old version of the program. You need to update it. If this does not help, then you will have to move to using another browser and get used to it.

Why the GIF doesn’t play: the second reason

GIFs also do not work due to service failures. Such problems are often eliminated by the creators of the social network in a short time, so you just need to wait. If even after a day the error during playback has not disappeared, then write a request to technical support, indicating the topic of the problem and describing it. The service will quickly consider your complaint, resolve it or tell you what to do in this situation. However, cases of a broken website are rare, so let's move on to more common problems. Also read an article on our website about why and what to do about it.

GIF files cannot be played in Odnoklassniki due to Flash Player

Flash Player is a required plugin for running media files in the browser. To find out the version that is installed on your PC, you need to go to the link https://get.adobe.com/ru/flashplayer. There you can download the latest version of the program.

Why don't GIFs open in Odnoklassniki: viruses

Often, inexperienced users do not protect their PC with antiviruses, which leads to browser infection. This entails that GIFs, videos or music (sometimes all together) will not open. To solve this problem, you need to go to the folder on the system drive windows/system32/drivers/etc/. In it, open the hosts file through Notepad and delete all entries, then save the changes.

Why doesn't it show gif on my phone?

Gifs on the phone do not work due to a weak device, outdated browser or version of the mobile application. In the first case, you will have to change your phone; in the last two, you need to update the software to the latest versions. Now you know why GIFs don't move and how to fix it.

GIFs don't work

If you don’t yet know what a “GIF” is and how to open a GIF file, then today we will take a closer look at this file and find out how and with what you can open this file format.

First, let's figure out what kind of file this is and what it essentially is. So, GIF is a file that is used to exchange images. This format also supports various types of animation, including transparent ones.

This format is currently often used for any advertising on websites. For example, if you take several photographs and process them in the program, you can make sequential images that will change. You can also make photos cyclical - when the pictures are shown continuously in their sequence, starting from the first picture.

We’ve sorted out the format itself, now let’s move on to the topic of the article, how GIFs are opened.

Opening a gif file through browsers

“GIFs” are always opened either through web browsers or through graphic editors. There are a lot of browsers and editors, so don’t worry, you’ll open the file anyway.

Let's figure out step by step how to open a GIF animation. First we will try to open it through the browser that you have on your computer. For example, I have the Google Chrome browser installed, let's launch it.

Now left-click on the GIF and, without releasing the button, drag it into the open browser window, and then release the button.

This file will now be displayed in the browser. If you have a different browser, try the same steps in it.

XnView program

You can install the program XnView , as the default photo viewer, that is, when you double-click on any image, all the files themselves will automatically open in the XnView program.

When you already have it on your computer, open the program and select “Tools” and “Options” from the menu.

In the options on the left, click "Associations".

Here you need to specify the type of files that will be associated with this program. We look for “CompuServe GIF”, check the box on the left. If you use this program regularly, then indicate other formats that you are going to open using this program.

After all changes have been made, click “OK” to save your actions.

Now double-click on the GIF. If everything was done correctly, this file will open in this program.

I think from this article you understand how to open GIF and that this procedure does not require any technical nuances.

P.S.: Example GIF:

For those who want to experiment a little:

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File extension .gif
File category
Example file (5.6 MiB)
(7.7 MiB)
(141.77 KiB)
(118.95 KiB)
Related programs Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery Viewer
Apple Preview
Corel Paint Shop Pro