The laptop does not see wi fi what to do. The laptop does not see a specific Wi-Fi network

Wi-fi is a very convenient way to connect to the Internet. But there are situations when the laptop does not see the home network and there are no available connections. This is due to a number of unrelated issues. Why does the laptop not see the wifi network? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

What to do if the laptop does not see wifi? Before we start troubleshooting the device, let's check the home network for operability. This is necessary to understand the cause of the malfunction.

Let's talk about the router. Sometimes network problems occur due to the freezing of this equipment. If you see that the lights on it are blinking in a non-standard mode, then you need to fix this. To do this, unplug the router from the outlet, wait a few minutes and restart. If there were no serious problems or breakdowns, then this will solve the problem. After that, the laptop will be able to connect to the network.

If the router freezes, then this does not mean that it is not working.

This is the most incomprehensible problem of all existing in it. In any case, if there is no connection, it must be restarted.

If you live in an area with unstable mains voltage, then this may also affect the router. Its settings may be reset due to a constant change in voltage, and it will stop distributing Wi-Fi. In such cases, you need to go to the web interface of the device. To do this, launch the browser and enter in the address bar ip, which is listed on the back of the router. The password and username are listed there.

Checking the performance of the laptop

If the check of the router did not show any malfunctions, then you need to check the laptop itself. First of all, we examine the operation of network equipment. All modern laptop models have light bulbs that are located below the keyboard. We have to find the one with the sign of an antenna or something related to the wireless network next to it. If such a light is not on, then press the "fn" button (available in every laptop) + f8 or another key that suits your model. If it is on, then nothing needs to be done.

We also check the connection settings themselves. The network name, if it is not available to all devices, and the password from it must be correctly spelled out.

Before you panic, you just need to restart your laptop. In some cases this will help.

More reasons why the laptop does not see wifi

If a laptop does not see wifi network, then among all the others, there are obvious points that we forget about. So, your device may not see the wifi network due to simple reasons. Consider them and answer the question of what to do with them:

  • Turned off router. Turn it on and the problem should be solved.
  • If you are far from the router, then you need to get closer to it or set up a wifi repeater.
  • If the router freezes, then just reboot it.
  • The wifi adapter is disabled on the laptop. We turn it on, while a special light should light up.

All these problems are solved very quickly and practically do not require special knowledge. Now let's move on to more complex reasons why the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network:

  • Unconfigured router. There are optimal settings for each of the models of this device. If you are unable to configure it yourself, then you should contact your provider, who will do it with a guarantee and with the highest quality.
  • If the wifi network does not find every device. What to do? In such cases, you need to go into the router settings and change the “visibility” item.
  • WiFi receiver broken. A laptop is a technically complex device that is not allowed to be disassembled by yourself. If the home wifi receiver breaks down, then you can’t do without the help of professionals. Replacing the receiver can cost you a decent amount.
  • Lack of drivers. This usually happens after reinstalling the operating system. To solve this problem, you need to go to the website of your device manufacturer, where you will find all the necessary drivers. You can also download driver packs that will update ALL drivers for your laptop. If this is not the reason, then such updates will never harm your device.
  • Viruses and other malicious software. They can block wifi network and other ways to connect to the internet. You can get rid of them with the help of antivirus programs such as Kaspersky Antivirus, avira or microsoft security essentials. In some cases, the best option is to reinstall the operating system, because it is very difficult to get rid of a large number of viruses that have been accumulating for a long time.
  • Windows related issues. They arise mainly due to pirated copies and incomprehensible assemblies found on the Internet. You must use licensed software.
  • Wrong MAC address. It is unique to each device and is listed on the back of the router. But some ISPs change it. If you don't know the new MAC address, then call your ISP. He will tell you how to use it to normalize access to Wi-Fi.

What to do with the above problems? A small solution is given for each of them, but if you are not confident in your abilities to do them, then it is better to contact a professional.

Hello dear friends. As you probably already understood from the title, today I decided to touch on a very serious and painful topic, and try to figure out what to do when Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop or netbook and how to connect a laptop to a Wi-Fi router. By the way, it can be not only a laptop or netbook, it can also be a regular desktop computer with a Wi-Fi receiver. There have been a lot of similar questions lately, mainly to the article.

Now we will try to figure out step by step what and why problems may appear when connecting a laptop to a wireless Wi-Fi network. We will also try to find a solution to this very popular and unpleasant problem with connecting to Wi-Fi, or rather an unsuccessful connection.

Most often, problems arise when you cannot turn on the Wi-Fi module itself on a laptop. And when Wi-Fi turns on, the laptop finds all available networks, but when you try to connect, it writes. You need to check if the drivers are installed on the Wi-Fi adapter, if Wi-Fi is enabled on the laptop, etc. Now we will do this.

I noticed that most often problems with connecting to Wi-Fi are found in Windows 7. It is on this OS that the error network without access to the Internet very often appears, I wrote how to solve this problem in the article, the link to which is above. In fact, as practice shows, there can be a lot of reasons for this problem. And if there are many reasons, then there are many ways in which you can make a laptop connect to a Wi-Fi router.

But it is not always the laptop, netbook, etc. that is to blame. There may be a problem in the access point, that is, in the Wi-Fi router. And the first thing we need to do when there is a problem with connecting to Wi-Fi is to determine what is the reason, in a laptop, or in a Wi-Fi router. Now I will consider the problem with connecting to my own router. Because if you are unable to establish a connection with someone else's Wi-Fi, then all claims are against the neighbor, it is most likely that he has problems :).

Who is to blame, laptop or Wi-Fi router?

As I wrote above, you first need to find the culprit. Before you make any settings on a laptop or Wi-Fi router, you need to understand what the problem is, which is why you can’t connect your laptop to Wi-Fi. You can just set it up so that you then have to do it and set everything up again. The best way to determine in which device the problem is hiding is to try connecting another device to the router, such as another laptop, tablet, or phone. And a laptop that has problems connecting to Wi-Fi, you need to try connecting to a different wireless network.

I think that you understood my idea. If there are other devices connected to your router (best with similar operating system) will connect without problems, then the problem is in the laptop. Read this article further, now we will try to solve it.

Well, if problems when connecting to your network occur on other devices, and the “problem” laptop connects to other networks without problems, then the problem is in setting up the Wi-Fi router. See the article on, it might come in handy.

I will show on the example of a laptop that runs on Windows 7. This is currently the most popular operating system.

I advise you to immediately pay attention to the icon that displays the status of the Internet connection. It's in the notification bar.

If the internet connection status looks like this:

First you need to check if the Wi-Fi drivers are installed and if the Wi-Fi adapter is enabled.

Right click on "My computer" and select "Properties". Left select "Device Manager".

Open a tab in a new window "Network adapters" and see if there is a device like Wireless Network Adapter (Your name may be different). If you have such a device, then right-click on it and select "Properties". Another window will open, make sure it says "The device is working properly."

If everything is about the same as mine above in the screenshot, then everything is fine, the driver is installed. And if there is no Wireless Network Adapter device and you have unidentified devices, go to the website of your laptop manufacturer, download and install the Wireless Network Adapter driver for your model.

Learn more about installing and updating the driver for the wireless adapter -.

Dealt with the drivers.

Checking if Wi-Fi is enabled on the laptop

If the driver is installed, but the Wi-Fi module is disabled, then the connection status will be the same:

Usually the wireless network adapter on the laptop is turned on, but it doesn't hurt to check. Wi-Fi on laptops (netbooks) is usually turned on and off with a keyboard shortcut. On my ASUS K56cm, these are the keys FN+F2. But although when I press these keys, I get a message that wireless adapters are enabled / disabled, but nothing happens. Look for a key on your laptop FN and key with a picture of a wireless network. Press them at the same time.

On some laptops, there may be a special switch on the case that you can turn Wi-Fi on or off. For example on Toshiba Satellite L300 it looks like this:

Enable or disable the wireless Wi-Fi adapter in Windows 7

But the best way to check if the wireless network adapter is working or not is to go to the network control center and see.

So on the notification panel, right-click on the Internet connection status icon and select "Network and Sharing Center".

Then select on the left.

Looking for connections “Wireless Network Connection”. If everything is fine and the Wi-Fi adapter is enabled, then it should look like this:

If the adapter is disabled, it will look like the screenshot below. Click on it with the right mouse button and select "Enable".

Using the methods described above, we must make sure that the status of the Internet connection on the notification panel is like this:

This status means “No connection - There are available connections”- this means that the Wi-Fi adapter is turned on and there are available wireless networks for connection.

If the connection status is like this:

This means that Wi-Fi is on, but the laptop simply does not see networks available for connection.

Error “Windows could not connect to…”

We figured out the problem when the wireless network module is disabled, or does not work at all. Now consider the case when the laptop finds available Wi-Fi networks, but when trying to connect to Wi-Fi it says: “Windows could not connect to…”, where instead of dots is the name of the network you want to connect to.

If you have a network connection status such as in the screenshot above (via one, network with yellow icon), then click on it, and you will see a list of networks available for connection.

Select the desired network, click on it, then click the "Connect" button.

If the set is password protected, then Windows will ask you for a password. Write down the password for the network and click "OK".

And if everything is fine, then your laptop should connect to the Internet via a wireless connection. And the Internet connection status should look like this:

But it is at the moment of connection that the error "Windows could not connect to ..." very often appears. It looks like this:

Unfortunately, friends, there is no definite solution to this problem. But I can download that very often the problem with such an error appears due to the settings of the Wi-Fi router. Maybe through the type of security and encryption that is installed on the Wi-Fi router, read more about this in the article. There may also be a problem with the distribution of IP addresses.

If you notice, then in the window with the error "Windows could not connect to ..." it is possible to run “Troubleshooting”, sin not to use. Try to run it, I heard somewhere that there are cases in which it helps :). But seriously, sometimes it really helps. Windows will check if the wireless adapter is ready, check settings, etc. And if it can, it will fix the problem that is preventing you from connecting to Wi-Fi.

Just reboot the router and then the laptop. Very often this helps.


I noticed that in Windows this error appears when the settings that are saved on the computer for your network do not match the current network settings. I'll explain now.

For example, your laptop was connected to Wi-Fi, it automatically connected to the network. But you took and changed the password, or the type of network encryption. Now the laptop is trying to connect to the network, but the parameters no longer match, that's the error.

It is enough just to delete the network on the computer and re-establish the connection. I wrote about it in an article


Great article turned out, and I hope that it is useful. I wrote it for half a day, intermittently, of course, there were still problems with adding screenshots to the site, but I sort of solved it.

I tried to collect all the necessary information that should help you solve the problem that occurs when connecting a laptop or netbook to Wi-Fi. If I forgot to write something, then in the future I will definitely supplement the article, I will also be very grateful if you share information in the comments that helped you solve the problem with connecting to a wireless network.

If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments, we will try to figure it out. Good luck!

More on the site:

Why doesn't Wi-Fi work on a laptop (netbook)? How to connect a laptop to a Wi-Fi router? Error “Windows could not connect to…” updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

Why does the laptop not see Wi-Fi? Access points are almost everywhere. But there is no way to connect to the Internet. Because the laptop seems to be "blind". Everything seems to be done right.

The necessary settings have been made. The computer is deaf. Why?

The laptop does not detect wireless Internet: why?

Many people have faced this problem. The most annoying thing is that a failure could happen at any site, at any link. Popular routers that people use to connect today are configured in much the same way. From the side of the laptop, certain actions are also required, almost completely identical for all models.

Reasons for not detecting wireless networks:

1) Your router is not configured to receive a signal, it is turned off for some reason, it starts to fail or freezes;

2) The reason lies in the computer; the appropriate settings have not been made, the hardware slider or the wireless connection button is disabled (it is usually located on the case);

3) The Internet is not paid or the provider disconnected it for other reasons;

4) The owner of the access point to which you are trying to connect unauthorized (without permission) is blocking your connection;

5) Antivirus program blocks the World Wide Web;

6) The IP address was not entered automatically.

There are many reasons. We will not explain situations when the provider restricts your actions or you are trying to connect to a "foreign" No. In such cases, issues need to be resolved with the help of money or personal charm. And here all the instructions are useless.

Finding a solution

Why does the computer not see the flash drive? The reason may be in the computer, and in the flash drive. The same is true with wireless internet.

To solve a problem, you need to classify it. On which part of the link did the failure occur?

1. The router does not receive a signal, does not let the Internet.
2. The laptop does not connect with the signal transmission device.
3. The signal is on, the computer sees the network, but it is still impossible to enter the Internet. For some reason.

Problem number 1. The router is not working.

The easiest way to make sure it works is to connect the laptop to it via a network cable. If everything is fine with the router, the Internet connection will happen.

External signs of device inoperability:

a) the corresponding indicator on the case is “silent”;
b) is missing in the administrative panel in the WAN Internet connection tab.

What can be done?

1. Turn off and turn on the router (suddenly it freezes).
2. Check if the router and network card are turned on.
3. Check the connection settings to the provider. If necessary, re-enter them manually.
4. Call the provider and ask if everything is in order with the network.

Problem number 2. The laptop does not connect to the router.

The receiving device is working. Other computers, smartphones, phones, and the like see the router. A specific computer does not see anything.

1. We check the network connection on the computer (in the "Network Connections" tab).

2. Check the settings of the router and laptop. Through the "Control Panel" we find the network interface responsible for the connection. The path to it in different versions of the operating system is different. But usually the adapter is labeled as "Wireless Network Connection". We go to "Properties" and find the protocol of the Internet version. We go back to "Properties" and check if the IP address, default gateway, subnet mask is specified. Perhaps this data was not entered at all. Then we enter them (they are obtained from the router).

3. We check on the device case whether the corresponding button is enabled.

Problem number 3. The laptop sees networks, but the Internet does not work.

1. Reinstall the Wi-Fi transmitter drivers (they are available on the laptop manufacturer's website).

2. Check for auto-transition to "Sleep Mode". This setting often gets in the way. Therefore, automatic transition to sleep mode must be disabled.

3. Making Wi-Fi a safe network for a computer. Perhaps the firewall perceives it as a threat, and therefore does not let it in. The procedure can be performed through the "Network and Sharing Center". We go there and simply select the desired network.

Try disabling your anti-virus program during the scan. Perhaps the problem is with her. Any of these methods should help.

The router works properly, as all phones and tablets connect to it perfectly. The catch is this, the laptop sees all the surrounding Wi-Fi networks, but does not see ours. I read the forum some people faced a similar problem. You write check the driver in the task manager in the control panel. I have Windows 7 and I can't see it. Kindly, please describe in more detail my actions. Thanks in advance.

  • Smart Tronics

    Apparently we are talking about a driver for the Wi-Fi module, which can be downloaded from the laptop manufacturer's website. But you better first make sure that the desired channel is set on the router, on the tab responsible for WiFi. If there is "Auto", then this may be the reason.

    • Nicholas

      To get started, just delete the wi-fi adapter in the device manager and update the hardware so that it is found again. My problem was solved like this.

    • Max

    • Oksana

    • Oleg


    • Maria


    • Igorek

    • smart

    • okuznetsov

    • Novel


    • Denis


      Open the router settings, go to the wireless connection section, where you specify the password for wifi, there is also a “Channel” selection field, it says auto or a number from 1 to 11

    • nvolkov7

    • Sasha

    • Anonymous

    • Ksyusha

      “You'd better first make sure that the correct channel is set on the router, on the tab responsible for WiFi. If there is “Auto”, then this may be the reason. But how to do it? Can you explain to a stupid person?


      For Android phones, there is a “wifi analyzer” program, download it and install it, use this program to find your network, the channel (designation CH) is displayed there, if you turn off the router and turn it on after a minute, then when reanalyzing, the channel may be different t .to. the router automatically selects the least loaded one.
      Also check if your laptop sees other networks and can it connect to them?

    • Nicholas

    • artemidron

      I distribute wi-fi from the phone, the netbook stopped seeing it after reinstalling windows from xp to windows 7, it sees all the other networks but my phone doesn’t, another device sees my phone, the phone is an old alcatel I can’t find a channel change on it, what can you tell me?

    • Sasha

  • ilya

    hello. I have such a problem, the distributor of the pda htc hd2 windows mobile 6.5. I turn on the wi-fi distributor, everything works well, the signal level is in the form of an antenna, 2 weeks have passed, the icon instead of the antenna has changed to a triangle in the form of three computers, the laptop on Windows 7 sees normally. another laptop on windows 8 stopped seeing the network, although it sees other networks normally, it also does not see the tablet on android. Restoring the factory settings did not help, setting up wi-fi still does not help, I flashed it to another firmware, it does not help, I returned to the old one no changes. tell me what to do. thanks in advance.

  • Vania

    Hello. My laptop on Windows 8 does not see more than one wifi network, I don’t know what to do. My mother’s laptop sees, the phone sees everything else too, but my laptop doesn’t. Help me what to do?

  • Ekaterina

    Hello. I bought a router, all the devices at home were connected. Then all the settings merged, I reset the router to factory settings, configured
    The network, as a result, the tablet, the phone sees the network, and the laptop sees, but it is limited. What problems can there be?


    Please tell me this question:
    the neighbor has a network without a password, I find it and successfully connect with a laptop with Win XP, but I came with a laptop of the same model with 7 installed, and the neighbor's wi-fi is not visible. The e-book sees, the laptop with XP sees, and the laptop with 7 does not see this unsecured network, although it sees all the other neighbors under the password perfectly. I have already tried everything, all the same, this network does not see, but the rest sees.
    What can be done, because there is no access to the router))

  • deps

    Windows 8 sees wireless networks up to and including channel 11. In the settings of the Wi-Fi router or access point, change the channel to any of the interval 1-11, and everything will be fine.

  • Dmitry

    Hello. I have a similar problem as well.
    The router is working. 3 devices see it and work well. The 4th device (laptop) sees other networks, but does not see mine. Distributed wifi from the phone - sees and works. On an XP laptop. What do they eat? Where to look and what to turn. Help advice if not laziness. Thanks:)

  • Tarkus

    I had the same thing just now. I stumbled upon this thread. Maybe I can help someone.

    The laptop stopped seeing my router, I saw neighbors and connected, my other devices were connected to the router normally.

    In short, I solved the problem by choosing a connection, there is such a topic in the router settings, such as b, bgn, bg, n. Put n, subtracted that it is the fastest and everything was found)

  • nikk

    Everything worked fine. But suddenly, a certain Wi-Fi network disappeared. The laptop sees the rest of the networks, but not its own. However, the phone perfectly catches this network and connects to it. And it works fine with it. But the laptop does not see it. To other networks the laptop can connect. However, it does not want to connect to its native one.

  • hellen

    Good afternoon, tell me, my laptop does not see my Wi-Fi, it sees all the neighbors, but mine does not, if you connect the wire directly to the laptop, then the Internet works. How to be? I already found similar problems here, but I still didn’t understand what needs to be updated there and how I can solve this problem, please explain in more detail, I’m not very good at laptop settings. Thanks in advance.

  • hellen

  • Gennady

  • Tanya

    Good afternoon, such a problem, the tablet does not find a Wi-Fi point in the phone, although my point in the phone is visible through a laptop and another phone, what should I do

  • sea

    My WiFi does not see ONLY my network on my laptop, why, does anyone know? Shows 15 neighbors in the house of networks, but mine is not! Is there something in Windows or the registry that needs to be deleted? (There is a router. On a Windows XP laptop. What does a netbook, 3 phones and a tablet work via WiFi).