Beautiful handwriting in Word. How to make beautiful text in Word

If you need to create a non-accountable document in Microsoft Word, in accordance with certain rules, but, for example, make a postcard or a warning notice, then in this article we will figure out how to beautifully format text in Word.

To do this, you just need to change the size of the letters and choose the appropriate font; you can use one of the ready-made WordArt styles, or you can independently choose the color, effect, etc. for the text so that it looks interesting on the sheet and attracts attention.

I took all the screenshots in Word 2010, but if you have Word 2007, 2013 or 2016 installed, then these recommendations will suit you.

How to make a beautiful inscription

Let's start by adding the required field to the document. Go to the Insert tab and select Caption - "Simple inscription".

A field like this will appear on the page. Delete what you typed in the example by pressing “Delete” on the keyboard and type what you need.

Then highlight the written words and go to the "Home" tab. Expand the drop-down list with fonts and select the one that suits you best.

Please note that some fonts only apply to words written in English. So look in the list for a font that is suitable for Russian words.

In the example, as you can see, the selected font is suitable only for English words.

To change the color of the letters, click on the small arrow next to the “Text Color” button and click on the one that suits you best. If the color you want is not listed, then click “Other colors”, or select a gradient fill.

The button will allow you to select one of the ready-made design options. You can also select the desired type of text yourself by clicking on the fields “Structure”, “Shadow”, “Reflection”, “Glow”, and selecting the desired one from the expanded list.

To remove borders for the created block, right-click on it, select “Shape Outline” in the context menu, then “No Outline”.

All the functions that we discussed above are applicable not only to what is printed in the block. They can also be used for things that you simply print on a sheet of paper.

Now let's figure out what else is used to beautifully design the words printed in the block.

Select the block itself and go to the tab that appears "Drawing Tools"- “Format”, it is on it that there are all those buttons that we will consider further.

On this tab, the buttons in the “Shape Styles” group apply to the frame: fill, dashed frame, etc. In the “WordArt” group, all the buttons are used to change the test. Let's look at everything in order.

For the inscription block, you can use any ready-made style. To change the outline or fill color, expand the available options and select the ones you want.

Please note that if you have a little inscription peeking out of the drop-down lists, as in the example, then by hovering the cursor over any of the options, you will be able to see how everything will change.

If you want, click and choose the appropriate color yourself. Here you can choose a color that is not in the palette - "Other fill colors", or a pattern, gradient or texture as a fill.

For a block with an inscription, you can also change the “Shape Outline” - that is, the frame. Choose a color, thickness for it, or change the line to a dashed dotted line.

Now let's move on to words and see what we can do with it. As with the frame, one of the ready-made styles can also be used for text.

Button "Text Fill" will allow you to change the color of the letters.

To select a contour, click the corresponding button. Here you can not only choose the color, but also the thickness or change the strokes.

To make words look more impressive, use various animation options. Click on a similar button, then select what exactly you want to use, for example, “Reflection”. Next, from the drop-down list, decide on the appropriate option.

If you need the text to be of some unusual shape, then select "Convert". The list that opens will contain various curvature options.

How to write a beautiful text

It is not possible to create a single template that would be used for this. Because everyone has different tastes, and similar text is created for different purposes. So, experiment, click on the buttons that I described above, and see how the words change.

There are several articles on the site, during the writing of which an interesting type of text was obtained.

In the article on how to make an inscription in Word, the result was as follows.

If you need to make an inscription in a circle or semicircle in Word, then read the article by following the link.

You can read about how to insert text into a picture in Word in this article. The result was like this:

The other day, our group was faced with a serious problem - for missing pairs, we had to submit handwritten essays. For two passes - 1 abstract of 15 sheets! Yes, I haven’t messed up that much paper all semester, thank the eggs. Therefore, we had to resort to tricks, namely: find normal ones (Cyrillic) and put them into Microsoft Word, and print out our abstracts.

Here is a selection of 80 Russian handwritten fonts. In the archive you will find the following (and other) copies:

Make your own Russian handwritten font

But after downloading these fonts, it became clear that no one would believe that we write like Pushkin, Boyarsky or Mozart. So we had to make the handwritten font ourselves. But how can you make your own font exactly like your regular handwriting?

First, install Font Creator 6.
Next, on a blank sheet of paper (lined or squared will not work) we write all the letters of the Russian (English, and others if necessary) alphabet, as well as numbers and special letters. symbols.
Let's scan the resulting creation. Next, we cut the scanned image into separate letters and numbers (Photoshop or plain paint will do) and name it accordingly.

Next step in Font Creator:
- Click file - new (New)
- We give a name to our handwritten font (for example Moy_shrift), put a check mark on Unicode, on Regular and on Don’t include outlines (for a blank silhouette form), in short, everything is by default.
- A panel with silhouettes of punctuation marks and English letters appears in front of you. You need to insert Cyrillic alphabet into it. We proceed as follows:
1. Click Insert in the top line, select Characters, YES.
2. A table of symbols of the first font in your database appears in front of you. Then we flip through the pages of the table with the Block→ button.
3. Find Russian letters.
5. Look at the index of the first letter A (I have $0410) in the Selected Character field.
6. Look at the index of the letter I (I have $044F)
7. In the Add these character... field, enter these numbers (like $0410-$044F).
8. Click Ok.
9. Your template has been updated with the corresponding Cyrillic silhouettes.

10. You can also separately insert the characters you are interested in (Ё, ё, etc.)
Now click on the silhouette of the letter you want to create with the right mouse button.
Then select Import image.
In the Import image section, you click on the Load button.
In the next window, you open the folder in which you saved the written letters and symbols.
An image of this letter will appear in the window; click on the Generate button.
So your letter appeared.
Double-click on the square with your letter (the square in which the silhouette of this letter used to be).
A lined window opens in front of you. Don't be scared by the large number of red dotted stripes, they will all come in handy.
For convenience, expand the window to full screen.

If your letter is too large or small, then delete the one already loaded, load a new one and, without clicking generate, click on the Glyph tab. Here we select the appropriate multiplier (this is done at random) and click “use as default”.

Next, let's look at the two main lines (this is in the lined window) - left and right - they determine how the letters of your handwritten font will touch each other. If you want the letters to touch (as in a manuscript), move the right line over the letter (so that it extends slightly beyond the line).
The lowest line (Win Descent) is the maximum limit for letters with a tail (ts, u, shch, z, r, d). If necessary, you can omit it:
The second line from the bottom (Baseline) is the support line of each letter. If your letters stand differently on this line, then everything will dance in Word.
The third line from the bottom (x-Height) is the maximum height of small letters.
The fourth (CapHeight) is the maximum height of large letters, numbers, as well as the letter “c”, and for some it may be “d” and “b”.
And the fifth line from the bottom is the edge line of the top line. (in my opinion =)

You've probably seen beautifully designed texts created in Word before.

They are bright and stand out unusually against the background of the entire text.

For strict documents, of course, the use of these inscriptions is impractical, but for personal documents and postcards this is what you need!

It's done like this.

Click “Insert,” then “Drawing,” then “WordArt.”

And select the desired inscription style.

After that, click “Ok”.

That's all, you have created a beautiful inscription. You can experiment by choosing one or another inscription style.

Yes, I almost forgot!

The size of the selected inscription can be changed, either increasing or decreasing it. To do this, left-click on the picture-inscription; a black border will appear around the inscription. Then move the mouse to the lower right corner of the inscription until you see a double-sided arrow. When the arrow appears, left-click on the picture and stretch it either to the right or down. It is possible in both directions at the same time.

Similarly, you can play with the font size. To do this, left-click on the picture-inscription twice. A window will appear. The window that appears is labeled “Size”. By clicking on the arrow under the word “size”, you can select the font size.

You can also change the font itself if you wish. To do this, left-click on the picture-inscription twice. A window will appear. In the window that appears, the name “Font” appears. By clicking on the arrow under the word “Font”, you can change the font.

Yes, you can also change the text of the inscription itself. To do this, left-click on the picture-inscription; a black border will appear around the inscription. A small window will appear at the bottom of the page. In it, select the name “Change text”. After the change, click “Ok”.

You can also change the text color. To do this, left-click on the picture-inscription; a black border will appear around the inscription. A small window will appear at the bottom of the page. In it, select the picture “Paint pouring from a jar onto a brush.” After the change, click “Ok”.

In general, experiment and find your own style for designing a beautiful inscription!

By the way, here’s how it’s created in !

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The latest versions of the Microsoft Word text editor have a fairly large set of built-in fonts. Most of them, as expected, consist of letters, but some use various symbols and signs instead of letters, which is also very convenient and necessary in many situations.

And yet, no matter how many built-in fonts MS Word has, the standard set will always not be enough for active users of the program, especially if you want something truly unusual. It is not surprising that on the Internet you can find many fonts for this text editor created by third-party developers. That is why in this article we will talk about how to add a font to Word.

Important warning: Download fonts, like any other software, only from trusted sites, since many of them may well contain viruses and other malicious software. Do not forget about your own safety and the safety of your personal data; do not download fonts presented in EXE installation files, since they are actually distributed in archives that contain files in OTF or TTF formats supported by Windows OS.

Here is a list of safe resources from which you can download fonts for MS Word and other compatible programs:

Note that all of the above sites are extremely conveniently implemented and each of the fonts is presented clearly and understandably there. That is, you look at the preview picture, decide whether you like this font and whether you need it at all, and only after that download it. So let's get started.

1. Select a suitable font on one of the sites we offer (or on another that you completely trust) and download it.

2. Go to the folder where you downloaded the archive (or just a file) with the font(s). In our case, this is the desktop.

3. Open the archive and extract its contents to any convenient folder. If you have downloaded fonts that are not archived, simply move them to a location where you can easily access them. Do not close this folder.

Note: In addition to an OTF or TTF file, an archive with fonts may also contain files of other formats, for example, an image and a text document, as in our example. It is not necessary to extract these files.

4. Open .
IN Windows 8 - 10 you can do this using the keys Win+X, where in the list that appears you need to select . Instead of keys, you can also use right-click on the menu icon "Start".

IN Windows XP - 7 this section is in the menu "Start" — .

5. If in viewing mode “Categories”, as in our example, switch to the small icons display mode - this way you can quickly find the item you need.

6. Find the item there “Fonts”(most likely it will be one of the last ones) and click on it.

7. A folder with fonts installed on Windows will open. Place the font file(s) previously downloaded and extracted from the archive into it.

Advice: You can simply drag it (them) with the mouse from folder to folder or use the commands Ctrl+C(copy) or Ctrl+X(cut) and then Ctrl+V(insert).

8. After a short initialization process, the font will be installed on the system and appear in the folder where you moved it.

Note: Some fonts may consist of multiple files (for example, regular, italic, and bold). In this case, you need to place all these files in the fonts folder.

Installing a new font in Word

1. Launch Word and find a new font in the list of standard ones built into the program.

2. Often, finding a new font in the list is not as easy as it might seem: firstly, there are already quite a lot of them there, and secondly, its name, although written in its own font, is quite small.

To quickly find a new font in MS Word and start using it in typing, open the “Font” group dialog box by clicking on the small arrow located in the lower right corner of this group.

3. Listed "Font" find the name of the new font you installed (in our case it is Altamonte Personal Use) and select it.

Advice: In the window "Sample" you can see what the font looks like. This will help you find it faster if you don’t remember the name of the font, but remember it visually.

4. After you click "OK" in the dialog box "Font", you'll switch to the new font and can start using it.

Embedding a font into a document

Once you install the new font on your computer, you will only be able to use it on your own. That is, if you send a text document written in a new font to another person who does not have this font installed in the system, and therefore is not integrated into Word, then it will not be displayed for him.

If you want the new font to be available not only on your PC (well, on the printer, more precisely, on a printed sheet of paper), but also on other computers, other users, it must be embedded in a text document. Read below for information on how to do this.

Note: Embedding a font into a document will increase the size of the MS Word document.

1. In a Word document, go to the tab “Options”, which can be opened through the menu "File"(Word 2010 - 2016) or button "MS Word" (2003 — 2007).

2. In the “Options” dialog box that opens in front of you, go to the section “Saving”.

3. Check the box next to the item “Embed fonts into file”.

4. Select whether you want to embed only characters that are used in the current document (this will reduce the file size), or whether you want to exclude the embedding of system fonts (in fact, it is not necessary).

Actually, we can end here, because now you know how to install fonts in Word, having previously installed them in Windows. We wish you success in mastering the new functions and limitless possibilities of Microsoft Word.

Of course, today MS Office Word is the most popular editor for creating texts. However, Word is still an office application. All available default fonts are designed for documents. However, Microsoft developers did not leave users of their product in the lurch - using MS Office Word you can create truly beautiful text. But for this you need to use not fonts, but a special component - WordArt.

WordArt is a special tool that converts entered text into a picture. You can change the background of this picture, volume, position on the screen. In general, with the help of WordArt you can create a really beautiful inscription in a couple of minutes.

To begin, in the MS Office Word menu, select Insert and then the component WordArt(Fig. 1).

You will be asked to select the layout of the future text (Fig. 2).

Select the option you like, after which a window for writing text will appear (Fig. 3).

In it you can set the font, size, boldness or italics. Experiment and choose what you like best. Just enter text and click OK.

For example, we decided to make a postcard heading for a wall newspaper. The result is presented in Fig. 4.

The resulting WordArt layout is easy to modify. Click on the text image. Please note that a new item has appeared at the top of the MS Office Word menu Format. Select it (Fig. 5).

Here you can change the layout of the text image, fill, outline, position of letters, remove or add a shadow, change the volume - in general, select the desired design option. For example, we decided to change the position of the text on the screen. To do this we select the item Change figure(Fig. 6).