Which cell is active in an excel table. Cell in Excel - Basic Concepts

1. What is a spreadsheet (ET)

Spreadsheet - a computer program that allows you to carry out calculations with data presented in the form of two-dimensional arrays that imitate paper tables

2. Expand the concepts: row, column, cell, block of cells.

Title bar serves to display the name of the application.

Input and editing line displays data or formulas entered into the current table cell. In this row, you can view or edit the contents of this cell, as well as see the formula itself.

Status bar contains information for going to any required page and for changing the image scale.

Hint line is intended to provide information to the user about his possible actions at the current moment.

Cell a worksheet is formed by the intersection of a row and a column, and its address is determined by the letter of the column and the row number: for example, cell A1 is located at the intersection of the first row and column A, which is in fourth place. Not only a cell, but also a group of adjacent cells can have an address block (range) of cells. A block of cells can be considered a row or part of a row, a column or part of a column, as well as a rectangle consisting of several rows and columns or parts thereof. A block of cells is specified by indicating the addresses of its first and last cells, between which a separating character is placed - a colon (B2: D5).

3. What is a cell address?

4. Which cell is called the current (active)?

Active table area the part filled with data is called

5. How does absolute addressing differ from relative addressing?

6. What could be the contents of an ET cell?

Different tables may contain completely different information. Some cells contain text, some contain numeric data. From an Excel perspective, a cell can contain three types of data.

Text the data is a string of text of arbitrary length. Excel reproduces such data exactly as it was entered. Such a cell cannot be used in calculations. If Excel cannot interpret the data as a number or as a formula, the program assumes it is text data.

Numerical data is a single number entered into a cell. They cannot contain alphabetic or special characters because mathematical operations are performed on them. The only exceptions are the decimal point (comma) and the number sign that precedes it. Data that define dates or monetary amounts are considered as numbers.

Formulas are the instructions by which calculations are performed. In this case, the formula itself may not be visible on the screen, but the result of calculations using it will be presented in the cell. The contents of a cell are treated as a formula if they begin with an equal sign.

7. What are the rules for writing formulas?

1. Make sure that the cell in which you want to get the calculation result is active (highlighted with an italic frame).

2. Entering a formula begins with the “=” sign. This character is entered from the keyboard.

3. After entering the “=” sign, Excel switches to formula entry mode. In this mode, when you select a cell, its address is automatically entered into the formula. This eliminates the need for the user to know the cell addresses and enter them into the formula from the keyboard.

4. While in formula entry mode, you sequentially point with the left mouse button at the cells storing certain numerical values, and enter the operation signs between the original values ​​using the keyboard.

§ Operation signs must be entered between cell addresses.

§ It is more convenient to enter operation characters from the right numeric block of the keyboard. For this unit to work in the desired mode, the indicator must be enabled.

5. In order for the calculation result to appear in the active cell, you must exit the formula entry mode.

§ completes entering the formula and moves the cursor to the next cell.

§ “Green checkmark” on the formula input panel completes entering the formula, and leaves the cursor in the same cell.

9. Name the functionality of Excel

The spreadsheet processor MS Excel (spreadsheets) is one of the most frequently used applications of the integrated MS Office package, a powerful tool in capable hands that greatly simplifies routine daily work. The main purpose of MS Excel is to solve almost any calculation problems, the input data of which can be presented in the form of tables. The use of spreadsheets simplifies working with data and allows you to obtain results without programming calculations. In combination with the Visual Basic for Application (VBA) programming language, the MS Excel spreadsheet processor becomes universal and allows you to solve any problem, regardless of its nature.

10. What is the structure of the Excel window?

Basic structural elements of a spreadsheet:




A spreadsheet can have multiple sheets. These sheets form book. The currently selected cell is called active cell.

11. What is the sequence of creating ET.

To create a new book With Microsoft Excel open, you need to do one of the following:

Click the button Create on the panel Standard ;

Press the keyboard shortcut<Ctrl>+ <N>;

Execute menu command File -Create and then in the panel that pops up on the right

in section Creation team Blank book (Fig. 8.3).

After this, a new Excel document will open in front of you, ready for work. The program will assign the new document a type name Book1 , but you can give the document a unique name when you save it.

12. How to clear the current ET cell?

Delete button

13. How to enter a formula into an ET cell?

Rules for writing formulas in Excel:

    two operation symbols must not appear together;

    each opening parenthesis must have a matching closing parenthesis (Excel will not allow you to fix the entry of a formula into a cell if there is no matching parenthesis);

    the formula cannot contain more than 1024 characters; formulas can be divided into many simpler ones (superposition principle).

Algorithm 2.1. Entering a simple formula

The following simple formula is used to multiply 135 by 1%.

To enter a simple formula, do the following:

    Select (activate) a cell A3 ,to enter the formula.

    Enter character “= ” and formula symbols (zero integers can be omitted when entering). Notice that the word is displayed on the left side of the status bar Enter. The characters you enter appear simultaneously in the cell A3 and in formula bar.

    Fix the manual entry of the formula - press the key . The result of the formula 1.35 is displayed in the cell A3. The word appears on the left side of the status bar Ready.

    The formula will appear in the formula bar when the corresponding cell is active.

    Instead of a formula, you can enter a constant into the cell (directly the value 1.35).

14. How is a formula copied? 5 How to correct the contents of a cell?

15. How to format numeric data?

The Cell command of the Format menu allows you to control the output (display) of numeric and text values ​​in the activated cell.

16. How to delete rows (columns) of ET?

Blank cells can be inserted above or to the left of the active cell on the worksheet. In this case, the remaining cells will be shifted down in the same column or to the right in the same row. In the same way, you can insert rows above the selected row or columns to the left of the selected column. Cells, rows, and columns can also be deleted.

17. How to align data in ET cells

The active (selected, current) cell is the worksheet cell that you are currently working with. An active cell is always marked either by thickening its border lines when it is the only selected cell, or by inverting its background color when it is one of several selected cells (a block of cells).

By default, data entry and many other operations in MS Excel are associated with the active cell.

15. MS Excel program interface

The MS Excel program, along with other MSWindows application programs, supports both a mouse and keyboard interface - a set of tools for controlling the operation of the application program and methods for processing information. The fact is that sometimes it is obviously more convenient to use a mouse to perform some operations, and a keyboard for others. As a result, it is useful for the user of MS Excel to know the application features and have the skills to work with both the one and the other interface. Moreover, if a mouse is not installed on the computer or, for various reasons, it does not work reliably, then the only available means of controlling the operation of the MS Excel program is the keyboard.

In addition, the variety of ways to perform the same operations that the MS Excel program makes available to the user allows him to independently form his own style of working with this program, based on his personal preferences and primary skills in working with previously mastered PC software.

Laboratory work No. 1


1.1. Launching ms excel

Launch MS Excel by executing the command "Start / Programs / (MicrosoftOffice) /MicrosoftExcel".

In the MSWindows operating system, the MS Excel program shortcut can also be located on the desktop or in the Quick Launch panel.

1.2. Structure and elements of the ms Excel working window

Open the MS Excel working window to fill the entire display screen. With the standard (initial) settings of the MS Excel program parameters, its working window looks like shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Structure and elements of the working window of the MS Excel program.

Below is a brief description of the elements of the graphical interface of the MS Excel working window.

1. System menu buttons for controlling the behavior of the MS Excel program window (top button) and the window with the active workbook (bottom button). Double-clicking any of these buttons closes the corresponding window.

2. Header line containing the name of the program (Microsoft Excel) and the name of the active workbook (Book 1). The name of the workbook corresponds to the name of the file in which it is stored. Each newly created book receives a name by default: “Book N”, where N is the serial number of the newly created workbook in this session of working with MS Excel.

3. MS Excel main menu bar.

4. Buttons for controlling the behavior of the MS Excel program window (top group of buttons) and the window with the active workbook (bottom button).

5. Rows with toolbars: “Standard” and “Formatting”.

6. A button for selecting (selecting) all cells of the current workbook sheet at once using a single mouse click.

7. Name field. This window displays the address (name) of the active cell or block of cells.

8. Formula bar (it displays the information entered into the active cell and edits previously entered information).

9. Buttons for controlling the entry of information into the active cell. The left button cancels the current input of information, the middle button confirms the correctness of the information entered, and the right button is used to implement the desired function into the cell using the “Function Wizard”.

10. Buttons with column headings (names). Used to select (select) all cells of a column at once or change their width.

11. Marker for horizontally dividing the sheet into two work areas.

12. Buttons with row headings (names). Used to select (select) all cells of a row at once or change their height size.

13. Active (selected, current) cell (C7) on the worksheet.

14. Buttons for navigating through workbook sheets. The outer buttons are used to quickly move to the beginning or end of the list of sheets, and the inner buttons are used for step-by-step transition in forward and reverse directions.

15. Labels with the names of sheets in the workbook. The name of the active (current) sheet is displayed in bold font on a light background.

16. Marker for changing the width of the workbook sheet label display area.

17. Vertical and horizontal scroll bars (pull).

18. Marker for vertically dividing the sheet into two work areas.

19. Status status bar. It displays messages about the operating mode of the MS Excel program in which it is currently located.

20. Area for displaying activated operating modes of the MS Excel program (VDL - working in the keyboard cell selection mode; CAPS - capital letter input mode; NUM - number input mode using the keys of the small numeric keypad; SCRL - stop scrolling mode of the ET sheet when navigating in the workspace window; OVR – entering information into a cell in the mode of replacing its contents).

TASK 1. Without performing any mouse clicks, one by one place the cursor on all the elements of the MS Excel working window described above.

Please note and remember that:

– in the process of such navigation, sometimes the geometric shape of the mouse cursor changes depending on which object (object element) it is currently pointing at;

– if you place the mouse cursor on any of the toolbar buttons and do not move it for one or two seconds, you can get a hint about the purpose of this button.







On the topic

"The purpose of spreadsheetsMSExceland the main functions performed by these tables"



Gudyushkin Evgeniy Nikolaevich

CHECKED BY: __________

GRADE: ___________

Ufa – 2007

Introduction 3 pages

1 . Concept Spreadsheets Microsoft Excel 4 pages

2. Data types and formats for their presentation 7 pages.

3. Application of operators in formulas 8 p.

4. Active cell and its operating modes 11 pages.

5. Auto fill cells 12 pages.

6. Selecting ranges 14 pages.

7. Moving around the worksheet 15 pages.

8. Copying and moving cells and other objects 16 pages.

Conclusion 18 pages

List of used literature 20 pages.


Today, many companies store and/or process part of their business information using the publicly available MS Excel program.
To effectively work with spreadsheet data, macros and controls are used - lists, switches, counters, buttons, calendars, etc. Macros automate repetitive and time-consuming processing of data stored in a table. Controls placed on a worksheet form the workbook's user interface, which controls the entire operation of its tables and charts. Spreadsheets that use a graphical interface and macros to accomplish one or more related tasks are often called spreadsheet applications. As a rule, such “professional” tables are developed using the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language built into MS Excel.

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets- an extremely powerful program that allows you to achieve the desired result in various ways, even in the most seemingly simple situations. Excel offers rich capabilities for building complex formulas. Armed with a few mathematical operators and rules for entering values ​​into cells, you can turn your worksheet into a powerful programmable calculator. Excel has several hundred built-in functions that perform a wide range of different calculations.

Functions- these are special, pre-created formulas that allow you to easily and quickly perform complex calculations and perform financial and statistical analysis. Using Excel, you can create complex charts for worksheet data. Using macros in Excel worksheets allows you to work interactively with the user and perform cumbersome and routine operations with just a few clicks of the mouse button.

1 . Concept Spreadsheets Microsoft Excel

The main MS Excel document is a workbook, which is a file with the extension *.xls. A workbook can be thought of as the electronic equivalent of a binder. The book consists of worksheets. The maximum number of worksheets is 255, they are designated as Sheet 1, etc. (Fig. 1). A worksheet can be associated with the concept of “document” or “spreadsheet”. Sheets of the book can be moved, copied, renamed. Moving can be done by dragging the sheet tab with the mouse. To rename, you can double-click the left mouse button on the tab of the sheet to be renamed, and then enter a new name. Copying can be conveniently done using the context menu. The context menu also allows you to add a new sheet to the workbook and, if necessary, select all sheets. In the user view, an Excel 97 spreadsheet (worksheet) consists of 65,536 rows and 256 columns or columns, which are displayed on the computer screen. Rows are numbered with integers from 1 to 65536, and columns or columns are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet A, B, ..., Z, AA, AB, ...IV. At the intersection of a row and a column, the main structural element of the table is located - the cell. The contents of a cell can be accessed by its address (link), for example, A5. A table (MS Excel uses the term worksheet, which we will continue to use) is a set of elementary cells, each of which belongs to a certain column and at the same time belongs to a certain row. Typically, in a graphical representation, cells in the same column are stacked vertically, and cells in the same row are stacked next to each other horizontally. The rows and columns are identified in some way, for example, the columns are named and the rows are numbered. The resulting data structure is called a worksheet. All rows contain the same number of cells and all columns contain the same number of cells, that is, the worksheet has a rectangular shape. By default, the worksheet has 256 columns named A through IV and 16384 rows named 1 through 16384 (this is enough in most cases). The column name and row number together uniquely identify the cell that (at the same time) belongs to them. This identifier is called a cell address or cell reference. Let us immediately note that MS Excel also supports another addressing system (link style), when both rows and columns are numbered. This referencing style is sometimes convenient and is needed for compatibility with other spreadsheet systems. Typically, addresses in the form “column name - row number” are used. You can also assign your own names to cells and use these names to refer to cells along with addresses.

In addition to the concept of a cell, the concept of a cell interval is used - a rectangular area of ​​adjacent cells. The interval is specified by specifying the address of the top-left cell and the bottom-right cell, separated by the symbol: (colon). For example, the entry E5:G10 defines the cell range. Accordingly, an interval consisting of several whole columns is indicated by the names of the leftmost and rightmost columns, separated by a colon, for example, the entry B:G does not denote Boris Grebenshchikov, but all the cells in columns B, C, D, E, F and G. Worksheet cells are designed to hold different values. Thus, a cell can play the same role as a variable in mathematics: it has a designation (name or address) and can have and change meaning. Any calculation consists of calculating the values ​​of other variables from the values ​​of one variable. Typically, the calculation method is described using a formula containing mathematical operations and functions. But the formula itself is also a value that can be stored in a cell! This is the basic idea of ​​spreadsheets: some worksheet cells are used as independent variables that must be given values ​​from the outside, and other cells are used as dependent variables (they are called dependent cells in MS Excel), which contain formulas that refer to on independent variables (In MS Excel they are called influencing cells). The user enters the initial data into the influencing cells, calculations are automatically made using the formulas located in the dependent cells, and the user sees the finished result of the calculations in the dependent cells. Excel's capabilities are sufficient to describe (and therefore automatically perform) any calculations (in any case, these capabilities are certainly sufficient for calculations practically needed in business).

MS Excel is not just a spreadsheet with data and formulas that perform basic calculations using four arithmetic operations and some built-in functions. It is a versatile data processing system that can be used to analyze and present data in a visual form, and this powerful Microsoft Office tool can truly produce amazing results - in the right hands, of course. Forecasting in MS Excel is one of the most commonly used features. MS Excel easily extrapolates a number of data - for example, to analyze existing actual data, assess the current trend of their change and obtain a short-term forecast for the future on this basis.

Excel is a multi-window program. This means that you can open and edit multiple documents (workbooks) at the same time.

The appearance of the information contained in the spreadsheet can be changed by changing the data format, as well as setting the design of the cells, changing their width, height and color (menu Cell Format, team View).

2. Data types and formats for their presentation

You can enter one of the following types of data into any cell:

– number (numbers can be presented in various formats: general, numeric with various numbers of decimal places, monetary or financial, as well as fractional or exponential formats);

– text (any combination of characters – in general or text formats);

– date (in a special date format);

– time (time format);

– a formula for performing the necessary calculations (a formula is an arbitrary mathematical expression starting with the = sign). A formula can contain function calls, various operators, and cell references. For example, the formula =PI() located in cell A5 returns the value of the number p (3.1415...) to this cell, or the formula =RAND() located in cell A6 returns a random number in the range from 0 to 1.

Cell format can be controlled using the menu Cell Format.

3. Using operators in formulas

Arithmetic operator



+ (plus sign)


– (minus sign)


Unary minus

* (asterisk)


/ (slash)

% (percent sign)

^ (lid)


to the degree

3^2 (analogue 3*3)

For example, the formula =COS(A5)/2+SIN(A5/6) located in cell A8 will return the value 0, provided that the formula =PI() is located in cell A5.

Comparison Operators are used to denote comparison operations between two numbers. The result of a comparison operation is the logical value TRUE or FALSE.

Comparison operator

            1. 3Meaning
            1. Example

= (equal sign)

> (greater than sign)

>= (greater than sign and equal sign)

Greater than or equal to

Less than or equal to

(greater than sign and less than sign)

For example, let's say cell B5 has the formula =PI( ) , and in cell C5 =RAND( ) . In cell D5 you need to insert the result of dividing B5 by C5. There is a possibility of an erroneous situation – division by zero. To prevent this, you must enter the following formula in cell D5 =IF(C50;B5/C5;"You can't divide by zero"). In this example, the IF function returns either the result of dividing the contents of two cells, or, in the case when C5 = 0, a warning about the inadmissibility of division by zero.

Text operator «&» is used to denote the operation of concatenating multiple text strings or text constants into a single string.

For example, let's say cell A5 contains the formula =PI(), and in cell A6 =RAND(). The result of the product of the contents of these cells can be placed in cell A7 in the form of a formula ="Product of PI by a random number ="&A5*A6.

Address operators define cell ranges.

: (colon) is a range operator that refers to all cells between the range's boundaries, including those cells themselves.

Example . B5:B15 – cells of column B, from the fifth to the fifteenth.

, (comma) is a union operator that refers to the union of range cells (in fact, it is the union of several references into one reference).

Example . The SUM(B5:B15,D5:D15) function will sum the contents of the cells in these two ranges.

(space) – An intersection operator that refers to common cells in ranges.

Example . The SUM(B5:B15 A7:D7) function will return the contents of cell B7, because it is precisely this that is common to the indicated ranges.

4. Active cell and its operating modes

An active cell is a cell with which the user can currently work (or is working) by entering or editing data or formulas. The address of the active cell is displayed in the cell name field (see Figure 1).

An active cell can be in three main operating modes, which are shown in Fig. 2.

In mode Selected cell All basic modes of editing and setting cell parameters are available. Selecting multiple cells is done by dragging the cursor while holding down the left mouse button across the selected cells. In this case, the first cell from the selected range remains active.

IN Edit mode the active cell switches automatically when you start typing any characters on the keyboard or when you go to the formula editing line.

In the third mode, a moving dotted border around a cell indicates that its contents are on the clipboard and can be used for a paste operation.

5. Auto fill cells

Compiling tables is a labor-intensive process. Excel developers have made this task easier with the Auto Fill mechanism. It can be used where a certain number of adjacent cells must be filled with homogeneous information. The first element of the data series is entered into one of the cells, and the second into the next. Then you should select both cells (by dragging while holding down the left mouse button), place the mouse pointer on the auto fill marker (a black square in the lower right corner of a cell or group of selected cells, and the mouse pointer takes the form of a black cross), press the left mouse button and drag it is further along the row or column that must be filled in automatically. Filling will occur from existing lists (see menu ServiceOptions...Lists), or according to the principle: next value = previous + step. You can create the desired list yourself and add it to the list of standard ones.

Here are examples showing the capabilities of auto-fill.

In the first two cells, enter the dates 02/27/00 and 02/28/00. Having completed the sequence of actions described above, we get the following series:

Let Xmin=2, Xmin+h=2,2. Let's enter these values ​​into adjacent cells and apply auto-fill. We get the series:

Please note that the default decimal separator can be a comma. And if Excel does not perceive the data entered with dots as numbers, simply replace the dots in the numbers with commas or change the default decimal place in the Windows settings through the menu Start(subparagraph Settings, Control Panel, Language and standards).

Comment. If the data row to be filled extends beyond the working screen, it is more convenient to use the command EditFill inProgression…

6. Selecting ranges

You can select a range of contiguous cells by selecting the first cell in the range, pressing SHIFT, and then selecting the last cell in the range.

A special case is when the range boundary is beyond visibility (outside the current screen). Then, while holding down the Shift key, press the End key and the desired arrow key in sequence. If the range consists of several rows or columns, do not release Shift, press END again, and then press the arrow key (in the direction you want to make the selection).

If you need to select non-adjacent cells (or ranges thereof), use the CTRL key. Select the cells in the first range. Then, while holding CTRL, select the second range with the mouse, then the third, etc. It is interesting that the first cell of the last selected range will be active.

You can select one row (or column) by left-clicking on the name of the row (column). To select several adjacent rows (columns), drag the mouse with the left button pressed over the names of the selected rows (columns). Non-adjacent rows (columns) are selected using the CTRL key.

All sheet cells can be selected using the button Select all, located at the intersection of the column names row and the row names column. You can deselect the selection by left-clicking anywhere on the sheet.

7. Moving around the worksheet

Only a small fragment of the worksheet is displayed on the screen. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to move to the desired part of it. You can use scroll bars for this.

In some cases it is more convenient to use the keyboard. You can return to the first cell of the sheet using the CTRL+HOME keys. Using the CTRL+END key combination you can move to the last (rightmost) cell of the sheet. Pressing the Home key will take you to the beginning of the current line. You can move one screen left or right (keys ALT + PgUp and ALT + PgDn, respectively). Using the combinations CTRL + PgUp and CTRL + PgDn you can quickly move from one sheet of a workbook to another. The PgUp and PgDn keys allow you to scroll the screen up and down.

You can move to the border of the current block of information on the worksheet by pressing CTRL and the desired arrow key.

8. Copying and moving cells and other objects

To copy and move a cell or group of cells, it is convenient to use the capabilities provided by the Clipboard of the Windows operating system. All functions for interacting with the clipboard in Excel are implemented through the menu Edit and consist of three main features:

1. Copying selected cells (cells, arbitrary text, drawing or any other object) to the intermediate clipboard (the object does not disappear from the screen and remains in its place). Copying is carried out through the sub-item Copy or via the hotkey combination Ctrl+C.

2. Cutting the selected object to the intermediate clipboard is carried out through the sub-item Cut or via the hotkey combination Ctrl+X. In this case, the selected object, as a rule, disappears from the screen and is placed in the intermediate clipboard (when moving part of the table to a new place for Excel after the operation Cut cells do not disappear from the spreadsheet until the operation is performed Insert).

3. Inserting an object from the clipboard to the place where the editing cursor is currently located or into the current cell of the spreadsheet. To do this, we will use the subparagraph Insert or press the key combination Ctrl+V.

Comment. Hot combinations may differ from those shown above depending on the Excel version or installation type.

Second way. You can also perform operations to interact with the intermediate clipboard through context menu selected object (the context menu is called by right-clicking on the selected object). Interaction operations with the intermediate buffer are usually grouped into a separate block and are easily recognized.

The third way to perform operations with the intermediate clipboard is to use the toolbar with the main buttons for interacting with the buffer located on it, which are shown below


Considering this topic, I came to the conclusion that one of the most productive ideas in the field of computer information technology was the idea of ​​a spreadsheet. Many PC software developers have created their own versions of spreadsheet processors - application programs designed to work with spreadsheets. Of these, the most famous are Lotus 1-2-3 from Lotus Development, Supercalc from Computer Associates, Multiplan and Excel from Microsoft. Domestic school computers are also equipped with simplified (educational) versions of table processors.

Table processors (TP) are a convenient tool for economists, accountants, engineers, scientists - all those who have to work with large amounts of numerical information. These programs allow you to create tables that (unlike relational databases) are dynamic, that is, they contain so-called calculated fields, the values ​​of which are automatically recalculated using specified formulas when the values ​​of the source data contained in other fields change. When working with spreadsheet processors, documents are created - spreadsheets (ET). A spreadsheet (document) is created in the computer's memory. In the future, you can view it, change it, write it to a magnetic disk for storage, or print it on a printer. Presenting data in the form of tables greatly simplifies the analysis of information. They are focused primarily on solving economic problems, but with their help you can solve mathematical, physical and engineering problems, for example, carry out calculations using formulas, build graphs and diagrams.

From all of the above, we can conclude that MS Excel spreadsheets are a very convenient and almost indispensable work tool for both experienced users and beginners. This program greatly simplifies and makes work in many areas of our lives easier and more enjoyable.

Every person whose work involves drawing up any reports, drawing graphs, or performing complex calculations must be able to use MS Excel. This will greatly simplify and make all routine work faster and less labor-intensive.

Literature used

    Blatner P., Ulrich L., Cook K. Using Excel 2005. Special edition. - M., K., St. Petersburg. 2005.

    Karpov B. Microsoft Office 2000 Directory. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004.

    Akhmetov K., Borzenko A. Modern personal computer. - M.: Computer press, 1995.

    Bott Ed. Using Microsoft Office 97. - K.: Dialectics, 1997.

    Dodge M., Kinata K., Stinson K. Effective work with Excel 7.0 for Windows - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1996.

    Novikov F.A., Yatsenko A. Microsoft Office as a whole – St. Petersburg: BHV-St. Petersburg, 2004.

    Martik Althaus Michael Orlet, Excel 7.0. - M.: Bikom, 2002.

    Nicole N., Albrecht R. Spreadsheets Excel 7.0. -M.: EKOM., 2002.

    Nicole N., Albrecht R. Excel 7.0 spreadsheets for advanced users. -M.: EKOM., 2002.

    Probityuk A. Excel 7.0 for Windows in the bureau. -K., BHV, 2000.

there is no right answer

10. Indicate what a worksheet cell address consists ofin the program Excel.

    column designation, line number

    column designation

    column number

    line number

11 . In the program Excel specifying a cell address in a formula is called...

  1. function


    cell name

12. The active cell in an Excel table is the cell...

    to record commands

    selected cell

13. How to select non-adjacent cells in Excel?

    < Ctrl>

    click on the first cell, press < Shift> and, while holding it, click on other cells

    click on the first cell, press < Alt> and, while holding it, click on other cells

    perform actions: EditGo Select.

14. How to select a range of cellsin the program tableExcel?

    click on the first cell, press < Shift>

    click on the first cell, press < Ctrl> and, holding it, click on the last cell

    click on the first cell, press < Alt> and, holding it, click on the last cell

    perform actions EditGo Select

15 . Specify the correct actions when you finish entering data into a cellin the programExcel.

    press a key < Enter>

    click on the button < Cancel> formula bars

    press a key < End>

    press a key < Space>

16 . Using which function key inMicrosoft Excel Is it possible to edit and enter data into the active cell?

17. How to delete cell contentsin the programExcel?

    select the cell and click < Del>

    select the cell and click < Ctrl> + < Del>

    select the cell, click the left mouse button, select the command in the dialog box that appears Clear contents

    select the cell and run the commands: ViewOrdinary.

18. What commands can you use to add cells? to the tablein the programExcel?





19 . Before you enterinformation into a cellin the programExcel, you need...

a) make the cell active

b) create a new cell

c) call the context menu by right-clicking

d) press the key Delete.

20. Specify how the names of rows on the worksheet are indicated in the program Excel.

    numbered with numbers

21. Indicate how the column names on the worksheet are indicated in the program Excel.

      are named by users arbitrarily

      are indicated by letters of the Russian alphabet

      are indicated by letters of the Latin alphabet

      numbered with numbers

22. If you click on the row headerin the programExcel, ...

    the line will be highlighted

    the contents of the line will appear

    formula expression expected

    a new line will be inserted

Option 2

1. The main data in the program table is called Excel, ...

    data that can be determined from the values ​​of other cells

    derived data

    all spreadsheet data is basic

2. Table data is called derivatives Excel, …

    data that cannot be determined from other cells

    data that is determined by the values ​​of other cells

    basic data

    all spreadsheet data is derived

3. Provide the correct worksheet column labelsin the programExcel.

4. Provide the correct worksheet row designation in the programExcel.

5. Enter the correct cell addressin the program Excel.

6 . The range of a table in Excel is...

      a set of cells forming a rectangular area in a table

      all cells of one row;

      all cells of one column;

      set of valid values.

7. Specify the correct table range designations in the programExcel.

8. Ordering the values ​​of a range of cells in the program Excel

called in a certain sequence...





9 . What data can you enter? to cell in the programExcel?

  1. all listed

10. What formatting is applicable to cells in Excel?

    framing and filling

    text alignment and font format

    data type, width and height

    all options are correct

11. Command Dialog Box Format in the program Excel used...

    filling table entries

    table formatting

    check spelling on worksheet

    filtering table records by condition

12. You can change the data format in a separate cell using the panel...


      Formula bar


      Menu bar

13. You can format cells from a specific range using commands...

        Format - Cells

        Service – Cells

        Table - Cells

        Insert - Cells

14. You can change the width and height of cells using the commands...

    Format – String; Format - Column

    Service – String;Service – Column

    Insert – Row;Insert - Column

    Edit – String;Edit - Column

15 . If you double-click on a filled table cell in Excel, the mode is activated...

      editing cell contents


      copy cell contents

      data entry, if any Formula expression

16. Scroll barsin the program windowExcel is needed for...

a) viewing the diagram

b) viewing tables

c) viewing books

d) viewing the contents of the sheet

17. Is the program capableExcelautomatically continue the sequence of homogeneous data?

    only a sequence of natural numbers

    only sequence of dates

18. Using the functionAutocomplete in the program tableExcelCan

    create series of numbers, days, dates, quarters, etc.

    automatically perform simple calculations

    perform complex calculations automatically

    make changes to the contents of a cell

19. Aautomatically fill in the program tableExcelhomogeneous data can be used using commands...

    Edit – Fill – Progression

    View - Fill - Progression

    Format - Fill - Progression

    Service - Autofill

20.How to multiply the contents of the current cell into several cells in a column or row of a table in a programExcel?

  1. dragging the fill handle

  2. moving the mouse cursor

  3. copying the formula in the formula bar

    filling the status bar

21. What is a document in the programExcel?

    set of tables - a workbook that consists of one or many worksheets*

    a set of numerical data interconnected by arithmetic and logical connections

    a set of columns designated by Latin letters A, B, C ...

    a set of strings numbered with integers

22. Vertical scroll bar in the program windowExcelallows...

a) view different sections of the sheet

b) view the document as it will be printed

c) change the document scale

d) resize the window

Test No. 6

“Calculations and diagramming in the programExcel."

1 option

1. What character should the formula begin with? Excel?

  1. doesn't matter

2. Is it possible to edit formulas in the program Excel?

  1. there is no correct answer

3. How to enter a formula for calculation in the program Excel?

    select the cell and enter the formula

    select a cell and enter the answer immediately

    select the cell, type the “=” sign, write the formula without omitting the operation signs *

    select the cell, type the “=” sign, write the formula, omitting the operation signs

4. Which symbol is not a symbol for an arithmetic operation in a program?Excel?

5. The expression "Data"cells A1 divided intocell dataB1" in the programExcellooks like...

6 . Is it possible when entering formulasin the programExceluse parentheses?

    Yes, but only when using absolute references

    Yes, but only when using links to other sheets

7. Expression 5(A2+C3):3in a spreadsheet looks like:

8. Specify the correct formula expression in the documentprogramsExcel

    =50 : 100

9. To insert a formula into a cellin the program Excel you need to enter the sign:

10. Select the correct formula entry for the spreadsheet:

11. Which of the following formulas multiplies all the data in the top 10 rows of the current column? tables in the programExcel ?

  1. A1*A2*A3*A4*A5*A6*A7*A8*A9*A10

Option 2

1. How to correct an error in a formula in a program Excel ?

    write it again

    click on the formula and correct errors in the formula bar

    copy the correct formula

    execute the commands sequentially: Format - Formula

2. State what the function defines AVERAGEin the program Excel?

    arithmetic mean of a given range of cells

    average value from cell division

    search for the shortest text

3. What is the function used for? SUM in the program Excel?

    to obtain the sum of squares of the specified numbers

    to get the sum of the specified numbers

    to obtain the difference between the sums of numbers

    to obtain the square of the specified numbers

4. State what the function does MIN in Excel?

    finding the smallest value

    finding the average

    sorting in descending order of numbers

    search for the shortest text

5. State what the function doesMAX in Excel?

    search for the shortest text

    sorting in descending order of numbers

    finding the average

    search for the largest value

6 . TeamAutosum in Excel needed For…

    non-graphical presentation of information

    counting the sum of cells

    graphical representationinformation

    graphical construction of columns or rows

7 . Sorting datain the programExcel is...

    sort data in ascending or descending order

    sort data in ascending order only

    sort data in descending order only

    data filtering

8 . What types of sorting exist in Excel??

a) descending sort; sort by deletion

b) sorting in ascending order; sort descending

c) sort by multiplication; sort by promotion

d) descending sort; sort descending

9 . Ddiagram- This…

a) graphical presentation of data

b) external design of data, as well as format adjustment

their content data

c) a sequence of cells that form a logical

d) numbered marks, which are located on the left side

each line

1 0 . Diagrams in the program Excel is created for...

    graphical presentation of information

    graphical construction of columns

    graphic construction of columns or rows;

    graphical construction of columns and rows

1 1 . What commands can you use?add a diagram to the program bookExcel?

    Insert – Diagram –Chart Wizards

    Chart – Add a chart

    Service – Diagram sequential steps Chart Wizards

    View – Chart – Add Chart

Test No. 7

"Work inPowerPoint. Creating colorful presentations"

1 option

1. What is Power Point?

    Microsoft Office application for creating presentations

    application program for processing code tables

    a computer device that manages its resources in the process of processing data in tabular form

    system program that manages computer resources

2. What is a presentationPowerPoint?

      demo set of slides prepared on a computer

      spreadsheet processing application

      computer device that controls slide shows

      a text document containing a set of drawings, photographs, diagrams

3. PowerPointneeded to create...

    tables to improve the efficiency of calculating formula expressions

    text documents containing graphic objects

    Internet pages to provide wide access to available information

    presentations in order to increase the efficiency of perception and memorization of information

4. A component of a presentation containing various objects is called...

5. A set of slides collected in one file form...


6. LaunchprogramsPowerPoint

    Start – Main Menu – Programs –Microsoft Power Point

    Start – Main Menu – Find –Microsoft Power Point

    Taskbars – Settings – Control Panel -Microsoft Power Point

    Worker tableStartMicrosoft Power Point

7. In which section of the program window menuPowerPointthe team is locatedCreate (New) slide ?

    Slide show



8 . Selecting a slide layout in the programPowerPointdone using commands...

      Format - Slide Layout

      Format – Slide color scheme

1. Microsoft Excel is...

a) an application program designed to store and process data in the form of a table *

b) application program for processing code tables

c) a computer device that controls its resources in the process of processing data in tabular form

d) a system program that manages computer resources

2. The spreadsheet is:

a) a set of numbered lines and columns named in Latin letters *

b) a set of rows and numbered columns named in letters of the Latin alphabet;

c) a collection of numbered rows and columns;

d) a collection of rows and columns named by the user in any way.

3. What commands can you use to run the program? Excel?

a) Start – Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft Office Excel*

b) Start – Programs – Windows Directory

c) Start – Programs – Accessories – Notepad

d) Programs – Microsoft Office – Microsoft Excel

4. What is the name of the processing object? in Excel?

b) page

5. What needs to be done to create a new book in the program Excel?

a) execute command Create in the menu File*

b) press the button Return on the toolbar

c) execute command Open menu File

d) press the button Open on the toolbar

6. What extension do the program files have? Excel?

7.Minimum table components in the program Excel is...

a) cell *

c) formula

d) there is no correct answer

8.Indicate what the worksheet cell address in the program consists of Excel.

a) column designation, row number *

b) column designation

c) column number

d) line number

9. The active cell in an Excel table is the cell...

a) to write commands

d) selected cell*

10. How to select non-adjacent cells in Excel?


and, while holding it, click on other cells

c) click on the first cell, press and, while holding it, click on other cells

d) perform the following actions: Edit – Go – Select.

11. How to select a range of cells in an Excel table?

a) click on the first cell, press *

b) click on the first cell, press and, holding it, click on the last cell

c) click on the first cell, press and, holding it, click on the last cell

d) perform the actions Edit – Go – Select