Is it possible to increase RAM on a computer? System BIOS update

There are situations when, for one reason or another, it is necessary to increase the RAM on your computer. If you have seriously set yourself the goal of increasing the RAM of your PC, there are two ways to do this: the first, using a flash drive and the second, by purchasing RAM sticks.

Of course, buying a stick of RAM will add speed to your computer and give a noticeable increase in performance. However, if for some reason you cannot buy additional RAM, due to its high cost, or adding it to your PC seems very difficult, you can also add memory using a flash drive.

You should understand what RAM is used for: Random Access Memory - RAM and know how it works. RAM designed to temporarily store certain data and commands that are needed central processor in order to carry out computational operations is one of essential elements for any computer. Since the amount of RAM directly affects the performance of a computer, the more RAM, the higher its performance and operating speed, which is very important when working with programs that require high performance, as well as in computer games.

Buying RAM

To increase RAM, you need what type and type of RAM is installed on your computer. The fact is that the missing amount of memory on your device is replenished using the page file, and it is much slower than RAM, so it will be necessary to buy additional RAM to increase performance ideal solution.

It should be understood that the 32 bit version Windows maximum The visible amount of RAM is 3.2Gb, and therefore it is not worth buying more memory. If you have a 64-bit OS installed, then it “sees”, depending on the version, from 8 GB to 192 GB in Ultimate versions.

In order to achieve more fast work memory, you should use dual-channel mode - install an even number of RAM modules of equal size (2-4). If you have two RAM modules installed, they must be installed in slots 1 and 3 from the processor; you can purchase and install two more sticks in slots 2 and 4. Before purchasing memory sticks, you should pay attention to the standard DDR memory, DDR2, DDR3, and also what the memory frequency is.

Because if these indicators are not taken into account, the memory sticks may simply not be suitable, since they will be incompatible with each other. In addition, if you have a memory stick with a low frequency on your computer, buying memory with a higher frequency high frequency will not give you a speed boost because it will operate at a low frequency. That is why it is necessary that all memory sticks on the device be of the same frequency, and then the speed of its operation will increase noticeably, and there will be a noticeable increase in computer performance.

A sufficient amount of RAM in the computer allows you to simultaneously run more applications and still work without slowing down the overall speed. Therefore, if you have launched a lot of programs, or several resource-intensive applications, and found that the computer has stopped responding to requests, or has begun to respond to them much more slowly than usual, then it is time to think about increasing the amount of RAM on your computer.

Having enough RAM in your computer allows you to run more applications at the same time and still work without slowing down your overall speed. Therefore, if you have launched a lot of programs, or several resource-intensive applications, and found that the computer has stopped responding to requests, or has begun to respond to them much more slowly than usual, then it is time to think about increasing the amount of RAM on your computer.
How to increase computer RAM, given large number its various modifications and the level of reliability of modules from different manufacturers?

  1. First you need to determine its type. This can be done in various ways. Without disassembling, you can find out the type of RAM by installing one of the programs on your computer for advanced viewing of information about the components used in it. For example, Everest, CPU-Z or Sandra Sisoft.

    On this step It is important to determine the type of RAM used in your computer. Various memory types DDR, DDR2 and DDR3 do not have backward compatibility each other and are structurally different so that users do not accidentally install modules various types and did not damage their computers.

    Over the past ten years, the following types of memory modules have been produced.

    Specification of DDR memory modules

    Module name Memory frequency, MHz

    DDR-266 PC-2100 133
    DDR-300 PC-2400 150
    DDR-333 PC-2700 166
    DDR-400 PC-3200 200
    DDR-433 PC-3500 217
    DDR-466 PC-3700 233
    DDR-500 PC-4000 250
    DDR-533 PC-4200 267

    Specification of DDR2 memory modules

    Module name Memory frequency, MHz
    Data transfer rate, Mb/s
    DDR2-533 PC2-4200 266
    DDR2-667 PC2-5300 333
    DDR2-675 PC2-5400 337
    DDR2-700 PC2-5600 350
    DDR2-711 PC2-5700 355
    DDR2-750 PC2-6000 375
    DDR2-800 PC2-6400 400
    DDR2-888 PC2-7100 444
    DDR2-900 PC2-7200 450
    DDR2-1000 PC2-8000 500
    DDR2-1066 PC2-8500 533
    DDR2-1150 PC2-9200 575
    DDR2-1200 PC2-9600 600

    Specification of DDR3 memory modules

    Module name Memory frequency, MHz
    Data transfer rate, Mb/s
    DDR3-1600 PC3-8500 133
    DDR3-1333 PC3-10600 166
    DDR3-1600 PC3-12800 200
    DDR3-1866 PC3-14900 233
    DDR3-2000 PC3-16000 250
    DDR3-2133 PC3-17000 266
    DDR3-2200 PC3-17600 275
    DDR3-2400 PC3-19200 300

    Having determined the type of RAM you have using diagnostic programs, compare the data obtained with the tables provided and determine which memory modules are used in your computer.
  2. Determine the maximum possible amount of RAM supported by your computer or laptop. You can get this data either on the official websites of laptop manufacturers or motherboards, if you are choosing memory for desktop computers, or from the specifications of the documentation supplied with the computers.
  3. For desktop computers, you will need memory modules produced in the DIMM form factor, and for laptops their smaller counterpart is SO-DIMM.
  4. Please note that 32-bit operating systems with 4 GB of RAM or more installed will not be able to use more than 3 GB of it. IN in this case For full use installed RAM will require a transition to a 64-bit operating system.
  5. To ensure dual-channel operation of RAM, purchase memory modules in pairs of modules of equal size. This is a necessary condition. Otherwise, the memory will operate in single-channel mode, which will reduce its operating speed. It is also advisable to choose memory modules from the same manufacturer, the same frequency and the same series.
  6. If the RAM installed in your computer is outdated and you cannot find modules of the same type and frequency, then you can try installing memory sticks of the corresponding type, but at a higher frequency. In most cases they should work at the bus frequency. But there are exceptions and the memory does not start in the computer. In this case, you can immediately discuss the possibility of returning memory modules with the seller upon purchase.
  7. The choice of memory manufacturers is huge: Crucial, Samsung, Kingston, Corsair, OCZ, Transcend - this is just a small list of reputable companies. The main thing when purchasing is to pay attention to the warranty conditions provided by the store and not to buy so-called nameless (noname) modules. Despite the wide variety of memory module manufacturers, only a few companies produce chips for them: Samsung, Micron, Infineon, Hynix, Elpida.
  8. The process of replacing RAM is usually not difficult. To do this, you will need to turn off your computer or laptop. For laptops, also disconnect or disconnect the battery. Gain access to RAM modules. Take off static voltage, touching metal case computer. Replace memory modules, assemble the computer and start it up. New memory modules should be immediately detected by the computer.
    If any problems arise and the computer does not start, or does not recognize one of the installed modules, try extracting it and installing it again. Perhaps the first time he simply did not get into his seat.
  9. To reduce the risk of purchasing products that are incompatible with your motherboard or laptop memory modules, try looking for reviews on the Internet from other users who have already carried out a similar upgrade on their computers. Listen to their advice.
Currently, large-capacity memory modules are offered at very reasonable prices. Increase your computer's RAM and you'll breathe new life into your old friend.

Hello guys! In this article I will tell you how to increase your computer's RAM. Recently I saw on the Internet such a service as a paid selection of RAM for your PC (computer). For what? So why pay money if all the information can be found on my blog? You probably already realized that you have come to the right place and you are very lucky.

Let's first think about why we need to increase the computer's RAM. Some users do this because their computer started to work very slowly (slow down), while others just want to play new powerful games. computer games, which require a lot of memory. Let's first figure out what kind of RAM you have before increasing your computer's RAM.

How to increase computer RAM

On any computer, as well as laptop, there are special slots for random access memory (RAM) - the main storage device. They come in the following types: DDR1-2-3, and they are not related to each other in any way. Look, if you have a very old computer, for example from 2005, then you anyway have a DDR2 memory stick. And if you want to increase it, then you need to buy exactly the same bracket, because DDR1 and DDR3 will not suit you, they simply will not fit into the socket.

When I didn’t understand computers yet, I inserted the wrong bracket myself, turned on the computer and then burned the motherboard. Therefore, look carefully and install exactly the RAM that you need. To find out what RAM is on your computer, we need to download a special utility called CPU-Z. You can download it from THIS LINK. And after we install the program, launch it and go to the memory tab and look.

In the image you can see that in my case there is DDR3 memory (2 sticks of 2GB each), information on the sticks you can see in the SPD tab. As you can see I have dual channel mode, that is, two similar strips same size. If you ask what kind of dual-channel mode is this, then this option increases RAM performance by about 5%. Well, if you purchase two bars of the same manufacturer and size, then it will generally be GOOD! I have one bracket from SAMSUNG and the other from HYUNDAI. Look at the picture.

Please note that if your computer has a 32-bit operating system installed, then Windows will not be able to see more than 3.2GB of memory. That is, if you have two 2GB sticks, the computer won’t see them anyway, but will only see 3.2. In this case, you need to install a 64-bit operating system.

How to safely install RAM on a PC

So you already know , and now let’s move on to installing the strips, there are many nuances here and let’s look at them. Before you get ready to remove the old memory stick, I advise you to remove it from the system unit static voltage. This must be done so that nothing burns. Touch the radiator (heating battery) with one hand and touch the system unit. This way you will remove all the static that has accumulated on the system unit.

Look, for example, in a silk sweater, I don’t recommend changing the RAM at all, because a lot of static accumulates on the sweater. Have you noticed when you take off your sweater at night that a lot of little sparks appear on it? This is static voltage, and it needs to be removed. After you have installed another memory stick or replaced the old one, you need it. You can do this by right-clicking on My Computer, which is located on the desktop and clicking Properties, and there below you will see how much RAM you currently have.

It seems like everyone else. I advise you to read how I increased wifi on my router, you can read it. And for those who have slow video on the Internet, read here. That's all guys, if my article helped you, then please help me too, click on the buttons social networks, share this article with your friends. And if you still have questions, ask them in the comments, and I will answer you.

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With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

How do I know if I can increase the memory on my computer? There comes a time when you begin to understand that your computer can no longer cope with its tasks, but this does not mean that you need to buy a new one, especially if your processor is only two or three years old. It all depends on the tasks you perform on it. For example, to work with text, tables, surf the Internet, and even create a website, two gigabytes of memory and a single-core microprocessor like Pentium 4 and a built-in 512 gigabyte video card are enough.

On such a computer you can even play small office toys. Of course, it’s good to have everything in stock: memory, hard drive space and more cores in the microprocessor, but in computer technology, buying in reserve is an unjustified luxury.

Not only is such a supply very expensive and you probably won’t need it soon, but computer technology moving forward by leaps and bounds. And what was new and good yesterday may no longer be needed at all tomorrow, because... Not only memory volumes change, hard drives etc., but also methods of connecting them (slots, sockets, connectors, cables).

That's why the latest bar There is no way you can install memory in your old motherboard on the old slot (connector). The same applies to microprocessors. Every year they are released for new connectors and new technologies. Better to buy in a couple of years new computer.

We had a chief accountant at work who demanded that we buy her a new computer every year. Last year they already bought her a four-core, fancy computer with 8 gigabytes of memory, four 2 terabyte hard drives, and a video card for powerful games. The same computer, only without gaming video card we have it installed as an Internet proxy server and local network, which serves 200 computers in three areas.

So what do you think? This year our chief accountant again demanded a new computer. Allegedly, this sophisticated monster can no longer cope with its tasks. And he has only three tasks: working over the network in 1C, transferring data to the treasury and printing reports.

And just this year our leadership changed. Before this, there was a woman who understood little about computer technology and listened only to her deputies, including the chief accountant. So they demanded fancy office equipment from her. But in fact, the whole working day they played, watched movies, listened to the radio via the Internet, made custom slide shows and photo albums. And they constantly complained that the computers didn’t work well.

And so the boss calls me to his place and asks what kind of processor the chief accountant needs. I honestly told him that the computer that she bought last year for 65 thousand is needed only for powerful modern games or good graphics for printing, but not for our small company, which only deals with monitoring and reporting.

Naturally, not only the management was replaced, but also the entire accounting department and many department deputies. As they say, a new broom sweeps in a new way. The old chief accountant was sent into retirement, and the new one was given a simple job. office computer for 15 thousand and the work began to boil. And the viruses all disappeared somewhere and the programs began to work well, and they stopped complaining about programmers.

The chief accountant's former computer was given to us in the server room. We cleaned it of a bunch of viruses, removed one and a half hundred games and made it multimedia server. We let people watch movies and listen to music from the Internet during lunch.

Even an old computer can be made to work much faster if you configure it correctly, replace some spare parts and learn how to work safely, i.e. do not download anything from the Internet, and periodically check your computer for viruses and third party applications, from which even the most sophisticated computer begins to slow down and glitch.

Firstly, the computer may slow down due to something you have never done hard drive, or due to your negligence, spyware or programs were introduced into the operating system. Secondly, maybe yours is full hard drive, and you either need a more voluminous one, or everything is unnecessary.

How to find outis it possible to increase memoryon my computer

In order to find out if you can increase the memory on your computer, you must first find out the name or title of your . As you remember, this is the largest board in the computer on which all other equipment is installed and connected.

How to determine your motherboard model

There are several ways to find out the name of your motherboard:

  • In the instructions for the computer. When purchasing a computer, you must have instructions and a disk with drivers for all devices.
  • On a box or disk to the motherboard. If you have already replaced the motherboard, then you should have kept the box from it and the driver disk.
  • Open the case and read the name on the motherboard itself. If neither the disk nor the box has been preserved, then the motherboard itself must have its name.
  • There is a special website on the Internet for identifying software and hardware on your computer. Click on the most big button and the file will be downloaded Intel Detection.exe. Run it and wait for the results. When it says Finish, you can close the program and go to the website page, where all the information about your computer will be. He did not identify my system (motherboard) board.

  • Download the aida64 program from the Internet from free use for 30 days. , run the file exe and look Computer-Summary Information.

I will write a separate article on this topic.

On this computer I have 4 gigabytes of memory installed (two DDR2 gj 2 GB sticks each with a frequency of 400 MHz). Now let's see if it is possible to increase the memory to 8 GB. To do this, look at the program AIDA64 paragraph System board (another name motherboard) to parentheses. I have it written Asus P5KPL-AM EPU.

Sooner or later, every user comes to the decision to increase computer memory. Main reason the fact that you can speed up your PC and its performance without changing the entire device. RAM has two important ones:

  • operating frequency;
  • volume.

It is these two functions that need to be expanded in order for a personal computer to increase its performance significantly.

Indicators that are responsible for the operating frequency of RAM are designated as DDR with different numbers: 200 – 400. This will fully correspond to a frequency of 100 – 200 Megahertz. This type of memory belongs to DDR SD frames, however lately they have a worthy replacement. The market is actively replenished with new types of memory that have expanded performance: DDR 2 SD frames - DDR 4 SD frames.

In connection with such innovations, it remains to figure out how best to increase so that it is effective and does not hit the wallet too hard.

Where to start

Before you take the first steps to increase memory, you need to find out what type of RAM is installed on your PC. This information is in the documents that came with the computer if it was purchased from a certified store. If not, then you will have to focus on appearance computer or use special software. There are also some recommendations that allow you to determine how much memory is needed on a particular device. So, when working with Windows 7, the minimum amount of memory should be 1 Gigabyte. And the larger it is, the better.

A 32-bit operating system will support a maximum of 4 gigabytes of memory. Accordingly, for 64-bit, a maximum of 192 gigabytes is suitable.

Changing the amount of virtual memory

Such operating systems, like Windows, offer to use virtual memory to expand the computer's memory. This option implies use of hard disk in the form of temporary data storage. This method will allow us to highlight additional features computer and partially unload it.

Important! There is no need to change the parameters in the virtual itself, they already have optimal settings for work.

In order to expand virtual memory, you need to perform several sequential actions:

  • Click the “My Computer” icon on the desktop and select “Properties”;

Click the “My Computer” icon on the desktop and select “Properties”

  • then open the tab called “Performance”;
  • there will be “Virtual memory”, where you need to manually set “Virtual memory parameters”;
  • after this you will need to decide hard drive, which will be used for this purpose;
  • it sets the maximum and minimum volumes;
  • After completing the actions, press the “OK” key twice. Next, you should restart your computer.

Important! No reboot personal computer the changes will not take effect.

If virtual memory- this is not your option, you need to be careful when choosing RAM in the store. You should remove the existing memory stick and only go shopping with it. This must be done in order not to make a mistake with the type of RAM that is suitable for your laptop or PC.

It is also desirable that memory sticks made by the same manufacturer work on one computer. This is the key to stable and long-term operation of the system. Take into account the fact that the power of modern computers will require at least two gigabytes of RAM on the same device.

Video - How to increase RAM on your computer