New Beeline Internet tariff plan for tablet. Comparison of tariffs with unlimited Internet

The article describes the Internet from Beeline for tablets, how to connect and disconnect.


Almost every tablet user understands that such a gadget loses its relevance without the Internet. The lack of Internet turns the tablet into an ordinary mini computer on which you can play games, watch a recorded video or read books. This is all good, but today it is not enough for the mass consumer.

Internet for Beeline tablet

The tablet developers foresaw this and installed it in the gadget in advance Wi-Fi receiver For demon wired communication with the World Wide Web. It remains to find a place where it exists Wi-Fi Internet, for example, at home or in some public place. But this is hardly accessible to most users, and tablets are not exactly designed for staying at home using the Internet.

So that the Internet can be connected to the tablet at any convenient time without Wi-Fi or any wired connection, we came to the rescue mobile operators. Subscribers, for example, " Beeline“have the ability to connect to the Internet, if, of course, a 3G/4G module is installed on the tablet (available in almost any modern tablet).

Mobile operator " Beeline» thoroughly approaches the topic of development of services and tariffs related to Internet access. If the early majority of Internet tariffs provided us with minimal amounts of traffic, suitable only for reading from sites, now such a service is unlikely to be of interest to anyone. Tablets already “eat up” a lot of traffic, and not everyone is interested in being on the Internet just for the sake of reading.

Tariffs limited to a few megabytes are becoming a thing of the past. Now the operator " Beeline» (like many others) provides its subscribers with access to World Wide Web thanks to tariffs specifically designed for active users Internet.

IN this review we will discuss the most interesting Internet traffic to " Beeline" There are quite a lot of tariffs, so we will try to choose the best offers.

What Internet tariff is best to choose on Beeline?

So what do we do most often on our tablets? Let's play online games, correspond on social networks, work with mail, and also thanks to the relatively big screen tablet, watch online videos, for example, on “ YouTube" You can also watch videos on social networks (“ VKontakte», « Odnoklassniki", etc.) or special Internet cinemas.

To be able to watch movies or play online games, you need Internet traffic from large volume, and accordingly you will need to connect a suitable service to “ Beeline" In this capacity, it is well suited, for example, tariff plan « Highway».

Attention: all information below on tariffs and services from " Beeline" taken from the official website " Beeline"and refers to the Moscow region. For other regions, the information provided may not be correct.

Internet for Beeline tablet

In the line " Highway", basically, there are many different traffics:

  • « Highway 1 GB» (promotion) – 1 GB/month, 0 rub. for the first week
  • « Highway 1 GB» (promotion) – 1 GB/month, 7 rubles/day
  • « Highway 1 GB» (promotion) – 1 GB/month, 200 rub./month
  • « Highway 4 GB» (promotion) – 4 GB/month, 400 rub./month
  • « Highway 4 GB» (promotion) – 4 GB/month, 18 RUR/day
  • « Highway 8 GB» (unlimited night) – 8 GB/month, 600 rub./month
  • « Highway 12 GB» (unlimited night) – 12 GB/month, 700 rub./month
  • « Highway 20 GB» (unlimited night) – 20 GB/month, 1200 RUR/month

As we can see, for a relatively small price we can get at our disposal relatively large volume Internet traffic. For example, 8 GB of traffic per month will be enough to communicate on social networks, watch a certain amount of online videos, upload photos, not to mention reading books of any size.

If this amount of traffic is not enough, then you can choose tariffs " Highway 12 GB" or " Highway 20 GB" The latest tariff plan is quite enough to watch movies on the Internet or a lot of videos.

But not all tablet users need such a lot of traffic. Many people install the Internet on a tablet in order to communicate with other people, work with mail and read various news. Therefore, in such cases, it is not necessary to buy large traffic. It will be enough to purchase tariffs such as “ Highway 1 GB", and if you pay extra twice you can get " Highway 4 GB».

As for other Internet tariffs, we can note, for example, the line “ All" IN in this case we have the opportunity not only to use the Internet, but we are also given a certain amount voice traffic and free SMS packages.

Internet for Beeline tablet

For subscribers " Beeline", who needs the Internet, but not every day, there is an appropriate tariff - " Internet for a day»:

  • « Internet for a day» — 100 MB, 19 RUR/day
  • « Internet for a day» — 500 MB, 29 rub./day

How to activate Internet from Beeline on your tablet?

To activate the Internet from " Beeline"on the tablet we give examples from the above tariffs:

  • « Highway 1 GB» (promotion) – make a call 777Call
  • « Highway 1 GB» (promotion) – make a call 067407172Call or a combination *115*03#Call
  • « Highway 1 GB» (promotion) – make a call 067471702Call or a combination *115*04#Call
  • « Highway 4 GB» (promotion) – make a call 06740717031Call or a combination *115*061#Call
  • « Highway 4 GB» (promotion) – make a call 0674071731Call or a combination *115*051#Call
  • « Highway 8 GB 0674071741Call or a combination *115*071#Call
  • « Highway 12 GB» (unlimited night) – make a call 0674071751Call or a combination *115*081#Call
  • « Highway 20 GB» (unlimited night) – make a call 0674071761Call or a combination *115*091#Call
  • « Internet for a day» — make a call 0674093111Call or a combination *115*111#Call
  • « Internet for a day» — make a call 0674093112Call or a combination *115*112#Call

How to deactivate Internet from Beeline on a tablet?

  • « Highway 1 GB» (promotion) – make a call 7770Call
  • « Highway 1 GB» (promotion) – make a call 0674117410Call or a combination *115*030#Call
  • « Highway 1 GB» (promotion) – make a call 0674117410Call or a combination *115*040#Call
  • « Highway 4 GB» (promotion) – make a call 0674117410Call or a combination *115*060#Call
  • « Highway 4 GB» (promotion) – make a call 0674117410Call or a combination *115*050#Call
  • « Highway 8 GB» (unlimited night) – make a call 0674117410Call or a combination *115*070#Call
  • « Highway 12 GB» (unlimited night) – make a call 0674117410Call or a combination *115*080#Call
  • « Highway 20 GB» (unlimited night) – make a call 0674117410Call or a combination *115*090#Call
  • « Internet for a day", 100 MB - make a call 0674071700Call or a combination *115*010#Call
  • « Internet for a day", 500 MB - make a call 0674717010Call or a combination *115*020#Call

Video: Unlimited Internet for a tablet

Tablet users can also connect to favorable tariffs for their gadget, which will combine favorable prices not only for calls and SMS messages, but also for the Internet. After all, your tablet can be very useful to you not only for regular communication, but also for working on the Internet.

In the modern pace of life, it is necessary to quickly resolve all incoming issues. Now you can do this not only through phone calls, but also by constantly being in touch virtually.

Beeline Internet for a tablet can be connected by registering with, or using the “My Beeline” mobile application. You can also go to the nearest company office or call the hotline.

Beeline Internet for tablet: tariffs

Today the Beeline company offers its customers several favorable tariffs for tablet:

The “#Everything is Possible.Tablet” tariff is unlimited internet for a monthly subscription fee. If you want to use your tablet also as mobile phone, then you can additionally enable the ability to make calls and send SMS messages. To connect these options, you need to visit the nearest office of the company and sign an agreement for each of the services.

For users of the “#EVERYTHING is possible. Tablet" is provided:

(hereinafter, the price of calls is indicated in Russian rubles per minute of conversation)

Tariffing in the Russian Federation:

  • Monthly subscription fee: 600 rub.
  • Payment for outgoing calls: 2.90 rub.

International communications:

  • Cost of sending one international MMS message: 6.60 rubles.

How to connect a tariff:

  • Connect using a short number: 0674 74 888

The “Unlimited for Tablet” tariff, like the above tariff, provides for unlimited use of Internet traffic. To use the services voice communication, reception and transmission of SMS messages - it is necessary to conclude an agreement at the company’s office. note that this tariff not available in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Users of the “Unlimited for Tablet” tariff are provided with:

  • Mobile Internet throughout the Russian Federation (except for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol): without restrictions

Cost of using the tariff

Tariffing in the Russian Federation:

  • Monthly subscription fee: 890 rub.
  • Payment for incoming calls: not charged
  • Price sending SMS: 1.95 rub.

International communications:

  • Outgoing calls to CIS countries and Georgia: 55 rub.
  • Outgoing calls to European countries, the USA and Canada: 70 rub.
  • Calls to other countries: 100 rub.
  • Cost of sending one international SMS message: 3.45 rubles.

How to connect a tariff:

  • Connect using USSD request: *115*4888#
  • Connect using a short number: 0674 10 888

The “Internet Forever” tariff allows the user to connect to the tablet one of the service packages, within which one can count on a certain amount of traffic monthly. The service has a monthly subscription fee and is only available on a prepaid basis. The cost of such Internet traffic ranges from 400 to 1200 rubles per month. You can connect to the Highway service using your personal account, as well as through the My Beeline mobile application, which is also available for tablets.

Users of the “Internet Forever” tariff are provided with:

  • Mobile Internet throughout the Russian Federation (except for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol): 200 MB

Cost of using the tariff

Tariffing in the Russian Federation:

  • Monthly subscription fee: not charged
  • Payment for incoming calls: not charged
  • Payment for outgoing calls within your region: RUB 1.70.
  • Payment for outgoing calls throughout the Russian Federation: 2.90 rubles.
  • Cost of sending one SMS message: RUB 1.95.
  • Cost of sending one MMS message: 6.60 rubles.

International communications:

  • Outgoing calls to CIS countries within the network: 12 rubles.
  • Outgoing calls to CIS countries to other operators: 24 rubles.
  • Outgoing calls to European countries, the USA and Canada: 35 rubles.
  • Outgoing calls to America (except USA and Canada): 40 rub.
  • Calls to other countries: 50 rub.

How to connect a tariff:

  • Connect using USSD request: *110*999#
  • Connect using a short number: 0674 0 999

The default tariff includes the ability to call - as on local numbers, and international. But the service of sending and receiving SMS messages must be activated in the office.

Without a mobile network today it is difficult to imagine any device that provides communication between subscribers. In this material you will find out what offers from the Beeline operator offer profitable internet for a tablet and what tariffs should be connected.

The main proposal today was the plan . You definitely won't be counting megabytes with it. This Beeline tariff for a tablet offers unlimited Internet for a fixed subscription fee. In Moscow and the Moscow region it is 600 rubles. A prepaid payment system is provided.

Please note that in different regions prices may vary greatly. Check prices for your area by selecting the appropriate area on the official website

This package can only be used on tablets and smartphones: it simply will not work on others.

But if you use these modern devices, unlimited traffic will be with you as in home region, and when traveling around Russia. The exception, as usual, is some Far Eastern cities and regions, the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol. There, 1 MB will cost 9.95 rubles.

New customers can purchase a SIM card at a communication store by pre-ordering it on the website. If you are going to change the tariff, go to your Personal Account at mobile application or on the operator’s website - this can be done by dialing 0674 10 888 or *115*4888#. You can save the old number.

New subscribers receive a small bonus from the operator: in the first month of use, the subscription fee will cost 10 rubles/day.

What else you need to know about the tariff:

  • free incoming calls;
  • 2.9 RUR/minute for any calls in your home region and across the country;
  • RUB 1.95 – sending SMS within Russia, to other countries – 3.45;
  • 6.6 rub. per mms;
  • international calls from 55 rub.

If you are happy with its network quality and service, note that it also provides ISP services. Home network and TV will be connected to you free of charge in the complex, and they may even give you a TV set-top box or router.


If you decide to use mobile network for a tablet from Beeline, you will have plenty to choose from. The operator has three main offers - “Internet forever”, “Unlimited for a tablet” and #everything is possible.Tablet. They offer as a limited basic traffic package with the option to buy extra megabytes both gigabytes and full unlimited for tablets. It is worth noting that these are prepaid tariffs, that is, you must pay for the services before they are actually used. But you know exactly how much you will spend and receive.

According to statistics, Beeline subscribers prefer to use postpaid packages. In this regard, a specialized tariff “Internet for tablet” was released. Postpaid + Highway.” Subscribers who have activated the package can call, send SMS and surf the Internet.

As an addition, Beeline customers who have activated a tariff plan receive a free TV package. The subscription fee for using services is debited at the end of the month, after the invoice is issued. If desired, the Highway option can be disabled.

Tariff plan “Internet for tablet. Postpaid + Highway" allows you to select the volume of connected traffic. Subscribers can activate:

  • Highway 6 GB;
  • Highway 12 GB.

For each region, the amount of traffic and the cost of services may differ. When the traffic remains less than 100 MB, the subscriber will be informed via SMS message. If desired, the Internet package can not be connected. In this case, payment will be made for each megabyte.

The package allows subscribers not only to use the Internet, but also to make calls. Each minute of conversation is equal to 1.7 rubles. Price outgoing SMS— 1.95 rub. The exception is the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

If the traffic ends in less than a month, a package of 150 rubles will be automatically activated. The cost of the service is 20 rubles. If there is insufficient balance, the Internet speed is reduced to 64 Kb/s.


Highway 6 GB Highway 12 GB
Subscription fee 400 rub./month. 600 rub./month.
Traffic volume 6 GB 12 GB
Local connection
Communication with local subscribers 1.7 rub.
Dispatch text messages to local numbers RUB 1.95
Dispatch graphic images to local numbers 6.6 rub.
Communication services between regions of the Russian Federation
Communication with subscribers in all regions of the country 2.9 rub.
Sending SMS to all regions of the country RUB 1.95
Sending graphic messages throughout Russia 6.6 rub.
International communication services
Calling Beeline CIS numbers 12 rub.
Call any CIS subscriber 24 rub.
Calls to Canadian, European and American numbers 35 rub.
Contact with South American numbers 40 rub.
Calls to other international numbers 55 rub.

TP activation

To connect to the “Internet for tablet” tariff plan. Postpaid" you need to do one of the following:

  • Dial the option code - “*110*999#”. When the tariff is connected, the “Highway” option is activated. The command depends on the volume of connected traffic;
  • Call the operator by dialing four digit number"0611". A technical support employee will connect the tariff;
  • Contact Beeline representatives in the sales center.

Switching to a tariff plan costs 0 rubles, but an additional 500 rubles are charged for connection. Payment remains on the subscriber's account. In case of termination of the contract, the amount is written off by the operator. If the tariff has changed over the last 30 days, an additional amount of 100 rubles will be debited from the balance.

To activate the Highway option, you need to determine the volume of traffic:

  • 6 GB can be connected using the combination “*115*061#”;
  • 12 GB is activated by the code “*115*071#”.

Subscribers who need more traffic are recommended to connect additional option“Extend the speed.” To do this, dial the command “0674 7177 80”.

Disabling TP

Deactivate Beeline tariff plan “Internet for tablet. Postpaid + Highway” is not difficult. To do this, you need to break the contract concluded with Beeline. This can be done:

  • IN personal account, on the Beeline web resource;
  • Going to the Beeline communication salon;
  • By contacting those Support.

If you need to disable only the Highway service, dial the code “*115*060#” for the 6 GB package and “*115*070#” for the 12 GB package. In case of cancellation of the tariff plan, the connection fee (500 rubles) is written off by the operator.

Who is the TP aimed at?

Tariff plan “Internet for tablet. Postpaid + Highway" is suitable for Beeline customers who need the Internet. The package is convenient because the invoice is issued once a month. Payment deferment for 20 days is possible. If you need a package for calls, it is recommended to activate.

Beeline has many different tariffs for tablet. Each has its pros and cons. You need to evaluate it comprehensively, based on your needs and capabilities.

Main criteria for choosing a service package:

  • price;
  • connection speed;
  • traffic volume;
  • regional restrictions.

Internet tariff overview

The company has 5 main packages. Are different Beeline Internet tariffs for tablet from each other by price and capabilities.


Popular among those who don't watch videos or use the Internet often.



A special feature is the absence of a daily allowance subscription fee And unlimited traffic. In return there is a monthly fee and minimum amount replenishment.

Payment Features:

  1. first month – 100 rubles are withdrawn;
  2. second month – 195 rubles are withdrawn;
  3. then 295 rubles monthly.

Starting from the third month, average cost one day is 10 rubles.

Important! Speed ​​of 3.6 MB is provided for the first five gigabytes of received data. Then it automatically switches to 64 Kilobits.

So low speed only suitable for:

  1. loading reading tabs;
  2. radio;
  3. web surfing;
  4. communication via Skype without video.
  • disable flash;
  • don't watch the video;
  • limited to web pages only.

Video: Provider tariffs


The name of the tariff speaks for itself. Optimal ratio prices, speed and traffic. This best rate Beeline for a tablet, if you use the Internet moderately.


  • subscription fee 445 rub/month;
  • speed up to 7.2 Mbit;
  • 20 GB provided;
  • over 20 GB – switch to minimum speed 64 Kbit.


  1. watching several videos per month;
  2. listening to music in good quality;
  3. video communication via Skype (a little);
  4. plus simple transitions by tabs and navigation.


Relatively expensive, but with advanced features.

Suitable for:

  1. travelers (watching movies on the road);
  2. businessmen (video communication, video conferences);
  3. adults who love virtual games;

Photo: assortment of unlimited packages


  • cost – 645 rubles/month;
  • speed 7.2 Mbit;
  • 50 GB provided;
  • over 50 GB – switch to a speed of 128 Kbps (enough for surfing).


This tariff appeared in 2013. It differs in the way the subscription fee is collected.


  1. cost – 13 rubles/day;
  2. traffic – 6 GB, maximum speed;
  3. over 6 GB – switch to the minimum speed.


The name of the package is not self-explanatory. Many people rush to the word unlimited and are upset that this package there are restrictions.

What is the deception?

  • traffic restrictions are in effect;
  • ambiguous speed;
  • In addition to the monthly fee, a minimum amount must remain in the account.


  1. subscription fee – 600 rubles, plus 50 rubles for the balance;
  2. traffic 6 GB;
  3. speed 2 Mbit. But for 3G it is possible - up to 14.4 Mbit, and for 2G - no higher than 236 Kbit.

Advantages and features:

  • access to Wi-Fi network Beeline;
  • operates throughout Russia;
  • You cannot switch to this package from an existing one, you just need to purchase it;
  • you can search for more profitable package from the same company.

Important! In the Far Eastern region, the first 15 MB will be free, then tariffs will be 8.45 rubles/MB.

Beeline tariffs for tablet

The advantage of tablets is their functionality, practicality and ability to access the Internet. The Beeline company has created a special line of services.

Everyone chooses their own cost. There are options for those who only need to view their email and social network page, and there are options for those who like to watch videos.

The general name of this line is Highway. It connects for the required period of time.

Features of services:

  1. available in one region only;
  2. free connection;
  3. at the end of the traffic, upgrade to 200 MB for 20 rubles.

Internet for tablet

1 and 3 GB are suitable for users who rarely go out world wide web. Allows you to make simple steps with low traffic consumption. The cost is 200 and 350 rubles, respectively.

This is enough to see:

  1. mail;
  2. photographs;
  3. social pages networks;
  4. web pages;
  5. correspondence via Skype.

Internet for tablet + Highway 5 GB

Economy option. In addition to all of the above features, the ability to send SMS messages is added.


  • connection is free
  • SMS within Russia – 1.5 rubles;
  • SMS outside Russia – 7 rubles;
  • subscription fee – 295 rubles;
  • shutdown - 45 rubles;
  • reconnection – 45 rub.

Attention! This service does not apply to all regions of Russia. Ask at the support center.

Internet for tablet + Highway 30GB

For those who like to listen to music and watch videos, this is an ideal option. For only 390 rubles/month, up to 30 gigabytes of traffic is provided to high speed. This is quite enough for tablets.

To activate the service, just send a request to short number. The number can be obtained from the operator through the help desk.

Internet for tablet + Highway 50GB

Provides the ability to:


  • traffic up to 50 GB;
  • subscriber fee – 690 rub/month.

When choosing a tariff plan you need:

  1. decide on your needs (why do you need the Internet);
  2. study the information in this article;
  3. consult with the operator regarding the region and the tariffs in force there.
Protoss: primary industrial safety certification.