Map scrolling Yandex metric no data. Scroll Map

Yandex Metrica has a number of tools that allow you to improve usability, identify weak spots and analyze the data in user behavior on the web resource. These tools are reports from the "Maps" group, namely Scroll Map, Click Map, Link Map and Site Path Map. More about each of them below.

In order to view reports from the "Maps" group, you must have an installed counter from Yandex. Those who have it can skip this paragraph, and for those who do not have it, I advise you to read the article "", which contains step by step instructions for newbies.

Scrolling map from Yandex Metrics

The only map that allows you to view statistics on scrolling web pages, thereby answering the age-old question about their optimal length. The scrolling map became available to ordinary users of Yandex Metrica quite recently, its implementation in Metrica reports took place in April.

Many argue about the usefulness of this tool, but for me, it is ideal for optimization landing pages from landing pages, product cards, promo sites, etc. The scrollmap uses Webvisor technology to determine the amount of scrolling. If it is not set, the report will not be available. You can read more about that in the corresponding article.

If you are faced with the question of whether users scroll the page on your site to the end and how often they do it, then turn on the scroll map through Yandex Metrica or use the bookmarklet and pay attention to such details as:
1. Number of views;
2. Average scrolling time;
3. The distribution of "Heat" on the page.

Pay attention to this moment the scroll map does not support Cyrillic Urls.

Site path map from Yandex Metrics

A rather relative report, which, nevertheless, is popular with webmasters. Allows you to see in the form of visual paths how the movement of users through the web pages of your site is distributed. It is built in the form of a diagram, where blocks (specific web pages) are connected by graphs (user paths).

Site map would have gained great popularity if not for a few nuances that prevent it from functioning in full. The nuances for the most part lie in the frequent distortion of the information displayed on the report page.

But at the same time, it is good to use it to analyze the general vector of user movements on the site for a week or more. In other words, for aggregation large array statistics. Interaction with the path map is built as follows:

1. Go to the report and select the desired period;
2. Set the maximum detail and the number of paths;
3. Launch full screen mode;
4. We analyze statistics by columns for key pages.

Heatmap or Heatmap site from Yandex

Perhaps the most popular report among users and advertisers is the Heat Map of the site. Its usefulness is difficult to overestimate even for novice webmasters. Thanks to it, you will be able to identify and analyze the clickability of the entire area of ​​web pages, and not just active elements.

Click Map available only if the clickmap: true parameter is present in the counter code installed on the site. You can also call it through the bookmarklet. To do this, click the button on the toolbar in the report.<Быстрый способ>and drag the link to the bookmarks bar.

At the bottom of the control panel, you can select several modes for displaying the heatmap, each of which solves a specific task. Let's take a closer look at some of them:

1. Heat map of clicks - standard version displaying the distribution of clicks;
2. Clicking on links, buttons and fields - allows you to instantly identify "pseudo-clibal" elements on the site that confuse visitors;
3. Transparency map - allows you to find out the distribution of clicks on the pages of the site from the inside;
4. Map of elements - allows you to identify elements on the site that are left without the attention of users.

Link map from Yandex Metrica

This report allows you to identify data on the number of user interactions with natural links on the site. Natural, because redirect and javascript links are not supported by default.

It is important to remember that link map including accumulating information on the same URL, which differ only in the hash tag part. Therefore, statistics on the number of use of the button<наверх>or switching between tabs you will not be able to see.

However, with all the existing limitations, it is useful to analyze the click map for the site, including for accounting for clicks external links, when the corresponding option is enabled in the meter settings. The pop-up menu when you hover over the active element and the ability to view statistics without restrictions are an indisputable factor in favor of the Link Map report.

Yandex.Metrica is an indispensable web analytics service. With its help, you will learn about everything that happens on the site - from where and by what means. search phrases users come to the resource, in which sections they look for information and which links they click on more often. Based on these data, one can determine effective channels website promotion, services and products that are in great demand among potential buyers, elements that reduce conversion.

Maps from Yandex.Metrica will help improve the site's usability and thoroughly analyze user behavior. This tool generates four types of reports: statistics on clicks, page scrolling, link clicks and visitor interaction with forms. To get extended statistics, you need to specify the ", scrolling map, form analytics" parameter in the Yandex.Metrica counter. The service will start collecting data within half an hour after installing the counter.

Scroll Maps (Heat Maps)

Scroll maps show the distribution of user attention on different areas resource pages. With their help, it is easy to determine the optimal length of the pages by correctly placing them on important elements. To view the scrolling map, you need to select the "Maps" item in the menu and click on the "Scrolling Map" section.

Scroll statistics will be displayed in the opened window home page site. Areas on the map will be highlighted different colors according to viewing time. Areas of the page where visitors spend more time are highlighted in red, while fast-scrolling areas are highlighted in green or blue.

By moving the cursor over the map, you will see extended statistics - the number of area views and their duration.

For scroll maps, you can also set different modes display, limit time intervals for analysis, compare segments with given conditions. Advanced statistics settings are called up by clicking on the icon with an arrow in the right upper corner pages.

Note! Scroll map statistics are stored for 15 days. If the Yandex.Metrica counter with the specified attributes is not installed on the page, statistics will not be collected.

Scrolling maps allow you to work on the conversion of the site, improving performance. Based on the report data, you will determine the areas on which users concentrate their attention as much as possible, and you will be able to place them in important blocks and content.

Link maps

Link maps display click-through statistics. Each clickable element on the pages of the site will be highlighted in different colors - from blue to red - in accordance with its popularity. The data of the report will help to better understand the needs of users - what services and products they are more interested in, in which sections they are trying to find answers to their questions.

To view the link map, in the counter menu, click on the items "Cards" - "Link Map".

After that, a window with a link map of the main page of the site will open. Each clickable element will be highlighted in a different color:

By clicking on the area of ​​interest, you will receive extended statistics - the number of clicks for the selected period, the share of clicks relative to other links on the page.

In the settings of the link map, you can set clarifying parameters for displaying statistics - select a time period, compare segments.

Note! The tool collects data from pages where . The report does not take into account redirects - both internal and leading to other sites. To collect such information, you must specify the trackLinks parameter in the counter code. The "Link Map" excludes "www" elements, parts of links after # when generating the report, so the results may differ.

With the help of a link map, you can get to know your target audience. Thanks to statistics, you will understand which sections of the site users go to from the page, how their needs change in accordance with seasonality. The data of such a report will be useful during work on.

Increasing conversions using Yandex.Metrica "Maps"

Scroll, click, and link maps from Yandex.Metrica will help make your site more user-friendly. Taking into account the statistics data, you will finalize the elements that should convert leads into sales, place the most meaningful content to areas of maximum concentration of visitors' attention.

To increase the conversion, you should use another tool of the service - Form Analytics. It displays statistics on the number of visitors to the page, the percentage of completion and submission of the form. If the data is disappointing, it is worth reviewing the structure of the element and its position on the page. It is possible that the application form is located too low - for example, on the second or third screen - where visitors simply do not reach. After making changes, you will be able to confirm or disprove the hypothesis of poor website conversion.

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Thermal in "Metrika" "Yandex" is useful, and handy tool analysis of user behavior on the site. If you want to know what elements of the page distract attention from the cherished buttons “buy” and “leave a request”, what Moscow women are looking for on the site and how users who have switched from social networks behave, then you are here. In the article: basic concepts, short review functions and scenarios for using the service. 10 tricks for increasing conversion, wandering from article to article will not be here.

In articles about the Yandex click map, they basically list its modes of operation, give a couple, and round off on this. They don’t explain how to apply it at all, apparently they think that everyone is born web analysts and everyone already knows. I will not do this, but instead I will give a couple of examples of how to use this tool to analyze user behavior and improve the site. But first things first, so let's start with the base.

What it is?

Clicks is a visualization of statistics on the most clicked elements on the site. It helps to understand what users pay the most attention to and what design fragments are mistaken for buttons and active links. A site click map is available in Yandex.Metrica and in most paid web analytics services. You can choose any, but we will talk about the Yandex tool, because it is our own, dear and beloved.

How does the Yandex click map work?

There are four options for visualizing reports in Metrica:

  • Heat map of clicksis the default option. In this case, relatively frequently clicked page elements are highlighted with warm colors (red, orange, yellow) and less popular ones with cool colors (green, blue, purple).
  • monochrome. The same, only the only red color is used. The brighter the area, the more clicks on it, and the dimmer, the less.
  • Map of clicks on links and buttons.In this case, all user interactions with the site are divided into two types: clicks on links and a button and ordinary ones. The former are marked in red or orange, and the latter in blue.
  • Transparent.The same principle works here, the only difference is in the way of visualization. The more often an element is clicked, the more transparent the dark “mask” superimposed on the site is in its area. It is immediately clear what visitors are looking at.
  • Element map.In this mode, not specific areas are highlighted, but entire elements. This mode can be turned on just to give yourself aesthetic pleasure (you will understand what I mean).

What can the Yandex click map do?

Customize the audience segment you want to get information about. Let's break it down point by point.

  1. Setting viewing options. You can only take into account those in which the visitor visited a certain URL, clicked on any heading, and so on.
  2. Setting the parameters of the visit. Here you can filter users by geography, device type, behavior, referral source, and browsing history.
  3. Additional customization of the user profile. You can filter by gender, age, geography and other parameters.
  4. Period selection. Everything is simple here: from one day to a year.
  5. Comparison of two segments. If you want to compare user behavior in this and the previous month, or two different audience segments, select this option.

As an example, I chose men who came from the search, who followed the link to the blog. I won't show the number of clicks.

How to use a heat map of clicks in Yandex.Metrica?

Trite, but for tests and analytics. In the simplest scenario, you can see what the site visitor is interested in: product catalog, service description, contact page or blog. Based on this information, you can adjust the user's path on the site so that he lives easier and more fun. For example, push a popular link to a blog higher and more to the left. The click heat map mode, which is the default, is suitable for this.

The second option is to look at what design elements people mistake for buttons and clickable links. This will help clear the page of things that draw attention to themselves. Let's say you have some kind of plate on the main page, very similar to a form to fill out. And you don’t even suspect about it, because you have never opened a heatmap. And people click on the plate, but they get frustrated because nothing happens. You don't have to be a UX specialist to understand that this is bad. These false-active elements divert the user's attention from the real buttons, make them spend more time navigating, and reduce the usability of the site. To find them, the easiest way is to enable a click map for buttons and links.

The third option is to evaluate how linking works on the page or what menu items people most often choose. This is where the element click map can help. In general, this is very useful mode, because it is more visual than the default mode and never misleads like the mode with active links. Let me explain. In the previous screenshot, several areas look almost the same orange, so it's quite difficult to understand which link is more popular. With the help of the element click map, we get rid of the problem easily and elegantly - all colors turn out to be as different as possible.

Finally, you can see where a particular segment of the audience clicks most often. For example, people who came from social networks or search, residents of Kazan or schoolchildren with iPhones (no). To do this, you need to use the panel, which I talked about above.


Heat map of clicks helps to improve the usability of sites, build the best path for the client to the target action and analyze the behavior different groups users.

What should I do if the heatmap in Metrica doesn't work?

This happens if the site is protected from being displayed in an iframe or you are using nginx. Detailed instructions how to proceed in this case gave Yandex itself, but just in case, we repeat.

If you have an iframe, you need to add the "Webvisor" domain (, its subdomains and your own domain. You can do this with a regular expression:


In the case of nginx, additional code with exceptions looks like this:

location / (
set $frame_options "";
if ($http_referer !~ "^https?:\/\/([^\/]+\.)?(yourdomain\.com|webvisor\.com)\/")(
set $frame_options "SAMEORIGIN";
add_header X-Frame-Options $frame_options;

Are there other tools?

Yes, there are many click heatmaps, some offered as part of other web analytics tools, and some standalone or as a CMS plugin. In principle, they all do about the same thing, they differ only in the details of the data. Examples:

  • clickheat:
  • mouseflow:
  • CrazyEgg:
  • open web analytics.

First three - paid services, and OWA can be downloaded just like that.

What is the result?

The Yandex click map helps to monitor user behavior, optimize his path to the target action, and evaluate the effectiveness different elements pages and get a bunch more useful information. If you do everything right and take into account the data that this metric provides, you can inadvertently increase the conversion and improve the convenience of the site. If that doesn't scare you, then go ahead and do it.