Can't download via Google Play. How to solve the problem with downloading applications from Google Play Market

"Waiting to download" message in Google Play is a fairly common problem among all users of Android devices. Sometimes, when you next go to Google Play to download the right application or a game, you may get in the way of endless preparation for downloading or the “Waiting for download” message.

A very typical problem for Android, which can be solved incredibly simply and quickly using several methods. In this article we will look at the most effective methods.

Sometimes, to resolve the problem with the stuck “Waiting to download” message in Google Play, all you need to do is try rebooting. Restart your Android device, and then try again to log into Google Play and download something from there. This method works quite rarely, but some users claim that it sometimes helps.

Method #2 Stop uploading to Google Play

If simple reboot didn’t help, then let’s manually try to stop the stuck download on Google Play. To do this, accordingly, run Google app Play, swipe from right to left and go to the “My games and applications” section. Tap the app you're downloading, then tap the cross next to it again to stop downloading it.

In theory, the “Waiting to download” message in Google Play should disappear, after which you can repeat the download again. However, there are cases where simply stopping the download simply did not help. If you have the same case, then let's move on.

Method #3 Disconnect from the network

Obviously, you need to connect your device to the network during downloading. Most of the users use a Wi-Fi connection for their needs. Go to Google Play to track the change in the "Waiting to download" message.

Then turn off your Wi-Fi module. The endless wait for download should be replaced by a message that the application could not be downloaded, which means that the problem with “Waiting to download” in Google Play has been resolved. Try downloading the app you need again.

If the situation repeats itself even after disconnecting the device from the Internet, then let's move on to the next, more radical methods solutions.

Method No. 4 Clearing cache and data Play Market/Downloads

If all the previous methods did not help you, then this one can definitely fix everything. Now we will try to stop the attempt to force download an application by clearing the cache and data of applications on the Android system such as Google Play and Downloads. Once you do this, any apps with a "Waiting to Download" message should stop downloading.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Go to your device's Settings.
  • Go to the “Applications” or “Application Manager” section.
  • Go to the "All" tab.
  • Find the Google Play app and click on it.
  • IN Google properties Play, click on the options “Clear cache” and “Delete data”.
  • Do the same for the Downloads application.

Ok, now go to Google Play and check if the “Waiting to download” message on the application page in the store has disappeared.

Problems with mobile gadgets- a fairly common phenomenon. Although operating system Android has the vast majority positive feedback, it is also created ordinary people, which means it’s impossible to avoid problems and mistakes. Today we will talk about why applications are not downloaded from Play Market and how to correct this annoying misunderstanding.


Often the solution to the problem lies on the surface. For example, on the Internet you can often find questions: “Why can’t applications download from the Play Market? It says “not enough memory.” Usually such questions are asked by users who do not understand technology at all. If you have a problem similar error, there are two ways to solve it.

  1. Clear space in your phone memory. Perhaps the application size is too large for her.
  2. Check the installation path of the application and change it so that the installation is carried out on removable card memory.

This way you can avoid problems with insufficient space on your device. But there are other reasons why applications are not downloaded from the Play Market.


If Play Market gives strange error, then the user should follow the following instructions:

  1. Go to your phone settings.
  2. Select installed applications.
  3. We find three processes - Google Play Market, "Services for Google Play" and Google Services Framework.
  4. For all three, you need to perform three sequential operations - stop, clear the cache, delete data and delete updates.
  5. After that, go to your account settings and remove all the checkboxes next to synchronization.
  6. Reboot your device.
  7. Change back all the settings you changed before.
  8. Reboot again.

After completing these operations, your Play Market should restore its functionality.


There is another reason why applications are not downloaded from the Play Market. This may be due to your account settings. In order to cope with the problem in this case, you must follow one of the following two recommendations.

  1. Add a second Google account and use it to try downloading what you wanted. If everything goes without problems, switch back to your old account and launch the desired application. The data in it will already be yours.
  2. Another option is to delete your account completely. After this, clear application data as indicated in the first paragraph of the article. Then we perform another reboot. And finally, create a new account. Now everything should work.


If you still don’t understand why applications from the Play Market are not downloaded to your phone, you may need to do the following recommendations. You can do one of two things.

  1. Check for updates to your system and upgrade it to a more recent one.
  2. Do a full hard reset of the device and return it to factory settings.

Both methods are based on the fact that many users, trying to find out why applications from PlayMarket are not downloading, errors began to appear after the device updated the operating system version. This happens especially often on Samsung devices. So either reflash your gadget, or wait for the manufacturers to release a fix or patch for your model.

Quite often, users of devices running Android control They encounter a problem when applications from the Play Market are not downloaded or updated. If you are one of those users who have encountered this, do not worry, because now we will tell you how to fix this problem.


To solve the problem, you need to roll back the version of the installed Play Store and delete the data. To do this, do the following:
Go to Settings – Applications – Manage applications.
Find a program Google Play Market and click on it.
In the window that opens, select Uninstall updates.

In addition to all this, you can delete the existing cache and erase accumulated data.

Additional actions

It may look strange, but changing the date and time on your device to the correct ones can also help. The fact is that sometimes Google services refuse to work with devices that have the above parameters set incorrectly.

Flashing the phone

If neither changing the time nor clearing the cache and data helped, then 100% the right decision, which will help correct the error that has appeared, will be flashing the device. How to do this is described in detail on our website.

We hope that the described methods helped you fix the problem with downloading and updating applications from the Google Play Market.

operating room Android system is by no means sinless. Many smartphones based on it from time to time give out the most various errors, unnerving the user. Perhaps one of the most serious mistakes associated with Play Market. Some owners portable gadgets it suddenly refuses to function, although it was working perfectly before. Today's article will try to help you get back to Google life Play.

It is necessary to understand that the client himself Play Market is regular application is not part of the operating system, as some people might think. In this regard, no one is immune from the fact that the client fails. The reasons for this can be completely different.

This program is updated regularly. If you prohibit this process, then soon your client will become obsolete. Partly for some people the Play Market does not work precisely for this reason. Although most often there is still a way to update the application, as a result of which the client’s functionality is restored quite quickly.

But most often the problems are caused by the state of the operating system itself. Some internal processes are interfering with Google Play, which is why a message with an error number is displayed on the screen. It is curious that this number most often means nothing even to an experienced professional who regularly repairs smartphones. In any case, you can get the Play Market to work if you use our guide.

First of all, reboot your device. In many cases, this simple action solves the problem. Proceed to the following steps only if there are no visible changes after the reboot.

Reset Play Market application settings

As mentioned above, the client Google Play is an ordinary application that is preinstalled by the device manufacturer. Therefore, no one will forbid you to reset the client settings if it stops working. This process is no different from resetting any other program. Namely, you need to do the following actions:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the section " Applications" It may also have the name " Application Manager».

Step 3. Find in the list Play Store and click on it.

Step 4. In the settings window that appears, click on the buttons " Erase data" And " Clear cache».

Usually this method solves the problem. But in some cases even this does not help.

Uninstalling Play Market updates

If the Play Market does not open for you even after deleting all its settings, then you need to try to get rid of all program updates, returning it to its original state. To do this, you need to go to the client settings window described above. In it you should click on the button “ Uninstall updates».

After some time, the operating system will eliminate all updates that it received Google client Play. As a result, it will become exactly the same as you launched it immediately after purchasing the smartphone, when you just entered the data from your Google account.

Working with Google Play services

Functioning of Play Market and many others pre-installed applications directly depends on the state of the program " Google Services Play" You will not see its icon in the menu or on the desktop. However, this program launches simultaneously when the smartphone is turned on - it is this program that takes up quite a large amount of space random access memory. If you have problems not only with the Play Market, but also with some other applications, then you can try clearing the Google Play Services settings. To do this, perform the following steps, some of which have already been described above:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the section called " Application Manager" or " Applications».

Step 3. Click on the program called " Google Play Services».

Step 4. Click on the button Clear cache».

Check the functionality of the Play Market. It is possible that the problem has been resolved.

Working with Google Services Framework

Sometimes problems with the Play Market can arise due to unstable work separate process Google Services Framework . In fact, it cannot be considered separate program, but you can still find it in the Application Manager. So, here you go:

Step 1. Visit " Settings».

Step 2. Go to " Applications" or " Application Manager", depending on the smartphone model.

Step 3. Go to the " All» and click on Google Services Framework.

Step 4. Here click on the buttons " Erase data" And " Clear cache».

That's all. This may well help, although the likelihood of this is not very high.

Other services

In the same “Application Manager” you can find other services on which the operation of the Play Market directly depends. If any of these services are disabled or unstable, you will not be able to download the application, and sometimes you will not even get to Google Play.

Go to the service settings page " Google Accounts", located in the tab " All" Please note that this service is not disabled. If this is indeed the case, then click the " Turn on».

In the same way, check " Download Manager" If it is disabled, then click on the " Turn on».

A malicious application, popularly called a virus, could disable some of these services. That's why we recommend that you read this article about the best antiviruses for Android .

Removing a Google account and restoring it

If all the methods discussed above do not help, then more serious measures will have to be taken. For example, you can try deleting your Google account, and then create it again. In some cases this really helps.

Here we will not describe in detail the methods for deleting and creating an account. We have already written about what needs to be done for this. Just follow the following links:

Removing applications that block the Play Market

Exist special applications, which completely block the functioning of the Play Market. If you suspect any of the programs of this, then remove it. In particular, you should eliminate or at least disable Freedom. This app allows you to make in-app purchases for free, but in return it does not allow you to use Google Play. Before deleting a program, do not forget to click on the “” button in its menu. Stop».

But everything won’t end at Freedom’s removal. After this you will have to configure the file hosts. To access it you need get root rights. If you have them, then install file manager, capable of getting deep into the system. It could be ES Explorer or less susceptible to advertising Root Browser. Next, launch the file manager and go to the path /system/etc/.

Find the file hosts(it's one of the few that doesn't have an extension) and click on it.

In the case of Root Browser, you will be prompted different types files. Select " Text Document».

Select the application with which you will edit this file. It could be absolutely anyone text editor. In our case, the choice fell on “ Documentation».

Leave in the file only the line that you see in the screenshot. If it is missing, then write it down.

Full reset

If the above steps did not help, then you will have to do a full reset. Our separate article contains detailed instructions, describing all your actions necessary to complete a complete reset.

Attention: so you will lose everything user files. Therefore, it will not be superfluous creating a backup copy, so that you can then return music, photos, contacts and documents to your smartphone.

This method does not help only in absolutely incredible cases. If after purchase smartphone Play The Market was functioning, and now its functionality will be restored.

Internet connection and time

Finally, let’s mention a couple more reasons why the Play Market does not start on Android. The first is, no matter how trivial it may sound, the lack of an Internet connection. Check your mobile balance. Also check your internet browser to see if it loads different sites. You can also connect to Wi-Fi networks, usually with her using Play Market is always open.

Another cause of problems with Google Play is incorrectly configured time. Be sure to set your time zone, otherwise Play Market will complain about it. You can also check the box next to the items “ Network time zone" And " Network date and time", in this case the settings will be made automatically.

If applications are not updated on Android, then the first thing you should check is Google settings Play Market. Maybe, automatic update disabled or configured to only occur when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Checking the Play Market settings

If you can use Google Play on your computer or to install applications, then the Play Market must be installed to update programs and games on Android.

It is also important to correctly configure its operating parameters. Incorrect setting This may be the reason why apps are not updated on Android. We proceed step by step:

If the auto-update function is set to "Never", then applications will only be updated when manual mode. This is done like this:

  1. Expand the Play Market main menu.
  2. Go to the “My apps and games” section.
  3. On the “Updates” tab, look at which applications have updates. Click "Update" next to the desired program/game.

If manual update seems uncomfortable, go back to Play settings Market and select a different auto-update status. For example, “Only via Wi-Fi.” In this mode, applications will only update when the phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network.


If you want apps to update whenever you are connected to the Internet (via Wi-Fi or mobile traffic 4G, 3G), then select the “Always” mode. However, remember that when downloading updates via a 3G or 4G connection, you will spend mobile traffic, the amount of which is limited by the tariff mobile operator.

Problems with the Play Market application

Even if auto-update is enabled, applications may not update due to incorrect work Play Market. May appear in the Android content store different messages about errors, but most often they can be eliminated in one way - deleting data and updates system programs.

  1. Open settings, go to the "Applications" section.
  2. Find Google Play Market. Go to the program settings.
  3. Remove updates and cache, erase data.

Increase Increase

Additionally, you should log into your Google account and uncheck all synchronization checkboxes. Then restart your phone, go to your account settings again and.

Lack of memory is the reason why applications are not updated on Android

To install updates you need free memory. If the place is internal storage and on microSD card ended, you need to delete unnecessary data. To check memory:

  1. Open Android settings.
  2. Find the "Memory" section.
  3. Look at what data is taking up space and think about what you can delete.

Memory is also clogged by temporary application files, which can be deleted in the settings. On Samsung cleaning memory protection from unnecessary data is implemented quite conveniently: in the settings there is an “Optimization” section, upon entering which an analysis of the device’s state is launched.


One of the indicators is memory. When you click on the corresponding icon, the system shows how much unnecessary data can be deleted.